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16模块三 第四单元


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1.(2019·天水中考)“……上级国家机关的决议、决定、命令和指示,有不适合民族自治地方实际情况的,可在报经上级机关批准后,变通执行或者停止执行。”材料体现了我国实行( )





2.(2019·泰州中考)下图反映了西藏自治区成立后卫生教育事业发展所取得的成就。五十年来,这些成就取得的最主要因素是( )





3.(2019·广东中考)如图澳门生产总值增长说明( )





4.(2019·山西中考)如图两张纪念邮票分别反映了我国在这两个地区实行的民主制度,这两种制度的共同之处有( )





A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④


中职语文拓展模块第一单元教案 文档

第一单元 单元教学内容分析 散文的欣赏 本单元的五篇散文具有丰富内涵。《胡同文化》用审视的眼光展示了以“忍”为精义的胡同文化,表达了作者对传统文化的眷恋之情。《废墟的召唤》道出了历史和时代赋予我们的使命:不要忘记民族历史上的耻辱,每个人都要立志“改造凝固的历史”。《过万重山漫想》以游三峡所见之景为依据,讴歌了“第一个穿过三峡的人”和历史上无数的“第一人”的首创精神,号召人们要发扬光大这种精神,创造新的辉煌。《内蒙访古》从众多的见闻中精选三处古迹加以叙述,结合议论与抒情,表达了“加强民族团结”有利于社会进步的观点。《把栏杆拍遍》则再现了宋朝词人辛弃疾从一个爱国志士成为爱国词人的过程。 学习本单元,我们要进一步掌握散文欣赏的基本方法。如何对散文进行欣赏?一是抓住散文的线索,理清散文的结构,这是散文欣赏的重要的路径;二是研究散文的抒情方式,体察作者的感情;三是探究散文的意境;四是研究散文的语言,仔细品味散文如何通过具体的语言传达出丰富的情感和优美的意境。 我们要掌握语言辨析和作批注的阅读方法。语言辨析即通过对所阅读的优秀文本语言的分辨、剖析,品味其丰富的表现力。作批注就是在阅读时把对原文内容或表达方面的理解、体会、评判、质疑,以及引申开去的看法和由此及彼的联想等言简意赅地

写在原文书页的相应位置。 我们要认真学习在写作中如何审题与立意,并通过“口语交际讨论”的自学进行表达与交流的训练。切实提高语文综合能力。 《胡同文化》2课时 《废墟的召唤》2课时 《过万重山漫想》2课时 《内蒙访古》2课时 《把栏杆拍遍》2课时 写作审题与立意2课时 《胡同文化》教案 教学目标:1. 通过对课文的学习了解北京的胡同及作者赋予胡同文化的内涵。 2. 体味作者对胡同文化的复杂情感。 能力目标:通过对课文的学习培养学生概括要点、提取精义的能力。 教学重点:理解作者赋予胡同文化的内涵。 教学难点:作者对胡同文化所持的态度。 教学方法: 1.教法:点拨法 3.学法:朗读法、讨论法 课时安排:2课时 教学过程: 一、导入新课


高二年级抽考英语试题 考试时间:120 分钟试卷总分:120 分 第一卷(四部分,共95分) Ⅰ.听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关问题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Which season are they talking? A. Winter. B. Spring. C. Autumn. 2. What’s the man doing? A. Running. B. Playing basketball. C. Watering the flowers. 3. What will they do this afternoon? A. Go to school. B. Play in the park. C. .Go to the station. 4. What does the woman mean? A. It will be fine. B. It will be cloudy. C. It will be rainy. 5. What does the man mean? A. He likes cold weather. B. He doesn’t like cold weather C. He doesn’t like windy day. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读二遍。 听第六段对话,回答第6~8小题 6.What’s the weather like yesterday? A. Warm and sunny B. Cold and windy C. Cold and rainy. 7. What does the weather forecast say about tomorrow’s weather? A. It will be sunny. B. It will be rainy. C. It will be cold . 8. What are the speakers going to do tomorrow? A. Have a party. B Have a picnic. C. Have a sports meet. 听第七段对话,回答第9~10小题 9. Which season is it now? A. Winter. B. Summer. C. Autumn. 10. What’s the weather like in winter? A. It’s very cold. B. It often snows. C. It seldom snows 11. What’s the weather like in Spring? A. Lovely. B. Cold . C. Rainy 听第八段对话,回答第12~13小题 12. What’s the weather like in the afternoon according to the weather report?


英语模块三第二单元单词 occupation? ①工作;职业 What do you imagine will be your future occupation?你认为自己将来会从事什么职业呢? He is a lawyer by occupation 他的职业是律师。 ②占领;居住: a country under occupation被占领的国家 the wildlife in occasion of the island这座岛上的野生动植物 occupy? ①占领;占据: During the war,Germany occupied many counties , Including France.战争期间,德国占领了很多国家,包括法国。 ②占时间、空间;占有;占用: His speech occupied only three minutes他的演讲仅用了三分钟。? The bed seemed to occupy most of the room床似乎占据了大半个房间。 ③使忙碌:? His work occupies him for the whole day.工作使他忙了一整天。? be occupied with sth / ( in ) doing sth : I have been so occoupied with work that I haven't had time for social activities.工作太忙,我一直没有时间参加社交活动。 The new comers were occupied(in)writing letters home.新来的人忙着给家里写信。 contribute? ①贡献;捐献;提供:? Immigrants have contributed to the British culture in many ways.移民在许多方面都对英国文化有所贡献。? It was generous of her to contribute such a large sum of money.她很大方,捐了这么一大笔钱。? contribute ( sth ) to sth : contribute (money)to the Red Cross 向红十字会捐钱? He never contributes ( ideas ) to the discussion.他在讨论时从不发表意见。 ②造成(某事发生)是…的原因之―: Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year ln the US.在美国,酒精每年造成10万人死亡。? Stress is a contributing factor in many illness.压力是诸多疾病的致病因素。 ③投(稿);撰(稿)? She contributed a number of articles to the magazine.她给这家杂志撰写了多篇文章。 contributor ①捐款人;撰稿人;起作用的因素


中职语文拓展模块第四单元检测题总分:120分姓名:成绩: 一、选择题:(每题1分,共15分) 1.下列词语中,与红色字的注音完全相同的一组是() A.鲜xiān鲜红新鲜屡见不鲜鲜为人知 B.强qiǎng坚强牵强强词夺理博闻强识 C.供gōng供给供应提供供不应求 D.当dāng当家当代门当户对安步当车 2.下列红色的字注音全都正确的一项是() A.纯粹(suì)领域(lù)清晰(xī)开疆辟土(pì) B.低劣(luè)支撑(chēng)憾事(hàn)销魂勾魄(pò) C.触及(chù)遐想(xiā)心弦(xuán)毋庸赘言(zhuì) D.倘若(tǎng)洞察(chá)发掘(jué)诬天藐小(miǎo)3.下列各组词语书写正确的一组是() A.冒昧分歧鬼斧神工称心如意 B.置信颇费纷至沓来一笔勾消 C.惰性磨灭真知卓见满腹经纶 D.沉湎鉴别忠贞不逾标新立异 4.下列各组词语中没有错别字的一组是() A.别无长物顺理成章等量齐观督查 B.改邪归正烘云托月骨鲠在喉座落 C.顾名思义不可思议关怀备至股份 D.自惭形秽飞皇腾达鼎礼膜拜撤销 5.依次填入下列各句横线上的词语,恰当的一组是() ①______目前出现在报端的那些言论,我虽然又好气又好笑,但也 颇有些高兴,因为毕竟有人回应了。

②我再度_____ :出版这个参考资料的主要目的,在于指出一个如何了解下层情况的方法。 ③联合国秘书长安南 4 月 3 日向下落不明的中国飞行员家属表 示慰问,并说他一直_____ 事态的发展。 A.关于声明关注 B.对于声明关心 C.对于申明关注 D.关于申明关心 6.依次填入下列文字中横线处的词语,恰当的一组是() ①近年来,内地作家_____ 沿海地区,写出了不少以市场经济为题材的好作品。 ②他上任以后,除旧布新,这项工作便_____ 开展起来了。 ③他决定用最_____ 的方法,解决这个令他头痛的问题。 A.作客逐渐简洁 B.作客逐步简捷 C.做客逐步简洁 D.做客逐渐简捷 7.依次填入横线上的词语,最恰当的一项是() 各种事物都有它的极致。虎____深山,鱼____潭底,驼____大漠,雁____长空,这就是它们的极致。 A.啸翔走击 B.啸游走排 C.跃游走击 D.跃翔走排 8. 下列词语的解释有误的一项是() A.笃嗜(非常喜爱)顺理成章(说话、做事合乎情理,不违背常例) B.玩索(游玩寻找)开疆辟土(开拓疆域,扩展领土)


Project Making an action plan Reading 1.At the beginning of this class, let’s watch a video. From it, we know that when a nation is in trouble, the people all over the world will give a hand. And we also know that when a destructive disaster happens, medical aid is especially important to the injured people. Today we’ll read a diary entry of a nurse who works for an international organization that provides medical service around the world. After that, I’m sure you’ll have a better understanding about what can be done to help poor people in poor areas. 2. Pair work: Have a discussion about the following questions: Have you ever heard of an organization called MSF? What does MSF stand for? What does it mean in English? Who do you think the members of MSF are? For reference About MSF: The MSF role in emergency medical aid Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international humanitarian aid organization that provides emergency medical assistance to populations in danger in more than 70 countries. In countries where health structures are insufficient or even non-existent, MSF collaborates with authorities such as the Ministry of Health to provide assistance. MSF works in rehabilitation of hospitals and dispensaries, vaccination programmes and water and sanitation projects. MSF also works in remote health care centres, slum areas and provides training of local personnel. All this is done with the objective of rebuilding health structures to acceptable levels. Raising Awareness In carrying out humanitarian assistance, MSF seeks also to raise awareness of crisis situations; MSF acts as a witness and will speak out, either in private or in public about the plight of populations in danger for whom MSF works. In doing so, MSF sets out to alleviate human suffering, to protect life and health and to restore and ensure respect for the human beings and their fundamental human rights. Only a small percentage of the populations that find themselves in a situation of danger gain the attention of the media. MSF teams travel to places that many people have never heard of, to assist those who have fallen victim to natural or man-made disasters. MSF volunteers have a story to tell when they return from their missions, and they use their experiences to speak of what they have seen. For MSF, raising awareness for these populations and the situations they are in is an important task. Whenever possible, MSF volunteers give interviews and make presentations. MSF offices worldwide facilitate the organization of gatherings, for individuals and groups who want to speak in their home communities. MSF also mounts exhibitions and, from time to time, releases publications, with the aim of raising awareness.


牛津高中英语教学设计 文档内容:教学设计—教案 板块:Welcome to the unit 课堂设计指导思想: 本课通过了解世界文化遗产,拓展学生的人文知识,培养学生人文素养。通过一系列课堂活动,激发学生用英语了解,描述,表达世界文化遗产,同时为下一课作好铺垫。 Teaching aims: 1.Students will be asked to talk about some magnificent structures, including the Statue of Zeus, the Taj Mahal, the Hanging Gardens and the Pltala Palace. 2.Students are required to get involved in the discussion, practise their spoken English and participated in all the designed activities. 3.Students are expected to be able to describe one of the ancient civilizations and develop their sense of culture protection. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Introduction 1.The teacher starts the lesson with the song Rivers of Babylon and introduce the topic. 2.Arouse students interests by introducing the seven wonders of the world and introduce the topic by asking questions “Why are they called the seven wonders of the world?” and“What other ancient civilizations do you know about?” 【设计说明】通过学生感兴趣的音乐话题引入主题。 Step 2 Look and understand Ask students to look at the pictures and ask them what they know about the pictures. 【设计说明】通过问答了解学生对四幅图片的了解程度。 Step 3 Read and understand Introduce the Statue of Zeus, the Taj Mahal, the Hanging Gardens and the Potala Palace. Ask students to go through the descriptions for detailed information, and then fill in the form. 【设计说明】通过介绍背景知识,填空确保学生掌握所需知识,并以此作为示范,为下面学生要做的Presentation作铺垫。 Step 4 Discussion Ask students to talk about ancient civilizations they are interested in . 【设计说明】鼓励学生用刚接触的有关古代文化建筑的语汇来谈论自己感兴趣的话题。Step 5 Presentation Ask students to introduce one of the ancient civilizations. 【设计说明】让学生模仿老师前面的图片表述,介绍一个古代文化建筑,以操练巩固所学知识。 Step 6 Homework Ask students to write a composition introducing one of the ancient civilizations 牛津高中英语教学设计

职高英语拓展模块 第四单元Unit 4 Colors and Mood.wps 练习题

Unit 4 C olors and Mood I. 从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项 ( ) 1. mountain A. rough B. loudly C. soup D.famous ( ) 2. human A. thus B. rude C. university D. lunch ( ) 3. possible A. emotion B. above C. doctor D. open ( ) 4. hear A. clear B. heard C.heart D. earn ( ) 5. threaten A. ready B. creative C. great D realize II.单选 ( ) 1. Snowman is often associated _______ a snowy winter. A. for B. to C. about D. with ( ) 2. I used to ______ very late, but now I’m used to _______ at 6 o’clock every morning. A. get up; get up B. getting up; getting up C. getting up; get up D. get up; getting up ( ) 3. The thief was caught ______ last night. A. red-hand B. red-handed C. black-hand D. black-handed ( ) 4. _____ is a pleasant color because it has a meaning of life and hope. A. Green B. Blue C. Yellow D. Red ( ) 5. When people expect their ______ one to come back home, they pin a yellow ribbon on the door. A. love B. loving C. loved D. lovely ( ) 6. Policemen wear yellow color vest to warn people______ their presence. A. that B. of C. about D. what ( ) 7. When people became very angry, we say they _______. A. see green B. see red C. see blue D. see red-handed ( ) 8. The picture reminded me _____my hometown. A. for B. in C. of D. to ( ) 9. When someone is ______ , we say that he or she feels blue. A. with low spirits B. in low spirits C. in high spirits D. with high spirits ( ) 10. He prefers bright colors, _______, his wife likes dark colors. A. on the contrary B. on the whole C. believe it or not D. at the same time ( ) 11. ---Will you go home this weekend? ---No, and . A. neither LiMing will B. LiMing won’t too C. neither will LiMing D. so won’t LiMing ( ) 12. Only in this way improve our written English. A. we can B. can we C. we do D. do we ( )1 3. Seldom warn them not to do so. A. did we B. we C. we did D. did ( ) 14. Not until all the fish died in the river _____ how serious the pollution was. A. did the villagers realize B. the villagers realized C. the villagers did realized D. didn’t the villagers realize ( )15. Little _____ about his own safety, though he was in great danger himself. A. does he care B. did he care C. he cares D. he cared ( )16. —David has made great progress recently. —_______, and _______. A. So he has; so you have B. So he has; so have you C. So has he; so have D. So has he; so you have ( )17. —It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night. —My God! ______. A. So did I B. So I did C. So were you D. So did you ( )18. Not a single song ________ at yesterday’s party. A. she sang B. sang she C. did she sing D.she did sing ( )1 9. Not only _______ difficult to understand, but it was too long.


Unit3知识点总结大全 1.work out(1)锻炼;消耗完(精力)(2)演算出、制定出 You can keep fit by working out regularly. 你可以通过有规律的锻炼来保持健康。 It was so difficult a problem that no one could work it out. 这个题目如此难,没有人能算出。They spent a whole night working out the plan. 他们花费一整夜制定出了计划。 2.stay vi. 保持;处于 stay还可以后接形容词、过去分词等作表语,说明主语所处的状态。如: The supermaket stays open until 10 p.m every day.这家超市每天营业到夜间10点。 Some girls want to stay slim by taking weight-loss pills. 有些女孩想服用减肥药来保持苗条。 3.figure n. 体形;数字v. The girl has a good figure, which makes others envy her...这女孩身材好, 这使得别人嫉妒她。figure on指望;figure out “计算出;领会”。 We figured on your coming early.我们指望你早点来。 They’ve figured out the best way to solve the problem.他们已有了最佳解决办法。 4.weight n. 重量;体重 What’s the weight of each bag.每袋重多少? put on weight增肥;lose weight减肥。 v. weigh, “称……的重量”或“(某人/物)重达……”。 The biggest elephant in the world weighs nearly 5 tons. 世界上最大的象重近五吨。 5.ashamed adj. 感到羞愧的,通常在句中作表语 feel ashamed of 对……感到羞愧;be ashamed to do sth对做某事感到羞耻。 shame n. 羞耻(不可数);让人羞耻(可惜)的人或事(可数); shameful可耻的; shameless不知羞的。 Shame on you! 真丢脸! He is a shame to his school. 他给学校带来了耻辱。 You should feel ashamed of your shameful thoughts. 你应当对你自己可耻的想法感到羞愧。 6.priceless adj. 无价的,极其珍贵,而不能以价格来衡量 Health is priceless. 健康无价。 value 价值;valueless 毫无价值的。 It is valueless, for it is made of common stones. 它不值钱,因为它由普通大头做成的。 7.recover v. 恢复;重新获得 Word came that he is recovering well 有消息说他康复得很好。 recover from illness从疾病中康复过来; recover one’s health恢复健康; recover one’s breath喘过气来。 8.failure n. [U]失败;[C] 失败的人或事


Unit 2 We have not found life on any other planets yet. 我们还没有在其他行星上发现生命。 Scientists think that there has been life on earth for hundreds of millions of years. However, we have not found life on any other planets yet. 科学家认为亿万年以前地球上已有生命存在了。然而,我们还没有在任何其他行星上发现生命。 The earth is a planet and it goes around the sun. Seven other planets also go around the sun. 地球是颗行星,它绕着太阳转。其他七颗行星也绕着太阳转。None of them has an environment like that of the earth, so scientists do not think they will find life on them. 这些行星没有一颗像地球那样的环境,因此科学家们认为他们不会在它们上面发现生命。 The sun and its planets are called the solar system, and our solar system is a small part of a much larger group of stars and planets, called the Galaxy or the Milky Way. 太阳和它的行星被叫做太阳系,我们的太阳系是一个由恒星和行星组成的更大的星群里的一小部分,这个星系叫银河系,或者银河系。


第二单元《过秦论》《鸿门宴》测试题 、选择题 1.选出下列加点字注音全部正确的一组() A.膏腴(y u)藩篱(f a n)崤山(y a o) 蒙恬(ti a n) B.逡巡(q u n) 锋镝(d i)蹑足(ni e)墨翟(zh a i ) C.谪戍(zh e)鞭笞(ch i)黔首(qi a n) 囊括(n a n g) D.隳名城(hu i)户牖(y o u) 棘矜(j i)赢粮(y i n) 2. 下列句子中书写全对的一句是() A. 当是时也,商君佐之,内立法度,务耕织,修守战之具,外连衡而斗诸候。 B. 秦人开关延敌,九国之师,逡巡而不敢进。秦无亡矢遗镞之费,而天下诸侯已困矣。 C.乃使蒙恬北筑长城而守藩篱,却匈奴七百余里;胡人不敢南下而牧马,士不敢弯弓而抱怨。 D.蹑足行伍之间,而崛起阡陌之中,率疲弊之卒,将数百之众,转而攻秦。 3. 对下列名词状语的分类、用法解说不正确的一项是() ①席卷天下②云集响应③船载以入④西举巴蜀 ⑤内立法度⑥斗折蛇行⑦日积月累⑧吾得兄事之⑨良庖岁更刀⑩相如廷叱之 A. ①②⑥⑧句表比喻,讲成“像……那样” B. ④⑤⑩句表处所,译为“在.. ” C. ⑦⑨是时间名词作状语,译为“日日”、“月月”、“每年” D. ③表工具,译为“用……” 4. 选出"谢"字意义与例句相同的一项()例句:旦日不可不蚤自来谢项王 A. 哙拜谢,起,立而饮之 B. 沛公旦日从百余骑来见项王,至鸿门,谢曰 C. 乃令张良留谢 D. 张良入谢,曰:"沛公不胜杯杓" 5. 选出"去"字用法与例句相同的一项() 例句:欲呼张良与俱去

A. 去村四里有森林 B.沛公已去,间至军中 C. 相去四十里 D.为汉家除残去秽 6. 选出每组句子加点字的活用不同于其他三项的一项: (1) A.常以身翼蔽沛公B.吾得兄事之 C.毕礼而归之 D.项伯乃夜驰之沛公军() (2) A.范增数目项王B.素善留候张良 C.沛公起如厕 D.未可时诏大号以绳天下之梅也() 7. 选出下列句中加点字与"项伯乃夜驰之沛公军"中的"之"字意思不同的一项() A. 坐须臾,沛公起如厕 B.辍耕之陇上 C.余自齐安舟行适临汝 D.愿伯具言臣之不敢背德也 8. 选出每组句子中不含通假字的一项: (1)() A. 距关,毋内诸侯,秦地可尽王也 B. 张良出,要项伯 C. 君为我呼入,吾得兄事之 D. 愿伯具言臣之不敢背德也 (2)() A. 今者有小人之言,令将军与臣有郤 B. 范增数目项王,举所佩玉玦以示之者三 C. 寿毕,请以剑舞,因击沛公于坐,杀之 D. 沛公不胜杯杓,不能辞 9. 选出下列句中"为"字与例句中"为"字意义和用法相同的一项() 例句:旦日飨士卒,为击破沛公军 A. 谁为大王为此计者 B.若属皆且为所虏 C.窃为大王不取也 D.如今人方为刀俎,我为鱼肉,何辞为 10. 选出对下列各组句中加点词语解释完全正确的一项() A. (1)沛公欲王关(函谷关)中(2)沛公居山东(太行山以东)时

特长班复习讲义 第六模块第四单元

第六模块第四单元 第一课时单词词组及语言点 一、Key Phrases 1.出毛病;失常 2.谈到;涉及;指 3.由-----组成 4.sth 荣幸地做某事 5.接受;雇用 6.以……为基础 7.建立友好的关系 8.涉及……的 9.另外…… 10.提高人对……的意识 11.把……加到…… 12.教育的匮乏 13.同意做某事 14.代表…… 15.发展中的国家 16.工作条件 17.集中…… 18.缺乏…… 19.劝告做某事 20.关心…… 21.捷径,门路 22.使某人想起 23.………的收藏 24.特殊任务战士 25.……的缺少 26.贫穷的生活 27.自来水 28.亲善大使 29.吸引当地人的注意 30.一笔钱 31.在……的保护下 32.饮用水 33.可利用的;可以得到的 34.初等教育 35.在联合国网站上查询 1

36.维和行动 37.来自于世界各地 38.生活标准 39.工作条件 40.次序颠倒 41.混乱 42.增重 43.从……到……地方 44.……的限制 45.回想 二、Explain the useful points refer v. 1)refer to sb./ sth. 涉及,提到 In her autobiography she occasionally refers to her unhappy schooldays. The new salary scale only refers to company managers and directors. 2)refer sb. to sth. 托付,交付 My doctor referred me to a hospital specialist. 3)refer (sb.) to sth. 参考 She spoke for an hour without once referring to her notes. He referred to a history book to find out the dates of ?t he French Revolution. ?r eference n. [C or U] 提及,涉及 Knowing what had happened, I avoided making any reference to weddings. I am writing with/in reference to your letter of 15 March. [C]参考书 相关高考试题 1. Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isn’t much help when it shopping and eating. (2006 天津) A. refers to B. speaks of C. focuses on D. comes to 2. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without ________his notes. (2005浙江) A. bringing up B. referring to C. looking for D. trying on in honour of sb./ sth. 为了纪念……;为了表示对……的敬意 a banquet in honour of the president [C]荣耀的人或事; 荣幸 She received an honour for her services to the community. He was buried with full military honours It’s a great honour to be invited. 2


Unit 3 Back to the past Reading Lost civilizations Good afternoon, everyone. It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The lecture I choose to illustrate is unit 3, the reading part: Lost civilizations. During my teaching, I will focu s on students’ long-term development and enable them to use proper reading skills and strategies. I’ll try my best to get my class alive and encourage the students to talk with each other in English. As for the article 'Lost civilizations', it is about a cultural tour to sites of lost civilizations. The reading text is made up of five travel diaries written by a student about her travel experience in Pompeii and Loulan. Students are expected to gain some information about ancient civilizations, and to practice and strengthen their reading comprehension. The Reading strategy in this unit teaches students how to read diary entries. Students are expected not only to master this strategy, but also to apply it to their future study. Part 1 Teaching aims: 1.Make sure that student understand the text. 2.Help the students develop the ability of reading diary entries. 3.Enable the students to talk about the topic of civilization in English. Part 2 Difficult points 1.Let students learn how to improve their reading ability and ask them to retell the general idea of the text. 2.How to grasp the usage of important words and phrases. Part 3 Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in I will begin the lesson by showing pictures of some civilizations, such as the Statue of Zeus, the Taj Mahal, the city of Pompeii and the Potala Palace. Then I will ask some students to answer the following questions. (1)Who can give a definition on ‘civilization’? ——It’s about a society, its culture and its way of life during a particular period of time or in a particular part of the world, including architecture, art, literature, thought, religion and so on. (2)Good. Now who can give a definition on ‘lost civilization’? ——It means ancient buildings, cultures and countries that no longer exist now. (3)Can you list some other civilizations that you know?

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