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查理和巧克力工厂 英文介绍

查理和巧克力工厂 英文介绍
查理和巧克力工厂 英文介绍

Hello everybody, today I will introduce a movie to you. it’s name is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory .

There is a boy named Charlie, who lives in a small wooden house with his family, they are poor but happy. From the window of Charlie`s room, you can see the world's largest chocolate factory - Wonka chocolate factory. The owner of the factory is a genius chocolate wiz Willy Wonka. Every night in Charlie`s dreamland, he fancies himself to enter the factory.

One day, Mr. Wonka announces a notice, he will invite five lucky children to his chocolate factory. The world suddenly set off the purchase of Wonka chocolate craze, the lucky one after another appeared, Charlie is one of them.

Among the other four winners are Veruca, a spoiled rich girl; Augustus, a gluttonous kid who stuffs his face with sweets; Violet, a champion trophy gum chewer; and Mike, a kid who spends more time watching TV and playing video games than anything else.

Once inside, Charlie is dazzled by one amazing sight after another. other four children have lost control in this fantastic word . Augustus is so greedy that he fell into the chocolate river. The worker in the factory sing a song ridicule the boy, let us enjoy it together

Violet didn’t listen to Mr Wonka, she eat the gum in research, then she turn to a blue berry.

When they get into the nut sorting room, veruka want a trained squirrel, and she catch it by herself.

Finally. Charlie has become the winner. Wiley Wonka give Charlie the chocolate factory. The whole family move into the factory.

For nearly fifteen years, no one has seen a single worker going in or coming out of the factory, or caught a glimpse of Wonka himself, yet, great quantities of chocolate are still being made and shipped all over the world.


《查理和巧克力工厂》阅读测试 一、填空题(35分) 1、《查理和巧克力工厂》改编自的同名儿童小说。 2、旺卡巧克力工厂出产的牌巧克力销往世界各地,深受孩子们的喜爱。 3、威利·旺卡先生宣布了一个告示,他将向位幸运的孩子开放充满“奥秘和魔力”巧克力工厂,只要发现藏在包装纸里的就是幸运儿。 4、查理一家决定让陪伴他一块度过精彩纷呈的冒险时光。 5、威利·旺卡打算把整个巧克力工厂送给查理,让查理和自己回工厂,当自己的继承人。但是,有一个条件,那就是。 6、旺卡认为家人只有唠叨和管教,没有真正的亲情,后来查理陪同威利·旺卡去拜访,最后旺卡终于懂得了亲情的可贵,明白了父亲的良苦用心。 二、选择题(40分) 掉进巧克力河里,被吸进了制糖间的是,被送进了垃圾道的是,不听劝告,进入传送装置,变成了信号微粒,出现在电视里的是,变成了蓝莓(特大号)送去榨汁的是。 A奥古斯塔斯B紫罗兰博雷加德C维鲁卡·索尔特D迈克 三、简答题(25分) 14页最后一段中共列举了旺卡先生能够做出的六种巧克力糖:威利.旺卡先生能够做出有紫罗兰香味的软糖、添下去每十秒钟变一次颜色的牛奶糖、进口就会甜津津地融化的棉花糖。他能做出永不失去甜味的口香糖,只要不用针刺破,不用口咬破便可以吹得其大无比的泡泡糖。他还用最秘密的办法制造出带黑点的蓝色鸟蛋,你把这样一个蛋放到嘴里,它会愈变愈小,最后一下子,舌尖上只剩下一只很小很小的粉红色糖鸟。看到这里我们是不是都想拥有这样的巧克力?现在旺卡先生要招聘巧克力设计师,发挥你的想象力,你计划设计出什么样的巧克力,有什么奇妙之处?看看你能不能被旺卡先生选中,记住:越神奇越好!越奇特越好!越夸张越好!


颐和园英文导游词 篇一:颐和园英文介绍 Welcome to the Summer Palace. I hope this will be an interesting and enjoyable day for you . The construction of the Summer Palace first started in 1750. At that time, the Qing Dynasty was in its heyday and China was a powerful Asian country with vast territories. The monarch in power then was Emperor Qianlong. With supreme power and large sums of money, he summoned skillful and ingenious artisans from all over the country to carry out this construction work in honor of his mother `s birthday. the Summer Palace can be divided into two parts: Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake .The whole garden covers an area of 290 hectares, of whih three- fourths consists of a lake and rivers .This imperial garden features 3,000 room-units and covers an expanse of 70,000 square meters with more than 100 picturesque spots of interest. The layout of the Summer Palace includes three groups of architectures: palaces where the emperor attended to state affairs, resting palaces of the emperor and empress, and sightseeing areas. Entering the East Gate we will come the the office quarters. Entering the East gate we will come to the office quarters. The annex halls on both sides were used for officials on duty. 篇二:英文 导游词 :颐和园昆明湖景区 签10.颐和园昆明湖景区(昆明湖名称含义;西堤;东堤;湖中诸岛) Kunming Lake covers the three quarters of the whole Summer Palace. the name of the lake came from “Kunming Pool” in Changan, made by Emperor Wu Di in the Han Dynasty for training his soldiers. Qing Emperor Qianlong just followed the example of Han Wu Di and gave the name Kunming Lake. To the west of Kunming Lake, there is a long causeway on the Lake, which is called “West Dyke”, patterned after the Su Dyke in West Lake in Hangzhou. Along the Dyke there are six bridges separate the lake into two parts. The Jade Belt Bridge is the most beautiful bridge among the six bridges in the west dyke. Its high-arched body looks just like a jade belt,

A Trip to the Summer Palace 英语游记 颐和园

A Trip to the Summer Palace 08级西语系四班李想2008061032 It is said that the weather of Beijing is most desirable in autumn. Looking overhead, I saw but a vast dustless cerulean canopy overarching above, so high and distant as if out of man's reach. This, together with the cozy sunshine and refreshing wind, all at once swept the dust and tiredness from my mind. On such a fine morning, I paid my visit to the Summer Palace. I arrived there around 9 o'clock and since it was the seven day long holiday, inevitably, there were indeed a tremendous number of tourists. And the scene at the entrance was really chaotic: crowds of anxious tourists here and there, air pervaded with the smog emitted by congested buses and cars, noises of tour guides' speakers and vehicles' horns. Yet the ancient garden mysteriously excluded those commotions all. Roaming along the slightly sloping paths in Longevity Hill, I was completed en veloped by an atmosphere of extreme tranquility. You saw long tailed birds staggering in funny manner. You heard the twitte ring and giggling of birds of various tones and tunes. You felt the course and mute body of old trees, which, with their never the same postures did inspire different vagaries. And never would you expect to come across such pretty creatures as squirrels scampering naughtily and boldly on the sheeny grass. So I strolled there, dreaming that one day I could just live near the Summer Palace, so that I could visit here every dawn in all seasons and weathers; so that I could get acquainted with all these lovely trees and flowers and animals; so that I could find any quiet recess to idle away as many hours as I liked without being hasty because I was just a tourist. Soon I reached the Attic of Buddha Fragrance that stood in the middle of the hill facing the Kunming Lake. Here the land scape of nature and a maze of architecture integrated perfectly.Stop for a while and look out of the windows on the finely decorated corridors in different angles and varying scenery came into your sight, sometimes distant mountains with the vague image of a tower; sometimes a vista of all the halls and attics and gates and pagoda; sometimes the vast glittering lake spotted with numerous boats and yachts. Going down the Longevity Hill and passing the zigzag corridors and the stone boat of ingenious design, I stepped on the long causeway, a bundle of narrow islands linked by bridges, diriding the Kunming Lake into two parts. It also rendered the lake two diametrically different temperaments. On one side was that sparkling paradise, vibrant with joy and sunshine. The other side seemed almost reclusive, like a huge, immaculate crystal in laid in earth, absorbing and reflecting the subtle complexion of heaven, a deep blue with stretches of mildly bright luster, mingled with the green silhouette of trees at the far end of the lake.The near-bank side was covered by a carpet of luxuriant lotus,and though it wasn't summer, their verdant leaves did infuse much life into the landscape. There being no wind, its surface looked like an expanse of unruffled silk. And when some gentle breeze wrinkled it, uninterrupted ripples of great diameter silently slided, one by one, thus produced a soft palette of flowing and

Summer Palace颐和园的英文介绍

Summer Palace, an Imperial Garden in Beijing The Summer Palace in Beijing – first built in 1750, largely destroyed in the war of 1860 and restored on its original foundations in 1886 – is a masterpiece of Chinese landscape garden design. The natural landscape of hills and open water is combined with artificial features such as pavilions, halls, palaces, temples and bridges to form a harmonious ensemble of outstanding aesthetaic value. Long Description The imperial Chinese garden, illustrated by the Summer Palace, is a potent symbol of one of the major world civilizations. The Summer Palace epitomizes the philosophy and practice of Chinese garden design, which played a key role in the development of this cultural form throughout the east. Between 1750 and 1764 the Qing Emperor Qianlong created the Garden of Clear Ripples (Summer Palace), extending the area of the lake and carrying out other improvements based on the hill and its landscape. During the Second Opium War (1856-60) the garden and its buildings were destroyed by the allied forces. Between 1886 and 1895 it was reconstructed by Emperor Guangxu and renamed the Summer Palace, for use by Empress Dowager Cixi. It was damaged in 1900 by the international expeditionary force during the suppression of the Boxer Rising and restored two years later. It became a public park in 1924. The Summer Palace covers an area of 2.97 km2 , three-quarters of which is covered by water. The main framework is supplied by the Hill of Longevity and Kunming Lake, complemented by man-made features. It is designed on a grandiose scale, commensurate with its role as an imperial garden. It is divided into three areas, each with its particular function: political and administrative activities, residence, and recreation and sightseeing. The political area is reach by means of the monumental East Palace Gate. The central feature is the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity, an imposing structure with its own courtyard garden. This area connects directly with the residential area, which is made up of three complexes of buildings. The Hall of Happiness in Longevity was the palace of Cixi and the Hall of Jade Ripples that of Guangxu and his empress, whereas the Hall of Yiyun housed his concubines. These buildings are all built up against the Hill of Longevity, with fine views over the lake, and are connected to one another by means of roofed corridors. These communicate with the Great Stage to the east and the Long Corridor (728 m), with more than 10,000 paintings on its walls and ceilings, to the west. In front of the Hall of Happiness in Longevity there is a wooden quay giving access by water to their quarters for the imperial family. The remainder of the Summer Palace, some 90% of the total area, is given over to recreation and sightseeing. The steeper northern side of the Hill of Longevity is a tranquil area, through which a stream follows a winding course.


The Temple of Heaven The Temple of Heaven is a worthwhile visiting place in Beijing. It is much bigger than the Imperial Palace (the Forbidden City) and smaller than the Summer Palace with an area of about 2 700 000 square meters. The temple was built in 1420 A.D. in the Ming Dynasty to offer sacrifice to Heaven. As Chinese emperors called themselves “the Son of Heaven”, they dared not to build their own dwelling “Forbidden City” bigger than the dwelling for Heaven. The Temple of Heaven is enclosed with a long wall. The northern part within the wall is semicircular symbolizing the heavens and the southern part is square symbolizing the earth. The northern part is higher than the southern part. This design shows that the heaven is high and the earth is low and reflects an ancient Chinese thought of “The heaven is round and the earth is square”. The Temple of Heaven is divided by two enclosed walls into inner part and outer part. The main buildings of the temple lie at the south and north ends of the middle axis line of the inner part. The most magnificent buildings from south to north are the Circular Terrace, the Imperial Heavenly Vault and the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests. Also, there are some additional buildings like Three Echo Stones and Echo Wall. Circular Terrace has three layered terraces with white marble. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368A.D.~1911A.D.), the emperors would offer sacrifices to Heaven on the day of the Winter Solstice every year. This ceremony was to thank Heaven and hope everything would be good in the future. Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests is a big palace with round roof and three layers of eaves, the roof is covered with black, yellow and green colored glaze representing the heavens, the earth and everything on earth. Another important building in the Temple of Heaven is Imperial Heavenly Vault. If you look at it from far away, you will find that the vault is like a blue umbrella. The structure of it is like that of Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, but smaller in

查理和巧克力工厂 英文完整台词

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory This is a story of an ordinary little boy named Charlie Bucket. He was not faster or stronger or more clever than other children. His family was not rich or powerful or well-connected. In fact, they barely had enough to eat. Charlie Bucket was the luckiest boy in the entire world. He just didn 't know it yet. -Evening, Buckets. -Evening. Hi, Dad. Soup's almost ready, darling. Don't suppose there's anything extra to put in, love. Oh, well. Nothing goes better with cabbage than cabbage. Charlie I found something I think you'll like. Charlie's father worked at the local toothpaste factory. The hours were long, and the pay was terrible yet occasionally, there were unexpected surprises. It' s exactly what I need. What is it, Charlie? Dad found it, just the piece I needed. -What piece was it? -A head for Willy Wonka. Well, how wonderful. It's quite a likeness. -You think so? -Think so? I know so. I saw Willy Wonka with my own two eyes. -I used to work for him, you know. -You did? -I did. -He did. He did. I love grapes. Of course, I was a much younger man in those days. Willy Wonka began with a single store on Cherry Street. But the whole world wanted his candy. -Mr. Wonka.


The Old Summer Palace which is also known as the Ruins of the Old Summer Palace or the Garden of Perfection and Light is located northwest of Beijing and to the east of the (present-day) Summer Palace. The Garden was first constructed in the year of 1709 during the reign of the Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Over the next 150 years of the Qing Dynasty, this Garden was expanded to be a large-scale Chinese emperors' private pleasure garden, covering a total area of 350 hectares (over 864 acres). Generally speaking, the Old Summer Palace consists of three parts - The Old Summer Palace, Wanchunyuan (the Garden of Blossoming Spring) and Changchunyuan (the Garden of Eternal Spring). These three gardens are often referred to as one common name: The Old Summer Palace. There are hundreds of scenic spots in the Garden. Indeed, it embodies the essence of Chinese ancient landscape gardening. To be distinct from other traditional Chinese Gardens, the garden construction and horticulture of The Old Summer Palace is a harmonious blend of typical Chinese scenery and western architecture. A lot of famous scenic spots were included, for example, the Grand Waterworks, the Throne for viewing the Waterworks and the Labyrinth. No wonder The Old Summer Palace was also called the 'garden of gardens' or the 'Versailles of the East' in the Europe during that era. Furthermore, the Old Summer Palace was also an imperial museum that collected a large number of books, treasures and cultural artifacts. However, a large number of these collections were plundered by the Anglo-French Allied Forces in 1860, at the same time as the Garden was burnt down. Now, most of these historical curiosities are displayed in the other countries' museums, including the British Museum; Bibliotheque National de France; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA; Oslo Museum of Applied Art and so on. The Old Summer Palace is creating a scale, magnificent scenery of large gardens. Plain water, Daniel rockery garden, refined wide plant trees, flowers. In succession, tortuous surface and hills, dance halls and pavilions, islands and bridge, will be wide causeway into space size 100 landscape encircle, interest in different scenery. The water park area of three tenths of four, on flat surface, artificial digging medium by the river flow of disciplinary entangles series for a complete system of lakes. Park and compose fold have greatly small seen heaped-up mountains, and 250 combining with water, water for water, mountain, constitute the mountain after water transfer, folds of garden space. Make whole garden as the jiangnan YanShui blurred, though: by people do, wan since opening day. The Old Summer Palace reflected in ancient garden art, is the essence of the most outstanding at a large garden. The emperor said it: "Real treasure of the


This is a story of an ordinary little boy.这是一个平凡小男孩的故事 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9f17287064.html,d Charlie Bucket.他名叫查理巴格特 He was not faster or stronger or more clever than other children. 他不会比别的小孩跑得快也没有比较强壮或比较聪明His family was not rich or powerful or well -connected. 他家不富有、没背景也不是什么皇亲国戚 In fact, they barely had enough to eat. 其实,他们三餐不继 Charlie Bucket was the luckiest boy in the entire world . 查理巴格特是全世界最幸运的小男孩 He just didn't know it yet. 只是他还不知道而已 - Evening, Buckets.- Evening. -巴格特一家人好啊-你好 Hi, Dad. 爸爸 Soup's almost ready, darling. 汤快煮好了,老公 Don't suppose there's anything extra to put in, love. 应该没得加菜吧? Oh, well. Nothing goes better with cabbage than cabbage. 算了甘蓝菜配甘蓝菜最对味了 Charlie... 查理 ...I found something I think you'll like. 我找到一样东西你应该会喜欢 Charlie's father worked at the local toothpaste factory. 查理的父亲在当地牙膏工厂上班 The hours were long ,and the pay was terrible... 工作时间很长薪水却少得可怜 ...yet occasionally, there were unexpected surprises. 但偶尔会有意外的惊喜 It's exactly what I need. 这正是我需要的 What is it, Charlie? 那是什么,查理? Dad found it, just the piece I needed. 爸爸找到了,正好是我需要的 - What piece was it?- A head for Willy Wonka. -是什么啊?-威利旺卡的头 Well, how wonderful. 太好了 It's quite a likeness. 做得很像耶 - You think so?- Think so? -真的吗?-当然 I know so. 我一看就知道了 I saw Willy Wonka with my own two eyes. 我亲眼看过威利旺卡本人 - I used to work for him, you know.- You did? -我以前在他的工厂上班-真的吗? - I did.- He did. -真的-真的 He did. 真的 I love grapes. 我喜欢葡萄 Of course, I was a much younger man in those days. 当然啰当时的我比现在年轻很多啦Willy Wonka began with a single store on Cherry Street. 威利旺卡原本在樱桃街上开了一家小店 (二十年前) But the whole world wanted his candy. 但全世界的人都想吃他的糖果 - Mr. Wonka. - Yeah? -旺卡先生!-什么事? We need more Wonka bars.. and we're out of chocolate birds.. 旺卡巧克力糖不够卖了, 巧克力鸟也没了 ... - Birds? - -鸟? Birds. 鸟 Well, then we'll need to make some more. Here. 好吧,那就多做一点来 Now open. 嘴巴张开 The man was a genius. 那个人是天才 Did you know he invented a new way of making chocolate ice cream... 你知不知道他发明了一个新方法做出来的巧克力冰淇淋 ...so that it stays cold for hours without a freezer? 可以好几个小时不融化根本不必放冰箱? You can even leave it lying in the sun on a hot day, and it won't go runny. 甚至可以放在大热天的太阳底下完全不会融化 - But that's impossible.- But Willy Wonka did it. -不可能啦-但威利旺卡做到了 Before long... 过不了多久 (十五年前) ...he decided to build a proper chocolate factory. 他决定建一座像样的巧克力工厂 The largest chocolate factory in history. 有史以来最大的巧克力工厂 Fifty times as big as any other. 是别的工厂的五十倍大 Grandpa, don't make it gross. 爷爷,别讲得那么恶啦Tell him about the Indian prince. He'd like to hear about that. 跟他说那个印度王子的事他一定会喜欢的 You mean, Prince Pondicherry? 你是说本地治里王子吗? Well, Prince Pondicherry wrote a letter to Mr. Wonka.. .and asked him to come all the way out to India.. and build him a colossal palace entirely out of chocolate... 本地治里王子写了一封信给旺卡先生,请他大老远赶到印度,建造一座巨大无比的宫殿全部都用巧克力做成的(新德里,印度) It will have 100 rooms, and everything will be made of either dark or light chocolate. 里面要有一百个房间,全是巧克力做的不管是黑巧克


查理和巧克力工厂中的经济学原理 在查理与巧克力工厂中,蒂姆展示给我们一个漂亮的巧克力工厂,里面有小矮人,有最纯的巧克力,有用糖果做成的房间,有可以把物体传送到电视里面的装置,有那种让人一亮的丰富的想象力。还有更多,巧克力是梦想,是爱,是执着,是尊重,是理解,是灵感,是回归。不仅如此,电影中蕴含着的微妙的经济哲理,更是让我惊叹不已。 贫穷的查理住在朱古力厂的附近,早已对这个工厂喜爱得不得了,可惜家庭情况只允许他在生日那天买到1、2排朱古力,得到幸运之神的眷顾,他竟然得到一张金券!得以和曾在工厂工作的爷爷一同参观工厂。爷爷年轻时曾工作在王卡的工厂里,原本因为王卡先生的天才头脑,研制出许多神奇的巧克力秘方,也因为有了这些秘方,王卡先生的工厂有了充分的竞争优势,生产出的巧克力总是非常畅销,这样的竞争优势给王卡巧克力工厂带来了丰厚的利润效益,也带来了其他工厂的竞争策略:盗取秘方。这样的竞争带给王卡巧克力工厂致命的打击,失去了原有的竞争优势,许多商家都能够生产新型巧克力,致使王卡巧克力工厂走上了停产十五年之久的不归路。 竞争是企业成败的关键。竞争决定对企业经营业绩有所贡献的各种活动是否适当,例如创新、有凝聚力的文化或者有效的实施。在竞争中不仅包括竞争优势,更包括相应的竞争战略。一个产业内部的竞争状态取决于五种基本竞争作用力:进入威胁、替代威胁、买方侃价能力、供方侃价能力和现有竞争对手的竞争。一个企业的竞争战略目标在于使公司在产业内部处于最佳定位,保卫自己,抗击五种竞争作用力,或根据自己的意愿来影响这五种竞争作用力。显然,王卡巧克力工厂没有完整或完善的竞争战略,因此受到了替代威胁,只能被迫停产。 得到金券的五个小孩子和自己的家长在巧克力工厂开始了一场梦,一个关于长大和保存梦想的梦。在梦中,五个小孩身上体现了寓言性的关于巧克力的哲理,丰富而甜美。同样,发放金券也算是王卡的一项促销手段,金券的发放使得巧克力的销售量又一次大增。 促销方式包括很多,普通常见的有:降价式促销,有奖式促销,打折式促销,免费品尝和试用式促销等等。这些促销手段我们在日常生活中都经常接触到,所以并不陌生。商场和超市中经常有库存大清仓,节日大优惠,每日特价商品,开盖有奖,满××元抽奖,免费领取试用商品等等一系列的方法,让消费者获得实惠的同时,也促进了客流量。另外也还有一些不太常见却也十分有效的促销方式。比如竞赛式促销,是融动感性与参与性为一体的促销活动,由比赛来突显主题或介绍商品,除了可打响商品的知名度以外,更可以增加销售量,如喝啤酒比赛等。此外,还可举办一些有竞赛性质的活动,如卡拉OK比赛等,除了可热闹卖场之外,也可借此增加顾客对零售店的话题,加深顾客对零售店的印象。还有焦点式促销,想吸引顾客持续购买,并提高品牌忠诚度,焦点赠送是一个种非常理想的促销方式。这一促销活动的特色是消费者要连续购买某商品或连续光顾某零售店

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