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talking about the repair list

1good morning/afternoon, sir. Would you please show me where the ship’s office is?早上/下午好!先生.您能告诉我船上的会议室在什么地方吗?

2.very nice to meet you, mr,superintend. I’m the docking fitter supervisor. Could you tell me some repair work about the docking fitter part? Such as propeller, shafting, rudder system, anchor chains, sea bottom valve and over board valve ,etc.很高兴见到您,机务主管先生.我是负责这条船的坞修主管,您能给我介绍一下这条船的坞修修理工程吗?比如螺旋桨,轴系,舵系,锚链,海底阀和舷外阀等.

3.The propeller should be dismantled and hung up with help of the chain blocks or winch. Propeller and propeller cap should be polished, and check the propeller blade by dye penetration. If there are some deformities of the propeller blade, we want it to be repaired as well.


4.The intermediate shaft should be dismantled and hung up, the tail shaft should be dismantled and withdrawn into the E/R. The tail shaft taper should be checked by the magnetic particle test and the fore and aft seals should be renewed. The for and aft liners should be checked and measured, the outside surface should be machined if necessary.中间轴要拆掉,吊起;尾轴抽进机舱;尾轴梢头要进行磁粉探伤;首尾密封要换新;如有必要,首尾不锈钢套检查测量;不锈钢套外圆要光车.

5.The anchors and anchor chains should be lowered down and ranged on the deck of dry/floating dock. Measured the diameter of each length, cleaned by means of the high pressure water, marked by the red and white paint and stainless steel wire.锚和锚链要卸下并在干/浮坞甲板摆放,测量每一节锚链直径,高压水冲洗,用红,白油漆和白钢链条作标记.

6.The upper and lower rudder pintle clearance should be measured and recorded. The rudder jumper clearance also should be measured and record. The inspection hole should be opened and the pintle nut should be checked. The packing cover should be dismounted and the packing should be checked. Before you atart the job, please inform the chief engineer. He would like to go together with you for inspection in situs.舵的上下舵栓间隙及跳动量需要测量一下并作记录;观察孔打开,检查一下舵销螺母;打开盘根压盖,检查一下盘根.当做这些工作时,请通知我们的轮机长现场看一下.

7.All the sea bottom valves and overboard valves should be opened, checked ,cleaned and sealing surface ground. All the packing and gaskets should be renewed. The red paint should be coated on the inner surface of the valve body. All the bolts and nuts should be renewed also. The butterfly valve should be cleaned from the outside. Before you refit the valves, please inform the chief engineer as he want to check one by one. After meeting, the chief engineer will show you or your foreman the valves position.所有的海底阀和舷外阀要打开,清洗,检查,研磨.所有盘根和密封垫要换新.阀体内部涂红油漆.所有螺栓和螺母要换新.蝶阀从舷外清洁.回装之前,请通知我们的轮机长挨个检查.会后,轮机长将阀的位置指给你或你们的领班.

8.12 pcs. bottom plugs should be opened after dry docking. when all the water drained off, the bottom plugs and seats should be checked one by one. If there is something wrong about that ,renew the plug or the seat. When you open and close the bottom plug, inform our chief mate together with your worker to do that job.进坞后,要打开12只海底塞.水放光以后,海底塞和座要逐个检查,如果有问题,就换新.开关海底塞时,要找大副一起作业.

The chains 锚链

Hello, chief mate. Can you start the windlass and lower down the both anchor chains now?


hello, captain. I want to know the original diameter of the anchor cable.


Excuse me, chief mate. How many links about port and starboard anchor chain cables respectively?大副,左右舷锚链各是多少节?

hello, chief officer .I’m sorry to trouble you.I want to know when shall we mark the anchor chains. Who will supply the paint?您好!大副,我想问一下,当锚链要做标记时,谁来提供油漆? chief mate, this is the record of the anchor chain cable diameter .please review it


Excuse me, chief mate, The superintend checked the anchor cable diameter reading and wanted to change the bitter ends. He wants to replace one end to the other. Now, can you start the windlass? I want to dismantle the both bitter end and lower down on the deck of the dry/floating dock.


hello, chief mate, I checked all the anchor cables and found that some links loosed .how to repair? By welding or other method?


The anchor should be chipped and painted black.锚头需要除锈,并涂黑油漆.

We measured all the anchor chains and found some links’ size are outside of the max. acceptable limit.我们测量了全部的锚链,发现有几节已经超过最大极限了.

hello, superintend. I want to know who will supply the renewed chains you required, the yard or the ship?您好!机务主管,您提出来要换新的锚链是由厂方提供,还是船方提供

hello, chief officer. Where are the spare parts of the transfer group on board?


Chief office, if we can not unlock the chain shackles for reversion, what shall we do?


Chief office, is there any other repair work? If there isn’t, shall we draw the chains in?大副,茅链舱还有其他工程吗?如果没有的话,我们把锚链收一下,好吗?

Chief office, some lead sealings of chain lockers are found missing. Would you come and check it?大副,有几个锚链卸扣的铅封没有了,您是否过去看一下?

Chief officer ,has the windlass been repaired over? I want it to draw the chain.


Chief officer, the pin of anchor is loose , do you want it to be renewed?


The propeller螺旋桨

hello, chief engineer. I want to see the drawings of the propeller.


hello, second engineer, Please drain off the stern tube oil before we dismantle the propeller您好!大管轮,请在我们拆螺旋桨之前,放掉尾轴管油.

chief engineer ,I want to take the wear down gauge for measuring the tail shaft wear down before we dismantle the propeller. At that time, could you go together with us?轮机长,我想在拆浆之前


Chief engineer, what is the p ropeller’s weight? And what is the diameter?轮机长,螺旋桨有多重?它的直径是多少?

Chief engineer, we are going to do the dye-penetration test of the propeller, would you go for inspection?轮机长,现在我们要进行螺旋桨着色探伤,您过去看一下好吗?

Chief engineer, we are going to dismantle the propeller, would you go for inspection?轮机长,现在我们要拆螺旋桨,您是否过去看一下?

Mr. superintend, The tail shaft liners have been taken into the shop, It is under dismantling and cleaning now .Would you or chief engineer goes for inspection? Our technicians are measuring the liner. If necessary, it should be machined.机务主管,现在尾轴套已经运到车间里了,正在解体,清洁,您是轮机长过去看一下我们的工艺员正在量不锈钢套的尺寸,如果有必要的话,上床光车. Mr, superintend, there are some deformations on the propeller blades. Can we rectify them and take a static balance test for the propeller?机务主管,螺旋桨的桨叶有点变形,是否予以矫正,做一下静平衡实验?

Chief engineer, where are spare part of the forward and aftward seals.轮机长,首尾密封的备件在什么地方?

Mr, superintend, we have finishied the clean work of the propeller surface. Would you go for a check?机务主管,螺旋桨表面清洁工作已经完成,您过去验收一下好吗?

Chief engineer ,the protecting cover of tail shaft has been dismantled. We will measure the tail shaft’s wear down, would you go for inspection?轮机长,现在尾轴的防护罩已经拆下来了,我们要测下沉量,您是否看一下?

Chief engineer, we are going to fix the propeller, would you go to measure the pull up length?轮机长,现在我们要装复螺旋桨,您是否看一下压入量?

Mr, superintend, which side will supply the renewed glycerine in propeller cone, shipyard or ship owner?机务主管,螺旋桨将军帽内的换新甘油谁来提供?厂方还是船?

Mr. superintend, we have done the cleaning and inspecting works, there are too many gas porosity in the aftward liner. It could not be used any longer .It should be renewed.机务主管,经过我们清洁检查,尾部不锈钢套上沙眼太多,已经不能用了,需要换新.

Chief engineer, the propeller has been fixed up according to the manual ,and the aftward liner and seals have also been mounted and you can fill oil in. If every thing is normal, we will fill oil to the aftward seal and fix the protecting cover.轮机长,现在螺旋桨已经按照说明书的要求装复到位了,尾部不锈钢套和尾密封也固定好了,您可以往尾轴加油了,如果一切正常的话,我要往尾密封加油,装复尾轴防护罩.

Chief engineer, please gilvea signal when you use the turning gear to repair the main engine. Our workers are polishing the propeller.轮机长,当您用盘车机修理主机时,请先示一下信号,我们的工人在进行螺旋桨抛光作业.

Chief officer, would you please turn the rudder? We are going to dismantle the propeller cone.大副,您现在可以转一下舵角吗?我们要拆螺旋桨将军帽.

Mr. superintend, the propeller cap was broken. What kind of material would you suggest for the renewed one?机务主管,螺旋桨将军帽碎了,您看新换将军帽需要什么材质?

Mr. superintend, the propeller NDT test has finished. would you go for inspection?机务主管,螺旋桨探伤已经结束了,您过去看一下吗?

The repaired propeller shall be statically balaned.修理后的螺旋桨应进行静平衡.

The shafting 轴系

Chief engineer, could you show me the shafting drawing?


Mr. superintend, do you think the intermediate shaft bearings need to be opened and checked?机务主管,中间轴需要打开检查吗?

Chief engineer, now we need some spare parts for tail shaft and intermediate shaft, can you send some staffs to cooperate with us?


Chief engineer, can you clean to sewage under the tail shaft? We might weld caps when withdraw the bolts of the stern shaft. It is not permitted to weld above aewage. 轮机长,您能清洁一下尾轴下面的污油水吗?拔尾轴螺栓可能要焊帽.动电焊时下面不能有污油水.

Chief engineer, can you inform the electrician to dismantle the wires of intermediate shaft bearing and oil temperature detectors?


Mr. superintend, do you want to perform magnetic particle testing on tail shaft taper? 机务主管,尾轴的梢头需要磁粉探伤吗?

Mr. Superintend, we have dismantle the forward sealing and it’s under dismantling and cleaning right now. do you think the stainless steel liner need to be machined?? 机务主管, 首密封我们已经拆下来了,正在解体,清洁,您看一下首不锈钢套是否需要光车

Mr. Superintend, all connecting bolts have been drawn out. some bolts’ surfaces have certain damages, do you think it is necessary to have them ground? 机务主管,所有连接螺栓已经全部拔出来了,不过有几条螺栓接触面有点损伤,您看是否需要研磨修复

Chief engineer, the fore and aft seals have been wholly renewed and installed. you can test through filling oil into stern tube to see if there is any leakage.轮机长,现在首尾密封已经全部换新装复,您可以往尾轴管拄油试验一下是否泄漏.

Mr. superintend, now the bush of the intermediate bearings has been opened. The condition is not very well. Do you think it is necessary to have it ground? 机务主管,现在中间轴瓦已经打开,状况不是很理想,您看一下是否需要研磨?

Chief engineer, some pipes and floor frames will affect our work when we lift the intermediate shaft. we will dismantle then all.轮机长,如果起中间轴的话,有些管系和地板架影响工作,我们要将它们全部拆掉.

It is very difficult to draw the connecting bolts , because it is the first time to draw them. we need the hydraulic jack and driving screw to draw them out ,but this may damage the bolts and the holes.连接螺栓是第一次往外拔,困难相当大,需要用液压油顶和丝杆给拽出来.不过,可能对螺栓和螺栓孔有所损伤.

Chief engineer, the stern tube and tail shaft have been cleaned. We will install the tail shaft and intermediate shaft. Would you go there for inspection?轮机长,现在尾轴管和尾轴都清洗结束了,我们要安装尾轴和中间轴.您是否过去看一下?

Chief engineer, the tail shaft and intermediate shaft have been fixed to the position. We will install the accessories. Can you or other engineer staff go there for inspection? 轮机长,现在尾轴和中间轴已经装复到位,我们恢复附件,你或者其他轮机员是否过去监督一下?

Chief engineer, can we use turning gear now?轮机长,盘车机现在能用吗?

Chief engineer, the forward seal has been fixed well, but the oil orifice connector is not the same size as the original one. It is necessary to make a new one.


Chief engineer, should the strern tube oil be supplied by oil pump or by gravity tank? 轮机长尾轴管加油是通过油泵还是重力油柜?

Mr. superintend, do the surfaces of the connecting bolts have to be nondestructive tested? 机务主管,连接螺栓的接触面还需要探伤吗?

Mr. superintend, a connecting bolts cannot be drawn out at all. The only way is to cut it off and make a new one


The rudder舵系

Chief officer, could you show me the rudder’s drawing?大副,能给我出示一下舵的图纸

Mr. superintend, can you tell me the diameters of the rudder stock and rudder pintle? 机务主管,您能告诉我舵杆和舵销的直径是多少吗?

Chief engineer, we will measure the clearances of upper and lower rudder pintle. Could you go there for inspection?轮机长,现在我们要测量上下舵销间隙,您是否看一下?

Mr. superintend, the clearances of upper and lower rudder pins exceed the acceptable tolerance according to our measurement. Do you think it is necessary to renew them? 机务主管,根据我们测量的数据看,上下舵销间隙均已超差,您看是否换新?

Mr. superintend, should the taper of the rudder stock be taken the magnetic particle test? 机务主管,舵杆梢头是否需要磁粉探伤?

Mr. superintend, shall we check the alignment of the rudder stock and rudder blade by using piano wire? 机务主管,舵杆和舵叶需要拉线试验吗?

Mr. superintend, there was water flowing out when we open the rudder bottom seal lock just now. maybe there is crack on the rudder blade. Is it necessary to take a vacuum test? 机务主管,刚才舵底塞打开检查,发现有水流出,舵叶可能有裂纹,是否需要真空试验?

Mr. Superintend, is it necessary to replace the packing of the rudder lever? 机务主管,舵杆盘根需要换新吗?

Mr. Superintend, the rudder stock and taper have been rusted by sea water. Is it necessary to machine them? 机务主管,舵杆和梢头已经被海水所腐蚀,是否需要光车处理?

Chief engineer, could you look up the weights of the rudder blade and rudder lever for me?轮机长,您能给我检查一下舵叶及舵杆的重量是多少吗?

Mr. Superintend, we are going to do pressure test to the rudder blade. Does anyone from the ship will go there for inspection?


Mr. Superintend, what’s the material of the renewed rudder bush, copper or Salem?机务主管,换新舵套的材料是什么?是铜套还是赛龙套?

Mr. Superintend, is there any spare part of the rudder bush onboard? If there isn’t, which side should supply it, the ship or the yard? 机务主管,船上有舵套的备件吗?如果没有的话,是船方提供还是厂方提供?

Mr. Superintend, the hole of the lower rudder pintle damaged. It needs to be bored. 机务主管,下舵销孔有所损伤,需要膛孔处理.

Mr. Superintend, we are going to dismantle the rudder lever. First of all, the rudder tiller and hydraulic accessories should be removed. Could you send shipping staff to cooperate with us? 机务主管,现在我们要将舵杆拆下来,首先要拆掉舵柄及液压附件,您能派船方人员配合一下吗? Mr. Superintend, the material of the rudder bush on board is made of copper. Maybe it is difficulty to renew the bush with the same material considering the time limit. What do you think if we

supply the Salem bush?


Mr. Superintend, the doors of rudder blade have been wholly opened. We can go to measure the clearances of the rudder pins.


Mr. Superintend, our workers have opened the doors of rudder blade. We can check the fitting screw caps of the rudder pintless now. 机务主管,现在我们的工人已经将舵叶道门打开了,我们可以去检查舵销锁紧螺帽了.

Chief officer, the rudder bottom seal lock has been closed. Shall we seal it up by cement or by welding?大副,现在舵底塞已经关上了,您看是搪水泥还是焊盲板?

Mr. Superintend, our technician has measured the size of rudder stock, rudder pins ,pin holes and pin bushes. This is the measurement report. Would you go there for inspection? 机务主管,我们工艺员已经将舵杆,舵销及销孔,销套尺寸全部量完了.这是数据报告,您是否需要去检查一下? Mr. Superintend, we are going to install a new bush. Would you go there for inspection? 机务主管,现在我们要装新套,您是否过去看一下?

The clearance between upper key and key slot of rudder tiller is slightly larger than permitting.舵柄上键和键槽的间隙有点偏大.

Chief engineer, could you tell me where is the special tools of dismantling the rudder tiller.轮机长,能告诉我压舵柄的专用工具在什么地方吗?

Chief officer, could the fixing screw caps of rudder pin be lifted by the crane?大副,能用船上的克令吊给我吊云一下舵销的锁紧螺帽吗?

Mr. Superintend, the scatch on the thrust pad is a little deep. It should be machined. 机务主管,推力片上拉痕比较深,需要上床光车.

Chief officer, the rudder has already been installed. You may run the steering gears to test it.大副,现在舵已经安装完毕,您开舵机试一下好用与否?

The valve阀

Chief engineer, how many sea valves and over board valves should be repaired? 轮机长,有多少个海底阀和舷外阀需要修理?

Chief engineer, could you send a engineer officer to show me the positions of the valves that should be repaired?轮机长,您能安排轮机员给我指一下需要修理的阀的位置吗?

Chief engineer, where is the emergency sea water pump, in forepeak or in the steering gear compartment?轮机长,应急消防泵海水吸入阀在首尖舱还是在舵机间?

Chief engineer, bolts of the sea suction valves have been seriously rusted. They need to be cut off by cutting torch.轮机长,海底吸入阀螺栓已经锈蚀严重了,需要气割换新.

Chief engineer, would you please show me the detail repair list about sea valves and over board valves including their size, types, positions and functions.轮机长,您能给我提供一份完整的关于海底阀和舷外阀的修理单吗?包括尺寸,类型,位置及功能等

Mr. superintend, does sea chest need to be tested with pressure?


Mr. Superintend, do sea valves and over board valves need to be pressure tested? 机务主管,海底阀和舷外阀需要泵压吗?

Mr. Superintend, all sea valves and over board valves have been cleaned, ground over. when will you go and check them?


Mr. Superintend, the work of butterfly valves is cleaning and checking, is that right? 机务主管,蝶阀的工作就是清洁,检查一下吗?

Chief engineer, some valves’ discs have been seriously rusted. They need to increase the size and be machined.轮机长,有些阀头腐蚀严重,需要长肉光车.

Chief engineer, some valves can not be used any more and need to be renewed. Which side should supply the spare parts, the ship or the shipyard?


Chief engineer, some valves’ levers broken and need to be replaced.


Chief engineer, the flange of renewed valve is not the same as the original. It needs to be changed.轮机长,新换阀与原来阀的法兰不一样,需要更换法兰.

Chief engineer, all valve projects have been finished. Would you go for inspection? We are going to install them.轮机长,现在所有阀工程已经结束,您过去验收一下,我们回装

Mr. superintend, do you have any requirement on the certificates of the renewed valves? 机务主管,您对换新阀门有没有证书的要求?

Chief engineer, some butterfly type valves’ worms and worm wheels clearance exceeded the limits. Is it necessary to make a new pair?轮机长,有些蝶阀的蜗轮蜗杆机构有些滑尺,是否需要做一套新的?

Mr. Superintend, the valves ordered as your required might not arrive before the ship leaving. Is it necessary to chance the valves with other certificates? 机务主管,按照你的要求所定购的阀门,估计在船出坞以前难以到厂,是否需要更换其他证书的阀门?

Chief engineer, some valves can not be used any more after grinding and checking. They need to be renewed, don’t they?轮机长,有些阀头经过研磨检查,已经不能再使用了,需要新做,您看如何?

Chief engineer, higher and lower sea suction valve is upside down type. It is difficult to grind its body. I want to dismantle the upper cover. The worker will grind it from the sea valve case. Do you agree?轮机长,高低位海底吸入阀是倒挂式的,对本体研磨的难度较大.我想将上部压盖拆一下,然后人工从海底阀箱进行研磨,如何?

Chief engineer, a shutter of the storm valve is seriously rusted. It needs to be renewed.轮机长,有个防浪阀的阀板锈蚀严重,需要新做一个.

Chief engineer, the shutter of a valve need to be built-up by welding and machined.轮机长,有个闸板需要堆焊光车.

Chief engineer, please conform the number of sea valves and over board valves that need to be repaired and inform me as soon as possible.轮机长,请您再确定一下所修海底阀及舷外阀的数量,请及早通知我.

The coating涂装

Nice to meet you! Let me introduce myself, my name is , I’m the painting supervisor.您好!让我自我介绍一下,我叫,我是涂装工程主管.

I’m in charge of the painting work including blasting, chipping and painting. 我负责所有涂装工程,包括喷砂,敲铲,涂装.

I’d like to do my best to achieve your requirement.我愿意为您提供满意的服务.

I want to discuss the cargo hold painting work with you.我想同您讨论一下货舱涂装.

First of all let’s check the cargo hold.首先,让我们共同勘检一下货舱.

I think the cargo holds are seriously rusted.我认为您货舱锈蚀严重.

I suggest that this cargo hold should be blasted to SA2.0.我建议这个货舱全部喷砂2.0

How many percentage of the fore & aft lower stool to be blasted to SA2.0? 您认为前后下壁堆喷砂2.0级的比例为多少?

I don’t agree with you, I think the blasting percentage should be more. 我不同意您的说法,我认为喷砂比例还要高一些.

The fore and aft corrugated bulkhead can be spot blasted to SA2.0. 前后槽型舱壁可以点喷砂 2.级.

Port and starboard side upper hopper, fore and aft center deck can be spot blasted to SA2.0


Port and starboard side frame and bulkhead should be full blasted to SA2.0. 左右肋骨及舱壁应该全部喷砂 2.0级.

I hope that you can give a reasonable blasting percentage.


we have the same opinion about this cargo hold blasting.


Please let me know how to do the painting work in the T.S.T


Do you agree with chipping? After chipping, shall we grind?


Good quality couldn’t be achieved by chipping, blasting is the better way.


The price of blasting in closed tank is different from the one in the common cargo hold.封闭舱室喷砂工程价格不同于普通货舱工程.

For closed tank, ventilation should be performed before painting.


We’ll follow your requirement


We’ll do our best to achieve your requirement on the painting work.


I think the blasting have come up to world advanced standard.


We must know the surface area and the quantity of paint before painting.


The wet comb should be used constantly to check the wet film thickness in the course of painting in order to make sure that the thickness is even.


Paint should be mixed well with a mixer before painting.


Normally 5%of the thinner is enough, don’t add any more.


Painting application conditions should be like this :relative humidity should be less than 85%, steel temperature should be 3℃above the dew point.涂装施工条件规定相对湿度应在85%以下,钢材表面温度应高于周围空气的露点3℃.

After painting application we should check for defects such as holiday areas, sag and running and the touch up should be done in time .喷漆完工后,应检查有无漏涂,流挂等缺陷,及时修补.

We can’t guarantee the edge of the blasting spot is smoothly feathered if spot blasting. 若点喷砂除锈,我们不能保证喷砂点的边缘成光滑斜面.

your request is not reasonable, please think about it again. 您的要求有点不合理,希望您再重新考虑一下!

We can’t guarantee all of the rust and old paint will be removed if you decide to do sweep blasting SA1.0.如果您决定打砂SA.1.0,我们不能保证驱除所有的锈蚀和旧油漆.

I think the blasting already achieved the blasting standard you specified


Although it’s cloudy, but the RH is low, so there is nothing wrong with the paint application.


It’s a good day ,I hope that we can do two coats today.今天天气很好,希望一天能涂两度油漆. Now it’s the rainy season so the RH is a little higher, please consider it.


We use airless spraying equipments and all of the workers are experienced for many years.


I hope we can do another coat tonight, the lighting is no problem.


Who is going to inspect the chipping in the ballast tanks of the double bottom?


We need to scaffold in the chain locker for chipping ,do you agree?


Do you think we shall wash the chain locker by high pressure water?锚链舱需要冲高压淡水吗? Who is going to supply the paint for the chain locker? Who is going to supply the cathodic anodes for the aft of the ship?谁来提供锚链舱用油漆?谁来提供船尾用阳极块?

How many kilograms does one anode weigh? Is it welded or bolted?


Can you give me the anode arrangement drawing?您可以提供一张阳极块布置图吗?

Can I borrow your midship section drawing and general arrangement drawing?


We have to calculate the tank surface area you gave to us.您给定的舱面积,我们需要核算一下. This is my calculation ,please check it.这是我们计算的结果,请您查对一下.

I estimate that we will finish the blasting of all the cargo holds in five days.


These are the finished forms of all the works, please check and sign.


The surface of the engine room should be chemical cleaned to remove oil and then spray one coat of alkyd enamel.机舱表面化学清洁除油,喷涂一度白醇酸磁漆.

New steel plates must be shot blasted and then sprayed with one coat of inorganic zinc shop primer.新钢板必须进行抛丸除锈,喷涂一度无机锌车间底漆.

Spot blast to SA2.0 on topside and then spray tow coats of epoxy primer and one polyurethane topcoat.干舷点喷砂除锈SA.2.0级,喷涂两度环氧底漆和一度聚氨脂面漆.

Full blast to SA2.0 on boottopping and the spray three coats of epoxy paint.


Spot blast to SA2.0 on vertical side and then spray three coats of epoxy primer and two coats of SPC. 直底点喷砂除锈SA2.0级,喷涂三度环氧底漆和两度SPC自抛光防污漆.

Repaint all the marks.所有船舶标志重描

Clean and chip the rust and sea lives in the sea chests and spray the same coats as the vertical side.海底阀箱内面清洁,刮铲海生物和锈蚀喷漆同直底一样.

Full sweep blast on flat bottom and them spray two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of SPC.平底全部清扫砂,全喷两度环氧底漆和两度SPC自抛光防污漆.

High pressure water washing and chipping the ballast tanks and then spray two coats of coal tar epoxy.压载水舱冲高压水清洁,敲铲除锈,喷涂两度环痒沥青漆.

Clean the oil, water and dust on the main deck by high pressure water washing and chipping, and then spray two coats of epoxy anti abrasion paint.


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