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模块四作业-情为主线,以情导航根据情感态度目标这一模块的视频讲座内容和第三期课程简报中的专家引领文章,以模块3作业文本为蓝本,1、重新设计情感态度目标; 2、说明情感态度目标在教学设计中的体现。

Listen and read

Zoe: What shall we do on Sunday, Jack?

Jack: I could do with some fresh air. Couldn’t we go somewhere outside Edinburgh?

Zoe: Like where? Don’t forget we’ve got the dress rehearsal on Sunday evening. They can’t do without us. We’ve both got large parts. Jack: I know, but the rehearsal’s not until six. What about going up into the Pentland Hills? I think they do coach trips there from the city

centre. Perhaps we could do a bit of climbing.

Lan: I don’t know. I’m not very keen on climbing.

Jack: Well, we don’t have to go climbing. Why don’t we go for a long walk?

Kelly: Yes, that’s not a bad idea.

Lan: Walking’s not really my thing, either.

Zoe: Oh, come on! We could take a picnic with us.

Jack: That’s a good idea! What about it, Lan?

Lan: No way! I’m going to catch up on some sleep.

Jack: Oh, all right. How about asking Sarah?

Zoe: No, her parents are taking her out for the day.

Jack: OK, well, let’s find out about the coach times.






词汇和短语:掌握do with, rehearsal,go up into...,coach, be keen on, Catch up,

句式: 1. 征求意见或者给予建议的句式

What shall we do?

Where shall we go?

Couldn’t we go som ewhere outside Edinburgh?

What/How about going up into the Pentland Hills?

We could do a bit of climbing.

Why don’t we go for a long walk?

Let’s find out about the coach times.


That’s not a bad idea! That’s a good idea!

I don’t know. I’m not very keen on climbing.

Walking’s not really my thing, either.

No way!





三 .情感目标:















Step1:Before listening

Talk freely:

Talk about our vacation or weekend.

Tell us :What shall we do on vacation? or

Where shall we go?

Discuss in groups and you can use these sentences:

How about...?

What about...?

Shall we ...?

Let’s ...


Next show your ideas. let’s find out :

Which groups ’ideas are best?

You can express your opions like this: Ok./ Good idea / No way.

Step 2:while listening


学生从图片上了解到故事发生地点在英国,(2)Show the picture of this passage : 从图片上学生可以判断出对话发生4个人


Task1:Listen and answer:

What shall they do then?

Who has good ideas?


Answer:Jack has some good ideas.

Yes,Jack has some good ideas.

Task2:Now listen to the tape carefully and give the right order of Jack’s suggestions

□Why don’t we go for a long walk?

□ Perhaps we could do a bit of climbing.

□let’s find out about the coach times.

□Couldn’t we go somewhere outside Edinburgh?

□ What about going up into the Pentland Hills?


Task3: Listen again and fill in the blanks(通过投影仪展示)

Zoe: What shall we do on Sunday, Jack?

Jack: I could ___ ____ some fresh air. Couldn’t we ___ somewhere outside Edinburgh?

Zoe: Like where? Don’t forget we’ve got the dress rehearsal on Sunday evening. They can’t do without us. We’ve both got large parts.

Jack: I know, but the rehearsal’s ______ _____six. What abo ut going up into the Pentland Hills? I think they do coach trips there from the city centre. Perhaps we could do a bit of climbing.

Lan: I don’t know. I’m not very _______ ____climbing. Jack: Well, we don’t have to go climbing. Why don’t we ___ for a long walk?

Kelly: Yes, that’s not a bad idea.

Lan: Walking’s not really my thing, either.

Zoe: Oh, come on! We could take a picnic with us.

Jack: That’s a good idea! What about it, Lan?

Lan: ____ ____! I’m going to catch up on some sleep.

Jack: Oh, all right. How about ______ Sarah?

Zoe: No, her parents are taking her out for the day. Jack: OK, well, let’s ____ _____ about the coach times.


Task4: 边放录音,边让学生解析

Zoe: What shall we do on Sunday, Jack?

Jack: I could do with some fresh air. Couldn’t we go somewhere outside Edinburgh?

Zoe先说“What shall we do on Sunday, Jack?” 此句是向Jack 征求“周日可以做什么”的意见,



Zoe: Like where? Don’t forget we’ve got the dress rehearsal on Sunday evening. They can’t do without us. We’ve both got large parts.


Jack: I know, but the rehearsal’s not until six. What about going up into the Pentland Hills? I think they do coach trips there from the city centre. Perhaps we could do a

bit of climbing.

其中,I know 是表示同意Zoe的说法,但是dress rehearsal六点才开始,我们还是有时间的。那我们就去Pentland Hills吧,可以判断Jack认为Pentland Hills在有限时间内可以保证往返的距离之内,而且可以乘由市中心始发的coach. 这里面体现了Jack的自主决策能力,有提议,也有解决方案,用来证明自己提议的合理性。这里也体现了些文化差异——英国学生可以自主安排自己的时间,可以和同学进行一个coach trip,中国城市大部分没有coach trip的服务。这些都与中国当代中学生的实际生活有不同,可以作为开展交流活动的话题。去Pentland Hills干嘛呢,do a bit of climbing就很好。大家注意,do a bit of climbing跟go climbing是不一样的,前者只是

为do with some fresh air, 不是健身活动或者旅游度假,这与Jack 一开始提出的意愿是一致的。I think是指not sure, Perhaps也是提建议,我们去了可以爬爬山嘛,话语意图内含着很想让Zoe和大家接受他的建议。Zoe还没表达意见,第三位参与者Lan先做出了反应:Lan: I don’t know. I’m not very keen on climbing.

Lan虽然表示了自己不愿参加的意愿,但是用了适合这种语境的I’m not verykeen on这样的委婉说法,意思是,你们决定的话,你们可以去,反正我不想

Jack: Well, we don’t have to go climbing. Why don’t we go for a long walk?

这里说明Jack有较好的相处能力,遭到反对时及时采取让步,但是话语里面仍暗含着Jack很想让大家接受他的建议,大家都一起去,这是他“改变别人观点”的话语意图。由此看出,Jack一开始有do with some fresh air的意愿,愿望比较强烈,变化着形式想说服大家一起去。这时Kelly站出来支持了:

Kelly: Yes, that’s not a bad idea.


Lan: Walking’s not really my thing, either.

尽管表达不同意,不过口气仍然委婉,用的是not really my thing. 让同学们注意自己在日常的表达中注意用词和语气。以便与人进行良好的沟通。接下来,在Jack提出建议后,Zoe一直还没得到机会表态,但谈话是他发起的,明显他接受Jack的建议:

Zoe: Oh, come on! We could take a picnic with us.

That’s the last straw to Lan.


Lan: No way! I’m going to catch up on some sleep.



Jack: Oh, all right. How about asking Sarah?



Zoe: No, her parents are taking her out for the day.

这里不是Zoe反对这个建议,而是提供客观信息说明此建议不可行,而且表达很准确,for the day,意思是周日白天其父母带她外出,暗含:晚上也会参加dress rehearsal。所以在主情景中take somebody out 也不是关键词汇。虽然遗憾的是Lan不去,但是Jack还是很高兴,提议:

Jack: Let’s find out about the coach times.

交流结论达成,语篇结束。其中两个个性鲜明的人物就是Jack,Lan. Task5:模仿秀:通过大家对人物语言的解析,性格特点的把握模仿起来应该更加的形象。老师适时给予赞扬。

Task6: Roly-play 分角色朗读对话,注意语音语调!


Step3: After listening

Task 1:What do you think of their activities? (在本任务中引导学生度过健康绿色的假日)

Task 2: Groupwork:本周末我们班准备组织一次活动,请大家利用我们今天所学来给出自己的建议和意见吧。


Step4: summary

From this lesson we have learnt: ________________


Step 5: homework






1.财务报表四张主表为()。 B 资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表、所有者权益变动表正确答案:B 2.企业按期计提固定资产折旧费时,应贷记()。 D 累计折旧正确答案:D 3.“固定资产”账户的借方余额减去“累计折旧”账户的贷方余额的差额表示()。 C 固定资产的折余价值即净值正确答案:C 4.“应收账款”科目所属明细科目如有贷方余额,应在资产负债表()项目中反映。 B 预收账款正确答案:B 5.现金流量表的编制基础是()。 D 现金及现金等价物正确答案:D 6.“本年利润”账户年内的贷方余额表示()。 C 净利润额正确答案:C 7.实收资本账户属于()账户。 C 所有者权益类正确答案:C 8.年末结转后,“利润分配”账户的贷方余额表示()。 D 未分配利润额正确答案:D 9.下列账户中,属于资产类账户的是()。 C 预付账款正确答案:C 10.()是反映企业在一定时期内经营成果的财务报表。 B 利润表正确答案:B 11.按照权责发生制的要求,下列应作为本期费用的是()。 B 尚未付款的本月借款利息正确答案:B 12.下列费用项目中,应作为产品生产成本的是()。 B 生产车间管理人员工资正确答案:B 13.按照会计报表反映的经济内容分类,资产负债表属于()。 A 财务状况报表正确答案:A 14.财务报表中项目的数字其直接来源是()。 D 账簿记录正确答案:D 15.利润表是根据()填列。 C 利润表账户的本期发生额正确答案:C 16.下列报表中属于静态报表的是()。 A 资产负债表正确答案:A

17.某企业“应付账款”明细账期末余额情况如下:W企业贷方余额为200000元,Y企业借方余额为180000元,Z企业贷方余额为300000元。假如该企业“预付账款”明细账均为借方余额,则根据以上数据计算的反映在资产负债表上应付账款项目的数额为()。 C 500000 正确答案:C 18.某企业本年度实现净利润为63、6万元,按税后利润的10%提取法定盈余公积金,按税后利润5%提取任意盈余公积金,分得投资者利润为235600元,年初未分配利润为10万,则该企业在资产负债表中“年末未分配利润”数额为()。 D 405000元正确答案:D 19.已经完成全部生产过程并已验收入库,可供对外销售的产品即为()。 D 库存商品正确答案:D 20.依照我国的会计准则,资产负债表采用的格式为()。 C 账户式正确答案:C 21.资产负债表中的“存货”项目,应根据()。 C “原材料”、“生产成本”和“库存商品”、“周转材料”等账户的期末借方余额之和,减去“存货跌价准备”科目期末余额后的金额填列。正确答案:C 22.在权责发生制下,下列货款应列作本期收入的是()。 A 本月销货款存入银行正确答案:A 23.下列支出中,应在营业外支出账户列支的是()。 A 罚没支出正确答案:A 24.下列属于其他业务收入的是()。 B 出售材料收入正确答案:B 25.企业结转已销产品的实际生产成本时,应()。 C 借记“主营业务成本”,贷记“库存商品” 正确答案:C 26.“固定资产”账户是反映企业固定资产的()。 C 原始价值正确答案:C 27.现金流量表正表中最重要的项目是()。 C 经营活动现金净流量正确答案:C 28.资产负债表的下列项目中,需要根据几个总账账户的期末余额进行汇总填列的是()。 C 货币资金正确答案:C


姓名:评价: 听力部分 一、听音标序号(15分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分) ( ) 1. A . What’s your favourite colour B. What’s your favourite song ( ) 2. A What’s this B. What are they ( ) 3. A .I like swimming. B. I like skipping. ( ) 4. you like meat B Do you like fish ( ) 5. Lingling like oranges B. Does Sam like pears 三听录音,选择正确的答语(10分) ()1 A It’s the ABC song. B It’s red. ()2 A It’s a tiger. B They are monkeys.()3 A Here are you. B Thank you. ()4 A Yes, I do. B Yes, she does.()5 A No, he doesn’t. B Yes, he doesn’t. 四.判断下面的图片和所读的单词是否相符(15分) 1()2()3()4()5() 笔试部分 五千挑万选。 ( ) 1. A:What’s this B :It’s an_______ . A. pear B apple C. banana ()2. A:Do you like meat B:___________. A Yes, I do. B No, I do. C. Yes, I does ()3. Sam like fish A. Do C. Are ( )’s elephant. A. a C. the ()5. I like bikes. C. rideing ()6、Do you like fish ,Amy .


外研 五年级下module 4 测试题 一、选出不同类的一项。(5分) ( ) 1. A. send B. ask C. film ( ) 2. A. project B. wrong C. heavy ( ) 3. A. CD B. e-book C. dear ( ) 4. A. dictionary B. card C. find ( ) 5. A. in B. shelf C. on 二、根据句意及汉语提示补全单词。(5分) 1. We can ________(找到) some boys in the classroom. 2. Let’s _______(成立) a home library. 3. That book is ______(容易的) to read. 4. They are in the _________(错误的) place. 5. They’re very __________(重的). 三、单项选择。(20分) ()1. Where are the books _______ animals? A. at B. to C. about ( ) 2. They are ________ Shelf C. A. of B. on C. at ( ) 3. Here _________ your book. A. are B. is C. any ( ) 4. Where __________ I find books about science? A. am B. is C. can ( ) 5. Mr Chen ________ these books to us. A. send B. sent C. sending ()6. I haven’t got books _________ you. A. for B. of C. in ( ) 7. Let’s _______ these books on the shelf. A. puts B. to put C. put ( ) 8. They are __________ the wrong place. A. in B. to C. about ( ) 9. We can find _________ from books. A. informations B. information C. a information ( ) 10. They’re _________. A. an e-book B. e-book C. e-books 四、将下列句子与其汉语意思连起来。(10分) 1. What do you want to know? A. 你可以在电脑上使用它。 2. Where can you find out about fruits? B. 我们去图书馆吧。 3. You can use it on the computer. C. 你想知道什么? 4. I think this book is good. D. 在哪可以找到关于水果的? 5. Let’s go to the library. E. 我认为这本书很好。 五、从Ⅱ栏中选出Ⅰ栏的相应答语。(10分)


小学远程继续教育新课标 语文模块四作业 设计一个新技术环境下写话、习作的教学案例。 园地六 学习目标 1.关注科技发展,展开奇特而又合理的想象,乐于参与口语交际,交流自己想发明什么样的机器人,并清楚明白地表达自己的意思。 2.就自己感兴趣的东西大胆想象,先说后写,与同学交流后再修改。 3.能发现多音字的规律,正确掌握6个多音字在不同语言环境中的读音。 4.认记8个生字,积累关于天气预测的民间谚语。 5.引导学生关注科技发展,了解和积累科技知识。 课前准备 1.介绍“智能机器人”的课件。画一画自己要发明的机器人的样子,并简单标注它的功能。 2.多音字注音卡片。 3.引导学生平时关心科技发展,做科技新闻剪报和科技知识卡片。 口语交际 谈话导入,激发兴趣 1.同学们,我们刚刚学完《果园机器人》一课,知道机器人是那样聪明能干。在机器人的大家族里,有的可以进入险区,排除险情;有的可以潜入深海,寻找宝藏;有的可以进入人体,查病治病……老师还知道同学们也想发明更加聪明能干的机器人。让我们先来给自己想发明的机器人取个名字好吗?(板书课题:我想发明的机器人) 2.学生拿出设计好的图纸,为自己要发明的机器人取名。 创设情境,明确交际要求 1.机器人协会要举办“未来机器人”大赛,评出“最佳创意奖”。你们有没有信心去参赛,介绍自己要发明的机器人? 2.我们不能打无准备之仗。要想获奖应该怎样介绍自己要发明的机器人呢?大家讨论一下。 3.通过讨论明确:第一,对机器人的样子及本领的想象要既奇特又合理;第二,要说得清楚明白。 示范引路,感悟要领 1.要把自己想发明的机器人介绍得生动有趣,让评委爱听,还要把自己的想象说明白,让评委听清楚,是获奖的主要条件。怎样才能说清楚说生动呢?请大家来看一看。(播放课件,演示对一种智能机器人样子和功能的介绍) 2.你们受到了什么启发?(学生自由发言) 展开交际,多向互动 1.学生自由练说自己要发明的机器人,重点说清它的样子和本领。 2.教师扮演评委,请一名学生扮演参赛者,师生合作演示说、评的交际过程。 3.小组内互相说一说,并评选出组内的“最佳创意奖”(教师巡视指导或加入一组的评选活动)。 4.请各组的优胜者上台介绍自己想发明的机器人,老师和其他同学当评委,就自己感兴趣的地方进行提问和点评。如: 选手:各位评委大家好!我给大家介绍的是“保姆机器人”。 评委:你为什么想发明“保姆机器人”呢? 选手:因为我小的时候爸爸妈妈忙于工作,没有人照顾我,被送到了很远很远的奶奶家,一直到我上幼儿园才回到父母身边。所以,我想发明一个“保姆机器人”,专门在家照顾小孩。


70149 70149 单选题 1.财务报表中项目的数字其直接来源是(D)。 A 原始凭证 B 记账凭证 C 日记账 D 账簿记录 70155 70155 单选题 2.财务报表四张主表为(B)。 A 资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表、利润分配表 B 资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表、所有者权益变动表 C 资产负债表、利润表、成本表、收入明细表 D 成本表、利润表、现金流量表、利润分配表 70151 70151 单选题 3.(B)是反映企业在一定时期内经营成果的财务报表。 A 资产负债表 B 利润表 C 所有者权益变动表 D 现金流量表 70122 70122 单选题 4.按照权责发生制的要求,下列应作为本期费用的是(B )。 A 预付每年的报刊费 B 尚未付款的本月借款利息 C 采购人员预支差旅费 D 支付上季度的保险费

70183 70183 单选题 5.利润表是根据(A )填列。 A 利润表账户的期末余额 B 利润表账户的期初余额 C 利润表账户的本期发生额 D 利润表账户的借方发生额 70129 70129 单选题 6.年末结转后,“利润分配”账户的贷方余额表示(D)。 A 实现的利润总额 B 净利润额 C 利润分配总额 D 未分配利润额 70125 70125 单选题 7.下列支出中,应在营业外支出账户列支的是(A )。 A 罚没支出 B 职工困难补助 C 业务招待费 D 利息支出 70124 70124 单选题 8.企业结转已销产品的实际生产成本时,应()。 A 借记“应收账款”,贷记“主营业务收入” B 借记“主营业务成本”,贷记“主营业务收入” C 借记“主营业务成本”,贷记“库存商品” D 借记“销售费用”,贷记“库存商品”


五年级下册英语 MODULE4测试题 班级_______姓名:成绩: 一.写单词(2×12=24) 1. 图书馆 2.找到 3.电脑光盘 4. 带来 5.使用 6. 卡片 7.简单的 8.信息 9 时间表 10字典 11. 报纸 12. 图书馆 二.词型转换及翻译词组(2×14=24) 1.find(同义词) 2.find(过去式) 3.easy(反义词) 4.bring(对应词)___________ 5.buy(过去式) 6.制作一个电子贺卡 _______________ 7.擅长 ________ 8. 去图书馆 _____________ 9.借书证 _________ 10 给你 __________ 11.还回 ________ 12.在这张时刻表上 _________ 13.在这本字典里 ___________ 14.查找 ________ 三.找出读音不同的一项(1×10=10) ()1. A. eat B. peach C. breakfast ()2. A. play B. Sunday C. today ()3. A. die B. lie C. in ()4. A. girl B. bird C.tired ()5. A. high B. never C. night ()6. A.piece B. lie C. die ()7. A. hear B. wear C. pear ()8. A.head B. meat C.bread ()9. A. pizza B. dinner C. like ()10. A. in B. it C. ice 四、单选(2×10=20) ()1. Let’s the library . A. go B. go to C. to ()2.I want _____ an e-card ___ Mum. A.to make ;at B. make ; for C. to nmake ;for ()3. Where can you the book ? In the bookstore . A. look for B. find out C. find


(外研版)小学(三起)四年级英语下册第四模块测试题 一、词汇:(30分) ⑴把下列单词补充完整: 1、every (所有事情) 2、 work (家务) 3、 work(家庭作业) 4、 day (今天) 5、 day(星期日) ⑵写出下列单词的反义词: 6、cool 7、cold 8、cloudy 9、yes 10、this ⑶写出下列单词的缩写形式: 11、will not= 12、do not= 13、what is= 14、it is = 15、I will = 二、翻译下列短语:(20分) 1、做家务 2、做蛋糕 3、在北京 4、帮助孩子们学习 5、做我们的作业 6、The Weather Tomorrow 7、be hot 8、listen to music 9、I don`t know 10、be cloudy 三、选择填空:(20分) ()1、What`s that ? a robot . A.This is B.That is C.It`s ()2、 they do our homework ? No ,they won`t . A. Will B.Can C.Are ()3、Robots can . A.talks B.taiking C.talk ()4、And they will help children . A .learns B .learn C .learning ()5、One day robots will do everything . A .一天 B .总有一天 C . 过去一天 ()6、It will tomorrow. A .rain B .raining C .rainy ()7、Will it be in Shenyang ? A .snow B .snowy C .is snow ()8、The weather will be in Guangzhou . A .sun B .suny C .sunny ()9、Will it be windy tomorrow ? A . I won`t know B .I don`t know C .I can`t know ()10、 you walk fast ? Yes , I . A .Will can B .Can can C .Can will 四、连词成句:(20分) 1、will What weather the tomorrow be ? 2、it Will hot today be ? 3、won`t do They homework our . 4、can play Robots football now 5、in be Harbin It cold will . 五、根据信息,完成短文:(10分) The Weather Forecast(天气预报)


2008-2009外研初三上学期Book 5 Modules 4 试题 I. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 1. — May I borrow your digital camera, Dad? — Oh, your mum has _____ it _____ your cousin. A. borrowed; from B. lent; to C. given; by D. got; from ( )2. An important _____ of taking mobile phones is that it’s easy to keep in touch. A. theme B. edge C. height D. advantage ( )3. Your shirt it wet! Please _____ it in the sun. A. wash B. clean C. dry D. tidy ( )4. Mum bought me a dress _____ the visit to Hainan Island. A. in B. for C. at D. on ( )5. An online magazine makes us ______ more paper. A. to save B. to use C. save D. use ( )6. Please _____ your homework _____ before you hand it in. A. look; for B. look; after C. look; out D. look; through ( )7. As teenagers, we should study hard _____surf the Internet all day. A. rather than B. instead of C. not just D. more than ( )8. You will realize what I have done for you _____. A. any day B. everyday C. one day D. a day ( )9. My cousin told me that he could eat three big apples _____. A. at time B. at a time C. some time D. some times ( )10. Now things made by machine are cheaper than those made _____. A. at hand B. in hand C. by hand D. with hand ( )11. The same information ______ read or ______on the website. A. can be; listened to B. can be; listened C. can; listen D. can; listen to ( )12. New Standard ______ 100 issues until now. A. is published B. will be published C. has been published D. has published ( )13. Great changes _____ in my hometown since 1980. A. have been taken place B. took place C. have taken place D. were taken place ( )14. He was made ______ the floor after class yesterday. A. to clean B. clean C. cleaning D. cleans ( )15. — _____, Daming? — Yes, please.


人教版数学必修四模块综合测试题 (满分150分,时间120分钟) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.下列叙述中正确的是( ) A.三角形的内角必是第一象限或第二象限的角 B.角α的终边在x 轴上时,角α的正弦线、正切线分别变成一个点 C.终边相同的角必相等 D.终边在第二象限的角是钝角 思路解析:由正弦线、正切线的定义可知B 正确,A 中漏了直角的情况,直角终边在y 轴上,不属于第一象限也不属于第二象限. 答案:B 2.若α、β的终边关于y 对称,则下列等式正确的是( ) A.sinα=sinβ B.cosα=cosβ C.tanα=tanβ D.cotα=cotβ 思路解析:因为α、β的终边关于y 对称,所以β=2kπ+π-α,k ∈Z ,sinβ=sin(2kπ+π-α)=sinα.或者通过定义sinα=r y ,也可判断. 答案:A 3.函数y=2sin2xcos2x 是( ) A.周期为2π的奇函数 B.周期为2π 的偶函数 C.周期为4π的奇函数 D.周期为4 π 的偶函数 思路解析:y= 22sin4x,T=42π=2π,又f (-x )=22sin (-4x )=-2 2 sin4x=-f (x ),它是奇 函数. 答案:A 4.已知向量a =(3,2),b =(x,4),且a ∥b ,则x 的值为( ) A.6 B.-6 C.38- D.3 8 思路解析:因为a ∥b ,所以3×4-2x=0,解得x=6. 答案:A 5.下面给出四种说法,其中正确的个数是( ) ①对于实数m 和向量a 、b ,恒有m(a-b)=ma-mb ;②对于实数m 、n 和向量a ,恒有(m-n)a=ma-na ;③若ma=mb(m ∈R),则a=b ;④若ma=na(a≠0),则m=n. A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 思路解析:正确的命题有①②④,③当且仅当m≠0时成立. 答案:C 6.已知|a|=1,|b|=2,a 与b 的夹角为60°,c=2a+3b,d=k a -b (k ∈R ),且c ⊥d ,那么k 的值为( ) A.-6 B.6 C.5 14- D.514 思路解析:a·b=1×2×cos60°=1.∵c ⊥d,


第五模块测试题(必修四) 一、阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节:阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2.5分,共37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、和D项中,选出最佳选项。 A Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for a Paris bus. The bus for Paris would not leave until five to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. Some were standing in line, and others were walking around. There was a group of schoolgirls. Their teacher was trying to keep them in line. Tom looked around, but there was no place for him to sit. He walked into the station cafe. He looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. He found a seat and sat down before a large mirror on the wall. Just then, Mike, one of Tom's workmates came in and sat with Tom. "What time is your bus?" asked Mike. "There's plenty of time yet," answered Tom. "Well, I'll get you some more tea then," said Mike. They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again. "Oh! It's going backward!" he cried. "A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it's half past eleven." "You're looking at the clock in the mirror." said Mike. Tom was so sad. The next bus was not to leave for another hour. Since then Tom has never liked mirrors. 1. Tom went into the station cafe because_____. A. Mike asked him to have a cup of tea B. it was quite early and he could find a seat there C. he didn't like to stay with the schoolgirls D. he wanted to have a drink with his workmate there 2. What time was it in fact when Tom looked at the clock in the mirror? A. Half past twelve. B. Twenty to twelve. C. Half past eleven. D. Half past one. 3. From the story we know that when we look at a clock in a mirror, we will find _____. A. the time is right B. it's going slower C. it's going backward D. it's going faster 4. Which of the following is true? A. Tom arrived in Paris on time. B. The next bus would leave in half an hour. C. After that Tom didn't like clocks any longer. D. Tom looked at the clock in the mirror only once. B Pet owners are being encouraged to take their animals to work, a move scientists say can be good for better work, workplace morale (士气), and the well-being of animals. A study found that 25% of Australian women would like to keep an office pet. Sue Chaseling of Pet-care Information Service said the practice of keeping office pets was good both for the people and the pets. “On the pets’ side, they are not left on their own and won’t feel lonely and unhappy,” she said. A study of major US companies showed that 73% found office pets useful, while 27% experienced a drop in absence. Xarni Riggs has two cats walking around her Global Hair Salon in Paddington. “My customers love them. They are their favorites,” she said. “They are not troublesome. They know when to go and have a sleep in the sun.” Little black BJ has spent nearly all his two years “working” at Punch Gallery in Balmain. Owner Iain Powell said he had had cats at the gallery for 15 years. “BJ often lies in the shop window and people walking past knock on the glass lightly,” he said. Ms Chaseling said cats were popular in service industries because they could start a point of conversation. But she said owners had to make sure both their co-workers and the cats were comfortable. 5. The percentage of American companies that are for keeping office pets is ______. A. 73% B. 27% C. 25% D. 15% 6.We know from the text that “BJ” _____. A. works in the Global Hair Salon B. often greets the passers-by C. likes to sleep in the sun D. is a two-year-old cat 7.The best title for this text would be _____. A. Pets Help Interest Children B. Your Favorite Office Pets C. Pets Join the Work D. Busy Life for Pets C Bill Gates was born on October 28th, 1955. He and his two sisters grew up in Seattle. Their father, William H. Gates II, was a Seattle lawyer. Mary Gates, their late mother, was a school teacher. Gates attended public elementary school before moving on to the private Lakeside School in North


课时作业(十) [模块4 Unit 10 Money] (限时:35分钟) Ⅰ.单项填空 1.All the attention of the fans________the China's Nationwide Youth Singing Competition these days. A.has concentrated to B.was paid to C.has been focused on D.was fixed up 2.That is the only way we can imagine________the overuse of water in students' bathrooms. A.reducing B.to reduce C.reduced D.reduce 3.________about what questions to be asked and write them down________. A.Thinking; for advance B.Think; in advance C.Thinking; on advance D.To think; in advance 4.—Jack, what do you think of the event which not only promoted________of world hunger, but raised a lot of money to help these poor children? —That's great. A.determination B.direction C.awareness D.loneliness 5.Last night Tom dropped in________my home and______some books. A.on; asked for B.at; asked for C.to; asked D.∕; wanted 6.________and angry, Tony rushed out of the room. A.Shocking B.Shocked C.Being shocked D.Be shocking 7.They sold the machine for only 500 dollars, so the buyer got a real________.A.cost B.bargain C.amount D.value 8.When people think of this brand, they always________it with good quality. A.associate B.advertise C.combine D.trade 9.The survey ________ in our school last month shows that about three percent of the students are addicted to the Internet games. A.conducted B.was conducted C.conducting D.to be conducted 10.—Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away? —Thank you.________. A.It couldn't be better B.Of course you can C.If you like D.It's up to you


小学四年级英语下册第五模块测试题 班级姓名分数 一、写出下列单词的比较级形式:(20分) 1、tall 2、old 3、short 4、young 5、strong 6、long 7、high 8、big 9、small 10、thin 二、翻译下列短语:(20分) 1、起立 2、长江 3、黄河 4、长城 5、泰山 6、Mount Qomolangma 7、the Summer Palace 三、选择填空:(20分) ()1、An elephant is than a lion . A .big B .bigger C .biger ()2、I am . Xiaoyong is than me . A .tall tall B .taller tall C .tall taller ()3、Lingling is thinner Xiaoyong. A .than B.and C .then

()4、Zhangmin`s father is than his mother . A .younger B .youngger C .young ()5、You shorter than her . A .am B .is C .are ()6、The black dog is _____ than the white dog. A . thin B .thiner C .thinner ()7、John is _____ than Mike. A . strongger B .stronger C .strong Tom is 120 cm. Jack is _____than him. 、8)(. A. tall B. taller C. heavier ()9、Is the Great Wall than the Summer Palace? A. old B. older C. taller ()10、The monkey has a __________ tail. A. tall B. long C. longer 四、用所给词的正确形式填空,每词用一次。(10分) young tall big thin long old 1、Monkey's tail is than the rabbit's(兔子) tail. 2、Dick is 11 years old. Nina is 12 years old. . Dick is than Nina. 3、I'm 140 cm .


《猫》教学设计 《猫》教学设计一 重庆市九龙坡区课程标准(人教版)实验教科书适用性研究课题组 课时安排 2课时 教学目标 1.掌握13个生字,理解“无忧无虑、任凭、丰富多腔、遭殃、责打”等词语。有感情地朗读课文。 2.理解课文内容。了解大花猫的古怪和它小时候的可爱。背自己喜欢的段落。 教学准备 搜集有关猫的资料。(比如猫属于哪一类动物?有什么特点?) 第一课时 一、导入 1.出示挂图。 2.认识猫。 (家猫、波斯猫) 3.学生介绍猫。 4.师予以师纳。 (猫:哺乳动物,面部略圆,躯干长,耳壳短小,眼大,瞳孔随光线强弱而缩小放大,四肢较短,掌部有肉质的垫,行动敏捷,善跳跃,能捕鼠,毛柔软,有黑、白、黄、灰褐色。据说猫还是老虎的师傅呢?) 5.今天我们就来学一学老舍先生写的《猫》。 二、学习生字词 (一)自学生字词后出示生字卡读、记。 (二)形近字练习。 虑()稿()要()

虚()搞()耍() 三、学习课文 (一)理清条理 1.作者分别写了什么时候的猫?分别在哪几个自然段中? 2.每个自然段都写了猫的什么特点? 第一自然段:写大花猫的性格实在有些古怪。 第二自然段:写大花猫的高兴与不高兴时的表情。 第三自然段:写大花猫又胆小又勇猛。 第四自希段:写大花猫小时候很淘气。 四、学习第4自然段 1.自学第4自然段,读懂什么就说什么? 生汇报读懂的内容。 学生A:读懂了小猫很淘气,好玩。 师引导:哪些句子描写小猫淘气,好玩?找出来,读一读。 引导朗读:要读出小猫的可爱。 学生B:读懂了小猫很勇敢,很坚强,不怕摔,不怕疼。 师引导:把这些句子找出来,读一读,读出坚强、可爱来。 学生C:读懂了小猫很淘气,折腾得花草枝折花落。 师引导:对,把句子找出来,读一读,读出淘气来。 2.归纳引导。 (1)这么淘气的小猫,如果是你家的猫,你会怎么评价它?根据老师的指示说说。这是一只______________________ (2)老舍老生又是怎样评价它的,从文中找出两个词语来评价它。 生气勃勃天真可爱

外研版(一起)英语四年级下册 第四模块测试题 试题

四年级英语下册第四模块测试题 一、词汇:(30分) ⑴把下列单词补充完整: 1、every (所有事情) 2、 work (家务) 3、 work(家庭作业) 4、 day (今天) 5、 day(星期日) ⑵写出下列单词的反义词: 6、cool 7、cold 8、cloudy 9、yes 10、this ⑶写出下列单词的缩写形式: 11、will not= 12、do not= 13、what is= 14、it is = 15、I will = 二、翻译下列短语:(20分) 1、做家务 2、做蛋糕 3、在北京 4、帮助孩子们学习 5、做我们的作业 6、The Weather Tomorrow 7、be hot 8、listen to music 9、I don`t know 10、be cloudy 三、选择填空:(20分) ()1、What`s that ? a robot . A.This is B.That is C.It`s ()2、 they do our homework ? No ,they won`t . A. Will B.Can C.Are ()3、Robots can . A.talks B.taiking C.talk ()4、And they will help children . A .learns B .learn C .learning ()5、One day robots will do everything . A .一天 B .总有一天 C . 过去一天 ()6、It will tomorrow. A .rain B .raining C .rainy ()7、Will it be in Shenyang ? A .snow B .snowy C .is snow ()8、The weather will be in Guangzhou . A .sun B .suny C .sunny ()9、Will it be windy tomorrow ? A . I won`t know B .I don`t know C .I can`t know ()10、 you walk fast ? Yes , I . A .Will can B .Can can C .Can will 四、连词成句:(20分) 1、will What weather the tomorrow be ? 2、it Will hot today be ? 3、won`t do They homework our . 4、can play Robots football now 5、in be Harbin It cold will . 五、根据信息,完成短文:(10分) 1

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