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Growing like China

Zheng Song Fudan University

Kjetil Storesletten

University of Oslo and CEPR Fabrizio Zilibotti

University of Zurich and CEPR

First version:March2008

This version:December2008


China has been growing at a high rate and has at the same time accumulated a stag-gering foreign surplus.We constructs a theory that explain these seemingly puzzling ob-

servations,while being consistent with salient features of the Chinese growth experience

since1992:high output growth,sustained returns on capital investments,extensive real-

location within the manufacturing sector,falling labor share and accumulation of a large

foreign surplus.The theory makes only minimal deviations from a neoclassical growth

model.Its building blocks are…nancial imperfections and reallocation among…rms with

heterogeneous productivity.Some…rms use more productive technologies than others,but

low-productivity…rms survive because of better access to credit markets.Due to the…-

nancial imperfections,high-productivity…rms–which are run by entrepreneurs–must be

…nanced out of internal savings.If these savings are su¢ciently large,the high-productivity

sector outgrows the low-productivity sector,and attracts an increasing employment share.

During the transition,low wage growth sustains the return to capital.The downsizing of

the…nancially integrated sector forces a growing share of domestic savings to be invested

in foreign assets,generating a foreign surplus.We test some auxiliary implications of the

theory and…nd robust empirical support.

JEL No.G18,O11,O16,O47,O53,P31.

Keywords:China,Economic Growth,Entrepreneurs,Financial Market Imperfections, Foreign Surplus,Investment,Loans,Productivity Heterogeneity,Rate of Return on Capital,

Reallocation,State-Owned Firms.

We thank seminar participants at Columbia University,CREi,Chinese University of Hong Kong,London School of Economics(conference"The Emergence of China&India in the Global Economy",3-5July2008), Universitat Autonoma,University of Oslo,University of Zurich and WISE for comments.Financial support from the European Research Council(ERC Advanced Grant IPCDP-229883)is gratefully acknowledged.

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Over the last thirty years,China has undergone a spectacular economic transformation.

The transformation has involved not only fast economic growth and sustained capital accumulation,but also major shifts in the sectoral composition of output,urbanization,

and a growing importance of markets and entrepreneurial skills.Reallocation of both

labor and capital across manufacturing…rms has been a key source of productivity

growth.The rate of return on investments has remained well above20%,higher than

in most industrialized and developing economies.If investment rates have been high,

saving rates have been even higher:in the last…fteen years,China has seen a growing

net foreign surplus.Its foreign reserves swelled from21billion USD in1992(5%of its

GDP)to1700billion USD in March2008(43%of its GDP),see Figure1.


The joint observation of high growth and high return on capital,on the one hand,

combined with a growing foreign surplus,on the other hand,is puzzling.A closed-

economy neoclassical growth model would predict that the high investment rate should

lead to a substantial fall in the return to capital.An open-economy model would predict

a large net capital in?ow rather than an out?ow,owing to the high domestic return on

capital.In this paper,we propose a theory of economic transition that resolves this

puzzle while being consistent with the main stylized facts of the Chinese experience.The

focal points of the theory are…nancial frictions and…rms’reallocation.In our theory,

both the sustained return on capital and the foreign surplus arise from the reallocation

of capital and labor from less productive externally-…nanced…rms to entrepreneurial

…rms that are more productive,but have less access to external…nancing.As…nancially integrated…rms shrink,a larger proportion of the domestic savings is invested in foreign

assets.Thus,high growth and high investments are consistent with the accumulation of

a foreign surplus.

Our paper is part of a recent literature arguing that low aggregate total factor pro-

ductivity(TFP)–especially in developing countries–is the result of micro-level re-

source misallocation(see Parente,Rogerson and Wright,2000,Caselli and Coleman

2002,Banerjee and Du?o2005,Hsieh and Klenow,2007,Restuccia and Rogerson,2008,

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and Gancia and Zilibotti,2009).While pockets of e¢cient…rms using state-of-art tech-

nologies may exist,these…rms fail to attract the large share of productive resources that

e¢ciency would dictate,due to…nancial frictions and other imperfections.Most existing

literature emphasizes the e¤ects of resource misallocation on average productivity.In

contrast,our paper argues that when a country starts from a situation of severe ine¢-

ciency,but manages to ignite the engine of reallocation,it has the potential to grow fast

over a prolonged transition.The mechanism is similar to that of models of transition

from agriculture to industry(see Lewis(1954)and more discussion below):e¢cient…rms

can count on a highly elastic supply of factors attracted from the less productive…rms.

To analyze such transition,we construct a model where…rms are heterogeneous in productivity and access to…nancial markets.High-productivity…rms are operated by

agents with entrepreneurial skills who are…nancially constrained and who must rely on

retained earnings to…nance their investments.Low-productivity…rms can survive due to

their better access to credit markets,since the growth potential of high-productivity…rms

is limited by the extent of entrepreneurial savings.If the saving?ow is su¢ciently large,

high-productivity…rms outgrow low-productivity ones,progressively driving them out of

the market.During the transition,the dynamic equilibrium has"AK"features:within

each sector,the rate of return to capital is constant due to labor mobility and to the

…nancial integration of one of the two sectors.Due to a composition e¤ect,the aggregate

rate of return on capital actually increases.Moreover,the economy accumulates a foreign

surplus.While investments in the expanding sector are…nanced by the retained earnings

of entrepreneurs,wage earners deposit their savings with intermediaries who can invest

them in loans to domestic…rms and in foreign bonds.As the demand for funds from

…nancially-integrated domestic…rms declines,a growing share of the intermediated funds

must be invested abroad,building a growing foreign surplus.This prediction is consistent

with the observation that the di¤erence between deposits and domestic bank loans has

been growing substantially,tracking China’s accumulation of foreign reserves(see again

Figure1).After the transition,the economy behaves as in a standard neoclassical model

where capital accumulation is subject to decreasing returns.

Reallocation within the manufacturing sector–the driving force in our model–has been shown to be a source of…rst-order productivity growth in China.In an in?uential

paper,Hsieh and Klenow(2007)estimate that reallocation across manufacturing…rms

with di¤erent productivity accounts for an annual1.4percentage points increase in

aggregate TFP during1998-2005.Thus,reallocation may account for a large share of

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total TFP growth.1

Our theory bears a number of auxiliary predictions that are consistent with the

evidence of China’s transition.We state here the main implications,and defer a more

detailed discussion of the evidence to section2.

1.The theory predicts that savings determine investments in regions with a high

intensity of entrepreneurial…rms,while investments are unrelated to savings in

regions dominated by…nancially-integrated…rms.Consistent with this prediction,

we…nd the time-series correlation between investments and savings to be signi…-

cantly higher in Chinese provinces with a high employment share in entrepreneurial


2.In the benchmark model,all…rms produce the same good and di¤er only in TFP.

We extend the theory to a two-sector model where…rms can specialize in the pro-

duction of more or less capital-intensive goods.This extension bears the prediction

that…nancially constrained…rms with high TFP will specialize in labor-intensive

activities(even though they have no technological comparative advantage).Thus,

the transition proceeds in stages:…rst low-productivity…rms retreat to capital-

intensive industries,and then they gradually vanish.This is consistent with the

observed dynamics of sectoral reallocation in China,where young high-productivity

private…rms have entered extensively in labor-intensive sectors,while old state-

owned…rms continue to dominate capital-intensive industries.

3.The theory predicts rising inequality within urban areas,as wages grow less than

entrepreneurial rents during the transition.Moreover,inequality should be higher

in regions with a high density of entrepreneurial activity.We…nd both predictions

to be consistent with the evidence for China.

The theory is related to the seminal work of Kuznets(1966)and Chenery and Syrquin

(1975)who study sources of productivity growth during economic transitions.In the

same vein,Lewis(1954)constructs a model of reallocation from agriculture to industry

where the supply of labor in manufacturing is"unlimited"due to structural overem-

ployment in agriculture.While his mechanism is similar in some respects with ours,

productivity increases in his model rely on some form of hidden unemployment in the

traditional sector.Lewis’theory captures aspects of the reallocation between rural and 1Recent papers estimate the annual TFP growth in the manufacturing sector to be in the range

between1.4%-3%(Wang and Yao2001,Young2003,Islam et al.,2006).

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urban areas in China,while our focus is on the reallocation within the industrial sector

and on the accumulation of foreign reserves.Other papers focusing on the transition

from agriculture to industry include Fei and Ranis(1961and1964),Takayama(1965),

Laitner(1990)and Matsuyama(1992).

Our paper is also related to Ventura(1997),who shows that in economies engaging in external trade capital accumulation is not subject to diminishing returns since resources

are moved from labor-intensive to capital-intensive sectors.Due to international trade,

the growing production of capital goods is exported,thus preventing the returns to

capital from falling.Ventura’s model does not assume any initial ine¢ciency,nor does

it imply that TFP should grow within each industry–a key implication of our theory.

In addition,his model has no implications regarding trade imbalances.

Matsuyama(2004,2005)show that…nancial frictions may induce trading economies to specialize in industries where they do not have a technological comparative advantage.

In our model,by a similar mechanism,less e¢cient…rms can survive and even outgrow

more productive ones.Moreover,our two-sector extension also predicts that…nancial

constraints generate specialization in spite of the lack of any technological comparative

advantage.Matsuyama(2007)provides a survey of the literature on economic transition.

Gourinchas and Jeanne(2007)note–as we do in this paper–that the observation that capital tend to?ow out of fast-growing economies with high marginal product of

capital is inconsistent with the neoclassical growth model.They show,using a panel of

69developing countries,that this pattern is not a unique feature of China.In particular,

developing countries with fast TFP growth tend to have both large capital out?ows and

large investment rates,while the opposite is true for slow-growing countries.They label

this…nding as the“allocation puzzle”.

A few recent papers address the more speci…c question of why China is accumulating

a large foreign surplus.Most papers emphasize the country’s high saving rate.Kuijs

(2005)shows that household and enterprise saving rates in China are,respectively,11.8

and8.6percentage points higher than those in the US,respectively.Demography,the

lack of social security and an imperfect…nancial sector are among the factors proposed

as explanations for this(e.g.Kraay,2000).However,it remains unclear why domestic

savings are not invested domestically given the high rate of return to capital in China.

Mendoza,Quadrini and Rios-Rull(2007)argue that this may be explained by di¤erences

in…nancial development inducing savers in emerging economies to seek insurance in safe

US bonds(see also Caballero,Farhi and Gourinchas,2006).Dooley,Folkerts-Landau

and Garber(2004)propose a strategic"political"motive:the Chinese government would

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in?uence wages,interest rates and international…nancial transactions so as to foster employment and export-led growth.

The paper is organized as follows.Section2describes some empirical evidence for

China since1992that motivates our analysis.Section3describes the benchmark model

and characterizes equilibrium.Section4discusses the e¤ect of…nancial development.

Section5presents two extensions focusing,respectively,on regional shocks to savings

and on specialization of di¤erent…rms in labor-or capital-intensive production.Section

6concludes.Proofs and other technical material are contained in an appendix

2The transition of China:empirical evidence

After thirty years of central planning,China introduced its…rst economic reforms in

December1978.The early reforms reduced land collectivization introducing the principle

of household responsibility in agriculture,increased the role of local governments and communities,and experimented with market reforms in a few selected special economic

zones.During the1980s,China was a mixed economy,with some elements of planning

and others of market economy,and with a high but volatile growth.

After a period of economic and political instability,a new stage of the reform process

began in1992,inaugurated by Deng Xiaoping’s"southern tour"during which the leader

spoke in favor of an acceleration of reforms(see Zhao1993).Since then,China has moved

towards a fully-?edged market economy.Thereafter,the role of the state in allocating

resources has decreased,and many unpro…table enterprises were shut down.The focus

of this paper is on the post-1992Chinese transition,a period characterized by a fast

and stable growth,and by a pronounced resource reallocation within the manufacturing

sector.In spite of very high investment rates(37%on average),the rate of return to

capital has not fallen over time,especially in the manufacturing sector.If the aggregate

return to capital fell slightly(from28%in1993to21%in2005),the rate of return on

capital in manufacturing has been increasing over time since the early1990s and climbed

close to35%in2003(see Bai,Hsieh and Qian(2006),Figure11).High corporate returns

have not been matched by the return on…nancial assets available to individual savers:

the average real rate of return on bank deposits,the main…nancial investment of Chinese households,was close to zero during the same period.2Wage growth has been lower than 2More precisely,the average one-year real deposit rate from1992to2006is-1.5%.Nominal deposit

rates are calculated at the end of each year.Real deposit rates are obtained by subtracting the GDP

de?ator from nominal deposit rates.Data source:China Yearbook of Statistics,various issues.

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growth in output per capita in recent years.The average real annual growth of wages

in the urban manufacturing sector was7.5%from1992to2004,substantially below the

average growth rate in real GDP per capita during the same period,8.9%(see Banister

(2007),Table10,based on China Labor Statistical Yearbook(2005)).Similarly,the

labor share of aggregate output fell from50%in1992to41%in2005(see Bai,Hsieh

and Qian2006,Table1).The falling labor share has contributed to rising inequality

even across urban households(see Benjamin et al.2008).


The reallocation of investments and workers within the manufacturing sector is a fo-cal point of our paper.Figure2shows the private employment share in manufacturing,

mining and construction,including both domestic private enterprises(DPE henceforth)

and foreign-owned enterprises.3In1994,private enterprises accounted for about10%

of total employment.By2006,their share rose up to80%.DPE(which account for

the lion’s share of private employment)and SOE di¤er in two important aspects:pro-

ductivity and access to…nancial markets.SOE are,on average,less productive and

have better access to external credit than do DPE.This makes ownership structure a

natural proxy for the di¤erent types of…rms in our theory.Figure3shows a measure of

pro…tability,i.e.,the ratio between total pro…ts("operation pro…ts plus subsidies plus

investment returns")and value of…xed assets net of depreciation.The gap between

DPE and SOE is about9percentage points per year,similar to that reported by Islam,

Dai and Sakamoto(2006).4Similarly,Hsieh and Klenow(2007)estimate the TFP gap

(adjusted by relative prices)between DPE and SOE to be42%.



3The disaggregation of manufacturing employment into DPE and foreign-owned enterprises is not available.When considering data on economy-wide employment,the employment share of DPE is about

…ve times as large as that of foreign…rms in2005,according to o¢cial statistics.

4A concern with the o¢cial data is that the ownership classi…cation is based on ownership at the time of initial registration.However,many…rms subsequently have been privatized.This problem is

addressed by Dollar and Wei(2007)who use survey data on12400…rms,classi…ed according to their

current ownership.They…nd the average return to capital to be twice as high in private…rms than

in fully state-owned enterprises(see Table6p.23).Interestingly,collectively owned…rms also have a

much higher productivity than SOE.

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Financial and contractual imperfections are central in our analysis.In a cross-country comparative study,Allen,Qian and Qian(2005)…nd that China scores low in terms of

creditor rights,investor protection,accounting standards,non-performing loans and cor-

ruption.5In an environment of such…nancial imperfections,Chinese…rms rely heavily

on retained earnings to…nance investments and running costs.Moreover,there is evi-

dence that credit markets discriminate against private…rms.One reason might be that

the main Chinese banks are also state owned:Boyreau-Debray and Wei(2005)document

that state-owned banks tend to o¤er easier credit to SOE.As a result,SOE can…nance

a larger share of their investments through external…nancing.Figure4shows that SOE

…nance more than30%through bank loans vs.less than10%for DPE.Similarly,Dollar

and Wei(2007,Table3.1,p.21)show that private…rms have less access to bank…nancing

and rely more on retained earnings and family and/or friends to…nance investments.

One should also note that,despite the rapid growth of the Chinese stock market in

recent years,equity continues to be a signi…cant source of…nancing only for SOEs and

large semi-privatized SOEs.For instance,Gregory and Tenev(2001)document that at

the end of1999,private…rms accounted for only1percent of the companies listed on

the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges.The same study reports the results of a

survey of private…rms in di¤erent Chinese provinces(including Beijing)conducted in

1999by the World Bank,showing that about80percent of them regarded the lack of

access to external…nance as a most serious constraint.6Similar conclusions are reached

by Laurenceson(2002)arguing that the importance of stock markets has been insigni…-

cant relative to the aggregate amount of savings in China,and practically irrelevant for


Another sign that DPE are more…nancially constrained is that both capital-output

and capital-labor ratios are substantially lower in DPE than in SOE.In2006the average

capital-output ratio in SOE was1.75vs.0.67in DPE(source:China Statistics Yearbook

2007).In the same year,the capital per worker was almost…ve times larger in SOE 5Interestingly,some reforms of the…nancial system have been undertaken,including a plan to turn

the four major state-owned commercial banks into joint-stock companies.This e¤ort involves consulting

foreign advisors to improve the managerial e¢ciency of banks(Kwan2006).In section4we discuss the

role of…nancial development during the economic transition.

6“(These private…rms...)relied heavily on self-…nancing for both start-up and expansion.More

than90percent of their initial capital came from the principal owners,the start-up teams,and their

families...In the case of post-start-up investments,the sample…rms continued to depend overwhelmingly

on internal sources,with at least62percent of their…nancing coming from the principal owners or out of

retained earnings.Among external funding sources,informal channels,credit unions,and commercial

banks were about equally represented.Outside equity,including public equity,and public debt markets

played an insigni…cant role.”(Gregory and Tenev,2001,p.1)

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than in DPE,although part of this di¤erence can be attributed to the higher average

educational attainment of SOE workers.This gap arises from both an intensive and an

extensive margin.First,SOE are more capital intensive within each industry,as shown

in Figure A1in the appendix.Panels1and2show,respectively,the capital-output and

capital-labor ratio by ownership structure within three-digit manufacturing industries.

Second,DPE have taken over labor-intensive industries,while the share of SOE remains high in capital-intensive industries.To document the retreat of SOE from labor-

intensive industries,we classify three-digit manufacturing industries by the capital-labor

ratio in US industries in1996(we do not classify them according to capital-labor rations

in China in order to avoid an endogeneity problem).7We then match the industries listed

by the China Industrial Economy Statistical Yearbook(CIESY2002,2003and2004)to

the SIC codes.8This leaves a total of27industries.Figure5plots the SOE share of

total employment across industries of di¤erent capital-intensity(average between2001

and2003).Clearly,SOE are signi…cantly more represented in industries that are more

capital intensive in the US.For instance,the SOE employment share in the ten most

capital-intensive industries is57%,while in the ten least capital-intensive industries it



The economic transition of China has been accompanied by increasing inequality–even within the urban sector.For instance,the Gini coe¢cient of income grew from

0.36in1992to0.47in2004.Our theory suggests that this development may be due

in part to the slow growth of wages relative to entrepreneurial income.The pattern of

income inequality across regions can o¤er some insight.We classify Chinese provinces

by the percentage of employees in DPE over total employees in all industrial enterprises.

Figure6shows a high positive correlation between the Gini coe¢cient at the provincial

level in2006and the employment share of DPE:provinces with more private…rms

have a substantially higher income dispersion.Although it does not prove any causal

relationship,this correlation is nevertheless interesting.

7The U.S.data are from NBER-CES Manufacturing Industry Database,available at https://www.wendangku.net/doc/aa1597110.html,/nberces.

8Among31industries in CIESY,18of them…t industries at the SIC2-digit level,and9can be matched to industries at the SIC3-digit level.There is no match between CIESY and the SIC for the

remaining4industries.Details are available upon request.

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In this section we develop a theory of economic transition that is consistent with the

facts documented in the previous section.A key prediction–also consistent with the

evidence from China–is that during the transition the economy experiences a growing

foreign surplus.


The model economy is populated by overlapping generations of two-period lived agents

who work in the…rst period and live o¤savings in the second period.Preferences are parameterized by the following time-separable logarithmic utility function

U t=log(c1t)+ log(c2t+1);

where is the discount factor.Agents have heterogeneous skills.Each cohort consists

of a measure N t of agents with no entrepreneurial skills(workers),and a measure N t

of agents with entrepreneurial skills(entrepreneurs),whose skills are transmitted from

parents to children.9The population grows at the exogenous rate ;hence,N t+1=

(1+ )N t.The rate captures demographic trends,including migration from rural to

urban areas,assumed to be exogenous,for simplicity.10

There are two types of…rms,both requiring one manager,capital and labor as inputs.

Financially integrated(F)…rms are owned by intermediaries(see below)and operate as

standard neoclassical…rms.Entrepreneurial(E)…rms are owned by old entrepreneurs

who are residual claimants on the pro…ts and who hire their own children as managers.

Each…rm can choose between two modes of production(similar to Acemoglu et al.,

2007).Either the…rm delegates decision authority to its manager,or it retains direct

control on strategic decisions.There is a trade-o¤.On the one hand,delegation leads

to higher total factor productivity(TFP)–e.g.,the manager takes decisions based on

superior information.More formally,a…rm retaining control has a TFP equal to A

while the TFP of a…rm that delegates authority is A where >1:On the other 9Lower case will denote per-capita or…rm-level variables.Upper case will denote aggregate variables.

10Since1990the average annual population growth rate in China has been0.7%and the annual

growth of the urban-rural population ratio has been about3.3%per year.

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hand,delegation raises an agency problem:unless monitored,the manager can steal the

output,and never be caught(as in Acemoglu,Aghion and Zilibotti,2006).The key

assumption is that family-run E…rms are better at monitoring their managers(indeed,

the ability to monitor is the de…ning skill of an entrepreneur),and these can only divert

a share<1of output.F…rms,on the other hand,are weak at corporate governance,

and cannot e¤ectively monitor their managers:under delegation,all output would be


Given these assumptions,F…rms will always choose a centralized organization.More-over,under a condition that will be spelled out below,E…rms prefer delegation.Thus,

the technology of F…rms is described by the following production function

y F t=k F t(A t n F t)1 ;

while the technology of E…rms is represented by

y Et=k Et( A t n Et)1 :

In both cases,k and n denote the capital and labor input,respectively,and capital is

assumed to depreciate fully after one period.In the case of centralized organization(F

…rms)the input of the manager is equivalent to that of a regular worker and is included

into n F:A t is a TFP parameter that evolves according to

A t+1=(1+z)A t:

Consider,next,the savings decisions of the household sector.Young workers earn

a wage,w,and deposit their savings with a set of competitive intermediaries(banks)

paying a gross interest rate,R d.They choose savings so as to maximize utility subject to

an intertemporal budget constraint,c w1t+c w2t+1=R d=w t:This yields the optimal saving

s w t= =(1+ )w t:Young entrepreneurs in E…rms earn a managerial compensation,

m t.Like the workers,they save a fraction =(1+ )of their earnings,and invest it

either in bank deposits or in their family business.

Banks collect savings from households and invest in domestic capital and foreign bonds yielding a gross return R.Domestic investments can be channelled either to F

…rms or to old entrepreneurs who invest in their own business.However,contractual

imperfections plague the relationship between banks and entrepreneurs.Output and

11The assumption that the manager can steal the output unless he is monitored is a catch-all for a

variety of moral hazard issues.Similar results would obtain if we assumed that there is a con?ict of

objectives between managers and owners as in Aghion and Tirole(1997).

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pro…ts are partially non-veri…able,and entrepreneurs can only pledge a share of the

second-period net pro…ts.12In the benchmark model,we will make the simplifying

assumption that =0,i.e.,there is no lending from banks to private entrepreneurs.

This extreme assumption will be generalized to >0in section4.1.

In a competitive equilibrium where banks invest in both foreign bonds and domestic

capital,the rate of return on domestic…rms–absent other frictions–must equal the rate

of return on foreign bonds,and both rates must equal the rate of return on deposits.13

More formally,R d=R l=R where R l is the return on capital investment in domestic

…rms.Moreover,pro…t maximization implies that R l equals the marginal product of

capital in the F sector,and that wages equal the marginal product of labor,

w t=(1 ) R l 1 A t:(1) Next,consider E…rms.The value of a…rm owned by an old entrepreneur who has

invested k Et is the solution to the following program:

t(k Et)=max

m t;n Et (k Et) ( A t n Et)1 m t w t n Et (2) subject to the incentive constraint that m t (k Et) (A Et n Et)1 ;where m t is the

payment to the manager,and arbitrage in the labor market implies that the wage is as

in(1).14The optimal contract implies that the incentive constraint is binding:

m t=(k Et) ( A t n Et)1 :(3) Taking the First Order Condition with respect to n E and substituting in the equi-

librium wage given by(1)yields

n Et=((1 ) )1 R l 11 k Et A t;(4)

which in turn implies,together with(2)and(3),that the value of the…rm is

t(k Et)=(1 )1 1 R l k Et E k Et:(5)

12The assumption that output is not veri…able rules out the possibility that…nancially integrated

…rms hire old entrepreneurs.If the entrepreneurs could commit to repay,all…rms would be run by

private entrepreneurs.

13In section4we assume that banks are subject to iceberg costs when turning savings into domestic investments.In that case,R l>R:

14The managerial compensation must also exceed the workers’wage rate(m t>w t).We assume that

this participation constraint is never binding in equilibrium.

In constrast,F…rms are not subject to any incentive constraint since their managers make no dis-

cretionary decisions.Thus,the managers’participation constraint is binding and they earn the same

wage as ordinary workers.

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We introduce the following assumption:

Assumption1 > 1 11 .

Assumption1ensures that E>R l;so that(i)E…rms prefer delegation to cen-tralization and(ii)young entrepreneurs…nd it optimal to invest in the family business.

If this assumption were not satis…ed,there would be no E…rms in equilibrium.Thus,

Assumption1is key to trigger economic transition.

Before discussing the equilibrium dynamics,we review the main assumptions of this section.


The theory describes a general growth model characterized by heterogeneous…rms that

di¤er in productivity and access to credit markets.In the application to China,the

natural empirical counterparts of E…rms and F…rms are state-owned and private en-

terprises,respectively.In our model,we do not emphasize the public ownership of less

productive…rms.However,we focus on two salient features that are related to the

ownership structure.First,due to their internal bureaucratic structure,SOE are weak

in corporate governance,and grant less autonomy and incentives to their management.

This feature is well documented.For instance,Liu and Otsuka(2004)documents that

pro…t-linked managerial compensation schemes are very rare in a sample of SOE,and in

contrast are ten to twenty times more prevalent in a sample of Township and Village En-

terprises.The rigidity of the SOE structure is emphasized by Chang and Wong(2004).

Second,thanks to connections to state-owned banks they enjoy better access to borrow-

ing(see the motivating evidence discussed above).In describing F…rms as competitive,

we abstract from other institutional features,such as market power or distortions in

the objectives pursued by…rms and their managers,that may be important in Chinese

SOE.We do so partly for tractability.We note,however,that SOE in China have been

subject to an increased competitive pressure that has led many of them to be closed or

privatized and forced to restructure.Therefore,we believe the abstraction of competitive

pro…t-maximizing…rms to be fruitful in order to focus on the two distortions discussed

above.Likewise,again for simplicity,we model the labor market as competitive and

frictionless.While the Chinese labor market is characterized by important frictions(for

example,barriers to geographical mobility)we do not think that including such frictions

would change any of the qualitative predictions of the theory,although it would a¤ect

the speed of reallocation.

The assumption that private…rms are less…nancially integrated is also well rooted in the empirical evidence discussed in section2,showing that Chinese private…rms rely heavily on self-…nancing,and receive only limited funding from banks and insigni…cant equity funding.The assumption that monitoring is easier within?exible organizations –and most notably in family…rms–seems natural.In the model,we do not emphasize inter-family altruistic links:parents transmit genetically entrepreneurial skills to their children,but also must provide them with incentives to avoid opportunistic behavior. Alternatively,we could have focused on parental altruism and assumed that incentive problems are altogether absent in family…rms.In such an alternative model,parents would leave voluntary bequests to their children,who in turn would invest in the family …rm.In the technical appendix we develop a model with warm-glow bequests,and show that the main implications of the theory are robust.One advantage of the speci…cation chosen in the previous section is that it does not hinge on family ties.For instance, we could dispense of the assumption that young managers and old entrepreneurs in E …rms are members of the same family,and assume instead that entrepreneurial skills –i.e.,the ability to monitor–can be learned through the experience of working as a manager with delegated authority.The results would be identical to those of our model. Therefore,the model captures general features of private credit-constrained…rms beyond the convenient abstraction of the family…rm.

The feature that is essential for our mechanism to work is that…nancial and contrac-tual frictions must obstruct the?ow of capital towards high-productivity entrepreneurial …rms.If the entrepreneurs could borrow external funds without impediments,the tran-sition would occur instantaneously and only the more e¢cient E…rms would survive in equilibrium.As we will see,the fact that entrepreneurs must rely–partially or totally –on their own savings generates a smooth transition.

3.3Equilibrium during transition

In this section,we characterize the equilibrium dynamics during a transition in which there is positive employment in both sectors.We start by showing that E…rms choose in equilibrium a lower capital-output ratio than do F…rms.To this aim,denote by J k J=(A J n J)the capital per e¤ective unit of labor.We drop time subscripts when

this causes no confusion.As discussed above,in a competitive equilibrium,the borrowing

rate,R l,pins down the marginal product of capital in the F sector.Thus,R l= 1

F ,

Page 14 of 53


F = R l

11 :(6)Since F is constant,the equilibrium wage in (1)grows at the rate of technical change,z;as long as employment in the F sector is positive.This is a standard feature of neoclassical open-economy growth models.Equation (4)then implies immediately that

E =

F ((1 ) ) 1 ;(7)

where E < F as long as Assumption 1holds.The following Lemma is then easily established.

Lemma 1Let Assumption 1hold,i.e., > :Then,E …rms have a lower capital-output ratio and a lower capital-labor ratio than do F …rms.

Intuitively,…nancially constrained …rms have a comparative disadvantage in using capital –manifested in the higher return on capital –and therefore choose a lower capital-labor ratio.

Consider,next,the transitional dynamics of capital and labor.The key properties of the model that determine the equilibrium dynamics are that (i)K Et and A t are predeter-mined (whereas K F t is not a state variable,and is determined so as to equate the return on investments in the F sector to the international bond rate),(ii)capital per e¤ective unit of labor, E and F ;are constant in each sector,and (iii)entrepreneurial saving at t (hence,K Et +1)is linear in K Et :These three properties imply that employment,capital and output in the entrepreneurial sector grow at a constant rate during transition,as is stated formally in the following Lemma.

Lemma 2During transition,given K Et and A t ,the equilibrium dynamics of capital and employment in the entrepreneurial sector are given by:

K Et +1K Et = 1+ ((1 ) )1 R l

1+ K E ;(8)and N Et +1=N Et

= 1+ K E =(1+z ) 1+ E :The employment share of the entrepre-neurial sector grows over time if and only if E > ,or,equivalently

>11 1+ (1+z )(1+ ) R l 1 :(A2)

Page 15 of 53

The fact that young entrepreneurs earn a constant share of E-…rms’pro…ts is a key driving force of the transition.To illustrate this point,suppose that z=0:In this case the workers’wage remains constant during the transition.However,the managerial rents,m t;still grow in proportion to the output of the E sector.The growing earning inequality between workers and entrepreneurs is key for the transition to occur,since (i)the investments of E…rms are…nanced by entrepreneurial savings,and(ii)constant wages avoid a falling return to investments.If young entrepreneurs were to earn no rents and to receive the workers’wage,investments in the E sector would not grow over time.As one can see from(8),the growth rate is hump-shaped in :If entrepreneurial rents are small(low),young entrepreneurs are poor,and there are low investments. However,if is too large,the pro…tability and growth of E-sector…rms( E)fall.

Note that both Assumption1and condition A2require the TFP gap, ;to be large. Hence,generically,only one of them will be binding.Interestingly,the theory can predict failed take-o¤s.For instance,suppose that the saving rate, =(1+ ),unexpectedly falls.Then,it is possible that investments in the E sector continue to be positive(i.e., Assumption1continues to hold)but the employment share of the E sector shrinks(i.e., condition A2ceases to be satis…ed).

The equilibrium dynamics of capital,employment and output of the F sector are characterized residually by the condition that K F t= F A t(N t N Et),namely the F

sector hires all workers not employed in the E sector,and K F adjusts so as to attain the optimal capital-labor ratio.Standard algebra shows that,as long as the employment share in the E sector increases,the growth rate K F declines over time.15Capital accumu-lation in the F sector is hump-shaped during the transition.Initially,when employment in the E sector is small,K F grows at a positive rate.However,as the transition proceeds, its growth rate declines and eventually turns negative.

Finally,standard algebra shows that GDP per worker is given by

Y t N t =

Y F t+Y Et

N t

= F 1+1 N Et N t A t:(9)

15More formally,

K F t+1 K F t =

A F t+1

A F t

N F t+1

N F t

=(1+z)(1+ )

1 N E0

N0 1+ E1+ t+1

1 N E0

N0 1+ E1+ t 1+ K F t:

where d

dt 1+ K F;t =(1+z)N E0N0 1+ E1+ t ln1+ E1+ E 1 (1+ E1+ )t 2<0as long as N E=N grows.

Page 16 of 53

The growth rate of GDP per worker accelerates during transition as long as condition (A2)is satis…ed,re?ecting the resource reallocation towards more e¢cient…rms.Under the same condition,the average rate of return on capital in the economy increases during the transition,even though the rates of return on capital in E…rms and F…rms are constant.Intuitively,this re?ects the increasing share of the capital stock yielding the high return E.16

Figure7illustrates the transitional dynamics of employment,wage,output and av-erage rate of return in our economy when Assumption1and condition A2hold.In the …gure,the transition ends in period T,when all workers are employed in the E sector. During the transition,the employment share of the E sector,the average rate of return and output per e¤ective units of labor grow,whereas wages per e¤ective units remain constant.


3.4Foreign Balance,Savings,and Investments

In this section,we derive the implications of the model for foreign balance,saving and investment rate.We start from the foreign balance,which is the main focal point of our theory.Consider the banks’balance sheet:

K F t+B t=


w t 1N t 1:(10)

The left-hand side are the banks’assets(i.e.,F-sector investments,K F t;plus foreign bonds,B t),while the right-hand side describes their liabilities(deposits).The analysis of the previous section leads to the following Lemma.

Lemma3The country’s foreign balance is given by

B t= 1+ (1 ) 1F

(1+z)(1+ ) 1+N Et

N t F A t N t:(11)

16More formally,the average rate of return is

t= E K E;t+ F K F;t

K E;t+K F;t


R l

1 1 ((1 ) ) 1 N Et N t;

which is increasing as long as N Et=N t increases. Page 17 of 53

As long as the employment share of the E sector(N Et=N t)increases during the tran-sition,the country’s foreign asset position increases,at least,for su¢ciently large t.17 When the transition is completed(say,at time T),all workers are employed in E…rms

(N ET=N T=1),and the net foreign position becomes B T=( =(1+ ))(1 )


A T N T> 0:

The intuition for the growing foreign surplus despite rapid economic growth is that

as employment is reallocated towards the more productive E…rms,investment in the …nancial integrated sector shrinks.Hence,the demand for domestic borrowing falls and banks must shift their portfolio towards foreign bonds.Although there is a potentially increasing demand of borrowing from the E sector,this cannot be satis…ed due to the …nancial frictions.Interestingly,the growth rate of the foreign surplus can exceed that

of GDP,resulting in a growing B t=Y t ratio.18

Figure8illustrates the evolution of the foreign balance-GDP ratio during transition through a simulated example.


During the transition,the gross saving rate,S t=Y t(where S t=( =(1+ ))(w t N t+ m t)), is increasing,whereas the gross investment rate,I t=Y t(where I t=K Et+1+K F t+1),is decreasing.Both forces contribute to the growing foreign trade surplus during the tran-sition.Consider,…rst,why the saving rate grows.Workers employed in the F sector earn

a constant share,1 ,of output in that sector,and save a fraction =(1+ )of this.

In contrast,workers employed in the E sector save a fraction( =(1+ ))(1 )(1 )

of output in that sector.In addition,young entrepreneurs save a share( =(1+ )). Thus,the saving rate of the E-sector equals( =(1+ ))(1 + )which exceeds the corresponding rate in the F sector.Since the E sector expands over time,the average na-tional saving rate is increasing,due to a composition e¤ect.Next,consider investments.

17When t is small,so that N Et=N t is small,the right-hand side term in parenthesis can be negative. Thus,initially B t may fall.However,B t=(A t N t)is non-decreasing.

18B t=Y t grows during transition as long as is not too large.More formally,

B t Y t =


(1 ) 1


(1+z)(1+ ) 1+N Et N t



N Et

N t



which is increasing with N Et=N t provided that< 1+ (1+z)(1+ )1 l :The set of parameters satisfying

this condition together with assumption1and condition(A2)is non-empty.

Page 18 of 53

Recall that investments at t equal capital at t+1,and consider for simplicity the case of z= =0.Then,every worker who is shifted from the F to the E sector works with less capital.Therefore,the total domestic investment falls during the transition.Even with positive technical change and population growth,the investment rate would fall over time.It is important to note that the prediction of a growing foreign surplus does not hinge on a falling investment rate.In the next section,we show that augmenting our model with improvements in the…nancial sector can yield both increasing investment rates and a growing foreign surplus during transition.

The following proposition summarizes the main results so far.

Proposition1Suppose Assumption1holds.During a transition,the equilibrium em-ployment in the two sectors is given by N Et=K Et= A t F(1 ) 1 1 and N F t= N t N Et,where F is given by(6),and K Et and A t are predetermined at t.The rate of return to capital is constant over time in both sectors,and higher in the E than in the F sector: F=R l and E=(1 )1 1 R l:The capital and employment growth of the E sector are given by(8).If condition A2holds,then the employment share of the E sector grows over time.The stock of foreign assets,given by(11),is growing.

3.5Post-transition Equilibrium

Once the transition is completed at period T all workers are employed in E…rms, N Et=N t for t>T.Moreover,the aggregate capital stock is given by K Et+1= ( =(1+ )) m t,which implies standard neoclassical dynamics of capital per e¢ciency



1+ (1+z)(1+ )

( Et) :

Thus,there is capital deepening over time until the capital per e¢ciency unit converges.

Consequently,wage growth will increase,and output and net foreign surplus will increase

until the capital deepening is completed.However,the rate of return on capital will

decrease.Figures7and8illustrate the post-transition dynamics of the main variables.


The theory…ts some salient qualitative features of the recent Chinese growth experience

discussed in section2.First,in spite of the high investments and growth of industrial

production the corporate rate of return does not fall.Second,E…rms–similarly to DPE

in China–have a higher TFP and less access to external…nancing.This induces a lower Page 19 of 53

Page 20 of 53

capital intensity in E…rms than in F…rms(Lemma1)–again in line with the empirical

evidence.Moreover the rate of return on capital is higher in E…rms than in F…rms,as

in the data DPE are more pro…table than SOE.Third,the transition is characterized

by factor reallocation from…nancially integrated…rms to entrepreneurial…rms–similar

to the reallocation from SOE to DPE in the data.Fourth,such reallocation leads to an

external imbalance–as in the data the economy runs a sustained trade surplus.Finally,

the model predicts a growing inequality between wages and entrepreneurial earnings.

The most problematic prediction is that of a falling investment rate during the tran-

sition.As explained above,the mechanism behind this prediction is very di¤erent from

that of a standard neoclassical growth model.There,the investment rate falls due to

capital deepening and decreasing returns.In contrast,in our model,the investment

rate falls due to a composition e¤ect:…nancially constrained…rms-which have a lower

capital-output ratio-expand,while…nancially unconstrained…rms contract.However,

in the data there is no evidence of a falling investment rate:Bai,Hsieh and Qiang(2006)

document that the aggregate investment-GDP ratio has been U-shaped since1992,with

a trough in1997.In2006,the investment rate was a staggering52%!

One way to reconcile our theory with the data is to introduce a mechanism generating

capital deepening within each sector.This would be consistent with the evidence that

both private and state-owned…rms in China have increased their capital-output ratio

over time(whereas capital-output ratios are constant within each sector in our model).

One simple mechanism delivering capital deepening is a reduction of…nancial frictions

during the transition.We turn to…nancial development in the next section.

4Financial development

There have been some attempts to improve the Chinese…nancial system during recent

years.For instance,the lending market has been deregulated,allowing for both more

competition and more?exibility in pricing of loans.19This has brought an increase in

the e¢ciency of the banking system,witnessed for instance by a sharp reduction in the

ratio of non-performing loans.20To incorporate…nancial development into the theory,

19Before1996,banks had to lend at the o¢cial lending rate.In1996,a reform allowed them to set

the rate between0.9and1.1times the o¢cial rate.The upper limit gradually increased to1.3times

for small and medium enterprises in the late1990s and was eventually removed completely in2004

(see Ouanes,2006).The increase in competition is also witnessed by the loan share of the four major

state-owned banks falling from61%in1999to53%in2004and by the growing equity market.

20In state-owned banks,the non-performing loan ratio has fallen from26%in2002to10%in2005.

Although part of this improvement can be attributed to a government bailout,this ratio for new loans


61 对于由AgNO 3和过量的KBr溶液制备得到的溶胶以下的说法中何者是正确的 A 定位离子是Ag+ B 反离子是Br– C 扩散层带负电 D 它是负溶胶 D 由于KBr过量生成的AgBr吸附Br–而成为负溶胶反离子是K+扩散层带正电 62 对于As2S3溶胶下列电解质中聚沉能力最强的是 A LiCl B NaCl C CaCl2 D AlCl3 D As 2S3是负溶胶它的反离子正离子的价数越高聚沉能力越强Al3+价数最高 63 对于Al2O3溶胶下列电解质中聚沉能力最强的是 A KCl B KNO3 C K3[Fe(CN)6] D K2C2O4 C Al 2O3是正溶胶它的反离子负离子的价数越高聚沉能力越强[Fe(CN)6]3–价数最高 64 用AgNO 3和KI过量制备的AgI溶胶下列电解质中对溶胶聚沉能力最强的是 A La(NO3)3 B Mg(NO3)2 C NaNO3 D KNO3 A 当KI过量时制备的AgI溶胶是负溶胶它的反离子正离子的价数越高聚沉能力越强La3+价数最高 65 测定不同电解质对某一浓度的Fe(OH) 溶胶的聚沉值mmol/L数据如下 1/2BaCl2K2SO4 NaCl KCl 0.205 9.65 9.25 9.00 由此得到下面的结论中哪个是不正确的

A Fe(OH)3是正溶胶 B 正离子对聚沉影响不大 C 二价负离子比一价负离子聚沉能力强 D 相同浓度的KCl和BaCl2聚沉能力相似 D 带有二价负离子的K2SO4的聚沉值最小即聚沉能力最强说明Fe(OH)3是正溶胶选项A B C都是正确的相同浓度的KCl和BaCl2后者Cl–浓度比前者大一倍因此聚沉能力不等 66 测定不同电解质对某一浓度Fe(OH) 溶胶的聚沉值mmol/L数据如下 KCl KI K2SO4 KBr 0.205 16.0 12.5 9.00 由此得到下面的结论中哪个是不正确的 A Fe(OH)3是正溶胶 B 二价负离子比一价负离子聚沉能力强 C 一价负离子聚沉能力排序为Cl–>Br–>I– D 一价负离子聚沉值排序为Cl–>Br–>I– D 带有二价负离子的K2SO4的聚沉值比一价离子小得多即聚沉能力强得多说明Fe(OH)3 是正溶胶选项A B C都是正确的选项D按聚沉值排序排反了 67 在Fe(OH)3Mg(OH)2As2S3和AgI制备时AgNO3过量四种溶胶中哪一个与其他三种溶胶混合时会发生聚沉 A Fe(OH)3 B Mg(OH)2 C As2S3 D AgI C As2S3是负溶胶其他三种多为正溶胶正负溶胶混合会发生聚沉 68 江河水中含有的泥沙混悬物在出海口附近发生沉淀原因有多种其中与胶体化学有关的因素是 A 盐析作用 B 电解质聚沉作用 C 溶胶互沉作用 D 破乳作用 B 江河水在出海口与海水混合海水中含大量电解质使泥沙混悬物发生沉淀


复旦大学2003年博士研究生入学考试试题 Part Ⅰ (略) Part Ⅱ Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the 21. She A. missed B. budgeted C. loathed 22. They tried to keep it quiet but eventually everyone learned about the A. intangible B. sedate C. impudent 23. Many citizens appealed to the city government for enacting laws to protect the A. rigorous B. equivocal C. stringent 24. People who like to wear red clothes are more likely to be talkative and A. lucrative B. introverted C. vivacious 25. This is but a of the total amount A. friction B. fraction C. faction 26. They were tired, but not any less enthusiastic A. on B. by C. for 27. I think it is high time we the fact that environmental pollution in this area is A. woke up to B. must wake up to C. wake up to 28. So was the mood of the meeting that an agreement was s A. resentful B. amiable C. suffocating 29. Rescue workers continued the delicate task of sifting through tons of concrete and A. scraps B. leftovers C. debris 30. When she A. came to B. came off C. came through 31. The shortage of water became more this summer with the highest temperatures in 40 yea A. needy B. latent C. uneasy 32. They tried to drive their horse into the river, but he simply could A. budge B. surge C. trudge 33. Even the best medical treatment can not cure all the diseases that men and A. beseech B. beset C. bewitch 34. The boy's talent might have lain had it not been for his uncle's A. extinguished B. dormant C. malignant D. 35. The two leaders made a show of unity at the press conference, though they had notably


2016年高分子材料化学与物理考试大纲 一:高分子物理部分 参考书目录: 何曼君、陈维孝、董西侠编《高分子物理(修订版)》,复旦大学出版社,1990年10月 何曼君、张红东、陈维孝、董西侠编《高分子物理(第三版)》,复旦大学出版社,2007年3月 考试形式和试卷结构 一、试卷满分及考试时间 试卷满分为75分,考试时间为分钟. 二、答题方式 答题方式为闭卷、笔试. 三、试卷内容结构 四、试卷题型结构 名词解释及简答题 解答题(包括证明题) 考试内容 聚合物材料的结构特点 1. 掌握高分子链结构的特点 2. 理解高分子链结构的内容构造;构型;构象;结构单元;结构单元的键接结构;支化度;交联度;嵌段数;序列长度;旋光异构;几何异构等概念; 3. 理解高分子链的远程结构分子的大小;内旋转构象链段;静态柔顺性;动态柔顺性等概念; 4. 了解高分子链的构象统计方法;掌握末端距;均方末端距;均方根末端距;均方均方末端距;B条件;无扰尺寸A; Kuhn链段长度le;极限特征比C Y;均方旋转半径;无规线团的形状等概念; 了解和掌握高分子的聚集态结构内容,包括: 1. 高聚物分子间的作用力内聚能密度; 2. 高聚物结晶的结构和形态聚合物结晶模型;晶态结构模型;非晶态模型; 3. 高分子的结晶过程结晶度;结晶动力学;晶体生长;半结晶期; 4. 结晶热力学熔限; 5. 聚合物的取向态结构取向度; 6. 了解高分子液晶及应用性能,如热致型液晶;溶致型液晶;高分子液晶的结构;高分子液晶相变; 掌握高分子的分子运动特点及特点,包括: 1. 高聚物分子运动的特点高分子分子运动现象;运动单元的多样性;高分子运动的时间依 赖性;高分子运动的温度依赖性; 2. 高聚物的次级松弛 3. 高聚物的玻璃化转变聚合物的玻璃化转变理论;影响Tg的结构因素及改变Tg手段


题目:人际交往也是门课 摘要:随着现代社会的发展,人与人之间的交流沟通越来越密切,人际关系也成为了我们生活中很重要的一部分。而对于大学生来说,当我们进入大学校园的那一刻起,就决定我们需要良好的人际交往能力。良好的人际交往能使大学生在人际交往活动中,有效的沟通和交流,有原则地调节冲突和改善相互间的情感关系,以实现其心里平衡,促进自身健康发展。把握人际关系原则,提高人际交往和沟通的技能。掌握了这项技能,我们才能在未来的社会道路上走的更远。 关键字:人际交往、大学生、复旦投毒案 正文:复旦投毒案是指2013年4月上海复旦大学上海医学院研究生黄洋遭他人投毒后死亡的案件。该案件发生于复旦大学枫林校区中,犯罪嫌疑人为被害人室友林森浩,投毒药品为剧毒化学品N-二甲基亚硝胺。2014年2月18日上午在上海市第二中级人民法院一审宣判,被告人林森浩犯故意杀人罪被判死刑,剥夺政治权利终身。 作为一个拥有高学历的研究生,是出于怎样的心理去下此毒手呢?是教育的问题吗?还是心理的问题?又是什么原因导致寝室关系的危机呢?原华东师范大学心理咨询中心主任叶斌表示,人际关系是大学生心理咨询中的“大头”,极端个案只是极少数,但过度竞争、文化差异、生活习惯不同、缺乏包容等却导致学生之间矛盾不断。因此,有四大原因导致大学生的寝室关系成为最微妙、最难以调和的关

第一是文化和生活习惯的冲突。高校和中学不同,学生来自五湖四海,也带来各自的文化、生活习惯、行为、价值观。由于学生的寝室不是自己挑选而是由学校安排,一些学生互相之间缺乏包容别人生活习惯的大度,互相之间就容易产生矛盾。一些外地学生曾找心理老师倾诉,感觉有一堵无形的墙,阻挡自己和本地学生的融合。 第二是不分城镇还是农村,不论南方还是北方,学生们都感觉到个人的独立空间变小甚至没有了。到了高校寝室,他们原本享有的个人生活环境就发生了改变。人均享有的空间面积缩小,需要分享,寝室的卫生、电力、热水问题的都有一个适应和分享的过程。然而,大部分学生在以前的家庭里没有接受相关的训练,也没有经验和意识,于是分工打扫卫生要么不愿意,要么很勉强,这些看似细小的生活琐事,却很容易积累成矛盾。 第三,学业压力。直研直博的名额竞争激烈,而成绩的等第也会影响自己的未来,所以“无学”的大学其实还是有一定的压力,在关键时刻矛盾也容易激化。 第四,太计较,缺乏包容心。现在一些学生来咨询时说起导致寝室关系恶化的原因,往往是一些非常细小的问题,在很多年长的人看来这些问题根本不值一提,然而一些年轻的学生却会非常在意。有的大学生总觉得同学说话做事是特别针对自己,是看不起自己,惯于从消极方面考虑问题;有的学生则习惯过度解读别人的言行,缺乏


复旦大学攻读硕士博士发表论文要求 根据复旦大学学位评定委员会会议精神,复旦大学博士、硕士学位申请人在攻读学位期间必须发表符合一定数量和质量要求的学术论文,现就有关规定具体要求说明如下: 一、申请学位发表学术论文的基本要求 1.硕士学位:至少在指导目录B类期刊上发表(含录用)1篇专业学术论文(数学、文科类及专业学位除外); 2.学术型博士学位:文科类至少在指导目录B类期刊上发表(含录用)2篇专业学术论文:理、工、医科类至少在SCI、EI或指导目录A类期刊上发表(含录用) 1篇专业学术论文: 3. 临床医学博士专业学位:至少在指导目录A类期刊上发表(含录用)1篇专业学术论文; 4.工程博士专业学位:至少在EI检索或SCI检索期刊上发表(含录用1篇专业学术论文,或有一项与学术型博士学位论文的发表要求相当,并能体现工程博士高水平科研或工程能力的成果,详见《复旦大学关于授予工程博士专业学位的基本要求》; 5.用于申请学位的学术论文,第一作者单位应署复旦大学: 6.申请硕士、博士学位发表论文要求作者排名第一(特殊情况除外)。特殊情况包括:(1)第一作者为导师、第二作者为学位申请人,(2)以姓氏笔画禅名的期刊导师证明学位申请人是第一执笔人,(3)学位申请人在影响因子为6.0以上的SCI期刊发表文章且作者排名前三名: 7. 2012年9月前入学的文科类博士生,申请博士学位至少在指导目录类B期刊上发表(含录用)3篇专业学术论文; 8.在A类期刊上发表1篇文章可相当于在B类期刊上发表2篇文章。 学校赞成并支持各学位评定分委员会提出比学校规定更高或更为详细的学术规范及学术要求。 二、其它说明: 1.在国外学术刊物上用外文发表且所发刊物属SSCI(社会科学引文索引)可视同为《指导目录》中的A类期刊文章:属A&HCI (艺术人文科学引文索引〉检索的学术论文、被《新华文摘》或《中国社会科学文摘》转载的(不含论点摘编)的学术论文、在《人民日报》理论版和《光明日报》理论周刊头版上发表的理论文章、在《求是》杂志上发表的理论文章,可视同为指导目录中的A类期刊文章。 2.在国际学术会议或全囯性学术会议编辑出版的论文集上发表的论文,是否等同于在指导目录中的B类期刊发表论文,由研究生指导教师提出意见,并经所在学位评定分委员会审核后报校学位评定委员会审议。

高分子物理修订版课后习题答案 何曼君 陈维孝 董西侠 1990年 复旦大学出版社 word版本

第一章 高分子链的结构 1 写出由取代的二烯(1,3丁二烯衍生物) CH 3CH CH CH CH COOCH 3 经加聚反应得到的聚合物,若只考虑单体的1,4-加成,和单体头-尾相接,则理论上可有几种立体异构体? 解:该单体经1,4-加聚后,且只考虑单体的头-尾相接,可得到下面在一个结构单元中含有三个不对称点的聚合物: CH CH CH CH CH 3 COOCH 3n 即含有两种不对称碳原子和一个碳-碳双键,理论上可有8种具有三重有规立构的聚合物。 2 今有一种聚乙烯醇,若经缩醛化处理后,发现有14%左右的羟基未反应,若用HIO 4氧化,可得到丙酮和乙酸。由以上实验事实,则关于此种聚乙烯醇中单体的键接方式可得到什么结论? 解:若单体是头-尾连接,经缩醛化处理后,大分子链中可形成稳定的六元环,因而只留下少量未反应的羟基: CH 2 CH OH CH 2 CH OH CH 2 CH OH CH 2O CH 2 CH 2 O CH CH 2 CH 2 CH OH 同时若用HIO 4氧化处理时,可得到乙酸和丙酮: CH 2 CH CH 2 OH CH CH 2 OH CH OH 4 CH 3C OH O + CH 3C O CH 3 若单体为头-头或尾-尾连接,则缩醛化时不易形成较不稳定的五元环,因之未反应的OH 基数应更多(>14%),而且经HIO 4氧化处理时,也得不到丙酮: CH 2 CH CH CH 2 CH 2 CH CH O CH O 2 O CH CH 2 CH 2 CH OH CH 2 CH CH OH CH 2CH 2 CH OH OH 4 CH 3C OH O + OH C O CH 2CH 2C OH O 可见聚乙烯醇高分子链中,单体主要为头- 尾键接方式。 3 氯乙烯(CH 2 CH Cl )和偏氯乙烯( CH 2CCl 2 )的共聚物,经脱除HCl 和裂解后,产物 有: ,Cl ,Cl Cl ,Cl Cl Cl 等,其比例大致为10:1:1:10(重量), 由以上事实,则对这两种单体在共聚物的序列分布可得到什么结论? 解:这两种单体在共聚物中的排列方式有四种情况(为简化起见只考虑三单元): CH 2 CH Cl CH 2 C Cl Cl + (V) (D)


复旦投毒案死者同学:嫌犯已供述杀人动机 2013-04-18 00:34:14来源: 中国青年网(北京)有15074人参和 分享到 核心提示:复旦大学研究生黄洋被投毒身亡案有新进展,4月12日,消息称警方基本认定同寝室的林沐(化名)存在下毒嫌疑。官方尚未披露林沐涉嫌毒害黄洋的原因。一位接受过警方调查笔录的黄洋同学称,林沐已对警方供述了毒害黄洋的动机,但警方对动机的核实尚在进行中。 4月7日,复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院门诊6楼第一会议室,有一个人缺席。 缺席者是黄洋。他本应该在这个晴好的初夏早晨,坐到这个会议室里,参加博士研究生复试。在将近一个月前,黄洋参加了初试并顺利通过。 顺利几乎来得没有任何意外。黄洋的专业成绩不仅受到同学认可,导师更对黄洋赞誉有加。但一杯清澈透明的饮用水,改变了黄洋整个生命轨迹。 数月以来,被师友均笃定认为将稳进博士研修的黄洋,尚需为完成一篇漂亮的硕士毕业论文而继续努力。4月1日,按照黄洋的日程表,他会前往学校图书馆,为他的论文润色。 “时间不够,”勤奋的黄洋此前对身边同学说,“我的研究实验还没做完,论文也没写完。” 那个中毒的早晨 那是个阴霾的清晨。黄洋起床,打开寝室的饮水机,喝了一小杯水。黄洋立即觉得味怪,便将饮水迅速吐出,但剩余的部分有毒水,已径直被咽了下去。 毒物并没有立刻发挥作用。直到黄洋来到图书馆,最开始的呕吐方才出现。中午,黄洋独自步行前往距离学校仅一街之隔的中山医院就诊。当日,他被诊断为急性肠胃炎,医生为他开出了抗感染及解痉的处方。 黄洋的同校学弟莫慈(化名)在当天中午接到了黄的电话。“他说感觉不舒服,要打针,希望我过去看他。”莫慈回忆。

复旦大学博士、硕士学位论文规范 .doc

复旦大学博士、硕士学位论文规范 (2005年修订版) 印刷本论文规范 一、论文封面制作要求 (一)、学位论文封面使用云彩纸。博士学位论文封面颜色为淡棕色,硕士学位论文封面颜色为淡蓝绿色。 (二)、论文封面制作要求如下: 1、封面内容(封一): (1)学校代码(10246);(2)学号(研究生)或学员号(同等学力人员);(3)学校名称(复旦大学);(4)学位论文的类别;(5)30个汉字以内的论文题目;(6)院系(规范正式的)名称;(7)专业;(8)姓名;(9)指导教师;(10)完成日期(涉密论文需注明论文密级和保密年限,参见附件1:《复旦大学涉密论文归档与管理暂行办法》)。 对于同等学力人员,必须在论文左上角注明:“同等学力申请硕士(或博士)学位”字样;对于专业学位论文,必须在论文封面“复旦大学XX学位论文”下面 注明“专业学位”字样。 2、论文封面(封一)请严格按标准样本制作。标准样本的下载地址为: 3、论文封面(封三)须打印并签署“论文独创性声明”和“论文使用授权声明”。“声明”的下载地址为: (三)、论文书脊上印:论文题目、作者姓名、复旦大学研究生院。

二、论文内容编排要求 (一)、论文统一按word格式A4纸(“页面设置”按word默认值)编排、打印、制作。正文内容,字体:宋体、字号:小四号、字符间距:标准、行距:20磅。 (二)、论文撰写格式: 1、扉页:指导小组成员名单 2、目录: 3、中文摘要(关键词,中图分类号): 4、英文摘要(关键词,中图分类号): 5、引言(前言): 6、正文 7、参考文献:(全文参考文献一览,各类参考文献编排格式须符合国家标准GB 7714—87《文后参考文献著录规则》,参见附件2:《文后参考文献著录格式》) 8、后记:(致谢等内容) (三)、注释位置: 硕士学位论文采用篇末注、博士学位论文采用章末注。如所在学科有特殊需要,也可适当采用脚注。 (四)、字数要求: (1)文科: 硕士:一般不少于3万字;博士:一般不少于10万字; (2)理科、医科:根据各专业实际情况确定。 三、论文装订要求 论文必须用线装或热胶装订,不能使用钉子装订。 电子版论文规范


复旦投毒案 素材汇编 0320 1856 是指2015年4月上海医学院研究生遭他人投毒后的。该案件发生于复旦大学枫林校区中,犯罪嫌疑人为被害人室友林森浩,[1]投毒药品为剧毒化学品N二甲基亚硝胺。2015年2月18日上午在一审,人林森浩犯故意罪被判,剥夺权利终身。[2] 社会评论 媒体评论 新华视点评论:复旦大学研究生遭投毒,警方基本认定其室友嫌疑。这实在令人扼腕。对法律没有应有的敬畏,缺乏一种对生命的爱惜,缺乏足够的理性才会有如此行为。生命是最可宝贵的,任何理由在生命面前都显得苍白无力。生存和竞争的压力再大,人也应有底线。有外在知识无内在约束,教育应反思。评论:培养人才,有知识更要有德性;大学教育,重学术更要重人格。让学生懂得去爱,去尊重,去包容,才能避免悲剧重演。 中国青年报评论:对于复旦大学生投毒的个案进行连篇累牍的报道和解读,并把板子都打到大学屁股上的评论,并不一定妥当。首先,中国大学的学生这么多,发生一两件投毒案,从概率上来看很小。其次,这些个案的主因,往往都是施害者的一时冲动或长期的心理扭曲所致,而非大学的教育和管理。如把它当做一个典型案例,没完没了地报道、评论,搞得大家紧张兮兮,使得同学之间都要互相提防,就得不偿失了。[18] 专家评论 对于复旦大学投毒事件,北京大学教授钱理群曾评论道:“我们的一些大学,正在培养一些‘精致的利己主义者’,他们高智商、世俗、善于表演、懂得配合,更善于利用体制达到自己的目的。” 中国青少年心理卫生专业委员会副主任、华中师范大学心理学院教授郑晓边表示,一些大学生缺乏人际交往能力是连日来高校死伤事件频频出现的一个重要原因,这背后是长期以来相关教育的缺失。无论是学生自身还是学校、社会,都应该尽快亡羊补牢。此外,郑晓边建议,设置相应的服务机构,对大学生提供危机干预,及时为大学生提供心理疏导方面的帮助。[19]


复旦大学微电子学院博士招生选拔办法 复旦大学微电子学院2019年博士生招生继续试行“申请-考核”制方式。现将具体要求和有关事项公布如下: (一)申请条件 申请者基本条件符合《复旦大学2019年招收攻读博士学位研究生简章》 (https://www.wendangku.net/doc/aa1597110.html,/6a/70/c15159a158320/page.htm)相关规定。 (二)申请人需递交的材料 1.申请书:申请书中务必明确写明拟申请的专业、研究方向和导师(最好事先与相关导师联系);含不少于1000字的拟攻读博士学位的科学研究计划书; 2.已发表或已接受的论文复印件(已接受但未正式发表的论文需要提供接受函复印件); 3.本科阶段和硕士阶段学习成绩单(须授课单位盖章); 4.硕士研究生毕业证书、学位证书复印件(应届生暂缓); 5.全国大学英语四级或六级证书复印件; 6.两封正高职称专家签字出具的推荐信; 7.硕士学位论文全文及对论文特色的自我评述(历届生),或硕士期间工作介绍、主要成果和特色的自我评述(应届生); 8.获奖证书或其他可以证明考生水平的证明文件。 以上所有材料要求在相应的截止日期前通过复旦大学研究生招生网(网址: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/aa1597110.html,)博士网上报名系统上传。同时要求考生必须在网上完成报名后七个工作日内将上述纸质材料邮寄或直接递交到:上海市杨浦区邯郸路220号复旦大学环境楼304室微电子学院教学管理办公室(邮编:200433)。并同时将材料电子版发送至 ic2011teaching@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/aa1597110.html,(邮件请以"姓名+报考导师姓名+博士申请材料"命名),逾期不予受理。 注:(1)若材料不全,申请将不予受理; (2)上述所有材料,被提交给本院后,将不再被退回; (3)根据情况,本院可能会要求申请者另外提交申请材料原件,以供查验。若发现材料造假者,即使已被录取,也将立即取消其在本院攻读博士学位的资格;


复旦大学2017年硕士《材料科学系高分子材料化学与物理》考试大 纲 一:高分子物理部分 参考书目录: 何曼君、陈维孝、董西侠编《高分子物理(修订版)》,复旦大学出版社,1990年10月 何曼君、张红东、陈维孝、董西侠编《高分子物理(第三版)》,复旦大学出版社,2007年3月考试形式和试卷结构 一、试卷满分及考试时间 试卷满分为75分,考试时间为分钟. 二、答题方式 答题方式为闭卷、笔试. 三、试卷内容结构 四、试卷题型结构 名词解释及简答题 解答题(包括证明题) 考试内容 聚合物材料的结构特点 1.掌握高分子链结构的特点 2.理解高分子链结构的内容构造;构型;构象;结构单元;结构单元的键接结构;支化度;交联度;嵌段数;序列长度;旋光异构;几何异构等概念; 3.理解高分子链的远程结构分子的大小;内旋转构象链段;静态柔顺性;动态柔顺性等概念; 4.了解高分子链的构象统计方法;掌握末端距;均方末端距;均方根末端距;均方均方末端距;?θ条件;无扰尺寸A;Kuhn链段长度le;极限特征比C?;均方旋转半径;无规线团的形状等概念; 了解和掌握高分子的聚集态结构内容,包括: 1.高聚物分子间的作用力内聚能密度; 2.高聚物结晶的结构和形态聚合物结晶模型;晶态结构模型;非晶态模型; 3.高分子的结晶过程结晶度;结晶动力学;晶体生长;半结晶期; 4.结晶热力学熔限; 5.聚合物的取向态结构取向度; 6.了解高分子液晶及应用性能,如热致型液晶;溶致型液晶;高分子液晶的结构;高分子液晶相变; 掌握高分子的分子运动特点及特点,包括: 1.高聚物分子运动的特点高分子分子运动现象;运动单元的多样性;高分子运动的时间依赖性;高分子运动的温度依赖性; 2.高聚物的次级松弛 3.高聚物的玻璃化转变聚合物的玻璃化转变理论;影响Tg的结构因素及改变Tg手段 4.晶态高聚物的分子运动 5.高聚物的粘性流动高分子粘性流动的特性;牛顿流体;非牛顿流体;高分子流动理论 6.高分子粘度测试技术 掌握和了解高分子溶液热力学基础知识和概念,主要内容包括: 1.溶液:理想溶液;无热溶液;正规溶液;非正规溶液(或真实溶液);θ溶液; 2.高分子溶液溶度参数;


复旦大学投毒案事件的反思 3月31日中午,林某将其做试验后剩余并存放在实验室内的剧毒化合物带至寝室,注入饮水机水槽。 4月1日晨,黄某引用饮水机中的水后出现中毒症状,后经医院治疗无效与16日下午去世。 4月11日,上海警方文保分局接到复旦大学保卫处报案,该校枫林校区2010级硕士研究生黄某自4月1日饮用了寝室内饮水机中的水后出现身体不适,有中毒迹象,正在医院抢救。警方经现场勘察和调查走访,锁定黄某同寝室同学林某有重大作案嫌疑。 4月12日,林某被警方依法刑事拘留。警方透露,已初步查明,林某因生活琐事与黄某关系不和,心存不满,有重大嫌疑。 上海黄浦区检察院也以涉嫌故意杀人罪对复旦大学“4.1”案犯罪嫌疑人林某依法批准逮捕。 看完此事件后,不禁扼腕长叹,不论投毒者杀人动机如何,是“故意”还是“误伤”抑或其他,是对被害人的优秀羡慕嫉妒恨也好,或是心理扭曲导致的极端行为也罢,单是其对寝室内饮水机投毒这一行为,就令人唏嘘不已,究竟是什么样的怨恨,使得投毒者的内心燃烧起如此仇恨的火焰,猛烈到必须以毁灭他人的生命来平复?痛定思痛,在思考:扭曲的人心其实比毒药更可怕!毒药明晃晃的告诉我们,我是毒,不要碰我!它再可怕,也不会自动跑到人的嘴巴里,而那颗扭曲的,外表却看不出来的有什么异样的人心,却在暗处透着阴森的冷气,让人不寒而栗,让人防不胜防。 关于此事件,众说纷纭。某观点:认为此人心理有问题,认为大学应该进行心理教育和辅导。一些社会人的观点,中国的大学教育失败,人格教育缺失。某观点:某些教授又搬出几千年说死人都不会变的真理,什么XX的心态,什么自我修养,什么儒家伦理道家辩证 等等不一而足。


作文素材:复旦投毒案给予我们的反思 写作佳苑 05-26 0631 作文素材:复旦投毒案给予我们的反思 【事件回放】 2013年4月1日早上,复旦医学院研究生黄洋在宿舍喝了一口饮水机中的水,觉得味道不对,以为水过期了。为了避免别的同学喝到,他倒掉剩余的水,并清洗了水桶。当天下午,黄洋出现发烧、呕吐等症状。医生以为是肠胃炎,就给他做了抗菌的点滴治疗。没想到,黄洋的情况逐渐恶化,并出现了肝肾衰竭的症状。4月8日,黄洋陷入昏迷,生命垂危。4月9日,警方介入调查,在黄洋宿舍饮水机残余饮用水中找到少量N-二甲基亚硝胺,但此时,毒药已经严重损毁了黄洋的肝肾。4月16日,黄洋与世长辞。, 警方将犯罪嫌疑人锁定为黄洋的室友林某,并将其带走调查。警方初步查明,林某因为一些生活琐事和黄洋关系不睦,心存不满,经过预谋,在3月31日中午,将做实验后剩余并存放在实验室内的剧毒化合物带到寝室,注入饮水机,最终夺去了黄洋的生命。 【观点】 ○人民日报在其官方微博上发表评论: 令人恐怖的不是有毒物质,而是人心。从1995年清华大学、1997年北京大学两起铊盐投毒案,到2004年马加爵案、扬州大学秋水仙碱投毒案,再到2007年中国矿业大学铊盐投毒案,那一颗颗漠视生命的心,一颗颗扭曲的心灵,震惊社会。 ○人民日报微博在其知名栏目“你好,明天”对此事发表评论: 教育的本质是爱与责任,一颗冷漠的心如何理解生命的意义?要成才,先成人,这句话对教书育人的学校和望子成龙的家长而言非常重要,对在大学校园里的莘莘学子而言更为重要。 ○上海政法学院教授姚建龙评论说: 从披露的案情看,投毒的水桶至少是寝室同学的公共饮水源,受害对象明显具有不确定性。从这一点至少可以看出,他对他人生命是何等的漠视,折射出生命教育在年轻学生群体中的严重缺位。 ○著名教育学者熊丙奇谈复旦投毒案——知识与德性的错位: 一个人的学历代表他的学习经历,而无法反映他的人格、身心状况,而人格的教育、身心的教育、心理的教育,才是对一个人起到更大作用的教育。如果我们只关注一个人的学历,关注一个人的知识,结果可能就是他有知识没有文化,或者说有知识没有教养,这种情况,一次又一次地在一些校园极端案件里体现出来。因此,我们的学校教育、家庭教育或者社会教育一定要对此予以重视,除了对学生进行知识教育外,更应该关注学生的人格教育、生命教育、生活教育、心理教育。只有真正重视这些教育,才能让学生既有知识又有文化,而不是有才无德,而有才无德,知识可能成为迫害他人的工具。 【深度剖析】 1.教育缺失,造成道德滑坡 投毒杀人,伤天害理,林某的行为除了令人憎恶,令人震惊,也发人深省。学习学到研究生阶段,又是在复旦这样的名校,用通常的尺度衡量,林某无疑是个人才。然而无可争辩的事实是:林某成了“才”,却没成为“人”。这个强烈的反差,又一次为教育敲响警钟。 一个人可以成不了“才”,但必须成“人”。让一个人成为“人”,是教育最根本的使命。可惜的是我们不少学校的教育价值取向发生了很大偏差。悠悠万事,分数唯大,只要成绩上去,就可“一俊遮百丑”;分数是硬指标,德育是“软任务”,即使学生身上已显出精神苍白、道德滑坡的端倪,也熟视无睹”。小学如此,中学如此,大学还是如此;既然智育成了“第一”甚至“唯一”,所谓健全人格,自然成了镜花水月。 而在家庭中,一些家长同样把“望子成龙”演绎为“别的全是假的,分数才是真的”。同时还教孩子睚眦必报,孩子与同伴闹了矛盾,向家长诉说,家长不但不善言劝导,反而唆使:窝囊废,你没长手,不会打他?还有家长,把安徒生童话也列入“禁书”,理由是“丑小鸭”“美人鱼”会把孩子看傻,以后长大进入社会会被人欺负。在家长的耳提面命中,冷漠、自私已成许多孩子的通病。凡事以自私为圆心,以自利为半径,没有“好处”便弃如敝履;遇到批评,立马回应“少来这一套”。


学渣的自我拯救史,从复旦物理转申CS(世毕盟学员) 【申请背景】 专业:物理学 第二专业:数据科学 GPA: 3.28/4.0 二专GPA: 3.5/4.0 TOEFL: 101 GRE: 151+170+3.5 【申请结果】 Admission: CMU MITS, Uchicago MPCS, Brandeis MACS 写在前面 大概因为从一开始就没有切断所有退路,也有身为一个学渣的觉悟,申请的过程反而没有多么荡气回肠。 2次T,2次G,之后文书又有世毕盟大神负责,很舒服~ 方向 由于做过较多数据科学项目,因此申请的时候Computer Science为主,但是我觉得自己数学基础不好,同时考虑到在美国就业机会,还申请了一部分Software Engineering。

选校 其实T和G考完以后,已经离开始申请很近了,所以自己基本没有考虑太多,都由GGU负责了。在与我的世毕盟mentor进行meeting沟通过我的经历以及成绩之后,帮我选择了近二十所学校。 我认为,选校思路基本是在综排TOP50里,靠前的里面选择专排非顶级的,主要申请综排中间的,部分靠后的保底。 之后的文书也非常感谢我的mentor大神,我是真的一个字都没写(捂脸)。他把跟我沟通时我所说的经历进行了包装,包括二专的计算机课程和做过的这一堆项目。 mentor也为我的RL提供了思路,除了实验室和授课老师,还有一封是关于之前在创业公司做运营主管的,相当于互联网行业创业经历了,这其实是能有difference的。

申请过程 非常感谢我在世毕盟的培训师,帮我理顺了申请的流程,至于申请的填写我又是基本没动手(捂脸)。我自己准备了一些必要的文件和证明等,然后check一遍学校申请就提交了,没毛病! 心路历程 我大一是技科的,大一结束的时候GPA挺不错,基于以下两点错觉: 1、去张江不好找女朋友啊! 2、我GPA这么高看来我很聪明! 然后毅然决然地转到了物理,然后经历了惨绝人寰的一年,基本什么都学不会,情绪反映到生活里也是什么都想做但是一件也做不好,低落、抑郁、废柴,放弃了摇滚梦想,健身半途而废… I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. ——《猜火车》 大三的时候,跟一个关系不错的博士师兄聊天,他是数据科学实验室的。其实在那之前,我的C学的并不好,我也不怎么会编程(不过我会PHP!),但是听他说了之后感觉数据挖掘、机器学习这些东西很带劲啊!正好那时候数据科学二专刚开出来,我就去报了。 进入数据科学实验室后,在熊赟老师组里做了第一个数据挖掘项目,是关于互联网金融P2P贷款推荐和风险评估的,这大概是我第一次读专业论文然后实现算法

2018年复旦大学高分子科学系高分子化学与物理 [070305]考试科目、参考书目、复习指导

2018年复旦大学高分子科学系高分子化学与物理 [070305]考试科目、 参考书目、复习经验 一、招生信息 所属学院:高分子科学系 所属门类代码、名称:理学[07] 所属一级学科代码、名称:化学[0703] 二、研究方向 01 (全日制)高分子凝聚态物理 02 (全日制)高分子物理化学 03 (全日制)功能高分子和生物大分子 04 (全日制)聚合物材料和加工 05 (全日制)聚合物材料的结构和摩擦学性能 06 (全日制)复杂流体与材料的高性能化 07 (全日制)生物医用高分子材料 08 (全日制)高分子合成化学(活性聚合反应及高分子精密合成) 三、考试科目 01、02、04、05、06、08方向:①101思想政治理论 ②201英语一 ③721物理化学(含结构化学) ④837有机化学或838无机化学和分析化学或854高分子化学与物理 03、07方向组1:①101思想政治理论 ②201英语一 ③721物理化学(含结构化学) ④837有机化学或838无机化学和分析化学或854高分子化学与物理 或组2:①101思想政治理论 ②201英语一

③727生物化学(理) ④872细胞生物学 四、复习指导 一、参考书的阅读方法 (1)目录法:先通读各本参考书的目录,对于知识体系有着初步了解,了解书的内在逻辑结构,然后再去深入研读书的内容。 (2)体系法:为自己所学的知识建立起框架,否则知识内容浩繁,容易遗忘,最好能够闭上眼睛的时候,眼前出现完整的知识体系。 (3)问题法:将自己所学的知识总结成问题写出来,每章的主标题和副标题都是很好的出题素材。尽可能把所有的知识要点都能够整理成问题。 二、学习笔记的整理方法 (1)第一遍学习教材的时候,做笔记主要是归纳主要内容,最好可以整理出知识框架记到笔记本上,同时记下重要知识点,如假设条件,公式,结论,缺陷等。记笔记的过程可以强迫自己对所学内容进行整理,并用自己的语言表达出来,有效地加深印象。第一遍学习记笔记的工作量较大可能影响复习进度,但是切记第一遍学习要夯实基础,不能一味地追求速度。第一遍要以稳、细为主,而记笔记能够帮助考生有效地达到以上两个要求。并且在后期逐步脱离教材以后,笔记是一个很方便携带的知识宝典,可以方便随时查阅相关的知识点。 (2)第一遍的学习笔记和书本知识比较相近,且以基本知识点为主。第二遍学习的时候可以结合第一遍的笔记查漏补缺,记下自己生疏的或者是任何觉得重要的知识点。再到后期做题的时候注意记下典型题目和错题。 (3)做笔记要注意分类和编排,便于查询。可以在不同的阶段使用大小合适的不同的笔记本。也可以使用统一的笔记本但是要注意各项内容不要混杂在以前,不利于以后的查阅。同时注意编好页码等序号。另外注意每隔一定时间对于在此期间自己所做的笔记进行相应的复印备份,以防原件丢失。统一的参考书书店可以买到,但是笔记是独一无二的,笔记是整个复习过程的心血所得,一定要好好保管。


大学生投毒案反思 “复旦投毒案”固然只是极端的案例,但当今中国高校中,人际关系的复杂与微妙却一个有一个不争的事实,象牙塔里的人际关系会变得如此错综复杂?作为大学生的我们又该如何处理同学关系? 分析 高校人际关系复杂的原因。 造成大学当中人际关系复杂的原因有很多,主要有以下几个方面的原因。首先是文化的冲突,大学里,大家来自五湖四海,同时也把自己家乡的文化、长久以来形成的生活习惯、价值观带到学校当中,这样学校就成发了一个“文化的大杂烩”。如果我们学生缺乏对异乡文化的理解和包容,不能与有着不同文化背景求同存异,那么,文化的差异成为人际冲突的根源之一。其次是性格特点。当代高校学生大多是独生子女,而独生子女的一个很普遍的特点就是:太以自我为中心,不顾及他人的感受。“她怎么可以这样?把我们对她的好当成理所当然,稍有欠周到就对你不顺!”类似这样的抱声不时从大学生口中发出。第三是利益的冲突。学习的压力、生活的压力、就业的压力等等,使得多少人在利益面前昏了头?!第四是处理问题的方式不对。高校中的人高智商,很可惜的是未必有高情商,他们在处理人际关系上自然会掺杂一些“计谋”,也就是更加有城府,更加有心计。本来“心计”只是一个中性词,但一旦与“不良用心”结合,后果就非常可怕。“复旦投毒案”中,林某在黄洋还可以为其做B超,还可以与其父亲同住一晚,神情自若!在高校中,人与人之间的斗争变复越来

越高智商化,许多矛盾也因此得不到解决而进一步恶化,最终达到不可调和的程度。 作为大学生的我们如何处理同学关系。那么身在复杂的人际关系当中的大学生们该如何处理同学关系,在象牙塔里读过美好充实的大学时光呢?我认为我们从以下几个方面着手。 第一,学会换位思考。当同学发生冲突的时候,要多站在对方的角度来思考。或许冲突只是因为各自的文化背景、生活习惯的不同,那么尝试包容这些差异,尊重他人的的文化和习惯。这样,你也会得到他人尊重,这便为良好的同学关系奠定了基础。 第二,自省。在发生矛盾的时候不要一味地把目光投入到外界。其实在发生人际冲突时,最应该做的就是内观自我,不断反省。一个巴掌拍不响,不管事情是谁对谁错,作为当事人的你都要负责任。分析矛盾的原因,在矛盾过程中自己的行为表现等等,找出自己不对的地方,然后改正它。当你把注意力投放到自己身上,并想着不断完善自我时候,他人的对与错已经不再重要了,你会变得更加包容与平和。 第三,加强交往,但要适度。良好的同学关系是建立在相互了解的基础上的,而对彼此的了解又是从日常的交往中获得的。因此,同学间可以多交流,分享各自的兴趣爱好、个人情感、未来的计划等等,也可以一起出去聚餐、唱歌、运动等。相处多了,了解自然会加深,友谊也在这样的交往当中变得越来越深厚。但是,凡事都要有个度。要是交往过密,一是很容易使原本只是一丁点的缺点被无限放大从而影响原本友好的关系,二是很容易侵犯到别人的个人空间。亲近有度,


复旦大学投毒案引发的思考 摘要:2013年4月16日,复旦大学发布官方微博,2010级医科在读研究生黄洋于当天下午3点23分在上海中山医院不治身亡。 上海警方表示,在该生寝室饮水机内残留水中检测出某有毒化合物成分。并锁定同寝室某同学有投毒的嫌疑。 2013年4月25日,上海市黄浦区人民检察院以涉嫌故意杀人罪对复旦大学“4·1” 案犯罪嫌疑人林某(与黄洋同宿舍)依法批准逮捕。 关键词:大学生死亡,同学作案,琐事引发案件,近年类似事件频发,大学生心理健康。 正文: 复旦大学研究生黄洋,4月1日,因生体不适住院,后来警方在其寝室饮水机内残留水中检测出某有毒化合物成分,经警方调查,锁定作案嫌疑人为黄洋同宿舍同学林某,并于4月25日将林某依法逮捕。 两位风华正茂的学子,本是前途无量,却一个离我们而去,一个进入高墙!着实令人悲哀,愤怒与无奈,让人无法不为之动容。 随着嫌疑人林某被捕,他所交代的杀人动机为“和死者黄某因生活琐事引起不和,心存不满”。动机一经曝出,引发公众惊愕,包括林某家人在内很多人都表示怀疑,他们“不理解”和“不相信”复旦大学的一名校高材生会仅仅因为生活琐事就毒杀舍友。因为林某不但成绩优异,并且在网络上发布过不少类似“医学是神圣的!”和“医乃仁术,爱心是一个医务工作者所必不可少的”内容的微博。一方面在立志救人,一方面却谋划实施投毒的“双面性格”也让公众无所适从,不少人感性上很难接受林某就是杀人嫌疑人。 呜呼哀哉,一位应该救人于生死的高学历医务人员,本应认真努力履行自己的职责,但却因为一些琐事将同宿舍同学投毒杀害,着实让我无法理解,我们应该反思为什么高学历人才却心理不健康,甚至有些是多面人格! 毒杀案因“特殊”引关注,但我们更应重视背后的普遍问题,因为近年来在学校中因琐事引发的血案有些数不胜数! 1994年,清华大学才女朱令,生了怪病,后经确诊为铊中毒,造成100%伤残,至今该案因缺少证据不能直接断定是其室友投毒,成为悬案。 2004年在云南大学学生马加爵因他人看不起自己,在宿舍连杀四位同学,引发了轰动全国的“马加爵事件”。 2012年12月20日早上8时许,安徽医科大学图书馆6楼,08级临床医学专业学生胡某将09级生物医学工程专业学生谈某砍死。事因只是争风吃醋。 2013年,4月6日,华北水利水电学院郑州市龙子湖校区5号教学楼东北角洗手间发现女尸,后经警方确定是其前男友将其杀害。 2013年4月17日,南京航空航天大学金城学院两名学生在宿舍内因为玩游戏发生口角,并大动干戈,终导致一名学生抢救无效而死亡。 类似的事件还有很多很多,我已不敢再写下去。我只想说“本是同根生,相煎何太急”。同学是我们上学期间除了家人之外接触最多的人,甚至与同学的相处时间已远远超过了与家人的相处时间,为什么这些人还下得去手?去杀害自己朝夕相处的同学? 学者宋石男在微博中这样评论“复旦投毒案”:“每出一个轰动的案子,不少人就会呼吁反思,但这种反思毫无意义。未来的杀人犯没有一个会因为看到这种呼吁而从现在就开始立地成佛。”我非常赞同他的看法,仅仅依靠这些不痛不痒的反思是无法改变现状的,我们应

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