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Chapter 6 练习题

Chapter 6 练习题
Chapter 6 练习题


I. Define the following terms (名词解释) :

1. Sovereignty 5. Confiscation

2. Nationalism 6. Domestication

3. Expropriation 7. NGOs

4. PSAs

II. Multiple Choice Questions (单项选择):

1. A sovereign state, in the context of international law, has all of the following characteristics


A. is obligated to be a member of the United Nations.

B. is independent.

C. enjoys full legal equality with other states.

D. governs its own territory.

E. is free from all external control.

2.__________ refers to both the powers exercised by a state in relation to other countries and

the supreme powers exercised over its own members.

A. Sovereignty

B. Government

C. A cartel

D. An international partnership

E. A trade pact

3.At the top of the list of political issues concerning foreign businesses is the:

A. ruling party of a country.

B. the political history of a country.

C. the voting process of a country.

D. the court system of a country.

E. the stability or instability of prevailing government policies.

4.Which of the following is NOT one of the common forms of government?

A. democracy

B. aristocracy

C. oligopoly

D. monarchy

E. dictatorship

5.With respect to political risk that can be faced by a company seeking to invest abroad,

which of the following presents the most severe political risk?

A. confiscation

B. expropriation

C. domestication

D. exchange controls

E. local-content laws

6.When a government seizes an investment of a foreign investor but some reimbursement for

the assets is made, the government is following a process called:

A. confiscation.

B. expropriation.

C. domestication.

D. exchange controls.

E. local-content laws.

7._____________ occurs when host countries gradually cause the transfer of foreign

investment to national control and ownership through a series of government decrees by mandating ownership and greater national involvement in a company's management.

A. Confiscation

B. Expropriation

C. Domestication

D. Exchange controls

E. Local-content laws

8.All of the following are considered to be economic risks that can be faced by international

companies EXCEPT:

A. exchange controls.

B. local-content laws.

C. import restrictions.

D. tax controls.

E. production costs.

9.Since the government of Nigeria is strapped for cash, it has decided to tax all foreign

investments (such as oil production equipment) by up to forty percent of appraised value.

The Nigerian government has found that this is the handiest and quickest means of finding operating funds. This form of economic risk is associated with which of the following?

A. exchange controls

B. local-content laws

C. import restrictions

D. tax controls

E. price controls

10.Stopping or refusing to trade with another nation for political reasons is called:

A. activism.

B. boycotting.

C. confiscation.

D. democratization.

E. expropriation.

11.Crossing Borders 6.2 "Trade Does Not Work as a Stick, Only as a Carrot" suggests:

A. Thomas Jefferson understood how to get the French and English to stop fighting.

B. The U.S. was able to get the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan by boycotting the Moscow


C. The U.S. needs to increase its embargo against Myanmar.

D. Coercion does not work, exchange does.

E. Industrial goods trade is less successful than consumer goods trade.

12.Which of the following is NOT a common goal of terrorists?

A. Use victims as pawns in political or social disputes.

B. Develop military management capability.

C. Inflict fear within a country.

D. To generate funds

E. To embarrass a government.

13.The newest form of terrorism directed toward a peaceful world is:

A. germ warfare.

B. nuclear warfare.

C. cyberterrorism.

D. hate crimes.

E. extortion.

14.Although some products are more vulnerable than others with regard to political sensitivity

in foreign markets, ______________ have often been the lightning rods for groups opposed to foreign companies.

A. grocery chains

B. Wal-Mart stores

C. fast-food restaurants

D. clothing stores

E. travel agencies

15.Relations between governments and multinational corporations are generally positive if


A. are tied to national security.

B. are only oriented toward the consumer sector.

C. are under $1 million.

D. create jobs.

E. do not involve extensive Internet business.

16.All of the following would be considered to be strategies that multinational corporations

can use to minimize vulnerability and risk EXCEPT:

A. joint ventures.

B. sole-proprietorship.

C. expanding the investment base.

D. planned domestication.

E. licensing.

17.All of the following strategies can be effective in forestalling or minimizing the effect of a

total takeover of a multinational corporation's holdings by a foreign government EXCEPT:

A. joint ventures.

B. licensing.

C. expanding the investment base.

D. advertising.

E. planned domestication.

18.Which of the following best describes the U.S. government's policy toward multinational

corporations that are confronted with situations where bribery is an issue?

A. A bribe may be paid as long as it is not a domestic situation.

B. A bribe is justified is if is the documented traditional practice in a country.

C. A bribe may be paid in a foreign country if there is a tie to national security.

D. It is illegal for a U.S. citizen to pay a bribe--period.

E. The issue revolves around the customs of the country and each issue is decided


19.A cynical way to look at the motivation behind corporate social responsibility in general is

its use as a __________ with foreign publics and governments.

A. deception tool

B. public relations image

C. marketing ploy

D. positioning guise

E. bargaining chip

20.The principle U.S. agency that supports U.S. business abroad is the:

A. State Department.

B. Better Business Bureau.

C. Department of Commerce.

D. Department of Foreign Relations.

E. Department of Defense.

III. Fill in the Blanks Questions (填空题)

1.The term __________ refers to both the powers exercised by a state in relation to other

countries and the supreme powers exercised over its own members.

2.Socioeconomic and political change are sometimes caused by a surge in


3.___________ is the seizing of a company's assets without payment.

4.According to the text, the greater threats to peace and commerce for the 21st Century

remain __________ and __________.

5.Many companies engage in _______________, lobbying and other efforts to avoid

potential political risks in countries where they do business.

IV. True/False Questions (判断题)

1. Companies that have thoroughly studied political considerations before constructing their business models do not have to concern themselves with the political environment when attempting to do business abroad. ( )

2. International law recognizes the sovereign right of a nation to grant or withhold permission to do business within its political boundaries and to control where its citizens conduct business. ( )

3. Sovereignty refers to both the powers exercised by a state in relation to other countries and the supreme powers exercised over its own members. ( )

4. Adherence to World Trade Organization (WTO) rules means a loss of sovereignty to its member nations. ( )

5. At the top of the list of political issues concerning foreign businesses is the issue of taxation and tariffs. ( )

6. According to the text if China raised the value of its currency that would make it even easier for Chinese firms and government to purchase American companies. ( )

7. Saudi Arabia permits women to vote if they are at least 18 years old and married or 21 years old, if single. ( )

8. The three forms of government are dictatorship, aristocracy, and democracy. ( )

9. Knowledge of the philosophies of all major political parties within a country is important to international marketers. ( )

10. Socialism can best be described as an intense feeling of national pride and unity, an awakening of a nation's people to pride in their country. ( )

11. Foreign investors, while sometimes feared as a dominant tyrant threatening economic development, are often sought after as a source of needed capital investment. ( )

12. Foreign companies are usually not affected by changes in nationalistic feelings in the countries where they operate. ( )

13. A good illustration of nationalistic feelings that can cause riffs between allies is the one that occurred between France and the United States over the Iraq/U.S. war. ( )

14. Three hot issues in 2008 were the undervalued Chinese currency, the ban on beef imports into Japan, and Chinese subsidies in apparent violation of WHO rules. ( )

15. Confiscation (as a political risk) is the seizing of a company's assets without payment. ( ) V. Essay Questions (问答题)

1.Describe the characteristics of a sovereign state.

2.Describe the concept of nationalism.

3.Discuss and compare the terms confiscation, expropriation, and domestication.

4.List and briefly discuss the various economic risks that international companies must face

when they seek to market abroad.

5.Richard Branch is considering a multi-million dollar investment in Chile. He hopes that the

investment will be positively received by the Chilean government. He does not want

anti-MNC feelings to block the deal. Relations between MNC and foreign investors can be positive. What actions should Mr. Branch consider to ensure that his investment offer would be positively received by the Chilean government?


第六章 循环码的译码 习题 1.设计一个由g (x )=x 4+x 3+1生成的[15,11]循环汉明码编译码器。 2.构造由第1题的[15,11]码缩短三位的[11, 8]码译码器。 3.证明g (x )=1+x 2+x 4+x 6+x 7+x 10生成一个[21,11]循环码,作出此码的伴随式计算电路,令 R (x )=1+x 5+x 17是接收多项式,计算R (x )的伴随式,列出R (x )的每一接收数据移入伴随式计算电路后,伴随式寄存器中的内容。 4.构造GF(2)上以α、α3为根的循环码,这里α∈GF(24)中的本原元。求出该码的生成多项式 g (x )以及码长n 和k .。设计出该码的编码电路,求计算伴随式的电路。 5.构造[15,5,7]码的译码器,它的生成多项式g (x )=1+x +x 2+x 4+x 5+x 8+x 10,该码能纠正3个错 误。设用简单的捕错译码器译码。 (a )证明所有2个错误能被捕获; (b )能捕获所有3个错误的图样吗?若不能,则有多少种3个错误图样不能被捕获; (c )作出该码的简单捕错译码器。 6.作出第5题中[15,5,7]码的修正捕错译码器,叙述其译码过程。 7.已知[17,9,5] QR 码的生成多项式g (x )=x 8+x 7+x 6+x 4+x 2+x +1,求出该码利用修正捕错译码的 {Q j (x )},并作出捕错译码器,说明译码过程。 8.考虑[31,5]极长码,它的一致校验多项式是h (x )=1+x 2+x 5,求正交于x 30码元位的全部正交多 项式。画出该码的I 型和II 型大数逻辑译码器。 9.作出表6-4中的[21,11,6]码的I 型大数逻辑译码器。 10.构造p =3,d =3复数旋转码,画出编译码电路图。 11.第5题中的[15,5,7]码是一步大数逻辑可译码,画出该码的I 型或II 型大数逻辑译码器。 12.考虑[11,6]线性码,它的一致校验矩阵是 1 000111111010001101000 0100101010000100110010 000100011 1H ????????=???????? (a)证明该码的距离恰好为4。 (b)令E =(e 0,e 1,e 2,…,e 10)是错误矢量,求出以此错误矢量表示的伴随式码元。 (c )对i =5,6,7,8,9,10,求出正交于每一消息数据e i 的全部可能的一致校验和。 (d )该码是一步完备可正交码吗? 13.作出[15,7,5]码的CHS2译码器,已知接收R %=(000007004400020),求发送码字。 14.作出利用CHS2算法译[17,9,5]码的软判决译码流程图。 1

广播电视台招聘考试简答题题库(55题 附答案)

简答题 1、广播电视新闻的语言表达应遵守的原则有哪些? 答:广播电视新闻的语言表达必须遵循广播电视媒体的传播特点和新闻写作的基本原则,具体表现为: (1)广播电视新闻的语言表达应明白晓畅,易于接收、接受。 (2)广播电视新闻需要受众听得见、听得懂,便于耳听接收。 (3)广播电视新闻各构成要素都要求真实、准确,语言表达要准确。(4)广播电视新闻所要表达的信息应相对完整。 (5)受众多样性需要广播电视新闻的语言表达通俗易懂,同时也要避免语言表达的简单化与庸俗化。 2、简述广播电视记者是如何获取新闻线索的? 答:广播电视记者获取新闻线索主要通过以下四种渠道: (1)政务渠道,又称官方渠道,主要是指各级政权机关及其行政事务活动,包括有关会议、文件、简报或有关政策和领导人讲话等. (2)生活渠道,是记者本人在现实生活和采访过程中的观察和积累. (3)受众渠道,是来自受众的信息. (4)传播渠道,即从其他媒介获得的信息。报刊、通讯社、网络、其他广播电视报道等,都可以作为新闻线索再发现的来源。 3、现场报道对记者的要求是什么? 答:进行现场报道的记者除了具备记者的一般素质外,还应突出具备以下几项能力: (1)较强的现场洞察能力。现场报道中记者面对的将是不断发展变化的复杂情况,记者必须通过观察现场、了解现场、快速掌握情况,尽快作出判断,及时找到合适的采访对象或知情人,当机立断进行采访,迅速选择最有新闻价值的点进行报道。 (2)出色的口头表达能力。现场报道很大一部份是通过记者在现场的观察、描述、评论结合真实生动的现场音响、画面向受众传达相关信息,所以记者品头表达能力的强弱直接影响现场报道的质量的好坏。 (3)良好的心理调节能力。现场报道中记者面对的是一个充满未知和随时发生意想不到变化的新闻现场,记者需要有充分的心理准备,随时应对。良好的

朗文3AChapter6 练习学习资料

朗文3A C h a p t e r6练 习

3A Chapter 6 练习 笔试部分: Part1. Write the correct sentences. (连词成句,加上标点符号). 1. do/like /you/doing / what? 2. like/I/ collecting shells/. 3. don’t/ like /you/ what/doing/? 4. tide / is/ coming in/ the/ . 5. make/ a big/ let’s/ sandcastle/ . Part2:根据课文内容选词填空。 The Tams wants to the competition. They use a bucket and a spade to build a sandcastle. This is hard work. The children are . They want an ice cream. Dad gives them some , he wants an ice cream too. Dad wants to finish the ______________. The tide is coming in. When the children come back, they cannot Dad. They can only see his

on the water. They are . Because Dad cannot swim. The waves are washing the _________ away. Dad is trying to it. But it’s too late, the tide is coming in. They give Dad a towel and his ice cream. A: What ___ you doing at the beach, children? B: I like shells. A: What you like _____ at the beach? B: I don’t like on the sand. 2)根据课本Part A的对话填空。 A: chair is hard. Don’t sit it. Please sit this armchair. It’s soft. B: OK. A: marbles are smooth round. Part3:选词填空。 1. like likes He ________building sandcastles. 2. in at We get lucky money_______ Chinese New Year. 3. in on What do you like doing _____ spring? - I like going hiking. 4. is are am How much _____ the wallets, please? _ They’re 10 dollars. 5. ninth nine My birthday is on the _______ of June. 6. How much How many


第一章会计透视:会计信息及其使用者▓复习思考题 1.概述会计的性质。 会计是按照会计规范确认、计量、记录一个组织的经济活动,运用特定程序处理加工经济信息,并将处理结果传递给会计信息使用者的信息系统,是组织和总结经济活动信息的主要工具。 会计是一个信息系统,会计处理的各个环节的加工的对象是会计信息。会计信息实际上是一种广义的信息,包含三个层次: 其一,以货币化指标体现的财务信息,它是从动态、静态两个角度,对特定主体经济资源的数量(资产)、归属(负债、所有者权益)、运用效果(收益分配)、增减变化及其结果(财务状况变动及其结果)进行描述; 其二,非货币化的和非数量化的说明性信息,它们不仅仅是对主体的财务状况、经营成果等财务指标的基本说明,而且还包含了大量的主体所处的社会、文化、道德、法律等环境信息,这些信息对于使用者正确判断主体的经营能力、发展前景,往往起到至关重要的作用; 其三,其他用于主体内部管理的信息,这些信息常常由成本会计、管理会计以及内部审计人员提供,主要包括了短期(长期)决策信息、预算信息、责任中心要求及履行情况等情况,虽然与外部性较强的财务会计信息相比,它们更容易为人们所忽略,但在经济管理和财务信息质量控制方面,它们也起了不可低估的作用。不过,在当前的会计报告模式中,所反映的会计信息主要是前两个层次上的信息。 2.企业的获利能力是否为债权人的主要考虑因素? 债权人关心那些影响自己的债权能否得到按期偿还的因素。他们会对公司的获利能力及清偿能力感兴趣。债权人会从获利能力去衡量未来的现金流量,由于企业的获利能力与现金流量并不一定同步产生,所以对短期债权人来说,企业的获利能力不能成为债权人的主要考虑因素,但对相对长期的债权人来说获利能力应该是值得更加关注的因素。 3.财务报表中体现出来的会计信息用以满足不同使用群体的需求,但并不是所有的使用者都能得到相同的满足的。在实践中,外部财务报表使用者诸如股东、供应商、银行等是如何获得有关公司的财务信息的?若要同时满足不同类别的财务报表使用者的信息需求有什么困难? 首先,股东是公司法定的所有者,法律上财务报表是为其制作的。法律规定,公司必须定期编制并发布财务报表,为其股东公布财务信息,我国《公司法》对此也有明确的规定。 其次,供应商与公司是商业伙伴关系,不提供商业信用的供应商,由于是钱货两讫,可通过报媒和网络了解公司公开财务的财务信息,如果供应商对公司提供商业信用,供应商可要求企业提供一定的财务信息,但对这些财务信息的准确性、可靠性需要有一定的分析。


填空题: 1逻辑文件可分为____和____两种,前者指用户对文件内的信息按逻辑上独立的信息单位来组织,后者指用户对文件内容的信息不划分独立的信息单位,整个文件由一串信息组成。 2 常用的文件物理结构有3种:____,____,和____。 3 若允许文件在中间有膨胀,则采用____结构可使开销较小。 4 文件系统的操作主要有:____,____,____,____,____,____。 5 主目录在树型目录结构中,作为树的____节点,称为____目录;数据文件作为树的____;其他所有目录均作为树的。 6 影响文件安全的主要因素有____,____,____。 7文件共享时,对文件删除了共享文件后造成的指针悬空问题可以用____方法来解决。 选择题 1 在以下文件的物理结构中,不利于文件长度动态增长的是____。 A 连续结构 B 链接结构 C 索引结构 D hash结构 2 MS-DOS文件的物理结构属于____。 A 链接结构 B 连续结构C索引结构D散列结构 3 从用户的观点看,操作系统中引入文件系统的目的是____。 A 保存用户数据 B 实现对文件的按名存取 C 实现虚拟存储 D 保存用户和系统文档及数据 4 用户在程序中试图读某文件的第100个逻辑块,使用操作系统提供的____接口。 A 系统调用 B 图形用户接口 C 原语 D 键盘命令 5 打开文件操作时的主要工作是 A 把指定文件的目录复制到内存指定的区域。 B 把指定文件复制到内存指定的区域 C 在指定文件所在的存储介质上找到指定文件的目录 D 在内存寻找指定的文件。 6 文件路径名是指: A 文件名和文件扩展名 B 一级的目录文件和该文件的文件名 C 从根目录到该文件所经历的路径中各级符号名的集合。 D 目录文件名和文件名的集合 7 在文件系统中若采用一级目录结构,存在最主要的一个问题是____。 A 目录表的大小难以确定 B 磁盘容量大时,文件检索速度太慢 C 用户使用不方便 D “重名”问题,即文件命名冲突 8 文件系统中若文件的物理结构采用连续结构,则文件控制块FCB中有关文件的物理位置的信息应包括____。I,首块地址;II,文件长度;III,索引表地址 A 只有III B I和II C II和III D I和III 9 设有一个记录式文件,采用连接文件存储,逻辑记录长度固定为100个字节,在磁盘上存储时采用记录成组分解技术,物理记录长度为512字节。如果该文件的目录项已经读入内存,要修改第22个逻辑记录共需启动磁盘____次。 A 1 B 2 C 5 D 6 判断题 1 可顺序存取的文件不一定能随机存取,但是,凡可随机存取的文件都可能顺序存取。 2 对文件进行检索时,检索的起始点必须是根目录而不是其他目录。


3A Chapter 6 练习 笔试部分: Part1. Write the correct sentences. (连词成句,加上标点符号). 1. do/like /you/doing / what? 2. like/I/ collecting shells/. 3. don’t/ like /you/ what/doing/? 4. tide / is/ coming in/ the/ . 5. make/ a big/ let’s/ sandcastle/ . Part2:根据课文内容选词填空。 The Tams wants to the competition. They use a bucket and a spade to build a sandcastle. This is hard work. The children are . They want an ice cream. Dad gives them some , he wants an ice cream too. Dad wants to finish the ______________. The tide is coming in. When the children come back, they cannot Dad. They can only see his on the water. They are . Because Dad cannot swim. The waves are washing the _________ away. Dad is trying to it. But it’s too late, the tide is coming in. They give Dad a towel and his ice cream.


1.广义上新闻写作包括(新闻报道写作)和(新闻评论写作),狭义上新闻写作包括(新闻报道方面的各种体裁的写作)。 2.新闻写作的研究对象包括新闻报道作品以及这类作品的(写作原理)、(写作规律)、(写作技巧)以及相关知识。 3.新闻文体的功能有传递信息(娱乐大众)、(舆论引导),以及(传播知识)和(监督社会)。 4.新闻事业的功能有(传播新闻)、(引导舆论)、(服务社会) 5.新闻写作的基本要求有(信息性)、(知识性)、(可读性)、(时效性)以及(针对性)等。 6.新闻报道的基本写作程序有(发现)、(采集)、(制作)以及(传播)四个阶段。 7.新闻语言要求新闻记者做到准确、(简洁)、(鲜明)、(生动)、要有(时代感),而(白描)是新闻语言的主要特征。 8.新闻导语的类型有(概述型导语)、(描述型导语)、(评述型导语)以及(橱窗式导语)四种类型。 9.新闻背景的两个层面有(宏观)以及(狭义)。 10.通讯选材要注意(材料的典型性)、(围绕主题选材)以及(选材忌重复)。1.简要谈谈新闻写作有哪些重要性。 (1)新闻写作是新闻学研究的一个重要落脚点。 (2)新闻写作是新闻传播过程中一个重要环节。 (3)新闻写作是衡量记者素质的一个重要条件。 2.简要谈谈采写人物通讯因该注意哪些问题。 答:人物通讯是以通讯的形式报道具有新闻价值的人物,反映其行为、事迹和生,在现其精神境界、人生轨迹和生存状态,从而达到教育启迪,或监督批判,警示社会的目的的通讯。要写好人物通讯一般要注意一下几点:(1)通过写事迹,表彰先进人物的思想。人物通讯应以人物为中心,而且一般是一个先进人物为主,笔墨务必集中。人物通讯写人,不应该就事论事,而要“见物、见人、又见思想”。使之写的形神皆备,以“形”传“神”。 (2)抓细节,抓特点。人们对一篇人物通讯的一些事迹、概貌、数字常常看到后可能忘掉,但动人的细节、情节,却往往难以忘怀。因为细节是人物描写中的点睛之笔。另外,要注意表现人物有特色的事迹,挖掘人物的个性特点,并选用新的角度,才能把人物写的富有新意。(3)写先进人物要处理好俩个关系:一是先进人物和党的领导关系。二是先进人物与广大群众的关系。 3.简要叙述一个合格的新闻记者需要具备哪些素质。 (1)政治修养。 表现在俩方面:一是强烈的职业责任感。二是强烈的正义感。 (2)知识修养。 新闻写作涉及社会生活的各个领域,需要有广博深厚的知识根底。所以一个记者处了拥有新闻专业教育背景之外,还要对社会科学以及各种与新闻工作有关的知识有一定的知晓,才能较好地驾驭新闻写作。 (3)思想修养。 加强自己的思维修养,即不断提高自己辨识与表现新闻价值的思维能力。 4.简要谈谈新闻写作为什么要用事实说话。 (1)事实是新闻的本源,没有事实就没有新闻。 (2)事实胜于雄辩。

商务英语阅读课 后习题答案-chapter

Chapter 1 二、短语翻译。英翻汉 Sluggish economy 萧条的经济 Full employment 充分就业Trade deficit 贸易赤字 in-depth analysis 深入的分析 Industrialized countries 工业化国家 free-trade agreement 自由贸易协定 international specialization国际专业化 product differentiation 产品差别 trade surplus 贸易盈余 determinative factor 决定性因素三、汉翻英 经济双赢 economic win-win 关税壁垒 tariff barrier 收入不平等 wage inequality 劳动生产率 labor productivity 解雇工人 lay off works 生产要素 factor of production 双边协议bilateral deal 回归分析 regression analysis 市场准入market access 世界经济复苏world economic recovery 四. Translation 1. The monitoring system will finally substitute the US Government’s cap on cigar imports from Cuba. 2. The quarrel between Mexico and the US will be no avail and it may disrupt the lifting of the agricultural tariffs under


第六章细胞内功能区隔与蛋白质分选 一、名词解释: 1. 信号识别颗粒 2 胞质溶胶(cytosol) 3. 内膜系统(internal membrane system) 4. 微粒体(microsome) 5. 门控运输 6. 初级溶酶体 7. 次级溶酶体 8. 信号序列 9. 信号识别颗粒 10. 停靠蛋白 11. 内信号肽 12. 信号假说 13. 转移停止序列 二、选择题:请在以下每题中选出正确答案,每题正确答案为1-6个,多选和少选均不得分 1. 肝细胞中的脂褐质是 A.衰老的高尔基体 B.衰老的过氧化物酶 C.衰老的线粒体 D.残体(后溶酶体) 2. 溶酶体 A.膜有质子泵,将H+泵出溶酶体 B.膜蛋白高度糖基化,可防止自身膜蛋白降解 C.溶酶体的主要功能是细胞内消化 D.精子的顶体是一个巨大的溶酶体 3. 以下哪一种是微体的标志酶 A.酸性磷酸酶 B.过氧化氢酶 C.碱性磷酸酶 D.超氧化物歧化酶

4. 在植物的微体中能进行 A.TCA循环 B.乙醛酸循环 C.卡尔文循环 D.Hatch-Slack循环 5. 高尔基体能将溶酶体的各类酶选择性的包装在一起,是因为这些蛋白质具有 A.Ser-Lys-Leu B.KKXX序列 C.M6P标志 D.KDEL序列 6. 矽肺与哪一种细胞器有关 A.高尔基体 B.内质网 C.溶酶体 D.微体 7. 植物细胞壁中的纤维素和果胶质是在哪一种细胞器中合成的。 A.高尔基体 B.光面型内质网 C.粗面型内质网 D.中央液泡 8. 以下哪些细胞器具有极性 A.高尔基体 B.核糖体 C.溶酶体 D.过氧化物酶体 9. 高尔基体上进行O-连接的糖基化,糖链可连接在以下哪些氨基酸残基上 A.丝氨酸(serine) B.苏氨酸(threonine) C.脯氨酸(proline) D.羟脯氨酸(hydroxyproline)

自考英语语法课后习题chapter 6

Chapter 6 past tense 一改写句子 Turn the sollowing active-voice sentence into the passive if possible,using by-phrase if necessary. 1 we should bear in mind that she did all this out of her patriotism It should be born in mind that she did all this out of her patriotism 2who wrote war and peace ? Whom was war and peace written by ? By whom was war and peace written 3 did you send my package by EMS ? Was my package sent by EMS? 4 A garbage man collect the garbage just now The garbage was collected by a garbage man just now 5 No one has ever invited her to a party since then She was never been invited to a party since then 6The police,not your parents,are going to punish you for drunken driving. You are going to be punished ,not your parents for drunken driving . 7 Among the 375 passengers,only a baby survived the air crash.


Chapter 5 Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior 1) ________ is never simple, yet understanding it is the essential task of marketing management. A) Brand personality B) Consumption pioneering C) Early adoption D) Consumer buying behavior E) Understanding the difference between primary and secondary data Answer: D Diff: 1 Page Ref: 135 Skill: Concept Objective: 5-1 2) The consumer market is made up of which of the following? A) individuals who acquire goods or services for personal consumption B) households that purchase goods or services for personal consumption C) businesses that purchase goods and services D) A and B E) all of the above Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 135 Skill: Concept Objective: 5-1 3) Economic, technological, and cultural forces are all ________ in the stimulus-response model of buyer behavior. A) buyer responses B) stimuli C) components of the buyer's decision process D) buyer characteristics E) buying attitudes Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 137 Skill: Concept Objective: 5-1


Chapter 6 PRAGMATICS 1. What does pragmatics study? How does it differ from traditional semantics?答: Generally speaking, pragmatics is the study of meaning in the context. It studies meaning in a dynamic way and as a process. In order to have a successful communication, the speaker and hearer must take the context into their consideration so as to effect the right meaning and intention. The development and establishment pragmatics in 1960s and 1970s resulted mainly from the expansion of the study semantics. However, it is different from the traditional semantics. The major difference between them lies in that pragmatics studies meaning in a dynamic way, while semantics studies meaning in a static way. Pragmatics takes context into consideration while semantics does not. Pragmatics takes care of the aspect of meaning that is not accounted for by semantics. 2. Why is the notion of context essential in the pragmatic study of linguistic communication? 答: The notion of context is essential to the pragmatic study of language. It is generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer. Various continents of shared knowledge have been identified, . knowledge of the language they use, knowledge of what has been said before, knowledge about the world in general, knowledge about the specific situation in which linguistic communication is taking place, and knowledge about each other. Context determines the speaker's use of language and also the heater's interpretation of what is said to him. Without such knowledge, linguistic communication would not be possible, and without considering such knowledge, linguistic communication cannot be satisfactorily accounted for in a pragmatic sense. Look at the following sentences: (1) How did it go? (2) It is cold in hem. (3) It was a hot Christmas day so we went down to the beach in the afternoon and had a good time swimming and surfing. Sentence (1) might be used in a conversation between two students talking about an examination, or two surgeons talking about an operation, or in some other contexts; (2) might be said by the speaker to ask the hearer to turn on the heater, or leave the place, or to put on more clothes, or to apologize for the poor condition of the room, depending on the situation of context; (3) makes sense only ii the hearer has the knowledge that Christmas falls in summer in the southern hemisphere. 3. How are sentence meaning and utterance meaning related, and how do they differ?答: A sentence is a grammatical concept, and the meaning of a sentence is often studied as the abstract, intrinsic property of the sentence itself in terms of predication. But if we think of a sentence as what people actually utter in the course of communication, it becomes an utterance, and it should be considered in the situation in which it is actually uttered (or used). So it is impossible to


新闻学概论考试部分题库及答案参考 单项选择题(2分*10) 判断题(2分*10) 名词解释(4分*4) 简答题(7分*4) 论述题(16分*1) 名词解释: 1、新闻法治(P187): 就是国家依据一定的法律制度和管理体系,调整新闻传播活动中各种权利义务关系的状态和手段。 2、新闻价值(P49): 是事实所具有的、满足社会与公众对新闻需要的要素的总和,这些要素通常指新鲜性、重要性、显著性、接近性和趣味性等。 3、隐私权(P199): 是自然人依法享有的、自由支配与社会公共利益无关的私人活动信息的权利。 4、出版自由(P171): 是公民在法律规定范围内,享有创办印刷媒体或电子媒体并通过它们按照自己的意愿自由发表意见、交流信息的权利。 5、言论自由(P171): 是指公民在法律规定范围内,享有按照自己的意愿通过语言形式自由发表意见和交流信息的权利。 6、新闻的倾向性(P43): 指的是新闻工作者和新闻媒体反映客观事实时的立场、态度在新闻中表现的一种特性。7、新闻舆论监督(P152): 即人民群众通过新闻媒体,对国家和社会事务进行监督的行为。 8、新闻事业管理(P205): 是指对新闻传播活动所实施的领导、调控、规范等职能行为,包括对新闻媒体、新闻从业人员及其职业行为和所制作传播的精神产品等进行的管理。 简答题: 1、简答中国新闻舆论监督所主要采取的方法(P164) (1)批评与表扬相结合; (2)点名批评与不点名批评现结合; (3)反映群众意见,引导群众参与; (4)既要及时,又要适度; (5)依靠党的领导,争取被监督部门上级党委的支持; (6)公开批评与“内参”相结合; (7)争取执纪执法部门的配合。 2、简述影响新闻价值取向的几个主要因素(P58) 影响新闻价值取向的因素主要有:阶级立场、社会核心价值体系、新闻政策、新闻宣传价值和新闻媒体定位等。 3、我国社会主义新闻出版自由的性质和特点(P181) 性质:社会主义新闻出版自由是人民群众通过新闻传播活动实现的言论、出版自由。 特点:第一,社会主义新闻出版自由摆脱了资本的奴役;第二,社会主义新闻出版自由强调

Chapter 6 复习题答案

Chapter 6 Directions: Please fill in the following blanks with appropriate information. 1.English Romanticism is generally defined to begin in 1798 with the publication of William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge’s _________________, and end in 1832 with ______________’s death and the passage of the first Reform Bill in Parliament. (Lyrical Ballads, Sir Walter Scott) 2.The Romanticists split into two groups because of the different attitudes toward the capitalist society. Some romanticists reflected the thinking of those classes which had been ruined by the bourgeoisie. They returned to the feudal past and idealized the life of the Middle Ages to protest against capitalist development. They are considered to be conservative and passive romanticists who are represented by ____________, ____________, and ___________. (William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey) 3.Other romanticists expressed the aspiration of the laboring classes. They held out an ideal of future society free from oppression and exploitation. They were the firm supporters of the French Revolution, who are represented by ____________, ____________, and ____________. They are considered to be radical and active romanticists. (George Gordon Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelly, John Keats) 4.Unlike enlighteners who celebrate reason and rationality, romanticists paid great attention to the spiritual and emotional life of man. Personified nature plays an important role in the pages of their works. They are characterized with 5 I’s: _________, _________, _________, _________, and _________. (imagination, intuition, idealism, inspiration, individuality) 5.“All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling …recollected in tranquility”is the poetry principle proclaimed by Wordsworth. It’s taken from _______________, the publishing of which marks the beginning of British Romanticism. (Lyrical Ballads) 6.______________ is considered “the father of the historical novel”which opens up to fiction the rich and lively realm of history. He is best known for his work___________. (Sir Walter Scott, Ivanhoe) 7.The literary form which is fully developed and the most flourishing during the Romantic Period is _________. (poetry) 8.Romanticism declined in the mid ________ century. Romantic poetry gave way to _________ works and romantic prose was superseded by ________ and ________ in the mid to late 19th century. (19th, symbolist, naturalism, realism ) 9.Pre-romanticism and Romanticism originated among the conservative groups of men of letters as a reaction against Enlightenment and found its most expression in the“Gothic novel”. But the more important pre-romanticist writers are the two famous poets, ____________and ___________. (William Blake, Robert Burns) 10.___________________is regarded as the founder and forerunner of pre-romanticism. His works are reputed for its originality and inventiveness in form and techniques. (William Blake)


精品文档新闻学基础考试试题8. 新闻价值要素中的“受众对新闻感兴趣的程度”指的是() 姓名:年级:成绩: A. 趣味性 B. 接近性 C. 重要性 D. 显著性 一、单项选择题(共40 分)。9. 新闻价值是新闻事实或相应作品满足传播主体或接受主体() 1. 中国历史上第一个新闻学研究机构是() A. 新闻需求的程度 B. 信息需求的程度 C. 文化需求的程度 D. 社会需求 A. 中国新闻学会 B. 北京大学新闻学研究会的程度 C. 中国社科院新闻研究所 D. 中国人民大学舆论研究所10. 甘惜分教授在《新闻理论基础》一书中认为构成新闻传播行为的三个 2. 提出报纸具有“监督政府和向导国民”两大天职的是()要素是() A. 陈独秀 B. 邵飘萍 C. 徐宝璜 D.梁启超 A. 新闻—新闻报道者—新闻接受者 B. 新闻—新闻媒体—新闻接受者 C. 3. 理论新闻学属于新闻学学科体系的()事实—新闻报道者—新闻接受者D. 事实—新闻报道者—新闻媒体 A. 应用学科 B. 基础学科. 综合学科 D.交叉学科11. 新闻事业的主要功能是() 4. 新闻传播产生于人类社会的() A. 传播新闻信息 B. 开展政治宣传 C. 提供社会服务 D. 进行舆论监督 A. 文化教育 B. 信息交往 C. 政治宣传 D. 商品交换12. 提高新闻生产力的首要因素是() 5. 新闻与信息的关系是() A. 政治民主 B. 经济发达 C. 文化繁荣 D. 技术进步 A. 信息是新闻的一种体裁13. 以社会形态和传播制度划分新闻事业可以分为以下几个阶段() B. 新闻是信息大家族中的特殊成员 A. 奴隶主义阶段—封建主义阶段—资本主义阶段—社会主义阶段 C. 信息是信息,新闻是新闻,二者毫不相干 B. 集权主义阶段—自由主义阶段—国家控制阶段—社会责任阶段 D. 信息就是新闻,新闻就是信息,二者毫无差别 C. 集权主义阶段—自由主义阶段—集团垄断阶段—社会责任阶段 6. 与文学相比,新闻的主要特征在于() D. 集权主义阶段—自由主义阶段—集团垄断阶段—社会主义阶段 A. 讲究报道真实 B. 坚持为人民服务14. 新闻事业的社会性质决定于() C. 坚持为社会服务 D. 注重反映群众生活 A. 生产力水平 B. 社会经济形态 C. 技术进步程度 D. 文化繁荣程度 7. 新闻价值要素中“接近性”的全面含义指的是()15. 新闻事业的职能权力,一是及时公开地报道和评价新闻事实,二是 A. 地理和心理的接近 B. 心理和利益的接近() C. 利益和地理的接近 D. 地理、利益和心理的接近 A. 通过理论宣传进行思想教育

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