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Basic information:

Location: northeast city of Italy

Alternative name: Water city, Bridge city and so on。

Venice is a beautiful city water, Venice looks like a dolphin. Urban area of less than 7.8 square kilometers.

it has 118 islands and 177 canals


威尼斯(意大利语:Venezia,英文:Venice),意大利北部威尼托大区首府,威尼斯省省会,世界著名的历史文化名城,威尼斯因“因水而生,因水而美,因水而兴”的美誉,享有“水城”“水上都市”“百岛城”等美称。Venice is famous for its ornate glass-work, known as Venetian glass. It is world-renowned for being colourful, elaborate, and skilfully made. One of these districts, San Marco, is home to many of Venice's main attractions, including St. Mark's Basilica. This spectacular church has five main arches and some extraordinary onion-shaped domes. It is decorated with priceless treasures, many of which were stolen from other countries when medieval Venice was a leading sea power.




San Marco square is a masterpiece of ancient Roman architecture. 圣马可广场是古罗马建筑中的经典杰作

The public activity center of politics, religion and traditional festivals

San Marco Square is the main square of Venice surrounded by chic sidewalk cafes and fancy shops. While it's a great place to enjoy the scenery and people, you will definitely pay top price to sit at an outdoor table. In the evening, you can listen to live music, too. Walking in the piazza and taking photos is, of course, free.

I bought some peanuts to feed the pigeons鸽子in the square

?Saint Mark's Basilica) is the cathedral church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese 罗马天主教的管区of Venice It is the most famous of the city's churches and one of the best known examples of Byzantine architecture.拜占庭建筑

2.总督府公爵宫Duke palace

Built in 814, Byzantine architecture ,burned for several times

Built in 15C, Gothic architecture

Decoration :oil paintings , mural paintings, marble sculptures and woodcarvings


Venice, Italy sigh bridge is a baroque style of the stone bridge。



?Bridge of Sighs The Bridge of Sighs (Italian: Ponte dei Sospiri) is a bridge in Venice, northern Italy . The enclosed bridge is made of white limestone and has windows with stone bars. It passes over the Rio di Palazzo and connects the old prisons to the interrogation rooms in the Doge's Palace.总督府。

The bridge name comes from the suggestion that prisoners would sigh at their final view of beautiful Venice through the window before being taken down to their cells.

Bridge is named after the wailing of the prisoners who passed over it on their way from the Palazzo Ducale to the adjacent prison.

1,One of the most famous bridges in Venice,

2,Hermetically-sealed(through the window)

3,Connect the court with the prison

4,Prisoners( sentenced to death) Utter a sigh for the loss of freedom

4.St Mark's Campanile It is one of the most recognizable symbols of the city.The tower is 98.6 metres (323 ft) tall, and stands alone

in a corner of St Mark's Square, near the front of the basilica. The tower is capped by a pyramidal spire, at the top of which sits a golden weathervane in the form of the archangel Gabriel. The campanile reached its present form in 1514. The current tower was reconstructed in its present form in 1912 after the collapse of 1902.


1 EUR ≈ 8 RMB

A Gondola on the Grand Canal

The gondola is a traditional, flat-bottomed rowing boat, well suited to the conditions of the Venetian lagoon. For centuries gondolas were the chief means of transportation and most common watercraft within Venice. In modern times the iconic boats still have a role in public transport in the city, They are also used in special (rowing races) held amongst gondoliers. Their primary role today, however, is to carry tourists on rides at fixed rates.[2]6.狂欢节

The Venice Carnival is one of the largest scale and the oldest carnival in the world nowadays.


Masks have always been a main feature of the Venetian carnival.


Burano is situated 7 kilometers from Venice, a short 40 minute trip by Venetian motorboats, "vaporetto水上巴士。Burano is also known for its small, brightly-painted houses, popular with artists. The colours of the houses follow a specific system originating from the golden age of its development; if someone wishes to paint their home, one must send a request to the government, who will respond by making notice of the certain colors permitted for that lot。蕾丝lacemaking 花边工艺

三,玻璃岛Murano glassmaking玻璃制品glassware

Murano’s reputation as a center for glassmaking was born when the Venetian Republic,.

Official government protection of Murano glassmaking As part of a broader view of protection and enhancement of typical and traditional Veneto product manufacturing and marketing, the Veneto Region protects and promotes the designation of origin of artistic glassworks created on the island of Murano, since glasswork is an inherent part of Venetian historical and cultural heritage.

Buffet 自助餐

In Italy people pay attention to their dinner.SO now we just go for a dinner!

pasta 意大利面食

Pizza 披萨

dessert 甜点

digestivo 餐后饮品


威尼斯概述 著名水城威尼斯由纵横交错、宽窄各异的水道隔开和众多的小岛组成。市区离陆地4公里、离海边两公里。随着时间的推移而不断变迁不断完善。蛮族入侵时期,大批来自斯皮那、阿奎雷亚、亚得里亚、阿尔蒂诺和帕多瓦的难民涌入泻湖诸岛,形成了这里居民的主要成份。历经数个世纪,人口持续增长,直至发展成一个举世无双的类型独特的水城。 应该提及,由于已有160多条水道于塞城陆地,威尼斯目前岛屿的数量已减少到18个,其中包括大圣乔治岛和久德卡岛。 威尼斯最长同时也是最宽的水上街道是将威尼斯分割成两大部份的“大水道”。大水道上横跨着三座著名的大桥:斯卡尔齐桥,里亚尔托桥和学院桥。有45条可以行驶水艇和被称作“贡多拉”的威尼斯尖舟的“溪道”与大水道相交汇。有350座桥梁把全城各部份连在一起。城市分6个区:卡纳雷交区、圣马可区、卡斯特罗区、道索杜罗区、圣波罗区和圣十字区。1480年以前所有的桥梁全是木桥,后来都改成了石拱桥。 威尼斯陆上街巷的名称都很特别,与通常意大利语中的用字不一样数量不多的大街叫“路旮”(ruga),来自法语rue:也有的叫“石道”,因为这些街道是最早铺的石面。窄小的街巷叫“卡里”,濒临水道并给建筑物当房基的小路叫“基道”;享有外交豁免权的外国使馆



---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 意大利威尼斯导游词范文 威尼斯是意大利东北部城市,亚得里亚海威尼斯湾西北岸重要港口。那么你们对于威尼斯的景点熟悉吗?如果不是很熟悉的话,你们可以看看下面小编整理的意大利威尼斯导游词范文,希望对你们有帮助。 意大利威尼斯导游词范文【一】 大家好,我是你们今天的自由行讲解员,很高兴可以给你们介绍威尼斯的景点,你们可要认真听了哦。首先跟你们说说叹息桥,它连结着总督府和旁边的地牢有一座非常有名的叹息桥,叹息桥是威尼斯的必访景点之一。 叹息桥造型属早期巴洛克式风格,桥呈房屋状,上部穹隆覆盖,封闭得很严实,只有向运河一侧有两个小窗。叹息桥是一座拱廊桥,架设在总督宫和监狱之间的小河上,享有盛誉。它建于1600年(另一资料:1603年)。因死囚被押赴刑场时经过这里,常常会发出叹息声而得名。当犯人在总督府接受审判之后,重罪犯被带到地牢中,可能就此永别人世,过去临刑死囚走向刑场时必须经过这座密不透气的桥,死囚们只能透过小窗看看蓝天,想到家人在桥下的船上等候诀别,百感交集涌上心头,不由自主地发出叹息之声再向前走便要告别世间的一切了。 据说恋人们在桥下接吻就可以天长地久。有一个传说:有个男人被 1 / 18

判了刑,走过这座桥。看最后一眼吧!狱卒说,让那男人在窗前停下。窗棂雕得很精致,是由许多八瓣菊花组合的。男人攀着窗棂俯视,见到一条窄窄长长的贡多拉,正驶过桥下,船上坐着一男一女,在拥吻。那女子竟是他的爱人。男人疯狂地撞向花窗,窗子是用厚厚的大理石造的,没有撞坏,只留下一摊血、一个愤怒的尸体。血没有滴下桥,吼声也不曾传出,就算传出中,那拥吻的女人,也不可能听见。血迹早洗干净了,悲惨的故事也被大多数人遗忘。只说这是叹息桥,犯人们最后一瞥的地方。且把那悲剧改成喜剧,说成神话。 电影情定日落桥就在这取景的。叹息桥两端连结着总督府和威尼斯监狱,是古代由法院向监狱押送死囚的必经之路。 港口 威尼斯港是意大利最大的港口之一,港口长12千米,总面积达250公顷,伸展出去,宽阔广大,每年进出港门的船只在万艘以上。威尼斯不仅风光奇特,而且还是文化名城,早在文艺复兴时期,威尼斯画派就独树一帜。乔尔乔涅、提香、丁托列托、委罗内塞等都是画坛著名大师。在意大利歌剧艺术发展史中,威尼斯也占有重要地位。城内古迹繁多,有120座哥特式、文艺复兴式、巴洛克式教堂,120座钟楼,64座男女修道院,40多座宫殿和众多的海滨浴场。歌德和拜伦都曾对威尼斯城赞扬备至,拿破仑则称其为举世罕见的奇城。 黄金宫 威尼斯最大的哥特式建筑,以整齐的排布和金灿灿的颜色而闻名遐迩。宫殿外表被漆成金黄色,在阳光下十分耀眼夺目。这座所谓的宫


威尼斯商人故事梗概 威尼斯商人安东尼奥的好友巴萨尼奥为了维持外强中干的体面,把微薄的产业挥霍殆尽,因此常常向安东尼奥借钱,安东尼奥都一一应允。现在巴萨尼奥因要向贝尔蒙特的名门闺秀鲍西娅求婚,急需钱款,又来请求安东尼奥尽力相助。但是,安东尼奥的货船已经远航,全部财产都在海上,他手头既缺现钱,也没有可以变换现款的货物,于是不得不以自己的名义向犹太人高利贷者夏洛克借三千元钱。 由于安东尼奥借钱给人家从不收利钱,因而压低了威尼斯干放债这一行人的利息收入,影响了夏洛克盘剥取利,加上安东尼奥憎恶犹太民族,曾在商人会集的场所当众辱骂夏洛克,所以夏洛克对安东尼奥早就有“深仇宿怨”。当夏洛克听到安东尼奥要向他借钱时,他就想趁此机会来个报复。他表示同意借钱,而且不收分文利息,但须写下借约,规定借期为三个月,届期不能还清本金,就从安东尼奥身上割下一磅肉。安东尼奥为了替朋友解难,又想到过两个月货船即可返

回,到时“有九倍这笔借款的数目进门”,便签订了借约。 巴萨尼奥所钟情的鲍西娅却自有一番苦衷。她的父亲临终时立下遗嘱:求婚者通过抽签的方法,在金、银、铅三匣中选中预定的一只,才可与鲍西娅匹配成亲。鲍西娅发出这样的慨叹:“一个活着的女儿的意志,却要被一个死了的父亲的遗嘱所箝制”,但她仍然遵从父命。她感到欣慰的是好几个外国的王孙公子都望匣却步,已决定回国;摩洛哥亲王和阿拉伯亲王分别挑的是金匣和银匣,均未选中。倒是巴萨尼奥,曾给鲍西娅留下良好的印象。她的侍女尼莉莎说,巴萨尼奥是一切男子中最值得匹配的佳偶。鲍西娅也毫不含糊地说:“我很记得他,他果然值得你夸奖。” 巴萨尼奥动身去求婚之前设宴,夏洛克亦被邀请参加。夏洛克的女儿杰西卡趁此机会卷走金银财宝与其基督徒情人罗兰佐私奔,并皈依基督教。夏洛克得知这件事,气急败坏,沿街大呼小叫、乱跳乱喊。 安东尼奥和巴萨尼奥的两个朋友正在谈着一则传闻:安东尼奥的一艘满载货物的船只在海峡里倾覆了。他们见到夏洛克,便向他打听


西安及周边着名景点英语简介 西安几大着名旅游景点介绍(英文) 大雁塔Great Wild Goose Pagoda 小雁塔Small Wild Goose Pagoda 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses 秦始皇陵The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang 鼓楼The Drum Tower 钟楼The Bell Tower 西安城墙The Xi’an Circumvallation 华清池The Huaqing Pond 法门寺The Famen Temple 黄河壶口瀑布The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall 大唐芙蓉园Lotus palace of Tang Dynasty 大雁塔Xi'an: Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayanta) The Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayan Ta),is a Buddhistpagoda built in 652 AD during the Tang Dynasty and originally had five original construction of rammed earth with a stone exterior facade eventually collapsed five decades later but was rebuilt by Empress Wu Zetian in 704AD who added five more stories. A massive earthquake in 1556 heavily damaged the pagoda and reduced it by three stories to its current height of seven stories One of the pagoda's many functions was to hold sutras and figurines of the Buddha that were brought to China from Indiaby Xuanzang, a famous Chinese Buddhist monk, scholar, traveler, and is a prominent Buddhist figure mostly known for his seventeen year overland trip to India and back, which is recorded in detail in his autobiography and a biography, and which provided the inspiration for the epic novel “Journey to the West”. The pagoda is built on the premises of the Temple of Great Maternal Grace (Da Ci'en), originally built in 589 AD and then rebuilt 647 AD by the Tang Emperor Gaozong in memory of his mother EmpressWende. Before the gates of the temple stands a statue of Xuanzang. 大雁塔北广场North Square of Big Wild Goose Pagoda Surrounding Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the scenery is also quite charming, especially the square north of the Da Ci'en Temple. Covering about 110,000 square meters (131563 square yards) plus 20,000 square meters square yards) of water area, it holds many records: in Asia, it is the biggest Tang-culture square, the biggest fountain and waterscape square, and the largest-scale sculptures area. In the world, it has the most benches, the longest light-belt, and the largest-scale acoustic complex. The entire square is composed of waterscape fountains, a cultural square, gardens and tourist paths. There you can taste real Chinese culture and traditions and fully enjoy the truly attractive views. With reliefs on the theme of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, 200-meter-long (656-foot-long) sculpture groups, 8 groups of sculpted figures, 40 relievos on the land, and 22 styles of musical fountains, it has become a must-see when you visit Big Wild Goose 秦始皇兵马俑The Museum of Qin Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses One of the most significant archaeological finds in the world, this 16,300-square-meter excavation reveals more than 7,000 life-size terracotta figures of warriors and horses arranged in battle formations. (3 pits) The terracotta warriors and horses, created about 2,200 years ago, were found in 1974 on the east side of the tomb of the First Emperor Qin Shihuang (259 BC - 210 BC) near Xi'an. Emperor Qin Shihuang had Ying as his surname and Zheng as his given name. In 221 ., when he unified the whole country, named himself Shihuang Di and carried on the


区域地理欧洲部分地图笔记知识点总结 判断图中罗讷河、阿尔沃河交汇处形成“泾渭分明”的奇特景观最可能出现的季节,并分析其原因。 夏季 原因:罗讷河上游河流搬运来的泥沙在湖中沉积,使得该河流出湖时泥沙含量大大减少,河水清澈; 阿尔沃河源自阿尔卑斯山区,夏季冰雪融化量大,径流量大, 由于地势落差大,水流湍急,侵蚀作用强烈,导致该河的含沙量大,河水浑浊根据罗讷河流域特征,说明其在瑞士境内的主要开发方向及理由。 罗讷河是日内瓦湖的主要补给水源; 携带泥沙在湖中沉积抬高湖床。 也是日内瓦湖的下泻通道。 简述罗讷河对日内瓦湖的影响。 发电和漂流(旅游)。 瑞士境内以山地为主,河流落差大,流量大,水流急,水能资源丰富,适宜水电开发; 瑞士境内山清水秀,风光秀丽,对游客吸引力大。

与高坝模式相比,罗讷河低坝模式有哪些优点? 节约土地资源(淹没土地面积小); 移民数量少; 建坝工程技术难度相对小; 对流域生态环境和景观影响小。 简析罗讷河干流开发梯级水电站对法国农业生产的有利影响。提供较稳定的灌溉水源; 为农业生产提供廉价的水电; 改善了河流通航条件,利于农产品运输; 库区适宜发展水产业; 调节径流,防御旱涝灾害。

(1)罗纳河曾经洪水汹涌,且其洪水呈现为很强的区域性,试分析①②③河段河流汛期的不同之处及其原因。 索恩河流域(①河段),冬季受来自大西洋西风影响降水较多,冬季有冬汛;②河段河流春季气温回升快,阿尔卑斯山冰雪融水增多,春季有春汛;河口三角洲附近河段(③河段)受地中海气候控制,夏季降水少,秋冬季降水多,有秋汛或冬汛。 (2)如今航船已能从地中海航行至里昂,试分析其原因。 河道渠化,河水束缚于主河道,使河道加深,大量险滩被水库淹没;大量低坝水库,调节了河流流量,使流量更稳定;减缓了河流的流速。


部编版五年级下册语文第18课《威尼斯的小艇》课文原文、 知识点及教案 部编版五年级下册语文第18课《威尼斯的小艇》课文原文威尼斯是世界闻名的水上城市,河道纵横交叉,小艇成了主要的交通工具,等于大街上的汽车。 威尼斯的小艇有二三十英尺长,又窄又深,有点儿像独木舟。船头和船艄向上翘起,像挂在天边的新月;行动轻快灵活,仿佛田沟里的水蛇。 我们坐在船舱里,皮垫子软软的像沙发一般。小艇穿过一座座形式不同的石桥。我们打开窗帘,望望耸立在两岸的古建筑,跟来往的船只打招呼,有说不完的情趣。 船夫的驾驶技术特别好。行船的速度极快,来往船只很多,他操纵自如,毫不手忙脚乱。不管怎么拥挤,他总能左拐右拐地挤过去。遇到极窄的地方,他总能平稳地穿过,而且速度非常快,还能做急转弯。两边的建筑飞一般地往后倒退,我们的眼睛忙极了,不知看哪一处好。 商人夹了大包的货物,匆匆走下小艇,沿河做生意。青年妇女在小艇里高声谈笑。许多孩子由保姆伴着,坐着小艇到郊外去呼吸新鲜的空气。庄严的老人带了全家,坐着小艇上教堂去做祷告。 半夜,戏院散场了,一大群人拥出来,走上了各自雇定的小艇。簇拥在一起的小艇一会儿就散开了,消失在弯曲的河道中,远处传来一片哗笑和告别的声音。水面上渐渐沉寂,只见月亮的影子在水中摇

晃。高大的石头建筑耸立在河边,古老的桥梁横在水上,大大小小的船都停泊在码头上。静寂笼罩着这座水上城市,古老的威尼斯又沉沉地入睡了。 _________ 本文作者是美国的马克•吐温,译者刘正训,选作课文时有改动。 部编版五年级下册语文第18课《威尼斯的小艇》知识点 字词解释: 尼(ní)——佛教指出家修行的女子,通常叫尼姑:僧尼尼姑比基尼。 艇(tǐnɡ)——轻便的小船,小型的军用船只:游艇潜艇救生艇。 叉(chā)——交错:交叉;一头有两个以上长齿便于扎取东西的器具:钢叉鱼叉。 艄(shāo)——船尾:船艄;舵:掌艄艄公。 翘(qiào)——一头向上仰起:翘起翘尾巴。 舱(cānɡ)——船或飞机内用于载人或物的部分:船舱机舱客舱。 姆(mǔ)——保姆,负责照管儿童或料理家务的女工:保姆。 祷(dǎo)——教徒或迷信的人向天、神求助:祷告祷念祈祷。 雇(ɡù)——租赁交通运输工具:雇车雇船;出钱让人给自己做事:雇工雇用雇保姆。 哗(huá)——人多声杂,乱吵:喧哗哗众取宠。 闻名——有名。近义词:。 纵横交叉——原指横的竖的交叉在一起,现在也形容情况复杂。


大雁塔Great Wild Goose Pagoda 小雁塔Small Wild Goose Pagoda 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses 秦始皇陵The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang 黄帝陵The Huangdi Tomb 鼓楼 The Drum Tower 钟楼The Bell Tower 西安城墙The Xi’an Circumvallation 华清池The Huaqing Pond 乾陵 The Qian Tomb 法门寺The Famen Temple 黄河壶口瀑布The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall 大唐芙蓉园Lotus palace of Tang Dynasty Terra-cotta warriors -- Qin Dynasty 秦始皇兵马俑 The Silk Road 丝绸之路 Big and Little Goose Pagodas 大小雁塔 Shaanxi is one of civilized important , all together China headstream, as far back as having

Lantian Man to grow work here right away in the front for 1000000 years, starting from the 11th century B.C., successively have 13 in history dynasty found a capital here. Shaanxi Province field of being that our country cultural relics and historic sites gathers together , name of having "the natural history museum ": Acient Chang An county City historical remains, are known as eighth Shaanxi not only cultural relics and historic sites is a lot of , but also natural scene is beautiful: Have precipitous West Hua Mountain and Lin Tong Mt. black horse intelligent and elegant; Huanghe River kettle mouth waterfall having rapids to surge; Still have the organism's habits tourist area giving first place to protecting a giant panda waiting for a rare animal. Not only northern Shaanxi highland be Chinese revolution base area , but also be Shaanxi folk custom local manners and feelings headstream: Shaanxi opera loud and sonorous , vehement gong and drum , consummate paper-cut and extremely rich life breath peasant painting etc. , the sight having


中世纪西欧威尼斯与唐长安城市空间形态对比 隋唐时期(公元581年—907年)在我国历史发展长河中,处于封建社会走向鼎盛,城市建设达到高峰的时期,这一时期的城市基本奠定了中国现代城市轴向“发展”的基本格局;与此同时,西方社会进入中世纪(公元5—10世纪)。中世纪初期末,西欧城市兴起,由意大利向尼德兰、法国、德意志的莱茵河流域及南部地区扩展。威尼斯是当时意大利最富庶最强大的城市共和国,是当时沟通东西方贸易的主要港口,城市呈现“有机发展”的特征。一.隋唐长安的空间形态 1.1隋唐时代的社会背景 魏晋南北朝时期,由于长达400余年的割据分裂和长期战争,农村经济受到很大的破坏,商业和手工业也受到严重的影响。隋文帝杨坚建立了隋朝,并建造了规模宏大的大兴城和东都洛阳城。隋炀帝多次发动战争以及对人民的残酷统 治,使其很快在农民起义中被推翻了。李渊父子取代 了农民起义的成果,建立了唐朝。从唐太宗到唐玄宗 百余年间,经济空前繁荣,文化高度发展。唐代在隋 朝大兴城和洛阳城的基础上,发展建成了长安与洛阳, 是当时世界上最大的城市。 1.2隋唐长安的地形与规模 长安城南对终南山及子午谷,北临渭水,东有浐、 灞二水,和汉代漕渠遗迹,城西一片平原。东北部较 高称龙首原,东南部已伸入曲江池及较大起伏的丘陵 地区。 隋初建城规模,据宋敏求《长安志》记载:“外郭 城东西十八里一百一十五步,南北十五里一百七十五 步,周围六十七里”。1957年探查,城墙范围内用地约8300公顷多,算上大明宫可达8700公顷左右,此外还有城北广阔的禁苑。 1.3城市总体布局 白居易有诗云:“归骑纷纷满九衢,放朝三日为泥涂”,说的正是长安城。隋唐长安是在曹魏邺城之后,第一个平地新建的新城。隋唐等级分明,按礼制形成严格的分区,在规划布局上规矩、整齐。 宫城在城市中部偏北,主要宫殿坐北朝南。宫城南面是皇城,有文武官府、宗庙、社稷坛等,还有为宫廷服务的官营手工作坊。皇城与宫墙之间用一条很宽的道路分开,据文献记载为300步。宫城由太极宫、东宫和庭掖宫组成。城外东北的龙首原上建有大明宫,主要有含元殿、麟德殿等。皇城东南有兴庆宫,称南内。自承天门经皇城正门——朱雀门吗,直到外城南面正门——明德门,是全城的中轴线。东西向第一条轴线是宫城前通道通化门和开远门的大街。第二条轴线是皇城前面通到春明门和金光门的大街。两条轴线和中轴线两次相交在主要城门处,为了突出主要建筑,是古代常用手法。祖庙和社稷坛在皇城内的左右,完全合乎“左祖右社”的城制。 1.4道路系统 道路系统为严整的方格网系统,共有东西大街11条,南北大街14条,互相直角相交。通向城门的主干道,宽度大于其他道路。主要干道出城门后就是市际干道,二者是合一的。当时的交通主要是马车,对道路的要求都是一样的。 1.5水系


威尼斯商人(故事梗概) 年轻貌美的富家女子鲍西亚,按照她父亲的遗嘱,得到了金、银、铅三个盒子。其中一个盒子里面装着她的画像,如果哪位先生选择了正确的盒子,那么她将嫁给那个男人。于是,求婚者从世界的四面八方赶来…… 有一位名叫巴萨尼奥的年轻人,他下定决心要赢得鲍西亚。但是,要想达成这个愿望,得准备一笔不小的费用。于是,他向富有的威尼斯商人安东尼奥求助,希望这位好友能借给他3000块钱。不巧,安东尼奥的钱都投入到了海上贸易,一时拿不出那么多钱。但安东尼奥是位非常看重友情的基督徒。他立定心志要成全朋友的美事,以自己的信用为担保,替朋友借债。因此,高利贷夏洛克便成了安东尼奥的债主。 借债时双方约定:“三个月为期限,到期不还,由债权人在债务人身上割一磅肉作为处罚。”结果,安东尼奥的海上贸易受阻,未能按期还款。于是夏洛克要求法庭准许他按照契约约定割下安东尼奥身上的一磅肉。 高利贷夏洛克认为订立的契约就必须守约,谁也不能违背或改变。因此,夏洛克一定要按照约定割一磅肉。他在法庭上对法官说:“我的要求是合理的。您要是拒绝了我,那么你们的法律就见鬼去吧!”对此,作为被告的威尼斯商人安东尼奥心里也清楚,法官不能变更法律的规定。夏洛克的要求非常过分,但在场的所有人员也必须得承认:“在威尼斯谁也没有权力变更既成的法律。” 合同必须信守,安东尼奥必须履行自己的诺言。契约虽然残忍,但是,在商贸非常发达威尼斯,社会成员都按契约办事,并不考虑其他非法律、非契约手段。面对这一磅肉的事实,固守契约似乎违反了人情,如果尊重人情,似乎又蔑视了契约。在人情和契约之间,法庭还是选择了契约。 到最后关头,夏洛克还是放下了屠刀。让他改变主意的,并不是谁的哀求,也不是良心反悔,仍然是契约。 当初,安东尼奥和夏洛克签订契约时,只规定了一磅肉,只字未提因割肉而流出来的血。法官抓住这一疏忽,要求夏洛克在割肉的时候,不能让安东尼奥流下一滴神圣的鲜血,否则就是违约。如果违约,他就是故意杀人,他的产业,按照威尼斯的法律,就要充公…… 为了表达谢忱和敬意,巴萨尼奥在不得已的情况下把指环送给律师,书记也从葛莱西安诺的手中取来了指环。巴萨尼奥等人回到贝尔蒙特,与鲍西娅等人欣喜重逢;但他们又因指环的事而受到鲍西娅和尼莉莎的戏弄,引起了一场“吵闹”。直至鲍西娅和尼莉莎分别拿出指环,才真相大白,原来法庭上的律师和书记就是她们两人。就在这时,传来消息:安东尼奥的商船已满载而归,平安抵港。安东尼奥以及巴萨尼奥与鲍西娅、葛莱西安诺与尼莉莎:罗兰佐与杰西卡三对情人都沉浸在欢乐的气氛之中。


威尼斯的小艇导学案 五年级下册备课人: 一、教学目标 1.学会本课生字、新词。有感情地朗读课文,背诵4~6自然段。 2.理解课文内容,了解威尼斯独特的地理风貌、小艇的特点。 二、自学 (一)自学生字检测(先朗读课文,读准字音,读通课文) 1.给带点的字注音。 操纵()自如船艄()祷()告哗()笑翘()起 2.形近字组词 艇()艄()祷()翘() 挺()梢()涛()饶() 3.理解词语: 操作自如 ____________________________________ 手忙脚乱 _____________________________________ 4.我不能理解的词语: ______________________________________ (二)合作学习,理解课文 1.默读课文一遍,写出课文的主要内容。 2.本文的作者是()国作家()写的一篇散文,课文介绍的时水上城市—()的独特风情。 3.默读课文,将课文分成四部分,看作怎样描写威尼斯的风情的。 ⑴⑵⑶⑷ 4.默读第一自然段填空,“大街”指的是(),“汽车”指的是(),可见小艇在威尼斯有着()。 5.默读每二自然段,回答下面问题。 ⑴用“-------- ”画出描写小艇样的句子。 ⑵文段中有三个比喻句,你能找出来,并体会这样写的好处吗? ①把小艇比作()写出了它的特点,②把小艇比作 ()写出了它的特点,③把小艇比作()写出了它的特点。这一段运用的说明方法 有、) 6.我能将小艇的样子画出来。我还能将小艇的样子读出来。 7.如果你坐在这样独特而又舒服的小艇游览威尼斯一定有说不完的情趣,你可能看到: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


中国著名旅游景点英文介绍 1. The Great wall The Great Wall, located in northern China, is 6,700 kilometers long and thus known as the “10,000-li Great Wall”. Construction of the wall went on for more than 2,000 years, from 7th century to 14th century AD. The wall has b ecome a symbol of both China’s proud history and its present strength. 2. The Palace Museum The Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. The imperial palace used by emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the largest and most complete ancient wooden-structure building in the world. Construction of the Forbidden City started in 1406 and lasted 14 years. 24 emperors were enthroned there. 3. Zhoukoudian: Home of the Peking Man Remains of the Peking Man (homo erectus) are located on the Dragon Bone Hill at Zhoukoudian Village, Fangshan District, Beijing. In the 1920s, archaeologists discovered the complete skull of Peking Man. Later, more skull bones as well as stone and bone instruments were unearthed. Peking Man lived 690,000 years ago,


《威尼斯商人》故事梗概 威尼斯商人安东尼奥的好友巴萨尼奥为了维持外强中干的体面,把微薄的产业挥霍殆尽,因此常常向安东尼奥借钱,安东尼奥都一一应允。现在巴萨尼奥因要向贝尔蒙特的名门闺秀鲍西娅求婚,急需钱款,又来请求安东尼奥尽力相助。但是,安东尼奥的货船已经远航,全部财产都在海上,他手头既缺现钱,也没有可以变换现款的货物,于是不得不以自己的名义向犹太人高利贷者夏洛克借三千元钱。 由于安东尼奥借钱给人家从不收利钱,因而压低了威尼斯干放债这一行人的利息收入,影响了夏洛克盘剥取利,加上安东尼奥憎恶犹太民族,曾在商人会集的场所当众辱骂夏洛克,所以夏洛克对安东尼奥早就有“深仇宿怨”。当夏洛克听到安东尼奥要向他借钱时,他就想趁此机会来个报复。他表示同意借钱,而且不收分文利息,但须写下借约,规定借期为三个月,届期不能还清本金,就从安东尼奥身上割下一磅肉。安东尼奥为了替朋友解难,又想到过两个月货船即可返回,到时“有九倍这笔借款的数目进门”,便签订了借约。

巴萨尼奥所钟情的鲍西娅却自有一番苦衷。她的父亲临终时立下遗嘱:求婚者通过抽签的方法,在金、银、铅三匣中选中预定的一只,才可与鲍西娅匹配成亲。鲍西娅发出这样的慨叹:“一个活着的女儿的意志,却要被一个死了的父亲的遗嘱所箝制”,但她仍然遵从父命。她感到欣慰的是好几个外国的王孙公子都望匣却步,已决定回国;摩洛哥亲王和阿拉伯亲王分别挑的是金匣和银匣,均未选中。倒是巴萨尼奥,曾给鲍西娅留下良好的印象。她的侍女尼莉莎说,巴萨尼奥是一切男子中最值得匹配的佳偶。鲍西娅也毫不含糊地说:“我很记得他,他果然值得你夸奖。” 巴萨尼奥动身去求婚之前设宴,夏洛克亦被邀请参加。夏洛克的女儿杰西卡趁此机会卷走金银财宝与其基督徒情人罗兰佐私奔,并皈依基督教。夏洛克得知这件事,气急败坏,沿街大呼小叫、乱跳乱喊。 安东尼奥和巴萨尼奥的两个朋友正在谈着一则传闻:安东尼奥的一艘满载货物的船只在海峡里倾覆了。他们见到夏洛克,便向他打听消息,夏洛克一心想的是女儿逃走的事。


西安几大著名旅游景点介绍(英文) 大雁塔Great Wild Goose Pagoda 小雁塔Small Wild Goose Pagoda 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses 秦始皇陵The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang 鼓楼 The Drum Tower 钟楼The Bell Tower 西安城墙The Xi’an Circumvallation 华清池The Huaqing Pond 法门寺The Famen Temple 黄河壶口瀑布The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall 大唐芙蓉园Lotus palace of Tang Dynasty Xi'an: Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayanta) The Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayan Ta),is a Buddhistpagoda built in 652 AD during the Tang Dynasty and originally had five stories.The original construction of rammed earth with a stone exterior facade eventually collapsed five decades later but was rebuilt by Empress Wu Zetian in 704AD who added five more stories. A massive earthquake in 1556 heavily damaged the pagoda and reduced it by three stories to its current height of seven stories One of the pagoda's many functions was to hold sutras and figurines of the Buddha that were brought to China from Indiaby Xuanzang, a famous Chinese Buddhist monk, scholar, traveler, and translator.Xuanzang is a prominent Buddhist figure mostly known for his seventeen year overland trip to India and back, which is recorded in detail in his autobiography and a biography, and which provided the inspiration for the epic novel “Journey to the West”.


Shaanxi is the most important Chinese civilization, the birthplace of one of the most concentrated, as early as 100 million years ago in Lam Tin live and work here, from the 11th century BC, one after another in the history of 13 dynasties established their capitals here. Shaanxi is China's cultural relics and cultures meet, there is a "natural History": a relic of the ancient city of Chang'an, known as the Eighth Wonder of the World's Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang, the size of the grand spectacular 72 ... ... broad Mausoleum of Chinese civilization so distant Every one of the early Shaanxi consciously digging deep inside You think the tone. Shaanxi is not only the many cultural relics, natural scenery and beautiful: There are inspiring area of natural and dangerous Xiyue Huashan Lintong Lishan; there is surging white water of the Yellow River's Hukou waterfall; also for the protection of rare animals such as giant pandas-based eco-tourism area. Plateau in northern Shaanxi is China's only revolutionary base, but also in Shaanxi Province is the birthplace of customs: the resounding Shaanxi Opera, passionate percussion, exquisite paper-cut and very breath of life of farmers such as painting, and all of its heavy and unique culture at the end of rhyme The Loess style has attracted more and more attention. The full name of the Wild Goose Pagoda "En Wild Goose Pagoda Temple", located 4 kilometers away from Xi'an area of the Grace Temple, built in 652 AD, according to legend Grace Temple is the first abbot presided over the Master Xuan (Tang Sancang) from India after the return of the country, in order to Dedicated to storage and classical Sanskrit and Buddhist relics and other objects Duzao personally designed and built. Huaqing Pool is located in Xi'an Lintong district on the north side of Lishan, 30 km east of Xi'an. Huaqing Pool because of the emperor and Yang legend and reputation spread far and wide, in fact, the Huaqing Pool is a long history, legend, in the early Western Zhou Dynasty, Zhou You Wang Jian Li was in the palace; generations of the First Qin Emperor, Emperor also set up here Palace; more large-scale construction of the Tang Dynasty, in particular the emperor Tianbao years to build a more luxurious palace pavilion, and changed its name to the official "China Palace." Terracotta warriors and horses is the only imperial tombs from the mass grave, located on the eastern side of Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum of about 1 kilometer and a half, was found in 1974, is the most important archaeological discoveries of. One pit was discovered when local farmers digging, drilling after another has found that two pit on the 3rd, one of which pits the largest, covering an area of 14,260 square meters. A total of three pits excavated more than 700 pieces of pottery figurine, by more than 100 tanks, more than 400 horses Ma Tao, more than 100,000 pieces of weapons. Pottery figurine at the height of 1 meter 75-1 m 85, according to dress, look, the style, can be divided into general figurines, warrior figurines, figurines, and other vehicles with disabilities. There are also excavated pit sword, spear, halberd, bronze weapons such as machetes, although buried in the soil in more than two thousand years, the blade is still sharp, sparkling, can be seen as a miracle in the history of metallurgy in the world. Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang large-scale, powerful scenes, with high artistic value. Clock Tower is located in Xi'an city of the North and the South East and West Main Street, four of the interchange. Ming Hongwu 17 years before, the site of the Xi'an Guangji in this corner, Wanli next 10 years to move the site of the Qing Emperor Qianlong had five-year renovation. Bronze bell hanging on the clock tower to time, the clock tower named. Drum Tower in Xi'an is

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