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Each student will move at a different pace through these lessons. Some may complete a lesson during one tutoring session, while others may need two or more sessions. Keep track of student progress by placing a check in the box next to the part of the lesson you complete each day and write the date next to the box.


Book: In and Out,

Word Cards, Picture Cards

q Preview the Book

Give the student a copy of the book. Read the title. Look at the pictures on the front and back covers.Ask: What animals do you see on the front cover? What are the dogs doing on the back cover?

q Book Walk

Go through the book page by page talking about the pictures. After going through the book, ask the student to tell you what he/she thinks the book is about. Tell the student that both of you will be reading the book together over the next few days.Point to the following words on page 3: The ___

go ___. Point out that this phrase repeats throughout the book. Have the student read the words in the phrase with you as you point to each word.

q Introduce the Vocabulary

Using the Word and Picture Cards, take time to go over words the student will read in the book. Focus on the story critical words: cat, cow, dog, in, out, pig. Also pay special attention to the high frequency words go and the , which have no picture support. Read each word, then ask the student to read it. Next, ask the student to read a word that you point to and find the Picture Card that matches, if applicable. Briefly discuss the meaning of each word and encourage the student to use it in an oral sentence. Provide an example to the student, if necessary. Continue until all words are reviewed.If needed, review all words on the Word Cards.


Book: In and Out,

Word Cards, Picture Cards

q Vocabulary Review Game

Concentration: Word/Picture

Read each word on the Word Cards with the student. Spread the cards with words face down on one side of the table, and the cards with pictures on the other side. Have the student turn over a card from each side. If the cards match and the student identifies them as matching he/she gets to keep the cards. If the cards do not match, the student turns the cards back over. At the end of the game, read all the cards that have no matches with the student: go, in, mud, out, the.

q Preview the Book

Reintroduce the book, In and Out. Model fluent reading by reading pages 3 and 4 with proper pauses and expression. After you read, stop and ask the following questions: What did you notice about my voice as I read? Did you hear a short pause between sentences?

q Read the Book

Have the student read pages 3–5. Encourage

him/her to read with expression and proper pauses. Continue to read the rest of the book with you reading one page and the student rereading the page. If the student struggles, you may try choral reading, or reading the text at the same time. Make a note of words missed and go over these words after the reading. Have the student answer the following questions after the page indicated: What did the dogs go out of? (p. 4) What did the cats go to? (p. 5)



Book: In and Out, paper,

pencil, crayons or markers,

Game Board, Question Cards q Model Reading

Say: I am going to read pages 6–7 twice, but each time I read I am going to read the words a different way. Tell me which way sounds best. Read the sentences in two different ways—one at a moderate speed with expression (correct) and one very slowly with no expression (incorrect). Discuss which way sounded best and why.

q Read the Book

Have the student read the book, asking the student to match your best read. If the student struggles, you can echo or choral read with him/her. Ask the following questions after the page indicated: What do the cats look like after they

go out? (p. 6)

Which characters go in after the cats go out?

(p. 7)

What do the cows get on them? (p. 8)

What animals go in after the cows? (p. 9)

Ask the student to share his/her favorite part of

the book.

q Mini-Book Activity

Help the student fold a sheet of paper in half to make a 4-page mini-book. Next, have the student write the title of the book at the top of the first page to make a cover. Then, have the student draw a picture for the cover based on what the book is about. Save the mini-book for lessons 4 and 5.

q Game (optional)

Spread the Question Cards face down on the table and have the student select a card. Read the card

to the student. If he or she answers it correctly,

he/she can move the marker on the Game Board the number of spaces indicated on the card. If the answer is wrong, place the card back onto the table and mix the cards up. Continue drawing cards until the student reaches the end of the Game Board. You can have the student roll a single die and move the spaces indicated rather than moving the number on the card.


Book: In and Out,

mini-book, pencil,

crayons or markers

q Model Reading

Read pages 8–9. Model fluent reading with proper pauses and expression.

q Read the Book

Have the student reread the book. Encourage him/her to read with proper pauses and expression. Praise good reading. Make a note of words missed and go over these words after the reading.

Ask the student to explain what the book was mostly about. The student should explain that the book is about some animals that go in a mud hole, and that the pigs liked the mud and wanted to stay in it.

q Mini-Book Activity

Review the words from the repetitive phrase highlighted in the book during the first lesson: The

___ go ____. Have the student write and illustrate

the inside left-hand page of the mini-book using

this same repetitive phrase. Encourage the student

to use different animals or places to create his or her own story.


Book: In and Out, Graphic

Organizer, mini-book, pencil,

crayons/markers, Quick Check q Graphic Organizer

Hand out the Graphic Organizer. Read and explain how to complete the Graphic Organizer by following the directions on the page. When finished, have the student use the Graphic Organizer to retell the story. q Mini-Book Activity

Use the remaining time to have the student complete the mini-book activity by writing and illustrating the remaining pages.

q Quick Check (optional)

Have the student complete the Quick Check. When he or she is finished, review the answers with the student. Help the student find the correct answer

in the book for any missed.



In and Out (A)

In and Out (A)

In and Out (A)In and Out (A)

Multi-Session Comprehension Multi-Session Comprehension

Multi-Session Comprehension Multi-Session Comprehension


LeveL Multi-Session Comprehension Game Board In and Out


In and Out

Quick Check

Name ___________________________________ Date _____________

Instructions: Sit next to the student and read the first question as you run your finger under the words. Ask the 1 W hat is this book mostly about?


Animals can move in

b Animals like mud

and out of some things. and getting dirty.2 W hat happens at the end of the story?


T he cows go b The pigs play

in the mud.

in the mud.

3 W hich animals are noT in the story?


c ows b

d ucks

5 W hich picture shows a dog ?



4 W hy aren’t the cats happy after they go in the mud?


They are dirty from b They are hungry.

the mud.

Quick Check Answer Sheet In and Out Main Comprehension Skill: Identify Character, Setting and Plot

Instructions:Sit next to the student and read the first question as you run your finger under the words. Ask the
