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一.听句子, 选择与图片意思相符的选项,听两遍

1. A: Tina, what are you doing for vacation?

B: I stayed at home last vacation, but this vacation I’m going camping.

Question: What is Tina doing for vacation?

2. A: Oh, Lisa, you don’t look well.

B: Yeah, maybe I have a headache.

Question: What’s the matter with Lisa?

3. A: Nick, is your brother Mike as tall as you?

B: Yes, but he is heavier than me.

Question: What do Nick and Mike look like?

4. A: How do you get to school, Mary?

B: I usually take a taxi, but sometimes I take a bus.

Question: What does Mary usually get to school?

5. A: Today is Oct.13. When are you leaving for HK?

B: The day after tomorrow.

Question: When is he leaving for HK?

二.情景反应:听句子, 选择适当的应答。共5句, 每句念两遍。

6. Can you go shopping with me ?

7. What does your mother look like?

8. How far is it from Lily’s home to school?

9. Remember send me a postcard from London.

10.What’s your favorite food?

三.短文理解:听一段短文, 然后选择答案完成句子。短文念三遍


初二年级英语试题(2012.12) (卷面总分:100分 考试时间:100分钟) 一、 听力(共15题, 每小题1分,计15分.) A.听小对话,选择最佳图画选项.(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) 1. What’s Jim going to do next Sunday? A B C 2. Which sign can they see? A B C 3.What does the man want to buy first? A B C 4.What does the man ’s father do? A B C 5.What does the woman want to learn? A B C B. 听大对话,回答问题.(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) 听第一段对话,完成6至7题. 6.What is the woman ’s favourite animal? A. Dogs. B.Tigers. C.Camels. 7.What does the man mean? A. Dogs are the best friends. B. Tigers can kill other animals for food if they are hungry. C. Camels don ’t need to eat anything. 听第二段对话,完成8至10题. 8.How is the boy going to Beijing Amusement Park tomorrow? A.By taxi. B. By car. C.By underground. 9.When and where are they going to meet? A. At the gate at 9 a.m.. B. At the bus stop at 9 a.m.. C. At the flat at 8 a.m.. 10.What will they eat for lunch? A. Beijing Duck. B. Some bread. C.Hamburgers. C. 听短文,选择最佳选项.(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) 11.It would be better to buy some ______ first. A. fresh vegetables B. vegetable salad C. fresh fruit 12. You should cut them up ________. A. before cleaning them B. after cleaning them C. after putting them in a bowl 13. You can buy_________ . A. only cabbages ,carrots ,potatoes and tomatoes B. any kind of vegetable C. only three or four kinds of vegetables 14. Finally ,mix up the vegetables and _____ in a bowl. A. water B. milk or cheese C. candy 15. This passage tells us how to ______. A. buy food B. eat a healthy diet C. make vegetable salad 二、单项选择(共10题,每题1分,计10分) 从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案. 16.Study hard, ________ you will pass the English exam. A. and B. but C. or D. so 17.Which symbol has the meaning of “dollar ”? A. @ B. % C. & D. $ 18. ______ exciting news it is! A. What B. What an C. How D. How an 19.Would you please make __________ for this old man? A. a room B. space C. place D. spaces


2020年长沙市长郡双语实验中学小升初 入学考试数学模拟卷(四) 一、填空(每空1分,共15分) 1、5.1:1.7化成最简整数比是()。 2、12÷()=():12=()小数=()。 3、一个水桶装22(),一只公鸡重2.6千克,也就是()克。 4、有三个自然数,甲数与乙数的比是3:5,乙数与丙数的比是4:7,甲乙两数的和是160,则丙数是()。 5、六(1)班实有50人,到了49人,出勤率是()。 6、小华做口算题,前3分钟做了25道,后2分钟做了15道,他平均一分钟做()题。 7、如果A÷B=5(B不等于0),那么A和B的最大公约数是()。 8、把12分解质因数是()。 9、一个圆锥的体积是24立方厘米,与它等底等高的圆柱的体积是()立方厘米。 10、用一根长30厘米的铁丝围成一个长方形,长与宽的比是3:2,那么长方形的宽是()厘米。 二、选择题(每小1分,共5分) 1、一根圆柱形木材的底面积是2平方分米,把它锯成4段,表面积增加()平方分米。 A、6 B、8 C、12 D、4 2、所有分母是9的最简真分数的和是()。 A、4 B、3 C、2 D、1 3、用一张长8厘米宽6厘米的长方形纸剪一个最大的圆,它的半径是()厘米。

A 、8 B 、6 C 、4 D 、3 4、小强把500元存入银行,整存整取二年,年利率2.70%,求到期他得到的税后利息(税率是利息的20%),列式应是( )。 A 、500×2.7% B 、500×2.7%×2×20% C 、500×2.7%×2×(1-20%) 5、某工厂原来产品中有 是次品,用新机器后减少损失,现在次品占总产品的( )。 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 、 三、判断题(每题2分,共10分) 1、在同一个圆中,周长与半径成正比例。( ) 2、一个圆锥的高扩大9倍,底面积缩小3倍,那么体积扩大6倍。( ) 3、 和都不能化成有限小数。( ) 4、一节课的时间是40分钟,即0.4小时。( ) 5、把250克盐全部溶解在1千克的水中,所得盐水的含盐率是20%。( ) 四、简答题(每题4分,共36分) 计算:(1)57.5-14.25-1543 (2)71×102.31+407 6×102.31 (3)24×(41+32-61) (4)52÷[85×(109+6 1)] 求下列未知数x 的值: (5)0.8x =32 (6)5x =4× 文字题:


Unit 1:Where did you go on vacation? Section A 2d: Role-play the conversation、 Rick: Hi, Helen、Long time no see、 Helen:Hi, Rick、Yes, I was on vacation last month、 Rick: Oh, did you go anywhere interesting? Helen: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family、 Rick: Wow! Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall? Helen: Yes, I did、It was wonderful! We took quite a few photos there、What about you? Did you do anything special last month? Rick: Not really、I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax、 Grammar Focus: 1、Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City、 2、Did you go out with anyone? No, No one was here、Everyone was on vacation、 3、Did you buy anything special? Yes,I bought something for my father、/ No, I bought nothing、 4、How was the food? Everything tasted really good! 5、Did everyone have a good time? Oh, yes、Everything was excellent、 Section B 2b 阅读理解 Monday, July 15th


辽中县2014年9月八年级英语阶段测试题(满分:100分)Ⅰ.基础知识与运用(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) A) 选择并抄写单词。 1. From an early age, he showed great ___________ability. (artistic, artist) 2.Is there ___________ (anything, something) on the blackboard? 3.The king ___________(ordered, made) his men to collect a bag of rice 4.With the ten numbers, we can count things ___________ (easy, easily). 5.The spinning wheel was a Chinese ____________ (inventor, invention). B) 根据汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式。 6.Ludwig Von Beethoven was a great _____________(音乐家). 7.The winner will get an English-Chinese dictionary as a __________(奖品). 8.I’d like to ___________(挑战) myself to make greater progress. 9.There are many kinds of ____________(恐龙) on Earth. 10.The book ___________(包括)some beautiful photos. They are part of the book. C)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 11.We __________ the football match yesterday. (win) 12.The doctor ordered me ___________ a rest for a month. (take) 13.He put one grain on the first square, four on the ________, and so on. (three) 14.There are many __________ in Disneyland Park. ( attract) 15.It is always _________ to have an English- Chinese dictionary. You should buy one. (use) Ⅱ.按要求完成下列各题(共15题,每小题2分,满分30分) A) 选择填空 ( ) 16. Da Vinci was ____Italian painter and one of his paintings, the Mona Lisa, is ____ most famous in ____ world. A .an, a, the B. a, the, the C. an, the, the D. the, a, the ( ) 17. Nanjing isn’t so large as Shanghai. ____it is the second largest city in East .China. A. But B. However C .Because D. So ( ) 18.____ is impossible, if you put your heart into it. A .Something B. Anything C. Everything D. Nothing ( ) 19.------Is ____ here? ------No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave. A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. nobody ( ) 20.____ are very important to the farmers in Australia. A . Sheeps B. Sheep C. A sheep D. The sheeps ( )21.Abraham Lincoln was ____ president of the United States. A. 16 B. the 16 C. 16th D. the 16th ( ) 22.Our school is not very big. There are only____ students. A. nine hundreds of B. nine hundred C. nine hundreds D. nine hundred of


高考模拟英语试卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What will the woman buy for her father? A. A watch. B. A book. C. A tie. 2. What are the two speakers mainly talking about? A. An order. B. A deliveryman. C. The Spring Festival. 3. What did the woman think the man wanted her to do? A. Pick up his parents. B. Lend him her dishes. C. Help clean his apartment. 4. Where did the woman get a copy of the novel? A. At a bookstore. B. At the school library. C. At the man’s home. 5. Why does the man refuse to go to the concert at first? A. He can’t afford the cost. B. He is not interested in it. C. He hasn’t brought his student I D. 第二节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 6. Why is the man going to New York? A. To go to university. B. To enjoy a Broadway drama. C. To go on a business trip. 7. Where does the woman suggest the man get a good map? A. At the visitor’s office. B. At the train station. C. At the UN office. 请听第7段材料,回答8、9题。 8. What activity will the man probably do to lose weight? A. Cycling. B. Running. C. Swimming. 9. How much does the woman want to weigh by the end of July? A. 110 pounds. B. 120 pounds. C. 135 pounds. 请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. How does the woman know so much about the 57th Annual Grammy Awards? A. She was present. B. She watched it online. C. She saw it on TV. 11. How many awards were presented in the 56th Annual Grammy Awards?


2017年长沙市长郡双语实验中学初三入学考试 物理模拟卷 一、选择题(每题3分,共45分,只有一个选项符合要求) 1.生活中经常要对一些物理量进行估测,下列是瑞瑞同学在日常生活中估计的数据,你认为最接近实际的是() A.一名初二学生从楼下走到三楼做功约3200 J B.一个中学生双脚站立时对地的压强约1.2×10 4 Pa C.一个中学生跳绳一次克服重力所做功的功率约为500W D.我校一个普通小教室内空气的质量约为15Kg 2.关于运动和力,下列说法中正确的是() A、排运动员用力击球时,手对球的作用力与球对手的作用力大小相等 B、下沉的物体不受浮力 C、汽车急刹车时,人会向前“冲”,是因为惯性突然消失 D、人推木箱没有推动,是因为人对木箱的推力小于地面对木箱的摩擦力 3.班级大扫除时,小天同学发现许多现象与摩擦有关,其中减少摩擦的措施是() A.擦玻璃时把抹布压紧在玻璃上去擦 B.书柜下装有滚轮便于移动位置 C.黑板刷的刷面使用更粗糙的材料制成 D.水桶的手柄上刻有凹凸不平的花纹 4.如图所示,从斜面底端被弹簧弹出的木块在沿光滑斜面上滑的过程中受到(不计空气阻力)() A. 重力、支持力 B. 重力、支持力、推力 C. 重力、摩擦力、冲力 D. 重力、摩擦力、推力 5.如图所示的简单机械,在使用中属于费力杠杆的是() A. B. C. D. 6. 如图甲所示,长方形木块静止在水平桌面上,其右端与桌子边缘相平.木块与桌面间的粗糙程度不变,现用水平力向右推动木块使其底部露出桌面,在推木块的过程中木块对桌面的压力F、压强p和摩擦力f的变化情况是() A.p、F、f均不变 B.p增大,F不变、f变大 C.F减小,p不变、f变小 D.p增大,F、f不变 7.如图所示,“奔马”模型的后蹄能稳稳地站立在手指上,分析正确的是() A.“奔马”受到的重力与手指对它的支持力是一对平衡力


高级中学2017-2018学年第二学期期末考试 八年级英语 第I卷基础知识与能力考察部分(共25分) I. 听力测试(共20分)略 II. 词汇测试(10分) 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共20小题,每小题0.5分)( )21. After watching the movie for so many times, he got bored with it. A. was tired of B. was happy with C. was interested in ( )22. I will look after her child when she is on a business trip. A. take care B. care for C. care about ( )23. It is cruel to use living animals to do experiments. A. serious B. friendly C. unkind ( )24. I wrote to my head teacher about my plan a week ago, but he didn’t respond to me. A. give B. answer C. reply ( )25. —Did Miss Wang go to Shenzhen recently? —Yes. She has been there for several times. A. hardly B. lately C. surely ( )26. You are late again. What’s your reason this time? A. excuse B. choice C. message ( )27. His notebooks include some interesting drawings of flying machines. A. besides B. is made up of C. contain ( )28. Mary looked so sad because she realized her mistakes after listening to her father’s words. A. saw B. was aware of C. guessed ( )29. —Is the bank far from here? —No. It is just across from our library. A. next to B. opposite to C. far from ( )30. When we heard a frightening sound at midnight, all of us ran away ______. A. in silence B. in surprise C. in fear ( )31. The professor ______ our invitation and promised to make a speech at our school. A. received B. accepted C. rejected ( )32. John, remember to ______ the TV programme Running Man for me this evening. A. record B. return C. repeat


初二英语试题及答案 单项填空(20 分)从每小题A、B、C、D 中选出能填入句中空白处的最佳选项。 21It’s interesting, but ________ difficult for me. A.little B. a little C. a few D. few 22. Everyone ______ here last Monday. A.were B.is C. are D. Was 23. Did Julie study _______ exams? A.to B. for C. have D. at 24. It was a _________ day yesterday. A.rain B. raining C. rainy D. to rain 25. There are also many fast food restaurants in _________ parts of our city. A.other B. others C. another D. the others 26. You needn’t _ your English. I will help you. A.worry B.worried C.worry about D.worried about 27. —____ does you mother go to the supermarket? —By bus. A.Where B. When C. How D.What 28. It’s time ___________class. A.for have B. have C. to have D. to having 29. He helped his mother clean the rooms and then ________ his homework yesterday afternoon. A. do B.doing C. does D. did 30. —Is that ________ interesting book? —Yes, but it is ___________ difficult. A.an, a little B. a, a bit C.a, a little D. an, little 31. —When did you see the film? —__________.


2018-2020学年七上期中模拟试卷含答案 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3.请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 4.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。 一、书写(5 分) 1.要求书写规范、工整,保持卷面整洁。二、语文知识积累 (39 分) 2.根据拼音写汉字,给加点字选择正确读音。(4 分) (1)他们一看那些小山,心中便觉得有了着.(A.zhuó B .zháo )落,有了依靠。(老舍《济南的冬天》)(选择序号即可) (2)我暗暗地在那里nì()笑,却一声儿不响。(泰戈尔《金色花》) (3)拍雪人和塑雪罗汉需要人们jiàn ( )赏,这是荒园,人迹罕至,所以不相宜,只好来捕鸟。(鲁迅《从百草园到三味书屋》) (4)这些词使整个世界在我面前变得huātuán jǐn cù( ),美不胜收。(海伦·凯勒《再塑生命的人》)3.找出下面词语中有错的字并加以改正。(4 分) 抖擞宽敞拙拙逼人人迹罕至抉别 油然而生憔悴戳然不同翻来覆去美不剩收 4.诗文填空。(10 分) (1)“”,不错的,像母亲的手抚摸着你。(朱自清《春》) (2),随君直到夜郎西。(李白《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》) (3)有朋自远方来,?(《<论语>十二章》) (4)夜发清溪向三峡,。(李白《峨眉山月歌》) (5)遥怜故园菊,。(岑参《行军九日思长安故园》)


楚州区教育教学第三协作片期中统考八年级 英语学科试卷 命题人:潘福平 一、选择题。(20 分) ( )1. It’s UFO. A. a B. an C. the D./ ( )2. Is there in today’s newspaper? A. something interesting B. interesting something C. anything interesting D. interesting anything ( )3. a day do you feed your pet? Twice a day. A. How often B. How long C. How many D. How many times ( )4. My dog is animal of all. A. clever B. cleverest C. cleverer D. the cleverest ( )5. --- Is the English book yours? --- No, it Simon’s. A. can B. can be C. maybe D. might is ( )6. –---Why don’t we? ---------- It’s a good idea . A . going fishing B . to go fishing C . go fish D . go fishing ( )7. The woman enjoys . A. sing and dance B. sings and dances C. singing and dancing D. singing and dances ( )8. It took half an hour his homework. A. her, do B. him, do C. him, to do D. him, doing ( )9. interesting story it is! A. What B. How C. What a D. What an ( )10. A person cannot sneeze and his eyes at the same time. A. lets, open B. keep, open C. lets, close D. keep, close ( )11. Remember to your homework to school tomorrow. A. take B. bring C. buy D. worry ( )12. is important fish fresh water. A. That; to give B. It; to give C. That; giving D. It; to giving ( )13. You be polite to the old man. A. should B. can C. need D. may ( )14. –Must I return the book right now? –No, you . A. mustn’t B. don’t have to C. needn’t D.B and C ( )15. Timmy plays with his pet for every day. A. sometime B. some times C. sometimes D. some time ( )16. Don’t read the sun and it’s bad your eyes.


长郡中学2018—2019学年岁高一第一学期期末考试 英语 时量:120分钟满分:100分 第一部分听力(共两节,满分12分) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A A trip to Paris is not complete without a visit to the Eiffel Tower. To get the most out of your visit read our tips below: Visit at Night Riding up the Eiffel Tower at night and looking out over the streets of Paris, you’ll see why Paris is known as the “City of Light”. At street level, the spotlights on the top of the Tower and the reflections (倒影) of the Tower in the Seine (塞纳河) are sights not to be missed. Purchase (购买) Your Ticket in Advance Online Avoid the long ticket lines at the Eiffel Tower by purchasing your ticket online from the Eiffel Tower website. You’ll pick a time to visit and then select w hether to print out the ticket or display it on your phone or iPad, a convenient choice if you buy your ticket in Paris without a printer. Don’t Bring Valuable Objects with You Before entering the Eiffel Tower, your bags will be examined by a security officer. If an item you are carrying sets off the metal detector, the officer will take you away from the line for further inspection. Probably you will miss the chance to go up the Eiffel Tower. Have Drinks and Snacks at the Eiffel Tower If you’re like us, after an exciting trip to the Eiffel Tower, you’ll be ready to rest your legs and have a relaxing snack and a drink in a Parisian cafe. Across the Seine in the Trocadero area, there are many elegant cafes. The atmosphere is great, but the prices are in the stratosphere (极高水平). Actually, the perfect place for common visitors to eat and drink is on the Eiffel Tower itself. 21. Why does the author suggest visiting the Eiffel Tower at night?


长沙市第二批中小学卓越教师名单 学科带头人 序号工作单位姓名学科 1 省政府直属机关第一幼儿院学前教育 2 长沙市人民政府机关第三幼儿园学前教育 3 湖南大学子弟小学语文 4 开福区金鹰小学语文 5 长沙县星沙盼盼中心小学语文 6 芙蓉区育才第三小学语文 7 雨花区砂子塘湘天小学数学 8 长沙市天心区红卫小学信息技术 9 长沙市岳麓区滨江小学综合实践 10 长沙麓山国际实验学校语文 11 长沙市南雅中学语文 12 长沙市明德华兴中学数学 13 长沙市岳麓区湘仪学校物理 14 浏阳市荷花街道荷花初级中学生物 15 长郡双语实验中学地理 16 长沙市田家炳实验中学音乐 17 湖南省地质中学语文 18 长沙市雅礼中学语文 19 长沙市实验中学语文 20 长沙县实验中学数学 21 长沙市周南中学数学 22 长沙市第二十一中学数学 23 长沙市明德中学数学 24 宁乡市第四高级中学数学 25 湖南师大附中英语 26 望城区一中英语 27 长沙市第十一中学物理 28 长沙市长郡中学化学 29 长沙县实验中学化学 30 长沙市周南中学历史 31 长沙市特殊教育学校特殊教育 32 长沙市第一中学音乐 33 长沙航天学校数控 34 浏阳市职业中专电子技术 35 长沙市信息职业技术学校学前教育 - 1 -

优秀骨干教师 序号工作单位姓名学科 1 长沙市天心区白沙乾城幼儿园学前教育 2 湖南大学幼儿园学前教育 3 长沙市教育局幼儿园学前教育 4 长沙市教育局幼儿园学前教育 5 长沙市政府机关第三幼儿园学前教育 6 长沙麓山国际实验小学语文 7 长沙高新区虹桥小学语文 8 宁乡市玉潭街道新山小学语文 9 宁乡市玉潭街道新山小学语文 10 湖南第一师范学院斑马湖小学语文 11 浏阳市关口街道道吾初级中学语文 12 宁乡市玉潭实验二小语文 13 长郡﹒浏阳实验学校语文 14 宁乡市白马桥街道中心小学语文 15 长沙市实验小学语文 16 长沙县泉塘第二小学语文 17 长沙高新区明华小学数学 18 长沙县黄花镇黄龙小学数学 19 浏阳市大瑶镇李畋完全小学数学 20 芙蓉区大同古汉城小学数学 21 长沙高新区明德麓谷学校数学 22 浏阳市淮川街道黄泥湾小学数学 23 开福实验小学数学 24 长沙高新区麓谷第二小学数学 25 长沙市实验小学数学 26 中南大学第一附属小学数学 27 长沙麓山国际实验小学数学 28 雨花区长塘里小学数学 29 长沙高新区明德麓谷学校数学 30 开福区清水塘第二小学数学 31 芙蓉区大同小学英语 32 浏阳市奎文实验小学英语 33 长沙市天心区井岗小学英语 34 长沙市岳麓区博才寄宿小学英语 35 长沙县星沙实验小学科学


初中英语八年级上册 全册

新目标人教版初中英语八年级上册精品教案全册 Love me love my dog!! Wish Love to fill around the world! 教学工作计划 【一】.本学期的指导思想: 1、要面向全体学生,关注每个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,培养创新精神; 2、整体设计目标,体现灵活开放,目标设计以学生技能,语言知识,情感态度,学习策略和文化意识的发展为基础; 3、突出学生主体,尊重个体差异; 4、采用活动途径,倡导体验参与,即采用任务型的教学模式,让学生在老师的指导下通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功; 5、注重过程评价,促进学生发展,建立能激励学生学习兴趣和自主学习能力发展的评价体系。 总之,让学生在使用英语中学习英语,让学生成为Good User 而不仅仅是Learner。让英语成为学生学习生活中最实用的工具而非累赘,让他们在使用和学习英语的过程中,体味到轻松和成功的快乐,而不是无尽的担忧和恐惧。 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢49

【二】.所教班级学生基本情况分析: 本届八年级学生的英语基础方面还很薄弱,经过上学期我们两位英语老师的不懈努力,年段学生的基础知识得到了加强,学习态度也有所好转。但是学生整体的惰性还是很强,自觉性很差。 另外,学生在情感态度,学习策略方面还存在诸多需要进一步解决的问题。例如:很多学生不能明确学习英语的目的,没有真正认识到学习英语的目的在于交流;有些同学在学习中缺乏小组合作意识;大多数同学没有养成良好的学习习惯,不能做好课前预习课后复习,学习没有计划性和策略性;不善于发现和总结语言规律,不注意知识的巩固和积累。 【三】奋斗目标: 钻研新课标,提高教学水平,真正做到教学相长,努力达到学校规定的教学指标。 【四】具体措施: 1. 每天背诵课文中的对话。目的:要求学生背诵并默写,培养语感。 2. 每天记5个生词,2个常用句子或习语。实施:利用“互测及教师抽查”及时检查,保证效果并坚持下去。 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢49


2017年暑假新概念培训学校英语测试卷 一、单项填空(10分) 从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能填入句中空白处的最佳选项。 1. It’s interesting, but ________ difficult for me. B. a little C. a few D. few 2. Everyone ______ here last Monday. C. are D. was 3. Did Julie study _______ exams B. for C. have D. at 4. It was a ___ day yesterday. B. raining C. rainy D. to rain 5. There are also many fast food restaurants in ______ parts of our city. B. others C. another D. the others 6. You needn’t ______ your English. I will help you.

about about 7. —___does you mother go to the supermarket—By bus. B. When C. How 8. It’s time ____class. have B. have C. to have D. to having 9. He helped his mother clean the rooms and then ____ his homework yesterday afternoon. A. do C. does D. did 10. —Is that ________ interesting book —Yes, but it is ___________ difficult. , a little B. a, a bit , a little D. an, little 11. —When did you see the film —__________. hours ago. an hour hours D. In two hours ago 12. How about _________ the supermarket

我是长郡人 - 长郡双语实验中学

我是长郡人 (1214班刘奕伶) “雄杰古潭州。襟带江湖踞上游。旧时人才渊薮。中华兴复共道湘人多造就。四海尽同胞,况吾侪同郡。情联意属,相研究……”两年前,当我作为长郡双语的新生参加学前军训时,这首悠扬的校歌便开始萦绕在我的耳畔,让我的心久久难平。正是从那时起,我真正成为了一名长郡人。两年来,每每听到这首校歌,品味着歌词,我总会从心底对长郡产生无限的敬意和崭新的思考。 长郡是什么样儿?长郡是唯美的育人环境。在我的脑海里,它是一潭碧水映红花,数棵垂柳拂人面。在双语澄池周围,有古朴的长廊,廊顶缠绕着肆意生长的常青藤,缥碧的池水中浮着几片清凉的荷叶和数种淡雅的幽莲。若是清风徐来,明镜般的池面就会碧波荡漾,泛起层层涟漪。在这样美丽的环境中,有哪个学子不满心愉悦呢? 长郡人又是怎样的?清晨,双语校园门口人潮涌动,早起的学子们如归巢的鸟儿般从四面八方匆匆而来,井然有序地步入校园;不到半个小时,一切的喧闹归于平静,只剩那抑扬顿挫的早读声回荡在红白瓦、蓝黑顶的英式教学楼里。课堂上,求知若渴的同学们与最富有责任心的老师们一道谱写着教学相长的动人旋律;考试前,每个老师办公室都被围得水泄不通:无论是“学霸”,还是“学渣”,大家都懂得在关键时刻认真复习,扫除各种的学习疑问;敬业的老师们也不厌其烦地给同学们释疑解惑……正因如此,长郡双语学子们近几年的中考成绩也是“芝麻开花——节节高”,大家创造了一个又一个奇迹! 长沙人都说长郡是“地狱”,如果你认为长郡人都是书呆子,都是校园里填鸭式学习的苦行僧,那你就大错特错了!虽然长郡的学习抓得紧,作业多,但是郡园学子的课余生活永远是那么丰富多彩。 瞧!那绿草如茵的足球场上,总有热爱足球的少年们在尽情地奔跑;那宽敞平整的篮球场里,总能看到篮球健儿们充满活力的身影;而在灯光明亮的体育馆里,身手不凡的羽毛球队员们总能博得观众们的阵阵喝彩……当然,最令长郡人期待的是学校每年一度的“校园五大节”:书香馥郁的读书节、龙腾虎跃的运动节、异彩纷呈的社团节、奇思妙想的科技节、美不胜收的艺术节。这校园五大节中的每一项活动都是我们长郡人陶冶情操、开拓创新的舞台,也是我们长郡人提升能力、强身健体的练兵场——它不仅使学子们在紧张的学习之余放松心情,更能让学子们在多彩的活动之中展示自我!

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