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(PEP)四年级上册小学英语《Unit 4My home C》教学设计_1

第五课时Unit4 My Home


1、能听说认读句子:Where are ...? Are they...? Yes, they are. /No ,they aren't.并根据实际的情景使用。



二、教学重点:能听说认读句子:Where are ...? Are they...? Yes, they are. /No ,they aren't.并根据实际的情景使用。


1) 3. 配套的教学课件4. 相配套的教学录音带



1. Listen to the song:My bedroom

听后问:Where is the teddy bear? 学习near.

【设计意图】:营造英语学习氛围,并导入复习Where is …句型。

2. Look and answer:快速放映teddy bear在桌子上、冰箱里、沙发下、电话旁边, 看一下问一个:Where is the teddy bear?


3. Let’s chant:

Mom’s in the living room. Dad is too.

I’m in the bedroom. Where are you?

Brother’s in the kitchen. Sister is too.

I’m in the bedroom. Where are you?

【设计意图】:在轻快的节奏中学唱chant, 既消除学生学习的疲劳感,又让学生在吟唱中复习旧知导入新课的学习。)

二 . Presentation

1. Where are …?They’re…

(1) chant后, 问:Where is Chen Jie? Where are mom and dad? Where are brother and sister? (板书:Where are …?They’re…)

(2) Now let’s go to Sarah’s bedroom. 让学生根据PPT 实行问答。


2.Guessing game

T:Look at the screen. What can you see in the room? Phone,… and keys.

Where are the keys? They are on the fridge.(Write on the board) ( ppt shows the keys on the fridge).

Read after me.

T puts keys in/on/under/near a book, guide ss to say:They are

in/on/under/near … . Four teams say about the position of keys again.

T:Guess ,where are the keys now?(the keys disappear)(Hit:Maybe they are on the table, under the shelf or in the fridge)You can ask me:---Are they on the table?/near the phone?/… Yes, they are./No, they aren ’ t.(Write down the sentence structure on the board)(play the game twice.) Read after me. Then four teams take turns to read out the sentences.

【设计意图】ppt 出现一个房间, 包含有phone, shelf, bed, sofa ,fridge, table 等Part B Lets learn 的新单词,通过复习新单词和猜谜游戏,让学生初步熟悉一般疑问句的复数形式,为” Let ’ s talk”做准备)

2)T:Are they your pens? Yes, they are./No, they aren ’ t. Ss in one team ask the question one by one.

(让学生熟悉Are they…问句的答语。)

3) Ss play “ hide and seek” .One hides, the other guesses.

S1:Where are my… ?

S2:Are they… ?


4) T:Ok, you all did a good job. Today my friend, John and his mom went shopping and now they are going back home. Let ’ s see what happened ?Pay

attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(ppt plays, ss watch and listen for the 1st time.)(Ss can answer in Chinese)

Then,watch and listen for the 2nd time. Where are the keys?Are they on the table?/near the phone?/…

【设计意图】:不出现字幕,整体表现Let ’ s talk,训练学生的听力和整体认知水平

三、P ractice

1)Listen carefully and repeat.(先叫个别学生来跟读, 检查, 纠正学生的语音语调, 。)

2) Pair work.


3)Act out.(检验学生的认知效果,培养自信心)

4)T:What can we learn from the dialogue? Ss can answer in Chinese.


四、Extension (ppt)Finish the dialogue. Set four scenes . Pairs can pick one to make a dialogue.(Some useful sentences are given)

五 . Homework

1) 做本单元Blet ’ s talk同步练习


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