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当前位置:文档库 › 云南省剑川县沙溪中学2013-2014学年八年级下学期第一次月考英语试题(无答案)




( )21. —_____________________?

—I have a bad cold.

A. what are you doing?

B. how are you?

C. what’s is ?

D. what happened to you?

( )22.—I have a stomachache.

—You should _________.

A. see a dentist

B. exercise

C. lie down and rest

D. eat an apple ( )23. —You should drink hot tea_____honey.

A. have

B. has

C. with

D. for

( )24. Thank you______Looking after us so well.

A. for

B. on

C. in

D. at

( )25. Li Ming expects her parents _______him.

A. to see

B. seeing

C. see

D. sees

( )26. Tom always walks to school,____all the way.

A. sings

B. sing

C. sang

D. singing

( )27. Sam,_____your temperature.

A. take

B. takes

C. ook

D. taking

( )28. Bill got hit_____head.

A. on

B. in

C. on the

D. at

( )29.because of the heavy rain,ours school has to put off _______the sports meeting.

A. having

B. have

C. to have

D. to having

( )30—How is your grandma?

—She is fine. she used to_____TV at home after super. But now she is used to _____out for a walk.

A. watch ;go

B. watching; go

C. watching; going

D. watch; going ( )31.Grace kept on______,although she was ill.

A. work

B. to work

C. working

D. worked

( )32.The boy eats _______meat,so he is ______heavy.

A. much too; too much

B. much too ;much too

C. too much; too much

D. too much; much too

( )33.Did you agree______a part for him?

A. having

B. to have

C. have

D. had

( )34.Linda volunteers_______old people do some washing.

A. help

B. to help

C. helping

D. to helping

( )35.Lucy looks unhappy today. Let’s give her this present___________.

A.to cheer up her

B. to cheer her up

C. cheer up her

D. cheer her up

第二节、完形填空。从每题所给的答案中选择正确的那一个完成短文。(10分)Hello.I am a surfer.My name is Bethany Hamilton.from a young age ,I was

interested in surfing.As a surfer,I am used to taking risks.I think this is one of the __36_____things about doing dangerous sports.

But once I ___37__lost my life .On October 31,2003,I was surfing with my friends when a Shark__38___close to me .Just then ,I found__39___in a very dangerous situation. Before I prepare to run away, the Shark got my left___40___.Then I tried my best to swim back and I didn’t care about my _41___at all. The only thing in my head was “get to the beach” and I did. But I __42___my left arm.

To everyone’s surprise, some time later I came back to the water__43___I could’t give up my dream of becoming a good surfer. Of course, I had to practice___44___than before. After all these years. I keep on getting better than I used to be.

I hope my story can tell people:never__45___out dream when we get into trouble.

( )36. A. difficult B. relaxing C. boring D. exciting

( )37. A. hardly B. almost C. really D. already

( )38. A. Lived B. died C. came D. stood

( )39. A. itself B. himself C. myself D. ourselves

( )40. A leg B. arm C. knee D. foot

( )41. A. hurt B. clothes C. boat D. life

( )42. A .fixed B. cut C. lost D. carried

( )43. A. because B. though C. if D. or

( )44. A. father B. harder C. higher D. worse

( )45. A. put up B. take up C. give up D. set up



-------Mandy ,12

Every weekend ,I go to an animal shelter to help. They have adoption(收养) events at pet store .I help out by talking to people about animals, feeding animals and making sure the cages() are clean .It makes me feel great when a cat or dog gets a new home.


Sometimes I do things for my neighbors and ask them to give me some money or clothes. Then I can give these to the unlucky people.


I hope volunteering. Last week ,I cleaned up the houses for people who could not do it themselves. I also made gifts for many women on Mother’s Day. And I will help the older people cook dinner next week. I love the feeling I get when the people smile and I know I made a difference in their life.


I volunteer at an after-school reading program. I help young children to learn how to read. My favorite part of it is seeing a little child feel excited when he or she learns a new word.

------Victoria ,12

I often walk dogs at an animal shelter(收容所) near ours house. When they see

me ,they look so happy, because they know they will get to go outside, play with me and get lots of love from me.


()46.Mandy works as a volunteer at a primary school.

()47 Lucas’s job is feeding animals.

()48.Linda asks her neighbors to gibe her money or clothes because she is poor. ()49.Megan will go to an animal shelter next week.

()50.Victoria is a volunteer to help young kids.


Nature Nurtures Farm plans to organize some charity activities in this summer. It hopes to teach young people about charity. The farm wants to get about 30,000 dollars thought these activities .They will use the money to improve the public water system in the city. Here is the information about these activities.

Farm Festival

Time: July 18th,9 am--4 pm

Place: Nature Nurtures Farm

Admission:10 dollars for anyone 5 or older

Other: you can enjoy music ,feed farm animals, visit the fruit garden and take pictures.


Art show

Time: July 18th,2 pm--5 pm

Place: State Capital Museum

Admission: Free

Other:67 works of art will be here. You can buy any one of them, The money will go to the city public water system.


Mentoring program

Time: August 7th,10 am--3 pm

Place: Nature Nurtures Farm

Admission: Free

Other: Teens aged from 7 to 18 can join the program. Children with problems in helping others can get help from this program.



()51.why does Nature Nurtures Farm plan to organize some charity activities?

A. To make visitors have fun

B. To help young people know about farm

C. To help young people learn about charity

D. to listen to advice on the public water system

( ) 52There are _____charity activities in this summer.

A. two

B. three

C. four

D. five

( ) 53.The underlined word” Admission” means_______in Chinese.




D.入场费( ) 54.If Miss Jackson is free on the afternoon of July 18th,she can go to the ______.

A. Farm Festival

B. Art show

C. Nature Nurtures Farm

D. Mentoring program

( ) 55.Who can join the Mentoring Program?

A. Lisa ,5 years old

B.Tim,6 years old

C. Bob, 12 years old

D.Jane,19 years old


Do you have new classmates this term? How do you like them?___56__In fact a great first impression() starts with a good introduction. Here are some advices on how to make a good self-introduction;

1.Stand up, smile and look at the other person in the eyes.___57___.

2.Tell others your full name and don’t forget to listen for theirs. Use their names in your response.__58___.

3.Make small talk. Both of you and your new friend may be interested in the same thing, such as school, music or art.__59___Ask “who”, “what”, “where”, or “when”questions. If your new friend asks you a question, don’t answer it with only a yes or a no.

4.__60___Try something like “I enjoyed talking with you. I hope I see you at school on Monday,”These words make your new friend feel she or he is special.


A.Then talk about it.

B.That help you remember it

C.These show your respect() for others

D.Did they leave you a good first impression

E. Alays finish your introduction with some nice words

56.______ 57.______ 58._______ 59.________ 60._________



66.Scott agreed (have ) the party tomorrow.

67.Amy, these (knife) are for all of you. You can use them.

68.What is your (feel) about the matter?

69.She got a feeling of (satisfy) when she succeeded in her work.

70.Ann often goes to school without (have) breakfast .


71.You should for a teeth cleaning,(看牙医)

72.We are (进行一次旅行) next month.

73.Sally has (几个)friends in China.

74.My grandpa lives(单独)

75.Let’s (张贴)some notices.


以I volunteer to __________为题写一篇文章,字数60词左右。

I volunteer to


初中英语八年级上册 全册

新目标人教版初中英语八年级上册精品教案全册 Love me love my dog!! Wish Love to fill around the world! 教学工作计划 【一】.本学期的指导思想: 1、要面向全体学生,关注每个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,培养创新精神; 2、整体设计目标,体现灵活开放,目标设计以学生技能,语言知识,情感态度,学习策略和文化意识的发展为基础; 3、突出学生主体,尊重个体差异; 4、采用活动途径,倡导体验参与,即采用任务型的教学模式,让学生在老师的指导下通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功; 5、注重过程评价,促进学生发展,建立能激励学生学习兴趣和自主学习能力发展的评价体系。 总之,让学生在使用英语中学习英语,让学生成为Good User 而不仅仅是Learner。让英语成为学生学习生活中最实用的工具而非累赘,让他们在使用和学习英语的过程中,体味到轻松和成功的快乐,而不是无尽的担忧和恐惧。 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢49

【二】.所教班级学生基本情况分析: 本届八年级学生的英语基础方面还很薄弱,经过上学期我们两位英语老师的不懈努力,年段学生的基础知识得到了加强,学习态度也有所好转。但是学生整体的惰性还是很强,自觉性很差。 另外,学生在情感态度,学习策略方面还存在诸多需要进一步解决的问题。例如:很多学生不能明确学习英语的目的,没有真正认识到学习英语的目的在于交流;有些同学在学习中缺乏小组合作意识;大多数同学没有养成良好的学习习惯,不能做好课前预习课后复习,学习没有计划性和策略性;不善于发现和总结语言规律,不注意知识的巩固和积累。 【三】奋斗目标: 钻研新课标,提高教学水平,真正做到教学相长,努力达到学校规定的教学指标。 【四】具体措施: 1. 每天背诵课文中的对话。目的:要求学生背诵并默写,培养语感。 2. 每天记5个生词,2个常用句子或习语。实施:利用“互测及教师抽查”及时检查,保证效果并坚持下去。 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢49


2019年八年级下学期英语第一次阶段检测试卷C卷 一、听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。( (共5题;共5分) 1. (1分)Where does Lily's pen friend come from? A . China. B . Brazil. C . America. 2. (1分)Where is the department store? A . On the left. B . On Center Street. C . Between the bank and the post office. 3. (1分)What's Andy's favorite music? A . Pop music. B . Electronic music. C . Quiet music. 4. (1分)Where was Mark this time yesterday? A . At home B . In the street. C . On the playground 5. (1分)How is the weather tonight? A . Cloudy. B . Rainy. C . Snowy. 二、听对话,回答问题。(10分) (共2题;共10分) 6. (4分)听对话,回答问题。 (1)How long has Lucy worked in the restaurant? A . For three weeks. B . For two weeks. C . For a month, (2)What did Lucy use to do during summer vacations?


---by Lemon Teaching aims: 1.要求学生掌握一般将来时的用法、结构及句式变化。 Teaching points: 1. 一般将来时结构在实际题目中的运用。 2.使学生能够理解Will, be going to, there will be. Teaching aids: 心理测试纸、练习题 Teaching steps: 1. Greeting: T: what’s the weather like today? Ss: it’s…. T: what’s the weather like tomorrow? \Will it be sunny?(看黑板上的图片)T引导Ss说出: It will be sunny tomorrow. 2. Roll-call 3. Warm –up 做一份心理测试 在做之前,T可以先问大家一个问题,渲染气氛。 T:What do you think you will be? T引导Ss说出:I will be a …. 每人一张测试纸,2分钟做好,T公布答案,让学生找出相应的职业, 并表达I will be a …. 4. Structure ①由warm-up引出一般将来时。 T问Ss:What will you be? T引导Ss说出答案I will be a teacher. She will be a teacher. … I will be a engineer. He will be a engineer. … I will be a doctor. They will be a doctor. … T边说边写出板书 看以上句子,总结如下:


人教版八年级上册英语第一次月考试卷 姓名成绩 笔试部分(100) I.【基础检测】(10) *根据句意和首字母或汉语提示写单词! 1). My grandfather has n_______ much to do in the evening, so he always goes to bed early. 2).John got ________(无聊的)and he left the cinema early. 3).Lily had a w___________ time at the party yesterday. 4).The small village is famous for its _____________(瀑布). 5).They often surf the __________(互联网) on weekends. 6).—What kind of dance are you learning? -- __________(摇摆) dance. 7). I went to many cities last year, s______ as Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. 8). Most students like to talk with friends o________. 9).Do you know the r_______ of your math exam? 10).Lina visited lots of ____________(博物馆)in British last summer. II.单项选择(15) ( )21.–Where ____ you go _____ your trip last month? -- I went to the beach . A.did, on B. did, in C. do, at D. do, for ( )22. Do you want to go _____ in winter? A. to somewhere warm B. somewhere warm C. to anywhere warm D. anywhere warm ( )23. I called you yesterday, but _____ answered me. A. no B. no one C. anyone D. someone ( )24. She is here ____ me. A. because B. because of C. although D. though ( )25. It’s windy and cold outside, so we decided _____ outside. A. to go B. not go C. not to go D. don’t go


Unit 1Where did you go on vacation? 教学课题第一课时Section A(1a-2d ) 【知识目标】 Important words:anyone,anywhere,wonderful,few,most Important phrases:quite a few,on vacation,anything interesting Important sentences: 1.Where did you/he/she/they go on vacation? 教学目标 2.Did you/he/she/they go to Central Park? 【能力目标】 能用目标语言谈论过去发生的事件。 【情感目标】 通过听力训练、角色扮演等方式, 学会与他人分享经历,并提高学生的英语听说能力。 重点 :动词一般过去时态的应用。 教学重难点 难点 :动词过去式的变化规则。 教学过程 ◆Step 1Leading in 1.Guess:Get Ss to guess what the teacher did on vacation: Where did I go on vacation? What did I do on vacation? 2.Free talk:Guide Ss to talk about their own vacation. How was your summer vacation? Where did you go on vacation? ③D id you do anything special/great? ④D id you go anywhere interesting/beautiful...? ⑤D id you meet anyone interesting? 设计意 图通过情境设计, 从学生身边的问题导入新课, 减少难度 , 从而调动了学生参与课堂教学活动的热 情 , 提高学生的学习积极性。 ◆Step 2合作探究 出示一些假期活动的图片(见课件 ),根据问题进行互动交流学习。 ◆Step 31a Match the activities with the pictures.(见课件 ) ◆Step 4 Pair work Make conversations about the people in the picture.(1c) ◆Step 5 Listening 1b 1.Students read the names and guess their activities.(结合 1a中的短语) 2.Listen to the tape and number the people in the picture [1-5]. 3.Check the answers.(见课件 )


系统复习资料 八年级上册英语课文原文 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 2d Rick:Hi,Helen、Long time no see、 Helen:Hi,Rick、Yes,I was on vacation last month、 Rick:Oh,did you go anywhere interesting? Helen:Yes,I went to Guizhou with my family、 Rick:Wow!Did you see H uangguoshu Waterfall? Helen:Yes,I did、It was wonderful!We took quite a few photos there、What about you?Did you do anything special last month? Rick:Not really、I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax、, Section B 2b Did Jane have a good time on Monday?What about on Tuesday? Monday,July 15th I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family、It was sunny and hot,so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel、My sister and I tried paragliding、I felt like I was a bird、It was so exciting!For lunch,we had something very special-Malaysian yellow noodles、They were delicious!In the afternoon,we rode bicycles to Georgetown、There are a lot of new buildings now,but many of the old buildings are still there、In We ld Quay,a really old place in Georgetown,we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago、I wonder what life was like here in the past、I really enjoyed walking around the town、 Tuesday,July 16th What a difference a day makes!My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today、We wanted to walk up to the top,but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train、We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people、When we got to the top,it was raining really hard、We didn't have an umbrella so we were wet and cold、It was terrible!And because of the bad weather,we couldn't see anything below、My f ather didn't bring enough money,so we only had one bowl of fish and rice、I was so hungry!But it tasted great!, Unit 2 How often do you exercise? Section A 2d Jack:Hi,Claire,are you free next week? Claire:Hmm、、、next week is quite full for me,Jack、 Jack:Really?How e? Claire:I have dance and piano lessons、 Jack:What kind of dance are you learning?


八年级英语第一次月考试卷 总分120分 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(每题2分,共10分) 1、I think Tom has a f______,let me take his temperature. 2、To my ________(惊讶),the man is a thief. 3、Could you_____(借) me your dictionary. 4、What does the word “situation ” m______. 5、There are many______(home) people after the earthquake. 二、单项选择(每题1分,共15分) 1、-what ’s_____matter with you . -I have______toothache. A a;the B the;/ C /;a D the;a 2、You look too tired. Why not ______a rest. A stop to have B to stop having C stop having 3、Can you remember this park? We ____ here. ------sure but now I _____ in that swimming pool. A are used to take a walk;am used to swim. B are used to taking a walk;am used to swimming. C used to take a walk; used to swim. D used to take a walk; am used to swimming. 4、Could you please turn off the TV? -_____, I _____.I want to watch the sports news. A No ,couldn ’t B Sorry, can ’t C Sure ,can D Sorry , couldn ’t 5、Mom ,what would you like ,coffee or tea ? ______, just water,please. A Either B Both C Neither D in order to 6、It ’s important_____ a foreign language. A. of us to learn B. for us to learn C. of us learning D. for us learning 7、 I don ’t understand ____ believe him. A why don ’t you B. why you not C. why you don ’t D. why not you 8、 It ’s necessary ______ us to keep our pets clean everyday. A. of B. for C. with D. Between 9、 Would you like________ the environment? --- I don ’t know. What can I do? A 、help save B. helping save C. to help saving D. to help save 10、—______ go to the park tomorrow? —Good idea. A. How about B. Why do you C. Why not D. What about 11、I don ’t think_______possible to work out all the maths problems. A its B. that C. this D. It 12、Tom is ________ boy now. A. a 11-years-old B. a 11-year-old C. an 1l-years-old D. an 11-year-old 13、 I think____ important to learn English well. A. this B. that C. it D. you are 14、 —How do you like this dress? —It ’s beautiful, and it fits me well. _______ I like it very much.


Module 1 How to learn English 第1单元 内容详解 1. Welcome back, everyone.欢迎大家回到学校。 welcome v. 欢迎 welcome sb. to + 地点欢迎某人到某地 Welcome you to our school.欢迎你到我们学校来。 Welcome home! 欢迎回家!(home为副词,所以前面不用to) welcome n.欢迎,迎接 a warm welcome 热情欢迎 a cold welcome 冷遇 2. Now because it's a new term, I'm going to give you some advice. 新学期开始之际,我想给大家提几点建议。 advice意为“建议,意见”,是不可数名词。表示“一条建议”用a piece of advice, 表示“一些建议”用some advice。 I'll give you some advice on how to look after your pet dog. 我将给你一些怎样照顾你的宠物狗的建议。 [搭配] — give sb. some advice / give some advice to sb. 给某人提一些建议 ask for advice 征求意见 follow / take sb.’ s advice 接受某人的建议 7. 拓展 advise是动词,意为“建议”,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,也可用于advise sb. (not) to do sth.结构,意为“建议某人(不要)做某事”。 She advised us to wait (for) one more day. 她建议我们再等一天。 3. Why don't you write it down? 你们为何不把它记下来呢? (1)Why don't you do…?是英语中一个重要的句型,意为“你(们)为什么不做事呢?”,多用来向对方提出建议。该句型还可简化为“Why not do…?”。 Why don't you read newspapers in English? = Why not read newspapers English? 你为什么不读英文报纸呢? 中考链接 一Look! It's raining heavily. ______ take a raincoat with you? —Well, I'll take one right now. A. Why not B. Why don't C. Would you mind D. Would you like 解析:四个选项都是提建议的句型,但后跟的动词形式不一样:Why not + 动词原形…?Why don't you + 动词原形?Would you mind doing…?Would you like to do...?所以只能选A。答案:A (2)write down意为“写下,记下”,其同义短语为put down。其宾语若是名词,放在down 前后均可;若是代词作宾语,须放在down之前。 Please write down these new words in your notebook.


人教版初中八年级上册英语语法汇总 1) leave的用法 1.“leave+地点”表示“离开某地”。例如 When did you leave Shanghai? 你什么时候离开上海的 2.“leave for+地点”表示“动身去某地”。例如 Next Friday, Alice is leaving for London. 下周五爱丽斯要去伦敦了。 3.“leave+地点+for+地点”表示“离开某地去某地”。例如 Why are you leaving Shanghai for Beijing? 你为什么要离开上海去北京 2) 情态 动词should“应该”学会使用 should作为情态动词用常常表示意外、惊奇、不能理解等有“竟会”的意思例如How should I know? 我怎么知道 Why should you be so late today? 你今天为什么来得这么晚 should有时表示应当做或发生的事例如 We should help each other. 我们应当互相帮助。 我们在使用时要注意以下几点 1. 用于表示“应该”或“不应该”的概念。此时常指长辈教导或责备晚辈。例如 You should be here with clean hands. 你应该把手洗干净了再来。 2. 用于提出意见劝导别人。例如 You should go to the doctor if you feel ill. 如果你感觉不舒服你最好去看医生。 3. 用于表示可能性。should的这一用法是考试中常常出现的考点之一。例如 We should arrive by supper time. 我们在晚饭前就能到了。 She should be here any moment. 她随时都可能来。 3) What...? 与Which...? 1. what 与which 都是疑问代词都可以指人或事物但是what仅用来询问职业。如 What is your father? 你父亲是干什么的 该句相当于What does your father do? What is your father's job? Which 指代的是特定范围内的某一个人。如 ---Which is Peter? 哪个是皮特 ---The boy behind Mary. 玛丽背后的那个男孩。 2. What...?是泛指所指的事物没有范围的限制而Which...?是特指所指的事物有 范围的限制。如 What color do you like best? 所有颜色 你最喜爱什么颜色 Which color do you like best, blue, green or yellow? 有特定的范围


十四中八年级第一次月考 英语试卷 听力部分20分 一. 听短对话,选择正确的答案。句子读两遍。(5x1=5分) ( ) 1. Sally has to _______ every day. A. play the guitar B. play the piano C. play soccer ( ) 2. What ’s wrong with the man? A. He has a cold. B. He has a fever C. He has a headache. ( ) 3. What should the man do? A. Drink more water B. See a dentist C. See a doctor ( ) 4 What ’s wrong with the man? A. He has sore eyes B. He is tired C. He can ’t sleep well ( ) 5. Linda would like ________ A. some bread B. a glass of water C. a glass of milk 二. 听长对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(5x1=5分) 听第一段对话,回答1和2两小题。 ( ) 1. How many hours does John sleep? A.8 B.9 C.10. ( ) 2. How often does John exercise? A. Every morning B. Never C. Once a week 听第二段对话,回答3, 4和5三小题。 ( ) 3.What ’s Emily ’s favorite drink? A. Milk B. Coffee. C. Water ( ) 4.Who thinks milk is good for health? A. Emily B. Emily ’s father C. Emily ’s mother ( ) 5.How often does Emily drink milk? A. Every day. B. Every week C. Three times a day. 三. 听短文填空。短文读两遍。(5x2=10分) There are 50 students in Class1, Grade 7 at Guangming Middle School. Every day they get to school in different ways.__1__ students ride their bicycles because they like riding bicycles very much. 13 students __2__ .They think walking is good for their __3__ and they live near the school. __4__ students take buses because buses aren ’t expensive. Only 2 students take the __5__because they live very far from school. 笔试部分100分 一. 单项选择(15分) ( )1 Do you often exercise, Tom? No, _____ I don ’t like it at all.. A. often B. sometimes C. never D. always ( )2 Here _____ Jim ’s books. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )3 There are many_____ between the two pictures. A. different B. differents C. difference D. differences ( )4 Mom wants me ______ English every morning. A. to read B. reading C. read D. reads ( )5 Lucy ’s father is ill . She has to _______her father at home. A. look at B. look after C. look for D. look like ( ) 6. I ______ at that school a year ago. A. study B. to study C. studying D. studied ( )7 What ’s the matter ______ you? A. with B. in C. at D. for ( )8 —— What ’s she doing for vacation? ——She ’s _____ Beijing. A. visit B. visits C. visiting D. is visiting ( )9. Maria planned to study Japanese this term, but at last she decided ______ Chinese. A. in B. on C. to D. with ( )10 Please call me when you ______ home. A. get back B. get to C. get up D. get on ( )11 Don’t eat ______ Sichuan food, It ’s _____ hot. A. too much; too much B. too much; much too C. much too; too much D. much too; much too ( )12.My mother usually goes shopping ____ Sunday morning. A. on B. in C. at D. by 姓名: 班级: 考号:


人教版八年级英语第一次月考试卷 一、单项选择 1. -What about ________ out for a walk? A. go B. going C. went D. to go 2. Did your father go ______? A. somewhere interesting B. anywhere interesting C. interesting somewhere D. interesting anywhere 3. I felt ______ when I finished the exam. A. relaxing B. relaxed C. exciting D. terrible 4. -Do you enjoy travelling by air? - No, it’s ______ expensive. A. too much B. too many C. many too D. much too 5. He tried to ______ who broke the window. A. look for B. find C. find out D. look at 6. He hardly takes ______, so the doctor asks him to do some running and morning ______. A. exercises; exercises B. exercise; exercise C. exercises; exercise D. exercise; exercises 7. He usually does his homework at home, but _____ he does it as school. A. sometimes B. some time C. some times D. sometime 8. What ______ he usually do ______ weekends? A. does; in B. do; in C. does; on D. do; on 9. He studies ______ at Japanese, but he can still _____ speak it. A. hard; hard B. hardly; hard C. hard; hardly D. hardly; hardly 10. Lucy isn’t at home. ______ she’s at school. A. May B. May be C. Maybe D. Can 11.There are ______ two hundred people in the hall. A. for less B. at least C. for least D. at less 12. -______ does Kitty dance every day? -Two hours. A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How many 13. -______ do you go shopping online? A. How many times B. How often C. When D. How much 14. _______ it is rainy today, _______ he still works outside. A. Although; but B. But; although C. /; although D. Although; / 15. Do you know the answer ______ the question? A. of B. to C. about D. for 16. –How do you learn English? - _____ watching English movies. A. In B. On C. With D. By 17. He was afraid ______ alone at night. A. goes out B. to go out C. going out D. of go out 18. Children have got _____ things than they had before. A. more B. many C. much D. most 19. -This computer is really cheap. -The ______, the better. I need money, you know. A. cheapest B. cheap C. cheaper D. more cheaper


Unit 1 How often do you exercise ? 第一课时 一、教学目标: 1、目标语言 重点词汇:1,want somebody to do 2. be good for 3.pretty healthy 4.my eating habit 4.try to do 5.two or three times a week 6. help somebody < to> do 7.look after my health 8.get good grades 9.study better 10.the same as 11. kind of unhealthy 重点句型:-含有以上词组的11句子。 综合能力:能阅读介绍饮食习惯方面的文章 2、情感渗透 学会养成良好的生活习惯和饮食习惯,从而合理安排自己的各项 工作,享受丰富多彩的校园生活。 二、教学准备: 教师准备:1,设计课后巩固练习的幻灯片,2部分有关事务的幻灯片3录音机和磁带。 学生准备收集自己和他人生活习惯的信息:查找更多食物的英语名称。 预习导航:: 1、听单词录音,熟记Section A的新单词,并制作单图片。 2、完成1a,列出图中物品的英语单词,并识记新单词。 3、读1a、1c中的对话,区别My name’s Jenny.和I’m Jenny. 4、找出并区别I you my your his her。 三、教学过程: 1. 预习导学或自测 1) 很少/几乎不曾_______________ 2) surf the lnternet _______________ 3) 大部分学生__________________ 4) as for ________________________ 5) 一周两次_______________________ 6) be good for ________________________ 7) 照顾___________________________ 8) eating habits ______________________ 9) 六到八次_______________________


八年级上册重点句型语法点背诵: U1T1 1,I often saw you play basketball during the summer holidays. (see sb do sth, see sb doing sth,during) 我经常看见你在暑假期间打篮球 2,we are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday.(be going to do sth, against) 我们和三班将要在星期天举行一场篮球对抗赛 3,I hope our team will win.(will 后接动词原形) 我希望我们队获胜 4,Would you like to come and cheer us on ?(cheer sb on) 你愿意来为我们加油吗? 5,which sport do you prefer ,swimming or rowing ?-----I prefer rowing.(prefer 加doing) 游泳和划船,你更喜欢哪种运动,我更喜欢划船 6,quite a lot 经常 7,Do you know anything about him?(anything about) 你知道任何有关于他的事情吗? 8,He played for this job.(play for) 他做这份工作 9.What are you going to be when you grow up.----I want to be a scientist.(grow up) 你长大后想做什么? 10,She goes cycling twice a week.(go cycling, twice a day) 她一周骑两次自行车 11,She spend half an hour exercising in the gym every day.(spend 时间/金钱in doing sth/on sth) 她每天花费半个小时在俱乐部锻炼 12,she plays it very well. 她打得很好 13,She is also good at long jump.(be good at ,be good for) 她也擅长于跳远 14,There is going to be a school sports meet tomorrow.(there is going to be) 明天将会有一场校运会。 15,She is going to take part in the high jump and the long jump.(take pard in ,be in, join in ,join) 她打算参加跳远和跳高 16,how often,how long , 多久一次(问频率);多长时间(问时间长短) 17,It makes him strong.(make sb adj)

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