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On how to effectively improve English reading ability of university students 英语专业毕业论文

On how to effectively improve English reading ability

of university students

[Abstract] reading comprehension of students learning English at the university should have an important skill. How to improve student reading ability is the current major issues that must be addressed. Expansion of vocabulary; increase in reading, improve reading speed; to master the necessary reading skills is to improve the reading skills the key.

[Key words] college English; reading ability; reading skills

As the world's political, economic and cultural exchanges deepened, English as a lingua franca of the world's status has become increasingly acute, reading is to obtain information on a very important tool. Reading in foreign language learning plays an important position is the most effective learning foreign languages, the most important means, whether it is to deal with various grades examinations, or the future survival and development, is a very necessary way of learning. [1] In the College English Test, because of reading comprehension can be centralized, comprehensive testing of students to access information from the reading ability and accuracy of understanding, so to read in college English teaching in the proportion of very large, in all types of Level exam in English reading comprehension questions had a share of about 40%, and read a small part of each question scores are also high. Can be seen, to the "reading comprehension" category of the kinds of questions to get high scores, you must have a certain amount of reading speed, good reading habits and high reading ability.

1. Students to read the problems

1.1 did not have enough vocabulary. Vocabulary that affect college students to read a major obstacle that hinders a small vocabulary, unable to raise students to read the root causes. If the English reading than doing

high-rise buildings, then the word is like countless bricks. Students master the vocabulary size is proportional to the number of general and reading speed. Large vocabulary, reading less Shengci encountered in the process, read on the fast, accurate rate will increase. "College English Curriculum Requirements" in clearly defined three levels of English proficiency, which generally require the recommended vocabulary of 4500 words and 700 phrases (including secondary schools should be to master the vocabulary); high requirements for the recommended vocabulary of 5500 words and 1200 phrases (including secondary schools and the general requirements should master the vocabulary); higher requirements for the recommended vocabulary of 6500 words and 1700 phrases (including secondary schools, general requirements and higher requirements should be to master the vocabulary, but does not include professional English vocabulary).

[2] Thus, whether it is the law of language itself, or the requirements of the community tells us that, in order to the successful completion of college required to read the article, you must master the appropriate vocabulary.

1.2 lack the necessary cultural background knowledge. Cognitive theory, the logic of that: If the author is ignorant of the background cultural knowledge, he basically could not read the material. If the reader does not have enough background knowledge, he is also very difficult to read and understand material. An extension of a person's background knowledge is bound to accompany his reading capabilities. Therefore, students in their daily a large number of students must pass the reading of books to expand their knowledge. Many students to read was fairly narrow, the culture of the Anglo-Saxon countries know little about. Overview of college English reading comprehension test article, we can see: most of the English article is mainly from the United Kingdom and the United States original newspapers and magazines, articles, all-inclusive, often including: history, culture, biographies, science and technology, geography, biology, general knowledge and literature. This requires students to have a wide range of knowledge, background knowledge and mastery of things are not overnight, but rather a process of gradual accumulation.

1.3 bad reading habits. Student reading ability is poor, mainly due to the existence of their reading bad reading habits. For example:

(1) translation read. In reading the English into Chinese, this is bound to extend the understanding of the process, slowing down reading speed. It should be noted here is that reading is not a translation in English should be to cultivate a good habit of thinking in English.

(2)-dependent dictionary. Some students practice in reading, often went to check when you encounter Shengci dictionary or electronic dictionary. Encountered while reading the side of the clear meaning of the New Words. Although this approach would be timely and clear meaning of New Words, so continue to read smoothly, but will also develop bad habits over-reliance on the dictionary. So that reading speed significantly slowed down, the event that there is no formal test dictionary to help, so that the students thought would be completely disrupted, so check the method dictionary of the English language seriously affect the improvement of reading ability.

(3) Read the lack of integrity. Not from the general to grasp the meaning of the sentence, but a reading of the word. Many students read to rigidly adhere to sub-words and words, between words and word matching, ignore the sentence and the sentences, paragraphs, and paragraphs, as well as contextual links. This will slow down the reading speed, understanding of the article fragmented, inconsistent or even distorted the meaning of the article.

(4) lack of concentration. Focus is a prerequisite for effective reading. Only when absorbed in reading in order to concentrate on to understand the meaning of the article in order to understand the author's intention. Many students in the reading process, because from time to time encountered some Shengci or difficult sentences, then so distracted and going to consider these issues, attention is not focused on.

2. An effective way to improve the reading ability of students

2.1 The expansion of vocabulary. Now society is an explosion of knowledge society, there are some new words every day there, a narrow vocabulary necessarily prevent us from reading normally. British linguists Wilkins said: "If there is no voice and grammar, but also to convey a little bit of information, if there is no vocabulary, it does not convey any information." Vocabulary is the language the system can be seen as an integral part of the language of construction materials. Vocabulary is the basis for reading and left the vocabulary, reading can not be carried out, however, the multitude of English vocabulary, a short time it is impossible to remember a large number of words. There are several ways to remember vocabulary:

(1) the use of affixes to guessing the meaning. Affixes can be divided into prefix and suffix, prefix are: in; im; un; dis; re and so on. Suffixes are: er; ness; ful; tion and so on.

(2) the use of "story" approach. Because some words in English has a long background of the story, or idioms from the story, or legend, or religion, or classic literature, movies, stories, etc., has a profound connotations, these terms through the vivid talk about "story" in order to enable students to become clear. [3]

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(3) the use of context to guess meaning. Contact the context to help understand the meaning of the word, for example: appositive relations, anti-sense relations, causality, sustained relationships.

(4) the use of the word memory induction. Can be used in everyday vocabulary words are divided into sports, economic class terms, tourism class vocabulary as well as medical terminology class and so on. This will

comprehend by analogy, but also more interesting memories of them, which helps improve memory.

2.2 increase in reading, improve reading speed. Current college students face a narrow reading, read less. So for this situation, first of all, to increase the amount of reading. The current magazines and books bookstores dazzling, many students do not know how to choose. Teachers when students choose to read the publication to be guiding them, helping them to choose the students to adapt to the current level of English language publications. Through a large number of extensive reading, not only help students cultivate a good sense of the English language but also to enable students to increase knowledge of grammar, vocabulary expansion. Secondly, the teachers, the teaching of reading in the normal course, we should pay attention to students form good reading means to enable students to strive to improve the reading speed. In reading the time, attention must be highly concentrated, to put aside selfishness and see when the article can not be intermittent. When reading should be trying to widen their reading vision coverage. Step by step, "point read" to "line read" to "face time" [4]

2.3 to acquire the necessary reading skills. The so-called reading skills, mainly referring to the reading can reasonably use a variety of reading method to solve a variety of reading problems. Namely, the use of skimming skills, master the thrust and the effect of the reading material capacity; the use of jump skills, grasp the purpose and effect with the capacity of the relevant facts; the use of check reading skills, based on the facts and the details of the ability to make reasonable judgments; according to the context to determine the contents of logical ability. Practice has proved that to master the necessary reading skills can not only reduce the difficulty of reading, but also to achieve effective and efficient.

(1) skimming. "Skimming" refers to "panoramic" and look through the full text of the article in order to seize the main points of the article is entitled, with different parts of the subheadings and conclusions of the article describes some parts of the reading etc.; is a master text to the

effect that purpose of the focus from the overall sense of thinking to grasp by reading trajectory. [5] skimming methods are four categories:

1) To clear his own quest for information, and then there is the purpose of identifying topic sentences.

2) The line of sight between the lines swept quickly, identify key words in the sentence.

3) The hasty view the article title, start and end of the paragraph.

4) the use of the word chapter in the signal to help determine an important part of the article.

(2) skip. "Skip" that is nothing to do with the words, sentences, paragraphs omitted do not read or peruse, commonly used in the search for place names, age, data on the jump, as the reading is the key to that is, not by word, sentence by sentence or paragraph by paragraph to read the article, but rather like a scanner, like from start to finish glance down the target line of sight is necessary to lock into a larger thin research. Best to skip on the basis of skimming, because after skimming of the article has to have a general understanding of the problem will be more efficient queries.

(3) check time. "Review of Reading," that is, from a large number of reading material to find a specific information and details, such as the relevant facts and the basis straight to the point without having to read the full text. Read the article, make clear whether the search for specific information, and then to glance from top to bottom Yimushixing, the event-related word pause for judge in the important word, phrase or conclusions underlined in order to remember the article specific information. For example: To a computer book, online chat tool to find information, first of all browse the book catalog, find the network

knowledge, will continue after the relevant page to find to find the required "chat" information quickly and effectively fulfill its mandate. 3. Conclusion

In short, reading is to understand the context, access to information. In English reading, each person's reading habits and methods are different, if the student in the reading process can be Gaidiao some bad ways of reading the same time continuing to learn other people's scientific reading method, we can greatly improve the reading interest and efficiency in order to greatly enhance their reading skills.


[1] Wang only. How to improve the "English reading" teaching standards [J]. Jiaxing College, 2007 (1).

[2] Department of Higher Education. College English Curriculum Requirements (For Trial Implementation) [M]. Higher Education Press, 2004.

[3] Xiao Hongmei. On the Reading of College English Vocabulary Teaching in [J]. Shaoyang College, 2005 (2).

[4] Zhou Hong. Talking about how to improve English reading ability [J]. Huanggang Normal University, 2006 (5).

[5] ZHANG Cai-Yun, Liu Fen. Explore the issue with the English speed-reading techniques [J]. Yanan College of Education, 2006 (3).
