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统编初一年级英语下册电子教案七下Unit 3三3课时

Unit 3 How do you get to school ? Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)



T eaching and learning aims学习目标:


1. 复习Section A 所学重点内容。

2.掌握下列词汇:drive, car, live


1.学会运用how, how long, how far引导的特殊疑问句询问出行方式、所花费的时间和两地之间的距离。

2. 一般疑问句出行方式的表达方法。


1. 能根据词块记忆单词。





Teaching and Learning Steps(教学步骤):

Step1. Revision

1. Lead in

Listen to an English song How do you go to school?

2. Role-play 2e

Ask some pairs to role-play the conversation in 2e in front of class.


Step2语境中感知语法(用How 询问出行方式,how long 询问花费的时间,how far询问两地之间的距离以及答语。)

1. How

Get the students to say out the transportation and different ways of transportation.



bus plane ship train car bike/bicycle subway

on foot /walk

ride my bike by bike walk on foot

different ways to school

on the bike

take the subway by subway take the bus by bus different ways to school

in the subway on the bus

different ways to school

by boat take the boat take the train

by train in the boat in the train

【设计意图】 通过复习为下一步的对话扫清障碍。 T: Excuse me, Liu ting. How do you get to school?

Liu Ting: I ride my bike./ I get to school by bike/ on the bike. T: Look at the pictures. How does Zhang Hong get to school?

Ss: She takes the subway to school. / She gets to school by subway/ in the subway.

Zhang Hong

She takes the subway to school.

Look at the following pictures, ask and answer in pairs with:

Li Lin

Li Lei

Wei Fang

(Ask some pairs to act in front of class.)

T: Excuse me, Li Chao. Do you get to school by bike?

Li Chao: Yes, I do.

T: Ma Chong, do you get to school by bike, too?

Ma Chong: No, I don’t. I walk to school.

T: Look at the picture, does the girl takes the taxi to school? Ss: No, she doesn’t. She gets to school by car.

T: Do they take the bus to school?

Ss: No, they don’t. They walk.

by car

taxi / cab


2. How long

Look at the following pictures. Ask and answer in pairs with:

20 minutes 1 mile



How long does it take?

It takes her about twenty minutes to walk.


8 minutes

1 mile 16


It takes her about twenty-four minutes to take the subway from home to school.


4 minutes

1 mile 8


It takes her about twelve minutes to take the bus from home to school.


Play a game:

10 minutes

half an hour


h o u r

1.5 h o

u r

s How long does it take Zhou Bichang to

get to the cinema?



3. How far

Look at the following pictures. Ask and answer in pairs with:

How far is it from home to school?



It ’s about 2 kilometers.

A: How far is it from home to …?

B: It ’s about …kilometers.

How far is it from home to the park?



It ’s about 4 kilometers.

Pair work

How do you get to school?I …

How long does it take?It takes …How far is it? It ’s about …

How does …get to school?He/She …

How long does it take?It takes …How far is it?It ’s about …

6:00 -6:25

three kilometers

Ask some pairs to act in front of class.

【设计意图】 通过情景中的学习、练习使得同学们更进一步熟悉语法内容。 Step3 呈现语法

1. How do you get to school?

I ride my bike. / I get to school by bike. 2. How does Zhang Hong get to school?

She takes the subway to school./ She gets to school by subway. 3. How does Li Lin get to school?

He takes the car. / He gets to school by car. 4. How does Wei Fang get to school?

She takes the bus./ She gets to school by bus. 5. How does Li Lei get to school?

He rides the bike. / He gets to school by bike. 6. Does the girl takes the taxi to school? No, she doesn ’t. She gets to school by car. 7. Do they take the bus to school? 8. No, they don ’t. They walk.

9. How long does it take? It takes her about 20 minutes to walk.

10. How long does it take?

It takes her 24 minutes to take the subway from home to school.

11. How long does it take Zhou Bichang to get to the cinema?

It takes half an hour.

12. How far is it from home to school? It’s about 2 kilometers.

13. How far is it? It’s about 3 kilometers.



1. how可用于构成特殊疑问句,意思为“”,用于提问“程度,方式,状态”等。

How 用于提问出行方式的结构是:How do / does + +谓语+其他?其答语分为三种


(1) take a / the +

(2) by +表示交通工具的单数名词。

(3)on/in + 限定词+表示交通工具的名词。

2. how long 可用来提问时间的长短,意为“”。用来提问时间长短的结构是: How long

does + +takes?其答语通常用It takes + . 此处的it 指。

3. how far用来提问距离,意为“”。用来提问距离的结构是:How far + +

from…to…?其答语是It’s + . 此处的it 指。

4. 特殊疑问句和一般疑问句的语序有何异同?

5. 不同的人称代词分别使用什么助动词

6. 特殊疑问句中使用了助动词后,实义动词的位置和形式有何变化?









Step5 控制性机械练习

3a.Match the questions with the answers. Then practice them.

1. How does Mike get to school?

2. How long does it take to get home?

3. How far is it from here?

4. Do your friends go to school by bus?

5. Does your dad drive to work? 句型转换:

1. I take the bus to get to school.(同义句)

2. She takes the car to get to work.(同上)

3.They walk to school. (同上)

4. It takes him 35 minutes to walk there. (对划线部分提问)

5. Allan is coming back by train next month. (就画线部分提问) _____ _____ Allan coming back next month? 【设计意图】 机械操练巩固语法的形式

Task 1 3b. Use these words to make questions. Then ask and answer them with your partner. 1. school/you/get to/do/how

___________________________________? ___________________________________ 2. to/school/get to/does/how long/take/it ___________________________________? ___________________________________ 3. school/your/from/it/is/how far/home/to ___________________________________? ___________________________________ 4. you/to/walk/do/school


___________________________________ 5. ride/their bikes/do/school/your friends/to

___________________________________? Yes, they do. Task 2 Group work

Discuss We ’re in Beijing now. We ’re going to Shanghai for vacation. It ’s 1,056 kilometers from Shanghai.

a. Yes, they do.

b. No, he doesn’t.

c. He rides his bike.

d. It’s five kilometers.

e. About 15 minutes.

From Beijing to Shanghai


1,056km train plane bus






train :90km/h plane : 1,000km/h bike :10km/h

ship : 30km/h bus : 60km/h car :120km/h How should you go to Shanghai? Why?How long does it take?

Report like this:

… get to Shanghai by … It takes about …

Task3. 3c. Ask your classmates questions and write their names in the chart. The first

student to fill in all the blanks wins!

nd someone who…

Name lives about five kilometers from school. walks to school. takes a bus to school. goes to school by bike.


Step7 开放性交际运用

Make a job interview in your group. One is the interviewer and the others are the interviewees. Ask how he / she gets to work, how long it takes him / her to get from home to school, and how far it is from his / her home to school. Fill in the blanks.



1. Read Grammar Focus on P17 and try to recite(背诵) the sentences.

2. Finish off the exercises in the workbook.


Step4 发现归纳语法规律:


2. 多长时间,it;时间段;时间

3. 多远;is it 长度;距离

4. 特殊疑问句语序比一般疑问句多了个特殊疑问词。

5. 第三人称单数用does,其余人称用do。

6. 实义动词放在助动词之后,用原形

7. 特殊疑问句=特殊疑问词+助动词do/does+主语+动词原形+其他

8. 一般疑问句=助动词DO/Does+主语+动词原形+其他


句型转换:1. I get to school by bus/ on the bus.

2. She gets to school by car / in the car.

3. They go to school on foot.

4. How long does it take to walk there?

5. How is

3b.1.How do you get to school

I ride my bike.

2. How long does it take to get to school

It takes about five minutes.

3. How far is it from your home to school

It’s about two kilometers.

4. Do you walk to school

N o, I don’t. I always ride my bike.

5. Do your friends ride their bikes to school

Yes, they do.

亮点:1. 本堂课精心设计各个环节,有利于学生对于语法知识的掌握。

2. 充分体现了学生的主体性。很多任务都是由学生来完成的。

3. 充分体现了合作学习,共同探究的教学新理念。

使用建议:1. 在实际教学中运用小组合作竞争机制,激发学生的学习积极性。



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