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第Ⅰ卷 (选择题)






第一节 (共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


例:How much is the shirt ?





1. Who are the two speakers talking about?

A.Their student.

B.Their daughter.

C.Susan’s teacher.

2. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a library.

B.In a classroom.

C.In a computer shop.

3.What food will the man probably have?

A. Beef.

B. Fish.

C. Noodles

4. What does the man mean?

A.The woman shouldn’t take a difficult job.

B.The woman’s old job is very satisfying.

C.The woman should do the job in Manhattan.

5. What did the man probably think of his train ride?

A. Relaxing.

B. Boring.

C. Exciting.



6.Where is the woman going?

A. Her house.

B. Sixth Avenue.

C. West 22nd Street.

7.What do we know from the conversation?

A.It is going to rain soon.

B.The woman is in a rush.

C.The traffic is heavy at the moment.


8. How long will the woman have to walk before she gets to the subway station?

A. About five minutes.

B. About ten minutes.

C. About fifteen minutes.

9.What does the woman come to the city for?

A.To visit a friend.

B.To do some sightseeing.

C.To deal with business.


10. For whom does the man want to buy the dress?

A.His mother.

B.His sister.

C. His wife.

11. What color dress does the man choose?

A. Green.

B. Purple.

C. Grey.

12. What does the man want to know at the end of the conversation?

A. How to pay for the item.

B. Where to sign his name.

C.Whether the item can be exchanged.

听第九段材料,回答第13 -16题。

13. When did the woman really start to like football?

A.When she came to London.

B. When she returned to Montreal.

C. When she came to New Jersey.

14. How long has the man been in London?

A.One year.

B. Two years

C. Three years

15. What does the man think of soccer?

A.It is a confusing sport.

B.It’s not interesting.

C.It’s not violent enough.

16.What does the woman say about Euro 2012 football tournament?

A. There are a lot of goals.

B.She has watched every game.

C.She likes the style of playing


17. What kind of job did the speaker have last year?

A.A secretary.

B. A shopkeeper.

C.A general manager.

18. Why did the speaker feel confident that she could find a new job soon?

A.She was quite experienced

B.She had been offered several jobs.

C.She wasn’t demanding a high salary.

19. How long had the speaker been out of a job?

A.For about one month.

B.For about two months.

C.For about three months

20.What is the speaker doing?

A.Asking for advice.

B.Sharing her experience.

C. Making an introduction.





On Nov. 18, 1995, Itzhak Perlman, the violinist, came on stage to give a concert at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center in New York City.

If you have ever been to a Perlman concert,you know that getting on stage is no small achievement for him.He was stricken with polio (小儿麻痹症) as a child,and so he has braces (支架) on both legs and walks with the aid of two crutches (双拐).

He walks painfully, yet majestically, until he reaches his chair.Then he sits down,slowly, puts his crutches on the floor, undoes the clasps on his legs,tucks one foot back and extends the other foot forward.Then he bends down and picks up the violin, puts it under his chin,nods to the conductor and proceeds to play.

But this time,something went wrong.Just as he finished the first few bars (小节),one of the strings on his violin broke. You could hear it snap (嘣断) --- it went off like gunfire across the room. There was no mistaking what that meant. There was no mistaking what he had to do.

We figured that he would have to get up, put on the clasps again, pick up the crutches and limp his way off stage-to either find another violin or else find another string for this one.But he didn’t. Ins tead, he waited a moment,closed his eyes and then signaled the conductor to begin again.

The orchestra began, and he played from where he had left off. And he played with such passion and such power and such purity as they had never heard before.

When he finished, there was an awesome silence in the room. And then people rose and cheered.He smiled,wiped the sweat from this brow, raised his bow to quit us,and then he said in a quiet tone.“You know, sometimes it is the artist’s task to find out how m uch music you can still make with what you have left.’’

21.By saying “getting on stage is no small achievement for him”, the author really means .

A.it’s very difficult for Itzhak Perlman to play the violin with three strings

B.it’s not easy fo r Itzhak Perlman to get on the stage because he is disabled

C.it’s not easy for ltzhak Perlman to face such a large audience

D.it’s really great achievements for ltzhak Perlman to play the violin with three strings

22.Itzhak Perlman when one of the strings of the violin broke.

A.gave up playing

B.didn’t know what to do

C.went on playing the same piece of music

D.went on playing a different piece of music

23.Itzhak Perlman can be best described as a man who is .

A.clever B.strong willed C.humorous D.quite skilled


Beer and fried chicken — Thanks to a South Korean drama currently on air, Man From the Stars, this new mix-and-match junk food trend has become popular among young audiences, despite its unhealthy nature. Indeed, South Korean TV dramas, or K-drama for short, have been a major force in the South Korean pop-culture wave that has captured the hearts of young Chinese audiences. According to iQiyi, a video website that features Man From the Stars, by Feb 15, the number of views for the TV drama hit 370


宁夏民族职业技术学院2017年分类考试招生简章 学院简介: 宁夏民族职业技术学院是经自治区人民政府批准,教育部备案的公办全日制普通高等职业院校。学院坚持高职、中职、成人学历教育及培训和技能鉴定等多层次办学,具有颁发全日制职业技术大、中专层次学历证书和中、高级国家职业资格证书的资质。 学院现有教职工402人,其中专职教师284人。副教授以上教师83人, 讲师65人,“双师型”教师95人,研究生学历教师49人,英语、阿语外教2人。 学院地处吴忠市“黄河金岸”核心区,占地1000亩。全日制在校生近7000人,初步建成价值5258万元,可供数控、汽车检修、机电、财会、护理、室内设计、阿语、学前教育等15个专业进行实训的100余个实验室、实训车间。 学院设有“七系三部三中心”,即经济管理系、机电工程系、外语系、教育系、幼儿教育系、艺术设计系、康复与护理系;中等职业教育部、继续教育部、马克思主义教学科研部;实训设备管理中心、残疾人培训中心、现代信息中心。现设置高职专业27个(招生专业16个),中职专业16个(招生专业10个),成人学历教育专科专业16个、专升本专业8个。有自治区级骨干专业3个(机电一体化技术、室内艺术设计、学前教育)。有中央财政支持建设的骨干专业2个(应用阿拉伯语、学前教育)。同时,附设国家职业技能鉴定所、全国第一个阿语商贸服务专项职业能力考点、宁夏阿语翻译人才培训培养基地、中国长江三峡集团公司(宁夏)残疾人职业教育培训基地、农村劳动力职业技能培训基地、城乡特困家庭援助就业培训基地、吴忠市少数民族人才培养基地、吴忠市创业培训实训基地等各类培训基地16个,为学生取得“双证书”提供平台。


阅读理解 专题一广告信息类 2018年 Passage 1 2018全国卷Ⅰ,6分话题:骑自行车在华盛顿特区观光词数:274 Washington,D.C. Bicycle Tours Cherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington, D.C. Duration:3 hours This small group bike tour is a fantastic way to see the world-famous cherry trees with beautiful flowers of Washington, D.C. Your guide will provide a history lesson about the trees and the famous monuments where they blossom. Reserve your spot before availability —and the cherry blossoms — disappear! Washington Capital Monuments Bicycle Tour Duration:3 hours(4 miles) Join a guided bike tour and view some of the most popular monuments in Washington, D.C. Explore the monuments and memorials on the National Mall as your guide shares unique facts and history at each stop. Guided tour includes bike, helmet, cookies and bottled water. Capital City Bike Tour in Washington, D.C. Duration:3 hours Morning or Afternoon, this bike tour is the perfect tour for D.C. newcomers and locals looking to experience Washington, D.C. in a healthy way with minimum effort. Knowledgeable guides will entertain you with the most interesting stories about Presidents, Congress, memorials, and parks. Comfortable bikes and a smooth tour route(路线) make cycling between the sites fun and relaxing. Washington Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tour Duration:3 hours(7 miles) Join a small group bike tour for an evening of exploration in the heart of Washington, D.C. Get up close to the monuments and memorials as you bike the sites of Capitol Hill and the National Mall. Frequent stops are made for photo taking as your guide offers unique facts and history. Tour includes bike, helmet, and bottled water. All riders are equipped with reflective vests and safety lights. 1. Which tour do you need to book in advance? A. Cherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington, D.C. B. Washington Capital Monuments Bicycle Tour. C. Capital City Bike Tour in Washington, D.C. D. Washington Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tour. 2. What will you do on the Capital City Bike Tour? A. Meet famous people. B. Go to a national park. C. Visit well-known museums. D. Enjoy interesting stories. 3. Which of the following does the bicycle tour at night provide? A. City maps. B. Cameras. C. Meals.


银川一中2019届高三年级第一次月考化学 试卷 银川一中2019届高三年级第一次月考化学试卷 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。其中第Ⅱ卷第33~40题为选考题,其它题为必考题。考生作答时,将答案写在答题卡上,在本试卷上答题无效。 第Ⅰ卷(共126分) 可能用到的相对原子质量(原子量):H-1 O-16 S-32 C-12 N-14 Al-27 Cu-64 一、选择题:本题包括13小题。每小题6分,共78分,每小题只有一个选项符合题意。 7.下列说法正确的是 A.冰醋酸、纯碱、芒硝、生石灰分别属于酸、碱、盐、氧化物 B.电解质在水溶液和熔融状态下均能导电 C.PM2.5是细小颗粒物悬浮在空气中形成胶体,严重危害人体健康 D.血液透析利用了胶体的性质 8.设NA为阿伏加德罗常数的值。下列说法正确的是 A.质量a g的C2H4和C3H6的混合物中共用电子对数目为3a NA /14 B.常温下,pH=13的NaOH溶液中含有OH一的数目为0.1NA

C.常温常压下,14g由N2与CO组成的混合气体含有的原子数目为2NA D.1L 1molL-1的NaClO 溶液中含有ClO-的数目为NA 9.能正确表示下列反应的离子方程式的是 A.将Cl2通入氯化亚铁溶液Fe2+ + Cl2 = Fe3+ + 2Cl- B.铜与浓硝酸的反应:Cu + 4HNO3 (浓)= Cu 2+ + 2NO3- +2NO2+ 2H2O C.Ca(HCO3)2溶液与过量NaOH溶液反应: HCO3-+Ca2++OH-=CaCO3+H2O D.向FeBr2溶液中通入足量氯气:2Fe2++4Br-+3Cl2=2 Fe3++2 Br2+6 Cl- 10.常温下,下列各组离子一定能大量共存的是 A.甲基橙变红的溶液中:Cu2+、Al3+、NO3-、I- B.氢氧化铁胶体中:H+、K+、SO42-、Br- C.含有大量的CO32-溶液中: NH4+、Na+、SO42-、Cl- D.c(Al3+)=0.1 molL-1的溶液中:Na+、Cl-、HCO3-、SO42- 11.据统计,银川市的机动车保有量每年以15%至20%的速度增长,交通事故也频发;汽车在剧烈碰撞时,安全气囊中发生反应10NaN3+2KNO3==K2O+5Na2O+16N2。则下列判断正确的是 A.还原剂与氧化产物的物质的量之比为5:8 B.若氧化产物比还原产物多1.4mol则转移电子为1mol


高考英语试题分类汇编阅 读理解 RUSER redacted on the night of December 17,2020

2017年高考英语试题分类汇编——阅读理解(2016湖南) A L1PITOR

56. What is a major function of Lipitor A. To help quit smoking. B. To control blood pressure. C. To improve unhealthy diet. D. To lower "bad" cholesterol. 57. Taking Lipitor is helpful for . A. breast-feeding women B. women who are pregnant C. adults having heart disease D. teenagers with liver problems. 58. If it has been over 12 hours since you missed a dose, you should A. change the amount of your next dose B. eat more when taking your next dose C. have a dose as soon as you remember D. take the next dose at your regular time 59. Which of the following is a common side effect of taking Lipitor A. Face swelling. B. Upset stomach. C. Kidney failure. D. Muscle weakness.


2019年宁夏高职院校分类考试 财经商贸类职业技能测试大纲 一、本大纲为财经商贸类各专业中职升高职职业技能考试的考试依据。 二、本大纲适合财经商贸类高职各专业。 三、考试形式:闭卷,试卷满分450分。 四、考试时间:180分钟。 会计类专业职业技能测试大纲 第一部分说明 本《大纲》适用于普通高等学校高等职业教育财经商贸大类的财务会计类、统计类、财政税务类等专业类,包括会计、财务管理、审计、会计信息管理、统计与会计核算、信息统计与分析、财政、税务、资产评估与管理、政府采购管理等专业。 第二部分考试大纲 一、总论 【基本要求】 1. 了解会计的概念、会计对象、会计目标、基本特征、基本职能 2. 掌握会计基本假设 3. 掌握收付实现制与权责发生制 4. 掌握会计信息质量要求 二、会计要素与会计等式 【基本要求】 1. 熟悉会计要素的含义与特征 2. 掌握会计等式的表现形式及经济业务对会计等式的影响

三、会计科目与账户 【基本要求】 1. 了解会计科目与账户的概念、分类、设置的原则 2. 熟悉常用的会计科目 3. 掌握账户的结构、账户与会计科目的关系 四、会计记账方法 【基本要求】 1. 了解复式记账法的概念与种类 2. 了解会计分录的分类 3. 掌握借贷记账法下的试算平衡 五、借贷记账法下主要经济业务的账务处理 【基本要求】 1. 掌握企业资金的循环与周转过程 2. 掌握企业主要经济业务的账务处理 六、会计凭证 【基本要求】 1. 了解会计凭证的概念与作用 2. 熟悉原始凭证与记账凭证的种类 3. 掌握原始凭证、记账凭证的填制与审核 七、会计账簿 【基本要求】 1. 了解会计账簿的概念与分类、更换与保管 2. 掌握日记账、总分类账及有关明细分类账的登记方法 3. 掌握对账与结账的方法、错账更正的方法 八、账务处理程序 【基本要求】 1. 了解企业账务处理程序的概念 2. 掌握企业账务处理程序的种类 3. 掌握记账凭证账务处理程序、汇总记账凭证账务处理程序、科目汇总表账务处理程序的内容


历年中考英语真题分类汇编--词类 知识点1:名词 ( ) 1.(2009·广州)—You look very tired this morning. What did you do yesterday afternoon? —I did Christmas shopping. A. a lot of B. a few of C. a number of D. a piece of ( ) 2.(2009·湖北武汉)—Why do you get up so early in the morning, Tracy ? —I generally make it a to be up by 7 to read English. A. plan B. wish C. secret D. rule ( ) 3.(2009·湖北武汉)—Do the dishes, Mike, or I will tell mum! —Mind your own ,Sue! A. action B. duty C. business D. way ( ) 4.(2009·广州)The letter from my uncle was short. There wasn't news. A. many B. a few C. much D. few ( ) 5.(2009·山东威海)---Why didn’t you take a taxi back last night? ---Because I didn’t have any ______ with me. A. food B. bicycle C. friend D. money ( ) 6.(2009·四川成都)John always says that he likes apples of all the ______ . A. vegetables B. fruits C. drinks ( ) 7.(2009·江西)---You look worried. What’s your ______ ? ---I have trouble learning English. A. name B. question C. problem D. job ( ) 8.(2009·江苏南京)---Oh, my God! We have missed the last bus. What shall we do? ---I’m afraid we have no ______ but to take a taxi. A. choice B. decision C. reason D. information ( ) 9.(2009·河南)I like __ a lot, and my mother usually cooks it in different ways. A. fish B. butter C. potatoes D. noodles ( ) 10.(2009·湖北宜昌)---In my opinion, China has more ______to deal with the disease ofA/H1N1. ---I quite agree with you. Chinese medicine works well. A. advantages B. interests C. equipments D. materials ( ) 11.(2009·湖南娄底)—It’s said that you have moved into a new house. —Yeah,and we need to buy some in the mall nearby. A. food B. furniture C. hamburger ( )12.(2009·湖北孝感)All the _______ teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8th, because it was their own holiday. A. man B. men C. woman D. women ( ) 13.(2009·湖北孝感)--Emma, who are you taking _________ of at home? — My grandma, she got hurt in an accident. A. place B. part C. seat D. care ( ) 14.(2009·山西)---How can I see thick snow in most northern parts of China? ---You have to wait till ______ comes, Steve. A. summer B. autumn C. winter ( ) 15.(2009·山西)Let’s get some ______ about tourism on the Internet. A. information B. message C. invention ( ) 16.(2009·江苏无锡)____ the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are ___ teachers.


银川一中2018届高三化学第一次月考试 卷(附答案) 银川一中2018届高三年级第一次月考 理科综合试卷 命题人:马平、唐海巍、李昌利 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。 其中第Ⅱ卷第33~38题为选考题,其它题为必考题。考生作答时,将答案写在答题卡上,在本试卷上答题无效。第Ⅰ卷(共126分) 可能用到的相对原子质量(原子量): H-1C-12N-14O-16Na-23Al-27 Si-28S-32Fe-56Cu-64Ba-137 一、选择题:本题包括13小题。每小题6分,共78分,每小题只有一个选项符合题意。 7.化学与生活密切联系。下列性质与应用对应关系错误的是 选项化学性质实际应用 A纯碱与盐酸反应用纯碱治疗胃酸过多 B氯化铁溶液能使蛋白质聚沉皮肤划破时可用氯化铁溶 液止血 C臭氧具有强氧化性可用臭氧为餐具杀菌消毒

DAl2Fe(SO4)4能水解生成胶体常用作净水剂 8.下列说法中正确的是 A.干冰、盐酸都是电解质 B.Na2O2、Fe2O3、CaO既属于碱性氧化物,又属于离子化合物 C.有单质参加或有单质生成的反应不一定属于氧化还原反应 D.根据是否具有丁达尔效应,可将分散系分为溶液、浊液和胶体 9.NA代表阿佛加德罗的值,下列说法正确的是 A.在标准状况下,4.48LN2H4中含非极性共价键数目为0.2NA B.32g铜与足量的硫在加热条件下充分反应转移电子数为0.5NA C.常温下,PH=1的H3PO4溶液中含有0.1NA个H+ D.28g30Si中含有16NA个中子 10.常温下,下列各组离子在指定条件下一定能大量共存的是 A.PH=7的溶液中:Na+、Fe3+、SO42-、NO3- B.加入铝粉能产生H2的溶液中:NH4+、Na+、NO3-、Cl- C.能使甲基橙显红色的溶液中:K+、NH4+、SO42-、


2014全国高考汇编阅读新题型 一(2014安徽卷) 第一节任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填一个单词。 Many people believe that classical music is not relevant to young people today . However, this issue (问题) frequently causes heated debate. Some people say that classical music is associated only with old people .For example, if you look at the audience at a classical concert , the majority is over the age of fifty. Others say it is more popular than we first imagine . Many young people listen to classical music without realising .It is often used in films and advertisements. For example.a famous piece of classical music was used as the theme music for the 1990 World Cup . Not many people could have given its name , but millions enjoyed it . Also,some people point out that young people produce new music based on classical ideas: for example, it is said that rap(说唱)music was invented by a classical musician in 1912, but it is now used by young people in pop music. However, young people point to the fact that classical music has been outstripped(超越) by technology. To play a classical instrument, such as a violin, you need to study hard and practise for hours. Nowadays, you don't need to get aching arms from practising. A teenager can write and make music using a computer program in the comfort of their own bedroom. A final point to in mind is that the term "classical music" is used to refer to a great


尚有缺额的高职分类考试招生第二批次高职(专科) 院校或专业计划 说明: 、以下为我区今年高职分类考试招生第二批次高职(专科)“平行志愿”录取后所余计划,用于符合填报高职分类考试招生第二批次高职(专科)征集志愿条件的考生填报征集志愿时参考。具体填报办法见《宁夏年高职院校分类考试招生第二批次高职(专科)征集志愿公告》。 、符合填报条件的考生于月日:时至月日:时止凭本人用户名、登录密码和志愿提交校验码登录(电信网)或(教育网)填报本次征集志愿。 、各院校录取规则、专业要求和专业收费标准请参见各个院校《招生章程》。 高职(专科) 宁夏理工学院 应用化工技术 建设工程监理 建筑工程技术 机电一体化技术 汽车检测与维修技术会计 电子商务 银川能源学院 供用电技术 电气自动化技术 发电厂及电力系统电厂热能动力装置电力系统自动化技术机械制造与自动化机电一体化技术汽车检测与维修技术石油化工技术 精细化工技术 工业分析技术 工业过程自动化技术煤化工技术 光伏材料制备技术房地产经营与管理建筑工程技术 建筑设计 物流管理 市场营销 统计与会计核算 电子商务 酒店管理 计算机应用技术

数字媒体应用技术 设施农业与装备 食品生物技术 宁夏民族职业技术学院 视觉传播设计与制作(穆斯林用品设计方向) 应用阿拉伯语(阿语商贸服务方向) 机电一体化技术 汽车检测与维修技术 现代纺织技术 市场营销 电子商务 宁夏工业职业学院 煤矿开采技术 电厂热能动力装置 矿山机电技术 机电一体化技术 电气自动化技术 应用化工技术 煤炭深加工与利用 化工自动化技术 宁夏职业技术学院 服装与服饰设计 宁夏工商职业技术学院 化工生物技术 应用化工技术 化工装备技术 工业分析技术 应用电子技术 数控技术 机械制造与自动化 计算机信息管理 物联网应用技术 统计与会计核算 投资与理财 工商企业管理 连锁经营管理 宝玉石鉴定与加工 商务英语 会展策划与管理 旅游管理 休闲服务与管理 空中乘务 宁夏财经职业技术学院 物业管理 资产评估与管理 证券与期货 连锁经营管理 市场营销 电子商务 数字媒体艺术设计 应用英语 宁夏建设职业技术学院 物业管理 房地产经营与管理 宁夏葡萄酒与防沙治沙职业酿酒技术 水土保持技术 设施农业与装备 林业技术 园林技术 工程测量技术 园林工程技术 食品营养与检测 森林资源保护 宁夏艺术职业学院 音乐表演 舞蹈表演 戏剧影视表演 艺术设计 播音与主持


英语试卷英语翻译题分类汇编 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.今年元旦我们玩得很开心。(enjoy) 2.舅舅昨天寄给我一张卡片,祝贺我18岁生日。(congratulate) 3.经过多年的建设,这个小镇现在和地震前一样充满了活力。(as...as) 4.演出以一段五十多岁的人耳熟能详的经典音乐开始。(familiar) 5.她一看完那个关于已灭绝物种的电视节目,就立志加入野生动物保护组织。(No sooner) 【答案】 1.We enjoyed ourselves this New Year’s Day this year. 2.My uncle sent me a card yesterday to congratulate / congratulating me on my 18th birthday. 3.After years of / years’ construction, the little town is now as lively as it was before the earthquake / it used to be before the earthquake. 4.The performance began with a piece of classical music which was familiar to people in their fifties. 5.No sooner had she watched the TV program on the extinct species than she made up her mind to join the wildlife protection organization. 【解析】 1.根据“今年元旦”可知,该句用一般过去时,玩得很开心用词组enjoy oneself 2.根据“昨天”可知,该句用一般过去时,congratulate 的用法是congratulate sth或者congratulate sb on sth 3.根据“经过多年的建设”可知,后面描述的是建设后的情形,即现在的情形,因此用一般现在时,as..as..的用法是形容词或者副词放在中间。 4.根据句意可知,演出已经开始了,事情发生在过去,因此用一般过去时,familiar的用法是sb be familiar with sth 或者sth be familiar to sb 5.no sooner的句型为no sooner ...than,因为no sooner是否定词,因此no sooner后面要用部分倒装的句式。 2.高中英语翻译题:Directions:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.为了安全起见,小孩不应该被单独留在家里。(leave) _________________ 2.深深吸了一口气,他面带微笑地走上了舞台。(with) _________________ 3.一个人待人处世的方式能反映出他是怎样的人。(the way) _________________


银川一中2020届高三第三次模拟考试化学参考答案 题号7 8 9 10 11 12 13 答案 A C B D B C D (1)平衡气压,以免关闭弹簧夹后圆底烧瓶内气压过大 防止飞溅起的液体进入冷凝管中(缓冲气流) (2) ②①③ (3)降低花椒油在水中的溶解度,有利于分层除去花椒油中的水或干燥 (4) (5)353.6 27.(15分)(除标注外,每空2分) (1)Cu2S+5MnO2+12H+2Cu2++SO42-+5Mn2++6H2O 减少污染性气体二氧化硫的排放(1分) (2)①5.04×103 ②随着循环次数的增加,浸出液中S2O32-浓度减小,C1-浓度增大,浸出反应 AgCl+2S 2O32-Ag(S2O3)23-+C1-平衡左移,浸出率下降 (3)①<②H2SeO3-2e-+H2O═SeO42-+4H+ (4)① H2SO4②晶膜 28.(14分)(每空2分) (1)①2NO(g) N 2O2(g) △H=-(E3-E4)kJ·mol-1 ②温度升高后反应I平衡逆向移动,导致N2O2浓度减小,温度升高对反应Ⅱ的影响弱于N2O2浓度减小的影响,导致反应Ⅱ速度变慢,最终总反应速率变慢 (2)① = ②B点③ 4 Mpa (3)2NH3-6e-+6OH-N2+6H2O12.6 L 35、(15分) (1分) (1)X-射线衍射实验(1分)(2)6 (1分)(3)V形(1分)NH 2 (4)sp3(1分)AB (2分)(5)155 (2分)327(2分) (6)①CuCl为分子晶体,CuF为离子晶体(2分)②×107(2分) 36.(15分) (1)CH2=CH2(1分)(酚)羟基、酯基(2分,漏写给1分,错写不给分) (2)消去反应(1分)(3)bd(2分,漏选给1分,错选不给分) (4)(2分) (5)10(2分)(2分) (6) (3分,每步流程1分)


2015宁夏事业单位考试大纲(B类) 来源:宁夏中公教育 事业单位公开招聘分类考试 公共科目笔试考试大纲(试行) (2015年版) 1. 考试类别设置 基于事业单位不同招聘岗位对人的能力素质有不同要求,事业单位公开招聘分类考试公共科目笔试分为综合管理类(A类)、社会科学专技类(B类)、自然科学专技类(C类)。 ? 综合管理类(A类) 主要适用于事业单位中以行政性、事务性和业务管理为主的岗位。 ? 社会科学专技类(B类) 主要适用于事业单位人文社科类专业技术岗位。 ? 自然科学专技类(C类) 主要适用于事业单位自然科学类专业技术岗位。 2. 公共科目设置及测评内容 2.1 公共科目名称 综合管理类、社会科学专技类、自然科学专技类三个类别笔试的公共科目均为《职业能力倾向测验》和《综合应用能力》。 2.2 考试时间及分值 ? 《职业能力倾向测验》考试时限为90分钟,满分为150分。 ? 《综合应用能力》考试时限为120分钟,满分为150分。 2.3 测评内容 事业单位公开招聘分类考试公共科目笔试属于职位竞争性考试,根据不同类别的评价需求确定试卷的测评内容,主要测查工作岗位所需要的基本能力和综合应用能力。 3. 类别确定 公开招聘岗位对应的考试类别,原则上由用人单位和招聘主管部门确定,并在招聘公告中标明。报考人员依据报考职位标定的考试类别参加公共科目笔试。

4. 公共科目分类考试大纲 4.1 综合管理类(A类) 4.2 社会科学专技类(B类) 4.2.1 《职业能力倾向测验(B类)》 考试性质和目标 《职业能力倾向测验(B类)》是针对事业单位人文社科类专业技术岗位公开招聘工作人员而设置的考试科目,主要测查与事业单位人文社科类专业技术岗位密切相关的、适合通过客观化纸笔测验方式进行考查的基本素质和能力要素,包括常识判断、言语运用、数量分析、判断推理、综合分析等部分。 考试内容与题型介绍 ⑴常识判断 主要测查应试人员应知应会的基本知识以及运用这些知识进行分析判断的能力,重点测查历史、哲学、文化、政治、经济、法律等方面的人文素养。 例题: 下列有关文学常识的说法不正确的是: A.泰戈尔曾获诺贝尔文学奖 B.诗人徐志摩属于“新月派” C.安徒生是丹麦的童话作家 D.《静静的顿河》是列夫·托尔斯泰的代表作 答案:D ⑵言语运用 主要测查应试人员迅速准确地理解和把握文字材料内涵、进行思考和交流的能力,包括理解语句之间的逻辑关系,准确辨析词义,正确进行词语搭配,在此基础上根据上下文逻辑关系和语境进行语序排列、选择恰当的词语和句子完成语句表达等。常见题型有词语填空、句子填空、语序排列等。 例题1: 周敦颐通过自己的努力,丰富和发展了儒学思想理论体系,开拓了儒学发展的新境界,使之______,一扫魏晋南北朝及隋唐五代的______,回归到原有的正统地位,赢得了与释、道竞争的全面胜利,取得了意识形态的主导权。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是: A.刮目相看弊端 B.柳暗花明萧条 C.脱胎换骨落寞 D.焕然一新颓势 答案:D


中考英语试题分类汇编 2011年中考英语试题分类汇编考点一、名词(2010江苏省宿迁市15. 1)Sandy didn’t tell her parents that she was going home because she wanted to give them a _______. A. gift B. call C. surprise D. note—It’s said that you have moved into a new house.—Yeah,and we need to buy some in the mall nearby. A. food B.furniture C. hamburger B (2010.四川省内江市26. 1)—Well,you look so happy! 全品中考网--Because I got a good ________. A.work B.news C.job C C (2010年上海市33. 1)You can get much_____about the World Expo on the Internet. A.map B.picture C.ticket 全品中考网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9410744316.html,rmation D (2010年上海市51. 1)The customers are pleased with the________of the restaurant. A.balance B.experience C.surface D.service D –Lily has a silk __________.Listen,she is singing in the next room!-- How nice!. A. look B. noise C. voice C —Wow,so many beautiful cars!I don’t know which one to buy. --Anyway ,you have to make a________. A.conclusion B.connection C.decision D.presentation C We need to come up with a/an________and make a decision at once.


银川一中2021届高三年级第二次月考 理科综合能力测试-化学部分 7.化学与生产、生活及社会发展密切相关,下列有关说法不正确的是 A.“火神山”医院地面上铺的HDPE也称高密度聚乙烯膜,是一种人工合成的有机高分子化合物B.棉花、蚕丝、腈纶均为天然纤维 C.氨基酸在人体中生成新的蛋白质的反应属于缩聚反应 D.单质硅是太阳能电池板的主要材料,太阳能替代化石燃料有利于环保 8.若N A表示阿伏加德罗常数,则下列说法正确的是 A.64g 铜与足量的S完全反应,转移的电子数为N A B.标准状况下,22.4LNO与11.2LO2充分反应后得到的气体分子数为N A C.pH=13的Ba(OH)2溶液中,含有OH- 0.2N A个 D.50mL 18mol·L-1的浓硫酸与足量的铜加热充分反应后,得到的气体分子数为0.45N A 9.根据下列操作和现象所得到的结论正确的是 操作和现象结论 A 向碳酸钙中加入盐酸,产生的气体经饱和碳酸氢钠溶液洗气 后,再通入硅酸钠溶液,出现白色沉淀 利用该实验可以证明非 金属性:Cl C Si >> B 取少量某硫酸盐样品溶于氢氧化钠溶液,加热,产生的气体 能使湿润的红色石蕊试纸变蓝 样品为硫酸铵 C 室温下,用pH试纸分别测定浓度为0.1mol·L―1 NaClO溶液和0.1mol·L―1CH3COONa溶液的pH 比较HClO和CH3COOH 的酸性强弱 D 加热石油分馏得到的石蜡,将产生的气体通入酸性高锰酸钾 溶液中,溶液颜色逐渐褪去 石油中含有烯烃 10.用下列实验装置(部分夹持装置略去)进行相应的实验,能达到实验目的的是A.加热装置I中的烧杯分离I2和Fe B.利用装置Ⅱ合成氨并检验氨的生成 浓硫酸

2014年全国高考英语试题分类汇编:非谓语动词 Word版含解析

2014全国高考汇编之非谓语动词 一(2014安徽卷)32.While waiting for the opportunity to get , Henry did his best to perform his duty. A. promote B. promoted C. promoting D. to promote 【考点】考察谓语动词用法 【答案】B 【解析】本题考察的非谓语动词的固定搭配“get+过去分词”,如“get burnt”被烫伤,get paid 获得报酬;本句中的get promoted获得提拔。句义:在等待着背提拔的机会的时候,Herry 全力以赴地尽好自己的责任。故B正确。 二(2014北京卷)25. Last night, there were millions of people _______ the opening ceremony live on TV. A.watch B. to watch C. watched D. watching 【考点】考察非谓语动词用法 【答案】D 【解析】本句考察的是非谓语动词中的现在分词短语做定语的用法,因为动词watch与前面的名词millions of people构成逻辑上的主动关系,所以使用现在分词做定语。本句中的watching the opening ceremony live on TV相当于定语从句who were watching the opening ceremony live on TV.同时本句只是一个简单句,已经有了一个主谓结构了。句意:昨天晚上有成千上万人在电视里观看了开幕式。故D正确。 【举一反三】The lecture, ____ at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes. A. starting B. being started C. to start D. to be started 【答案】A 【考点】本题考查非谓语动词的用法。 【解析】根据last night可知start已经发生,故排除C、D(不定式常表将来),B(being done)一般表进行,也排除。非谓语动词的主动语态和被动语态现在分词作定语 三(2014北京卷)28. There are still many problems ______ before we are ready for a long stay on


宁夏2019年高职院校分类考试中职毕业生招生职业技能测试考试大纲 (石油化工类) 一、考试性质 2019年宁夏高职院校招收职业高中、普通中等专业学校、职业中专班、成人中专班、技工学校等学校(以下简称“中等职业学校”)应往届毕业生或具有中等职业教育同等学力的社会人员参加的选拔性考试。 二、考试依据 石油化工类考试以教育部中等职业学校石油化工类专业教学大纲为依据,主要选择了中等职业学校法律主要知识和技能内容,并参照了职业技能相关知识内容、技能测试要求。 三、考试内容及方法 石油化工类考试包括专业基础知识(应知)考核、专业实操技能考核,以及化工仿真软件模 四、考试内容及评分标准 1、专业基础知识 此部分为专业基础考核,内容涉及化学基础知识、化工单元操作、化工工艺、化工仪表以及化工安全等方面的基础知识。考试题型为单项选择题和判断题;其中单项选择题60小题,每题1分;判断题40小题,每题1分;共计100分。 采取计算机自动组题并评阅。 题型示例:

此部分考核为计算机仿真操作,软件为东方仿真软件,共计150分。系统自动评分。 项目:换热器单元仿真操作(正常开车) 评分细则:详见东方仿真软件评分系统 3、实操考核 此部分为实操技能考核,包括套管换热器的开车、停车操作,以及性能测试考核。 ①、评分细则的说明 套管换热器操作考核项目由三部分组成:规范操作技术指标(150份)、现场数据处理(20分)、现场问答(20分)、数据处理(10分)。 ②、套管换热器单元操作评分项目及评分细则表。

(3)、现场问答(每人至少两道现场问答题)(20分) (4)、数据记录及处理(20分,注:至少有一组数据的处理过程写在试卷上) 记录卡:原始数据记录 姓名: (5)数据处理(10分) 五、参考资料 1.《化工单元操作》,冷士良,化学工业出版社,2015-9 2.《化工仿真实训指导(第三版)》赵刚,化学工业出版社,2013-9 3.《化工总控工实训指导书》,银川能源学院2016版 六、考试要求 (一)考生应严格遵守考场纪律,服从指挥,着装整洁,仪表端庄,讲文明礼貌。 (二)考生须提前30分钟到达考试现场检录,迟到30分钟不得入场,入场必须出示身份证,按参赛顺序号进行考试。 (三)考试严禁冒名顶替,弄虚作假,一经发现,取消考试资格。 (四)凡有重大疾病以及不适宜参加此考试的人员不予安排考试。 (五)凡对考试成绩有异议者,须当场提出。 (六)其它未尽事宜,将在考前向各考生做详细说明。 银川能源学院 石油化工学院编制 2018年11月8日

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