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an men for doing the same kind of work.(02.1—64) A) abrupt [?'br?pt]突然的 B) absurd[?b's?:d]荒谬的 C) adverse['?dv?:s, ?d'v?:s](不利的,有害的,不幸的)


2 Even sensible men do ______ things sometimes.(02.6—52)

A) abrupt [?'br?pt] 突然的;唐突的;陡峭的;生硬的 B) absurd [?b's?:d] adj. 荒谬的;可笑的n. 荒诞作品 C) acute[?'kju:t] adj. 严重的,急性的;激烈的;敏锐的;尖声的精明的

absurd [?b's?:d] 荒谬的,荒唐的 2次

[?k'n?lid?]承认,承认……的权威;告知收到,确认;报偿,对……表示谢忱 5次 acknowledge D) apt[?pt] adj. 有…倾向的;恰当的;灵敏的

They are well ______ with each other since they once studied in the same university.(98.6---64)

A. identified adj. 被认同者;经鉴定的;被识别的 B. recognized 认出,看出;赏识

C. acknowledged [?k'n?lid?d] adj. 公认的;被普遍认可的 v. 承认;答谢;确认(acknowledge的过去式和过去分词) D. acuainted [?'kweint] 使认识;使熟悉

The famous scientist ______ his success to hard work..(00.1---51)

A. acknowledged B.ascribed [?'skraib] vt. 归因于;归咎于 C. granted 许可,授与,假定 D. imparted把….分给;adj. 给予的;授予的

Professor Hawking is ______ as one of the world?s greatest living physicists.(02.6-44)

A) dignified['diɡnifaid]有威严的,高贵的 B) clarified阐明,澄清

画的报章杂志;adj. 有插图的;v. 阐明;举例说明;给…加插图

Many great scientists _____ their success to hard work.(03.12—65)

A) portray[p?:'trei]描绘;描写B) ascribe C) impart [im'pɑ:t]vt. 给予(尤指抽象事物),传授;告知,透露

A) contemplated adj. 预期的 v. 深思;注视;估计;计划 B) deemed认为

指望;adj. 预期的;期望的

activate['?ktiveit] 使活动起来,使开始起作用 2次

C) activate Lighting can be used not only to create an atmosphere, but also to ________ features of the house, such as ornaments or pictures.(05.1—60) A) highlight['hailait]在…上投上强光;强调,使显B) underline[,?nd?'lain, '?nd?lain]加强,强调,使突出


The medicine ______ his pain but did not cure his illness.(02.6—42)

A) activated '?ktiveitid]adj. 活性化的;活泼的;v. 使活动起来;使激活;有生气

B) alleviated[?'li:vieit] 缓和,减轻C) medicated['medikeitid] adj. 药制的;含药的;掺入药物的v. 用药治疗;加入药品D) deteriorated[di'ti?ri?reited] adj. 已变质的;恶化的vt. 蚀薄;恶化

acuaint [?'kweint] 熟悉,认识。 2次

They are well ______ with each other since they once studied in the same university.(98.6---64)

A. identified adj. 被认同者;经鉴定的;被识别的v. 辨认;鉴定B. recognized adj. 经过

验证的;公认的v. 认识;意识到C.acknowledged

D. acuainted [?'kweintid] adj. 知晓的;有知识的;熟识的v. 使了解

The author of the report is well ______ with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years.(01.6.48)

A. acuainted B. informed 有学识的 C. accustomed ?'k?st?md] adj. 通常的;独有的;习的

v. 使习惯于 D.known [n?un] adj. 大家知道的;已知的;知名的v. 知道

Acute [?'kju:t]严重的,激烈的;敏锐的;急性的 2次

A human's eyesight is not as ________ as that of an eagle.(02.1—63)

A) eccentric[ik'sentrik] adj. 古怪的,反常的n. 古怪的人 B) acute [?'kju:t] adj. 严重的,急性的;激烈的;敏锐的;尖声的 C) sensible ['sens?bl] adj. 明智的;意识到的;通晓事理的;明显的n. 可感觉到的东西;敏感的人 D) sensitive ['sensitiv] adj. 敏感的;感光的;灵敏的;易受伤害的

adhere [?d'hi?] 坚持,依附 2次

If you want to set up a company, you must ______ with the regulations laid down by the authorities. (99.6---32)

1 D) upgrade ['?pɡreid] vt. 提升;使升级;改良品种 n. 升级;上坡;上升 adv. 往上 adj. 向上的 C) acknowledged D) acknowledge to have withdrawn from the
