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语言焦虑对英语学习者的影响与对策 【摘要】语言焦虑是影响中小学生外语学习效果的一个重要情感因素,本文分析了国内外有关外语学习焦虑的主要研究成果,并以人本主义教育心理学理论为依据,针对心理因素引起的语言焦虑进行诱因分析,探讨了克服外语学习焦虑的有效对策。 【关键词】焦虑;英语学习;对策 一、引言 20世纪60年代以来,随着人本主义心理学的兴起和发展,语言教学中的情感问题越来越受到重视。在影响语言学习的情感因素中,语言焦虑被语言学家认为是作用于外语学习的诸多情感因素中最关键的心理变量之一,所谓焦虑,是指个体由于预感不能达到某种目标或克服某种障碍的威胁而导致的一种不安、恐惧的情绪状态,表现在心理上即一种失败感、挫折感、负疚感或自我怀疑。语言焦虑是语言学习者特有的不同于其他焦虑感的一种复杂的心理现象,由语言学习教程中的独特性引起,研究表明,焦虑对中小学生的英语学习和身心健康都有很大的负面影响,因此如何克服焦虑,从而使英语学习变得更为轻松和高效,使教和学更加和谐,是每一位英语教师亟待解决的问题。 二、语言焦虑对英语学习的影响 教育心理学的研究表明,焦虑对学习的影响是一个复杂的问题,一般认为,焦虑与学习效率的关系呈倒U形曲线,即中等程度的焦虑有助于提高学习效率,过低的焦虑水平使个体不能排除情境中无关因素的干扰,过高的焦虑则使个体注意变得狭窄,注意的转移力降低,在实际的第二语言学习得中,高倾向的焦虑感是大多数学习者常常经历的一种心理状态,它抑制着对二语的习得,因此有“焦虑与语言能力之间呈现负相关”的说法。它对学生的学习成绩、水平考试成绩、口头和书面表达能力、自信心以及自尊心都有很大的负面影响,严重影响到学生的身心健康,长期焦虑有可能造成学生注意力分散、健忘、反应迟钝、学习兴趣降低甚至自信心下降,使课堂语言训练产生抑制情绪,弱化学生参与课堂活动的主体能动性,导致最终的逃避行为。 三、造成语言焦虑的因素 1、社会因素 在我国过去和现在普遍存在着恐惧英语的现象,社会上各色各类的辅导班又强化了这种恐惧英语的现象,这种恐惧会使学习者还没有开始学就感到紧张、焦虑。 2、教师因素


常用的英语口语写作50个高分句型 1. As I see it,…在我看来,…….As I see it, he is not the right person for this position. 在我看来,他不是这个职位的合适人选. 2. Am I allowed to…我可以……吗Am I allowed to introduce our new manager Mr. Anderson to all of you请允许我介绍我们的新经理安德森先生给大家,好吗 3. As matter of fact,…实际上……,…….As matter of fact,I don't agree with you.实际上,我不大同意你的看法. 4.As far as I'm concerned/…就我而言,…….As far as I'm concerned, | think we should pay more attention to the safety ofschoolchildren.就我而言,我认为我们应该更关注在校儿童的安全问题. 5.As far as I know,...据我所知,…….As far as l know,he is not coming,but l may be wrong.据我所知,他不打算来,但我或许会弄错. 6.As I just mentioned...正如我刚才提到过的,…….As I just mentioned, nobody should drop out of school unless they believe theyface the opportunity of a lifetime. And even then they should reconsider.正如我刚才提到过的,任何人都不应该辍学,除非他们相信他们面临着一生中难得的机会,尽管那样,他们还需反复思量. 7. According to…依照/根据…….According to the newspaper, it's a great movie.根据报纸说,这是一部很棒的电影.


外语听力焦虑影响因素及其应对策略 摘要外语听力焦虑对听力理解产生的负面影响已得到较多研 究证实。本文基于外语听力焦虑的相关研究,在听力焦虑影响因素的基础上探寻其应对策略,以期为我国听力教学的发展提供理论指导和实践启示。 关键词听力教学听力焦虑影响因素应对策略 foreign language listening comprehension anxiety: its influencing factors and relative coping strategies li shuqin[1], li jie[2] ([1] foreign language school of southwest university, chongqing 400715; [2] research institute of education, southwest university, chongqing 400715) abstract the negative influence of foreign language listening anxiety on listening comprehension has been verified by numerous research at home and abroad. based on the extant investigations, the present paper intends to summarize the related literatures and probe into the influencing factors that arouse listening anxiety as well as the coping strategies for alleviating students’anxiety. the purpose is to provide the theoretical instruction and

关于安全教育的英语作文:safety measures in using electrcity

关于安全教育的英语作文:safety measures in using electrcity 生命对于每个人只有一次,父母给了我们生命,我们要好好爱护,学习用电安全常识,保护自己。下面是一篇关于安全教育的英语作文。 关于安全教育的英语作文:safety measures in using electrcity Nowadays,with the development of society and the improvement of people's life,an increasing numbers of families have more and more domestic appliances ,which makes it of great importance for people to make safe use of electrcity . First of all,it's quite necessary to have the eitectrc circuit and thesocketsas well as switches examined or checked regularly,which helps prevent any possible eitectrc problems at the very root . Secondly,it is strongly suggested that one should not turn on a lot of appliances at the same this case there is greater chance of electic problems or even disasters. Thirdly,make sure that all the electricsockets should


龙源期刊网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/af1270304.html, 浅析英语学习焦虑 作者:蔺雪峰 来源:《青年与社会》2018年第16期 【摘要】本文通过对学生外语学习焦虑原因的分析,提出了应对外语听力学习焦虑的相关对策。 【关键词】高职学生;学习焦虑 随着外语教学研究的不断深入,外语教学的首要任务是“学”,其次是“教”。以“教师为主导”的教学模式正在被以“学生为中心”的教学理念所取代。随着语言教学的重点转到以学习者为中心,焦虑这一情感因素也逐渐受到教育者的重视。焦虑是人通过神经系统对紧张、忧虑、胆怯、担忧的一种主观感受。而外语学习焦虑则是由于语言学习过程中的独特性引起的,它是学习者在外语课堂学习中产生的关于学习者的自我知觉、信念、感受和行为的一种情结。本文通过高职英语课堂的焦虑现象的调查分析,指出需要改进对策。 一、研究方法 (一)调查对象 本次调查的对象是包头职业技术学院电气系217331.217232两个班共计91名学生.相对于本人教授的其它班级,这些学生英语基础更好,学习主动性更强,因此,英语学习产生的焦虑感也更突出.他们学习英语都有6-9年的时间,高考入学成绩90分以上- 8%,80-90分占13%,70-80分占41%,60-70分占28%,40-60分占10%.调查问卷是英语教师在课堂上要求他们完成的。 (二)调查方法 你认为其他同学的英语学习能力比自己强?是差不多否 你是否会在英语课堂上主动发言?是不确定否 在上课时,如果你发现听不懂老师讲的某些内容时,你们是否会焦急?是否 当课堂上被老师点名回答问题时,你是否会感到紧张?是否 如果你没有准备而又被突然要求在课堂上发言时,是否会惊慌?是无所谓否 你是否觉得上英语课比上其它课轻松?是否


1.In recent years, many young people decide to further their study abroad. Do you think the advantages of study abroad outweigh its disadvantages? 2.Some people think that examinations have some bad effects on students. Some people say they have some good effects on education. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. 3.Some people hold that we should not use animals in medical experiments. Do you agree or disagree? 4.Some people hold that advertisements should be restricted. Do you agree or disagree? 5.It is generally acknowledged that the relationship among family members is now not as close as it used to be. Give possible reasons and your recommendations. 6.Nowadays it is difficult for university graduates to find a job. Analyze the personal and social reasons and offer some solutions. 7. Many females join the army in some countries. Some people think women should not join the army. Do you agree or disagree? 8.Traffic jam is a problem in big cities. What causes the problem? Make some suggestions 1.Even though globalization affects the world’s economies in a very positive way, its negative side should not be forgotten.Discuss 2.Many people say that we have developed into a “throw-away society”, because we are filling up our environment with so many plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of. To want degree do you agree with this opinion? 3. Writes an essay considering and assessing arguments for and against the following view: As reading is important for a good education, we should encourage our children to read whatever appeals to them. 4. Some people say that governments should pay for the public health care and education, while others say that it is not the government’s responsibility. Please discuss both views and give your own opinion. 5. Some people think inviting large foreign companies to set up factories in developing countries is helpful for local economy,while others think that the foreign companies should not be allowed to build their factories in developing countries,instead,local companies should be encouraged in order to develop local economy. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 6.Individual greed and selfishness has been the basis of the modern society. Some people think that we must return to the older and more traditional values of respect for the family and the local community in order to create a better world to live in. what is your opinion? 7.As for elderly, living in caring house is better than living at home with young children. Present your argument to illustrate whether you agree or disagree. 8.Some people say that people should have different amount of holiday according to their jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree to this opinion? 9.Some people think that children of different abilities should be educated together. Other people think that it’s better to teach the intelligent children separately and with special


有关信息安全的英语作文 随着科技的发展,我们更加注意信息的安全问题。那么关于信息安全的英语作文怎么写呢?下面是给大家带来的有关信息安全的英语作文,欢迎大家阅读参考,我们一起来看看吧! 信息安全英语作文一 when a variety of problems plague the information systems, the critical importance of information security becomes the focus of peoples concern. it does deserve the unprecedented emphasis. it is widely accepted that information security, to some extent, outweighs other spheres in the field of information. so the related authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations place the high priority on it. information security concerns a range of problems- information interception, loss, damage etc. business and military information leakage will have an devastating impact. for the information owners and monitors, they must drive their efforts to enhance the security protection and maintenance. for example, a strict control over the access to the secret data shouldnt be absent. the network and software provider should take


摘要目前,大学英语教育在我国受到了很大的重视,大学生的心理因素值得进一步研究。第二语言研究发现,归因是影响第二语言学习的一个重要因素,它能对学习者的动机产生积极或消极的影响。本文是关于归因训练对大学生英语听力归因风格、英语听力焦虑和英语听力成绩关系的干预研究,探讨能否通过归因训练降低学生在英语听力中产生的焦虑,提高大学生的英语听力水平。 关键词归因训练英语听力听力焦虑 The Influence of Attributional Training on English Lis-tening Anxiety//Yang Fangqing Abstract At present,college English education is being consi-dered more important than ever before,it is very necessary to make a further survey on college students'psychological aspects. Second language research indicates that attribution is one of the important factors influencing second language learning,for it may have positive or negative influence on learners'motivat-ion.This paper is an interference study of attributional training to students'listening attributional styles,English listening anxiety and English listening achievements in college.It tries to discuss whether attributional training can reduce college students'list-ening anxiety,so as to improve their listening level. Key words attributional training;English listening;listening anxiety Author's address School of Foreign Languages,Xiangfan Univ-ersity,441053,Xiangyang,Hubei,China 1引言 归因在心理学和教育学领域已经被广泛研究。作为消极情感因素之一的焦虑,第二语言研究者越来越关注它。听力就被证明是最容易引起焦虑的教学活动(Horwitz,&Cope, 1986)。根据Scarcella&Oxford(1992)的研究,当学生感到他们听的内容很难或者对所听内容话题不熟悉时就会产生焦虑。在国内外,许多专家学者通过论证得出学生存在英语听力焦虑的结论(M acIntyre and Gardner,1989;余心乐,1999,引自杨晋,2000;周丹丹,2003)。众所周知,在近几年的大学英语教学改革中,英语听力的地位越来越凸显,尤其是对于大学英语四六级机考来说,更是重中之重。作为大学英语教师有义务认真研究学生的听力焦虑,帮助他们提高英语听力水平。本文探讨通过归因训练能否降低大学生英语听力焦虑,能否提高他们的英语听力水平。 2归因理论及归因训练 归因是个体对自己或他人的行为的原因加以解释和推测的过程(Biddle,1993)。内部原因包括能力和努力归因,外部原因包括运气和任务难度。 归因训练是改变人们对于成功失败为什么发生的原因的理解,提高动机。归因训练可以鼓励学生将失败归因于可控因素,比如努力不够或者是缺乏有效的学习策略,这样学生才有动力努力学习。归因训练的目标之一就是让学生更专注于学习任务而不是因为害怕而分散精力;其次是鼓励学生认真分析失败的原因而不是轻易放弃学习;第三个目标让学生将失败归因于努力不够而不是智力或能力不强。3研究方法 被试是某高校市场营销专业大二的学生,67名学生来自作者所教班级(1班和2班)。在进行实验前,所有的学生都进行了英语听力理解测试。在接受训练前,两个班所有被试完成归因信念、听力焦虑量表。根据t检验,两个班的听力成绩并不呈显著性差异。 4数据分析 4.1两个班学生的归因情况 一班学生8项归因的描述统计数据显示归因信念的平均值分布在7.05到11.50之间。运气—成功归因的平均值最高,接下来分别是能力—失败归因、运气—失败归因、背景—失败归因、努力—成功归因、努力—失败归因、能力—成功归因以及背景—成功归因。通过这些数据,我们可以发现这些学生的归因属于非适应性归因,因此有必要对他们进行归因训练。 二班学生8项归因的描述统计数据显示归因信念的平均值分布在6.45和11.39之间。努力—成功归因的平均值最高,接下来的排列是努力—失败归因、能力—成功归因、能力—失败归因、背景—失败归因、运气—成功归因和背景—成功归因。这个班学生的归因属于积极归因。 4.2听力水平和听力焦虑前测数据 Sig.(2-tailed)为双尾t检验的显著性概率,数据中关于 中图分类号:G642.0文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-7894(2011)35-0108-02 108


大学生外语焦虑调查问卷 亲爱的同学,你好!首先感谢你参与和配合本次调查。语言课堂内产生焦虑是一个普遍存在的现象,可能表现为:恐惧、忧虑、紧张、坐立不安等。为了了解焦虑与英语语言学习的关系,研究者设计了以下的问卷。本调查问卷采用不记名方式,调查结果只用于汇总后的统计分析,不会给你个人带来任何负面的影响。请按照指导语实事求是地予以回答。回答没有对错,不用对任何一个题项花费太多的时间考虑。 再次感谢你的支持! 第一部分 个人基本情况: 性别:___; 专业:________; 生源地:1)城市 2)农村; 大学入学成绩:___; 大一上半学期期末英语成绩:___; 大一下半学期期末英语成绩:___。 第二部分 英语课堂学习焦虑量表: 说明:本表共33个问题,每题有5个选项。请根据自己的实际情况选择其中一个选项作为答案填在后面的括号里。1-5代表的情况如下: 1 非常同意; 2 同意; 3既不同意也不反对; 4不同意; 5坚决不同意。 1.在英语课上说英语时,我一直都不自信。() 2.我不担心在英语课上犯错。() 3.在英语课上得知我要被点名回答问题时我会发抖。() 4.英语课上没听懂老师用英语说什么时会感到害怕。() 5.我不反感上更多的英语课。() 6.上英语课时在想一些与课堂内容无关的事。() 7.一直认为其他同学的英语比自己的好。() 8.英语测验时我通常都很轻松。() 9.英语课上做没有准备的发言时感到很紧张。() 10.担心因为英语不及格带来的后果。()

11.不明白为什么有些人对英语课这么害怕。() 12.英语课上很紧张以至于知道的东西都忘了。() 13.英语课上自愿发言时我感到很尴尬。() 14.用英语和外国人交谈时我不会紧张。() 15.听不懂老师纠错时会很不自在。() 16.对英语课准备的很充分,还是觉得焦虑。() 17.我常常希望最好不用去上英语课。() 18.在英语课上发言我很自信。() 19.担心英语老师会纠正我的每一个错误。() 20.即将被老师点名发言时,我感到心跳的很厉害。() 21.英语考试准备的越多越觉得没底。() 22 预习好英语课,我不感觉有压力。() 23.总觉得其他同学英语说得比自己的好。() 24.在其他同学面前说英语时我会很不自在。() 25.英语课的进度很快,担心跟不上。() 26.英语课是最令我紧张不安的一门课程。() 27.在英语课上发言时感到紧张不安。() 28.去上英语课的路上感到自信、轻松。() 29.我一点也不明白英语老师在说什么,这种情况下我会变得紧张。()30.说英语要掌握那么多规则让我害怕。() 31.在说英语时担心被其他同学取笑。() 32.和外国人交往比较自如。() 33.老师问我没有事先准备的问题时,我感到紧张。() 第三部分 如果你愿意,请回答以下部分或全部问题: 1.在英语课上你会感到焦虑吗? 2.你认为哪些因素会引起英语课堂焦虑?


英语写作焦虑及写作任务的布置论文 文档 English writing anxiety and the arrangement of writing tasks 编订:JinTai College

英语写作焦虑及写作任务的布置论文文 档 前言:论文格式就是指进行论文写作时的样式要求,以及写作标准, 就是论文达到可公之于众的标准样式和内容要求,论文常用来进行科 学研究和描述科研成果文章。本文档根据论文格式内容要求和特点展 开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随 意调整修改及打印。 论文摘要:本文分析了英语写作焦虑的实质和成因,讨 论了焦虑和写作任务之间的关系,并因此从布置写作任务入手,探讨了缓解焦虑症状的写作任务布置方法。 论文关键词:英语写作焦虑症状写作任务布置方法 写作焦虑是由Daly和Mille于1975年首次提出的,它 是指学习者在写作过程中所表现出的焦虑行为,如担心文章写得不好受老师批评或同学嘲笑,写作困难而形成的焦躁不安。笔者拟分析焦虑产生的原因及探讨合理的写作任务以减轻焦虑的负面影响。 1.英语写作焦虑的实质和成因

焦虑是个体通过认知评价,预料到内外模糊的危险刺激 对自我自尊产生威胁而又自感没有能力应付时产生的一种强烈持久的情绪体验,并引起相应的生理和行为变化。它是人类自身的一种适应性反应。通过笔者的观查和调查研究,以及与学生的交流,写作时焦虑产生有以下几种原因:其一,学习者个人能力。由于学生对自己的写作能力缺乏信心,认为写作太难,觉得怎么写都写不好,到处都是错误,对教师批评产生恐惧等(Daly & Miller,1975)。其二,缺乏主动性。对写作任务 能推就推,实在不行就抄一篇别人的文章应付差事。其三,完美主义。由Newmark(1979)提出的完美主义是写作焦虑产生 的另一原因。有的学生为了得到老师的表扬或自己完全满意,对写作中用词精挑细选,抑制思维产出性输出。 综上所述,二语写作焦虑与写作任务的布置有着紧密联系,任务布置难度不当就会降低写作任务完成的质量。作为教师,则应寻求减轻学生焦虑的方法,布置合适的写作任务,避免短期性状态焦虑发展成长期性焦虑甚至特质焦虑,进而对写作行为的质量产生不可逆转的负面影响。 2.英语写作任务的布置 针对学生英语写作焦虑产生的各种原因,笔者尝试用 “写作过程教学法”、“过程体裁教学法”、“写长法”等方


关于安全的英语作文 提建议可用词汇:1,had better do sth 2, must do sth, 3, should do sth 4,had better not do sth 5, mustn’t do sth, 6, shouldn’t do sth.7, it’s a good/ bad idea to do sth. 7. it’s necessary \ useful \ important for sb to do sth.第一段开门见山3分We know safety is very important in our life.But how to keep safe? Let me tell you.=Here are some suggestions第二段要点齐全9should make friends carefully.=We should make friends with good people instead of bad people.Because good friends can help us become better,but bad friends may make us become bad people like them. Second, if we are in danger\ trouble, we should ask the police for help.(= we should call the police at 110.) Third,it’s necessary for us to have good eating habits, it’s bad for us to eat junk food.So it’s a good idea to eat more vegetables and fruit.Fourth, we must remember it’s dangerous to swim in the river.= Don’t swim in the river. The last suggestion, we had better do more exercise because health plays an important role in our life.= I think health is also important, so we must keep healthy. 第三段,结尾,言简意赅3分In one word,, we must keep away from danger= All in all, safety must come come first.=In short, we must learn to protect ourselves.= I’m sure the suggestions will help you=I believe you’ll be safer if you follow the suggestions.其中书写工整,卷面整洁1-2分隐含在阅卷老师的第一印象中。字数很不够者,建议写一行空一行。字数有点不够者,每段之后空一行。 关于安全的英语作文 提建议可用词汇:1,had better do sth 2, must do sth, 3, should do sth 4,had better not do sth 5, mustn’t do sth, 6, shouldn’t do sth.7, it’s a good/ bad idea to do sth. 7. it’s necessary \ useful \ important for sb to do sth.第一段开门见山3分We know safety is very important in our life.But how to keep safe? Let me tell you.=Here are some suggestions第二段要点齐全9should make friends carefully.=We should make friends with good people instead of bad people.Because good friends can help us become better,but bad friends may make us become bad people like them. Second, if we are in danger\ trouble, we should ask the police for help.(= we should call the police at 110.) Third,it’s necessary for us to have good eating habits, it’s bad for us to eat junk food.So it’s a good idea to eat more vegetables and fruit. Fourth, we must remember it’s dangerous to swim in the river.= Don’t swim in the river. The last suggestion, we had better do more exercise because health plays an important role in our life.= I think health is also important, so we must keep healthy. 第三段,结尾,言简意赅3分In one word,, we must keep away from danger= All in all, safety must come come first.=In short, we must learn to protect ourselves.= I’m sure the suggestions will help you=I believe you’ll be safer if you follow the suggestions.其中书写工整,卷面整洁1-2分隐含在阅卷老师的第一印象中。字数很不够者,建议写一行空一行。字数有点不够者,每段之后空一行。 提建议可用词汇:1,had better do sth 2, must do sth, 3, should do sth 4,had better not do sth 5, mustn’t do sth, 6, shouldn’t do sth.7, it’s a good/ bad idea to do sth. 7. it’s necessary \ useful \ important for sb to do sth.第一段开门见山3分We know safety is very important in our life.But how to keep safe? Let me tell you.=Here are some suggestions第二段要点齐全9should make friends carefully.=We should make friends with good people instead of bad people.Because good friends can help us become better,but bad friends may make us become bad people like them. Second, if we are in danger\ trouble, we should ask the police for help.(= we should call the police at 110.) Third,it’s necessary for us to have good eating habits, it’s bad for us to eat junk food.So it’s a good idea to eat more vegetables and fruit. Fourth, we must remember it’s dangerous to swim in the river.= Don’t swim in the river. The last suggestion, we had better do more exercise because health plays an important role in our life.= I think health is also important, so we must keep healthy. 第三段,结尾,言简意赅3分In one word,, we must keep away from danger= All in all, safety must come come first.=In short, we must learn to protect ourselves.= I’m sure the suggestions will help you=I believe you’ll be safer if you follow the suggestions. 其中书写工整,卷面整洁1-2建议写一行空一行。字数


赤峰学院学报https://www.wendangku.net/doc/af1270304.html, 大学生英语写作焦虑和写作成绩的 准因果关系:来自追踪研究的证据* 李航 提要:本研究采用交叉时序滞后设计,借助“二语写作焦虑量表”和两次写作测试追踪考察外语写作教学情境中330名非英语专业大学生英语写作焦虑和写作成绩的变化及其准因果关系。研究结果表明:学生的写作焦虑和写作成绩都发生显著变化,在一学期内学生的写作成绩显著提升,而学生的写作焦虑虽然呈现上升趋势,但总体仍处于适度的焦虑水平,对于学生的写作成绩没有产生妨碍性影响;学生学期初的写作焦虑能够显著负向预测他们学期末的写作成绩,但学期初的写作成绩不能显著预测学期末的写作焦虑,表明写作焦虑是写作成绩的影响因素。 关键词:大学英语写作;写作焦虑;写作成绩;追踪研究 Abstract:In order to explore the potential causal relationship between EFL writing anxiety and writing performance as well as their changes in a real EFL writing instructional context,the Second Language Writing Self-Efficacy Scale and two writing tests were adopted to measure330non-English major students'writing anxiety and performance in a longitudinal study with a cross-lag design.The results indicated that the students'writing anxiety and writing perform-ance both changed significantly after a semester of English writing instruction;the students'writing anxiety as a whole at the beginning of the semester significantly and negatively predicted their writing performance at the end of the se-mester,but not vice versa,which suggested that EFL writing anxiety served as a source of influence on writing per-formance. Key words:college EFL writing;writing anxiety;writing performance;longitudinal study 中图分类号:H319文献标识码:B文章编号:1004-5112(2015)03-0068-08 1.研究背景 写作焦虑(writing apprehension)由Daly&Miller(1975)提出,是指学习者在写作过程中表现出来的焦虑行为,如逃避写作任务、担心自己的作文被他人阅读或评议等。Daly&Wilson (1983)认为,写作焦虑不是一般的心理紧张,是程度更为强烈的焦虑或恐惧。写作焦虑可能会分散写作者的注意力,从而降低写作任务的完成质量。 在外语写作任务中写作者运用非母语进行写作,所以更易产生写作焦虑。外语写作焦虑是一种产生于特定外语写作学习情境的焦虑特质(Matsuda&Gobel2004;Woodrow2011)。Cheng(2004)开发了“二语写作焦虑量表”专门用于测量外语写作焦虑,并经过探索性因子分析确定了身体焦虑(somatic anxiety)、认知焦虑(cognitive anxiety)和回避行为(avoidance behav- *本文是2012年度中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号2012WZD06)、2013年度北京师范大学外文学院资助项目和2014年度教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(编号14YJA740004)的阶段性成果。作者衷心感谢《外语界》编辑部对本文提出的宝贵而细致的修改意见。
