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1.Here are all the books. You may borrow ______you like. 【定语从句考点】

A. whichever

B. that

C. which

D. however

2.By the time you receive this letter, I _______for America. 【时态考点】

A. will leave

B. have left

C. would have left

D. will have left

3.I’d rather they _____deliver the new refrigerator next week. 【虚拟语气考点】

A. wouldn’t

B. didn’t

C. shouldn’t

D. mustn’t

4._____food is related to illness is not a new discovery. 【名词性从句考点】

A. What

B. That

C. /

D. If

5.Mr. Williams is said ______a new novel already. 【不定式考点】

A. to write

B. to have been written

C. to be written

D. to have written

6._______at in this way, the situation doesn’t seem so desperate. 【非谓语动词】

A. Looking

B. Looked

C. Being looked

D. To look

7.By pretending to be ignorant of the rules, he managed to escape _______.【非谓语动词】

A. being published

B. to be published

C. punish him

D. to punish him

8.He is not under arrest, _______any restriction on him. 【倒装考点】

A. or the police have placed

B. or have the police placed

C. nor the police have placed

D. nor have the police placed

9.We could _____him with a detached house when he came, but he had specifically asked for a small flat. 【虚


A. provide

B. have provided

C. not provide

D. not have provided

10.They had a pleasant chat ______a cup of coffee. 【介词含义考点】

A. for

B. with

C. during

D. over

11.How can I concentrate if you _____continually _____me with silly questions? 【时态考点】

A. have…interrupted

B. had …interrupted

C. are…interrupting

D. were…interrupting

12.Jane wishes that she ____foreign trade instead of literature when she was in college. 【虚拟语气考点】

A. studied

B. would study

C. had studied

D. would have studied

13.The symbol of mathematics _____we are not familiar are the signs of addition, subtraction, multiplication and

equality. 【定语从句】

A. to which

B. with which

C. which

D. in which

14.The job would require that _____at 7 o’clock every morning. 【虚拟语气】

A. he will be at the factory

B. he was at the factory

C. he be at the factory

D. he has been at the factory

15.He had no sooner finished his speech ______he withdrew. 【状语从句考点】

A. then

B. as

C. than

D. when

16.“Was the driving pleasant when you vacationed to Mexico last summer?”

“No, it ____for four days when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy.”【时态考点】

A. was raining

B. had been raining

C. would be raining

D. have rained

17.Nearly a month go by _____she showed some sign of yodeling to his demand. 【状语从句】

A. until

B. while

C. before

D. so that

18._____more time, I could perform my duty more satisfactorily. 【分词考点】

A. Given

B. To give

C. Giving

D. To be given

19.It is simply strange that such an accident ____in the university. 【固定用法】

A. should be happened

B. would happen

C. should happen

D. happened

20.With tears on her face, the old woman watched the little boy _____to a hospital. 【动词用法】

A. send

B. to be sent

C. sending

D. being sent

21.Three-fourths of its surface of the earth _____sea. 【主谓一致】

A. is

B. are

C. have been

D. was

22.Professor Li has a large collection of books, ____are written in foreign languages. 【从句考点】

A. many of which

B. many of them

C. many ones of which

D. many books of which

23.She preferred to write the letter _______. 【固定结构】

A. to type it

B. than type it

C. to typing it

D. rather than type it

24.The student, ____at the way the questions were put, didn’t know the answer to them. 【省略考点】

A. surprised

B. their being surprised

C. they being surprised

D. them surprised

25.With the question_____, they went home. 【后置定语】

A. to settle

B. settling

C. to be settled

D. settled

26.My lodging in Little Britain ____too remote, I found another in Duke street opposite to Romish Chaple. 【分


A. is

B. has been

C. to be

D. being

27.The investigation, _____will soon be published, was made by John. 【定语从句】

A. at which the results

B. the results on which

C. whose results

D. of whose results

28.John expects _______three men in the room. 【非谓语动词】

A. there be

B. there being

C. there to be

D. there been

29.John was going out of the hotel with luggage when he collided with an old man who _____in. 【时态考点】

A. was coming

B. had come

C. come

D. had been coming

30.There is a _____bear in the room. 【限定词顺序】

A. brown big woolen

B. big woolen brown

C. woolen big brown

D. big brown woolen

31.There are several pretty girls standing under the tree, but _____are known to me. 【副词考点】

A. neither

B. none

C. no one

D. all

32.He is _____boy to do such a thing. 【固定结构】

A.such an honest

B. too honest

C. too honest a

D. so honest a

33.He talks as if he _____all the work himself, but in fact Tom and I did most of it. 【固定用法】

A. does

B. did

C. had done

D. would do

34.Neithe r Mary nor her brothers _____a consent for tomorrow’s field trip. 【主谓一致】

A. need

B. needs

C. is needing

D. has needed

35.The two children _______towards the sea at about 11 o’clock. 【动词+时态考点】

A. were seen running

B. were seen run

C. saw running

D. have been seen running

36.The physician considers going to bed early to be more sensible ______. 【平行结构】

A. but staying up late

B. than to stay up late

C. than staying up lately

D. than staying up late

37.Let children read such books ______will make them better and wiser. 【定语从句】

A. which

B. that

C. as

D. what

38.______difficulties we may come across, we will help one another to get over them.【从句考点】

A. Whatever

B. Whichever

C. However

D. What

39.The river was high because it _______for several days. 【时态考点】

A. has been raining

B. was raining

C. has rained

D. had been raining

40._____told by the doctor to stop smoking, Mr. Smith carried neither matches nor cigarettes. 【分词考点】

A. Had been

B. Have been

C. Having been

D. Has been

41.He has no choice but _____and ask his brother for assistance. 【固定结构】

A. to go

B. go

C. going

D. will go

42.It’s very likely that he may fall in love with one of them, and therefore you must visit him as soon ________.


A. as he will come

B. as he shall come

C. he comes

D. as he comes

43.The composer soon began to write musical drams about Bible stories ____in Church.【非谓语动词考点】

A. to peform

B. performing

C. to be performed

D. be performed

44.Peter didn’t like his new par tner, and ______. 【倒装考点】

A. neither did I

B. I don’t too

C. I didn’t also

D. neither I did

45.We are interested in ______you have told us. 【定语从句考点】

A. all what

B. which

C. all

D. that

46.I have _____acquaintance in this city. 【限定词考点】

A. many

B. many an

C. a great many

D. not a few

47.The rent you ask _____reasonable for the size of the house. How would you like it ____? Weekly, monthly or

in advance? 【非谓语动词考点】

A. sounds…paid

B. to sound…being paid

C. sounding…paid

D. sounded…pay ing

48.Rather than ______money in such a dishonest way, he would beg in the street. 【平行结构】

A. get

B. got

C. getting

D. to get

49.I object _______as he is too young. 【非谓语动词考点】

A. my son to smoke

B. to my son smoke

C. my son smoking

D. to my son’s s moking

50.David is the first person _____when you get there. 【从句考点】

A. you can talk to

B. you can talk to whom

C. whom you can talk

D. who you can talk


专升本英语语法重点汇总 一、动词时态及语态题(大家应该记住我所讲过的九种时态,特别是其中的过去完成,过去进行时,客观真理要用一般现在时等) 1、The manager told us that this factory was built in 1958. 2、By the time we got there,the play had already begun. 3、When I was a child,I knew that the earth turns about its axis. 4、When Mr.Delay got home after a day's exhausting work,his wife and children were sleeping. 二、非谓语动词题(特别是现在分词与过时分词的区别,大家一定要弄明白主动与被动这对最最重要的区别,要求大家多看我的上课笔记) 1、The film showed last night was very moving. (不用moved,大家别忘了-ed形容词和-ing形容词的区别) 2、Having finishing his lecture,the teacher asked if anyone wished to asked a question. 3、The problem being discussed is very important. 4、Given more time,we are sure to finish it. 5、Will you please make yourself known to everyone here 三、It作形式主语及形式宾语题(这也是一个常考点,it本身是没有意思的,注意it 还可以指时间,天气等。) 1、It is difficult to study English wel l. 2、We think it is important to pass the exam. 四、强调句型(大家要记住的是it is (was)……that…,如果前面是it iswas 后面往往选用that,当然强调人的时候也可用who) 1、It was at an evening party that I first saw her. 2、It is what you will do that is important. 3、When was it that he bought a new car 五、倒装句型


小学生语法专项练习题 名词练习 一.写出下列单数名词的复数形式 _______ 答案:1 oranges 2. Boxes 3. women 4. tomatoes 6. boys 7babies 9. Photos 10 classes 11. feet 12 houses 13 pens 14 cars 15 horses 16. radios 17 dishes 18 children 二.将下列单词的复数形式改成单数形式 ________ _________ 答案 1. doctor 2 city 3 piano 4. ear 5. church 6. leaf 7 tooth 8zoo 9brush 10 knife 12 pear 三.请从括号里选出正确的答案 1. Please give me__(two /two cups of )coffee. 2. There are a lot of___(sheep /sheeps ) on the farm. 3. I’d like some__ (bread / breads ) and___ (potato /potatoes). 4. Look! There is a ___(mouse /mice) in the corner. 5. He bought_____(a piece of /a piece ) paper. 6. “Where is___ (Woman’s / Women’s) Room?” asked Susan. 7. ____ (The girl’s/The girls’ ) hobby is drawing. 8. Aunt Lucy sent_____ (a child’s /a children’s ) book to me. 红色为答案 冠词练习 一.在空格内填上a或an


一、一般现在时 1.一般现在时表示经常发生、习惯性动作、客观真理、科学事实、格言,目前的特征、状态、能力等。 2.主句是一般将来时,时间、条件状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来。如: I’ll go there after I finish my work./ If it rains tomorrow,I won’t go there. 3.在以here,there开头的句子里,go,come等少数动词的一般在时表示正在发生的动作。例如:There goes the bell.铃响了。There comes the bus.汽车来了。Here she comes.她来了。 二、现在进行时 1.表示正在进行的动作。 2.表示按计划安排即将发生的动作。例如:She is leaving for Beijing.她要去北京。 He is working as a teacher tomorrow.从明天起他要做老师。My father is coming to see me this Saturday.这个星期六我爸爸要来看我。 3.代替一般现在时,描绘更加生动。例如:The Changjiang River is flowing into the east.江水滚滚向东流。The sun is rising in the east.太阳从东方冉冉升起。 4.大多数动词可用于进行时,但也有些动词不用于进行时。常见的有:exist,live,understand,mean,owe,belong to ,know,doubt,suppose,remember,forget, believe,trust,want,wish,refuse,like,hate,dislike,prefer,mind,hope等。 三、现在完成时 1.表示过去发生的动作对现在产生的影响或结果,或说话时已完成的动作。例如:I have finished the report./ She has cleand the room. 2.表示从过去开始,待续到现在的动作或状态,往往和“for…”, “since…”表述的一段时间状语连用。例如:He has learned English for six years./ They have worked here since they left college. 3.现在完成时与一般过去时的区别: 1)用两种时态来表述发生在过去的某一动作,现在完成时强调这一过去动作对现在产生的影响或结果,而一般过去时只表达过去的动作或状态,和现在关系不大。例如:She has cleaned the room.It’s very clean now.(此句has cleaned就不能改为cleaned.一是因为cleaned与现状无关,二是因为一般过去时不可突然跳到It’s…这样的一般现在时。) 2)汉语中的“了”、“过”、“曾”等词常用完成表达,如:I have seen that film.(我看过那部电影了。)但是如果是在特定的过去时间“看了”、“做过”,就不可用完成时而必须用一般过去进来表达。例如:When did you see that film? I saw it yesterday.(你什么时候看了那部电影?我昨天看的。)不能说:When have you seen that film?I have seen it yesterday. 4.表示“曾经到过某地(人已回来)”用“have/has been to”,表示“到某地去了(还未回来)”用“have/has gone to”.例如: ——Where is Li Hua? -He has gone to the reading-room. ——She knows a lot about Shanghai.-She has been there. 5.短暂动词(即瞬间动词),join,lose,buy,borrow,leave,go,come,arrive,die,marry, finish,complete,begin,start,break out等,在完成时态中,其肯定式不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。例如不能说:He has finished the work for three hours.要翻译“他已完成工作三小时了。”可采用1)“ago法”:He finished the work three hours ago.2)“延续法”:He has been through(with)the work for three hours.3)“since法”:It is/has been three hours since he finished the work. 四、现在完成进行时 1.用来表示从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在(或今后还要继续一去)的动作。例如:


1. ____you return those books to the library immediately, you will have to pay a fine. A. Until B. If C. Unless D. Provided 2. The river was high because it ____for several weeks. A. had been raining B. was raining C. has been raining D. rained 3. It ____a fine day, we went for a walk. A. is B. be C. being D. to be 4. You ought to go by sea, ____? A. ought you B. shouldn't you C. won't you D. don't you 5. They were rather disappointed ____the result of the test. A. in B. on C. at D. for 6. Go and get some milk, ____? A. will you B. shan't you C. do you D. don't you 7. He commanded that she ____him everything. A. must tell B. might tell C. shall tell D. tell 8. It's high time you ____. A. stop smoking B. stopped smoking C. stop to smoke D. will stop to smoke 9. None of the students arrived on time, ____? A. did he B. didn't he C. did they D. didn't they 10. ____the football match started than it began to rain. A. Hardly B. No sooner C. Hardly had D. No sooner had 11. I didn't believe ____he said, ____annoyed him very much. A. what; which B. which; what C. that; how D. that, what 12. The reason I didn't go abroad was ____ill. A. because I was B. that I was C. due to being D. because of being 13. ____succeed. A. Only by working hard we can B. Only we can by working hard C. Only by working hard can we D. Only can we by working hard 14. He put his coat over the baby for fear that she ____cold. A. catches B. caught C. should catch D. will catch 15. We had to read the book, ____? A. shouldn't we B. would we C. mustn't we D. didn't we 16. The old woman is ____composer as any younger. A. as good a B. such good a C. as a good D. so good a 17. He has ____the courage she has. A. as twice B. twice C. twice as much D. twice as 18. Wear your ____dress and you will look more beautiful. A. silk white new B. white new silk C. white silk new D. new white silk 19. Please tell her your story exactly ____you have told it to me. A. as B. that C. like D. which 20. The dictionary is to the student ____the tool is to the worker. A. which B. what C. that D. how


大学英语语法试题及答案(2) 第 2 单元题目: 1.More people visit the Air and Space Museum honoring men and women who have pioneered flight and the exploration of space than _____ any other monument or museum in the entire country. A) visit B) to visit C) visited D) visiting 题目: 2.I work in a little room off the main entrance _____ museum, checking coats and other articles which people do not want to carry around as they tour the building. A) to B) of C) at D) for 题目: 3.What apparently had happened, three years ago, was that Kate _____ to a different building. A) went B) has gone C) had gone D) would go 题目: 4.She had waited at another museum for days and had spent all her money _____ to find Sidney. A) tried B) trying C) to try D) try 题目: 5.Without facts we cannot form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factual knowledge _____ our thinking. A) which to be based B) which to base upon C) upon which to base D) to which to be based 题目: 6.Helen believes if a man robs her of five dollars it is the same as if he _____ a hundred. A) takes B) will take C) took D) has taken 题目: 7.He had a cottage which consists _____ three rooms, a bathroom and kitchen. A) of B) with C) in D) by 题目: 8.Behind him Paul could hear the angry man _____ to break the door open. A) trying B) to try C) tried D) try 题目: 9.Some companies have introduced flexible working time with less emphasis on pressure _____. A) than more on efficiency B) and more efficiency C) and more on efficiency D) than efficiency 题目: 10.The gardener is taking care of the place, no one _____ there at present. A) living B) lives C) lived D) to live 题目: 11.The City Bank will pa fifty pounds to _____ who helps the police to catch the man. A) someone B) nobody C) anyone D) somebody 题目: 12.When Paul Carson saw the big red American car coming towards him, he stopped his won car at the side, _____ room for it to pass. A) to make B) made C) making D) make 题目: 13.What bothers me is _____ I paid for all this stuff that we don't want anymore. A) what B) that C) which D) who 题目: 14.A hinge joint is _____ permits forward and backward movement of a door. A) the B) whose C) what D) those 题目:15.Garage sales in the United States serve many purposes _____ cleaning out unwanted items and making money. A) besides B) except for C) except D) apart from 题目: 16.This is _____ the most difficult job I have ever tackled. A) by rights B) by itself C) by oneself D) by far

英语专升本考试重点复习内部资料 (专升本英语语法,词汇,阅读理解、翻译)

语法七大语法考试重点 一独立主格 (一):独立主格结构的构成: 名词(代词)+现在分词、过去分词; 名词(代词)+形容词; 名词(代词)+副词; 名词(代词)+不定式; 名词(代词) +介词短语构成。 (二)独立主格结构的特点: 1)独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。 2)名词或代词与后面的分词,形容词,副词,不定式,介词等是主谓关系。 3)独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开。 举例: The test finished, we began our holiday. = When the test was finished, we began our holiday. The president assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. = After the president was assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow. This done, we went home. The meeting gone over, everyone tired to go home earlier. He came into the room, his ears red with cold. He came out of the library, a large book under his arm. 二过去完成时 1)概念:表示过去的过去其构成是had +过去分词构成。 2)用法 a.在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。 She said (that) she had never been to Paris. b. 状语从句 在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在先,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。 When the police arrived, the thieves had run away. c. 表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示"原本…,未能…" We had hoped that you would come, but you didn t. 3)过去完成时的时间状语before, by, until , when, after, once, as soon as。 He said that he had learned some English before. By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party.


江苏专转本英语考纲以 及解析 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

“专转本”考试分文科、理科,和日语这三大科目,英语是文理两个科目中的必考科目,在总分400分中占有150分的分值,其重要性不言而喻。 考纲大致内容如下 考试内容: 专转本考试包括五个部分:阅读理解、词语用法与语法结构、完形填空、翻译、作文。 试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(客观题)和第Ⅱ卷(主观题)两部分。两卷满分150分。考试时间为120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(客观题):(100分) 第一部分:阅读理解(PartⅠ:ReadingComprehension) 第二部分:词语用法和语法结构(PartⅡ:VocabularyandStructure) 第三部分:完形填空(PartⅢ:Cloze) 第Ⅱ卷(主观题):(50分) 第四部分:翻译(PartⅣ:Translation) 第五部分:写作(PartⅤ:Writing) 第一部分:阅读理解(PartⅠ:ReadingComprehension):(共20题,每小题2分,共40分) 要求考生阅读4篇短文,每篇阅读量不超过300词。每篇短文后有5个问题,考生应根据文章内容从每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。 选材的原则是: 1、题材广泛,可以包括人物传记、社会、文化、日常知识、科普常识等,但是所涉及的背景知识应能为学生所理解; 2、体裁多样,可以包括叙述文、说明文、议论文等; 3、文章的语言难度中等,无法猜测而又影响理解的关键词会用汉语注明词义。 阅读理解部分主要测试下述能力: 1、掌握所读材料的主旨和大意; 2、了解说明主旨和大意的事实和细节; 3、既理解字面的意思,也能根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论; 4、既理解个别句子的意义,也理解上下文的逻辑关系。 阅读理解部分的目的是测试学生通过阅读获取信息的能力,既要求准确,也要求有一定速度。 第二部分:词语用法和语法结构(PartⅡ:VocabularyandStructure):(共40题,每小题1分,共40分) 题目为词和短语的用法和语法结构。要求考生从每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。试题主要相关于谓语动词的时态语态、非谓语动词、it作形式主语或形式宾语、强调句、倒装句、从句引导词、虚拟语气等。 词语用法和语法结构部分的目的是测试学生运用词汇、短语及语法结构的能力。 第三部分:完形填空(PartⅢ:Cloze):(共20题,每小题1分,共20分) 在一篇或两篇题材熟悉、难度适中的短文(约200词)中留有20个空白,每个空白为一题,每题有四个选择项,要求考生在全面理解内容的基础上选择一个最佳答案,使短文的意思和结构恢复完整。填空的词项包括结构词和实译词。


1.There is ____ old woman in the car. A./ B.the C.a D.an 2.We often go to the park ____ Sundays. A.on B.in C.at D.from 3.My book ____ on the desk. A.is B.am C.are D.be 4.Which language is ____ ,English, French or Chinese? A.difficult B.the difficult C.more difficult D.the most difficult 5.---- ____ book is this? ----It's Kate's. A.When B.Why C.Where D.Whose 6.----Can you write a letter in English? ----No, I ____. A.may not B.mustn't C.can't D.needn't 7.I ____ my homework when Mike came last night A.do B.was doing C.am doing D.have done 8.He began to ____ English three years ago. A.learn B.learns C.learned D.learning 9.Jim is a driver, ____ he? A.does B.doesn't C.is D.isn't 10.“What's wrong ____ you?”the doctor asked. A.from B.with C.for D.at 11.He is rich, ____ he isn't happy. A.or B.so C.and D.but 12.----Where is Alice? ----She ____ to the library. A.goes


第一讲谓语动词时态 一、谓语动词时态 1.When I went into the gym,he__________a heavy weight. A.lifted B.was lifting C.has lifted D.was lifted 2.The more you practise,the greater progress you_________. A.will make B.have made C.are making D.have been making 3.The train from this station__________on time. A.never leaves B.will never leave C.leaving D.was never leaving 4.Fetch a doctor.The wounded soldier__________. A.was dead B.died C.is dying D.has been dead 5.The customer________the money on the counter and went away. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a115087163.html,y B.lied https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a115087163.html,id D.was laying 6.She wanted to know whether you________her. A.will help B.will be helping C.would be helping D.would help 7.I won't be able to watch the program because I________my homework at that time. A.shall have done B.will do C.shall be done D.will be doing 8.My brother________while he________his bicycle and hurt himself. A.fell;was riding B.fell;were riding C.had fallen; D.had fallen;was riding 9.I had no sooner reached home than it_________to rain. A:had began B:began C:begin D:begin to 10.I________about it since you had told m e what happened A:had been thinking B:had thought C:was thinking D:thought 第二讲情态动词



江苏省专转本英语考试语法重点大全 一)倒装句 谓语动词放在主语之前的这种语法现象称为倒装。从倒装的形式来看,可分为全部倒装(full inversion)和部分倒装(partial inversion)两种。前者是指整个谓语置于主语之前,而后者仅是指助动词、情态动词或be 动词等功能置于主语之前。 一、全部倒装 1、句首为there be, stand, lie, exist, remain, appear, seem, come 等时,引出全部倒装。 There stands a stone bridge across the river. There stands an old pine tree on the summit of the mountain. 2、句首为状语方位词或表示地点的介词短语: Then from the portable radio in the corner came the announcer’s voice.从角落里的便携式收音机里传来了播音员的声音。 At his side lay Eva Brown. 在他的身旁躺着的是爱娃.布劳恩。 3、以here, there, now, then等开头的句子,位于常用be, come, go, begin, follow 等,引出倒装:

There goes the bell. 铃响了。 Here comes the bus. 汽车来了。 Now come your turn. 现在轮到你了。 但是,如主语是代词而不是名词时则不发生倒装。 4、在表示动作的简短句子里,为了生动,可把副词放于句首引出倒装。 Out rushed the dog from the gate. 一条狗从大门里嗖地一声窜了出来。 Up went the rocket into the sky. 火箭嗖地一声飞上了天空。 但:Away they went. 5、在表达祝愿的句子里: Long live the friendship between American and Chinese people! 中美人民的友谊万岁! May you succeed! 祝你成功! 6、在强调表语时 Worst of all were the humiliations. 最令人难以忍受的是羞辱。 Such is the case. 情况就是这样。 二、部分倒装


普通专升本考试英语复 习语法练习 Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】

普通专升本考试英语复习资料——语法练习 语法测试 1. When autumn comes, the ______ of trees begin to fall。 A. leafs B. leafes C. leaves D. leaf leaf 的复数形式 leaves 答案 C 2. Never before ______ so many people been engaged in producing goods just for the comfort of man。 A. has B. have C. will D. would never before开头,句子倒装。

主语so many people为复数。 engage in doing sth. 忙于做某事。 答案 B 3. Mr. Brown, and not I , ________ chosen to be the representative of the class。 A. is B. am C. are D. have been 主语 答案 A 4. Neither John nor his father _______ able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train。 A. was B. were C. would be D. have been

neither……nor谓语动词跟相邻的主语一致。 答案 A 5. The room is eight _______ long。 A. foot B. foots C. feet D. feets foot 英尺,复数形式 feet 答案 C 6. Ten days ______ long enough for Mr. Carter to finish his design. He doesnt need any more。 A. is B. has been C. was D. had been ten days 作为一个整体看待,谓语用单数形式。(注意时态) 答案 A


江苏省专转本英语考试语法重点大全 一)倒装句 谓语动词放在主语之前的这种语法现象称为倒装。从倒装的形式来看,可分为全部倒装(full inversion)和部分倒装(partial inversion)两种。前者是指整个谓语置于主语之前,而后者仅是指助动词、情态动词或be 动词等功能置于主语之前。 一、全部倒装 1、句首为there be, stand, lie, exist, remain, appear, seem, come 等时,引出全部倒装。 There stands a stone bridge across the river. There stands an old pine tree on the summit of the mountain. 2、句首为状语方位词或表示地点的介词短语: Then from the portable radio in the corner came the announcer’s voice.从角落里的便携式收音机里传来了播音员的声音。 At his side lay Eva Brown. 在他的身旁躺着的是爱娃.布劳恩。 3、以here, there, now, then等开头的句子,位于常用be, come, go, begin, follow 等,引出倒装: There goes the bell. 铃响了。 Here comes the bus. 汽车来了。 Now come your turn. 现在轮到你了。 但是,如主语是代词而不是名词时则不发生倒装。 4、在表示动作的简短句子里,为了生动,可把副词放于句首引出倒装。


语法 第一节词性 一.名词 1. 名词作形容词使用 名词可以修饰名外一个名词,起定语的作用,或于另一名词构成合成词。这时作定语用的名词一般用作单数名词。 They live in a country house. 他们住在乡下的房子里。 He often visits a night club. 他经常去夜总会。 2. 名词的所有格 1) 表示人或动物以及拟人化事物的名词在词位加’构成所有格,例如:the gentleman’ car , the dog’ food. 这种所有格也可以用于表示时间、重量、距离等的名词,如:yesterday’s news; three hour’s journey. 2) 如果修饰语有如下情况,应该在前面加of构成其所有格。 (1)表示无生命事物:the window of the house; the color of the car (2)集体名词:the capital of the firm, a member of this society (3)the+形容词:the misfortune of the young, the mystery of this coc iety (4)当a, an, this, these, that, any, some, no等词和所有格名词修饰同一名词时,需要同时用以上两种形式,称为双重所有格:I don’t use Tom’s car because I don’t quite appreciate that car of this. (5)有些时候两个名词所有格并列使用,他们后面的名词若分别属于两者所有,须在两个名词所有格后面分别加’s;若属于两个名词所共有,则在第二个名词后面加’s:Martin and Alice’s car broke down again, but luckly they knew how to fix it. (car为单数,说明这辆车市他们两个人所有。) (6)用连字符号连接的两个或者两个以上的词作定语时,其中的名词不能用复数:100-metre race(百米跑) 3) 名词的数 绝大多数棵树名词的复数形式为名词加-s或者-es, 以辅音字母+y结尾的名词要先变y为i,再加es.


大学英语语法试题及答案(1) 第1单元 题目: 1.More people visit the Air and Space Museum honoring men and women who have pioneered flight and the exploration of space than _____ any other monument or museum in the entire country. A) visit B) to visit C) visited D) visiting 题目: 2.I work in a little room off the main entrance _____ museum, checking coats and other articles which people do not want to carry around as they tour the building. A) to B) of C) at D) for 题目: 3.What apparently had happened, three years ago, was that Kate _____ to a different building. A) went B) has gone C) had gone D) would go 题目: 4.She had waited at another museum for days and had spent all her money _____ to find Sidney. A) tried B) trying C) to try D) try 题目: 5.Without facts we cannot form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factual knowledge _____ our thinking. A) which to be based B) which to base upon C) upon which to base D) to which to be based 题目: 6.Helen believes if a man robs her of five dollars it is the same as if he _____ a hundred. A) takes B) will take C) took D) has taken


学习好资料欢迎下载 第一讲谓语动词时态 一、谓语动词时态 1.When I went into the gym, he __________ a heavy weight. A. lifted B. was lifting C. has lifted D. was lifted 2. The more you practise, the greater progress you _________. A. will make B. have made C. are making D. have been making 3. The train from this station __________ on time. A. never leaves B. will never leave C. leaving D. was never leaving 4. Fetch a doctor. The wounded soldier __________. A. was dead B. died C. is dying D. has been dead 5. The customer ________ the money on the counter and went away. A. lay B. lied C. laid D. was laying 6. She wanted to know whether you ________ her. A. will help B. will be helping C. would be helping D. would help 7.I won't be able to watch the program because I ________ my homework at that time. A. shall have done B. will do C. shall be done D. will be doing 8. My brother ________ while he ________ his bicycle and hurt himself. A. fell; was riding B. fell; were riding C. had fallen; D. had fallen; was riding 9.I had no sooner reached home than it _________ to rain. A: had began B:began C:begin D: begin to 10. I ________ about it since you had told m e what happened A: had been thinking B: had thought C:was thinking D: thought 第二讲情态动词 1. I haven't got anything to do, so I _______ go with you.

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