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当前位置:文档库 › 直缝埋弧焊管生产线焊接车的改进






【摘要】原有内焊焊接车和横移车的工艺布置和结构存在问题,容易出现链条的弹性和松弛、断口阻力和导轨局部磨损,每班生产2~3根钢管后,因焊接车行走过程会发生停顿而被烧穿.通过对内焊焊接车和横移车行走机构的改进,有效地解决了焊接车在通过交叉导轨时的停顿和窜动现象,解决了烧穿缺陷问题,提高了钢管的焊接质量.%Aiming at technological layout and structure of the original inside welding vehicle, some problems were found, such as elastic relaxation of the chain, fracture resistance, the partial abrasion of guide, and 2-3 pipes per shift were burned through caused from standstill of welding vehicle during working procedure. Through improvement to inside welding vehicle and transverse vehicle walking mechanism, it effectively solved standstill and jump phenomena of welding vehicle while passing the crossed guide, as well as burning through, improved steel pipe welding quality.




