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0 after you.您先

1.Allow me. 让我来

2.Any day will go. 哪一天都行

3.Any message for me?有我的留言吗?

4.Anything else?还要别的吗?

5.Are you sure?你肯定吗?

6.Are you kidding?你在开玩笑吧

7.As soon aspossible越快越好

8.Be careful!注意!

9.Be carefully!安静点

10.Believe it or not!信不信由你

11.Bless you祝福你

12.bottoms up干杯(见底)

13.Can I help you?我能帮你吗?

14.Cheer up!振作起来!

15.Clothes make the man..人要衣装

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ae1524505.html,e on..来吧(赶快)


18.Control yourself!克制一下

19.Count me on.算上我.

20.Did you miss the bus?你错过公共汽车了?

21.Do l have to?非做不可吗?

22.Do me a favor?帮个忙好吗?

23.Don’t be so modest.别谦虚了.

24.Don’t be so childish.别这么孩子气.

25.Don’t count on me.指望我.

26.Don’t fall for it.别上当

27.Don’t give me that.少来这套

28.Don’t let me down.别让我失望

29.Don’t lose you head.不要惊慌失措

30.Don’t move!不许动

31.Don’t trust to chance.不要碰运气

32.Don’t worry.别当心

33.Easy come easy go.来得容易,去得快

34.Enjoy youself.祝你玩得开心

35.Excuse me,sir.打扰一下,先生

36.Fasten your seat belt.系好你的安全带

37.Feel better?好点了吗

38.Follow me.跟我来

39.Forget it!休想!(算了)

40.Give me a hand.帮帮我

41.Good job.做得好

42.Good luck!祝好运

43.Guess what?猜猜看

44.Have fun!玩得开心

45.He always talks big.他总是吹牛

46.He comes by train.他乘火车来

47.He can hardly speak.他几乎说不出话来

48.He can’t take a joke.他开不得玩笑

49.He is my age.他和我同岁

50.He is ill in bed.他卧病在床

51.He is a smart boy.他是个机灵鬼

52.He is just a child.他只是个孩子

53.He lacks courage.他缺乏勇气

54.He owes my uncle $100.他欠我叔叔100美元

55.He won an election.他在选举中获胜

56.Help youself.别客气

57.Here you are.给你

58.Hold on.等一等

59.How are things going?事情进展得怎样

60.How are you recently?最近怎么样

61.How much?多少钱

62.How’s everything?一切还好吧

63.How’s it going?怎么样

64.I agree.我同意

65.I’m a football fan.我是个足球迷

66.I beg your pardon!请你原谅

67.I beg your pardon?请你再说一遍(我没有听清)

68.I can’t follow you.我不懂你说的

69.I can’t help it.我情不自禁

70.I decline.我拒绝

71.I don’t mean it.我不是故意的

72.I doubt it.我怀疑

73.I felt sort of ill.我感觉有点不适

74.I have no idea.我没有头绪

75.I have no choice.我别无选择

76.I have a good idea.我有一个好主意

77.I just made it!我做到了

78.I know all about it.我知道有关它一切

79.I like ice-cream.我喜欢冰激凌

80.I love you!我爱你

81.I love this game.我钟爱这项运动

82.I promise.我保证

83.I quit!我不干了

84.I see.我明白了

85.I think so.我也这么想

86.if only I could fly.要是我能飞就好了

87.I’ll be back soon.我马上回来

88.I’ll be right there.我马上就到

89.I’ll check it out.我去查查看

90.I’ll fix you up.我会帮你打点的

91.I’ll see to it.我会留意的

92.I’ll see you at 6.我6点见你

93.I’ll try my best.我尽力而为

94.I’m full.我饱了

95.l’m his fan.我是他的影迷

96.l’m home.我回来了

97.l’m in a hurry .我在赶时间

98.l’m lost .我迷路了

99.l’m on a diet.我在节食

100.l’m on you side.我全力支持你

101.l’m single.我是单身贵族

102.Is it yours?这是你的吗

103.It is true or false.这是对的还是错的104.It is growing cool.天气渐渐凉爽起来

105.It really takes time.这样太耽误时间了106.It seems all right.看来没问题

107.It sounds great.听起来很不错

108.It’s a long story.说来话长

109.It’s Sunday today.今天是星期天

110.It’s a fine day.今天是个好天

111.It’s against the law.这是违法的

112.It’s going too far.太离谱了

113.It’s her field.这是她的本行

114.It’s up to you.由你决定

115.Just read it for me.就读给我听好了116.Just wait and see.等着瞧

117.Just wonderful.简直太棒了

118.Keep in touch.保持联络

119.Keep it up.坚持下去

120.Knowledge is power.知识就是力量

121.Let go!放手

122.Let me see.让我想想

123.Long time no see!好久不见

124.Love me,love my dog.爱屋及乌

125.Make up your mind.做个决定吧

126.May I use your pen?我可以用你的铅笔吗

127.Me too.我也是

128.Move out of my way!让开

129.My god!天哪

130.My mouth is watering.我要流口水了131.My treat.我请客

132.Never mind.不要紧

133.No one knows.没有人知道

134.No pain,no gain.不劳无获

135.No problem!没问题

136.No way!不行

137.Not bad.还不错

138.Not yet.还没

139.Of course!当然了

140.See you.再见

141.She had a bad cold.她患了重感冒142.Shut up!闭嘴

143.Slow down!慢点

144.So do i.我也是

145.So far,so good.目前还不错

146.So long.再见

147.Speak loulder,please.说话请大声点儿148.Take care!保重

149.Take it easy.别紧张

150.That’s a good idea.这个主意真不错151.That’s all I need.我就要这些

152.That’s all!就这样

153.That’s neat.这很好

154.The answer is zero.白忙了

155.The view is great.景色多么漂亮

156.The wall has ears隔墙有耳

157.There comes a bus.汽车来了

158.They hurt.(伤口)疼

159.This boy has no job.这个男孩没有工作160.This house is my own.这所房子是我自己的161.This way,please.这边请

162.Time is up.时间快到了

163.Time is money.时间就是金钱

164.Time is running out.没时间了

165.To be careful!一定要小心

166.Try again.再试试

167.Watch out!当心

168.We are good frinds.我们是好朋友

169.Well,it depends.噢,这得看情况

170.We’re all for it.我们全都同意

171.What a pity!太遗憾了

172.What a good deal!真便宜

173.What about you?你呢

174.What day is today?今天星期几

175.what do you think?你怎么认为

176.What dose she like?她喜欢什么

177.What happened to you ?你怎么了

178.What should I do ?我该怎么办

179.What time is it?几点了

180.What’s new ?有什么新鲜事吗

181.What’s up ?有什么事吗

182.What’s you trouble ?你哪儿不舒服183.Who told you that ?谁告诉你的

184.Who’s calling ?是哪一位

185.Who’s kicking off ?现在是谁开球186.Why not ?好呀!(为什么不呢)

187.Yes,I suppose so .是的,我也这么认为188.You are just in time .你来得真是时候189.You asked for it !你自讨苦吃

190.You can make it .你能做到

191.You can’t miss .你一定能找到的

192.You did right .你做得对

193.You did fairly well.你干得相当不错

194.You have my word.我保证

195.You need to workout.你需要去运动锻炼一下196.You owe me one.你欠我一个人情

197.You set me up!你出卖我

198.You hands feels cold.你的手摸起来很冷199.You’re welcome.不客气



考研英语面试中,在自我介绍完结束后,老师就会开始问你问题。在回答过程中要结合自己的经历和见解来准备答案,让自己回答的问题和整个的自我介绍融为一个整体。 在每一年的面试中都会有很多相同的问题,这些问题看起来很平常,却有很多陷阱,一不小心就会被考官抓主“小辫子”了。回答这些常见的看起来很平常的问题,是很有艺术的。考研教育网编辑将历年中常见的问题进行搜集、整理,供考生参考 1、What can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?) In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important,but for me,it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I'm very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best. 分析:这一问题如果面试没有安排自我介绍的时间的话。这是一个必问的问题。考官并不希望你大谈你的个人历史。是在寻找有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力的线索。 答案译文:在高中我参加各种竞争性体育活动,并一直努力提高各项运动的成绩。大学期间,我曾在一家服装店打工,我发现我能轻而易举地将东西推销出去。销售固然重要,但对我来说,更重要的是要确信顾客能够满意。不久便有顾客返回那家服装店点名让我为他们服务。我很有竞争意识,力求完美对我很重要。 2.What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?(在毕业以后5年内你想做些什么?)


Study English (1.1) A: Oh, hey, you look so worried, what's wrong? B: Um... Well, in fact, it's about my English. A: English? Is there something wrong with your English? B: Yes.Although I am always working hard in my English. I can't get a good mark in the test. A: That's why you are so upset? B: I think so. A: Well, guy, could you listen to my opinions? B: Of course. A: First, you should be absorbed in the class and summarize the main point what the teacher says... B:Yes,I do,But sometimes I can't keep up with teacher, A: Hey, listen to me.You don't need to write down all the things.When you are listening,just write down the long point and only the important parts. B:OK, and what? A:Secondly, you must be abiding and as soon as you meet a problem, go ahead to have the teacher to solve.Only if you do this, you can make it. B: Oh, I will take it from now on and thank you very much. A: That's all right. Likes and dislikes (1.3) A: Do you have any hobbies?What are they? B: I'm interested in reading or other relaxing sports. A: How do you spend your spare time? B: I usually read some books or do so some sports. A: What kind of book you are interested in? B: My favorite books are those of detectives. A: Well, those books are really good.I like them too.Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? B: In fact, I wouldn't call myself extroverted. Sometime I enjoy being by myself very much. But other times, I like sharing activities with others too, especially during these past few years. A: What kind of sports do you like? B: I like almost all sports, and I enjoy both playing and watching.I specially like tennis and mountain climbing. A: What kind of personality do you think you have? B: Well, I approach things very enthusiastically. I reckon, and I don't like to leave anything half-done. It makes me nervous—I can't concentrate on anything else until the first thing is finished. A:Really?Maybe I should learn from you. Oh, I remember I have something to do after a while, so I must say goodbye to you. B:OK, see you next time.


200句最实用的日常英语口语 1. I see.我明白了。 2. I quit! 我不干了! 3. Let go! 放手! 4. Me too.我也是。 5. My god! 天哪! 6. No way! 不行! 7. Come on.来吧(赶快) 8. Hold on.等一等。 9. I agree。我同意。 10. Not bad.还不错。 11. Not yet.还没。 12. See you.再见。 13. Shut up! 闭嘴! 14. So long.再见。 15. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?) 16. Allow me.让我来。 17. Be quiet! 安静点!

18. Cheer up! 振作起来! 19. Good job! 做得好! 20. Have fun! 玩得开心! 21. How much? 多少钱? 22. I'm full.我饱了。 23. I'm home.我回来了。 24. I'm lost.我迷路了。 25. My treat.我请客。 26. So do I.我也一样。 27. This way。这边请。 28. After you.您先。 29. Bless you! 祝福你! 30. Follow me.跟我来。 31. Forget it! 休想! (算了!) 32. Good luck! 祝好运! 33. I decline! 我拒绝! 34. I promise.我保证。

35. Of course! 当然了! 36. Slow down! 慢点! 37. Take care! 保重! 38. They hurt. (伤口)疼。 39. Try again.再试试。 40. Watch out! 当心。 41. What's up? 有什么事吗? 42. Be careful! 注意! 43. Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)! 44. Don't move! 不许动! 45. Guess what? 猜猜看? 46. I doubt it 我怀疑。 47. I think so.我也这么想。 48. I'm single.我是单身贵族。 49. Keep it up! 坚持下去! 50. Let me see.让我想想。 51. Never mind.不要紧。


英语口语面试常见问题 英语口语面试常见问题:1,如何应对薪水的提问面试的时候,薪水期望是不可避免要被问到的问题。 回答的太直接、要求的太高可能会让公司对你望而却步,要求的太少又会让自己难以实现理想的薪水目标。 那么,该如何回答这样的问题呢?下面两个案例可以给您一些启发。 Case OneInterviewer: I'd like to know the salary you expect.我想了解一下,你期望的薪水是多少?Applicant: My salary requirement may be too high, and I hope my primary will not be lower than RMB 4,000. First, I think I am an excellent graduate. Though there will be a transition period, I will soon make profits for the company. What's more, I think if a company is willing to pay a high salary for a post, it also indicates its importance. And only in this situation can I be convinced that I can get more learning opportunities and better prospects.我的薪酬要求可能偏高,我希望我的起薪不低于4000元。 首先我认为自己是一名优秀的大学毕业生,虽然刚到企业需要一段过渡期,但很快我就能为企业创造价值。 而且,我也认为,一个企业如果可以开出较高的薪水,可以证明企业对这个职位的重视度。 在这样的情况下,我才有信心能从企业获得更多的学习机会和更好的发展机遇。


面试英语口语经典问答 面试英语口语(3):为什么离职呢? Q:Why did you leave your last job?(你为什么离职呢?) A:Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take it. Like today this chance I will behave well, (因为我喜欢汽车行业,我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果机会来临,我会抓住,像今天这个机会一样我会好好表现,) 面试英语口语(4):如何评估自己? Q:How do you rate yourself ?(你如何评估自己呢?) A: Love life, character, cheerful, sincere, good at communicating with people, have a strong sense of responsibility, attention to detail热爱生活,性格开朗,待人真诚,善于与人沟通交流,有很强的责任心,注重细节 面试英语口语(6):胜任这份工作 Q:What make you think you would be a success in this position?(你如何知道你能胜任这份工作?) A:My second job one of the main work is related to quality management['m?n?d?m?nt], ESD management,['m?n?d?m?nt]in order to quality of the products, I will make the ISO file, and then let the workers of the production line to follow this file to implement ['?mpl?m?nt]management,我的第二份 工作其中的最主要工作就是品质管控相关的,ESD管控就是为了产品的品质这一关,我会制定ISO文件,然后让产线的作业人员遵循这个文件实施管控面试英语口语(8):个性特点 Q:What is your strongest trait(s)?(你个性上最大的特点是什么?) A:Helpfulness and caring.(乐于助人和关心他人。) A:Adaptability and sense of humor.(适应能力和幽默感。) A:Cheerfulness and friendliness.(乐观和友爱。) 面试英语口语(9):别人如何形容你 Q:How would your friends or colleagues describe you?(你的朋友或同事怎样形容你?) A:(pause a few seconds) (稍等几秒钟再答,表示慎重考虑。) They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking andgood man ,They like to stay with me (他们说杨佳是位诚实、工作努力,很好的人,他们很喜欢跟我呆一块。)


你最喜欢的颜色、水果、季节和电影都是什么?和Shawn一起讨论下吧。 Todd: OK,Shawn,I'm going to talk about your favorites. Shawn: Sure Todd: What's your favorite color? Shawn: I say,green. Todd: Green. Shawn: Yes. Todd: OK. And what's your favorite fruit? Shawn: My favorite fruit: orange. Todd: Orange! Shawn: Oranges. I love oranges. Very sweet and good for the body. Todd: Yeah,have you had any of the oranges in Japan? Shawn: I've had a couple. Much better than the ones I have back in Canada. Todd: Oh,really. OK. Um,what's your favorite season? Shawn: I'd say spring,cause it's a combination of warm weather,at the same time it's not hot like it is in the summer. In spring it's a bit cool. You can walk around very relaxed. It the best. It's a combination of all the seasons in one. Todd: OK. what's your favorite movie? Shawn: My favorite movie! I'd have to say "Gladiator." Russel Crow. It's a tragic movie about a very strong leader who,how-should-I-say,triumphs over,how-should-I-say,over very overpowering conflicts. It's,um,plus,I'm a bit of an action movie buff. I know it's sad to hear but,it's definitely an interesting movie. 第1页/共1页


11. Not yet.还没。 12. See you.再见。 13. Shut up! 闭嘴! 14. So long.再见。 15. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?) 16. Allow me.让我来。 17. Be quiet! 安静点! 18. Cheer up! 振作起来! 19. Good job! 做得好! 20. Have fun! 玩得开心! 21. How much? 多少钱?

22. I'm full.我饱了。 23. I'm home.我回来了。 24. I'm lost.我迷路了。 25. My treat.我请客。 26. So do I.我也一样。 27. This way。这边请。 28. After you.您先。 29. Bless you! 祝福你! 30. Follow me.跟我来。 31. Forget it! 休想! (算了!) 32. Good luck! 祝好运!

33. I decline! 我拒绝! 34. I promise.我保证。 35. Of course! 当然了! 36. Slow down! 慢点! 37. Take care! 保重! 38. They hurt.(伤口)疼。 39. Try again.再试试。 40. Watch out! 当心。 41. What's up? 有什么事吗? 42. Be careful! 注意! 43. Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!

44. Don't move! 不许动! 45. Guess what? 猜猜看? 46. I doubt it 我怀疑。 47. I think so.我也这么想。 48. I'm single.我是单身贵族。 49. Keep it up! 坚持下去! 50. Let me see.让我想想。 51. Never mind.不要紧。 52. No problem! 没问题! 53. That's all! 就这样! 54. Time is up.时间快到了。


考研复试英语口语经典问题汇总(一) 考研英语面试中,在自我介绍完结束后,老师就会开始问你问题。在回答过程中要结合自己的经历和见解来准备答案,让自己回答的问题和整个的自我介绍融为一个整体。 在每一年的面试中都会有很多相同的问题,这些问题看起来很平常,却有很多陷阱,一不小心就会被考官抓主“小辫子”了。回答这些常见的看起来很平常的问题,是很有艺术的。考研教育网编辑将历年中常见的问题进行搜集、整理,供考生参考! 一、传统面试问题(Sample Traditional Interview Questions) 1、What can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?) In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important,but for me,it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I'm very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best. 分析:这一问题如果面试没有安排自我介绍的时间的话。这是一个必问的问题。考官并不希望你大谈你的个人历史。是在寻找有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力的线索。 答案译文:在高中我参加各种竞争性体育活动,并一直努力提高各项运动的成绩。大学期间,我曾在一家服装店打工,我发现我能轻而易举地将东西推销出去。销售固然重要,但对我来说,更重要的是要确信顾客能够满意。不久便有顾客返回那家服装店点名让我为他们服务。我很有竞争意识,力求完美对我很重要。 2.What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?(在毕业以后5年内你想做些什么?) I hope to do my best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager,I am planning on that also. 分析:你要清楚你实际上能胜任什么。 答案译文:我希望能在我的职位上尽力做好工作,由于在同一领域工作的许多人都被提为区域负责人,所以我亦有此打算。 3. What is your greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?) I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I'd planned. I've set some high goals for myself. For example,I want to graduate with highest distinction.


情景对话 一、询问姓名、年龄等 1.What‘s your name? What’s your English name? My name is … My English name is… 2.What’s your mother’s name? Her name is….. How long have you learned English? Six years. 3. What’s your father’s name? His name is… 4.What Grade/Class are you in? I’m in Grade Six/Class…. 5.What/Which school are you from? I’m from Shiyan Xiaoxue. 6.Where are you from? /Where do you come from? I’m from Pingyuan. I come from Pingyuan. 7.Are you from Wangmiao ?Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 8.How are you? I’m fine, thank you. 9.How old are you ? I’m 12. 10. How old is your father/mother? He/She is 36. 11.How many people are there in your family? There are 3 Who are they? They are my father, my mother and I. 12.How many bananas are there in the picture? How many days are there in a week? How many hands do you have? 13.Do you often go to the zoo? No, I don’t. 14. What colour do you like? I like red/pink/green/black.


1. Why do you choose Nankai University to study MBA? Tell me a little about Nankai University form your understanding. 2. What educational and personal objectives do you hope to satisfy through the MBA program? 3. What’s the difference between MBA program at home and abroad? 4. Why do you wish to pursue an MBA degree Nankai Business School? What are your career aspiration and why? 5. How do you define marketing or management? 6. Describe a setback, disappointment, or occasion of failure that you have experienced. How did you manage the situation and what did you learn from it? 7. How communication works in organizations? 8. What is one of the most important lessons that you have learned in your life? How did you come to learn this lesson? 9. What will you do if you can’t find a job? 10. To your college friends and classmates, do you feel that you were particularly advantaged or disadvantaged? Please explain. 11. What kinks of opportunities are you looking for? 12. The best mistake I ever made was. 13. Why did you leave your last job? 14. Is there any other information that you believe would be helpful to the Board (interviewers) in understanding you better in considering your application? Please be concise. 15. Say a little about your educational background. 16. While recognizing that no day is typical, describe a representative day in your memory. 17. What are your strengths and weakness? 18. How will an MBA assist you in your next career development? 19. What is CEO? If you were a CEO, what would you do? 20. If you have 4 extra hours each day (i. e., 28-hour day), what would you do with them? 21. What is your biggest accomplishment on the job? 22. If you could have dinner with one individual, past or present, who would it be? What would you order? My wife (husband) or my girlfriend her (his) careful consideration, support my preparation for MBA and so on, I will invite her (him) to the place where we first met and shared the dinner, I will order something she likes most, for example, salad. Purple vegetable and steam pork. 23. What would your former boss comment on you and your job? 24. What type and level of work do you expect to be engaged in five or ten years now? 25. Do you think tat the economy will get better? 26. Describe your three most substantial accomplishments and explain why you view them as such. 27. What is the most important qualification that a MBA student should have? 28. Describe the most significant personal or professional risk you’ve taken. What was the outcome? 29. Do you have a study plan if you were accepted as a MBA student by Nankai University? 30. Do you feel that your academic record (i. e., grades, course load, etc.) is an accurate reflection of your ability potential? 31. If you failed this time what would you do in the near future?



考研复试英语口语经典问题汇总(一) 考研英语面试中,在自我介绍完结束后,老师就会开始问你问题。在回答过程中要结合自己的经历和见解来准备答案,让自己回答的问题和整个的自我介绍融为一个整体。 在每一年的面试中都会有很多相同的问题,这些问题看起来很平常,却有很多陷阱,一不小心就会被考官抓主“小辫子”了。回答这些常见的看起来很平常的问题,是很有艺术的。考研教育网编辑将历年中常见的问题进行搜集、整理,供考生参考! 一、传统面试问题(Sample Traditional Interview Questions) 1、What can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?) In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important,but for me,it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I'm very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best.


英语口语情景对话,职场常用英语句型大盘点 外企职员必备的一项基本技能。很多员工头疼自己的英文过不了关,一碰到要用英文进行文书或是要和老外进行交流就六神无主,今天小编特地为大家搜罗了一些经典且常用的句型,大家不妨做个有心人收藏着,莫到用时方恨少呢! 1. I am writing to confirm /enquire/inform you… 我写信时要确认/询问/通知你… 2. I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2. 我写信来追踪我们之前对于第二季度营销活动的决定。 3. With reference to our telephone conversation today… 关于我们今天在电话中的谈话... 4. In my previous e-mail on October 5… 先前在10月5日所写的信… 5. As I mentioned earlier about… 如我先前所提及关于… 6. As indicated in my previous e-mail… 如我在先前的信中所提出… 7. As we discussed on the phone… 如我们上次在电话中的讨论…

8. From our decision at the previous meeting… 如我们在上次会议中的决定… 9. As you requested/per your requirement… 按照你的要求… 10.In reply to your e-mail dated April 1,we decided… 回答你在4月1日写的信,我们决定… 今天我们要讲的习惯用语都是以thin这个单词为主。Thin就是瘦,或者是很薄。要是人们有选择的话,恐怕许多人都喜欢瘦一点,而不愿意太胖。但是,今天我们要讲的前两个习惯用语都包含消极的意思。 1. wear thin 打折扣;逐渐消失 Wear在这里的意思是某一样东西在一段时间里,它的功能和价值在逐步降低,也就是中文里说的损耗。这可以指具体的东西,也可以用在其他方面。举例来说吧。 例句-1:Your patience with another person may wear thinif he keeps doing something you don't like. 要是一个人老是做你不喜欢的事,那你对他就会越来越没有耐心。 我们再来举一个例子。要是一个人问你借钱,他保证在一个月后还给你。但是,到了时候他没有还。而且还不断地找借口,拖延不还。过了半年,你对他实在没有耐心了,于是你对他说: 例句-2:Joe, remember that money you borrowed six months ago. You told me you'd pay it back in 30 days. But you keep finding reasons not to return it. Now I really need it back, and I must say that all your excuses for delay are beginning to wear thin.


日常英语口语 1. What’s the weather like today? 今天天气如何? 2. Are you coming with me? 你跟我一起去吗? 3. Can you speak slowly? 请您说得慢些好吗? 4. Where are you headed? 你要到哪里去? 5. Where can I wash my hands? 请问洗手间在哪里? 6. How do I address you? 我该怎么称呼你? 7. What was your name again? 请再说一次你的名字? 8. Would you care for a cup of coffee? 要杯咖啡吗? 9. Can you keep an eye on my bag? 帮我看一下包好吗? 10. How can I get in touch with you? 我怎样能联系到你? 11. Can you give me a hand? 你能帮我个忙吗? 12. Are you pulling my leg? 你在开我玩笑吗? 13. Do you have any openings? 你们还有空缺的职位吗? 14. What’s the rush? 什么事那么匆忙? 15. What’s so funny?什么事这么好笑? 16. Are you crazy? 你疯了吗? 17. What are you talking about? 你在说些什么? 18. Have you thought about staying home? 是否考虑在家待着? 19. What’s bothering you? 什么在困扰你? 20. Who is to blame? 该怪谁?


南方航空面试英语面试口语试题 ---90%通过率—————————————————————— 1、Tell me about yourself 这是面试官惯用的开场白。千万不要长篇大论背诵简历。你可以在这时将最突出的优点概括性地总结,并引导面试官向你早已准备好的方面发问。 最佳回答 -- I studied computer in 1999-2003. After that I joined ... and worked as a ... .I am fluent at oral english... 比如这个公司是属于汽车行业,那么你就该回答: “Driving is my hobby. I really love the feeling of running on the road and I take cars as my best friends.” 总之是要找到自己跟这个公司的一个切合点,让面试官了解你充分适合这个环境。 2、What types of prospective job tasks do you enjoy the most?Which prospective job tasks do you least care to do? 主要考察应聘者会否对工作中的很多地方感到厌倦;另外还考察你对自己的喜好是否诚实,你是否了解这份工作的基本职责;你是否认识到任何职业都会包含一些枯燥无味的日常工作。 3、What is your greatest weakness?不要把那些明显是优点的品行当

成缺点说,这种落入俗套的方式早已被面试官厌倦。可以说一些对于你应聘这个职位没有影响的缺点,对于那些在面试中已经表现出的明显弱点,你可以利用这个问题加以弥补,显示你早已意识到,并且正在改进,已经取得了较大进展。 4、What do you plan to be doing five years from now?主要考察你的职业目标是否符合公司的要求;这份职业是否是你达到目的的合理选择;你是否有继续发展的热情;你的野心是否和这份职业的要求相契合;你的发展潜力有多大。如果你应聘大企业,千万不要提你想创业,如果应聘小企业,这倒是个合理的回答。 5、What college subjects did you like best and least? Why?这个问题用来发现应聘者是怎样类型的人。即使你喜爱的课程与专业无关,也要表现出它对你申请的工作有所帮助。 6、What is your class rank and your grade point? Why are your grades so low?如果你的成绩不好,你要准备好适当的解释。 7、What are your interests on outside work? What campus or community activities have you been involved in?列举主要的一两个兴趣爱好即可,强调自己有很多兴趣爱好容易使人怀疑你有多少时间用来工作,还可能导致面试官对你的夸大其词的厌恶。 football 体现团队合作 8、What adjectives would you use to describe yourself?无论词藻华丽与否,一定要体现自身的特点,并且与众不同。务必为每个词准备好具体的例子。 9、How do you deal with someone in your group who isn’t pulling his

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