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Itishumannaturethatallofusshouldbefondofbeauty.Everybodywasbornwith aheartforbeauty.TodayinChina,withtherisingofourlivingstandard,people'sre quirementofbeautyhasbeenheightenedaccordingly.Somepeoplesparenom oneyorenergyonbeautifulclothes,fashionablehairstyles,thedecorationofthe irhousesandeventheimprovementoftheirlooks.Butitseemstome,alltheseare moreorlessconfinedtothebeautyinappearance,orrather,theoutwardbeauty. Inmyopinion,weshouldn'tonlypayattentiontobeautifulappearanceandnegle ctthebeautificationofthemindandwhatweareaftershouldbetheperfectunity oftheoutwardbeautyandtheinnerbeauty.Asweallknow,sofarasobjectsandan imalsareconcerned,thereisonlybeautifulappearancetobementioned,buttou shumanbeings,althoughtheoutwardbeautyreallymatters,theinnerbeautyis muchmoreimportant.ThiswasconfirmedbyafamousRussianwriterinwordsm uchlikethis:"Apersonisnotlovelyforbeingbeautifulbutbeautifulforbeinglovel y."Here,I'dliketoquotetwotypicalinstancesandI'msure,mydearfriends,fromt hemyou'llfindoutwhatrealbeautyis.RecentlyIlearnedfromtheradioanunplea

santincidentaboutawellknownsinger.Sheisverycharmingwithasweetbeautif ulvoiceandveryfamousforsingingthesong."DevotionofLove".Notlongago,sh ewasinvitedtoZhejiangProvincetogiveperformance.Themomentshewastoap pearonthestage,shesuddenlyaskedformorereward.Worsestill,afterherreque stwassatisfied,shedidn'tbegintosingatonce.Instead,shetookhertimetocount allthemoneypiecebypiece.Thusshekepttheaudiencewaitingforhalfanhour.S owhensheatlastshowedupandstartedtosing"DevotionofLove",amanroseupf romhisseatandshoutedather,"Youdon'thaveanydevotionoflove.Youarenotq ualifiedtosingthissong!"Hearingthis,thesingerstoppedsingingandbegantosh outabuseswithherfingerpointedattheman.Atthistimethewholeaudiencebur stintoanuproar.Howdisappointedherkeenlistenerswerewhentheylearnedthi s!Itisthesingerherselfwhospoiledherbeautifulimageintheeyesofothers.Now, I'mcomingtoanothertruestory.It'saboutapoor,ordinarylookingoldwoman.Sh ewasawidowwithoutanychildren,livingbarelyfromhandtomouthbypickingo ddsandendsfromrubbishheaps.However,shetookinmorethantenhomelesso rphanssuccessivelyandmanagedtobringthemup.Everydayshelaboredfromm orningtillnight.Inordertoearnasmuchmoneyaspossibletoraisethechildrenan dtokeeptheminschool,sheevenwenttoahospitalregularlytosellherblood.She gotsoweakforthelossofbloodthatshesometimesfellinafaintonherwayhome. Whenaskedwhyshechosetoburdenherselfwithsomanychildren,shesmiledan dsimplyanswered,"Oh,IlovechildrenandIliketohavetheircompany."Thought

heoldwomanwaspoormaterially,shewasfullofaffectionandrichinspirit.Shew asloveddearlybyherchildren.Shewasalsohighlyappreciatedbythelocalgover nment,andtrulyrespectedbypeopleinhercommunity.Maybeyoucan'thelpwo ndering,"Whatmakesthatordinarywomansoextraordinary?"Itisnothingelse butherinnerbeauty,hertruedevotionoflovewithoutanythoughtofrewarding. Whatasharpcontrastthereisbetweenthegreatwomanandtheselfishsinger]So ,toanswerthequestion"Whatisrealbeauty?",Ideclaredefinitely,itisthebeauty lyinginone'sheartofheartsandembodiedinhisactionsanddeeds,thatis,theinn erheauty!LearnHowtoSayNoWe'veallbeentaughtthatweshouldhelppeople.I tistherightthingtodoandwillmakeuspopularwithothers.Itmayevenwinusfav orsinreturn.However,wemustberealistic.Wecan'tsayyestoeveryrequest.Ifwe did,wewouldfailorgocrazyforsure.Sometimeswesimplydon'thavethetimeto help.Inthiscase,wemustknowhowtosaynopolitely.Whenweneedtosayno,her eisonemethodwecantry.First,weshouldtellthetruth.Ifwereallycan'tdosomet hing,weshouldjustsayso.Second,weshouldremembertorefuserequestspolit ely.Wemustcommunicateclearly,butmustalsobesincereandsympathetic.Atr uefriendwillunderstand.Finally,wemustnotfeelguiltyaboutsayingno.Someti mesrefusingothersistherightthingtodo.Itcansaveourselves,andthem,alotoft rouble.Inshort,wecannotpleaseeveryoneallthetime.Refusingfavorsisapartof life.学习如何说不我们都被教导说,我们应该要帮助别人。




















Ireceivedadevastatingblowtomyself-confidenceinthefirstinterviewofmycoll egeyears.IappliedtobeahostinourStudentActingTroupeandfeltconfidentthat Iwouldbeaccepted.Butoneofthepanelmemberstoldme:"Youseeminadequat eandyouarealittlevertically-challenged."Mylifehasneverbeenthesamesince. Iusedbiggerheelstocomplementmyheightandpsychologicalmaneuversandtr ickstohidemylackofconfidence.ButnomatterhowhardItriedtolookthepart,th erewasstillsomethingmissing.AspresidentofEnglishClub,Iorganizedtherehea rsalofSnowWhiteforanEnglishparty.Unfortunately,wecouldnotfindanactort obethelastdwarf.Ithadtobesomeonewhowashumorousbynatureandfluenti nEnglish.Suddenly,alleyesturnedtome,andIknewIwouldhavetobethedwarf.T omygreatsurpriseanddelight,onceonstage,Iwastotallyabsorbedintheperfor manceandmyhumorousnaturewasputtofulluse.Asthedwarf,Iwasabighit.Yes, eachofusisonlyoneamongmillionsofothers,buteachofusisanindividualandea chofusisunique.Cultivatingourindividualitywilltransformourlives,makingoft hemakaleidoscopeofnewcolorsandtextures.Aworlddeprivedofdiversitywou ldbeablandandboringplace.Therealtragedyisnotbeingshortorshyorugly,but havingyouridentitylostinaworldinwhicheveryoneisacloneofamodelcoolboy oraflawlesscharminggirl.Givenachoice,Iwouldratherbeuglythanliveinsucha world.I'dratherbeagenuinedwarfaccompanyingaSnowWhitethanbeaSnow WhiteamongnothingbutSnowWhites.Iwouldratherbemyself.Iwouldcontrib

utemyindividualanduniquecolorstocreateamorediverseuniverse.Please,bey ourself.译文:我重树信心大学生活的几年里,当我参加第一次面试时,我的自信心受到了沉重的打击。





















Inmy18yearsoflife,therehavebeenmanythings.Universitydaysarethebestpar tofthem.IcanneverforgetthedayswhenIsteppedintomyuniversity.Iwasimpre ssedbyitsgarden-likecampus,itsenthusiasticstudentsandespeciallyitslearnin gatmosphere.Iatoncefellinlovewithit.Afterthearduousmilitarytraining,Igeta bsolutelyabsorbedinmystudies.Theclassesgivenbytheteachersareexcellent.

Theyprovideuswithinformationnotonlyfromourtextbooksbutfrommanyoth ersourcesaswell.TheyeasilyarousemyinsatiabledesiretotakeinasmuchasIcan .Franklyspeaking,atfirstIhadsomedifficultyfollowingtheteachers.However,t hroughmyowneffortsandthankstomyteachers'guidance,Imaderemarkablep rogress.NowI'vebenefitedalotfromlecturesandmanyotheracademicreports. Learningisalongprocess;I'llkeepexploringinthetreasurehouseofknowledget oenrichmyself.ThissummerIgotoutoftheivorytowerandenteredtherealworld .Apublishinghouseofferedmeapart-timejobincompilationandrevision.Atthe beginningIwasbelittledbymycolleagues.ButtheywerereallysurprisedwhenItr anslatedsevenEnglisharticlesover5,000wordsononlyoneday.Gradually,they begantolookatmewithrespectfuleyes.IntheiropinionIturnedouttobeauseful andtrustworthycolleague.Ialsorealizethatonlythosewhobringhappinessforo therscanbetrulyhappy.SoIoftentakepartinactivitiesconcerningpublicwelfare .Ioncewenttoabarrenmountainvillagewithmyclassmates.Wetaughtthekidst herewhocouldnotaffordschool.Whileshowingthemhowbroadandhowciviliz edtheouterworldis,Iwasdeeplytouchedbytheireagernesstolearn,theirhones tyandtheirpurity.Icouldn'tcontrolmytearsonthedaywhenweleft.Theprecious experiencewiththepoorkidsmademeawareoftheresponsibilityontheshould ersofus,futureteachers.Besidesstudyandsocialpractice,thereareentertainm entsaswell.Idobodybuildingeveryday,hopingtokeephealthyandenergetic.W ealsowriteaplayandputitoninoursparetime.Campuslifeisthemostsplendidti

me.Butdifferentpeoplehavedifferentchoices.Themajorityofstudentscherish theirbeautifulseasonandcherishthehopethatonedaythey'llbecomeoutstand ing.Butthereareindeedsomestudentsstillunderignorance.Theygathertogeth erforeating,drinkingorplayingcards.They'rebusyinsearchingforagirlfriendora boyfriend.Theyforgetcompletelyabouttheirmissionascollegestudentsandth ehopeoftheirmotherland.Finally,Idohopeeverybodycantrytheirbesttobeco meaworthycitizenofthecountry.Idohopeeverybodycanbecomethebackbon eofournationandmakegreatcontributionstosociety!译文:享受生活、不忘使命在我这18年的生命中,有着许多美好的经历,而大学生活则是其中最难忘的一段。


































大学生经典英语演讲稿:成功的定义 【导语】如果通往成功的道路崎岖曲折,那么成功的回报必然硕果累累,反之亦然。如果一个人继承了父辈的百万家产而生活得轻松富足,那么,即使在物质上,他也不能算是个成功人士,因为,他的财富并没有经过艰难困苦而获得。老师为大家整理的《大学生经典英语演讲稿:成功的定义》,希望对大家有所帮助! 善于发现,善于思考,处处都有成功力量的源泉。其实成功的本质是蕴藏在人的内心的,总想着成功的人,在什么地方都能受到启迪。以下是小编分享给大家的关于成功的英文演讲,给大家作为参考,欢迎借鉴! “Once upon a time, there was a king who had a daughter as beautiful as a blooming rose. To all the suitors who came to the king's palace to ask for the hand of the princess, the old king assigned three tasks to be accomplished, each next to impossible. One day, into the king's palace came a handsome young prince..." Well, you know the rest. The three tasks may be different in different versions, but the main plot is always the same, with the prince claiming the princess's hand triumphantly. “很久以前,有个国王,他的女儿貌美如花。老国王向所有来求婚的男士提出了三个任务作为挑战,而每一项任务都异常艰


名校优秀毕业生英文演讲稿 faculty, family, friends, and fellow graduates, good evening. i am honored to address you tonight. on behalf of the graduating masters and doctoral students of washington university's school of engineering and applied science, i would like to thank all the parents, spouses, families, and friends who encouraged and supported us as we worked towards our graduate degrees. i would especially like to thank my own family, eight members of which are in the audience today. i would also like to thank all of the department secretaries and other engineering school staff members who always seemed to be there when confused graduate students needed help. and finally i would like to thank the washington university faculty members who served as our instructors, mentors, and friends. as i think back on the seven-and-a-half years i spent at washington university, my mind is filled with memories, happy, sad, frustrating, and even humorous.


篇一:大学英语演讲稿3分钟 大学英语演讲稿3分钟 when i was seven, i started learning english. i played games and sang english songs with other children. sometimes, i watched english cartoons. its funny. then i discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the english world. i hope i can travel around the world someday. i want to go to america to visit washington, because my cousin is over there. of course, i want to go to london too, because england is where english language developed. if i can ride my bike in cambridge university, i will be very happy. i hope i can speak english with everyone in the world. also ill introduce china to them, such as the great wall, and the gardens in suzhou. i will teaching people of the world about the beautiful language of our country. i like the english language. to learn english is wonderful. i my future is not a dream. 篇二:大学英语演讲稿3分钟 大学英语演讲稿3分钟 when i was seven, i started learning english. i played games and sang english songs with other children. sometimes, i watched english cartoons. its funny. then i discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the english world. i hope i can travel around the world someday. i want to go to america to visit washington, because my cousin is over there. of course, i want to go to london too, because england is where english language developed. if i can ride my bike in cambridge university, i will be very happy. i hope i can speak english with everyone in the world. also ill introduce china to them, such as the great wall, and the gardens in suzhou. i will teaching people of the world about the beautiful language of our country. i like the english language. to learn english is wonderful. i my future is not a dream. 篇三:3分钟英语演讲稿带翻译3篇 my chinese dream 我的中国梦 i am very glad to stand here to give thier a short speech.today my topic is that the youth are the future of motherland 很高兴站在这里做这篇短小的演讲,我演讲的主题是青年是祖国的未来。 在准备英语演讲比赛的时候,我本想简单地从网上搜索一些文章作为我演讲的内容。我看过很多文章,有著名主持人的、北大教授的、大学生的,也有初中生的。但是看完之后,我放弃了当初的想法,我甚至为当初的想法感到有一些羞愧。因为今天我站在这里向大家演讲的主题,是一个庄重而严肃的主题;是一个充满荣耀与自豪的主题;是每一个中华儿女共同期盼的主题。每个人都有属于他们自己的中国梦,而我,当然也有一直萦绕在心怀只属于我的中国梦。 so what?s my chinese dream ? finally i will announce. we had learned a lot of knowledge and understood a lot of truth in the book. we


英语演讲比赛即兴演讲稿 英语演讲比赛即兴演讲稿篇一Dream, everybody has. However, I think, the dream as the growth of the age, will change at any time! The dream of the age of three When I was 3 years old, although also just a girl, but, we also have a 3 years old dream! My dream is to every day can eat to the color seductive jelly beans! The kindergarten every day, dad and creak on his bicycle to pick me up, I will think, dad today will certainly bring color jelly beans to pick me up. But, want to return to, dad didnt often bring me eat jelly beans. At that time, I will run to dads arms, with a peevish tone to dad said: dad, are you to buy me some color jelly beans? Father seems a little angry: oh, dont buy, not buy, jelly beans to eat many will have decayed tooth! I still dont give up: Im not eat every day, you can buy! Sometimes, after my request for a long time, father finally agreed to me, I am happy to eat a dream at the age of 3, fruity! The food is delicious. At the age of 8 dream At the age of eight, I had been sitting in the third grade. Said dream, also wont go to jelly beans. At that


经典英语演讲稿带翻译6篇 经典英语演讲稿带翻译6篇 还在为找不到合适的英语演讲稿发愁吗?为大家整理了经典英语演讲稿带翻译6篇,欢迎大家阅读。 经典英语演讲稿带翻译篇1 As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn English has increased at a high speed. But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.When I read English novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese... I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places of great intrests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English.


大学生优秀英语演讲稿带翻译 英语演讲是学校重视英语实际应用常会举行的活动,这也是课堂教学的一种延伸,可以让学生们学到更多的知识。下面是小雅WTT为大家整理了大学生优秀英语演讲稿带翻译3篇,欢迎大家阅读。 大学生优秀英语演讲稿带翻译篇1 In our daily lives, we have many choices to make, such as what to eat for supper,what clothes to wear, or what to do on weekends. At certain times in our lives, we need to make even more critical choices, such as which school to attend, what job to take or who to choose as husband or wife. Yes, life is a matter of choice. Seemimgly, it means a choice of tangible things. But in essence, it means choosing a way of life. Life is to be lived, savored, and enjoyed, not to be wasted or plained about. Hardly can we forget the time when our society faced the grave threat from the life-and-death disease--SARS. Yet, even during those dreadful times, some afflicted people remained optimistic. Instead of wearing neutral white masks, some people turned to colouful ones, and


三一文库(https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9d3129029.html,)/演讲稿 大学生英语演讲稿【三篇】 【一】mydefinitionofsuccess todayiamverygladtobeheretosharewithyoumyideasofsuccess.whatis success?itiswhateveryoneislongingfor.sometimessuccesswouldbera thersimple.winningagameissuccess;gettingahighgradeintheexamiss uccess;makinganewfriendissuccess;evennowiam standingheregivingmyspeechissomehowalsosuccess. however,asaperson’swholelifeisconcerned,successbeesvery plicated.isfortunesuccess?isfamesuccess?ishighsocialstatussuccess? no,idon’tthinkso.ibelievesuccessistherealizationofpeople’ shopesandideals.nowadays,inthemodernsocietytherearemanypeopl e whoareregardedasthesuccessful.andthemostobviouscharacteristics ofhemaremoney,highpositionandluxuriouslife.somostpeoplebelieve thatssuccessandallthattheydoisforthispurpose.buttheproblemiswet heritisrealsuccess.weallknowtherearealwaysmoremoney,higherposi tionandbetterconditioninfrontofus.ifwekeepchasingthem,whereisth eend?whatwillsatisfyusatlast?therefore,wecansee,togettherealsucc


第一篇:英语演讲比赛演讲稿 英语演讲比赛演讲稿 【演讲稿01】if i were a boy again 假如我又回到了童年 if i were a boy again, i would practice perseverance(毅力)more often, and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient. if we want light, we must conquer darkness. perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results. “there are only two creatures,” says a proverb, “who can surmount the pyramids—the eagle and the snail.” if i were a boy again, i would school myself into a habit of attention; i would let nothing e between me and the subject in hand. i would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once. the habit of attention bees part of our life, if we begin early enough. i often hear grown-up people say “i could not fix my attention on the lecture or book, although i wished to do so” , and the reason is, the habit was not formed in youth. if i were to live my life over again, i would pay more attention to the cultivation of the memory. i would strengthen that faculty by every possible means, and on every possible occasion. it takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately; but memory soon helps itself, and gives very little trouble. it only needs early cultivation to bee a power. if i were a boy again, i would look on the cheerful side. life is very much like a mirror: if you smile upon it, i smile back upon you; but if you frown and look doubtful on it, you will get a similar look in return. inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the owner, but of all that e in contact with it. “who shuts love out ,in turn shall be shut ou t from love.” finally, instead of trying hard to be happy, as if that were the sole purpose of life, i would, if i were a boy again, i would still try harder to make others happy. 【译文】假如我又回到了童年,我做事要更有毅力,决不因为事情艰难或者麻烦而撒手不干,我们要光明,就得征服黑暗。毅力在效果上有时能同天才相比。俗话说:“能登上金字塔的生物,只有两种——鹰和蜗牛。” 假如我又回到了童年,我就要养成专心致志的习惯;有事在手,就决不让任何


大学生励志英语演讲稿3篇 在各学高校英语演讲中,甚至是各级别的英语演讲比赛中,常常感觉学生的演讲稿缺乏实质性的劝说力和感染下面整理了大学生励志英语演讲稿3篇,供你参考。 大学生励志英语演讲稿篇1 Whether there's afterlife, the answer has never been the same. The atheists deny after life, believing that our life is no more than from the cradle to the grave. They may care about their illustrious names after death; they may feel attached to the affection of their offspring, but they never lay their hopes on their afterlife. They may also say that good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil, but they don't really believe any retribution in their after life. However, in the religious world or among the superstitious people, the belief in afterlife is very popular. They do not only believe in afterlife, but thousands of reincarnations as well. In the mysterious world, there are the paradise and the hell, the celestial beings and the gods, the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas. Maybe they really believed it, or maybe they just wanted to make use of people's veneration, the ancient emperors always declared that they were the real dragons, the sons of God, while the royal ministers claimed to be the reincarnations of various constellations. But can the stars reincarnate?


《》 I have been in University for about one year. During my stay here, I came to realize that university life is like drinking coke. We experience all tastes of life here, sour, sweet, bitter and hot. Lucky for me, life in university is rich and colorful. With more free time,we can do many more things besides study, such as joing societies clubs, and taking part-time jobs. Such activities not only make our life more colorful, but also help us improve all kinds of skills. The university is a society miniature, what we learn here will benefit our future life. University life is like drinking coke. I“m experiencing it. And I know, I enjoy it! 我一直在大学呆了一年多。我儿时,我才意识到大学生活就像喝可哀。 的生活经历口味、酸、甜、苦、辣。 我从省,离这儿很远。我常常想念妈妈的亲戚、朋友,在我的家乡。 然而,我经常见到。那么孤独总是会陪伴我。我很难过,我无法和在一起。 荣幸的是,我在大学生活是多彩的。有更多的闲暇,可以做更多的事情除了学习,如加入社团俱乐部,打工。的活动,使的生活多彩,而且还能帮助改进各样的技能。大学是社会,里学到的微缩有利于今后____的生活。的人生之路不会一帆风顺。挫折是无法的。失败的____的考试,跟男孩女孩的朋友,或者拒绝由有前途的公司,会让的挫折。有时候,觉得很悲痛,甚至大哭起来。 喝可哀是优美的,undesirble随之打嗝。这是苦的,酸和焦急,而且甜。 你甚至可以感觉到激烈下一杯。全身后,大学的经验是成长的一。哭泣,微笑着,坠入爱河,受伤,离开,学习,然后做的人。 大学生活就像喝可哀。我的感受。我知道,我喜欢它! 1/ 1


英语演讲比赛演讲稿 Longlongago,inalandfaraway,therelivedabeautifulyoun ggirl. Shewasverysad.Because hermotherhaddiedandherfatherhadmarriedagain.His newwifehadtwouglydaughters,EsmereldaandGriselda Soonafter,herfatheralsodiedandlifeimmediately (立即)changedforthegirl. "youwillbeourservant(仆人),"saidherstepmother (继母)."youwilldoeverythingwesay." "youmustsleepinthekitchens."saidthestepsisters. Thereshehadtodohardworkfrommorninguntilevening,getu pbeforedaybreak(黎明),carrywater,makethefires,cook,andwash.Besides(除了)this,thesistersdideverythingimaginable(可以想象)tohurther.Theymadefunofher.Intheeveningwhenshehadwo rkedherselfweary(厌倦),therewasnobedforher. Insteadshehadtosleepbythehearthintheashes (灰).Andbecauseshealwayslookeddusty(尘土飞扬)anddirty,theycalledhercinderella.


大学生经典励志英语演讲稿3篇 大学生励志英语演讲稿篇1 so if we want to learn english well ,we must practice reading englisheveryday ,acturally practicing repeatly is the best way to succeed.whenyou speak ,don't care how poorly or how well you speak just care aboutcatching the chance to speak…… hello! ladies and gentlemen, it is so nice to meet you !i am gladthat you can spend this precious time having this class in thisafternoon. now please allow me to introduce myself to you .my name is wangjia and imajored in traffic engineering .baoji is my hometown it is verybeautiful. and the people are very friendly. as we all knowen thingking is easy acting is difficult and to putone's thoughts into actions is the most difficult thing in the world. so if we want to learn english well ,we must practice reading englisheveryday ,acturally practicing repeatly is the best way to succeed.whenyou speak ,don't care how poorly or how well you speak just care aboutcatching the chance to


大学生英语优秀演讲稿精选篇 ——WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改—— 英语演讲应该简洁扼要,直截了当。除非特别需要,一般不要采用中文中的那种迂回曲折的表达形式。下面是小编为大家整理了大学生英语优秀演讲稿3篇,希望能够帮到你。 大学生英语优秀演讲稿篇1Good afternoon everybody! It's my honor to speak here and I am very glad to share my topic with all of you. Today I'd like to talk about “my dream”. I do not just have one dream, in fact, I have three. They are: a healthy life, a happy family and to travel my great country. I have always admired the long healthy life my grandparents have. They are older than 80 years of age and they are still alive and kicking! How do they do that!? My grandparents plant vegetables and grow rice themselves; even in their old age they still make food for themselves! I guess that is why they can remain healthy. More importantly they remain humble and never ask for too much from life. Perhaps that makes them common, but they live a happy life. My grandmother once told me this:” I do not want to live long, only long enough for some grand children to be running around in my house”. I want to live a long, healthy and happy life just as they have.


大学生英语演讲稿五篇 英语演讲是一种很好的学习英语的方式,能够锻炼词汇、写作、口语等多方面的英语能力,另一方面,英语演讲也是对英语学习一个很好的检验。下面是小编为大家整理的大学生英语演讲稿。 大学生英语演讲稿篇一 6am when I put on this ZARA dress, I found its label writes this: Designed in Spain. Made in Vietnam. And it is now available all over the Chinese market. ZARA is the fastest among various fashion brands. With advantages generated by globalization, from raw material to labor, from warehouse to shipping, it takes only 12 to 15 days for ZARA to turn a design on sketch paper to clothes on shelves. Globalization has eliminated numerous barriers and made the world flat ever since it gained momentum in the 1990s. But recently it seems to be rolled back by someone like Donald Trump in US and Marine Le Pen in France. Public opinions are being misled by their claim that recoiling from globalization seems to be the panacea to the two most urgent problems troubling many people in the westemployment and refugees. But can we buy the story? Withdrawing from TPP seems to be an act that can move


英文演讲比赛稿 【篇一:历届英语比赛演讲稿】 历届全国英语演讲大赛冠军演讲稿 学曹丰演讲稿 our future: a battle between dreams and reality good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: when i was in the primary school, i have a dream. i want to invent a device which could bring you from one place to another in no time at all. when i was in the secondary school, my dream was to study in my ideal university. and when eventually i got into the university, my dream was to graduate. how pathetic! when we grow up, we dream less and become more realistic. why? why do we have to change our dreams, so, so in order to let it be fulfilled? why do we have to surrender to the so-called reality? what is the reality actually? ladies and gentlemen, the reality is not real. it is a barrier keeping us from all the possible fantasies. flying, for example, had been a dream to mankind for thousands of years. a hundred years ago, man could not fly was still regarded as the reality. now if that was really the reality, what did the wright brothers do? how did some of you get to macau? only when we believe that the reality is not real can we soar with our dreams. people say that our future is a battle between the reality and our dreams. and if, unfortunately, mr. reality wins this war, then i see no future of mankind at all. aids will never be curable as this is the reality; people living in the undeveloped countries will suffer from starvation forever as this is the reality; 4) disputes among different countries would never be settled as this misunderstandings and intolerance is the reality. ladies and gentlemen, how many of you have a dream of being able to make a lot of money? please raise your hands. oh, quite a number of you! actually, ladies and gentlemen, this is not a dream, but a task. every one of us has to make a living, right? anyway i hope your task will be accomplished. how many of you think that you have already fulfilled your dream and that you dont dream anymore? dear 5) adjudicators, what do you think? c.s. lewis once said,

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