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1.with+n (1)

1.1做状语,修饰动词,表伴随错误多 (1)

1.2作定语,修饰句子主语表伴随全正确 (2)

2.with独立主格结构: (2)

2.1作状语,修饰动词正误参半 (3)

2.2 做定语,表伴随状态或修饰错误多 (4)

3.固定搭配 (7)




OG12-84 Often visible as smog, ozone is formed in the atmosphere when hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides, two major pollutants emitted by automobiles, react with sunlight.

OG12-90 Although early soap operas were first aired on evening radio in the 1920s, they were moved to the daytime hours in the 1930s when the evening schedule became crowded with comedians and variety shows.


OG12-19 The Iroquois were primarily planters, but supplementing their cultivation of maize, squash, and beans with fishing and hunting. (D)

(A) but supplementing

(B) and had supplemented

(C) and even though they supplemented

(D) although they supplemented

(E) but with supplementing

E虽然but表示出转折和对比含义,但是but前面是完整的句子,后面是with+n+with+n and n的混乱表达

OG12-68 The fi rst trenches that were cut into a 500-acre site at Tell Hamoukar, Syria, have yielded strong evidence for centrally administered complex societies in northern regions of the Middle East that were arising simultaneously with b ut independently of the more celebrated city-states of southern Mesopotamia, in what is now southern Iraq.(E)

(B) that were cut into a 500-acre site at Tell Hamoukar, Syria, yields strong evidence that centrally administered complex societies in northern regions of the Middle East were arising simultaneously with but also

(C) having been cut into a 500-acre site at Tell Hamoukar, Syria, have yielded strong evidence that centrally administered complex societies in northern regions of the Middle East were arising simultaneously but

(D) cut into a 500-acre site at Tell Hamoukar, Syria, yields strong evidence of centrally administered complex societies in northern regions of the Middle East arising simultaneously but also

(E) cut into a 500-acre site at Tell Hamoukar, Syria, have yielded strong evidence that centrally administered complex societies in northern regions of the Middle East arose simultaneously with but

OG12-130 One view of the economy contends that a large drop in oil prices should eventually lead to lowering interest rates, as well as lowering fears about inflation, a rally in stocks and bonds, and a weakening of the dollar.(B) (A) lowering interest rates, as well as lowering fears about inflation,

(B) a lowering of interest rates and of fears about inflation,

(C) a lowering of interest rates, along with fears about inflation,

(D) interest rates being lowered, along with fears about inflation,

(E) interest rates and fears about inflation being lowered, with

C中的along with表现不出平行结构,而with+n表现不出平行

大全二—158. Although accounting for only 5 percent of the world’s population, United States citizens consume 28 percent of its nonrenewable resources, drive more than one-third of its automobiles, and use 21 times more water per capita than Europeans do.错选:with。错因:没有比较结构,不清晰

大全942 although accounting for only 5 percent of the world’s population, United States citizens consume 28 percent of its nonrenewable resources, drive more than one-third of its automobiles, and use 21 times more water per capita than Europeans do. 错选:with 表现不出因果关系



OG12-5. Diabetes, together with its serious complications, ranks as the nation’s third leading cause of death, surpassed only by heart disease and cancer.

OG12-6 In late 1997, the chambers inside the pyramid of the Pharaoh Menkaure at Giza were closed to visitors for cleaning and repair because moisture exhaled by tourists had raised the humidity within them to such levels that salt from the stone was crystallizing and fungus was growing on the walls.

OG12-30/大全二—39 For members of the seventeenth-century Ashanti nation in Africa, animal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment, protecting warriors against enemy arrows and spears. OG12-55 Many house builders offer rent-to-buy programs that enable a family with insufficient savings for a conventional down payment to move into new housing and to apply part of the rent to a purchase later.

OG12-67 Affording strategic proximity to the Strait of Gibraltar, Morocco was also of interest to the French throughout the first half of the twentieth century because they assumed that without it their grip on Algeria would never be secure.(注意指代上文只能用without it,不用that)

OG12-111 Construction of the Roman Colosseum, which was offi cially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, and was completed a decade later, during the reign of Titus, who opened the Colosseum with a one-hundred-day cycle of religious pageants, gladiatorial games, and spectacles.

OG12-112/大全二—50 A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500; an adult with such vision would be deemed legally blind.

OG12-121 Sales of wines declined in the late 1980s, but they began to grow again after the 1991 report that linked moderate consumption of alcohol, and particularly of red wine, with a reduced risk of heart disease.





With+n+(ing…,ing…and ing…)






OG12-23 Once designed with its weight concentrated in a metal center, the discus used in track competition is now lined with lead around the perimeter, thereby improving stability in fl ight and resulting in longer throws.位于句中,表达动作的方式

OG12-2/大全二—25 The end of the eighteenth century saw the emergence of prize-stock breeding, with individual bulls and cows receiving awards, fetching unprecedented prices, and exciting enormous interest whenever they were put on show. With+n+(ing…,ing…and ing…) 位于句末,表达动作的伴随同时,伴随结果

OG12-98 Even though Clovis points, spear points with longitudinal grooves chipped onto their faces, have been found all over North America, they are named for the New Mexico site where they were fi rst discovered in 1932. 表伴随

OG12-117 George Sand (Aurore Lucile Dupin) was one of the first European writers to consider the rural poor legitimate subjects for literature and to portray them with sympathy and respect in her novels.表伴随

大全二—104. The diet of the ordinary Greek in classical times was largely vegetarian—vegetables, fresh cheese, oatmeal, and meal cakes, with meat as a rarity.表伴随

大全二—113. Visitors to the park have often looked up into the leafy canopy and seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, with arms and legs hanging like socks on a clothesline. With表伴随此处优于whose从句,累赘

大全二—86OG-40. The average weekly wage nearly doubled in the 1970’s, rising from $114 to $220, yet the average worker ended the decade with a decrease in purchasing power表伴随


OG12-25 Based on accounts of various ancient writers, scholars have painted a sketchy picture of the activities of an all-female cult that, perhaps as early as the sixth century B.C., worshipped a goddess known in Latin as Bona Dea, “the good goddess.” (E)

(A) Based on accounts of various ancient writers,

(B) Basing it on various ancient writers’ accounts,

(C) With accounts of various ancient writers used or a basis,

(D) By the accounts of various ancient writers they used,

(E) Using accounts of various ancient writers,


OG12-31 Unlike the conviction held by many of her colleagues that genes were relatively simple and static, Barbara McClintock adhered to her own more complicated ideas about how genes might operate, and in 1983, at the age of 81, was awarded a Nobel Prize for her discovery that the genes in corn are capable of moving from one chromosomal site to another.(D )

(A) Unlike the conviction held by many of her colleagues that genes were

(B) Although many of her colleagues were of the conviction of genes being

(C) Contrary to many of her colleagues being convinced that genes were

(D) Even though many of her colleagues were convinced that genes were

(E) Even with many of her colleagues convinced of

genes being 此处with+n+ed 本来应该修饰句子主语,但是放在句首修饰显得累赘。With引导让步状语从句没有even though好用

大全二—16 Unlike a typical automobile loan, which requires a fifteen to twenty-percent down payment, a lease-loan does not require the buyer to make an initial deposit on the new vehicle.

错选:with lease-loan buying there is no requirement of 错因:不平行,unlike…, which…, with +n+ doing+从句

大全二—58 William H. Johnson’s artistic debt to Scandinavia is evident in paintings that range from sensitive portraits of citizens in his wife’s Dani sh home, Kerteminde, to awe-inspiring views of fjords and mountain peaks in the western and northern regions of Norway.错选:with 错因:破坏平行,不地道

大全二—78 The root systems of most flowering perennials either become too crowded, resulting in loss of vigor, or spread too far outward, producing a bare center. 错选:with the result of…

大全二—93. It is well known in the supermarket industry that how items are placed on shelves and how frequently the inventory turns over can be crucial to profits. 错选:the frequency with which the inventory turns over is often 单复不一致,破坏平行

2.2 做定语,修饰名词


OG12-95/大全二—205 The peaks of a mountain range, acting like rocks in a streambed, produce ripples in the air flowing over them; the resulting flow pattern, with crests and troughs that remain stationary although the air that forms them is moving rapidly, is moving rapidly, are known as “standing waves.”

大全二—40 In metalwork one advantage of adhesive-bonding over spot-welding is that the contact, and hence the bonding, is effected continuously over a broad surface rather than at a series of regularly spaced points with no bonding in between.

大全二—85 Out of America’s fascination with all things antique has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that is bringing back the chaise lounge, the overstuffed sofa, and the claw-footed bathtub. Has修饰a market


OG12-33 Because an oversupply of computer chips has sent prices plunging, the manufacturer has announced that it will cut production by closing its factories for two days a month.(A)

(A) Because an oversupply of computer chips has sent prices plunging,

(B) Because of plunging prices for computer chips, which is due to an oversupply,

(C) Because computer chip prices have been sent plunging, which resulted from an oversupply,

(D) Due to plunging computer chip prices from an oversupply,

(E) Due to an oversupply, with the result that computer chip prices have been sent plunging,

With+n+that…,此处作为插入语修饰oversupply,显得累赘,有with+n+that的用法。但是due to用法错误

OG12-43 Laos has a land area about the same as Great Britain but only four million in population, where many are members of hill tribes ensconced in the virtually inaccessible mountain valleys of the north.(E)

(A) about the same as Great Britain but only four million in population, where many

(B) of about the same size as Great Britain is, but in Laos there is a population of only four million, and many

(C) that is about the same size as Gr eat Britain’s land area, but in Laos with a population of only four million people, many of them

(D) comparable to the size of Great Britain, but only four million in population, and many

(E) comparable to that of Great Britain but a population of only four million people, many of whom


OG12-50 According to some analysts, the gains in the stock market reflect growing confidence that the economy will avoid the recession that many had feared earlier in the year and instead come in for a “soft landing,” followed by a gradual increase in business activity. (A)

(A) that the economy will avoid the recession that many had feared earlier in the year and instead come

(B) in the economy to avoid the recession, what many feared earlier in the year, rather to come

(C) in the economy’s ability to avoid the recession, something earlier in the year many had feared, and instead to come

(D) in the economy to avoid the recession many were fearing earlier in the year, and rather to come

(E) that the economy will avoid the recession that was feared earlier this year by many, with it instead coming E中with+n+doing结构修饰confidence,没办法表现跟that从句的平行

OG12-63 The yield of natural gas from Norway’s Troll gas fi eld is expected to increase annually until the year 2005 and then to stabilize at six billion cubic feet a day, which will allow such an extraction rate at least for 50 years’ production.(B)

(A) 2005 and then to stabilize at six billion cubic feet a day, which will allow such an extraction rate at least for

(B) 2005 and then to stabilize at six billion cubic feet a day, an extraction rate that will allow at least

(C) 2005 and then stabilizing at six billion cubic feet a day, with such an extraction rate at the least allowing

(D) 2005, then stabilizing at six billion cubic feet a day, allowing such an extraction rate for at least

(E) 2005, then stabilizing at six billion cubic feet a day, which will allow such an extraction rate for at least

C中with+n+doing结构没办法表示应有的时态,而且修饰对象不明显,应该修饰six billion cubic feet a day

OG12-86 The results of the company’s cost-cutting measures are evident in its profi ts, which increased 5 percent during the fi rst 3 months of this year after it fell over the last two years.(C)

(A) which increased 5 percent during the fi rst 3 months of this year after it fell

(B) which had increased 5 percent during the fi rst 3 months of this year after it had fallen

(C) which have increased 5 percent during the fi rst 3 months of this year after falling

(D) with a 5 percent increase during the fi rst 3 months of this year after falling

(E) with a 5 percent increase during the fi rst 3 months of this year after having fallen

E with+n+介宾修饰主句宾语PROFITS,没有显示出来时态,没有which从句完整。显示不出原句中时间顺序

OG12-91 Nobody knows exactly how many languages there are in the world, partly because of the diffi culty of distinguishing between a language and the sublanguages or dialects within it, but those who have tried to count typically have found about fi ve thousand. (A)

(A) and the sublanguages or dialects within it, but those who have tried to count typically have found

(B) and the sublanguages or dialects within them, with those who have tried counting typically fi nding

(C) and the sublanguages or dialects within it, but those who have tried counting it typically fi nd

(D) or the sublanguages or dialects within them, but those who tried to count them typically found

(E) or the sublanguages or dialects within them, with those who have tried to count typically fi nding


OG12-102 As rainfall began to decrease in the Southwest about the middle of the twelfth century, most of the Monument Valley Anasazi abandoned their homes to join other clans whose access to water was less limited.(A)

(A) whose access to water was less limited

(B) where there was access to water that was less limited

(C) where they had less limited water access

(D) with less limitations on water access

(E) having less limitations to water access


OG12-116 Mauritius was a British colony for almost 200 years, excepting for the domains of administration and teaching, the English language was never really spoken on the island.(C)

(A) excepting for

(B) except in

(C) but except in

(D) but excepting for

(E) with the exception of


OG12-124 Found throughout Central and South America, sloths hang from trees by long rubbery limbs and sleep 15 hours a day, moving infrequently enough that two species of algae grow on its coat and between its toes.(D)

(A) sloths hang from trees by long rubbery limbs and sleep 15 hours a day, moving infrequently enough

(B) sloths hang from trees by long rubbery limbs, they sleep 15 hours a day, and with such infrequent movements

(C) sloths use their long rubbery limbs to hang from trees, sleep 15 hours a day, and move so infrequently

(D) the sloth hangs from trees by its long rubbery limbs, sleeping 15 hours a day and moving so infrequently

(E) the sloth hangs from trees by its long rubbery limbs, sleeps 15 hours a day, and it moves infrequently enough

B中的with +n+that结构修饰sloth累赘,动词优先,而且不平行

OG12-128 Australian embryologists have found evidence that suggests that the elephant is descended from an aquatic animal, and its trunk originally evolving as a kind of snorkel.(D)

(A) that suggests that the elephant is descended from an aquatic animal, and its trunk originally evolving

(B) that has suggested the elephant descended from an aquatic animal, its trunk originally evolving

(C) suggesting that the elephant had descended from an aquatic animal with its trunk originally evolved

(D) to suggest that the elephant had descended from an aquatic animal and its trunk originally evolved

(E) to suggest that the elephant is descended from an aquatic animal and that its trunk originally evolved


OG12-129/大全二—192 Cajuns speak a dialect brought to southern Louisiana by the 4,000 Acadians who migrated there in 1755; their language is basically seventeenth-century French to which has been added English, Spanish, and Italian words.(C)

(A) to which has been added English, Spanish, and Italian words

(B) added to which is English, Spanish, and Italian words

(C) to which English, Spanish, and Italian words have been added

(D) with English, Spanish, and Italian words having been added to it

(E) and, in addition, English, Spanish, and Italian words are added


大全二—11 Using accounts of various ancient writers, scholars have painted a sketchy picture of the activities of an all-female cult that, perhaps as early as the sixth century B.C., worshipped a goddess known in Latin as Bona Dea,



OG12-14 Sunspots, vortices of gas associated with strong electromagnetic activity, are visible as dark spots on the surface of the Sun but have never been sighted on the Sun’s poles or equator.

OG12-35 Along with the drop in producer prices announced yesterday, the strong retail sales figures released today seem to indicate that the economy, although growing slowly, is not nearing a recession.

OG12-73Combining enormous physical strength with higher intelligence, the Neanderthals appear to have been equipped to face any obstacle the environment could put in their path, but their relatively sudden disappearance during the Paleolithic era indicates that an inability to adapt to some environmental change led to their extinction OG12-105 In her book illustrations, which she carefully coordinated with her narratives, Beatrix Potter capitalized on her keen observation and love of the natural world.

OG12-106 Marconi conceived of the radio as a tool for private conversation that could substitute for the telephone; instead, it has become precisely the opposite, a tool for communicating with a large, public audience.

OG12-133 Last week local shrimpers held a news conference to take some credit for the resurgence of the rare Kemp’s ridley turtle, sayin g that their compliance with laws requiring turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets is protecting adult sea turtles.

大全二—24The first decision for most tenants living in a building undergoing conversion to cooperative ownership is whether to sign a no-buy pledge with the other tenants.

大全二—25 Scientists have observed large concentrations of heavy-metal deposits in the upper twenty centimeters of sediments from the Baltic Sea, findings consistent with the growth of industrial activity in the area

大全二—67 Congress is debating a bill requiring certain employers to provide workers with unpaid leave so that they can care for sick or newborn children.

大全二—79 George Sand (Aurore Lucile Dupin) was one of the first European writers to consider the rural poor legitimate subjects for literature and to portray them with sympathy and respect in her novels.

大全二—111 Egyptians are credited with having pioneered embalming methods as long ago as 2650 B.C.(固搭)

大全二—226. Pablo Picasso, the late Spanish painter,credited African art with having had a strong influence on his work.

错选出现:不能使用as contract with,可用in contrast with x,y; in contrast to x,y; unlike x,y OG12-20 不能用between x with y,要用the rivalry between x and y或者the rivalry x and y OG12-44/96

OG12-131 Over 75 percent of the energy produced in France derives from nuclear power, while in Germany it is just over 33 percent.(C)

(A) while in Germany it is just over 33 percent

(B) compared to Germany, which uses just over 33 percent

(C) whereas nuclear power accounts for just over 33 percent of the energy produced in Germany

(D) whereas just over 33 percent of the energy comes from nuclear power in Germany

(E) compared with the energy from nuclear power in Germany, where it is just over 33 percent

这里用compared with累赘,不如whereas简洁

OG12-135 Spanning more than 50 years, Friedrich Müller began his career in an unpromising apprenticeship as a Sanskrit scholar and culminated in virtually every honor that European governments and learned societies could bestow.(B)

(A) Müller began his career in an unpromising apprenticeship as

(B) Müller’s career began in an unpromising apprenticeship as

(C) Müller’s career began with the unpromising apprenticeship of being

(D) Müller had begun his career with the unpromising apprenticeship of being

(E) the career of Müller has begun with an unpromising apprenticeship of

朗文:固定搭配begin at/with sth begin by doing

BC主语正确,但是C中of being累赘。

大全二—91. Like many self-taught artists, Perle Hessing did not begin to paint until she was well into middle age.错选:Just as with 累赘
