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Passage One

Pioneers’ lives were different from the lives of many people today. Any neighbors they had usually lived many miles away. There were no football or basketball games. There were no teams to play these sports. There were no movies or TV. There were almost no books or newspapers to read.

Sometimes they got together. Just being together was an adventure. Everything people did together, and even work was fun. It was an exciting treat to be with other families. So it was natural that the pioneers found some time to play when they got together to work. When a family had a big job to be done, neighbors would gather from great distances to help. They called this gathering a “bee”.

The pioneers had many kinds of bees. In the spring they gathered to help each other plow the land and plant the fields. In the fall, when harvest time came, they helped each other again. Sometimes the women and girls gathered for quilting or sewing bees. While they sewed they visited. They told each other what had happened to them in the days they had been alone. When they finished, they had quilts and clothes to keep their families warm.

A house-raising was one of the best gatherings. When a family needed a house or barn, everyone from miles around came to help. The men and boys worked hard all day to lay the logs. Then they put on the roof, covered the windows and made the door. Meanwhile the women cooked big meals for the hungry workers and the small children played.

After the house was raised or the work was done, everyone was ready to have a good time. While they were eating supper, many tales and jokes were told. After supper they enjoyed contests, singing and dancing.

1.Which of the following is not true with the pioneers ?( B )

(a)They lived a long distance from each other.

(b)They didn't have modern entertainment.

(c)There were no books or newspapers.

(d)There were no football or basketball games.

2.For the pioneers to be together was an adventure because ________ .( D )

(a)they didn't like living by themselves

(b)they found being together would strengthen their friendship

(c)something unusual might occur when they were together

(d)it was an unusual event to be together

3.According to the text, "bee" means ________. ( D )

(a)covering a long distance

(b)having a treat

(c)offering help

(d)gathering together

4.A quilting bee could enable women and girls to accomplish all of the following except ________ . ( A )

(a) cooking meals

(b) making quilts

(c)getting or giving information

(d) maintaining friendly relationships

5. The topic of the passage is : ____________ .( C )

(a) hardships of pioneers' life

(b) inconvenience of pioneers' life

(c) bees for the pioneers

(d) fun of gathering for the pioneers

Passage Two

June 26

Last night when I was reading before the fire, a strange noise on the porch outside announc ed an unexpected visitor. When I looked up from the page, I came face to face with a bear looking in the window. It stood on its back legs, only a thin pane of glass between us. I grabbed the fire poker and ran up into the loft (阁楼), pulling the ladder up behind me.

The bear must have been as frightened of me as I was of him because I heard him dash off the porch. I waited a while, went quickly back down to put out the lamp, then back up again. I kept the ladder upstairs all night and slept badly, thinking the bear would be back any minute.

July 9

The bear or bears were back last night. They didn’t get the little food I had left, but they did clamber about on the porch. I discovered claw marks on the wooden board that I had fixed over the window...

July 12

...I ran into a bear cub this afternoon. On my way to the car we just crossed each other’s path. I could have reached out and stroked him. In fact, this was my first reaction, he looked so friendly and cuddly (可以拥抱的). Fortunately, I knew better, one thing I learnt from a Disney film: never play with a bear cub because the mama is always nearby. She was. I saw her cross the creek and move up the hill as I ran to the car and shut the door behind me ...

1. On June 26, when the speaker was reading, a bear ______ .

(a) came into his room

(b) touched his face

(c) was kept away from him by only a thin pane of glass

(d) stood on its back legs and pulled the ladder up

2. The bear came and then went away quickly because ______ .

(a) the speaker threatened the animal

(b) the bear could not catch the man

(c) the ladder was kept upstairs all night

(d) the bear was also frightened

3. On July 9, the bears were back again and this time ______ .

(a) the man was obviously ready to fight them

(b) the man was very friendly to them

(c) the man was still frightened and had fixed a wooden board over the window of his room

(d) the bears ate the food left by the man

4. On July 12, when the man met a bear cub, _______ .

(a) he was on his way home in his car

(b) he reached out and stroked him

(c) he quickly moved away from him

(d) he tried to stop him

5. A suitable title for the passage is : ______ .

(a) Encounters with Bears

(b) Fun with Bears

(c) Making Friends with Bears

(d) Don't Be Afraid of Bears

Passage Three

Childhood was an illusion (幻觉) and the illusion was this: everything was bigger. No, I mean everything, not just houses and shops and grown-ups, but colors and flowers and journeys, especially journeys which seemed endless. “Are we there yet, Daddy?”

Funfairs (儿童游乐集市) were huge things that spread for miles around you with noise and lights and exciting danger. Rainy days at home when you were ill seemed to last for ever. Being an adult yourself was an unthinkable distant possibility. Every sound was louder, every game was grander, every pain unbearable.

As I’ve grown old, life has become smaller. Flavors (风味)have dulled. Surprises have turned into shocks. Days are boring. How can I recapture childhood when it was an illusion?

I have only one precious way and even in this way I can regain only the echoes of that larger world. I can play upon the stage like a child, make the crowd laugh and laugh with them, sometimes helplessly like a child, and then, even though I’m a sixty-one-year-old, I can almost catch the colors and sounds and silliness of those bigger years when I was little.”

11. When the speaker says that childhood was an illusion he means that _______________ .

(a) the illusion made houses, shops and grown-ups bigger

(b) children had a wrong idea about houses, shops and grown-ups

(c) everything, such as colors, flowers and journeys, seemed to be more wonderful to a child

(d) colors, flowers and journeys were strange to children

12. To the speaker funfairs were very big things that______ .

(a) spread too far

(b) were very dangerous

(c) were noisy and exciting

(d) were hard to understand

13. When the speaker was a child, he thought that __________ .

(a) being an adult was something in the distant future

(b) being an adult was something too distant to be real

(c) it was not good to grow up

(d) it was not easy for a child to bear pain

14. From the passage it can probably be inferred that the speaker is______ .

(a) a sick old man

(b) a theatergoer

(c) an actor entertaining the audience

(d) a man helpless among the crowd

15. The topic of the passage is ________.

(a) fun at funfairs

(b) happy days in childhood

(c) my illusion

(d) childhood as an illusion

Passage One

There was this man in New Y ork. He jogged (为锻炼身体慢慢跑) into Central Park every morning. He always took a five-dollar bill with him in his top pocket. He jogged into the park and went to the shop by the lake. He always bought himself a coffee and a doughnut.

One day he jogged into the park and another jogger knocked into him. For a few moments he didn’t think about it, then he suddenly thought, “Hey! This guy might be a pickpocket!” He felt for his five-dollar bill in his pocket. It wasn’t there! The other guy had taken it!

He thought, “There i s too much crime in New Y ork! I always say honest people must fight crime!”

The other jogger was only 30 meters ahead. The first jogger ran after him, hit him on the shoulder, and said, “ Give me the money!” The second jogger said, “OK! Just stay cool! Ta ke it easy! Take it easy!”

Then the second jogger gave the first jogger a five-dollar bill.

The second jogger then ran away as fast as he could!

The first jogger ran to the shop. He felt really good. He had fought crime. He had got his money back again. He bought himself a coffee and two doughnuts.

Then he ran home. His wife was waiting. She was shaking her head. “Oh dear! Oh dear!” she said. “Y ou’ve had a bad morning, haven’t you?”

“No! Why? I’ve had a very good morning!” he said.

“Really?” she said.” But you left your five-dollar bill on the table!”

1.Every morning the man would do the following except ______ .( D )

(a)taking a five-dollar bill with him

(b)jogging into a park

(c)buying a coffee and a doughnut for himself

(d)meeting friends in Central Park

2.The man ran after the second jogger because ________ .( C )

(a)the latter ran ahead of him

(b)the two were having a race

(c)he thought the latter was a thief

(d)the latter had run into him

3.The second jogger finally ran away as fast as he could because ________. ( C )

(a)he had already been caught once

(b)he was in a hurry to go to work

(c)he probably thought that the man might run after him again

(d)he felt very guilty

4.The first jogger felt very good for ________ . ( A )

(a)he thought he had fought crime and won

(b)he could run faster than the second jogger

(c)he had two doughnuts that morning

(d)he could go to the shop now

5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? ( B )

(a)There was a lot of crime in New Y ork

(b)The second jogger stole a five-dollar bill from the first jogger

(c)The first jogger wanted to be an honest man

(d)The first jogger made a foolish mistake that morning

Passage Two

One day, a rich man in Budapest wanted to have a wonderful wedding for his daughter. He wanted the wedding to be famous. Of course, he invited the best cooks to make wonderful food. And, of course, he invited the best musicians to make wonderful music. But everybody had good cooks and musicians.

Then he got an idea! He decided to invite Y osser, a shoemaker and also the wisest man in the town! “Y osser will come to the wedding and then the wedding will be famous!” So the rich man invited Y osser. Y osser was very pleased! He wanted to go to Budapest! It would be his first time in a big city!

Y osser arrived in Budapest. It was raining and the streets were full of holes and the holes were full of water. Y osser looked at the big houses and fell into a hole full of water and mud! He got out of the hole but he was wet and dirty. He ran to the house of the rich man. The servants opened the door and saw Y osser.

The y said, “ Go away! No beggars today! It is the daughter’s wedding and it is going to be a famous wedding!” And they threw Y osser into another hole!

Now, Y osser knew another rich man in Budapest. Y osser went to his house. He washed himself and he borrowed some fine clothes from the other rich man. He borrowed some high, soft brown leather boots; a pair of soft, white woolen trousers; a white silken shirt; and a green coat with golden buttons.

Then he went to the house of the wedding. Everyone was happy to see Y osser!

“Y ou must have the best seat at the wedding!” said the rich man. “Y ou must sit next to the bride and groom!”

Y osser stood and held up his glass of wine. “ Y our good health!” he said and then he poured the wine into the pocket of his green coat with the golden buttons. People were amazed! But Y osser laughed and sat down.

Then the soup came. Y osser took off his boots and poured the soup into them. People were amazed but Y osser laughed and put his boots back on again.

The meat and potatoes and vegetables came. Y osser took the meat and put it into the pocket of his trousers and then he rubbed the vegetables into his white silken shirt. People were amazed but Y osser laughed.

Suddenly the rich man shouted, “ Are you crazy? Are you a wise man or a fool?”

Y osser said, “Oh, I’m sorry! Y ou see, I came twice this morning. The first time your servants threw me into a hole and the second time you said, “Welcome!” The only difference was my clothes! So I thought you had invited my clothes to dinner! So I fed my clothes!”

6.The rich man tried to make his daughter’s wedding famous by ______ .

(a)inviting the best cooks to make wonderful food

(b)inviting the best musicians to make wonderful music.

(c)inviting the wisest man in the country to the wedding

(d)inviting everybody in the city to the wedding

7.The servants of the rich man threw Y osser into a hole full of water and mud because

______ .

(a)Y osser was a beggar

(b)Y osser was wet and dirty

(c)Y osser was from a small town

(d)they took him for a beggar

8.Everyone was happy to see Y o sser when the latter went to the rich man’s house again

because ______ .

(a)now the rich man recognized him

(b)he now wore fine clothes

(c)he had washed himself

(d)he brought a lot of gifts with him

9.What did the guests at the wedding think of Y osser when they saw him pour the wine

into the pocket of his coat? They thought that _______ .

(a)Y osser was really wise

(b)Y osser was very hungry

(c)Y osser was doing something strange

(d)Y osser was toasting in his own way

10.A suitable title for the passage is ______ .

(a)The Wise Shoemaker

(b)A Famous Wedding

(c)A Mistake

(d)A Rich Man and A Shoemaker

Passage Three

Armida Scarpa believes that stories, even in authentic English, can be used from the very beginning. She uses an authentic text of Goldilocks with her class of seven-year-old who are in their second year at school, still learning to read in Italian, and have English three times a week. She doesn’t expect the children to learn these “advanced” tenses and sentence structures. But she does want to show them that they can make sense of them. She only asks them to really learn the vocabulary. This approach to giving children an experience of authentic English allows you to use almost any story if the children like it and if you approach it carefully.

Children are used to living in a world in which they do not understand a lot of things. To a certain extent they take what we select for them, but they are also aware of all the other information around them. If we deprive children of every experience except those we want them to master, then we rob them of this natural growth.

11.It can be learned from the passage that Armida Scarpa teaches English in

_______________ . ( C )

(a) a college

(b)a high school

(c)an elementary school

(d)a kindergarten

12. Scarpa thinks that stories in authentic English ______ . ( D )

(a) can’t be used with students in their second year at school

(b) can help children learn advanced tenses and sentence structures

(c) must be used from the very beginning of English learning

(d) can be used from the very beginning of English learning

13. Scarpa’s approach to giving children an experience of authentic English allows the teacher to __________ . ( C )

(a) use any story he or she likes

(b) use any story written in authentic English

(c) use nearly all the stories that children like

(d) use stories carefully

14. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? ( C )

(a) Children don’t feel uncomfortable living in a world in which they don’t understand a lot of things

(b) Children often take what their teachers select for them though at the same time they are aware of other things around them.

(c) Children are often robbed of a natural growth because of limited information.

(d) Children should be given more chances to enrich their life experience

15. A suitable title for the passage is ________. ( D )

(a) Armida Scarpa as a Good Educator

(b) Children Love Stories in Authentic English

(c) Storytelling and Learning English for Children

(d) A New Approach to Learning English for


《老山界》 (一)阅读《老山界》一文中的选段,完成1—6题。 半夜里,忽然醒来,才觉得寒气逼人,刺人肌骨,浑身打着颤。把毯子卷得更紧些,把身子蜷起来,还是睡不着。天上闪烁的星星好像黑色幕上缀着的宝石,它跟我们这样地接近哪!黑的山峰像巨人一样矗立在面前。四围的山把这山谷包围得像一口井。上边和下边有几堆火没有熄;冻醒了的同志们围着火堆小声地谈着话。除此以外,就是寂静。耳朵里有不可捉摸的声响,极远的又是极近的,极洪大的又是极细切的,像春蚕在咀嚼桑叶,像野马在平原上奔驰,像山泉在呜咽,像波涛在澎湃。不知什么时候又睡着了。 黎明的时候被人推醒,说是准备出发。山下有人送饭上来,不管三七二十一,抢了一碗就吃。 又传下命令来,要队伍今天无论如何爬过这座山。因为山路很难走,一路上需要督促前进。我们几个人又停下来,立刻写标语,分配人到山下山上各段去喊口号,演说,帮助病员和运输员。忙了一会儿,再向前进。 走了不多远,看见昨晚所说的峭壁上的路,也就是所谓雷公岩的,果然陡极了,几乎是90度的垂直的石梯,只有一尺多宽;旁边就是悬崖,虽然不很深,但也够怕人的。崖下已经聚集了很多马匹,都是昨晚不能过去,要等今天全纵队过完了再过去的。有几匹曾经从崖上跌下来,脚骨都断了。 很小心地过了这个石梯。上面的路虽然还是陡,但并不陡得那么厉害了。一路走,一路检查标语。我渐渐地掉了队,顺便做些鼓动工作。 这很陡的山爬完了。我以为30里的山就是那么一点;恰巧来了一个瑶民,同他谈谈,知道还差得远,还有20多里很陡的山。 昨天的晚饭,今天的早饭,都没吃饱。肚子很饿,气力不够,但是必须鼓着勇气前进。一路上,看见以前送上去的标语用完了,就一路写着标语贴。累得走不动的时候,索性在地上躺一会儿。 …… 到了山顶,已经是下午两点多钟。我忽然想起:将来要在这里立个纪念牌,写上某年某月,红军北上抗日,路过此处。我长长地吐了一口气,坐在山顶休息一会儿。回头看队伍,没有翻过山的只有不多的几个人了。我们完成了任务,把一个坚强的意志灌输到整个纵队每个人心中,饥饿、疲劳甚至受伤的痛苦都被这个意志克服了。难翻的老山界被我们这样笨重的队伍战胜了。 1.请用简要的语言概括选段的主要内容。(12分) 2.选文第1段写景作者调动了人的哪几种感官来描写的?请分别举一例说明其作用。(16分) 3.选文第一段中划线句描写了山谷夜晚的声响,似


部编七年级初中语文阅读理解答题技巧-超全整理! 摘要:面对初中语文考试,同学们总是或多或少的存在着一些担心。担心自己的作文写作,分数太低会被其他人远远甩开;文言文和诗词默写怕拿不到满分;担心自己的阅读理解拿不到高分。为了帮助同学们解决考试中的难题,专门整理了一篇初中语文阅读理解解题技巧大汇总,分享给同学们,希望可以帮助同学们提高解题技巧。阅读理解历来被同学们视为难点,如何在短期内将阅读理解复习好,同学们应该在了解试题发展趋势的基础上,讲究复习策略,掌握答题方法。 关键词:解题技巧;修辞手法;文章主旨;关键词;写作意图和目的 一、读懂文章,仔细审题 拿到文字材料,首先要通读一遍文章,注意文章的题材,是记叙文还是说明文。然后审查下面给出的问题,再带着问题去细读一边文章,这样做目的明确,容易集中,能及时抓住文中与解题关系密切的信息。 文章中的每一句每一段都是在为中心思想服务,理清文章的思路,找准文章想要表达的主旨。这就需要同学们平时要学会为文章标段,归纳每段意思,归纳中心思想。它在要求概括段落大意一类的阅读理解的解题中,往往是行之有效的一个办法。 二、掌握解题技巧 下面将为同学们罗列出各种阅读理解的问题形式,并给出相应的解题技巧 1.文章表达了作者什么样的思想感情? 根据文章中的具体内容来,一般来说正面的有歌颂、赞美、热爱、喜爱、感动、高兴、渴望、震撼、眷念、惆怅、淡淡的忧愁、惋惜、思念(怀念)故乡和亲人;反面情绪的有厌倦、憎恶、痛苦、惭愧、内疚、痛恨、伤心、悲痛、遗憾等。从字里行间中就可以看出作者是什么样的情感流露,有的是直抒胸臆有的是委婉含蓄,要联系生活细细品读。 2.文章开头一段的某一句话在文章中的作用,中间某段某句的作用,或最后一段某句的作用? 对于这种题型我们可以从两个方面来回答。对于第一段的问题,从结构上来说,一般是落笔点题,点明文章的中心,开门见山,总领全文,或起到引起下文的作用;从内容上来说,是为下文作铺垫和衬托,为后面某某内容的描写打下伏笔。中间某段的问题,在结构上是起到承上启下、过渡的作用。最后一段或某句的作用是总结全文,点明文章主旨,首尾呼应,或者是寓意深长让人回味无穷。


五年级语文下册课外阅读复习题及答案 班级姓名 五年级语文下册复习题(课外阅读一) 二、阅读短文,回答下面问题。(16分) 禹强读小学的时候,最怕写文章,费了好大劲,写出来的作文,老师总是说内容枯燥,词汇贫乏,她心里非常着急。 她的爷爷徐特立知道以后,对她说:“禹强,要想写好文章,就要多读多写。多读,就要大量地阅读课外书籍,这样既可以扩大知识面,增长见识,又可以学习别人写文章的经验。多写,就是要练习自己的笔头,肯于(克、刻)苦实践。” 于是,禹强就下工夫多读。不管是报纸、杂志、小说,也不管是短篇、中篇、长篇,()能找到的,()拿来读。可是,提起笔来写作文,进步却不大。徐老看到孙女这种学习方法,摇着头对她说:“你读书的方法不对,读书应该慢慢地读,一边读,一边动脑筋想一想:这本书讲了哪些道理,是怎样讲清楚这些道理的;书上有哪些好的语言、好的描写,也要想一想。严格地说:有些好的段落,光读光想还不够,你们小孩子要能够背诵才行。另外,还要养成记读书笔记的习惯,可以做摘抄,记提要,也要写心得,记体会,这就是我常说的不动笔墨不读书。” 从那以后,禹强看书的时候,身边总带着一支笔和一个笔记本,一边想一边记。而且,又勤练习写作,不久,她的作文成绩(居然、果然)提高了。 1、用简短的几句话概括这篇短文讲了什么。(2分) 2、用“——”线划出具体说“不动笔墨不读书”的语句。(1分) 3、在文中找出下列词语的近义词。(2分) 缺乏——清晰—— 4、细读短文,在()里填上恰当的关联词,并画去括号内不恰当的词语。(3分) 5、根据徐特立老爷爷的话,我们可以知道,要写好文章必须达到两个条件:()和(),其中()必须要做到“动笔墨”。(3分) 6、请结合你自己的写作经验,写写你对徐特立老爷爷的话的理解。(3分)


(一)阅读《老山界》的选段,完成15—19题。(11分) ①半夜里,忽然醒来,才觉得寒气逼人,刺入肌骨,浑身打着颤。把毯子卷得更紧些,把身子蜷起来,还是睡不着。天上闪烁的星星好像黑色幕上缀着的宝石,它跟我们这样地接近哪!黑的山峰像巨人一样矗立在面前。四围的山把这山谷包围得像一口井。上边和下边有几堆火没有熄;冻醒了的同志们围着火堆小声地谈着话。除此以外,就是寂静。耳朵里有不可捉摸的声响,极远的又是极近的,极洪大的又是极细切的,像春蚕在咀嚼桑叶,像野马在平原上奔驰,像山泉在呜咽,像波涛在澎湃。不知什么时候又睡着了。 ②黎明的时候被人推醒,说是准备出发。山下有人送饭上来,不管三七二十一,抢了一碗就吃。 ③又传下命令来,要队伍今天无论如何爬过这座山。因为山路很难走,一路上需要督促前进。我们几个人又停下来,立刻写标语,分配人到山下山上各段去喊口号,演说,帮助病员和运输员。忙了一会儿,再向前进。 ④走了不多远,看见昨晚所说的峭壁上的路,也就是所谓雷公岩的,果然陡极了,几乎是90度的垂直的石梯,只有一尺多宽;旁边就是悬崖,虽然不很深,但也够怕人的。崖下已经聚集了很多马匹,都是昨晚不能过去,要等今天全纵队过完了再过去的。有几匹曾经从崖上跌下来,脚骨都断了。 ⑤很小心地过了这个石梯。上面的路虽然还是陡,但并不陡得那么厉害了。一路走,一路检查标语。我渐渐地掉了队,顺便做些鼓动工作。 ⑥这很陡的山爬完了。我以为30里的山就是那么一点;恰巧来了一个瑶民,同他谈谈,知道还差得远,还有20多里很陡的山。 ⑦昨天的晚饭,今天的早饭,都没吃饱。肚子很饿,气力不够,但是必须鼓着勇气前进。一路上,看见以前送上去的标语用完了,就一路写着标语贴。累得走不动的时候,索性在地上躺一会儿。 …… ⑧到了山顶,已经是下午两点多钟。我忽然想起:将来要在这里立个纪念牌,写上某年某月,红军北上抗日,路过此处。我长长地吐了一口气,坐在山顶上休息一会儿。回头看队伍,没有翻过山的只有不多的几个人了。我们完成了任务,把一个坚强的意志灌输到整个纵队每个人心中,饥饿、疲劳甚至受伤的痛苦都被这个意志克服了。难翻的老山界被我们这样笨重的队伍战胜了。 15.请用简要的语言概括选段的主要内容。(2分) 【答案】描述了红军战士露宿山谷和从雷公岩艰难地登上老山界山顶的情景。 16.选文第①段写景,作者调动了人的哪几种感官来描写的?请分别举一例说明其作用。(3分) 【答案】视觉:“天上闪烁……宝石”“黑的山峰……一口井”,写山高。听觉:“耳朵里有……在澎湃”,写幽静。触觉:“才觉得寒气……打着颤”,写寒冷。 17.赏析文中画线的句子。(2分) 【答案】这两句环境描写形象生动,前一句以“巨人”喻“山峰”,后一句以“井”喻“山谷”,二者结合起来,便很有立体感地展现出山高谷深的壮观景象。这样的环境描写也衬托出红军不怕艰险,勇往直前的精神。 18.“山下有人送饭上来,不管三七二十一,抢了一碗就吃。”这句话所写的情况似乎不像纪律严明的红军战士之所为。你是如何理解的呢?(2分) 【答案】“抢”在这里有“抢先”“争先”的意思,并没有互相争夺之意,用在这里,形象地表现了红军战士为完成爬山任务而抓紧时间吃饭的动人场面。


记叙文阅读理解 一、记叙文的主要内容 1、记叙文六要素:时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、经过和结果。即:什么时间?什么地点?谁?干什么? 2、记叙顺序及作用 ①顺叙(按事情发展先后顺序)作用:叙事有头有尾,条理清晰,读起来脉络清楚、印象深刻。 ②倒叙(先写结果,再交待前面发生的事。)作用:强调,制造悬念,情节富于变化,吸引读者。 ③插叙(叙事时中断线索,插入相关的另一件事。)作用:补充内容,丰富情节。照应上文,或为下文铺垫。 3、记叙线:①核心人物②核心事物③核心事件④时间⑤地点⑥作者的情感。 如:文章以“……”线索,中间串写了“……”、“……|”几件事,组成一种“冰糖葫芦”的“串”式结构,选材典型,脉络清晰,主旨鲜明。 4、表达方式:记叙、议论、抒情、描写、说明。

6、写作人称的好处:第一人称,真实可信;第二人称,亲切自然;第三人称,可以多角度描写,不受时间和空间的限制。常见的是第一人称,第三人称 7、常用标点符号的作用 引号的五种用法:①表引用②表讽刺或否定③表特定称谓④表强调或着重指出⑤特殊含义 破折号的五种用法:①表注释②表插说③表声音中断、延续④表话题转换⑤表意思递进 双关句:方法:一要答出本义,二要答出深层含义;注意答题格式:我喜欢 xx 句,因为它xx。 8、八种常用修辞方法: ①比喻--使语言形象生动,增加语言色彩。②拟人--把事物当人写,使语言形象生动。 ③夸张--为突出某一事物或强调某一感受。④排比--增强语言气势,加强表达效果。 ⑤对偶--使语言简练工整。⑥引用--增强语言说服力。(既是修辞方法,也是说明方法,还是论证方法) ⑦设问--引起读者注意、思考。⑧反问--起强调作用,增强肯定(否定)语气。 9、十种常用写作手法: ①拟人手法:赋予事物以人的性格、思想、感情和动作,使物人格化,从而达到形象生动的效果. ②比喻手法:形象生动、简洁凝练地描写事物、讲解道理。 ③夸张手法:突出人或事物的特征,揭示本质,给读者以鲜明而强烈的印象。 ④象征手法:把特定的意义寄托在所描写的事物上,表达了……的情感,增强了文章的表现力。 ⑤对比手法:通过比较,突出事物的特点,更好地表现文章的主题. ⑥衬托(侧面烘托)手法和正面描写:以次要人或事物衬托主要的人或事物,突出主要的人或事物的特点、性格、思想、感情等。 ⑦讽刺手法:运用比喻、夸张等手段和方法对人或事物进行揭露、批判和嘲笑,加强深刻性和批判性,使语言辛辣幽默。 ⑧欲扬先抑和先扬后抑:先贬抑再大力颂扬所描写的对象,上下文形成对比,突出所写的对象,收到出人意料的感人效果。 ⑨前后照应(首尾呼应):使情节完整、结构严谨、中心突出。 ⑩设置悬念能引起读者注意,引出文章的说明内容等。 (11)借景抒情:通过描写具体生动的自然景象或生活场景,表达作者真挚的思想感情。 (12)借物喻人:描写事物,突出其特点,并以此设喻,表现作者高尚的思想情操。 10、语言特色:(形象生动、清新优美、简洁凝练、准确严密、精辟深刻、通俗易懂、音韵和谐、节奏感强、深入浅出、言简意赅、委婉含蓄、意味深长、发人深省、寓意深刻、幽默风趣、富有感染力、引发阅读兴趣等)答题套路:这篇文章语言(自然朴素或生动优美)如“……(摘录文章中的相关句子)”,它“……(适当地选入下面词库摘抄的语言)”。 例句:这篇文章语言优美生动,如“让人了却忧虑,悠游其中” 、“拍打着你心底沉淀的情绪”、“攫走你紧紧扯在手里的轻愁”等,笔意超逸,清新隽美,富有诗意,给人留下不尽的余味。(《夏之绝句》) 二、分析词语和句子 1、主题句(中心句或主旨句):首段(段首)或尾段(段尾)的议论抒情句。 2、具体词语的含义与作用:联系词语本义,解释在文中的含义,找出其指代的具体内容。 答:“XX”一词原指……,这里指……,起到了……的作用。 3、关键句子主要包括五个方面: ①点明题旨的句子;②描写、议论、抒情的句子;③总结全文的句子;④起承转合的句子(如相互照应的句子和起承上启下作用的过渡句);⑤运用各种修辞手法的句子(如比喻、拟人、夸张、排比、对偶、反复、反语、设问、反问,特别是引用的句子)。理解关键句子主要是指能体味句子所表达的思想感情。如作者在字里行间流露出的喜怒哀乐、褒贬态度及思想倾向等。同时要理解句子在文中的功能、作用、特点。 4、分析记叙文语段中分析一句话: 要紧扣住文章所渲染的特定气氛、表达的感情、人物形象的特点等。 ①句中用了关联词“虽然……但是……”,这组关联词表转折关系;用了关联词“不但……而且……”之类,这类关联词表递进关系,两者用意都在于强调后者。 ②倒装句的作用:往往是强调前置(即调到前面)的部分,例如:“甚矣,汝之不惠”就是为了强调“汝之


班级: 姓名: 考场: 座号: 密封线 An old lady in a plane had a blanket (毯子over her head and she did not want to take it off . The air hostess spoke to her, but the old lady said, “I have never been in a plane before , and I am frightened. I am going to keep this blanket over my head until we are back on the ground again !” Then the captain came. He said, “Madam, I am the captain of this plane. The weather is fine, there are no clouds in the sky, and everything is going very well. ”But she continued to hide. So the captain turned and started to go back. Then the old lady looked out from under the blanket with one eye and said, “I am sorry, young man, but I don’t like planes and I am never going to fly again. But I’ll say one thing, ”She continued kindly, “You and yo ur wife keep your plane very clean!” 1. An old lady had _________ . A. glasses B. a blanket over her head C. a coat D. a basket 2. A. She didn’t want to ________ . A. take it off B. turn it off C. get on D. talk about it 3. _________ spoke to her . A. The air hostess


阅读理解复习教案 (一)记叙文复习 教学目标: 1、整体把握文章的大致内容,弄清说明对象。 2、准确抓住说明事物的具体特征。 3、分析、识别文章的说明方法,并弄清其在文中的作用。 4、具体分析语言的准确性。准确理解词语在句中的意义和作用,准确地对词语 的限制、修饰作用实行评析。 5、了解和识别各种说明顺序。 6、把握段落的中心句、关键语句。 课时安排: 3 课时教学方法: 一、记叙文阅读处理具体方法: 1、先读文章,以自然段为单位,概括段意,最后确定文章的中心。记叙文的中心一般包括两部分:概括文章内容;作者的思想、感情、态度或者对读者的启发等两部分两部分内容。 2、阅读理解题,不管它出多少道题,它不外乎从以下几方面出问题:整体感知 ——局部赏析——实际使用。 3、具体问题如下: ①、整体感知:或归纳文章中心;或概括事件;或划出层次并概括层意;或指出记叙要素等。 ②、局部赏析:或一段文字的作用(能够是内容上的作用,也能够是结构上的作用); 或一句话的含义; 或一个词的作用;或修辞的作用(比喻,夸张,拟人,排比等);或景物描写的作用;或描写了人物的哪些方面(动作、语言、神态、外貌、心理)及它的作用; ③、实际使用题:回答时要包括两部分: 一部分是文章的内容,一部分是结合自己的生活实际。目的:使学生初步掌握一般记叙文的阅读方法方法:归纳法,讲练结合法教学过程:导入: 1、同学们好,这节课我们实行专题复习:记叙文的阅读。记叙文是以记叙、描写为主要表达方式,以写人叙事、写景状物为主要内容的一种文体,从广义角度理解,初中阶段所学随笔、写景状物的散文、小说、寓言、童话、新闻等文体 都属于记叙文范畴。对记叙文的考查,包括课内教读记叙文的语段和课外整篇的记叙文,其考查点一般有以下几点: 考点: 1 .整体感知,分清要素、线索、顺序。 2.划分文章段落、层次,概括段意、层意,明确详略,归纳中心。 3.理解重点段落、关键语句含义及作用。 4.理解叙述、描写、说明、议论、抒情表达方式的作用。 5、欣赏散文、小说等文学作品的形象、语言、表现手法等。针对中考考


《老山界》语段训练(一)阅读《老山界》,完成12-15题(9分)半夜里,忽然醒来,才 觉得寒气逼人,刺入肌骨,浑身打着颤。把毯子卷得更紧些,把身子蜷起来,还是睡不着。 天上闪烁的星星好像黑色幕上缀着的宝石,它跟我们这样地接近哪!黑的山峰像巨人一样矗立 在面前。四围的山把这山谷包围得像一口井。上边和下边有几堆火没有熄;冻醒了的同志们 围着火堆小声地谈着话。除此以外,就是寂静。耳朵里有不可捉摸的声响耳朵里有不可捉摸 的声响,极远的又是极近的,极洪大的又是极细切的,像春蚕在咀嚼桑叶,像野马在平原上 奔驰,像,像,不知什么时候又睡着了。12、按原文在 横线上填入语句。(2分)13、选段从多个角度对“半夜”进行描写,写____________觉突出 夜之_________________,写_______觉暗示山之_________,写_________觉反衬夜之 ___________。(3分)14、联系上下文想一想:为何会“忽然醒来”?为何“不知什么时候又 睡着了”? (2分)答: ______________________________________________________________________ _____15、 “凡景语皆情语”。在如此艰难的环境里,红军战士却能欣赏“天上闪烁的星星好像黑色幕上 缀着的宝石”,又能用耳朵来欣赏那“不可捉摸的声响”。对此,你有何感想?(2分)答: ______________________________________________________________________ ____ 14、选文中既说“寂静”又写出许多声响,这里用了什么写法?古诗文中有类似意境的语句吗? 清写出一两句来。(2分) 15、在如此艰难的环境里,红军战上却能欣赏“天上闪烁的星星好像黑色幕上缀着的宝石”, 又能用耳朵来欣赏那“不可捉摸的声响”。对此,你是如何理解的呢?(2分) 1.用一句话概括选段的主要内容。


(21) A Clever Bird A man has a bird. It is very clever. Every day the man speaks to the bird.“Hello!”he says. “Hello!”the bird answers.“What are you doing”says the man.“What are you doing”says the bird. The man is not at home one day. A thief comes in. He is taking many things.“Hello!”The thief hears the bird's words.“What are you doing”The thief is very afraid,so he does not take any things and runs out of the house. 1. The man teaches the bird ________. A. how to say something B. how to sing songs C. how to eat something D. how to dance 2. The bird is ________. A. very nice B. very clever < C. very beautiful D. very silly(傻的) 3. The man speaks to the bird ________. A. sometimes B. once a week C. every week D. every day 4. The thief is taking ________ things from the house. A. a few B. a little C. a lot of D. some 5. The thief ________ out of the room. A. walks B. comes C. runs D. goes } 参考答案 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C (22 ) What Are Stars Like Have you ever wondered about the stars In some ways,stars are like people. They are born. They grow old. And they die. A star is born from dust and gas. Slowly the dust and gas make a ball. The ball gets very hot. Then it starts to give off light. The young star grows into a giant. Many years go by. The older star begins to get small again. At last its light goes out. The star's life is over. 【 1. Dust and _________ make a star.


有一种爱,很小 佚名 不管他们选择的目标是什么,迫击炮弹还是落到了一个越南小村庄的孤儿院里。几个教士和一两个孤儿被炸死,还有几个孤儿被炸伤,其中有个大约8岁的小女孩。 村里的人到邻近的一个和美军有无线电通讯联系的小镇上去求救。最后,美国海军的一名军医和一名护士带着急救箱,乘吉普车急匆匆地赶到村里。他们发现那小女孩伤得非常严重,如不抓紧手术,她就会因长时间休克和失血过多而死亡。要及时地给她输血,这就得要和她有同种血型的献血者。护士很快地给在场的人进行血型化验,结果,没有一个美国人和小女孩的血型相同,但有几个没受伤的越南孤儿却和她血型相同。 美军军医和护士一会儿用越南语,一台儿用法语,一会儿打手势,试图向这些吓坏了的孤儿们解释,如果不马上给这个小女孩献血,她就必死无疑,然后他们问孤儿们,有谁愿意给小女孩献血。 孤儿们听后,一个个瞪着大眼睛,一句话也不说。过了一会儿,一只小手颤巍巍地慢慢举了起来,很快又放了下来,接着又举了起来。 “啊,谢谢你。你叫什么名字?”护士用法语说道。“恒。”小男孩答道。 护士很快把恒安置在担架上,用酒精在他的胳膊上擦了擦,把针头插进他的血管里。恒一声不吭,僵直地躺着。 过了一会儿,他突然发出了一阵颤抖的抽泣。但很快就用另—只手将脸蒙住,“疼吗,恒?”军医问道。恒摇摇头,并又用手蒙住脸,试图不哭出声来。军医又一次问他是不是针头刺疼了他,他又摇—摇头。 正在这时,一个越南护士正好赶到。她看到这种情景后,直接用越南语问恒到底是怎么回事,她听了桓的回答后,温柔地对他说了些什么。 过了片刻,恒停止了哭泣,抬起眼睛询问似地看着越南护士,越南护士向他轻轻点了点头,恒脸上紧张的表情顿时释然。 越南护士看了看美军军医和护士,然后轻轻地说道:“他以为他快要死了。他以为你们要把他的血全部输给那个小女孩呢。” “但他为什么又愿意献血呢?”美军护士问道。; 越南护士用越南语把美军护士的话又给恒说了一遍。恒回答说:“因为她是我的好朋友。”18.“过了一会儿,一只小手颤巍巍地慢慢举了起来,很快又放了下来, 接着又举了起来。”反映了恒当时怎样的心理。(2分) 19.将前文中与“他以为他快要死了”相照应的句子找出并用横线画在 原文上。(2分) 20.“越南护士向他轻轻地点了点头”意思是 21.题目“有一种爱,很小”,你对此的理解是 高中语文在阅读中探讨贫乏与丰富在阅读中探讨贫...在阅读中探讨贫... 22.你能从艺术构思的角度,就小说的结尾作简要点评吗? 18.内心犹豫,因误以为会丧命,但为了朋友最终决定输血。 19.“他突然发出了一阵颤抖


老山界(选段)散文阅读了理解与答案 老山界(选段)散文阅读了理解与答案 半夜里,忽然醒来,才觉得寒气逼人,刺人肌骨,浑身打着颤。把毯子卷得更紧些,把身子quán起来,还是睡不着。天上闪烁的星星好像黑色幕上缀着的宝石,它跟我们这样地接近哪!黑的山峰像巨人一样矗立在面前。四围的山把这山谷包围得像一口井。上边和下边有几堆火没有熄;冻醒了的同志们围着火堆小声地谈着话。除此以外,就是寂静。耳朵里有不可捉摸的声响,极远的又是极近的,极洪大的又是极细切的,像春蚕在咀嚼桑叶,像野马在平原上奔驰,像山泉在呜咽,像波涛在澎湃。不知什么时候又睡着了。 1.请用简要的语言概括选段内容。 _____________________________________________ 2.选文写景作者调动了人的哪几种感官来描写的?请分别举一例说明其作用。__________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________

_ 3.选文划线句描写了山谷夜晚的声响,似乎有点矛盾,说说你对该句的理解。__________________________________________________________________ ____________ _____________________________________________________ 4.用声音来衬托安静,是作者写景的手法之一。在我们的生活中也常常因为某种声音而显得周围环境的宁静,试举一例加以描述 1.描述了红军战士露宿山谷的情景。() 2.视觉:“天上闪烁……宝石”“黑的’山峰……一口井”,写山高; 听觉:“耳朵里有……在澎湃”,写幽静; 触觉:“才觉得寒气……打着颤”,写寒冷。(意思对即可) 3.在深山里,在极静的时候,有的声音,分明来自远处,分明很细切,可是由于静,听起来仿佛近在咫尺,而且响亮洪大;有的声音,分明起自近处,分明很洪亮,可是由于山峰重叠,反响回荡,愈传愈远,愈变愈细。而且风声、水声、林木呼啸声等等,混杂一起,变化万端,引起人的种种联想。(意对即可) 4.略。如蟋蟀的鸣叫反衬出秋日夜晚的宁静。(试根据描述得生动形象与否酌情给分) 【老山界(选段)散文阅读了理解与答案】相关文章:


【001】 Little Tom down the street calls our dog "The keep dog".Zip is a sheep dog. But when Tom tries to say" Seep", it comes out "keep". And in a way Tom is right. Zip is always bringing things hoem for us to keep! I'll tell you about some of them. Zip's first present was a shoe. It was made of green silk. We didn't know how Zip found the shoe. But after a moment Mary, my big sister, told me the shoe had a strange smell. I nodded(点头)and held my nose. "What do you think it is?" "It smells like something for cleaning. I think someone tried to clean a spot (污点) off the shoe. Then he put it at the door to dry." "Along came Zip. And good-bye shoe!" I said."We should take it back." "We can't ".said my sistter. "Maybe little Tom is right," Mary said. "Maybe Zip is a keep dog!" 1.The writer and Mary didn't know______. A. what Zip's first present was B. how Zip carried its first present home C. who owned Zip's first present D. what Zip's first present was made of 2.Tom calls Zip "the keep dog" because ______. A. the dog likes keeping things B. the dog likes playing with shoes C. he doesn't know the dog's name D. he can't pronounce the word " sheep" well 3.What made the shoe strange was ______. A. its colour B. its smell C. its size D. that it was a silk one 4.The word "keep"in the last sentence means "_____" A. keeping things for itself B. bringing things for other to keep C. not letting it run about D. taking care of a small child 5.We can know from the reading that the dog _____. A. likes to give presents to people B. has been kept in at the writer's home C. has brought some trouble D. likes to be called "the keep dog" 【002】


《老山界》阅读练习及答案《老山界》阅读练习及答案 阅读《老山界》一文中的选段,完成7——13题。 半夜里,忽然醒来,才觉得寒气逼人,刺人肌骨,浑身打着颤。把毯子卷得更紧些,把身子蜷起来,还是睡不着。天上闪烁的星星好像黑色幕上缀着的宝石,它跟我们这样地接近哪!黑的山峰像巨人一样矗立在面前。四围的山把这山谷包围得像一口井。上边和下边有几堆火没有熄;冻醒了的同志们围着火堆小声地谈着话。除此以外,就是寂静。耳朵里有不可捉摸的声响,极远的又是极近的,极洪大的又是极细切的,像春蚕在咀嚼桑叶,像野马在平原上奔驰,像山泉在呜咽,像波涛在澎湃。不知什么时候又睡着了。 黎明的时候被人推醒,说是准备出发。山下有人送饭上来,不管三七二十一,抢了一碗就吃。 又传下命令来,要队伍今天无论如何爬过这座山。因为山路很难走,一路上需要督促前进。我们几个人又停下来,立刻写标语,分配人到山下山上各段去喊口号,演说,帮助病员和运输员。忙了一会儿,再向前进。 走了不多远,看见昨晚所说的峭壁上的路,也就是所谓雷公岩

的,果然陡极了,几乎是90度的垂直的石梯,只有一尺多宽;旁边就是悬崖,虽然不很深,但也够怕人的。崖下已经聚集了很多马匹,都是昨晚不能过去,要等今天全纵队过完了再过去的。有几匹曾经从崖上跌下来,脚骨都断了。 很小心地过了这个石梯。上面的路虽然还是陡,但并不陡得那么厉害了。一路走,一路检查标语。我渐渐地掉了队,顺便做些鼓动工作。 这很陡的山爬完了。我以为30里的山就是那么一点;恰巧来了一个瑶民,同他谈谈,知道还差得远,还有20多里很陡的山。 昨天的晚饭,今天的早饭,都没吃饱。肚子很饿,气力不够,但是必须鼓着勇气前进。一路上,看见以前送上去的标语用完了,就一路写着标语贴。累得走不动的时候,索性在地上躺一会儿。 …… 到了山顶,已经是下午两点多钟。我忽然想起:将来要在这里立个纪念牌,写上某年某月,红军北上抗日,路过此处。我长长地吐了一口气,坐在山顶休息一会儿。回头看队伍,没有翻过山的只有不多的几个人了。我们完成了任务,把一个坚强的意志灌输到整个纵队每个人心中,饥饿、疲劳甚至受伤的痛苦都被这个意志克服了。难翻的.老山界被我们这样笨重的队伍战胜了。 7.请用简要的语言概括选段的主要内容。(2分) 8.选文第1段写景作者调动了人的哪几种感官来描写的?请分别举一例说明其作用。(3分)


阅读理解专项训练 A Kate and Peter like sports. In summer they swim and in winter they skate. They are planning a skate trip for this weekend, but they don't know about the weather. It's 7:30 now and they are listening to the weather report on the radio. The weather is giving the weather for the weekend. “Friday is going to be cold and cloudy, but it's not going to rain. The temperature is going to be below zero. It's going to snow on Friday evening. Saturday and Sunday are going to be cold and sunny.” Now Kate and Peter are happy. The weather is going to be very nice for a skate trip. They are going to have a gook time on the hills. ( )1.Kate and Peter like ___________. A.listening to the radio B. watching TV C. sports D. music ( )2.They are planning _________ for this weekend. A.a class meeting B. a party C. a game D. a skate trip ( )3. They want to know about ______________. A.the rain B. the food C. the weather D. the radio ( )4. It _______ on Saturday and Sunday . A.will rain B. will be windy C. will be cloudy D. will be cold and sunny ( )5. Kate and Peter are happy because____________. A.the weather is going to be nice for a skate trtip. B.They are going to visit the friends. C.They are going to see their parents. D.They are going to have a good meal. B ( ) 1.If you want to know something about Yao Ming, the best programme for you is_______. A.Talk show B. Sports C. Sports player D. TV play ( ) 2.You'll know about ______ at 19:00 on Channel 2. A.animals B. news C. foreign arts D. Asia


阅读理解复习题 (一)阅读议论文片段,完成7~8题。(4分) ①从小,我们就拒绝骄傲,自己不能骄傲,也不能接受别人骄傲。 ②但实际情况不是一加一等于二那么直截了当。拉长耳朵听听,睁开眼睛看看,骄傲了还在进步,谦虚了原地踏步,也少不了。其实,骄傲的含义广得多,影响进步与落后的要素也多得多,谦虚教育过于单一了。 ③骄傲是一种心理和心情的反映。可以是傲慢和狂放,也可以是自信和喜悦;可以在一时一事,也可以沉浸其间;可以成为一个终点,也可以是一个新的起点;骄傲也是千姿百态的。显而易见,把骄傲等同于自满、昏头、止步不前,是有失偏颇的。 ④所以,中国人骄傲地说60年中国进步了,世界都鼓掌。这个骄傲是事实,也是自豪。舍我其谁,骄傲还可以成为鼓励剂、推动力。 ⑤谦虚也同样是一种心理和心情的反映。虚怀若谷,博采众长,谦虚可以通向成功,但成功的因素并非只是一种态度,谦虚代替不了知识代替不了技术代替不了规则。谦虚可以成为谦谦君子,但成为英豪的还是狂放的曹操。 ⑥过度的谦虚教育,之于个人,可以有二害。一害,丧失自我,有他无我,只有我之短而无我之长,久而久之,畏缩不前,无进取之心。二害,拒绝他人张扬,只取其态度,而不看人张扬的依据骄傲的理由,自我封闭,最终还是落后于人。以谦虚之态度论成败定功过,虚假之风伪饰之风必起。 ⑦接受骄傲并不容易。之于己,既要对自己有信心,骄傲的资本经得起实际和历史的检验,又不怕人说三道四,神经要有刚性韧性,又要能保持清醒的头脑,不陶醉不止步;之于人,要容得了人,容得了人张扬,看得到他人之长而取人之长。 ⑧允许骄傲,接受骄傲,我们这个时代需要骄傲。让骄傲成为一种自信。别老低着头过日子。 (节选自《别老低着头过日子》,作者秋末)7.下列对文章各段落的分析错误的 ...一项是(2分)【▲】A.第①段是树靶子,准备批驳旧观点的偏激和教育方式的单一。 B.②~④段,全面阐述“骄傲”的含义,突出其积极意义。 C.⑤~⑥段,就“谦虚”展开论述。阐明谦虚并不永远是美德,谦虚可以造就谦谦君子,但却难以造就绝代英豪,意在突出过分谦虚的消极影响。 D.⑦~⑧段,明确写作目的,强调清醒头脑,把握好“谦虚”和“骄傲”的分寸。作者把“骄傲”的几个常用含义混杂在一起,但并没有犯概念不清的错误。 8.下列对文章内容、特色的分析错误的 ...一项是(2分)【▲】A.这是一篇驳论性质的议论文,行文简洁,视野开阔,逻辑严密。 B.文章第②段列举了人们的一些思维盲点,为下文说理拓展了空间。 C.通篇采用举例论证法,选例典型,描述准确,第④、⑥段就值得我们揣摩借鉴。 D.本文具有鲜明的时代性。引导读者看到“骄傲”的积极意义,主张让骄傲成为一种自信。 (二)阅读微型小说,完成9~12题。(共12分) 意外 [德国]梅洛利 虽说二人世界的生活非常甜美,但将要到期的购房债务困扰着他们。昨晚,他们又为此吵了一架。但在餐桌上,塔玛拉像什么事也没有发生,边吃边和丈夫商量:“威廉,我开


老山界(选段)阅读答案 半夜里,忽然醒来,才觉得寒气逼人,刺人肌骨,浑身打着颤。把毯子卷得更紧些,把身子quán起来,还是睡不着。天上闪烁的星星好像黑色幕上缀着的宝石,它跟我们这样地接近哪!黑的山峰像巨人一样矗立在面前。四围的山把这山谷包围得像一口井。上边和下边有几堆火没有熄;冻醒了的同志们围着火堆小声地谈着话。除此以外,就是寂静。耳朵里有不可捉摸的声响,极远的又是极近的,极洪大的又是极细切的,像春蚕在咀嚼桑叶,像野马在平原上奔驰,像山泉在呜咽,像波涛在澎湃。不知什么时候又睡着了。 1.请用简要的语言概括选段内容。 _____________________________________________ 2.选文写景作者调动了人的哪几种感官来描写的?请分别举一例说明其作用。___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _ 3.选文划线句描写了山谷夜晚的声响,似乎有点矛盾,说说你对该句的理解。_____________________________________________________________________ _________ _____________________________________________________ 4.用声音来衬托安静,是作者写景的手法之一。在我们的生活中也常常因为某种声音而显得周围环境的宁静,试举一例加以描述 1.描述了红军战士露宿山谷的情景。 2.视觉:“天上闪烁……宝石”“黑的山峰……一口井”,写山高; 听觉:“耳朵里有……在澎湃”,写幽静; 触觉:“才觉得寒气……打着颤”,写寒冷。 3.在深山里,在极静的时候,有的声音,分明来自远处,分明很细切,可是由于静,听起来仿佛近在咫尺,而且响亮洪大;有的声音,分明起自近处,分明很洪亮,可是由于山峰重叠,反响回荡,愈传愈远,愈变愈细。而且风声、水声、林木呼啸声等等,混杂一起,变化万端,引起人的种种联想。 4.略。如蟋蟀的鸣叫反衬出秋日夜晚的宁静。
