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The lamb诗歌分析

The lamb诗歌分析
The lamb诗歌分析

The lamb


The poem begins with the question, “Little Lamb, who made thee?” The speaker, a child, asks the lamb about its origins: how it came into being, how it acquired its particular manner of feeding, its “clothing” of wool, its “tender voice.” In the next stanza, the speaker attempts a riddling answer to his own question: the lamb was made by one who “calls himself a Lamb,” one who resembles in his gentleness both the child and the lamb. The poem ends with the child bestowing a blessing on the lamb.


The poem is a child’s song, in the form of a question and answer. The first stanza is rural and descriptive, while the second focuses on abstract spiritual matters and contains explanation and analogy. The child’s question is both naive and profound. The question (“who made thee?”) is a simple one, and yet the child is also tapping into the deep and timeless questions that all human beings have, about their own origins and the nature of creation. The poem’s apostrophic form contributes to the effect of naiveté, since the situation of a child talking to an animal is a believable one, and not simply a literary contrivance. Yet by answering his own question, the child converts it into a rhetorical one, thus counteracting the initial spontaneous sense of the poem. The answer is presented as a puzzle or riddle, and even though it is an easy one—child’s play—this also contributes to an underlying sense of ironic knowingness or artifice in the poem. The child’s answer, however, reveals his confidence in his simple Christian faith and his innocent acceptance of its teachings.

The lamb of course symbolizes Jesus. The traditional image of Jesus as a lamb underscores the Christian values of gentleness, meekness, and peace. The image of the child is also associated with Jesus: in the Gospel, Jesus displays a special solicitude for children, and the Bible’s depiction of Jesus in his childhood shows him as guileless and vulnerable. These are also the characteristics from which the child-speaker approaches the ideas of nature and of God. This poem, like many of the Songs of Innocence,accepts what Blake saw as the more positive aspects of conventional Christian belief. But it does not provide a completely adequate doctrine, because it fails to account for the presence of suffering and evil in the world. The pendant (or companion) poem to this one, found in the Songs of Experience, is “The Tyger”; taken together, the two poems give a perspective on religion that includes the good and clear as well as the terrible and inscrutable. These poems complement each other to produce a fuller account than either offers independently. They offer a good instance of how Blake himself stands somewhere outside the perspectives of innocence and experience he projects.


高中语文的诗词鉴赏知识点汇总 诗歌创作的目的是抒情,而诗人的思想感情往往是借助诗中的形象委婉含蓄地表现出来的。因此,鉴赏古诗词,首先必须把握古诗词的形象。所谓形象就是主观情意和外在物象融合的结晶,是浸润着作者浓郁主观情感的意象。它包括人物形象、景物形象、事物形象三种。 一、掌握鉴赏人物形象的方法和审答规范 1.鉴赏方法:因形悟神 诗歌中的人物形象既指诗中塑造的人物形象(如《寻诗两绝句》中的陈居士),也指诗人形象“我”,一般指的就是抒情主人公(诗人自己)。每首诗必有抒情主人公形象,但不一定有诗中人物形象。诗中的人物形象只是抒情主人公表达情意的途径之一。 古诗的人物形象往往以片段的形式表现出来,因此理解分析人物形象时要特别抓住诗中描写人物的语言、神态、动作、心理、肖像及所处的环境等片段文字,因形悟神(人物形象特点)。另外,要关注诗人所处的背景及诗人对其的情感态度等。 古诗中常见的人物形象有:①不慕权贵、傲岸不羁的形象,②心忧天下、忧国忧民的形象,③寄情山水、归隐田园的形象,④怀才不遇、壮志难酬的形象,⑤友人送别、思念故乡的形象。 2.审题答题规范:两审两答

“两审”指审题时要审清两点:①分清是诗中人物形象还是诗人自己的形象,②是要求分析还是概括。 “两答”指答题两步骤:①什么形象(中心词应是“形象”);②分析形象的基本特征(结合诗歌内容分析)和形象的意义(联系情感、主旨分析)。 二、掌握鉴赏景物形象(含意境)的方法和审答规范 1.鉴赏方法:融情造境 (1)景物形象 景物形象是指诗歌中描绘的自然景物和人文景物。可以是情中之景,有单个景物形象,有由多个景物形象(意象)组合成的意境。 诗歌传统意象比较固定,如杨柳代表惜别,月亮代表思乡怀人等。但在具体诗歌中有变数。 鉴赏景物形象,一要注意景物描写的方式,如动静、色彩,来把握景物特点和诗人的感情;二要抓住意象来分析意境,探知诗人的感情。 (2)意境 意境:意,作者的情感;境,诗中所描绘的图景。意境指诗歌通过意象所表现出来的情调和境界。意境和意象的关系,简单地说,是境生于象而超乎象。意象是诗歌艺术的基本单位,而意境则是指全篇作品所营造的整体艺术境界;意象是形成意境的材料,而意境则是意象叠加、组合之后的升华。


鉴赏古诗的形象 【教学目标】 1?了解什么是诗歌的形象。 2.学会鉴赏诗中形象,掌握一定的鉴赏答题方法。 第一课时 【前课准备】 1.结合《考试说明》,对古诗鉴赏部分有大致的了解,包括题型设置(常考题型)、命题大致趋势等。 2?预习《核按钮》“真题展示”及“考点梳理”部分。 【学习目标】 1.近距离触摸高考,了解古诗鉴赏的常考点、命题形式及命题方向。2?掌握人物形象分析类题的基本答 题方法。 【课堂对话】 对话考点阐释 1.《考试说明》: 鉴赏评价D 考查材料以唐宋诗词为主,也可选择其他时代、其他体裁的作品。 鉴赏文学作品的形象、语言和表达技巧 把握作品内容,注意传统文化底蕴和表现方法,从历史发展的角度,全面理解,深刻领悟。 2.什么是诗歌的形象 诗歌的最大特征是抒情性和形象性。诗歌有直接和间接抒情两种方式。间接抒情通过诗歌中的人事物景抒情,而这些便是诗歌的形象。所以说诗歌形象是情感的载体。那么准确的把握形象,分析形象是理解诗歌主题思想的关键,也就成了鉴赏诗歌一把钥匙。 形象也叫艺术形象。诗歌作品的形象指的是诗歌作品创造出来的生动具体的、寄寓作者的生活理想和思想感情的艺术形象。它包括以下三种: (1)人物形象。①诗中塑造的人物形象;②诗中的诗人形象“我”,一般指的就是抒情主人公,即诗人自己。有别于小说中的“我”(非作者本人)。 (2)景象。抒情诗,往往是借助客观景象(山川草木等)表现出来的主观感情形象,也就是含有“意”的形象,即“意象”。 (3)物象。诗人借助具有某种特定内涵的事物(花鸟虫鱼)来表明自己的心迹或某种情感。如咏物诗。 3.命题规律: 《核按钮》P117,“考点梳理”开头部分“我们可发现一些规律:第一,第二,第三,第四”。 对话二一一题说特色 (一)真题回眸 1.(2009 ?江苏)阅读下面这首宋词,然后回答问题。


I.Multiple Choice 1.To commerate the death of his young wife, __________wrote the poem Annabel Lee. a. D.H. Lawrence b. John Milton c. Philip Phreneau d. Edgar Allan Poe 2. In Leisure, ____________ thinks that it is a poor life if “we have no time to stand and stare” a. John Keats b. William Henry Davies c. Alexander Pope d. John Donne 3.. In Amy Lowell’s Falling Snow, the poet says that “When the temple bell rings again/ they will be covered and gone”. “They” here refers to ______ a. the wooden clogs b. footprints c. the pilgrims d. none of the above 4. The “busy archer”in Philip Sydney’s To the Moon refers to____ a. the poet himself b. Cupid c. a comrade-in-arms of the poet d. none of the above 5. “Act____act in the glorious present”is perphaps the most soul-stirring line in _________’s poem A Psalm of Life. a. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow b. Percy Bissy Shelly c. Walt Whitman d. Carl Sandburg 6. In Song of the Rain, _________ paints a rosy picture of happy family life where the poet is “Safe in the House with my boyhood love/ And our children are asleep in the attic above”. a. Kenneth Mackenzie b. Carl Sandburg c. Hugh MacCrae d. Jerard Manley Hopkins 7. “Day brought back my night”is a well-praised phrase from __________’s On His Deceased Wife. a. Edgar Allan Poe b. Robert Frost c. John Milton d. Philip Sydney 8. In James Shirley’s poem Death the Leveller, the word “leveller” means a. something that reduces everything to nothing b. something that brings equality to all c. something that levels the ground d. none of the abov e. 9. What does “Fire” in Robert Frost’s poem Fire and Ice symbolize? a. war b. anger c. love d. desire 10. In John Keat’s poem The Terror of Death, the phrase “unreflecting love” means a. love without calculation b. love without preparation c. love never thought of d. love involving many considerations II.Blank Filling 1.One word is too often ________, For me to ________ it One feeling is too ______distained, For ______ to distain it .


高一语文诗歌鉴赏专项练习 1、阅读下面这首唐诗,然后回答问题。 军城早秋严武注 昨夜秋风入汉关,朔云边月满西山。更催飞将追骄虏,莫遣沙场匹马还。 注严武(726-765):字季鹰,华阴(今属陕西)人。曾任成都尹、剑南节度使,广德二年(764)秋率兵西征,击败吐蕃军队七万多人。 (1)诗的前两句描绘了什么样的景象?有什么寓意? (2)诗的后两句表现了作者什么样的情怀?请简要分析。 2、阅读下面这首词,回答问题。 小重山·端午 [元]舒颉 碧艾香蒲处处忙。谁家儿共女,庆端阳。细缠五色臂丝①长。空惆怅,谁复吊沅湘②。往事莫论量。千年忠义气,日星光。《离骚》读罢总堪伤。无人解,树转午阴凉。 [注]①五色臂丝:荆楚风俗,端午节以五彩丝系臂。②沅湘:沅水和湘水。湘水支流中有泪罗江。 (1).从全词看,“空惆怅”和“无人解”分别表达了作者怎样的思想感情?(4分) (2).这首词最突出的表现手法是什么?请分别结合上阙和下阙作简要分析。(4分) 3、阅读下面这首宋词,然后回答问题。 满江红·登黄鹤楼有感岳飞 遥望中原,荒烟外,许多城郭。想当年,花遮柳护,凤楼龙阁。万岁山前珠翠绕,蓬壶殿里笙歌作。[注]到而今,铁骑满郊畿,风尘恶。兵安在?膏锋锷。民安在?填沟壑。叹江山如故,千村寥落。何日请缨提锐旅,一鞭直渡清河洛。却归来,再续汉阳游,骑黄鹤。 【注】万岁山、蓬壶殿:指宋徽宗时构筑的土山苑囿、亭台宫殿。 ⑴这首词中的对比是由哪两个句子领起的?“万岁山前珠翠绕”一句中用了哪种修辞手法?( ⑵词中写了哪些“风尘恶”的景象?(4分) ⑶词的开头写作者登黄鹤楼遥望中原,结尾说“再续汉阳游,骑黄鹤”,反映出作者的思想感情有何变化?(4分) 4、阅读下面这首唐诗,然后回答问题。 登金陵凤凰台李白 凤凰台上凤凰游,凤去台空江自流。吴宫花草埋幽径,晋代衣冠成古丘。 三山半落青天外,一水中分白鹭洲。总谓浮云能蔽日,长安不见使人愁。 【注】①一水:亦作“二水”。 (1)分别概括这首诗颔联和颈联的内容,并说说其中寄寓了诗人什么样的感慨。(4分) (2)“总谓浮云能蔽日”一句用了何种修辞手法?尾联表达了诗人什么样的思想感情?(4分)


诗歌中人物形象分类 1、忧国忧民、心系社稷的形象如杜甫《春望》中“国破山河在,城春草木深”描写一片萧条的景象,而诗人感时落泪,展现了其忧国忧民、心怀社稷的形象。 2、历经磨难、坚持追求的形象如屈原《离骚》中:“亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔,虽体解吾犹未变!”再现了一位不愿同流合污,不低头,不屈服,执著地追求真理的形象。 3、胸怀宽广、豪放洒脱的形象如苏轼《定风波》中“莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。竹杖芒鞋轻胜马,谁怕!一蓑烟雨任平生。”让我们看到了词人在风雨中拄着竹杖,穿着芒鞋,吟啸徐行豪放洒脱的形象。 4、转战沙场、舍身保国的形象如王昌龄《出塞》:“但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马渡阴山。”我们仿佛看到一位亘古如新、千载不变的雄伟战士,战争的艰辛与磨难不能改变他保家卫国的雄心壮志。 5、寂寞愁苦、身世飘零的形象如李清照《声声慢》中,我们看到一个无忧无虑的贵妇人一变而为流落无依、形影相吊、漂泊江南的形象。国恨家愁,像铅一样压在她的心头,在她身上融合了亡国之痛、孀居之悲。沦落之苦。 6、孤傲高洁、坚持操守的形象如李白:“安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜”表现了他淡于富贵、傲视权贵的思想,也反映了他傲岸不羁、豪放自负的性格。 7、寄情山水、归隐田园的隐者形象如陶渊明:“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”展现的是悠游自在的隐居生活,表现出诗人对官场的厌恶,对田园的喜爱;如王维。《山居秋暝》通过对晚秋时节空山新雨景象的描写,表达了对山水风光的喜爱。 8、怀才不遇、壮志难酬的形象如陆游《书愤》:“塞上长城空自许,镜中衰鬓已先斑。”大志落空,奋斗落空,而揽镜自照,却是年华不再,衰鬓先斑!一位悲怆、郁愤的不遇之士形象栩栩如生。如陈子昂。《登幽州台歌》写前不见圣贤之君,后不见贤明之主,想起天地茫茫悠悠无限,不觉悲伤的流下眼泪。塑造了一个空怀报国为民之心却不得施展的怀才不遇的知识分子形象。 9、慷慨愤世、矢志报国的形象陆游和辛弃疾的许多诗歌都反映出他们忠心报国,而不被重用的情感,形象鲜明。如《示儿》、《十一月四日风雨大作》、《破阵子》。10、送别友人、思念故乡的形象如李白的《赠汪伦》、王维的《九月九日忆山东兄弟》 11、反对征伐、同情疾苦的形象杜甫的《石壕吏》、《兵车行》则是体察人民痛苦,反对战争的情感。 12、重情重义、儿女情长的形象如杜牧《赠别》:“多情却似总无情,唯觉尊前笑不成。”将有情人别离时独特的表情生动地表现了出来,诗中两位依依惜别的多情人形象缠绵深挚,别有一番风神韵致。13、辛苦劳作、纯朴善良的形象如白居易《卖炭翁》:“满面尘灰烟火色,两鬓苍苍十指黑。”活画出一个年迈而善良的卖炭翁的肖像,劳动之艰辛也得到了形象的表现,这样一个最下层的劳动者多么生动、感人,令人扼腕悲叹。 诗歌表达的思想感情: 常用词语:迷恋、忧愁、惆怅、寂寞、伤感、孤独、烦闷、恬淡、闲适、欢乐、仰慕、激愤、坚守节操、忧国忧民、蔑视权贵、怀才不遇、壮志难酬、归隐田园、惜春悲秋、羁旅愁思、思乡念亲(友)、忆友怀旧、别恨离愁、相知相思、儿女情长、坚贞爱情、怀古伤今、借古讽今、愤世嫉俗、登高览胜、寄情山水、热爱自然等。 鉴赏诗歌中的人物形象 一、常见命题方式: ①这首诗歌刻画了一个什么样的形象? ②这首诗歌中的某物象表达了诗人怎样的感情? 二、答题模式 1、概括形象的总体特点 用两个四字词语或四个两字词语概括人物形象的特征。 (本诗描写了一个…………的……人物形象。) 2、结合诗句分析其特征 结合具体诗句,描写诗歌(加上想像的翻译);有手法点出手法。 诗歌中哪些具体词句,具体表现了人物的哪些特征。 3、形象意义 作者的感情,理想,追求等。 表达了诗人……情感

英国文学选读一考试大题必备 重点题目分析(人物分析 诗歌分析 三大主义)

Hamlet is the first work of literature to look squarely at the stupidity, falsity and sham of everyday life, without laughing and without easy answers. In a world where things are not as they seem, Hamlet…s genuineness, thoughtfulness, and sincerity make him special. Hamlet is no saint. But unlike most of the other characters (and most people today), Hamlet chooses not to compromise with evil. Dying, Hamlet reaffirms the tragic dignity of a basically decent person in a bad world Hamlet is the first work of literature to show an ordinary person looking at the futility and wrongs in life, asking the toughest questions and coming up with honest semi-answers like most people do today. Unlike so much of popular culture today, "Hamlet" leaves us with the message that life is indeed worth living, even by imperfect people in an imperfect world. 犹豫scholars have debated for centuries about Hamlet's hesitation in killing his uncle. Some see it as a plot device to prolong the action, and others see it as the result of pressure exerted by the complex philosophical and ethical issues that surround cold-blooded murder, calculated revenge and thwarted desire. More recently, psychoanalytic critics have examined Hamlet's unconscious desires (Freud concludes that Hamlet has an "Oedipal desire for his mother and the subsequent guilt [is] preventing him from murdering the man [Claudius] who has done what he unconsciously wanted to do". Robinson Crusoe is a grand hero in westerners? eyes. He survived in the deserted island and lived a meaningful life. He almost has everything needed for becoming a successful man, such as his excellent creativity, great working capacity, courage, and persistence in overcoming obstacles. But he has shortcomings, too. Sometimes he was irresolute; he was not confident; he was fetishistic, although his belief had done him much good. He serves somehow as a lighthouse for the ambitious people. It?s also instructive for average people. Robinson was the representative of the bourgeois of the 18th C. It was the time when bourgeois grew stronger and stronger. The author Defoe paid a tribute to bourgeois by creating such a rational, powerful, clever, and successful man. 【Themes of Robinson Crusoe】 1. The ambivalence of mastery In short, while Crusoe seems praiseworthy in mastering his fate by overcoming his obstacles, and controlling his environment, the praiseworthiness of his mastery over his fellow human Friday is more doubtful. Defoe explores the link between the two in his depiction of the colonial mind. 2. The necessity of Repentance Crusoe?s experiences constitute not simply an adventure story in which thrilling things happen, but also a moral tale illustrating the right and wrong ways to live one?s life. Crusoe?s story instruct s others in God?s wisdom, and one vital part of this wisdom is the importance of repenting one?s sins. 3. The Importance of Self-Awareness Crusoe?s arrival on the island does not make him revert to a brute existence and he remains conscious of himself at all times. His island existence actually deepens his self-awareness as he withdraws from the external society and turns inward. The idea that the individual must keep a careful reckoning of the state of his own soul is a key point in the Presbyterian doctrine that the aothor took seriously all his life. ·Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte The protagonist and title character, orphaned as a baby. She is a plain-featured, small and reserved but talented, sympathetic, hard-working, honest and passionate girl. Skilled at studying, drawing, and teaching, she works as a governess at Thornfield Hall and falls in love with her wealthy employer, Edward Rochester. But her strong sense of conscience does not permit her to become his mistress, and she does not return to him until his insane wife is dead and she herself has come into an inheritance. 【Themes of Jane Eyre】 1. Gender relations A particularly important theme in the novel is patriarchalism and Jane…s efforts to assert her own identity within male-dominated society. Among the three of the main male characters,


《春天及其他》是美国诗人威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯所创作的一首现代诗。这首诗描写早春景象,和我们熟悉的传统诗文里柔美、明媚的春天形象不同。诗人笔下的春天,肮脏,杂乱,“没有生气”,“目光昏眩”,并不能给读者带来感官的愉悦。可以说,诗人写的不是已经大肆铺展开的春天,而是包孕着无限生机、无限可能的春天,它不那么甜美、可爱,还残留着冬天的痕迹,而这正是乡野早春的本来面目。 蓝天之下汹涌云彩 斑驳着从东北吹来 通往传染病院的路上 一阵冷风改变了视线方向 远处,大片开阔洪荒之地 褐色的草木一岁一枯荣 间或有一块一块死水 到处是高大的树木

路上低矮树丛枝条斜横 红的紫的叉开的直立的 许多小树下面 是枯萎的昏黄的树叶 和脱尽叶子的藤蔓 景色呆滞了无生气 然后春天却慢悠悠地来了 春天赤裸裸地进入新世界 寒冷之中义无反顾 四周的早已不大在乎 依然刮着熟悉的寒风 眼下,草地返青了,明天 野萝卜将吐出坚实的芽胞 万物将逐个展露芳容 迅速抽芽,模样清晰,叶子呈现轮廓 然而现在,是一派庄严的 初春景象–深刻的变化已经

降临人间:扎下根去 使劲向下伸展,大地开始苏醒 《火与冰》——罗伯特·弗罗斯特余光中先生译: 有人说世界将毁灭于火, 有人说毁灭于冰。 根据我对于欲望的体验, 我同意毁灭于火的观点。 但如果它必须毁灭两次。 则我想我对恨有足够的认识。 可以说在破坏一方面, 冰,

也同样伟大, 且能够胜任。 绝大多数读过弗罗斯特《火与冰》的人都同意劳伦斯?汤姆森的观点,这首诗简洁得不可思议,呈现了弗罗斯特的“一种新的风格,语调,习惯,与形式”。汤姆森认为《火与冰》暗示了“爱或激情的热与恨的冷”有毁灭性力量,令人感觉到“这两个极端包括了生活的一切,而生活就是居于这两者之间的,以及被这两者冲走的一切的集合”。但是再仔细看一看,会发现这诗在结构,风格与主题上,都可以说是但丁《地狱篇》精华式的出色浓缩。如此,它表现了一种比爱与恨这两个极端还要深刻的反差。和但丁一样,弗罗斯特依循了亚里斯多德的看法,把恨谴责为远比欲望更坏的东西。 在最明显的,形式的层面,《火与冰》有九行,与但丁的九层地狱相对应。虽然弗罗斯特的诗并不完全是但丁地狱的漏斗形,结尾的部分确实变窄了,弗罗斯特将前面四


龙源期刊网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9b18625170.html, 如何赏析诗歌中的意象和形象 作者:贲永昌冯德芳 来源:《教育实践与研究·中学课程版》2018年第02期 摘要:诗歌是以诗中的形象来反映世界的,精确的说,就是以意象来表达诗人内心世界的。对诗歌的形象和意象的鉴赏,是近几年高考中常见的题型,鉴于此,正确引导学生理解和把握诗歌的意象和形象,是诗歌鉴赏的关键所在。 关键词:意象;意境;联想;想象 中图分类号:G633.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2018)05-0013-03 前苏联教育学家苏霍姆林斯基主张:“教育就是要培养全面发展的、和谐的个性”。即教育要强调德育、智育、体育、美育和劳动教育,五者不可偏废。可见,教学中育人以美,是教师的任务之一。语文学科教材本身就具有得天独厚的美育条件,而语文学科中的诗歌教学又是语文老师对学生进行美育的最好途径。在语文教学中,诗歌教学是语文教学的重要组成部分,又是进行美育的有效途径之一,因为诗歌较其他文体更为短小精悍,集中凝炼,易于诵记;同时又适于抒情言志,艺术感染力强。所以,诗歌教学在潜移默化地培养学生的赏析能力、形象思维的能力和思想情操方面都具有不同其他文体的独特作用。因此,如何设计好诗歌教学成为广大语文教师经常研讨的一个重要课题。 诗歌教学,是一门很能使学生产生兴趣的课,因为它能唤起学生丰富的想象、引起强烈的共鸣,通过优美的意境,使学生得到深刻的思想启迪和艺术感染力、受到真善美的教育。教师通过对诗歌绘声绘色的朗读、细腻的剖析、启发式的讨论,不仅能收到良好的课堂教学效果,同时还能将艺术的种子播入学生的心田,在学生未来的人生长河中开出绚丽多彩的花朵,结出丰硕的果实。诗歌教学手段多种多样,笔者主要从以下两方面入手: 一、引导学生通过分析意象,进入诗歌意境,把握作者的思想感情 在诗歌里,诗人为了营建某种意境和感情,会极力铺叙一些意象,以达到完美的意境并抒发强烈的情感。因此,诗歌教学只有通过意象分析,引导学生体会诗歌的意境,从而体会诗人的思想感情。因为意境是诗的焦点、是诗人精神境界和艺术境界的凝结升华。诗人通过描绘眼前的景物,流露出自己的思想感情。 那么,如何分析诗歌的意境?笔者认为:首先对意象有清晰而深刻的认识。何为“意象”?意象,“意”是欣赏者的情意、神态;“象”即形象、物象。意象就是审美主体眼中的形象或心中的物象,是主体和客体的统一、是有形和无形的统一。它是诗歌理论中一个重要的概念,诗歌的意象很多,常见的有:1.送别类意象,如:杨柳、长亭、酒等,抒写了诗人对友人或爱人的


Sonnet 18 William Shakespeare S hall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer’s lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And of ten is his gold complexion dimm’d; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or n ature’s changing course untrimm’d; But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st; N or shall Death brag thou wander’st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st: So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this and this gives life to thee Selected Metaphysical poems by John Donne I. THE FLEA Mark but this flea, and mark in this, How little that which thou deniest me is ; It suck'd me first, and now sucks thee, And in this flea our two bloods mingled be. Thou know'st that this cannot be said A sin, nor shame, nor loss of maidenhead; Yet this enjoys before it woo, And pamper'd swells with one blood made of two ; And this, alas ! is more than we would do. O stay, three lives in one flea spare, Where we almost, yea, more than married are. This flea is you and I, and this Our marriage bed, and marriage temple is. Though parents grudge, and you, we're met, And cloister'd in these living walls of jet. Though use make you apt to kill me, Let not to that self-murder added be, And sacrilege, three sins in killing three.


高中语文诗歌鉴赏附答案 13. 阅读下面的唐诗,然后回答问题。(8分) 题岳阳楼① 白居易 岳阳城下水漫漫,独上危楼凭曲阑。春岸绿时连梦泽②,夕波红处近长安。 猿攀树立啼何苦,雁点湖飞渡亦难。此地唯堪画图障③,华堂张与贵人看。 【注】①元和十四年春,白居易自江州赴任忠州刺史,经过岳阳时写下该诗。②梦泽:云梦泽。③图障:图画。 (1)本诗怎样突出洞庭湖“漫漫”的特征?请结合颔联、颈联简要分析。(4分) (2)诗的尾联是什么意思?蕴含着诗人怎样的感情?(4分) 13.阅读下面这首诗,然后回答问题。(8分) 除夜野宿常州城外二首(其一) 苏轼 行歌野哭两堪悲,远火低星渐向微。病眼不眠非守岁,乡音无伴苦思归。 重衾脚冷知霜重,新沐头轻感发稀。多谢残灯不嫌客,孤舟一夜许相依。 [注]此诗作于宋神宗熙宁六年(1073)十一月,苏轼奉命前往常州等地赈济灾荒途中;除夜即除夕。 (1)结合尾联,简要赏析“嫌”字的妙处。(4分) (2)这首诗的前六句,表达了作者哪些思想情感?请简要概括。(4分)

13.阅读下面这首元曲,然后回答问题。(8分) 正宫·塞鸿秋 薛昂夫 功名万里忙如燕,斯文一脉微如线,光阴寸隙流如电, 风霜两鬓白如练。尽道便休官,林下何曾见?①至今寂寞彭泽县。 注:①化用唐代灵沏和尚的诗句:“相逢尽道休官去,林下何曾见一人!” (1)这首元曲主要运用了哪种修辞手法?请简要赏析其表达效果。(4分) (2)这首元曲表达了怎样的主旨?请简要概括。(4分) 13、阅读下面的唐诗,回答问题。(8分) 南邻(杜甫) 锦里先生乌角巾,园收芋栗未全贫。 惯看宾客儿童喜,得食阶除鸟雀驯。 秋水才深四五尺,野航恰受两三人。 白沙翠竹江村暮,相送柴门月色新。 (1)这首诗的前半篇和后半篇各描绘了一幅画,请用简洁的语言分别概述这两幅画。(3分) 答: (2)从全诗看,诗人的邻居锦里先生是个怎样的人?试结合诗句作简要分析。(5分)答:


诗歌人物形象分析 【学习目标】1.掌握鉴赏诗歌形象的方法 2.鉴赏诗歌形象的语言表述。 景物形象 诗歌的形象抒情主人公 人物形象 作为描写客体的对象 【知识储备】 1、诗词人物形象的分类: ①诗中所塑造的人物形象:如《静女》中,刻画了一对青年恋人的形象,男青年热烈痴情、淳朴憨厚,女青年漂亮活泼、伶俐俏皮; ②诗中抒情主人公的形象(诗人“我”的形象也就是抒情主人公的形象,实际上是“诗化了的作者”,是作者在诗中的“代言人”):如陶渊明,在“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”诗中展现的是悠游自在的隐居生活。 2、掌握塑造人物形象的方法:①正面描写:外貌、神态、动作、语言、心理、细节描写; ②侧面描写:A,社会环境;B,自然环境和他人。 3、分析人物形象的方法: ①知人论世,关注注释。(需要了解诗人的有关资料,包括生平经历、代表作、所处的时代特征,作者的政治主张,具 体的创作背景等。更多的,需要同学们关注诗词后面的注释。) ②分析文中出现的景物的特点,体会景物描写对人物形象塑造的作用。(环境气氛能对人物形象的刻画起到烘托作用。如柳宗元的《江雪》“千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭”两句就是为塑造老渔翁的不怕严寒、不怕孤独的高傲品质而进行的环境气氛的烘托。在分析人物所处环境时要注意分析时间、地点、天气、周围的景物以及诗中出现的具体景物的含义。) ③关注人物的语言、神态、动作、心理等,用四字词语概括形象特征。 【高考链接】独坐敬亭山 李白 众鸟高飞尽, 孤云独去闲。 相看两不厌, 只有敬亭山。 问题:试分析诗中所塑造的诗人形象。 【请你打打分】 【答案一】两个山头,一座亭子,一个人,所有的鸟儿都飞走了,连云儿都不愿停留。清冷的环境中,诗人守望山头,“相看两不厌”写出了作者的凄凉,最后“只有敬亭山”道出了作者内心的感受。 误例分析:整个文段没有谈到作者的形象,后文也没有围绕这个中心来写,故判为0分。 【答案二】诗人李白是一位豪放不羁的才子,在敬亭山之上,与敬亭山厮守,不去理睬“众鸟”与“孤云”,清高自傲的诗人形象自然流露,但从诗中我们隐约可见诗人的寂寞心情,或为功名,或为宦海浮沉,无论是何种原因,在敬亭山上屹立的仍然是衣襟似云,须发似烟的诗仙形象,也许只有人格化的敬亭山才能与李白比孤比傲比豪迈。 误例分析:这是对李白的客观而公正、简洁而诗性的评价,但不合本题的要求,只能判为0分。 【答案三】全诗展现了一个孤僻高傲的诗人的形象。众鸟距己甚高且已飞去,唯留诗人独坐敬亭山,体现他的孤僻。那孤云正是诗人自己,虽然孤独但乐得清闲,又体现了他的高傲。最后只留他与敬亭山,但依旧相看不厌,又一次全面展示了他的形象。


The Appreciation of Emerson’ poems ——从超验主义到拉夫·瓦尔多·爱默生的诗歌1 ——翻译and 赏析 沐浴诗风,犹知诗意,晓诗理,揣诗情。”T he Appreciate of World Famous Poems”的学习已有些时日。还记得学习开始前,接触得更多的是已经翻译好的中文文字,学习开始后,跟着吴笛老师徜徉在英文诗歌的海洋里,分析诗歌的格调,鉴赏其韵律,剖析诗人的作诗情感及文化的启迪。渐渐的,对诗歌在不同国别,不同文化下的形态,知晓了更多,也理解了更多。 课余无聊的时间里,从图书馆借了本诗集,以充实无趣的时光。从最初的苦涩不懂,到寻着老师的方法慢慢赏析,也渐渐喜欢上在诗中徜徉的感觉,体味诗人在诗中蕴藏的喜怒哀乐和情思智理,也如曾经在阳光下品读中国古诗词曲一样。 许是十几年来中国式鉴赏思维的作怪,每每读完一首诗,我总会想象诗人作诗的情景,在意诗里传递的深意,也会刻意地寻找作诗者的一些生平,会将诗和诗人一起喜爱。 众多诗歌诗人中,说上喜欢的那是多不可计,最后,我选择了美国诗人拉夫·瓦尔多·爱默生,超验派运动领袖作为我的论文题材,其中又选择了他的两首短诗,尝试着翻译,和分析:诗一:”Faith”;诗二:”The Rhodora On Being Asked, Whence Is the Flower”。并且,欲中西法结合,以之西,从结构、诗体、韵律上鉴赏,以之中,结合我过古诗词的赏析方法以做欣赏。 首先,先谈谈超验派,引用吴老师书中的话:超验主义推崇直觉,认为人能超越感觉和理性而直接认识真理。这为调动人的主观能动性、反对清教徒的思想束缚、抒发个人情感的浪漫主义文学提供了思想基础。也就是说,超验主义,作为19世纪末,20世纪初成长在美国的一种新兴主义形式,其实也是浪漫主义的一种延伸发展,注重人自身的发展,强调人生而有之的情感,推崇思想上的自由,以精神为至上,但它也更理性现实,可能也正是生长在美国那片自由和律理并存的土地,才造就了如此一个自由浪漫的诗学流派。 当然,论文的主人翁是拉夫·瓦尔多·爱默生,这个超验派的领袖,可想,他却是成长在一个教士的家庭,也曾身作牧师。可能正是有了深刻的经历,让他更清楚的明白教会思想给人的深重束缚,他才如此迫切、激烈的想冲出这拉扯着人自由思想的枷锁。而他的诗作,也是独树一帜,没有一味的模仿欧洲诗歌的模式,也不求完美的形式和华丽的辞藻,着眼于现实,连接自己的国家,更关注思想和内容上的升华,简洁、精炼的语言总能给人富有哲理的启迪。不仅如此,美国南北战争时期,他支持林肯政府,主张废除奴隶制度。 读爱默生的诗,就已经欣喜于诗中传递的正能量,再而看了他的生平,更是对此人敬佩不已。就是喜欢这样阳光鼓舞的诗,就是喜欢这样大气热情的诗人。多少篇爱默生的诗里挑出的两首小短诗,逆境中依旧坚忍不拔的faith,黯淡角落依旧美丽的杜鹃,也 1《美国诗集选》


Part One:English Poetry 1.William Shakespeare Sonnet 18 ?Why does the poet compare `thee` to a summer?s day? And who could `thee` be? Because summer?s day and thee both represent beauty . thee could be beauty, love. ?What picture have you got of English summer, and could you explain why? Warm, beautiful, sunshine. Because summer is the best season of a year ,the most beautiful season. It is like our May. ?How does the poet answer the question he puts forth in the first line? Thee is more beautiful than summer. ?What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more fair than summer and immortal? Because humanism is more eternal than summer and immortal. ?What figures of speech are used in this poem? Simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron and so on . ?What is the theme of the poem? Love conquers all, Beauty lives on. 2. Thomas Nashe Spring ?Read the poem carefully, pay attention to those image- bearing words, and see how many images the poet created in the poem and what sense impressions you can get from those images. There is “Blooms each thing, maids dance in a ring, the pretty birds do sing, the palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk' and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit, In every street these tunes bur ears do greet!” The “Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit,”impressions me most because of the harmony of the people?s relationship. ?Can you point out and explain the sound and their musical effect in the poem? In the Poem, each section has four lines, each line has ten syllables ( five tone step ) . In order to give the reader a spring breeze , streams , flowers , winding , Song Xin texture of sound and light flavor, Naixi greater uses English word S , z , f , V , R , L , and θconsonants means. In Naixi's poem, the use of phonological is also very harmonious, very smooth , very mellow. Section I of the poetry has Three pairs [ ing ] , section II of the poem has three pairs [ ei ] and the third quarter has three pairs [ i : ]. 3.John Donne A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning ?What is a “valediction” any way? Is the speaker in the poem about to die? Why does the speaker forbid mourning? No, it is about the lover s?separation. As the poem metaphors, the poet believed he and his wife?s love is sacred, he didn?t hope they cry when separation comes, let their love be stained by the ordinary and mundane.

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