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、单项选择(每小题 1分,共15分)

( )26. — Where is the young man with glasses?

--Oh, I failed to _____ that he had left. He just drank with a lady over there. A. watch

B. n ote

C. memorize

D. mea n

( )27. — Where are you from?

--K unming, a city whose n ame will ____ a picture of spri ng in many people A. create

B. discover

C. invent

D. find

( )28. — Jack, can you play chess?

--Of course. I could do well whe n I was a child. _______ . A. It ' s none of your bus in ess B. What a pity!

C. Come on!

D. It ' s a piece of cake

( )29. — How much do you know about Huawei Tech no logies?

--Oh, it is a famous compa ny. It is widely _______ for its excelle nt creativity. A. spread

B. swept

C. expected

D. carried

( )30. — Can you give me a ticket to the football match? It

' s my ______ next time, OK?

--OK. That ' s the deal.

--Her words moved all the people _______ .

A. no rmal

B. full

C. prese nt there

D. typical

( )32. — When ever most people try to do somethi ng and fail, they always ______ doing

Somethi ng else.

--Oh, that ' s the reason why they can ' t succeed.

A. clear up

B. put up

C. give up

D. end up

( )33. — Why don ' t you sleep? It ' s so late.

--My wife and I are sleepy, but my son is still _____ . A. free

B. active

C. bored

D. icy

( )34. — Hon ey, I want to buy a new dress for the party.

--It ' s unwise to do so. The prices for the clothes _____ by 30% in less than a year. A. added

B. i ncreased

C. raised

D. created

( )35. — What can we lear n from this n ews?

--It reminds us that we must protect water and use it _____ . A. slowly

B. clearly

C. wisely

D. ki ndly

( )36. — What do you thi nk of Guo Min gyi?

--He is such a kind and gen erous man that we all _____ him very much. A. miss

B. accept

C. beat

D. admire

( )37. — Let ' s have a game of tennis, and the loser has to ______ the other to a lot dog.

--It ' s a deal. A. i nvite

B. treat

C. offer

D. serve

( )38. — Mom, what should we do now?

s mind.

A. offer

B. treat


)31. — What do you think of the little girl

C. deal

D. duty

's speech on Mother ' s Day?

--Oh, dear, we can ______ the tablecloth and enjoy our food now.

A. lay out

B. put out

C. take out

D. set out

( )39. —It ' s dangerous to swim in this lake.

--Yes, you at right. The gover nment has ___ people not to swim in it.

A. en couraged

B. led

C. admired

D. warned

( )40. —The fire _____ through the hotel very quickly but every one was able to get out.

--How dan gerous!

A. in crease

B. create

C. develop

D. spread


Recently ,a 100 -year-old Japanese woman became very popular. She was first Centenarian(百岁老人的)to complete a 1,500-meter freestyle swimming competition. The News 41 quickly in the world and excited many people .

The lady ' s r name is Mieko NagaokMs . Nagaoka 42 a new world record for her age group at a recent Japa n Masters Swimmi ng Associati on eve nt .She swam the race in 1:15 :54, It was a little faster the n last world record, which made many people _43.

To tell you the 44 , Ms Nagaoka was the only competitor in the 100-104 year oldgroup.

Her race was not a race of speed but of strong 45 , or not giving up .

Ms. Nagaoka isn ' a 46 to us. So far she has broken 25 records. But she began competi ng 47 she was much youn ger—at 88.

Ms . Nagaoka 48 a knee in her 80s, so she began swimming to help her body recover (康复).In her first intern atio nal swim ming competiti on , she did n ' t49 . Though she wan ted to see if 50 competitors would catch up with her.

In 2002 . at a masters swim meet in New Zealand, Ms . Nagaoka took the bronze medal (铜牌)in the 50-meter backstroke . In 2004, she 51 three silver medals at an Italian swimming meet.

Masters swimming is a special class of competitive swimming to 52 health and

frien dship among participa nts . Swimmers compete with in age groups of five years.

Ms Nagaoka says she is a serious swimmer and a serious competitor. And she 53 four Times a week for two hours at a time.

Manv people 54 her very much . Some of the ask her 55 for long life, The lady says they are good genes regular sleep, sushi and exercise.

( )41. A. swam B. dived(潜水) C. spread D. jumped

( )42. A. broke B. held. C. set D. made

( )43. A. angry B. worried. C. upset D. crazy

( )44. A. truth B. secret C. fact D. lie

( )45. A. body B. will. C. health D. warmth

( )46. A. patie nt. B. relative C. frie nd D. stra nger

( )47. A. whe n. B. before C. while D. un til

( )48. A. shot. B. hit C. hurt D. fell

( )49. A. look up B. look back C. look forward D. look for

( )50. A. the other B. other C. others D. ano ther

( )51. A. won B. beat C. created D. inven ted

武汉二中广雅中学 2017~2018学年度上学期九年级起点考英语试题 有答案

( ) 52. A. connect B. treat C. improve D. deal ( )53. A. teaches B. trai ns. C. exercises D. l earns ( )54. A. raise B. fight. C. tha nk D. admire (

) 55. A. partn ers.

B. secrets.

C. traditi ons

D. rules

( )56. We may probably read the material _________

B. on a school no tice board

C. in a textbook

D. in a job advertiseme nt

( )57. The less ons are for _______ .

A. kids un der five years

B. some experts

C. stude nts who are good ay arts

D. stude nts who want to improve their subjects

( )58. One can lear n some in formatio n from the material above EXCET ____ .

A. the courses one can attend

B. the teachers ' personal introductions

C. characteristics of the courses

D. start ing the free trial

( )59. What can we know about the material ?

A. Scie nee courses are provided by a high school

B. These courses are provided by a high school

C. One can have the classes whe never he is free

D. Anyone who takes these courses is sure to improve his degree.

()60. The material above is _________ probably.

A. an introduction of a kids 'club C. a report of a new teach ing patter n

When I was a kid, my father work outside in the win ter, remov ing snow, or perhaps

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三、阅读理解(每小题 2分,共30分

A smarter way to study

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Our expert in structors cover math, scie nee, En glish, history, test prep and more for high School and college

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O Un limited Access

Access to our en tire library of self-paced less on, any time., any where, even on the go. No more work ing around a class or tutor ' schedule

A. on a website

B. a letter to good lear


D. an ad for stude nts

chopping some wood. With his coat thrown aside, he was just wearing a shirt , a cap, and a pair of gloves.

It could be --20 C" Aren ' t you cold, Dad? w(”deredd “ No, ” Dad would reply. m “

not cold--- working too hard to be cold . ” Mantimes I wondered whether my father was extremely tough man, or whether he was foolish.

One time when I was quite young, perhaps five or so, I went ice fishing with Dad. It was a bright, clear day—and bitterly cold.

After we' dbeen out on the ice for a little while, my feet started getting cold. “ Daddy, my feet are cold. ” I said.

“Yeah, it ' s cold out here today, ” he repli e d .you what, ” he said. “Walk around. Make some circles in the snow. See how many differe nt patter ns you can make. That will get your feet warm.

I was just a little girl at the time but I kept thinking, “ Howsilly it is to walk around in the snow! Dad must be out of mind. ”

But there's no better way. So I had to make circles in the snow. Then I made squares. Pretty soon I found it so much to make patter ns in the snow. Gradually, I did feel much better.

Now, I know, from my personal experienee how my father was able to take hiscoat off and work outside in the win ter weari ng just a shirt, a cap and gloves. Because I do it, too.

"Aren 'yo u cold? "my husba nd asked one win ter day. “ No, "I replied. " I ' rmot cold —working too hard to be cold. " Hiope my husband has decided I ' nboth tough and smart.

But I guess quite a bit of the time he thinks I ' m foolish.

If Dad could know that, I 'm sure he will smile when I take my coat off while I 'm working outside in the wi nter.

No one can resist the force of n ature, but don't hole back because huma n will and wisdom are stro nger. ( )61. When the author was young, _______ .

A. she believed that her father was quite stro ng and brave

B. he father ofte n worked outside in the freez ing weather

C. her family was too poor to buy eno ugh clothes in winter

D. she always liked to play in the snow with her father

( )62. The father said “' m not cold- working too hard to be cold . "perhaps because __________ .

A. he was willing to work hard for his family and didn 'feel cold.

B. he was so tough and stro ng that he was not afraid of cold ness.

C. worki ng with lots of efforts could make himself warm.

D. he wan ted to comfort his family, and did n 'twa nt them to worry about him.

( )63. What did the author think of her father 's advice at first?

A. Popular and wise.

B. Stupid and useless.

C. Simple and effective.

D. Crazy and difficult

( )64. What can we NOT learn from the passage?

A. The author didn 'tunderstand her father's explanation until that day.

B. The author's husba nd knew her story and thought she tough and smart.

C. The author wrote the passage to remember her father.

D. Whe n the author made circles in the snow, she felt warm and thought it in terest ing.

( )65. The author mainly wants to tell us that _____ .

A. force of n ature is too great to con trol

B. one can lear n a lot from his pers onal experie nee

C. we can do a lot to face the n ature

D. the secret of happ in ess lies in enjoying what you do.


Tears clouded my eyes as I stood in our washing room, holding Brett's jeans and shirt full of burn holes.

Tired and defeated , I seated myself to the floor. The clothes were just one more thing Brett had destroyed. He ofte n got almost everyth ing in the house out of order. Many win dows in our house needed repairing due to his breaking in to steal money when he chose to live on the street. Yet none of this could compare to the emotional hurt Brett had done to our once peaceful home.

Brett came to live with us when he was 12 years old. During the next few years I had dealt with Brett as patie ntly as possible, but in side I was shout ing, "I don't want him in my house another day, Lord! " Having wiped my tears, I tried to treat him as before.

When Brett was nearly 18, he Ianded again in Juvenile Hall (看管所).After that, my husba nd and I had to send Brett to a board ing school for help ing troubled tee ns .

At the graduation ceremony , each graduate held a white rose to give to the person who had meant the most to him or her. Brett spoke lovingly to his parents and then spoke to me, "You did so much. You were always there, no matter what happened. My mom and dad, I am their kid. But you, although troubled eno ugh by me, always 15 me such love. And I want you to know I love you for it."

Surprised, I stood as Brett placed the white rose in my hand and hugged me tightly. At that mome nt, tears gathered in my eyes aga in, this time not for disappo in tme nt but for happ in ess.

Although I had struggled with sile nt an ger toward my steps on (继子),Brett had see n only my actions. We may not always have positive feelings about certain people in our lives, but we can love them.

( )66. The author couldn 'help shouting from her hear because _______.

A. she was tired of the heavy housework

B. she just couldn 'stand Brett any more

C. her husba nd brought too much trouble to her

D. there were lots of quarrels betwee n her and Brett

( )67. The word defeated' probably means “_________ ”.

A. shocked

B. frighte ned

C. beate n

D. moved

( )68. We can infer from the passage that ______ .

A. Brett was once sent to prison for stealing money

B. Brett was selfish and loved nobody but himself

C. the author's life used to be happy and peaceful before Brett moved in

D. the author only regarded Brett as her steps on and treated him poorly

( )69. About the white rose Brett placed in the author ' hand, these are true EXCEPT ________

A. it meant so much to her

B. it was a symbol of lobe and retur n

C. it drew the son and the mother closer

D. Brett found the author ' sile nt an ger in side

( )70. The best title of this passage might be “______ ”.

A. Love Is Actio n

B. Blood Is Thicker than Water

C. It' Never Too Late to Show Your Love

D. At Least You Have Me


leading to / mean / similar / lies / carry / leading into

71.1 wonder if it ' ________ to he Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Provinee.

72. They _______ people ' wishes to the families they love and miss.

73. He is _______ and only thinks about himself.

74. But beh ind all these things _____ the true meaning of Christmas.

75. Sometimes we even n eed to spe nd time ____ a request.

lifelo ng / active / born with / no ted / come up / create / conn ected with

76. The Internet is closely _______ our daily life. Can you imagine life without it?

77. Most pare nts try to _____ good life for their -kids.

78. All of us want to meet some pers ons who will turn to be our _____ frien ds.

79. He carefully ______ the time whe n they left the build ing.

80. The old gra ndma is over 80, but she is still very _____ .


As far as we know, Spring Festival is a precious time for families to get together. Though livi ng or work ing far away, people will man age to r _________________________81 home to enjoy the great family

reunion. We have jiaozi, greet with friends and r 82 and send best wishes to each other. So it's

gen erally r 83 as the most importa nt celebrati on of the year in China.

There are also a number of non-native holidays that are gaining popularity among the Chinese, such as Halloween, Christmas and Valentine ' Day.

In the past , these foreign holidays were only remembered and celebrated by those who worked for foreign companies or those who has studied or lived a 84 . But today many Chinese c—85- the holidays.

Valentine ' Day is mainly for young couples, while Halloween is most welcomed and celebrated by children. Christmas is becoming increasingly popular among the Chinese During the holiday, some shopping malls p . 86_ up Christmas tress. Many visitors write down their Christmas wishes and h 87 the notes on the trees. In just one or two days, he tress will be f 88 with all kinds of Christmas messages. For example, “ wish those who love me and whom I love happ in ess in the n est year.” May God bless my pare nts' health and happ in ess . ” “ hope my girlfriend will be admitted to a famous university.

Sociologists say the rising popularity of Christmas is d 89 to the cheerful and bright color of the holiday, because red is always the most popular holiday color in China. On Christmas, people may find that Santa Claus and t 90 red Chin ese lanterns go well together.

81 .r ________ 82. r ____________ 83. r _____________ 84. a ______________ 85. c ____________

86. p ________ 87 .h ___________ 88. f _____________ 89. d _____________ 90. t _____________


假设你(Mr. Brown)是一位英语专家,一名叫Wang Hai的学生向你请教如何才能





武汉二中广雅中学八年级(上)英语月考(四)二、选择填空(15分) ( )26.—I don’t know if am mother ________ tomorrow. --If she _______. I’ll meet her at the train station. A. will come; comes. B. comes; will come C. will come; will come. D. comes; comes ( )27.—What should we do when we have some useful material? --You can download and ________ it in your personal computer files. A. share B. copy C. save D. spare ( )28.—Who will _______ some wonderful games for Lily’s birthday party? --Her twin sister Lucy will. A. organize B. remember C. spend D. make ( )29.—Do you think Mr. Black is popular in the company? --Not really, sometimes his actions are out of ______ with his word. A. mind B. order C. question D. step ( )30.The roof of the house needs repairing. It’s raining now. You’d better get something to _______ the rain drops. A. catch B. cover C. carry D. control ( )31.He often makes ________ mistakes, because he doesn’t read ________. A. careful; carefully B. careless; careful C. careless; carefully. D. careful; carelessly ( )32.—Why did the boy fail the test again? --Just because he didn’t take his coach’s ______. A. thought B. advice C. effort D. courage ( )33. If you have problems, you shouldn’t ______ them to yourself.


树德中学高2017级二诊模拟考试英语试题 出题人:胡琴、张若婷、喻露 审题人:易波、钟焜 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30 分) 做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上, 录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 1. How does the man like to begin his lecture? A. With an introduction B. With a smile. C. With a funny story. 2. What will the woman probably do? A. Wait for the airport bus. B. Go to the airport by taxi. C. Take a taxi and go home. 3. When will the man have a meeting? A. In a minute. B. Tomorrow. C. In a couple of hours. 4. What is the man doing? A. Making a phone call. B. Making a visit. C. Making an appointment. 5. What might have happened? A. An earthquake. B. A fire. C. A gas accident. 第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。 6. Where does the man most probably live? A. In the countryside. B. In a big city. C. In America. 7. Why does the woman think that New York is the only place to live in? A. It has a large population. B. It offers a colorful and exciting life. C. It?s not only interesting but also quiet. 听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。 8. Where will the woman have her sailing holiday? A. In Italy. B. In Sweden. C. In Norway. 9. How much will the woman pay for her sailing holiday? A. £450. B. £380. C. £ 370.


2018-2019学年武汉二中广雅中学八年级第二学期段测数学试卷 一、选择题 1.有理数3的相反数是() A.﹣3B.﹣C.3D. 2.若式子在实数范围内有意义,则x的取值范围是() A.x≤﹣3B.x≥﹣3C.x<﹣3D.x>﹣3 3.一个不透明的盒子里有n个除颜色外其他完全相同的小球,其中有9个黄球,每次摸球前先将盒子里的球摇匀,任意摸出一个球记下颜色后再放回盒子,通过大量重复摸球实验后发现,摸到黄球的频率稳定在0.3,那么估计摸到黄球的概率为() A.0.3B.0.7C.0.4D.0.6 4.下列图形中既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是() A.B.C.D. 5.由几个大小相同的小正方体组成的立体图形的俯视图如图所示,则这个立体图形应是下图中的() A.B. C.D. 6.《九章算术》是中国古代第一部数学专著,它对我国古代后世的数学家产生了深远的影响,该书中记载了一个问题,大意是:有几个人一起去买一件物品,每人出8元,多3元;每人出7元,少4元,问有多少人?该物品价几何?设有x人,物品价值y元,则所列方程组正确的是() A.B. C.D. 7.一个不透明的袋中有四张完全相同的卡片,把它们分别标上数字1、2、3、4.随机抽取一张卡片,然

后放回,再随机抽取一张卡片,则两次抽取的卡片上数字之积为偶数的概率是() A.B.C.D. 8.如图是某月的日历表,在此日历表上可以用一个长方形圈出2×2个位置相邻的4个数,若圈出的4个数的和为52,则最大数与最小数的积为() A.153B.272C.128D.105 9.如图,△ABE中,点A、B是反比例函数y=(k≠0)图象上的两点,点E在x轴上,延长线段AB 交y轴于点C,点B恰为线段AC中点,过点A作AD⊥x轴于点D.若S△ABE=,DE=2OE,则k 的值为() A.6B.﹣6C.9D.﹣9 10.如图,在矩形ABCD中,AD=80cm,AB=40cm,半径为8cm的⊙O在矩形内且与AB、AD均相切.现有动点P从A点出发,在矩形边上沿着A→B→C→D的方向匀速移动,当点P到达D点时停止移动; ⊙O在矩形内部沿AD向右匀速平移,移动到与CD相切时立即沿原路按原速返回,当⊙O回到出发时的位置(即再次与AB相切)时停止移动.已知点P与⊙O同时开始移动,同时停止移动(即同时到达各自的终止位置).当⊙O到达⊙O1的位置时(此时圆心O1在矩形对角线BD上),DP与⊙O1恰好相切,此时⊙O移动了()cm.


武汉市第二初级中学&武汉二广雅中学九年级起点考语文试卷 一、(共36分,每小题3分) 1.下列注音和书写全部正确的一项是() A. 恍惚.(hū)戛.然而止丘壑.牺牲玉帛.(jǐn) B. 禆.将(pí)余音绕梁.穿凿.引刀自刭.(jīng) C. 阴翳.(yí)觥.筹交错思忖.锲.而不舍(q) D. 濡.染(rú)形貌昳.丽驰骋.屏.气凝神(bǐng) 2. 下列词语依次填入空格最恰当的一项是() 纵览古今中外,大凡功绩_____________者,均能朝夕,抢__________,把时间最大限度地____________起来,这样就等于_____________了自己的生命。 A. 卓越时间运用延伸 B. 卓著分秒利用延长 C. 卓著时间运用延长 D. 卓越分秒利用延伸 3. 下面各项中,有语病的一项是() A. 根据中国铁路总公司的最新规定,在动车组列车上吸烟被公安机关依法处罚的乘客, 将被列入黑名单并限制购买全国各车次动车组车票。 B.中考要考查初中学生升入高中后维继续学习的潜在能力,既要考查初中学习的基础知 识、基方法和基本技能,又要考查学科水平和能力。 C. 央视曾以“黄的楼里画鹤人”专题报道余楚民的鹤画创作,并因此成了黄鹤楼的一道 风景,成为名楼文化的一部分。 D. 中国文物学会20世纪建筑遗产委员会确定并公布,武汉6处建筑入选首批中国20 世纪建筑遗产,这反映了武汉在近现代中国的历史地位。 4. 下列各句标点符号使用不规范的一项是() A. 加大公共服务投资力度,可以增加有利于供给结构升级、弥补小康短板、城乡区域 协调、增强发展后劲等方面的投资。 B. 多年来这位芭蕾舞演员除到国内各地外,还到国外许多地方巡回演出,获得极大成功, 一时蜚声舞坛,倾倒无数观众,毋庸置疑,,其艺术造语已使其同行望尘莫及。 C. 战后亚洲发展的力程和经验启示我们:不管处于什么样的发展阶段,我们都应该坚持 睦邻友好的原则,不为一些小的摩擦和矛盾所千扰。 D.亚洲文明的多样性、包容性,可以让我们凝聚共识的过程中迸发出新的火花,齐 心协力走新未来。 5. 下列句子中实词解释错误的一项是() A. 楚人未既.济已经 B. 牺牲玉帛,弗敢加.也增加 C. 王之蔽.甚矣被蒙蔽 D. 闻.寡人之耳听到, 听说 6. 下列句子中实词解释错误的一项是() A. 伛偻 ..提携指老人 B. 吾妻之美我者,私.我也私心 C. 其射,见敌急.逼近 D. 阴.受上诫私下,暗地里 二、阅读下面的说明文,完成7—9小题。武汉教育资源网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/969954545.html, 严禁转载 谈关于“中华文字”的憧憬 中华文化的标志是汉字。 当然,中华文化的标志很多,各方面都能体现出中华文化的博大精深,但是,汉字是最简练、最直接的标志载体,历史上所有出现过的思想上的东西都有赖于汉字的记录,它在沟通人思想上简便又易行。 中华文字是中华儿女向世界奉献出的一份珍贵厚礼。 人们感受客观世界最直接的是眼和耳、解决声音,眼解决形象,形是客观的,有外界的标准物;声音是约定的,有限的,耳眼兼施,自然互补,在人们认识客现世界上相得益彰。为了记录,为了交流,为了传衍,人们有了“语言”,随之有了“文”。文字超越了语言的时间、空间限制,特别在人类传衍文化上有了极大的意义。


武汉二中广雅中学九年级英语中考模拟(一) 笔试部分(95分) II.单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) ( )26 . --Do you think I could borrow your pen? --________. A .Yes , you may borrow B. Yes , you could C. Yes , go on D. Yes , help yourself ( )27 . -- How is everything going ? --______ . A . Everything is finished B .Nothing has been done C. Not so bad,you know D. Not doing wrong , you see ( )28 . --I had a really good weekend at my uncle's. --_______ . A . Oh , that's very nice of you B . Congratulations C. It's a pleasure D . Oh , I' m glad to hear that ( )29. I________ basketball quite well,but I haven't had time to play since last month. A. will play B. have played C. played D. play ( )30 --Jenny is not coming for the ball tonight. –But she _______. A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised ( )31 --How are you today ? -- Oh , I _________ as ill as I do now for a long time. A. didn’t feel B . wasn't fooling C . don’t feel D . haven’t felt ( )32 . –I don’t like reading _______ watching TV. What about you? --I don’t like reading all day, ______ I like watching TV news. A. and; or B. and and C. or ;and D. or; but ( )33 . --I have never forgotten the song " My heart will go o n ”. - Neither have I.The words of the song are still _______in my mind. A. educational B. present C. creative D . traditional ( )34 . -- Why is the man so angry ? --Because he just _____ his son stealing the money from his wallet. A. reminded B. kept C . brought D. caught ( )35 . --Will Kate come with us tonight ? -- She ______, but she's not sure yet. A . can B. may C. must D. will ( )36.-- Mike , where are you going this summer vacation? -- It's a secret, but my idea is taking in my mind. A. steps B. photos C. shape D. action ( ) 37 . -- What did the manager do just now ? --He _______ to me to enter his office. A. suggested B. signed C. greeted D. agreed ( )38. – Ms Li , our basketball team beat East Team. --Well done. Each player of our team ______ a great performance. A. put out B. put off C. put away D. put up ( )39.—Which do you like, Sue? --______. I think they’re both ugly. A. None B. Either C. Neither D. Each ( )40.—How do you like the movie “Dangal”? --Educational and it’s hard for us to imagine _______.

2018-2019学年下学期湖北省武汉二中广雅中学七年级(下)数学训练卷一 解析版

2018-2019学年武汉二中广雅中学七年级(下)段测数学试卷(一)一.选择题(共10小题) 1.的平方根是() A.3B.﹣3C.±3D.±9 2.已知=2.449,不再利用其他工具,下列各式能确定近似值的是()A.B.C.D. 3.下列命题是真命题的是() A.若x>y,则x2>y2B.若|a|=|b|,则a=b C.若a>|b|,则a2>b2D.若a<1,则a> 4.下列图形中,∠1与∠2是对顶角的是() A.B. C.D. 5.在数学课上,同学们在练习过点B作线段AC所在直线的垂线段时,有部分同学画出了下列四种图形,其中画法正确的是() A.图①B.图②C.图③D.图④ 6.如图,下列条件中,能判断AB∥CD的是() A.∠1=∠2B.∠3=∠2 C.∠3=∠4D.∠C+∠ADC=180° 7.将长方形纸片ABCD折叠,使D与B重合,点C落在C′处,折痕为EF,若∠AEB=70°,则∠EFC′的度数是()

A.125°B.120°C.115°D.110° 8.下列命题中,假命题的个数是() ①在同一平面内,过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行 ②两条直线被第三条直线所截,同位角相等 ③直线外一点与直线上所有点的连线中,垂线段最短 ④图形在平移过程中,对应线段平行且相等 A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个 9.把图中的一个三角形先横向平移x格,再纵向平移y格,可以与另一个三角形拼合成一些不同形状的四边形.那么移动的总格数(x+y)的值() A.是一个确定的值B.有两个不同的值 C.有三个不同的值D.有三个以上不同的值 10.如图,CD∥AB,BC平分∠ACD,CF平分∠ACG, ∠BAC=40°,∠1=∠2,则下列结论: ①CB⊥CF;②∠1=70°;③∠ACE=2∠4;④∠3=2∠4, 其中正确的是() A.①②③B.①②④C.②③④D.①②③④二.填空题(共6小题) 11.平方根等于它本身的数是,算术平方根等于它本身的数是.


宜宾市高2017级第二次诊断测试英语 (考试时间:120分钟满分:150分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 A. By plane. B. By bike. C. By train. 2. Where are the speakers? A. In a bar. B. In a supermarket. C. In a hospital. 3. Why does the man come here? A. He wants to buy something. B. He wants to see the manager. C. He wants to get his money back. 4. What does the woman mean? A. She will go to the party with David. B. She won’t go to the party with anybody. C. She doesn’t want David to go to the party. 5. How much is the radio now? A. 20. B. 25. C. 30. 第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。 请听第6段材料, 回答第6至第8题。 6. What happened to the man? A. He was given a prize. B. He lost his job. C. He had a leave off. 7. How did the man feel about his boss’s decision? A. He didn’t understand it. B. He understood it very well. C. He thought it completely wrong. 8. What was the man unable to do? A. To use a printer. B. To use a typewriter. C. To use a computer. 请听第7段材料,回答第9至第11题。 9. What’s the man’s advice? A. To keep studying. B. To get a job. C. To have a holiday. 10. What is the woman going to study according to her parents? A. Performance. B. Law. C. Economics. 11. Why does the woman want to work? A. To get enough money. B. To have fun. C. To make friends. 请听第8段材料,回答第12至第14题。 12. What does the man think of the woman’s cooking? A. Excellent. B. Bad. C. So-so. 13. What does the woman advise the man to do? A. Learn how to cook from her.


武汉市第二初级中学&武汉二中广雅中学 九年级(上)数学质量评估(一) (试卷满分:120分 考试时间:120分钟 命题人:金鑫 刘颖丹) 一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.式子2-x 在实数范围内有意义,则x 的取值范围是( ) A .0≥x B .2≤x C .2x ≥- D .2≥x 2.将一元二次方程x x 58142=+化为一般形式后,常数项为81,二 次项系数和一次项系数分别为( ) A .4,5 B .4,-5 C .4,81 D .x x 542 -, 3.若3=x 是关于x 的一元二次方程230x mx --=的一个解,则m 的值是( ) A .2 B .1 C .0 D .-2 4.如果函数72)2(2 2-+-=-x x m y m 是二次函数,则m 的取值范围是( ) A .2±=m B . 2=m C . 2-=m D .m 为全体实数 5.一元二次方程0522=+-x x 的根的情况是( ) A .有两个相等的实数根 B .没有实数根 C .有两个不相等的实数根 D .无法确定 6.用配方法解方程0182 =+-x x ,下列变形正确的是 ( ) A .(x -4)2=15 B .1742 =+)(x C .6382 =-)(x D . 5682 =+)(x 7.新冠病毒主要是经呼吸道飞沫传播的,在无防护下传播速度很快,已知有1个人患了新冠,经过两轮传染后共有625个人患了新冠,每轮传染中平均一个人传染m 人,则m 的值为( ) A .24 B .25 C .26 D .27 8.关于x 的一元 次方程0242 =+-n x x 无实数根,则一次函数n x n y +=)(-2的图象不经过( ) A . 第一象限 B . 第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 9.如图,正方形ABCD 和正方形CEFG ,点G 在CD 上,AB =5,CE =2,T 为AF 的中点,则CT 的长是( ) A . 2 7 B . 4 C . 29 D . 2 58 10.设,21111221++ =a ,31211222++=a ,41311223++=a ……,1n 11122n ) (+++=n a 其中n 为正整数,则2020321...a a a a ++++的值是( ) A .2020 2019 2020 B . 2021 2020 2020 C .202120202021 D .2022 2021 2021 二、填空题(共6小箱,每小题3分,共18分) 11.计算= 4 , =- 31 ,=22-)( . 12.为锻炼身体,增强抵抗力.某学习小组6名同学一周锻炼身体的时间(单位:小时),分别为4,3,2,5,5,6这组数据的众数是________


武汉市第二初级中学&武汉二中广雅中学 九年级(下)英语中考模拟(二) 听力部分(25分) 一、听力测试。(共三节) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5个问题。每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。 () 1. A Tom’s father B. He’s sick. C. Very soon. () 2. A. For the guests. B. Two chairs. C. At night. () 3. A. In a week. B. By plane. C. With my brother. () 4. A. Some delicious food. B. At Mary’s home. C. At 7 tonight. () 5. A. It’s dirty. B. On the playground. C. Not expensive. 第二节(共7小题,每小题1分,满分7分) 听下面7段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 ()6. What does the man think of the coffee? A. Too sweet. B. Not strong enough. C. Not weak. ()7. How many guests will arrive? A. 8. B. 10. C. 12. ()8. What are they talking about? A. A parking lot. B. An apartment. C. A hotel. ()9. Where are they talking? A. At a store. B. At a house. C. In a hotel. ()10. Where did the conversation take place? A. In a kitchen. B. In a garden. C. At a picnic. ()11. What is the probably relationship between the two speakers? A. Interviewer and interviewee B. Teacher and student. C. Boss and secretary. ()12. What does the man mean? A. Drunk drivers are not guilty. B. He doesn’t agree with the woman. C.Drunk driving is a serious problem. 第三节(共13小题,每小题1分,满分13分)https://www.wendangku.net/doc/969954545.html, 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答13至15三个小题。


宜宾市高2017级第一次诊断测试 英语 (考试时间:120分钟满分:150分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将 试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 答案是C。 1. What do the speakers need to buy? A. A fridge B. A few chairs. C. A dinner table. 2. Where are the speakers? A. In a restaurant. B. In a hotel. C. In a school. 3. What does the woman mean? A. Cathy won’t be invited. B. Cathy is sure to come. C. Cathy will be invited. 4. Why does the woman plan to go to town? A. To pay her bills in the bank. B. To buy books in a bookstore. C. To get some money from the bank. 5. What is the woman trying to do? A. Finish some writing. B. Print an article. C. Find a newspaper. 第二节(共15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,每题中所给的 A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答6、7题。 6. What is the man doing? A. Changing seats on the plane. B. Asking for a window seat. C. Trying to find his seat. 7. What is the woman’s seat number? A. 6A B. 7A C. 8A


武汉市第二初级中学&武汉二中广雅中学 2017—-2018学年度下学期期中考试 八年级数学试卷 (考试时于间:120分钟 满分:120分) 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.若x -在实数范围内有意义,则x 的取值范围为( ) A.x ≥0 B.x ≤0 C.x=0 D.x 为任意实数 2.下列二次根式中与2是同类二次根式的是( ) A.12 B.23 C.3 2 D.18 3.能判定一个四边形是菱形的条件是( ) A.对角线互相平分,一组邻角相等 B.两组对边分别相等,对角线互相平分 C.两组对角分别相等,对角线互相垂直 D.对角线互相垂直,一组邻边相等 4.下列计算正确的有( ) A.532=+ B.2332=- C.3262=? D.222 1= 5.如图,在直角坐标系中,OABC 的顶点A(1,4),C(5,0),则B 的坐标为( ) 第5题 第6题 第8题 A.(5,4) B.(6,4) C.(6,5) D.(5,6)

6.如图所示,一个圆柱体高8cm,底面直径 π 12cm,一只蚂蚁从点A 爬到点B 处吃食,要爬行的最短路程是( ) A.12cm B.10cm C.20cm D.(812+π )cm 7.菱形周长为125cm,它的一条对角线长6cm,则菱形的面积为( )cm 2 A.48 B.12 C.24 D.36 8.如图,Rt △ABC 中,∠BAC=90°AB=6,BC=10,AD 、AE 分别是其角平分线和中线,过点B 作BG ⊥AD 于G,交AC 于F,连接EG,则线段EG 的长为( ) A.21 B.1 C.2 3 D.2 9.如图,Rt △ABC 中,∠ACB=90°,∠ABC=30°,分别以△ABC 的三条边为直径作半圆,则图中阴影部分的面积S 1、S2、S 之间的关系成立的是( ) A.S 1+S 2+S 3=π B.S 1+S 2=S 3 C.S 1+S 2>S 3 D.S 1+S 2<S 3 10.如图,正方形ABCD 中,M 为AB 上一点,DM 交AC 于G,DM 的垂直平分线PQ 交AC 于Q,交正方形的边于E 、F,连接MQ,则下列结论:①∠AQM=∠ADM ;②BM=2CQ ;③AQ AM AB +为定值;④222GQ QC AG =+;⑤PQ=PE+QF,其中正确的结论有( ) 第9题 第10题 A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 二、填空题(每小题3分,共18分) 11.计算()==÷=22-1______65321_____49;;__________.


南充高中高2017级线上第三次月考英语答案 1-5ACAAB6-10CABCB11-15CBBAB16-20AACBC 21-23ABD24-27DCAD28-31ACBC32-35BCAC 36-40GFDAB 41-45CABBA46-50CDDCB51-55BABCA56-60ADDCD 61.promoting62.made63.lined64.which65.highly 66.with67.paintings68.a69.engagement70.them I will never forget that at the age of12I was asked to deliver a speech entitled An Unforgettable Experience before the whole class!How terrible shy I was the moment terribly I thought of that.I had no choice but prepare for it,though.First,I drafted the speech, to which was easy.But the hardest part lies in my oral presentation.The real moment lay began as I stood on the platform with my legs trembled and my mind blank.But my trembling listener were waiting patiently.Gradually I found myself back,giving out my speech listeners fluently.After which seemed to be ages,I found my audience applauding.I made it! what From then on,my fear disappeared.Actually with your confidence building up,I now my turn out to be the great speaker.Looking at back,I know the greatest difficulty on the a way to success is fear.Overcome it,or you will be able to achieve your goals. and 书面表达: Dear Steven, I’m writing to invite you to watch a documentary about the development of5G technology in China,which will be shown in the Student Center from9am to11am this Saturday. The documentary is presented in Chinese with English subtitles,which allows you to understand it more easily.Not only will the detailed information on China’s communication technology be introduced,but also some precious pictures will be shown,where the construction of China’s5G communication networks is recorded. I’m sure this documentary will contribute a lot to your understanding of5G technology.Therefore,if you’re interested in this documentary and available then please e-mail me to confirm your participation at your earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, Li Hua.


武汉市第二初级中学&武汉二中中广雅中学 九年级(下)数学训练卷(八) 满分:120分 考试时间120 分钟 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1、有理数-8的绝对值是( ) A 、-8 B 、 8 C 、-81 D 、81 2、函数y=x 32中自变量的取值范围是( ) A 、 x>3 B 、.x<3 c 、x ≠3 D 、x ≠-3 3、袋于中装有10个黑球、1个白球它们除颜色外无其他差别,随机从袋子中摸出一个球,则( ) A 、这个球一定是黑球 B 、摸到黑球、白球的可能性的大小一样 C 、这个球可能是白球 D 、事先能确定摸到什么颜色的球 4.如图汽车标志中不是中心对称图形的是( ) A B C D 5、如围所示的几何体的俯视图是( ) 6、古代有这样一个寓言故事:驴子和骡子一同走,它们驮着不同袋数的货物,每袋货物都是一样重的,驴子抱怨负担太重,骡子说:“你抱怨干吗?如果你给我一袋,那我所负担的就是你的两倍;如果我给你一袋, 我们才恰好驮的一样多!”那么驴子原来所驮货物的袋数是( ) A 、5 B 、6 C 、7 D 、8 7、两个正四面体骰子的各面上分别标明数字1.2, 3, 4,如同时投掷这两个正四面体骰子,则着地的面所得的点数之和等于5的概率为( ) A 、41 B 、163 C 、43 D 、8 3 8.、如图,在平面直角坐标系中,⊙P 与x 轴相切于原点O,平行于y 轴的直线交⊙P 于MN 两点,若点M 的坐标是(4,-2),则点N 的坐标是( ) A 、(4,-4) B 、(4,-5) C 、.(4,-6) D 、(4,一8)

9、如图,在平面直角坐标系中,半径均为1个单位长度的半圆01、O 2、O 3、…组成一条平滑的曲线。点P 从原点O 出发,府这条曲线向右运动,速度为秒2π个单位长度,则第2019秒时, 点P 的坐标是( ) A 、 (2018,0) B 、(2019, 1) C 、 (2019,-1) D 、(2019,0) 10、对于题目“二次函数y=4 3(x 一m)2+m ,当2m 一3≤x ≤2m 时,y 的最小值是1,求m 的值。” 甲的结果是m=1,乙的结果是m=-2,则( ) A 、甲的结果正确 B.乙的结果正确 C 、甲,乙的结果合在一起不正确 D 、甲、乙的结果合在一起才正确 二、填空题(每小圈3分,共18分) 11、计算:27的立方根是 ; 12、对于一组统计数据3,3, 6, 5,3.这组数据的中位数是 。 13、化简(1+ x 1)●1 2-x x 的结果是 。 14、在反比例y=x m 21-图象上有两点A (x 1,y 1),B (x 2,y 2)x 1<0


武汉二中广雅中学七年级(上)英语月考(一) 二.单项选择 21答案:B。根据前面的问句得知是复数,因此回答也用复数。 Are they dancing? Yes,they are. Y es,they are. Can I pick one? Are these elephants? Y es,they are. 22答案:D。根据句意应该是我的老师,因此用my,她的名字是Wang Fang,前面说到她是个女人,因此用her。 Her house is like cat heaven. Every man has his weak side. Please come to my office now. 23 √答案:C。词语辨析,"oranges"橙子;后面的回答应该用小写,因此排除A、B。Snow is cold and white. Black is the color of night. Take away five oranges. 24 √答案:D。固定搭配,其他选项不符合题目问题要求,句意是要拼写出来。 A golden key can open any door. How do you spell that, please? These children can not spell . 25答案:A。根据句意这是你的房间吗,lucy,不是的,是lily的房间。 Is it your first time there? Sure. What can I do for you? I hope it fits on her finger. 26答案:C。根据逻辑排除A、B,句意这是你的卷笔刀,不是的,这是她的卷笔刀。 Her opinion is all my eye. Is this book yours or hers? Please come to my office now. 27答案:A。名词的第一个字母是元音就用an。 Is it an orange, Is it a pear. It was, however, an exception. He has a book about world records. 28答案:C。固定搭配,"that's all right"不要紧;"that's right"就是那样;"all right"好的。 All right, I'll be back soon. Sometimes that's right. That's all right. Now can I pay by traveler's check? 29 √答案:A。固定搭配,句意这是什么,是B。 What is this clothes made of? What's this in English, Ben? What's this? Is this a pear? 30答案:C。固定搭配,"learn all by herself"全是自己学会的。 She can't walk by herself. Y es, she's now able to walk all by herself Jane gave me her last pea

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