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失去爆破和不完全爆破 练嘴大全


六大爆破音:/p b t d k g/

1. 爆破音+ 爆破音

(爆破音:/p, b, t, d, k, g/)

是:对于前一个爆破音,只作发音的姿势,刚要发出时,立即发出第二个爆破音。这种现象叫做失去爆破。例如/p, b, t, d, k, g/这样的组合出现时,前面的爆破音就需要失去爆破了。例如:

good bye

bed time

big kite

2.爆破音+ 摩擦音或破擦音

(摩擦音:/f, v, θ, e, s, z, ∫, ?, r, h/)

(破擦音:/ts, dz, tr, dr, t?, d?/)

当一个爆破音后面紧跟着一个摩擦音或破擦音时,前面的爆破音只作部分爆破。方法是:对于前一个爆破音,作好发音的姿势,刚发出时,立即过渡到第二个摩擦音或破擦音上去。第一个爆破音发出的声音是非常轻微的,有时甚至听不出来。这种现象叫做不完全爆破。例如/t t?, t d?, d t?, d d?, p t?, p d?, g t?, g d?/

sound findings / d f /

outright victory /t v/

deep thinker /p θ/

kick them / k e/

light sleep /t s /

eat zebra /t z/

feed sheep /d ∫/

cold rain /d r/

take hint /k h/

food chain /d t?/

silent child /t t?/

big jug /g d?/

that joke /t d?/

big drum /g dr/

great drama /t dr/

a fat trainer /t tr/

mud truck /d tr/

3.爆破音+ 鼻辅音或舌边音

(鼻辅音:/m, n, ?/)

(舌边音:/l, =/)


good morning /m/

hit man /m/

big nation /n/

correct note /n/

traffic light /l/

short life /l/


1. white chalk; great change; loud cheers; a good try; a smart child;

2. a bit dry; a second choice; big bang; a good job; troop train

3. a hard journey; a fast truck; a sweet dream; a cold drink; good morning

4. attend meetings; not mine; help me; don't know; at noon

5. not now; odd numbers; good night; quite near; a loud noise

6. investment project; a different meaning; good news; urgent needs; find zebras

7. post-card; a proud nation; hard times ; quite different; wet ground

8. sweet jam; tight pants; next door; old friends ; step class

9. bright future; first visit; just think; boost production

10 just then; ask them; red stars; don't shout; that chair


1. The old pagan says that the best choice is to keep silent.

2. The red light near the big tree will add to traffic jams.

3. At last, the girl with tight pants decided to get married.

4. The bad news is that a great change is taking place in that big country.

5. During the hard journey, I took a fast train in which I enjoyed a cold drink and a sweet dream.

6. After the step class, I sat on that chair and watched the red stars with some old friends.

7. After a loud noise, I got out of my hot bed and kissed my kid good morning.

8. The smart kid with a bright future has a second choice.

9. At present, the job prospect for the proud graduates doesn’t look good at all.

10 I attend meetings about the pilot project and how to boost production.
