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go 的词组总结

go 的词组总结
go 的词组总结

go 的词组总结

1. go about (doing) sth. 忙于做某事,开始/着手做某事(tackle)

go about 四处走动,旅行;(消息等)流传;(疾病等)流行…

e.g. I must go about my business.

e.g. The tourists went about London freely.

e.g. The rumour is going about that Mary and John are getting married.

2. go after sb. 跟在某人身后,追赶某人;追求某人

go after sth. 谋求某事

e.g. We’re both going after the same job.

3. go against sb./sth. 对某人不利;反对某人或某事;与…相背

e.g. His thinking goes against all logic.

4. go ahead 走在前面;发生,进行;开始干

e.g. The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned.

e.g. The government intends to go ahead with its tax cutting plans. (go ahead with sth. 开始干某事,实施)

5. go along 沿着;进展;继续

go along with sb./sth. 和某人观点一致;赞同某事

e.g. I don’t go along with her on this matter.

6. go around/round 转圈;够分给每个人;习惯于; (消息)传开

go ar ound/round to …访问,参观

e.g. There’s a rumour going around/about that… (有消息说…;谣传…)

7. go away 离开,走开;外出;消失

e.g. I’m going away on business.

e.g. The smell hasn’t gone away.

8. go back 相识;返回,回到;回忆起;追溯到

go back on sth. 违约,食言

go back to (doing) sth. 重新开始干某事,重操旧业

e.g. Dave and I go back twenty years.

e.g. Let me just go back to the point I was making.

e.g. He never goes back on his word.

e.g. She decided to go back to teaching.

9. go beyond 超过,超出

e.g. That’s going beyond a joke.

10. go by 流逝,逝去

go by sth. 遵循,以某事判断

e.g. Things will get better as time goes by.

e.g. If past experience is anything to go by, they will be late.


We can’t looks only.

This year’s sales figures all our expectations.

His family the 16th. century.

11. go down 倒下;下降,下跌;下沉;(食物、饮料)被吞下或喝下

go down (in…) 被记在…上,载入…

go down (with sb.) 被(某人)接受

e.g. A glass of wine would go down very nicely.

e.g. He will go down in history as a great statesman.

e.g. The sugg estion didn’t go down very well with her boss.

12. go for sb./sth. 适用于…; 被…所吸引,喜欢

go for sth. 努力争取某事

13. go in for 参加(考试、竞赛等);对…有兴趣

14. go into sth. (交通工具)猛烈撞上某物;加入某组织,从事某职业;


go into (doing) sth. (时间、精力等)投入某事

e.g. go into the Army/the Church

e.g. The car went into a tree.

e.g. We need to go into the question of costs.

e.g. More government money needs to go into the project.

15. go off 离开(去做某事);开火,爆炸;发出响声;



e.g. I’ve gone of f bear.

e.g. The meeting went off well.

e.g. The heating goes off at night.


Three ships in the storm.

I’d like to a more advanced examination if I can. The police are the murder case.

16. go on 上场,出场;开始运行;发生;继续(go on with sth.)

go on to do sth. (完成某件事情后)接着做另一件事

go on to sth. 接着开始另一个项目

go on doing sth. 不停做某事

e.g. What’s going on?

e.g. Suddenly all the lights went on.

e.g. Let’s go on to the next item on the agenda.

17. go out 外出;播出;(新闻或消息)发布,公布;


go out of … (品质或情感)在…中不复存在

e.g. All the fight seemed to go out of him.

18. go over sth. 仔细检查,反复研究;复习;穿过,越过,走过去

e.g. He went over and shook hands with his guests.

19. go through 仔细检查,研究;经历,遭受;(法律等正式)通过

e.g. The deal did not go through.

e.g. I always start the day by going through my email.

20. go up 上升;被建造;被烧毁;(欢呼声等)响起


She her lines before the first night of the play.

The new law has .

The country has too many wars.

New houses are all over the countryside.

You can’t working all night without a rest.

The fire has .

After explaining the operation theory, he show us how to do it.


go这个词 go after追求;追逐 go ahead继续下去;开始 go along with赞成;支持;随行 We’ll go along with your suggestion. go around / round足够分配;绕…而行;传播 There aren't enough computers for the whole grade of students to go round. 计算机不够整个年级学生用的。 Is there food to go round? 食物够分配的吗? If there are not enough chairs to go round, some people will have to stand. There are a lot of colds going round. go back on违背诺言 Don't go back on your word. 可别说了不算数啊! Go back on a promise go by时间过去;经过;遵守 A car went by. 2 years went by. You can't go by what the children say. 你不能照孩子们说的去做。 To go by the rules. Don’t go by that old map. go down下降;下沉;下跌 Meat and eggs are going down in price. 肉蛋的价格正在下跌。 The grain crop has gone down this year. 今年的粮食作物产量下降了。 go for去;选择;想要;攻击(用语言) My wife went for me because I was late for dinner. When you offer him sweets he goes for the biggest one. They went for each other in the papers. 他们在报上互相指责。 to go for a job 求职 go in for从事,爱好;参加(竞赛,考试) I go in for the examination next year. His brother doesn't go in for sports. 他弟弟没有参加运动的习惯。 Young people should never simply go in for material comforts. 年青人永远也不应一味地追求物质享受。 go into研究;调查;从事 The police are going into the murder case. To go into business/politics


形容总结的词语 1、“以...为XX”:为基础、为核心、为根本、为重点、为举措、为载体、为保障、为契机、为总揽、为抓手、为目标、为动力、为依托、为突破、为目的、为关键、为先导、为宗旨、为支撑、为指导、为导向、为方向、为驱动、为主体、为补充、为标准、为主线、为主题。 2、三字“为”:为立足点、为出发点、为切入点、突破口、为落脚点、闪光点、结合点、根本点、增长点、着力点、动力点、关键点。 3、三字“于”:立足于、着眼于、贯穿于、 4、“渐进类”词语:日益、日趋、日惭、日臻、不断、逐步、稳步、深化、深入、推进、推动、促进、 5、“建立类及程度类”词语:探索、实行、建立、健全、构建、打造、争创、创建、规范、完善、创新、强化、加大、加强、加快、加速、加紧、严格、突出。 6、“四导”:宣传倡导、服务指导、示范引导、监管督导。 7、“新XXX”:新机制、新路子、新模式、新环境、新载体、新途径、新突破、新优势、新方向、新跨越、新发展、新趋势、新期待、新局面、新格局、新成就、新变化、新面貌、 8、吹响集结号、齐奏交响乐、共谱和谐曲。 9、念好联字经、架起连心桥、铺就致富路、奏响和谐曲。 10、组合类:探索新路子、创新新模式、实现新突破、推动新跨越、促进新发展、

11、建立工作新机制、明确发展新方向、拓展增收新途径、积聚建设新优势、探索试点新路子。 12、启示类:两字类:是前提、是基础、是关键、是核心、是保证。四字类:前提条件、基础保证、关键环节、核心所在、有效举措、重要手段、有效载体、 13、时期类:关键时期、重要时期、攻坚时期、 14、重要类:重要源泉、重要支撑、重要因素、重要阶段、重要力量、重点途径 15、战略机遇期、发展加速期、结构转型期、攻坚爬坡期 【机关公文常用词句大全】 本[大全]旨在使”爬格子”的微友在遣词造句时可少搜肠刮肚,在写作公文时可免绞尽脑汁,在领悟机关文风和完成写作任务的同时收获更多的东东。值得精读,值得珍藏。版权所有,翻印不究。 常用之”新”: 新水平、新境界、新举措、新发展、新突破、新成绩、新成效、新方法、新成果、新形势、新要求、新期待、新关系、新体制、新机制、新知识、新本领、新进展、新实践、新风貌、新事物、新高度。 常用之”性”: 重要性,紧迫性,自觉性、主动性、坚定性、民族性、时代性、实践性、针对性、全局性、前瞻性、战略性、积极性、创造性、长期性、复杂性、艰巨性、可讲性、鼓动性、计划性、敏锐性、有效性”。


常用介词短语总结 一、近义介词短语辨析 1. 表示原因(通常在句中作状语) 1) because of:表示实际原因(表达一种较强的因果关系) 2) on account of:常用来引述逻辑、理性和事实因素 3) out of + 抽象名词:常用来引述心理、情感因素,如out of one’s own will(出于自愿) 4) owing / due to:着重把原因归于某事物,既可作状语又可作定语,due to还可以作后置定语,如:Mistakes due to carelessness may cause serious consequence. 由于粗心犯的错误也许会引起严重的后果。 5) thanks to:后面通常接表示积极意义的原因,意为"多亏,幸亏由于"。例句: He walked slowly because of his bad leg. 他腿不好,所以走得很慢。Michel and Billy, on account of their wide experiences in climbing, were voted leaders. 迈克尔与贝利由于有丰富的登山经验,被选为队长。

She did it out of sympathy. 她这样做是出于同情。 Most of the problems were owing/due to human errors. 大部分问题都是由于人为的错误造成的。 Thanks to your energy and intelligence, the development scheme has been finally realized. 多亏了你的精力和智慧,这项发展计划终于实现了。 2. 表示排除 1) with the exception of意义与except, except for相同,但比它们正式 2) apart from (=美式英语中的aside from)是个复合介词,既可表示"除……之外",相当于except (for), 又可以表示"除……之外,(还,也)"相当于besides。例句: They all passed the physics examination with the exception of Tom. 除汤姆外他们物理考试都及格了。 We had a smooth journey apart from(= except for) a flat tyre. 我们一路上很顺利,只是车胎漏了一次气。 Apart from(= besides) a flat tyre, we had broken brakes. 我们不但车胎漏了气,而且刹车也出了毛病。


go about 1到处走动,走来走去 2旅行 3(轮船)掉头,转向 4从事;着手做 How shall we go about the job? 我们该怎样着手做这件工作? 着手;开始 to go about cultivating the wasteland 5开始垦荒 How do you go about repairing this telex machine? 你怎样着手修理这架电传机? (= set about) go along 1进行;继续 2赞成;同意 to go along with a suggestion 赞成一项建议 3前进;进行(= get on, go on) go at 1冲向;袭击 Our dog went at the postman. 我们的狗袭击了邮递员。 In no time die they go at each other furiously. 很快地他们两人就拚命厮打起来。(= go for) 2着手做;努力去做 to go at one's studies 拼命苦读 3按低价出售 The TV set went for only 200 US dollars. 这电视机以200美元低价出售。 (= go for) go back on 1违背诺言;毁约;食言 Don't go back on your word.可别说了不算数啊! 2背叛,出卖(某人) go by 1受指导;遵照,依照 Don't go by what she says. 别听她的。Y ou can't go by what the children say.你不能照孩子们说的去做。 2按照…判断,凭…判断 to go by appearances凭外表判断 "Going by what he wears, he must have come from the south." "从他的穿着打扮来看,他准是从南方 来的。" 3go by the name of 称为;名叫;叫做 go down 1下降;下沉;坠落;降价 Meat and eggs are going down in price. 肉蛋的价格正在下跌。 The grain crop has gone down this year. 今年的粮食作物产量下降了。 2(风、火等)减弱 3消肿;漏气 This tire is going down. 这个轮胎漏气了。 4(数量、价值等)减低,下降,下跌, 没落 The neighborhood is going down. 这个地区在逐渐没落。 5被接受;受欢迎 The play went down very well with the audience. 这戏很受观众欢迎。 Their explanation won't go down with us. 他们的解释我们接受不了。 6被记得;被记录下来;永垂不朽 He will go down in history as a hero. 他将在历史上成为永垂不朽的英雄。 "July 1st, 1997 will go down in world history." 一九九七年七月一日这一天将被载入 世界历史史册。 7延续;到达(= go up) 离开大学;退学 8被推翻;被征服;被破坏 to go down in defeat 以失败告终 go far 1成功;成名 The young man will go far (in his job). 这个青年将来会有成就。 The girs is very clever and competent and will go far in her new job. "这女孩子很聪明,能干,将来在新的工 作岗位上大有前途的。" 2够分配;能满足多人需要 This drink and food won't go far for ten people. 这点饮料和食物不够十个人吃。 go for 1冲向;进攻;打击(= go at) 2抨击;责备 They went for each other in the papers. 他们在报上互相指责。 3追求 to go for a job 求职 4想获得 5喜欢;被吸引 She doesn't go for men of this type. 她不喜欢他这种类型的男人。 6对…适用;应用于 go in for 1参加(考试);应试 His brother doesn't go in for sports. 他弟弟没有参加运动的习惯。 2 酷爱;嗜好 Y oung people should never simply go in for material comforts. 年青人永远也不应一味地追求物质享 受。 go off 1爆炸;(爆竹、铃等)响 The signal pistol went off with a bang. 信号枪砰的一声响了。 2(食物等)变坏 This steak has gone off. 这牛排坏了。 3退步;质量降低;衰败 The goods sold at this shop have gone off. 这个商店出售的货物质量下降了。 4消失 The pain went off. 疼痛消失了。 5进行情况;发生 The interview went off very badly. 访问进行得极不顺利。 6睡着;失去知觉 Has the baby gone off yet? 婴儿睡着了吗? 7中断;熄灭 go off with 1 偷拿;拐走


[短语、词组归纳] 由动词开头构成的短语、词组很多。复习时应分类处理: 一、动词+介词 1.look at…瞧…, look like … 瞧上去像……, look after …照料… 2.listen to…听…… 3.welcome to…欢迎到…… 4.say hello to …向……问好 5.speak to…对……说话 此类短语相当于及物动词,其后必须带宾语,但宾语无论就是名词还就是代词,都要放在介词之后。 二、动词+副词 “动词+副词”所构成的短语义分为两类: A.动词(vt、)+副词 1.put on 穿上 2.take off脱下 3.write down记下 此类短语可以带宾语,宾语若就是名词,放在副词前后皆可;宾语若就是人称代词,只能放在副词的前面。 B.动词(vi)+副词。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/aa900005.html,e on赶快 2.get up起床 3.go home回家 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/aa900005.html,e in进来 5.sit down坐下 6.stand up起立 此类短语属于不及物动词,不可以带宾语。 三、其它类动词词组 1、close the door 2、1ook the same 3、go to work/class 4、be ill 5、have a look/seat 6、have supper 7、1ook young 8、go shopping 9、watch TV/games 10、play games [介词短语聚焦] “介词+名词/代词”所构成的短语称为介词短语。现将Unitsl-16常用的介词短语按用法进行归类。 1.in+语言/颜色/衣帽等,表示使用某种语言或穿着……。 2.in + Row/ Team/ Class/ Grade等,表示“在……排/队/班级/年级”等。 3.in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/ 表示“在上午/下午/傍晚”等一段时间。 4.in the desk/ pencil-box/bedroom 等表示“在书桌/铅笔盒/卧室里”。 5.in the tree表示“在树上(非树本身所有)”;on the tree表示“在树上(为树本身所有)”。 6.in the wall表示“在墙上(凹陷进去)”;on the wall表示“在墙上(指墙的表面)”。 7.at work(在工作)/at school(上学)/at home(在家)应注意此类短语中无the。 8.at + 时刻表示钟点。 9.like this/that表示方式,意为“像……这/那样”。 10.of短语表示所属关系。 11.behind/ beside/ near/ under+ 名词等,表示方位、处所。 12.from与to多表示方向,前者意为“从……”,后者意为“到……”。 另外,以下这些短语也必须掌握。如:on duty, after breakfast, at night, at the door, in the middle, in the sky, on one’s bike等。 [重点句型大回放] 1.I think…意为“我认为……”,就是对某人或某事的瞧法或态度的一种句型。其否定式常用I don’t think…, 2.give sth、to sb、/ give sb、sth、意为“把……给……”,动词give之后可接双宾语,可用这两种句型;若指物的宾语就是人称代词时,则只能用give it/ them to sb、 3.take sb、/ sth、to…意为“把……(送)带到……”,后常接地点,也可接人。


一、选择题 1.--- Alice’s room is tidy, isn't it? ---Yes. She always _____ her toys after playing with them. A.looks for B.puts away C.sweeps away D.pays for 2.People often make a wish before candles when they celebrate birthday. A.bringing out B.laying out C.finding out D.blowing out 3.—The fire was finally____ in Jilin on June 3. Unfortunately, 119 people lost their lives. —I hope the accident like this won’t happen again. A.put down B.put away C.put out D.put up 4.He drove at such a high speed at the turning that the car almost went ______the road. A.on B.along C.from D.off 5.--All right. I’ll take it. But I tell you, it is the last time I will ______ this kind of work. ---Come on, buddy! Don’t be so serious. A.take out B.take up C.take on D.take off 6.-What do you think of this story? -It's interesting, but Miss Lin asked us to __________ a story by ourselves, not to find one on the Internet. A.make up B.look up C.listen to D.take away 7.As the road to the airport is under repair, we will have to _______ early to get there in time. A.turn off B.take off C.put off D.set off 8.—What are you doing? —I’m looking ________ the Internet for some information for my article. A.for B.at C.up D.through 9.High technology is used in EURO 2016 to the matches are fair enough in France. A.make up B.make sure C.come out D.come over 10.My cousin is heavy because he often eats fast food. A.too much;too many B.too many;too much C.much too;too much D.too much;much too 11.When you come across new words in reading, it is not a good idea to in a dictionary at once. A.make up them B.look up them C.make them up D.look them up 12.---___________ is it from here to his home? ---Not far. You can arrive on foot ______________.


Go的词组 go about处理;到处走动;流传;改变方向 go after 追逐,追求;跟随;骛 go against 违背,作对;对…不利;触犯;逆 go ahead v. 前进vt.& vi. 走在前面;先走;发生;进行go along 进行;赞同;兜风;陪伴 go along with v. 一起去,赞同,附和 go around 参观;转动;走访;相处 go around with 与…交往 go at 攻击,冲向;努力去做 go away 离开;私奔vi. (症状)消失 go back 回转;回顾;向后伸展;背叛 go back on v. 背弃 go back to v. 回去;归 go before 时间上居先 go by 时光流逝;顺便走访;判断;经过 go down 停止;被接受;沉下;被打败 go down with 染上疾病 go for 攻击;喜欢;适用于;去找某人v.适用于某人 (或某事物)vt.& vi.对某事物有兴趣,爱好go for a walk v. 散步;遛达遛达

go forward 前进;发生;被提出 go hiking 去远足 go home 回家 go in 进去;进入;开始;攻击 go in for 从事;参加;喜欢;支持 go into 进入;从事;进入(某种状态);调查 go off 离开;消失;变差;开火 go off with v. 拿去,抢走 go on 发生;进行;过去;向前走 go on doing sth 继续做某事 go on strike 开始罢工[课] go out 被发出;结束;走出;熄灭 go out for 竞选成为:努力成为其中一员 go out for a walk 出去散步 go over 翻;转为;留下印象;搁置起来vt. 重温 go round 到处走动;参观;转动;走访 go through (法律、合同等正式)通过;用完;检查;完成go through with v. 完成,把…进行到底 go to v. 转到,定位;上;奔赴;赴 go to bat for <俚>支持,为…辩护 go towards 走向 go under 沉没;沉落;失败;破产


语法—短语 一、短语:由词和词构成的语言单位。词是按一定的结构关系组合 成短语的。七种类型:并列短语、偏正短语、动宾短语、补 充短语、主谓短语、的字短语、介宾短语。 二、各种短语结构情况: 1、并列短语——并列组合而成的短语。 特点:前后是平等的并列关系,没有轻重之分。 分析:两个(或两个以上)词必须是同类词,三种情况:名(代)+名(代)(如工农兵、我和老师)、动+动(欢呼跳跃)、形+ 形(宽敞明亮)。 2、偏正短语——起修饰限制作用的词和它后面的中心语组成的短语。 特点:前后不是并列关系,后面的词是中心语,前面的词修饰、限制中心语。 分析:五种情况:名+名(如技术资料)、形+名(代)(美丽的花朵——此种情况较多)、形+动(快速地跑)、副+形(特别 漂亮)、数量词+名(三朵花)。 3、动宾短语——动宾结构关系的短语。 特点:前面的词是动词,后面的词是被支配的对象(宾语)。 分析:动+名(代)(注:动作一定能作用在名词身上)如:洗衣服。 4、补充短语——由动词或形容词充当中心语,后面带有补充成分 的短语。 特点:前面的词是中心语(动词或形容词),后面的词是补充说明中心语的。 分析:两种情况:动+形(如:了解清楚)、形+副(美丽极了)。 另有两种特殊情况:动+介+名(如:跑到城里)、动+数+ 量(如:吃了三碗)。 5、主谓短语——由两部分组成,前面的部分表示陈述的对象(主 语),后面的部分表示陈述的内容(谓语)。 分析:两种情况:名(代)+动(风云变幻)、名(代)+形(如:空气清新)。 6、的字短语:两种情况:动容词+的(漂亮的)动词+的(卖报的) 7、介宾短语:介词+其它词(被大风;对于敌人的挑衅)


必备英语【初中英语】常见动词短语最全总结 一、动词 1.My father wants me to doing my homework as soon as I get home. A. stand for B. win the heart of C. stay in touch with D. get into the habit of 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:我的父亲希望我养成一到家就做家庭作业的习惯.stand for代表;win the heart of赢得…的心;stay in touch with与…保持联络;get into the habit of养成…的习惯.get into the habit of doing sth养成做某事的习惯.根据句意可知选D 【点评】考查动词短语辨析。 2.This pair of shoes hand,and it very comfortable. A. is made with; is felt B. are made from; is felt C. are made of; feels D. is made by; feels 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:这双鞋是由手工制作的,它摸起来很舒服。be made by hand,手工制作。feel为系动词,表“摸起来”,不能用被动语态,主语为it,feel要用三单形式feels。故选D。 【点评】本题考查短语辨析和系动词辨析。掌握be made by hand手工制作,注意feel做系动词时无被动语态。 3.— I hope you can stick with your dream no matter what happens. —Thank you. I will never give it up. A. continue with B. keep in touch with C. agree with 【答案】 A 【解析】【答案】A 【分析】句意—无论发生什么,我希望你能坚持你的梦想。—谢谢你。我不会放弃的。continue with”继续;坚持“;keep in touch with”保持联系“;agree with”同意“。可知选A。【点评】考查动词词组的辨析 4.— Jack, don't forget your homework. It __________ today. — OK, I will finish it on time. A. should finish B. should be finished C. can't finish D. can't be finished 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:Jack,不要忘了你的作业。今天它应该被完成。should:应该,后跟动词原形。it代指作业,和finish是动宾关系,因此要用被动结构be finished, can't:不


Go的词组 - about处理;到处走动;流传;改变方向 - after追逐,追求;跟随;骛 - against违背,作对;对…不利;触犯;逆- ahead前进;走在前面;先走;发生;进行- along进行;赞同;兜风;陪伴 - along with一起去,赞同,附和 - around参观;转动;走访;相处 - around with与…交往 - at攻击,冲向;努力去做 - away离开;私奔;(症状)消失 - back回转;回顾;向后伸展;背叛 - back on背弃 - back to回去;归 - before时间上居先

- by时光流逝;顺便走访;判断;经过 - down停止;被接受;沉下;被打败 - down with染上疾病 - for攻击;喜欢;适用于;去找sb.;适用于sb./sth. ;对sth.有兴趣,爱好 - for a walk散步;遛达遛达 - forward前进;发生;被提出 - hiking去远足 - home回家 - in进去;进入;开始;攻击 - in for从事;参加;喜欢;支持 - into进入;从事;进入(某种状态);调查- off离开;消失;变差;开火 - off with拿去,抢走 - on发生;进行;过去;向前走

- on doing 继续做某事 - on strike开始罢工(课) - out被发出;结束;走出;熄灭 - out for竞选成为:努力成为其中一员 - out for a walk出去散步 - over翻;转为;留下印象;搁置起来;重温- round到处走动;参观;转动;走访 - through(法律、合同等正式)通过;用完;检查;完成 - through with完成,把…进行到底 - to转到,定位;上;奔赴;赴 - to bat for<俚>支持,为…辩护 - towards走向 - under沉没;沉落;失败;破产 - up上升;响起;(幕布)升起;破产


初中英语知识总结-短语、词组和重点句型归纳 [ 短语、词组归纳 ] 由动词开头构成的短语、词组很多。复习时应分类处理: 一、动词+介词 1 .look at…看look like 看上去像……,look after …照料… 2listen to…听…… 3welcome to…欢迎到…… 4say hello to …向……问好 5speak to…对……说话 此类短语相当于及物动词,其后必须带宾语,但宾语无论是名词还是代词,都要放在介词之后。 二、动词+副词 “动词+副词”所构成的短语义分为两类: A.动词(vt.)+副词 1 . put on 穿上 2 . take off 脱下 3 . write down 记下 此类短语可以带宾语, 宾语若是名词,

放在副词前后皆可;宾语若是人称代词,只能放在副词的 前面。 B .动词( vi ) + 副词。 1 . com e on 赶快 2 . get up 起床 3 . go home 回家 4 . com e in 进来 5 . sit down 坐下 6 . stand up 起立

此类短语属于不及物动词,不可以带宾语。 三、其它类动词词组 1.close the door 2.1ook the sam e 3.go to work/class 4.be ill 5.have a look/seat 6.have supper 7.1ook young 8.go shopping 9.watch TV/gams 10. play games [ 介词短语聚焦 ] “介词 + 名词 / 代词”所构成的短语称为介词短语。现将Unitsl-16 常用的介词短语按用法进行 归类。 1in+ 语言 / 颜色 / 衣帽等,表示使用某种语言或穿着……。 2 . in + Row/ Team / Class/ Grade 等,表示“在……排 / 队 / 班级 / 年级”等。 3



2010高考二轮复习英语教案 专题五动词和动词短语 【专题要点】动词和动词短语是英语中最灵活、最难掌握的词,其主要考点概览如下: 1.实义动词sell, write, wash, wear等词的主动形式后跟副词表示被动意义; 2.happen, occur, break out, come out, belong to等词为不及物动词或短语,无被动形式; 3.同义、近义或结构近似的动词或短语动词的辨析; 4.由get, turn, break ,take, set, come等动词构成的动词短语;5.have和get常见的用法; 6.appear, seem和look的用法与区别。 【考纲要求】动词和动词短语,在历年高考题中所占比例最大,设题时往往都是给出四个不同的动词或短语来测试考生在具体语境中对动词短语意义的理解和运用能力。主要出现在单项选择及完形填空中,考纲要求在复习备考中要掌握以下几个方面: 1.动词的词义; 2.动词搭配; 3.动词短语; 4.及物动词和不及物动词的特殊用法; 5.常用动词的用法; 6.熟记16个高频动词构成的短语用法(break, bring, call, come, cut, give, go, get, hold, look, make, put, set, take, turn, set等) 【教法指引】考查动词词义辨析和动词短语辨析是高考命题的基本形式,教师在引导学生复习备考中,要把握考纲要求,重点突出,找出易混点,重点词、词组,高频词、词组,正确辨析动词的同义词、近义词,动词短语的相近形式和意义,引导学生理解句意、语境通过辨析、理解语境,在训练中掌握这项考点。【知识网络】动词和动词短语 一、动词的分类 根据意义和句法作用,英语动词可分为四类: 1.行为动词(实义动词) ①及物动词(带宾语):study, develop; ②不及物动词(不带宾语)work, swim, go, come ③状态动词(相对静止)contain, exist, own, prefer, belong ④动作动词延续性(work, stay);非延续性(marry, go, come)


与go有关的短语 与介词的搭配 如果你理解介词的含义,下面大多说的短语都是很容易理解的。然而,我们也将详细介绍一些其他的的搭配。 Go ahead前进,进行 Go on继续 Go in进来 Go back回来 1.Go up there 去那里 We use this collocation when we are talking about another place we will go visit that is in a direction above where we are。 当我们谈论我们要去的目的地时我们会使用这样的短语,这些短语可以为我们指示方向。 I haven’t been to New York yet,but I am planning to go up there next spring。 我还没有去过纽约但是我打算明年春天去那里。 Your bag is upstairs;I will go up there and get it for you。 你的包在楼上,我上去给你拿。 2.Go down there 去那里 We use this collocation when we are talking about another place we will go that is in a direction below where we are。 当说到另一个地方,而这个地方又在我们所处位置之下时我们会使用这个词。 I like the weather in Florida during the winter;I think I will go down there this year。 我喜欢冬天弗洛里达的天气,今年冬天我就去那里。 I can hear my cell phone ringing downstairs,can you go down there and get it for me? 我的电话在楼下响了,你能下去帮我拿一下嘛?

初中英语知识总结--短语、词组和重点句型归纳 同义词辨析

初中英语知识总结--短语、词组和重点句型归纳同义词辨析 话题:动词从句教育学习 同义词辨析 1.either…or, neither…nor 和both…andeither…or, neither…nor 和both…and 都是并列连词词组。either…or 和neither…nor 连接两个主语时,谓语动词在人称和数上必须与后面的主语保持一致;both…and 连接两个主语时,谓语动词必须用复数。either…or 意为“或者……或者”、“要么……要么”;neither…nor 意为“既不……也不”;both…and 意为“两者都”。There were either too big or too small.他们要么太大了,要么太小了。Either you or I am right.要么你对,要么我对。Neither you nor he has been there.你和他都没去过那里。Both John and Ann have got pen-friends.约翰和安都有笔友。He speaks both English and French.他讲英语和法语。2.make sure, be sure(1)make sure 意为“确保;确信;查明”,后面常接宾语从句及由of 引起的短语。Make sure (that)he comes at once.一定叫他马上来。You’d better make sure of time.你最好查明时间。Make sure of it before you

start out.出发前查明这件事。(2)be sure 意为“肯定;确定”,be sure 后可跟不定式或“疑问词+不定式”,构成be sure to do, be not sure whether to do 结构,要注意“疑问词+不定式”一般用在否定句中。be sure 后还可跟从句,肯定句后跟that 从句,否定句后跟if /whether 从句。He is sure to come.他肯定会来。I’m not sure whether to go there/when to leave.我不确定是否要去哪儿/何时离开。I’m sure that I can run faster than you.我确定自己比你跑得快。I’m not sure whether they can finish the job on time.我不确定他们是否能及时完成工程。Be sure to come to our party if you have time.如果有时间的话一定要来参加我们的聚会。Be sure to finish it as soon as possible.请务必尽快完成。https://www.wendangku.net/doc/aa900005.html,te,lately,later,latest(1)late可作形容词或副词,意为“迟(的);晚(的)”。He often comes late for school.他上学常迟到。They were late for the film.他们看电影迟到了。(2)lately 是副词,意为“最近;近来”相当于recently,常与现在完成时连用。I haven’t heard from him lately.我最近没收到他的来信。(3)later为late的比较级,意为“较迟的(地)”。另外,还可用作副词,意为“后来”。He goes home later than anybody .他回家比谁都晚。See you later .回头见。(4)latest为late的最高级,意为“最迟的(地)”;也相当于newest,意为“最新的”。I go to bed latest in the family.我是家里睡觉最迟的。Here is the latest news from abroad.下面是来自


工作总结,常用词语 篇一:写工作报告、总结材料常用语句 写工作报告、总结材料常用语句 以~~为(主题、手段、保证、导向、主线、指针、标准、龙头、目标、中心、核心、依托、支持、支撑、重点、载体、先导、导向、牵引、依据、纽带、桥梁、契机、出发点、立足点、介入点、切入点、根本点、关键点、结合点、支撑点、着力点、突破口) 突出~个重点;掌握~个标准;完善~项制度;做好~个结合;坚定~项宗旨;盯住~个目标;提高~种能力;叫响~个口号;落实~点要求;养成~种风气;发挥~个作用;围绕~的中心;树立~种观念;解决~个难点;选准~的主题;提倡~种精神;落实~项制度;搞好~项研究;掌握~种方法;强化~种意识;制定~项措施;把好~个关口;履行~道手续;区分~个阶段; 在思想感情上,要体现一个“爱”字;在自身形象上,要树立一个“正”字;在工作方法上,要突出一个“细”字;在工作作风上,要坚持一个“实”字;在领导力量上,要形成一个“合”字。 了解情况到一线,检查督促到一线,解决问题到一线,服务保障到一线。

想干事,在端正思想上下功夫;勤想事,在学习思考上下功夫;会办事,在作风养成上下功夫;干实事,在提高能力上下功夫;能装事,在自身要求上下功夫;善记事,在积累素材上下功夫。 请示工作有方案,汇报工作有依据,贯彻上级指示有措施,指导基层有力度。 主管工作勇唱主角不推诿,中心工作积极参与不旁观,日常工作诚心 支持不设卡,重大工作紧密配合不拆台,边缘工作主动承担不扯皮。 互相补台,好戏连台;互相拆台,一起垮台。 加强学习,树立勤奋求和的风气;积极探索,树立争先创优的风气;顾全大局,树立服从全局的风气;遵章守纪,树立严于律己的风气;求真务实,树立真抓实干的风气;注重团结,树立团结奋进的风气。 用新的视角分析认识问题,用新的思路筹划指导建设,用新的办法研究解决问题。 忙于事务不思创新,安于现状不愿创新,怕担风险不敢创新。 落后的思想观念,陈旧的思维方式,片面的工作方法。 解放思想、实事求是的科学态度;与时俱进、开拓创


常用动词短语整理1. break break down出毛病,拆开 break off暂停,中断 2. call call up打电话 call out大喊,高叫 3. come come down下跌,落,降,传下来 come in进来 come out出版,结果是 come on 快点加油 come over走过来 come up with 提出主意想法 come back回来 come from来自,源自 come true 实现 4. cut cut down砍倒,削减 cut up连根拔除,切碎 5. die die of死于(疾病,饥饿,寒冷,情感原因)die from死于(外界原因)

fall behind落后 fall down掉下,跌倒 fall into 落入;陷入 fall off 从。。。掉下 fall asleep 睡着 7. go go along沿着。。。。走 go over复习,检查 go by时间过去 go on(with)继续进行 go out外出 go off发出响声 8. get get down下来,记下,使沮丧 get on进展,进步,穿上,上车 get off脱下,下车 get over克服,从疾病中恢复 get along with进展,相处 get up起床 get into (trouble) 陷入困境中get back取回,收回 get out of 从哪出来 get to 到达。。。 get married to 与某人结婚 get together 聚集

give away赠送 give out分发, give up放弃 give sb a hand 给予某人帮助10. hand hand in交上,提交 hand out分发 hold on to…继续,坚持 hold up举起,使停顿 hold on别挂电话,等,坚持 12. keep keep up with跟上 keep out 不使。。。进入 keep(stay)away from 远离 keep on继续,坚持下来 knock at/on敲 knock into撞到某人身上
