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There is a huge tall building in the forest, but relative to the ants, the complex building is about two feet high. There are hundreds of thousands of ants, they work hard, and they hardly have a rest.


Unfortunately, the hunters came to the forest, hunting large animal, they won't hurt ants, but today, the big boots on the nest, the ants of the house has been damaged! Many ants displaced.


An ant asked: "our house was destroyed, what should we do?""


The older ant said, "the first rule of things is to protect yourself, but to live.". We went deep into the forest to find a big tree and a new nest." He led a huge colony began a long migration.


Walk along the way, they met a group of chimpanzees, orangutans eat ants, ants ants avoid leading older orangutan hunting, they went to the river and found a huge dead wood, with wooden rolled into the raging river. The ant river rapids, a pulling a, gathered in the wood, there are a lot of ants on a large leaf, with the water gone, the apes can not catch up with them.


Finally, the ants arrived on the other side of the river, and they found a safe place. Again began a busy, orderly and rigorous work began, soon, they dug a nest, stored a lot of food, ants

have a stable life.



关于灾难大学英语作文 disasters 1.灾难事件时有发生 2.造成灾难的原因 3.人类对待灾难的态度 when it comes to disasters, quite a lot of people believe they will come across sudden disasters in their life. to begin with, natural disasters like earthquakes, flood and draught occur now and then; in addition, diseases like sars, cancer and tumor will attack people unepectedly; last but not the least, car accidents, plane crashes can’t be ignored as part of disasters. why there are so many disasters? the reasons may go as follows: on one hand, some mysteries about nature are beyond our control and understanding; on another hand, people are careless and can’t foresee what will happen beforehand. from what has been discussed above, i may safely draw the conclusion that disasters can’t be avoided now, but with more knowledge about nature, we’ll certainly reduce the loss brought by them to the smallest degree, so the prospect we are looking forward to will be both bright and encouraging.

英语作文 灾难类型

灾难 以下是你在新华网看到的一则关于广东遭受暴雨袭击的新闻报道, 请根据汉语提示, 给外国朋友做一个简短的英文新闻报道, 具体内容如下。 2010年6月15日, 广东遭受暴雨袭击, 这是去年第8次大降雨, 很多地方被洪水淹没。成千上万的人无家可归, 房子和公路也被破坏了。据报道,损失了4.73亿元。像这样的灾难, 几乎每年都有发生, 人们很担心灾难会再次降临。幸运的是, 在士兵的支援下, 灾区成千上万的人摆脱了困境。现在全省的经济也开始复苏(revive)了。Guangdong suffered from heavy rain on June 15, 2010.What’s worse, it was the eighth time that we had had so much rain last year, which flooded many areas. Many people lost their homes, and their houses and roads were destroyed.

It was reported that we had lost 473 million yuan until now. Disasters like this almost happen every year, and now people are afraid that disasters will come again. Fortunately, with the help of the soldiers, millions of people in disaster-stricken areas were out of trouble, and the economy of the province began to revive.


田螺姑娘的故事中英文版 某村有一位单身汉,年纪三十多了,还没娶上媳妇,他勤恳能干,每天都辛勤劳作在田间。 Once upon a time there was a bachelor, age 30, haven't marry the daughter-in-law, his diligent capable daily toil in the field. 有一天,他下田时,无意中拾到一只大田螺,他高兴地带回家,养在自家的水缸里。 One day, he fields, picked up a large snail accidentally, he happy home, in support of their own tank. 时间过得可真快,转眼已过去三年。 Time flies so fast, blink of an eye for the past three years. 有一天,单身汉从田地里干完活回家,发现桌子上摆满了热气腾腾的饭菜,单身汉左看右瞧又不见有人,他肚子饿极了,不管三七二十一,上桌吃了起来。 One day, a bachelor came home from the field finished found on the table is filled with hot meals, bachelor left right look and do not see someone, he very hungry, Willy nilly, on the table to eat up. 他边吃边想,会有谁给他煮这么好吃的一桌饭菜呢? He would like to eat, who will cook for him so good a table of food? 他连续几天干活回来都同样是满桌的好饭菜。 He came back a few days in a row, and it was a good meal at the table. 于是,他想此事一定是邻居李大嫂帮的忙,今天我要好好去感谢人家。 So, he thought the matter must be neighbors Aunt Li to help busy, I would like to thank the good people today. 于是他问了邻居李大嫂,大嫂说:“没有呀?我听到你厨房有做饭、炒菜声,我还以为是你提前回家来做饭呢?” So he asked the neighbor Lee sister-in-law, sister-in-law said: "without you? I heard you are cooking in the kitchen, the sound of cooking, I thought you ahead of time to go home to cook?" 单身汉感到奇怪,会有谁这样做呢? The bachelor was surprised, and who would do that? 他一定要弄个明白。

英语作文 灾害

Writing 1. 自然灾害英语作文 2. 环境保护作文 3. 地震英语作文 4. 关于墨西哥甲型H1N1 原猪流感英语作文素材 Phrases 1 draw to a close vi. 结束(告终) 2 drum down使...静默 3 slide down滑下A drop of blood slid down his leg. 他的腿上流着一点儿血。 We slid down the grassy slope. 我们顺著草坡滑下去. 4 wash away vt. (冲走,洗去,忘却) Our house was washed away in the flood. 我们的房屋在洪水中被冲走了。 Heavy rain will not only wash away the soil but will cause serious flood as well. 大雨不但会冲走土壤,而且也会引起严重的水灾。 5 carve out创(业),发(财) carve sth out for yourself 经过艰苦努力获得某物· Persistence will carve out a way to success. 只要坚持到底,就一定能成功。 6 put a high priority on 高度重视 have access to vt. 可以到达(可以使用) As her private secretary he have access to all her correspondence. 他是她的私人秘书,能接触到她所有的信件。 Students must have access to good books. 学生必须有机会读到好书。 One of the deadliest natural disaster 最严重的自然灾害 Cut in half 减半 Wipe out 消灭垮台~off擦去除去~up消灭擦干净· Weather prediction 天气预报 By contrast 相形之下 Move away in advance 提前转移 Cope with对付应付,克服 Writing 1. 自然灾害英语作文 2. 环境保护作文 3. 地震英语作文 4. 关于墨西哥甲型H1N1 原猪流感英语作文素材


小猴子的红屁股 Legend a long time ago, the monkey's ass and other animals, the slightest attention. Later, the monkey in order to appear in the animal kingdom of some alternative, they decided to go to cosmetic surgery, but, the whole which part is good? It is a whole! 传说很久很久以前,猴子的屁股和其它动物一样,丝毫不引人注目。后来,猴子为了在动物王国里显得另类一些,便决定去整容,可是,整哪个部位好呢?它灵机一动,整屁股吧! Little monkey's red ass it came to the hospital, the doctor asked the doctor to make it a little more beautiful ass. The uncle of the uncle is a stay, then worry, this...... It stretched over the neck to giraffe, to the small white rabbit with a ruby eye, to the squirrel's tail Tim hair, is not the whole ass. How can this be done? It puzzling for quite a while, and finally thought of a good way: "well, or I give you ass injection of a pigment, let it turns red, you see how?" 小猴子的红屁股它来到整容医院,要求河马医生把它的屁股整得漂亮一些。河马大叔先是一呆,继而发愁了,这……它给长颈鹿拉长过脖子,给小白兔装过红宝石眼睛,给松鼠的尾巴添过毛,就是没整过屁股。这可怎么办呢?它冥思苦想了好一会儿,终于想到了一个好办法:“这样吧,要不我给你的屁股注射一种色素,让它变成红色,你看怎么样?” "Line! Has not seen any animal has a red ass, and if my ass turns red, the rate must be high!" “行!至今还没有见过哪个动物拥有红色的屁股呢,要是我的屁股变成红色,回头率一定高!” Since then, the little monkey has a person sees the person loves the red buttocks, which makes it's popularity is rising rapidly, it saw the who to who flaunt their red buttocks. The tiger king dotes on it, it is sent to the "Monkey King" title. 从此,小猴子有了一个人见人爱的红屁股,这让它的人气迅速上升,它见到谁就向谁显摆自己的红屁股。老虎国王十分宠爱它,还封给它“美猴王”的称号。 One day, in the forest to a head of yak, cattle guzzling although a lot of effort, but has a good temper, and animals live in harmony, everybody likes yak and play together. Red ass monkey heard big yak came to visit, it is very warm reception of yak.


Natural Disasters Our country region is vast, but some natural disasters happened in recent years , such as floods, droughts, earthquakes, windstorms and so on.The disasters have killed a great deal of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land.Natural disasters have become effect on our country's economic development and social security of the important factors that rely on scientific and technological progress, enhances our country of disaster prevention and mitigation comprehensive ability has become a top priority. There are some examples of the nature disasters.The first one is an earthquake,it is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. At the Earth's surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by vibration, shaking and sometimes displacement of the ground. For about on May 12,2008,an 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck Sichuan. Thousands of people lost their families and even more people were left homeless.hand in hand,the Chinese But ,fortunately , love is around us :the Communist party helps us ,the army helps us ,the people all over the world help us .They offer us with money ,goods ,love and so on ! Earthquake could destroy our houses ,but it can not destroy the spirits of us! With the help of the such a large love ,we will over come the damage of the earthquake and face our beautiful future ! The second is the drought,Drought is unusual dryness of soil, resulting in crop failure and shortage of water for other uses, caused by significantly lower rainfall than average over a prolonged period.Hot dry winds, high temperatures and consequent evaporation of moisture from the ground can contribute to conditions of


棒棒糖 Rui Rui: Oh, it's so hot. 睿睿:哦,天气真热。 Ding Ding: Don't bother me. I want to read. 丁丁:不要打扰我,我要看书。 Rui Rui: Radiator is still open! 睿睿:暖气片还开着! Ding Ding: I wonder what happens when the temperature reaches 88 degrees 丁丁:我想知道,当气温到达88度的时候你会怎样? Rui Rui: Don't do that again! 睿睿:不要再这么做了! Ding Ding: Take my lollipop. 丁丁:把我的棒棒糖拿来。 Rui Rui: There is no lollipop 睿睿:这里没有棒棒糖。 Ding Ding: That red bottle is my lollipop. 丁丁:那个红色的瓶子就是我的棒棒糖。 Rui Rui: Sugar solidification in the bottle 睿睿:糖凝固在瓶子里。 Ding Ding: Yes.

Rui Rui: So how do you eat? 睿睿:那你怎么吃? Ding Ding: We can break the bottle! 丁丁:我们可以把瓶子敲碎! Rui Rui: Why do you put sugar in the bottle? 睿睿:你为什么要把糖放到瓶子里? Ding Ding: So I can put it in the fridge. 丁丁:这样我才可以把它放进冰箱。


面对灾难的英语作文3篇 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! 面对灾难的英语作文一:on disasters 面对灾难(610字)as we all know, one’s life is full of unexpected events, some of which are wonderful and some of which are disastrous. those heavy blows, such as, floods, snowstorms, and earthquakes, threaten to weigh one down.however, it’s even worse if one can’t drag himself out of the grief in that break-down in the sprit is more serious than the disaster itself. instead of indulging oneself in sadness, one should be positive of life and contribute to the reconstruction of the hometown.as to me, if i am not the victim of a disaster, i will try my best to help those who are suffering by donation blood


共同的灾难英语作文 In the face of disaster, people do not be intimidated, a wide range of people facing natural disasters launched a valiant struggle, they dedicated a sweat, and tears, and even their lives…… roadside stations, stations, the staff did not let outages We do not panic, the people stranded in the street mutual concern, a concerted effort of snow removal during the love around us in the spread, replete with. The workers Luo Chang-ming, ZHOU Jing-hua lost their lives in deeds we are aware that they are to repair the power grid and sacrifice is to sacrifice the interests of the people! We respect them, it is even more of a commitment to fight the same snowstorm in the end! Leaders personally braving snow condolences to the people and civilian police employees. I still remember that Prime Minister at the station with a loudspeaker called on all that frame, still remember a photograph that young policewoman carrying a bowl of soup, smiling women with a spoon feeding the hands of the baby; still remember electrician were in the towers, waving the chisel, then scattered under the shadow of borneol; still remember that after the rescue, tents, the soldiers sleeping face…… 在灾难面前,人们没有被吓倒,范围广,面对自然灾害展开了英勇的斗争的人,他们用汗水,泪水,甚至生命......路边站,站,工作人员没有让中断我们不要恐慌,人们被困在街上互相关注,这爱在我们周围蔓延期间除雪协调一致的努力,充满了温暖。 工人罗常明,周静华失去生命的行为我们都知道他们是来修复电网和牺牲是牺牲人民的利益!我们尊重他们,这更是一个承诺,争取在年底的暴风雪! 领导亲自冒雪慰问群众和民警职工。我还记得在一个扬声器呼吁所有帧的站,总理,还记得这张照片的年轻女警端着一碗汤,微笑的女人用勺子喂养婴儿的手;还记得电工在塔,挥动凿子,然后散冰片的阴影下;还记得在救援,帐篷,士兵们熟睡的脸......


小路的故事中英文对照 There is a beautiful deer in the forest, always conceited. 森林里有一头美丽的小鹿,总是自高自大。 One day, the deer came to the brook. He looked at the river in the reflection of their own, boasted: "look at me is really beautiful! Like the trunk vigorous angle, pearls, like white and fluffy spots, slender and strong foot, not fat not thin, really perfect! " One side of the stream, said: "although you are beautiful, but no effect ah, you will only boast about their beauty all day, they did not think of the hard work of all the hard work?" 一天,小鹿来到了小溪边。他望着溪水里映着的自己,夸道:“瞧我真美丽!像树干一样苍劲的角,珍珠一样白而毛绒绒的斑点,细长而有力的脚,不胖不瘦,真完美!”一旁的小溪说道:“虽然你美丽,但是没什么作用啊,你整天只会夸耀自己美,就没想到大伙儿干活的辛苦吗?” The deer is not convinced, he pursed mouth, put the hoof on da da sound, said: "I? I so strong, natural strength than you are, which like you, trickle, weak, repeatedly teach me! " "All right!" Since you think you have more strength than me." The stream smiled and said, the voice sounded like a bell, "we can make a bet, with two years time, a piece of stone polished smooth, so good?" The deer said with a sneer: "two years grinding stone? It's too easy for me, because in a few months, I can kick the rock!" The brook agreed, and let him play the stone for two years. 小鹿不服气了,他嘟起嘴,把蹄子踏得哒哒响,说:“我?我那么强壮,自然力气比你大多了,哪像你,涓涓细流,柔弱无力,还口口声声地教训我!”“好啊!”既然你自以为力气比我大。”小溪笑着说,声音清脆得像铃铛响,“我们就能来打个赌,用两年的时间,把一块巨石打磨得光滑圆润,这样好吗?”小鹿冷笑一声说:“两年把石头磨圆?对于我来说太容易了,因为用不了几个月,我就可以直接把巨石踢碎!”小溪答应了,让他用两年时间把巨石踢碎。 In the past two years, the stream has been constantly using all the strength to polish the stone, every corner of the ground, the stream will be for their own refueling. And fawns, don't stream and he agreed in the eye, but today to wash bath tomorrow to flowers, the day after tomorrow to attend appointments... When they saw the stream was trying to polish the stone, they looked at the stream with contempt. The stream did not see, still trying to polish the stone. 这两年里,小溪一直不停地用全身力气来打磨巨石,每磨完一个角,小溪就会为自己加油。而小鹿根本就不把他和小溪的约定放在眼里,而是今天去洗洗澡,明天去采花,后天去参加约会……看见小溪正在努力打磨巨石时还轻蔑地看了小溪几眼。小溪看都没看,依然努力打磨巨石。 A blink of an eye, two years later. The original hard and angular stream into Stonehenge was a huge stone ball. The brook hold it, cheering, and deer? He used his hooves in hard to kick stones, boulders linked didn't move for a while, not to mention the dehiscence, all of a sudden, deer foot pain, unexpectedly faint in the ground. The stream won. He lost.


Warming-up Questions: 1.How do you understand “a hero”/ “heroism”? You could set some examples. 2.How do you appreciate encouraging people (even the normal ones) to be heroes? 3.If the one/ ones we save from disasters has/ have less contribution to the society, will you still sacrifice your life to rescue them? 4.Can normal people be heroes? Why or why not? 灾难词汇归纳 释放Release 地震海浪Seismic sea waves 泄漏Spillage暴风雨Storms 台风Typhoons 应急减灾措施Emergency relief measures 灾难清理作Disaster clean-up operations 防灾准备Disaster preparedness 防灾Disaster prevention 灾难救援Disaster relief 流离失所人员Displaced persons 紧急救援Emergency relief 应急避难所Emergency shelter 环境应急计划Environmental contingency planning 防洪Flood control 放射性污染清除Radioactive decontamination 临时住房Temporary housing 临时避难所Temporary shelter 生境破坏Habitat destruction 陆地活动Land-based activities自然改变Physical alterations 灾难现象Catastrophic phenomena 生物体的意外释放Accidental release of organisms 雪崩Avalanches 旋风Cyclones 沙漠蝗虫Desert locusts 地震Earthquakes 环境事故Environmental accidents流行病Epidemics洪水Floods飓风Hurricanes 山崩Landslides 人为灾难Human-made disasters核事故Nuclear accidents 放射性污染Radioactive contamination 1) a charity performance 义演 2) a homeless shelter 收容所 3) a miserable cold 重感冒 4) a plane wreck 飞机失事 5) a refugee camp 难民营 6) accident n.事故,意外; 7) accidental a.意外的,偶然的 8) accidental collision 意外碰撞 9) accidental damage 意外损伤 10) accidentally ad.意外地 11) Acid Rain酸雨 12) aftershock 余震 13) Alarm警报 14) Asteroid小行星撞击地球 15) at a scale of 7.8 on the Richter calculations 里氏7.8级地震 16) Avalanche雪崩 17) burst into flame 猛烈的燃烧 18) bury掩埋 19) buoy救生圈 20) calamity大灾祸,不幸之事

高一英语作文:The common disaster

高一英语作文:The common disaster In the face of disaster, people do not be intimidated, a wide range of people facing natural disasters launched a valiant struggle, they dedicated a sweat, and tears, and even their lives…… roadside stations, stations, the staff did not let outages We do not panic, the people stranded in the street mutual concern, a concerted effort of snow removal during the love around us in the spread, replete with. 3, the workers Luo Luo Chang-ming, ZHOU Jing-hua lost their lives in deeds we are aware that they are to repair the power grid and sacrifice is to sacrifice the interests of the people! We respect them, it is even more of a commitment to fight the same snowstorm in the end! Leaders personally braving snow condolences to the people and civilian police employees. I still remember that Prime Minister at the station with a loudspeaker called on all that frame, still remember a photograph that young policewoman carrying a bowl of soup, smiling women with a spoon feeding the hands of the baby; still remember electrician were in the towers, waving the chisel, then scattered under the shadow of borneol; still remember that after the rescue, tents, the soldiers sleeping face…… 在灾难面前,人们没有被吓倒,范围广,面对自然灾害展开了英勇的斗争的人,他们用汗水,泪水,甚至生命......路边站,站,工作人员没有让中断我们不要恐慌,人们被困在街上互相注重,这爱在我们周围蔓延期间除雪协调一致的努力,充满了。


舅舅接我下课 睿睿的妈妈爱丽丝今天有事情要忙,只好请求她弟弟去接睿睿放学,但是消极的布克并不想去学校,下面是他们俩的英语口语对话: Alice: I know you're here, Booker. Answer the phone. If you pretend not to hear or answer the phone, I'll break up with you. 爱丽丝:布克,我知道你在,快接电话。如果你假装没有听到或者不接电话,我就和你断绝关系。Booker: Oh, why do I have such a sister?. 布克:哦,为什么我有个这样的姐姐。 Alice: Did you answer the phone at last?. 爱丽丝:你终于接电话了。 Booker: You'd better have something to look for me. 布克:你最好有事情找我。 Alice: Why do you answer the phone right now? 爱丽丝:怎么现在才接电话? Booker: Nothing. I was just watching the video. 布克:没事,我刚才在看视频。 Alice: All right, stop it. That's it. Can you help me out with Rui Rui? 爱丽丝:好了,别说了,是这样,你可以帮忙接睿睿放学吗? Booker: Who? 布克:谁?

爱丽丝:睿睿,你的侄儿。 Booker: Oh, Rui rui. No. 布克:哦,睿睿。不行。 Alice: Booker, when did I ask you? 爱丽丝:布克,我什么时候求过你。 Booker: Now. 布克:现在。 Alice: I called all the people I know. Now you are the only one left. 爱丽丝:我给所有认识的人都打了电话,现在只剩下你了。 Booker: I really have to hang up now. 布克:我真的要挂电话了。 Alice: Wait a minute. I just got out of class and had no time to meet Rui Rui and send him to football class. 爱丽丝:等等。我刚刚下课,没有时间接睿睿,并且送他去上足球课。 Booker: Then don't go to football class. 布克:那就不要去上足球课。 Alice: Come on, do you have anything important to do? 爱丽丝:拜托,你有什么重要的事情要做吗? Booker: All right, I will do it. 布克:好吧,我答应你。


睿丁英语隶属于北京睿丁教育咨询有限公司目前国内第一个以“培养中国孩子的英语思维”为课程理念的连锁少儿培训机构。自睿丁诞生以来,睿丁英语一直持续研发与创新国内领先的教学产品与服务,致力于打造未来中国首屈一指的英语阅读培训品牌,以让更多中国孩子喜欢上书、爱上阅读为己任,引领英语培训行业回归教育本质。 1999年 General Language Llimited Co.(以下简介GL)开始研究英语词汇记忆; 2003年 GL经研究发现汉语和英语有共同之处,进入了语言研究的新领域; 2004年 GL发现汉语和英语本质是一种语言,这一发现颠覆了语言学的现有理论; 2005 年,睿丁构建了通用语言模型,提出了通用语言假说,认为人类语言在语音、语义、语源等方面是相通的,证实语言是有理据的,并且理据在世界的主要语言中都是相通的,证明人类不同语系是相通的,这打破了现代语言学理论的基础公理:语言是任意的、约定俗成的,没有理据的; 2010年内 GL用通用语言模型构建了包括英语、汉语、德语、法语、葡萄牙语、西班牙语、俄语等32种主要语言,并获得了知识产权保护。 2011年1月 GL研发的“语根拼读”、“语根知义”教学法获得知识产权专利保护。同年2月,GL正式确定由环球吉尔(北京)科技先公司通过正式成立“睿丁英语(Reading English)”事业部在中国传播这一英语语言研究成果; 2011年3月睿丁英语订下“三条腿走路”的发展战略:广泛与公立中小学建立教学试点合作、深入与知名培训机构建立教学输出合作、逐步加速建设睿丁英语校区; 2011年4月睿丁英语第一家校区成立; 2011-14年睿丁英语先后在北京九十四中、惠州一中等50多所中小学免费试点“语根拼读”、“语根知义”专利教学法,且先后给聚能教育、优胜教育等培训学校进行了大量的教学输出; 2014年11月睿丁英语全国各校区学生总数图突破1万名,睿丁英语正式确定开始全面进军中国少儿英语培训领域,计划于2016年底将在北京、上海、南京、武汉、西安共开设50家中心; 2015年1月睿丁英语受邀正式列席中国教育培训联盟理事会。


国王的三个女儿 Once upon a time there was a beautiful country, and the king was kind and gentle, with three beautiful daughters. The great princess and the two Princess loved to flatter the king, and pleased the king. However, the three Princess blunt, often let the king become unhappy. 从前有一个美丽的国家,国王安定慈祥,有三个美丽的女儿。大公主和二公主喜欢奉承国王,讨国王的开心。然而三公主说话直爽,经常让国王变得不开心。 When the old king was seventy years old, he decided to give his country to the three daughters, so that the big Princess stayed at his side, to control the first castle. Two princess went to second cities, three princess went to the poor third cities. The big Princess and the two were all in favor of the old king's decision, which was a wise decision. However, the three princess said: "father, if the country is divided into three, easily lead to secession!" The king thought three princesses intentional mischief, separation of the feelings between the three daughters, was angry, let the third princess married to another country to be a queen. 等到老国王七十岁的时候,决定把自己的国家分给三个女儿,让大公主呆在自己身边,控制第一城堡。二公主去第二个城市,三公主去贫瘠的第三个城市。大公主和二公主都很赞同老国王的决定,认为这是很明智地决定。然而三公主说:“父王,如果把国家一分为三,容易导致国家分裂!”国王认为三公主有意挑拨离间,分离三个女儿之间的感情,大为愤怒,就让把三公主嫁到另一个国家当王后去了。 But when the king to fully pay for two daughters, two daughters will to the king a variety of insults, let him surrender all right, then the king in a rage, left the castle. On the road, he heard that the three princess always care about themselves, the king said he misunderstood the three princess, also did not face to see her. 可是当国王把全力交给两个女儿之后,两个女儿便对国王百般凌辱,让他交出所有的权利,然后国王在一怒之下,离开了城堡。在路上,他听说三公主时刻关心自己,国王认为自己误会了三公主,也没脸去见她。 Finally, hungry King fainted on the road. There is a passers-by to see, recognize is the old king, the old king sent to the three Princess of the country. At this time, the big Princess and two princess in order to compete for the apprentice and launched the war, three princess for his father, also in order to quell the war, he led the country's soldiers, to participate in the war. The results of the big Princess and the two princess together, the three princess to defeat, three princess also died in the war. 终于,饥饿难耐的国王在路上晕倒了。有一个路人看到,认出来是老国王,就把老国王送到三公主的国家。这时候,大公主和二公主为了争夺徒弟而发动了战争,三公主为了自己的父亲,也为了平息战争,就率领国家的士兵,参加了这场战争。结果大公主和二公主联合起来,把三公主给打败了,三公主也在战争中死亡了。
