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Definition of a Management Information System

There is no consensus of the definition of the term "management information system". Some writers prefer alternative terminology such as "information processing system", "information and decision system", "organizational information system", or simply "information system" to refer to the computer-based information processing system which supports the operations, management, and decision-making functions of an organization. This text uses “MIS” because it is descriptive and generally understood; it also frequently uses “information system” instead of “MIS” to refer to an organizational information system.

A definition of a management information system, as the term is generally understood, is an integrated, user-machine system for providing information to support operations, management, and decision-making functions in an organization. The system utilizes computer hardware and software; manual procedures; models for analysis planning, control and decision making; and a database. The fact that it is an integrated system does not mean that it is a single, monolithic structure; rather, it means that the parts fit into an overall design. The elements of the definition are highlighted below.

1 Computer-based user-machine system

Conceptually, management information can exist without computer, but it is the power of the computer which makes MIS feasible. The question is not whether computers should be used in management information system, but the extent to which information use should be computerized. The concept of a user-machine system implies that some tasks are best performed by humans, while others are best done by machine. The user of an MIS is any person responsible for entering input data, instructing the system, or utilizing the information output of the system. For many problems, the user and the computer form a combined system with results obtained through a set of interactions between the computer and the user.

User-machine interaction is facilitated by operation in which the user’s input-output device (usually a visual display terminal) is connected to the computer. The computer can be a personal computer serving only one user or a large computer that serves a number of users through terminals connected by communication lines. The user input-output device permits direct input of data and immediate output of results. For instance, a person using the computer interactively in financial planning poses “what if” questions by entering input at the terminal keyboard; the results are displayed on the screen in a few second.

The computer-based user-machine characteristics of an MIS affect the knowledge requirements of both system developer and system user. “computer-based” means that the designer of a management information system must have knowledge of computers and of their use in processing. The “user-machine” concept means the system designer should also understand the capabilities of humans as system components (as information processors) and the behavior of humans as users of information.

Information system applications should not require users to be computer experts. However, users need to be able to specify their information requirements; some understanding of computers, the nature of information, and its use in various management function aids users in this task.

2 Integrated system

Management information system typically provides the basis for integration of organizational information processing. Individual applications within information systems are developed for and by diverse sets of users. If there are no integrating processes and mechanisms, the individual applications may be inconsistent and incompatible. Data item may be specified differently and may not be compatible across applications that use the same data. There may be redundant development of separate applications when actually a single application could serve more than one need. A user wanting to perform analysis using data from two different applications may find the task very difficult and sometimes impossible.

The first step in integration of information system applications is an overall information system plan. Even though application systems are

implemented one at a time, their design can be guided by the overall plan, which determines how they fit in with other functions. In essence, the information system is designed as a planed federation of small systems.

Information system integration is also achieved through standards, guidelines, and procedures set by the MIS function. The enforcement of such standards and procedures permit diverse applications to share data, meet audit and control requirements, and be shares by multiple users. For instance, an application may be developed to run on a particular small computer. Standards for integration may dictate that the equipment selected be compatible with the centralized database. The trend in information system design is toward separate application processing form the data used to support it. The separate database is the mechanism by which data items are integrated across many applications and made consistently available to a variety of users. The need for a database in MIS is discussed below.

3 Need for a database

The term “information” and “data” are frequently used interchangeably; however, information is generally defined as data that is meaningful or useful to the recipient. Data items are therefore the raw material for producing information.

The underlying concept of a database is that data needs to be managed in order to be available for processing and have appropriate quality. This data management includes both software and organization. The software to create and manage a database is a database management system.

When all access to any use of database is controlled through a database management system, all applications utilizing a particular data item access the same data item which is stored in only one place. A single updating of the data item updates it for all uses. Integration through a database management system requires a central authority for the database. The data can be stored in one central computer or dispersed among several computers; the overriding requirement is that there is an organizational function to exercise control.

4 Utilization of Models

It is usually insufficient for human recipients to receive only raw data or even summarized data. Data usually needs to be processed and

presented in such a way that the result is directed toward the decision to be made. To do this, processing of data items is based on a decision model. For example, an investment decision relative to new capital expenditures might be processed in terms of a capital expenditure decision model.

Decision models can be used to support different stages in the decision-making process. “Intelligence” models can be used to search for problems and/or opportunities. Models can be used to identify and analyze possible solutions. Choice models such as optimization models maybe used to find the most desirable solution

In other words, multiple approaches are needed to meet a variety of decision situations. The following are examples and the type of model that might be included in an MIS to aid in analysis in support of decision-making; in a comprehensive information system, the decision maker has available a set of general models that can be applied to many analysis and decision situations plus a set of very specific models for unique decisions. Similar models are available for planning and control. The set of models is the model base for the MIS.

The management information system (MIS) not only supports the underlying bed administrator, moreover may support the intermediate deck personnel's control check, for high level also can provide certain information. The management information system frame by four parts: Information source, information processor, information user and information superintendent. The information source is the information production place; Information processor burden task/role and so on information transmission, processing, save; The information user is the information user, carries on the decision-making using the information; The information superintendent is responsible for the information system the design, the implementation and the safeguarding. The management information system is regarded as generally a pyramid shape the structure, divides into from the lower level handling of traffic to the operating control, the control check, the topmost story strategic planning. The most basic unit greatly processes the numerous and diverse transaction information and the state information framing by the task/role.

In a word, the management information system (Management Information

System, MIS), is by the artificial leadership, using the computer hardware, the software, the network communicates these devices and other office equipments carries on the information the collection, the transmission, the processing, the storage, the update and the safeguarding by achieved the enterprise strategy competes superior, enhances the benefit and the efficiency target, supports the enterprise the high level decision-making, the intermediate deck check and the basic unit operation integration man-machine system. MIS is the superintendent provides the report, provides the enterprise the recent situation as well as the historic record. This system main localization is aims at in the enterprise, for control function and so on level plan, check and decision-making serves, provides the data generally by the lower level handling of traffic system. MIS will be able the actual enterprise's each kind of run situation, and using the past historical data forecast future, embarks the assistance enterprise from the enterprise overall situation angle to carry on the decision-making, used the message control enterprise the behavior, helped the enterprise to achieve its plan























总之,管理信息系统(Management Information System,MIS),是一个以人为主导,利用计算机的硬件、软件、网络通信这些设备和其它的办公设备进行信息的收集、传输、加工、储存、更新和维护以达到企业战略竞优、提高效益和效率的目的,来支持企业的高层决策、中层控制和基层运作的集成化的人机系统。MIS为管理者提供报告,提供企业的最近的情况以及历史记录。这一系统主要定位是针对企业内部,为管理层的计划、控制和决策等功能服务,一般由下层的业务处理系统提供数据。MIS能够实测企业的各种运行情况,并利用过去的历史数据预测未来,从企业全局的角度出发辅助企业进行决策,利用信息控制企业的行为,帮助企业实现其规划目标。


科类:管理学学号130402020359 学校代码:密级: 2017届学年论文 DZJ有限公司营运资金管理研究 院系:财经学院 专业:工商管理(会计学方向) 姓名:黄健 指导教师:刘秀 上交日期:二〇一六年8 月

摘要 通过研究中小企业的当前的发展现状,从宏观方面分析和阐述当前中小企业在营运资金管理中存在的问题和不足,在意识层面、人才层面、制度层面和操作层面四个方面作了详细论述和讨论,结合营运资金管理专业知识对各个方面分别提出相应的解决措施和应对办法。本文对营运资金管理的研究,以DZJ有限公司为例,构建最佳营运资金管理模式,制定合理有效的管理制度,以此来提高我国企业营运资金管理效率,进而提高企业的整体竞争力,实现企业价值最大化目标。 关键词:发展现状中小企业营运资金管理

Abstract Through the study of the current development status of small and medium-sized enterprises, from the macroscopic aspects and expounds the current problems of small and medium-sized enterprises in the management of working capital and the insufficiency, the consciousness level talent level system level and operation level, discusses four aspects and discussed, combined with the professional knowledge on all aspects of working capital management, respectively, puts forward corresponding solving measures and response in this paper, the research of working capital management, to DZJ co., LTD., for example, to build the best management model of working capital, formulate rational and effective management system, in order to improve the efficiency of our country enterprise operating funds management, and improve the overall competitiveness of the enterprise, realize the goal of enterprise value maximization. 【key words】Development Status Minor enterprises Working capital management


目录 摘要 (2) 关键词 (2) 一、引言 (2) 二、绿色贸易壁垒概述 (3) 1、绿色贸易壁垒的概念 (3) 2、绿色贸易壁垒形成和发展的原因 (3) 3、绿色贸易壁垒的形式 (4) 4、绿色贸易壁垒的特点 (4) 三、绿色贸易壁垒对我国外贸的影响 ..................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1、对我国外贸的积极影响 (5) 2、对我国外贸的消极影响 (5) 四、我国外贸应对全球绿色贸易壁垒的对策 (6) 六、结语 (7) 参考文献 (7)

关于绿色贸易壁垒对我国出口贸易的影响的文献综述 摘要: 绿色贸易壁垒由于具有表面上的合理性以及隐蔽性等特点,成为当今国际贸易领域行之有效的贸易保护手段之一。这引起了我国众多学者的关注,他们从绿色贸易壁垒的概念、形式、特点入手,对绿色贸易壁垒对我国外贸的影响进行了研究,分析绿色贸易壁垒对我国出口市场范围,出口商品结构,出口贸易增长速度,经济效益和国际贸易关系的影响。并针对我国出口贸易面临绿色贸易壁垒日益增多的现实状况,提出我国外贸应对全球绿色贸易壁垒的对策。本文将众多学者的观点进行了梳理,并进行了一定的评论。 关键词:绿色贸易壁垒出口经济措施 Abstract:Green barriers on the surface as a reasonable and hidden features, to become effective in today's international trade is one means of trade protection. This has led to the concern of many scholars in China, they are from the concept of green trade barriers, form, features start on the green trade barriers on China's foreign trade was studied to analyze the green range of trade barriers on China's export market, export commodity structure, exports trade growth, economic efficiency and international trade relations. And green for China's export trade is facing increasing trade barriers, the reality of the situation, put forward China's foreign trade measures to address global green trade barriers. This will be the point of view of many scholars of the sort, and make some comments. Key Words:Green trade barrier;Export Economy;Measures 一、引言 进入21世纪,人们的消费观念有了前所未有的变化,对绿色产品显示出了旺盛的需求。随着工业化进程的加快,世界经济得到了高速发展,但是随之而来是环境的破坏,环境污染问题日渐突出。绿色壁垒是20 世纪环保浪潮的产物,初衷在于保护环境和人类安全。但伴随着全球一体化的进程,国际贸易迅速发展,国家间的贸易竞争也更加激烈,而关税壁垒和非关税壁垒受到了严格限制。在这种情况下,既可以保护环境,又可以保护国内产品和市场的绿色壁垒被越来越多的国家采用,成为一种新型的非税壁垒形式。绿色壁垒作为一种“合法”的贸易壁垒,越来越多地影响到国际贸易的正常进行。为了保护国内环境和市场,发展我国相关产业,更好地维护我国利益,寻找跨越绿色壁垒的方法成为当务之急。因此,本文将众多学者对绿色贸易壁垒对我国出口贸易的影响


商务英语专业毕业论文参考题目(教师选题) 一、 1、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 2、商务英语函电翻译技巧 3、商务英语信函的语体分析 3、浅谈商务信函的文体特征 4、商务英语学习方法探究 5、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养 6、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素 7、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突 8、试论普通英语与商务英语的差异 9、商务谈判中的语言艺术 10、商标名称的翻译与策略 11、广告英语的分类与分析 12、试论文化因素对商务活动的作用 13、商务英语听力策略研究 14、商务英语写作问题研究 15、商务英语考试技巧研究 16、电子商务对国际贸易的影响及对策 17、The Ways to Increase the Competitiveness of China’s Export Goods 18、The Advantages and the Disadvantages of China’s Cheap Labor in Its Foreign Trade 19、Multinational Corporations Help China Develop Its Economy 20、Export and Import Are Equally Necessary to China 二、 1、初析英文广告句式结构及修辞的功能 2、从文化视角比较中英文广告语言

4、商务英语发展现状浅祈 5、商务英语翻译技巧 6、商务英语函电中的文化因素初探 7、商务英语专业人才培养模式改革与实践 8、试论文化导入在商务英语教学中的作用 9、中英文广告标题的共同点 10、中英文广告传播之语言特色及跨文化问题 11、商品译文的品牌形象对商务英语翻译教学的启示 12、商务英语翻译标准初探 13、试论商务英语写作的简洁礼貌原则及写作技巧 14、我国在国际贸易中实施反倾销的应对策略 15、现代商务英语书信的写作风格和语法特点 16、英文广告的特点及翻译 17、从修辞方面浅探商务英语的语言特色 18、浅议国际贸易的几点理论创新 19、高职高专商务英语专业教学模式探讨 20、商务英语翻译技巧 21、商务英语书面语篇词汇特点分析 22、礼貌原则在商务英语信函写作当中的应用 三、 1、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 2、商务函电翻译的用词技巧 3、商标名称的翻译与策略 4、商务谈判中的语言艺术 5、商务谈判的文化障碍 6、商务英语课程设置的探讨 7、商务谈判中英语的重要性 8、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养 9、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突

营运管理 外文翻译 外文文献 对整个行业中营运资金管理的研究

An Analysis of Working Capital Management Results Across Industries Greg Filbeck. Schweser Study Program Thomas M. Krueger. University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Abstract Firms are able to reduce financing costs and/or increase the funds available for expansion by minimizing the amount of funds tied up in current assets. We provide insights into the performance of surveyed firms across key components of working capital management by using the CFO magazine’s annual Working Capital Management Survey. We discover that significant differences exist between industries in working capital measures across time. In addition. we discover that these measures for working capital change significantly within industries across time. Introduction The importance of efficient working capital management is indisputable. Working capital is the difference between resources in cash or readily convertible into cash (Current Assets) and organizational commitments for which cash will soon be required (Current Liabilities). The objective of working capital management is to maintain the optimum balance of each of the working capital components. Business viability relies on the ability to effectively manage receivables. inventory. and payables. Firms are able to reduce financing costs and/or increase the funds available for expansion by minimizing the amount of funds tied up in current assets. Much managerial effort is expended in bringing non-optimal levels of current assets and liabilities back toward optimal levels. An optimal level would be one in which a balance is achieved between risk and efficiency. A recent example of business attempting to maximize working capital management is the recurrent attention being given to the application of Six Sigma? methodology. Six Sigma? methodologies help companies measure and ensure quality in all areas of the enterprise. When used to identify and rectify discrepancies. inefficiencies and erroneous transactions in the financial supply chain. Six Sigma? reduces Days Sales Outstanding (DSO). accelerates the payment cycle. improves customer satisfaction and reduces the necessary amount and cost of working capital needs. There appear to be many success stories. including Jennifer Towne’s (2002) r eport of a 15 percent decrease in days that sales are outstanding. resulting in an increased cash flow of approximately $2 million at Thibodaux Regional Medical Center. Furthermore. bad debts declined from $3.4 million to $600.000. However. Waxer’s (2003) study of multiple firms employing Six Sigma? finds that it is really a “get rich slow” technique with a rate of return hovering in the 1.2 – 4.5 percent range.


公司营运资金管理分析 比亚迪股份有限公司营运资金管理分析 一、比亚迪简介 比亚迪股份有限公司(以下简称“比亚迪”)创立于1995年,是一家香港上市的高新技术民营企业。LI前,比亚迪在全国范围内,已在广东、北京、陕西、上海等地共建有九大生产基地,总面积将近700万平方米,并在美国、欧洲、日本、韩国、印度、台湾、香港等地设有分公司或办事处,现员工总数已超过13万人。 2002年7月31日,比亚迪在香港主板发行上市(股票代码:1211HK),创 下了54支H股最高发行价记录。2007年,比亚迪电子(国际)有限公司(股票代码:028o. HK)在香港主板顺利上市,表现理想。 比亚迪设立中央研究院、电子研究院、汽车工程研究院以及电力科学研究院,负责高科技产品和技术的研发,以及产业和市场的研究等;拥有可以从硬件、软件以及测试等方面提供产品设计和项LI管理的专业队伍,拥有多种产品的完全自主开发经验与数据积累,逐步形成了自身特色并具有国际水平的技术开发平台。强大的研发实力是比亚迪迅速发展的根本。 比亚迪现拥有IT和汽车两大产业群。公司IT产业主要包括二次充电电池、充电器、电声产品、连接器、液晶显示屏模组、塑胶机构件、金属零部件、五金电子产品、手机按键、键盘、柔性电路板、微电子产品、LED产品、光电子产品等以及手机装饰、手机设计、手机组装业务等。公司坚持不懈地致力于技术创新、研发实力的提升和服务体系的完善,主要客户为诺基亚、摩托罗拉、三星等国际通讯业顶端客户群体。目前,比亚迪作为全球领先的二次充电电池制造商,IT及电子零部件产业已覆盖手机所有核心零部件及组装业务,银电池、手机用锂电池、手机按键在全球的市场份额均已达到笫一位。


我国企业营运资金管理研究现状及展望 摘要:这篇文章详细的讲述了现在我国企业营运资金管理效率、管理方法等方面出现的一些问题,并对如何提高营运资金管理的效率提出提出几点解决办法。 关键词:营运资金研究展望 营运资金是和企业的日常生产生活密不可分的,是企业流动资产上的资金,和企业的各个方面都有很大的联系。企业营运资金管理的水平决定了企业盈利的水平。所以,企业营运资金管理是企业资金管理的重中之重。 一、我国企业营运资金管理中存在的现状 (一)营运资金短缺 营运资金是社会资源,是流动资金,由于管理的不健全,运转机制存在问题,这也是流动资金短缺的主要原因。我国的一些企业,因为管理制度不完善,没有财政预算,日常经营往往超出了应有的资金使用,造成了资金周转不开,影响了企业的生产生活,给企业带来损失。 (二)没有应有的风险意识 我国有的企业为了多卖产品,往往通过赊款的形式来进行交易,总所周知,赊款是一种信用形式,有一定的风险,如果缺少对客户的信用调查,就会很难让自己的资金回笼,

成为呆账坏账,这样就会大量占用企业的资金,严重的话可能会拖垮企业。 (三)企业囤积的货物过多 有的企业仅凭着自己的经验,没有对市场进行科学的分析,没有明确的计划,就大量的囤积货物,占用过多的资金,使得自己的资金运转困难,一旦市场行情不对,货物价格下跌,囤积在自己手里货物卖不出去,就会造成企业资金大量的亏损,经营不善可能会导致企业的倒闭。 (四)没有及时的对账、催账 企业盲目的大量赊款,事后并没有及时的与财务部门对账,预算资金与核算不相符,就会导致企业营运资金运转不开。应该收取的欠款并没有及时的去催款,责任不明确,没有专门的催款人员去催款,欠款耽搁时间长了,有的会忘,有的去要款也很是费力,形成坏账、呆账,给企业带来很大的经济损失。 (五)企业的现金管理没有条理 企业存在的现金过多或过少都不是一个成功的合格的 企业。有的企业由于财务管理结构不健全,资金的运营机制存在问题,财务人员专业技能不过硬,人员短缺,没有预算好合理的应有的现金存有量。现金过多会导致资金的闲置,没有合理的应用安排,没能产生利益。现金过少也不行,不能支付日常的生产生活所产生的费用,一旦遇到紧急状况,


绿色壁垒对我国农产品贸易的影响及对策 当前,在国际贸易中绿色贸易壁垒已成为最重要的贸易的贸易壁垒之一,农业作为一种弱势产业更容易受到影响。绿色贸易壁垒是我国农产品出口所面临的严峻挑战,也是我国农产品出口最大的障碍。由于农产品贸易在我国对外贸易中占有重要地位,因此如何突破绿色贸易壁垒对我国农产品出口限制,对推动我国农产品发展具有重要的现实意义。 本文首先从绿色贸易壁垒的相关理论出发,对绿色贸易壁垒的定义、产生的根本原因和表现的形式特点进行了综述,研究了国外绿色贸易壁垒对我国农产品出口的影响状况;同时本文还指出我国农产品出口遭遇绿色贸易壁垒的原因,在此基础上运用国际贸易知识对发达国家绿色贸易壁垒对我国的影响分析结合,政府、企业、行业对我国农产品跨越绿色贸易壁垒提出相关的对策和建议。 随着生活水平的提高, 人们越来越重视自身的生活质量问题, 近年来兴起的绿色消费概念正是其中一种现象。而绿色壁垒则是国际社会对环境与贸易关注的结果, 各个国家越来越多地在对外贸易中实施这种保护手段。随着国际市场绿色需求的不断增强, 以及环境保护的共识, 绿色贸易保护迅速兴起, 以环境保护为名的绿色壁垒成为国际经济贸易中重要的非关税保护措施之一。然而, 由于发展中国家与发达国家经济发展程度的不同, 导致各国在对待经济发展与环境保护问题上侧重点的不同, 发达国家在环境保护意识、政策、法规及技术等方面的领先, 而且, 目前各国的绿色贸易壁垒是根据各国自身的情况来设置的,还没有形成世界统一标准的制度, 各国绿色壁垒的限制程度难以预测。这就使目前的绿色壁垒有可能被发达国家利用为限制发展中国家产品进口的重要手段。绿色壁垒不仅对产品的品质提出很高的要求, 而且涉及到产品的产前、产中、产后各个阶段, 给发展中国家的对外贸易与经济发展带来了很严重的影响。 绿色贸易壁垒,是指在国际贸易领域,进口国以保护生态环境、自然资源、维护人类和动植物生命健康和安全为由而制定的一系列限制或禁止进口的贸易措施。由于发达国家所采取的这些措施复杂而严格,对发展中国家产品的出口构成绿色贸易壁垒。


【多选题】(3分) 哪些活动属于资金运用的经济活动?AC A. 投资活动 B. 筹资活动 C. 经营活动 D. 理财活动 正确 查看答案解析 本题总得分:3分 2 【多选题】(3分) 在广义的营业观下,哪些属于营业活动的收益?( AD ) A. 公允价值变动损失 B. 营业外收入 C. 非流动资产处置损失 D. 投资收益 正确 查看答案解析 本题总得分:3分

【多选题】(3分) 哪些资金是通过筹资活动筹集来的资金?BC A. 应付职工薪酬 B. 长期借款 C. 股东增加投资 D. 应付账款 正确 查看答案解析 本题总得分:3分 4 【单选题】(3分) 应付账款属于企业通过筹资活动获得的资金错 A. 对 B. 错 正确 查看答案解析 本题总得分:3分 5 【单选题】(3分) 复星医药2012年利润较2006年利润有大幅增长,主要得益于投资活动创造了更多利润对

A. 对 B. 错 正确 1 【多选题】(3分) 在计算企业营业活动所运用的总资金时,以下哪些项目应该从总资产中扣除?AC A. 应付职工薪酬 B. 长期借款 C. 应付账款 D. 短期借款 正确 查看答案解析 本题总得分:3分 2 【单选题】(3分) 以下哪些指标属于反映企业财务风险的动态指标?C A. 流动比率 B. 速动比率

C. 财务杠杆系数 D. 资产负债率 正确 查看答案解析 本题总得分:3分 3 【单选题】(3分) 按照资金运用的投向分类,资金可以划分为经营活动资金和投资活动资金。对 A. 对 B. 错 正确 查看答案解析 本题总得分:3分 4 【单选题】(3分) 在财务数据相同的两个企业中,如果其中一个企业为满足业务活动所需的资金有更强的筹资保障能力,则这个企业财务风险水平更高。错 A. 对 B. 错 正确 查看答案解析 本题总得分:3分 5


中英文对照外文翻译文献 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 原文: Effects Of Working Capital Management On Sme Profitability The corporate finance literature has traditionally focused on the study of long-term financial decisions. Researchers have particularly offered studies analyzing investments, capital structure, dividends or company valuation, among other topics. But the investment that firms make in short-term assets, and the resources used with maturities of under one year, represent the main share of items on a firm’s balance sheet. In fact, in our sample the current assets of small and medium-sized Spanish firms represent 69.48 percent of their assets, and at the same time their current liabilities represent more than 52.82 percent of their liabilities. Working capital management is important because of its effects on the firm’s profitability and risk, and consequently its value (Smith, 1980). On the one hand, maintaining high inventory levels reduces the cost of possible interruptions in the production process, or of loss of business due to the scarcity of products, reduces


摘要 随着社会经济的快速发展和竞争的激烈化,企业已经越来越重视营运资金的管理。营运资金管理作为财务管理的重要组成部分,可以说在很大程度上反应了整个企业经营管理水平,也是企业生存和发展的基础。特别是近几年的金融危机更加显现出营运资金管理的重要性。 本文首先简单介绍了营运资金管理的研究背景,回顾了营运资金管理的国内外研究成果,相比较国外系统、科学的研究体系,我国研究起步较晚,缺乏整体系统的研究。为了提高营运资金管理效率,进行营运资金整体研究不可或缺。继而对营运资金管理的一些基本概念进行简单的阐释,详细叙述了营运资金管理的内容,比如说现金管理,应收账款管理,存货管理等。然后重点总结了我国企业营运资金管理的现状及存在的问题,比如说营运资金不足、营运资金运营效率低、营运资金内部管理弱化、信贷资金比重大等问题。最后根据这些问题提出一些解决对策,即扩宽融资渠道,增强融资能力;将营运资金管理贯穿于企业运行的全过程;充分利用商业信用等,列举了一些加强营运资金管理的具体措施。 关键词:营运资金,营运资金管理,问题研究 ABSTRACT With the rapid social-economic development and fierce competition, companies have been increasing emphasis on working capital management. As an important part of financial management, it largely reflects the entire enterprise level of management,but also the enterprise survival and development. Especially in recent years, the financial crisis has shown more the importance of working capital management. This paper introduces the research background of working capital management at first, reviewing the domestic and foreign research results of working capital management .Comparing with foreign scientific research systems, China's research stares late and lacks an overall system. In order to improve the efficiency of working capital management ,it is necessary to overall working capital overall study. Then,it explains some basic concepts simply, describing the contents of working capital management in detail , such as cash management, accounts receivable management, inventory management, etc.; and sums


中文3100字,2000单词,1.1万英文字符 出处:Kuppusamy M, Gharleghi B. Green Barriers and China's Agricultural Product Export: Is There Any Relationship?[J]. Asian Social Science, 2014, 10(16):34-41. 原文 Green Barriers and China's Agricultural Product Export: Is There Any Relationship? Kuppusamy, Mudiarasan; Gharleghi, Behrooz Abstract As an agricultural country, the export of China's agricultural products are often suffered the restrictions from the green barriers. The positive green barriers can regulate the agricultural production in China, and promote the agricultural development and international trade; on the other hand, the negative green barriers would increase the cost of trade, trade friction, and prevent the development of international trade. So the research of influence of green barriers on China's agricultural products is very realistic. According to the influence of green barriers on China's agricultural exports, the corresponding countermeasures can be made to deal with the green barriers and improvement of China's competitiveness in the international competition. This study examines the causes, influences and methods of green barriers on China's agricultural products export based on the questionnaires of 200 staffs of agricultural trade companies in Xi'an of Shaanxi province in China. To address this issue, Partial Least Square method is applied and the empirical result shows that there is a positive and significant effect from causes, influences, and methods towards the China's agricultural products export. Keywords: green barriers, agricultural product, export, China 1. Introduction The green barrier is one of the most frequent measures in developed countries from the 1990's (Feng, 2007). As an agricultural country, the export of China's agricultural products are often suffered the restrictions from the green barriers. The positive green barriers can regulate the agricultural production in China, and promote the agricultural development and international trade; on the other hand, the negative green barriers would increase the cost of trading, even cause trade friction, and prevent the development of international trade. Green barriers are also called environmental barriers and green protectionism, which is a new trade barrier since 1990s. Buyers will impose green barriers on sellers' export when the buyers want to protect their own limited resources, human, animal, plant health and ecological environment in the modern international trade. Green barriers take place when importers have strict environmental protection laws and regulations to manage their own environment and technology standards. The green barriers are becoming not only the serious challenges faced by China's agricultural export products but also the biggest obstacle for China's agricultural exports (Yu, 2010). To deal with the green barriers, it is important to identify the causes of green barriers on China's agricultural products export, which are from both import and export countries. The limited agricultural technology of China is one significant cause. Due to the limited agricultural technology of China, the agricultural export products can't meet the high


1 【多选题】(3分) 哪些活动属于资金运用的经济活动?AC A. 投资活动 B. 筹资活动 C. 经营活动 D. 理财活动 正确 查看答案解析 本题总得分:3分 2 【多选题】(3分) 在广义的营业观下,哪些属于营业活动的收益?( AD )

A. 公允价值变动损失 B. 营业外收入 C. 非流动资产处置损失 D. 投资收益 正确 查看答案解析 本题总得分:3分 3 【多选题】(3分) 哪些资金是通过筹资活动筹集来的资金?BC A. 应付职工薪酬 B. 长期借款 C. 股东增加投资 D. 应付账款

正确 查看答案解析 本题总得分:3分 4 【单选题】(3分) 应付账款属于企业通过筹资活动获得的资金错 A. 对 B. 错 正确 查看答案解析 本题总得分:3分 5 【单选题】(3分) 复星医药2012年利润较2006年利润有大幅增长,主要得益于投资活动创造了更多利润对

A. 对 B. 错 正确 1 【多选题】(3分) 在计算企业营业活动所运用的总资金时,以下哪些项目应该从总资产中扣除?AC A. 应付职工薪酬 B. 长期借款 C. 应付账款 D. 短期借款 正确 查看答案解析 本题总得分:3分

2 【单选题】(3分) 以下哪些指标属于反映企业财务风险的动态指标?C A. 流动比率 B. 速动比率 C. 财务杠杆系数 D. 资产负债率 正确 查看答案解析 本题总得分:3分 3 【单选题】(3分) 按照资金运用的投向分类,资金可以划分为经营活动资金和投资活动资金。对

A. 对 B. 错 正确 查看答案解析 本题总得分:3分 4 【单选题】(3分) 在财务数据相同的两个企业中,如果其中一个企业为满足业务活动所需的资金有更强的筹资保障能力,则这个企业财务风险水平更高。错 A. 对 B. 错 正确 查看答案解析 本题总得分:3分 5


文献出处:Enqvist, Julius, Michael Graham, and Jussi Nikkinen. "The impact of working capital management on firm profitability in different business cycles: evidence from Finland." Research in International Business and Finance 32 (2014): 36-49. 原文 The impact of working capital management on firm profitability in different business cycles: Evidence from Finland 1. Introduction This paper investigates the effect of the business cycle on the link between working capital, the difference between current assets and current liabilities, and corporate performance. Efficient working capital management is recognized as an important aspect of financial management practices in all organizational forms. In acknowledgement of this importance, the CFO Magazine publishes an annual study of corporate working capital management performance in many countries. The extensive literature indicates that it impacts directly on corporate liquidity ( Kim et al., 1998 and Opler et al., 1999), profitability (e.g., Shin and Soenen, 1998, Deloof, 2003, Lazaridis and Tryfonidis, 2006 and Ukaegbu, 2014), and solvency (e.g.,Berryman, 1983 and Peel and Wilson, 1994). It is reasonable to assume that economy-wide fluctuations exogenous to the operations of the firm play an important role in the demand for firms’ products and any financing decision. Korajczyk and Levy (2003), for instance, suggest that firms time debt issuance based on economic conditions. Also, given that retained earnings are a significant component of working capital, business cycles can be said to affect all enterprises financing source through its effect on economic growth and sales. For example, when company sales weaken it engenders earning declines, thereby, affecting an important source of working capital. The recent global economic downturn with crimping consumer demand is an excellent example of this. The crisis,

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