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Foreign investment and development: the role of domestic policy and international investment agreements

All developing countries participate, to greater or lesser degrees, in the global competition for foreign investment. But attracting investment is not the only challenge. Harnessing foreign investment to achieve sustainable development is often even more difficult. What is needed to address these twin challenges varies from one country to the next. This article argues that for most developing countries creating the right domestic policy environment is necessary but, for some countries at least, will not be sufficient to attract investment or ensure that it contributes to development. New kinds of international investment agreements (IIA) that do a better job of promoting more stable investment flows and supporting sustainable development are needed.

Foreign direct investment (FDI) flows into developing countries increased significantly in 2006, reaching US$379.1 billion, their highest ever levels. The percentage of global investment inflows going to developing countries in 2006 exceeded their average annual percentage share from 1995-2000, though their share declined slightly to 29 per cent, down from 33.2 per cent in 2005, due to even faster rates of increase in investment flows into developed countries. FDI inflows are critically important for growth. Since 1994, FDI has represented the largest component of total resource flows into developing countries exceeding inflows from other private sources, such as loans and portfolio investment, and public sources, such as overseas development assistance (ODA). FDI exceeded 51 percent of total resource flows to developing countries in 2006. Unfortunately, this apparently rosy global picture masks significant challenges for developing countries seeking to realize the benefits of FDI.

FDI flows to developing countries are unstable and unevenly distributed

FDI has been concentrated in a relatively small number of countries, mostly in Asia, including Singapore, India and Malaysia. In many African countries and less developed countries (LDC) around the world, ODA remains the largest source of external finance. Recent investment activity, driven by the search for new resource wealth, has passed some countries by entirely.

A closer look at the major regional groupings of developing countries confirms the uneven distribution of foreign investment activity. For example, FDI inflows increased in 2006 in 33 African countries but fell in 21.Inflows increased in all regions on the continent except southern Africa, where inflows declined, including in Commonwealth members Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Zambia and South Africa. Over the past decade the stock of foreign investment, a much more stable measure than investment flows, at least doubled in 3/4 of African Commonwealth countries, but some countries have seen their stocks of foreign investment decline, including Botswana and Zambia.

Looking across the globe, similar diversity exists. Some developing countries experienced substantial increases in investment inflows in 2006 and an increase in investment stocks over time. But investment inflows into Oceania declined by 11 per cent in 2006 and the stocks of FDI in the small states in this region have fluctuated widely. The stock of FDI in Fiji has shrunk since 1997, while Tuvalu has experienced a massive increase.

As well as being unevenly distributed, FDI flows to developing countries have been highly variable, with significant declines following years of growth in 1984, 1997 and 2002. Thus while increased investment is flowing to developing countries overall, many countries have not been successful in attracting consistent inflows of FDI.

Developing country FDI is concentrated in extractive industries

While two-thirds of FDI worldwide is in services, investment flows into many African countries, including Commonwealth LDC such as Tanzania, Uganda and Gambia, are largely concentrated in extractive industries. In some African countries, including Nigeria, three quarters or more of the stock of FDI is in extractive industries.

Despite the service sector orientation of many Caribbean economies, a significant share of inward FDI stock in the region is also in extractive industries. Investment inflows in Oceania are concentrated in the mining sector.

Investment in extractive industries tends to be particularly unstable compared with other FDI because it is affected by volatile global commodity prices. As well, UNCTAD has found that investment in extractive industries is more difficult for host countries to regulate to ensure compatibility with domestic standards and development goals (World Investment Report 2007). Sometimes, foreign investment in extractive industries, which is dominated by transnational corporations (TNC), produces few new jobs and results in environmental degradation and social dislocation while most of the financial returns are captured off-shore.

FDI unrealized contribution to development

In July 2008 the Secretary-General of the United Nations released a report that reviewed the implementation of the 2002 UN Monterrey Consensus on Financing for Development. It concluded that action is needed to encourage larger and more consistent FDI flows to a broader group of developing countries and to ensure that investment activity leads to development. The need is particularly pressing for small economies which have seen growth rates decline compared to larger low- and middle-income states.

Addressing this need means making developing countries more attractive to investors. All investors make decisions about where and when to invest based on their expectations about the future in light of their specific business strategy. Some of the factors relevant to investor decision-making are outside the control of governments. A country’s natural resource endowment is an obvious example. Nevertheless, domestic policies in a host country can both improve investors’ expectations regarding the likely returns associated with their investments and enhance the prospect that their expectations will be realized making the country more appealing as an investment destination. In countries as diverse as India, China, Turkey and Indonesia, investment has been facilitated through domestic policy reform to protect property rights,

improve transparency of government operations and reduce distortions associated with administrative practices. In Africa, a few countries, including Tanzania and Ghana, have taken similar steps. Developing a strategy for achieving a domestic policy environment that contributes to development as well as attracting investment, however, requires understanding the linkages between investment and development. Factors affecting the development impact of FDI

Attracting investment is not an end in itself. To be desirable, investment must contribute positively to development. Studies that have attempted to find a clear link between FDI and development, however, have been inconclusive. There is no doubt that FDI can contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction by supplementing local sources of investment capital and increasing employment and local tax revenues. As well, FDI can have a variety of positive spillovers in terms of improved local productivity and innovation and the transfer of new technologies and production and management techniques.

There can also be costs. Domestic investment may be crowded out and domestic competition and entrepreneurship may be suppressed. FDI may worsen income inequality and encourage reliance on the exploitation of local natural resources at the expense of the development of other productive sectors of the economy. In some cases, the activities of foreign investors have had a negative impact on human rights and the environment. As noted, the risk of negative effects may be greatest in relation to FDI in extractive industries, the most important sector for foreign investment in many developing countries.

One of the benefits associated with economic activity generated by FDI is that income from that activity may produce tax revenues that can be applied to fund social and other programmers designed to achieve development goals. In many developing countries, however, weak taxation regimes mean that governments do not succeed in capturing an adequate share of the income resulting from FDI. Income that is captured is sometimes squandered rather than reinvested to support long-term growth, including future foreign investment.

Whether FDI will contribute to sustainable development will depend on a host of

local factors including the nature and abilities of its human capital, the effectiveness of its environmental, labor and human rights standards and its tax system, its regulatory capacity and its capacity to absorb technology, which, in turn, is a function of its human resources and its technological infrastructure. How domestic policy can affect these factors to enhance FDI development impact is discussed in the next section.

Investment-led development through domestic policy reform

Reform of the international financial architecture and a successful conclusion to the Doha Round of WTO negotiations would both contribute to a stronger and more stable basis for continuing investment in developing countries. But the ongoing failure of the international community to deliver results in either of these areas means that renewed focus must be placed on other strategies, including domestic reform in developing countries.

In general terms, the elements of a domestic environment that encourage development through foreign investment are well understood, having been mapped out by, for example, the OECD in its Framework for Investment (2006) based on the 10 areas identified by the 2002 UN Monterrey Consensus on Financing for Development and the World Bank in its World Development Report 2005. A comprehensive but not exhaustive list of policy areas include those that have direct effects on investment, like investment policy and investment promotion programmers, as well as those that have indirect effects, such as trade policy, competition policy, tax policy, corporate governance standards, policies for promoting responsible business conduct, human resource development and labor market policy, infrastructure development, and financial and public sector governance.

The particular policy mix appropriate for a specific country will depend on its individual circumstances. Attempts to transfer regulatory structures from other countries, especially developed countries, with little or no adaptation to local conditions have not proved to be successful. As well, creating the right investment environment is not a one-time policy shift but rather a complex, multifaceted and long-term process (see box).

Recent research shows that investment promotion programmers can have a positive effect on the attractiveness of a particular jurisdiction. On the other hand, trying to ‘pick winners’ has not been successful and the World Bank, among others, advocates moving away from specific incentives to domestic policy measures that improve the general climate for investment in host countries (World Development Report 2005).

An important benefit of such an approach is that reforming the domestic policy environment will promote investment and growth generally, not just FDI. Improved transparency, for example, is likely to be disproportionately advantageous to small and medium local firms with few resources to devote to compliance with government requirements. Transparency, improved efficiency in government administration and more secure property rights may also contribute to moving small businesses from the informal economy to the formal, with positive effects on tax revenues.

Developing countries seeking the right domestic policy mix must confront a tension between attracting investment and achieving development objectives. States must balance social needs and investor preferences. For example, regulators must develop and enforce standards, including those related to health and safety, labor, the environment and human rights, even if doing so will impose costs on investors. Disincentives to invest, however, can be minimized to the extent that such regulation is transparent, efficient, predictable and free of corruption. Similarly, an effective tax system will be needed to capture value create through FDI, but if the tax system is fairly administered investment disincentives associated with the tax burden will be reduced.

Domestic reforms can be complemented with IIA

In many cases, a domestic reform strategy is unlikely to be sufficient to attract stable long term investment flows. Some states simply lack capacity to achieve domestic reforms, or suffer from rent-seeking behavior on the part of government officials and others who benefit from the existing regime. Also, some states that have reformed their domestic regimes have experienced little increase in FDI inflows. This may reflect foreign investors’ concerns regarding the credibility of host state

commitments to maintain pro-investment reforms. International investment agreements (IIA) provide credible commitments, though, as discussed in the next section, existing forms of agreement are not well adapted to encouraging investment flows that contribute to development.

Existing IIA protect investors but do not promote development effectively The Monterrey Consensus calls for a ‘new partnership’ between developed and developing countries in relation to development finance, including increased FDI. In any case, increased investment itself is no guarantee of positive development outcomes. With few exceptions, existing IIA are not designed to achieve development outcomes. It is possible, however, to imagine new forms of IIA that do a better job of attracting investment and promoting sustainable development.

Source: J. Anthony VanDuzer. Foreign investment and development: the role of domestic policy and international investment agreements. The Commonwealth Finance Ministers Reference Report,2008:P2-4.





































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