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给XXX的来华邀请信 -中英文版

给XXX的来华邀请信 -中英文版


















Dear Mr. xxx


It is our great honor to invite you to visit our Company – xxxxxx international CO.,LTD in Shanghai on Feb-26th, 2016.


This visit will provide an opportunity for you to make an better understanding of our development for new season,


and to communicate our future business cooperation in details.


The Time table of Mr. xxxx in China is as follows:

Mr. xxxx 在华详细日程安排表

2016-02-26 Fly from Italy to PUDONG airport





2016-02-29~2016-03-5 VISIT xxxxxx INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD


2016-03-06 Fly from pudong airport to ITALY




建设工程设计合同 Construction Project Design Contract 项目名称: Project Name: 项目建设地点: Project Location: 合同编号: Contract No.: 设计证书等级: Grade of Design License: 委托方: Client: 承接方: Design Firm: 签订日期: Signed on: 委托方:(甲方) Client (Party A): 承接方:(乙方) Design Firm (Party B): 甲方委托乙方承担XX 项目(一期)工程设计,经双方协商一致, 签订本合同。 Party A entrusts Party B to undertake the design for This Contract is made by the two parties after their mutual agreement. 第一条本合同依据下列文件签订 Article 1. This Contract is made on the basis of the following documents:

1.1 《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国建筑法》和《建 设工程勘察设计市场管理规定》。 1.1 《The Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China》,《The building regulations of the People’s Republic of China》and 《The developmental Law of the People’s Republic of China. 1.2 国家及地方有关建设工程勘察设计管理法规和规章。 1.2 Relevant Building & Design Codes and Regulations of the State and of the Shanghai Municipality. 1.3 建设工程的相关批准文件。 1.3 The approval documents that are required for this construction project. 第二条本合同工程设计项目的名称、地点、规模、投资、内容及 标准 Article 2. The name, location, size, investment sum, function, design contents and standards : 2.1 工程项目的名称:XX 项目(一期) 2.1 Project name: 2.2 工程项目的地点: 2.2 Project location: 2.3 工程项目的规模:总建筑面积约平方米(其中地下面 积约平方米),高度米。 2.3 Project size:The total floor area is approximately m2(of which the floor area of the underground area is m2),the total height is m. 2.4 工程特征及附注说明:商业办公综合楼 2.4 Project features & remarks:A commercial cum office building complex 2.5 工程项目的投资总额:控制在亿元人民币以下 2.5 Project investment in total: Controlled Within RMB million yuan RMB


外国人来华旅游邀请函 中国驻xxx国大使馆/领事馆签证处的先生/女士: 您好! _____________(中方邀请单位)邀请 _________________(国名)_____(组团旅行社)组织的 ___________(团号)旅行团________(人数)于________(年、月、日)至_________(年、月、日)来中国_____________(旅游地点)旅游。 请即持此函(电)前往中国驻___________(国名或地名)大使馆(或总领馆、驻港公署、驻澳公署)申请_______次有效签证。 (附:旅游团人员名单)

(编号及发函电单位全称) (年、月、日)于(城市名) 联系人: 电话: 传真: 负责人签署: 签署人职务: 相关阅读:外国人来华旅游申请签证注意事项

来华旅游的外国人申请L签证时,须填写《外国人签证、居留许可申请表》,交一张近期二寸半身正面免冠彩色照片,https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ab1611055.html,出示本人护照等有效国际旅行证件及临时住宿登记证明,并须提交以下证明材料: 1、提交在华接待单位公函; 2、在华无接待单位的,须提交能够保证本人在华生活费用的经济证明(现钞、旅行支票、汇票单据、现金卡等,每天按100美元计算); 3、有不可抗力原因申请团体签证的,须提交在华接待单位公函; 4、申请团体签证分离的,须提交在华接待单位公函;

5、申请补发团体签证的,须提交在华接待单位公函和本次入境的团体签证复印件。 注: 1、凡境外机构出具的证明均须经我国驻外使馆或领馆进行认证; 2、来华旅游申请签证的外国人,须由本人提交申请,团体旅游的可由在华接待旅行社代办,代办旅行社须在公安出入境管理部门登记备案,并指定专门外管联络员; 3、申请签证时须提交申请材料的原件和复印件; 4、外国人来华旅游申请签证办理工作时限为3个工作日


邀请外国人来华邀请函 邀请外国人来华办理邀请函所需材料 一、邀请外国人单次短期入境规定及材料 (一)邀请外国人规定: (1)G类签证(1或3个月1次) (2)填写《邀请外国人来华申请表》(可在舟山市外侨办网站首页表格下载中下载,务必打印),来华申请表上要有法人或涉外分管领导签字。 (二)被邀请外国人提供材料 (1)被邀请人护照及海员证,护照信息页及来华签证页信息(有效期内,复印件务必清晰) 复印件; (2)被邀请人单位营业执照复印件; (3)被邀请人与所在单位的在职证明或劳动合同复印件; (4)被邀请人最近一次来华签证记录及出入境章页的复印件; (5)被邀请人不在其国籍国,需要在所在国家办理签证,需提供所在国的居留许可证或政府部门颁发的相关工作证件。 (三)邀请单位提供材料 (1)首次办理的邀请单位需提供本单位的营业执照原件和复印件。 (2)《邀请外国人来华申请表》 上述材料报送市外侨办、各县(区)外侨办各1份。

二. 被邀请外国人多次入境规定及材料: (一)邀请外国人规定 (1)M或F类签证(6个月1/2/多次): (2)填写《邀请外国人来华申请表》(可在舟山市外侨办网站首页表格下载中下载,务必打印),来华申请表上要有法人或涉外分管领导签字。 (二)被邀请外国人提供材料 (1)被邀请人护照及海员证,护照信息页及来华签证页信息(有效期内,复印件务必清晰) 复印件; (2)被邀请人单位营业执照复印件; (3)被邀请人与所在单位的在职证明或劳动合同; (4)被邀请人最近一次来华签证记录及出入境章页的复印件; (5)被邀请人不在其国籍国,需要在所在国家办理签证,需提供所在国的居留许可证或政府部门颁发的相关工作证件。 注:申办6个月多次签证,被邀请人提供外方公司和中方公司出具的多次业务来往的相关证明,并提供一年内F或M签证2次以上。 (三)邀请单位提供材料 (1)首次办理的邀请单位需提供本单位的营业执照原件和复印件; (2)《邀请外国人来华申请表》 (3)中方公司出具与外方公司派遣人员在6个月有多次


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 x工程合同中英文版.docx 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

xxx工程合同 Contract No.: 合同编号: Party A: xxxCompany Limited 甲方:xxx有限公司 Party B:xxx Company Limited 乙方:xxx有限公司 This contract is made and entered into on the day of , 20xx by the following Parties in . 本合同丁20xx年月日由以下当事方在签署。 Party A: xxx Company Limited, 甲方:xxx有限公司,xxx经营的公司,住所地为xxx,(下称“甲方”),法定代表人:xxx Party B: xxx Company Limited, 乙方:xxx有限公司,一家xxx经营的公司,注册地址是:xxx,(下称“乙方”),法定代表人:xxx Party A and Party B are called by a joint name of Both Parties under this contract, each of which is called as A Party. 甲方和乙方在本合同项下统称为“双方”,单独称为“一方”。 1. Work Content and Requirements 1.1 In accordance with the items stipulated in this Contract, Party B shall conduct the project as per the Project standard and quality standard stipulated by Ministry of Engineering of the Union of xx. 1.1依据本合同所限定的条款,乙方应以xx工程部规定的建筑标准和质量要求执行本工程。 2. Contract Period— 2.1 Work period for the RoadConstruction Project: the work shall be completed within 2 month upon signing the Contract. The condition of handover is that the Project Inspection & Acceptance Teamconstituted by Party A, shall issue the Inspection & Acceptance Sheet


外国人来华邀请函及办理流程篇一:外国人来华邀请函模板(中方公司提供) Name of your company: Place of your company: Tel: Invitation Dear Sir or Madam, We hereby confirm that will visit our company in Nantong from business cooperation. We hereby kindly hope you could issue him a proper Visa. Here are his personal dates:: Family name: First name: Date of birth: Place of birth: Nationality: Passport no Passport expiry Profession We herewith kindly request the China Embassy and the Government officials to support this application by granting the required one-entry visa. We look forward

to welcoming Thank you very much! Very truly yours, Name Job title Company name (then signature and chop) 篇二:最新外国人来华邀请函办理指南及全套所需表格样本 一、申请邀请函的中国企业资格 1、在我省依法登记的法人企业(注册资金在50万元人民币以上)(以下简称邀请单位),可申办邀请与本单位有实质业务的外国人以商务(F字)签证入境。 2、注册资金不够的单位,必须出具与有申办资格单位的合同或担保函;没有出口权的单位,必须出具与有出口权单位的合作合同。注:以上期限以合同期限为准。 二、备案 初次申办商务(F字)签证通知表需提交的材料(一式两份) 1、如实填写:“邀请单位申办《被授权单位签证通知表》备案表” [附件:申请单位备案表.doc] 2、企业法人身份证复印件或护照复印件(签名、办公电话及手机号、加盖企业公章); 3、专办员(必须是邀请单位员工)身份证复印件(签名、办公电话及手机号、加盖企业


编号:_______________ 本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 中英文建筑工程合同 (ContractofConstructionProject) 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

Contract of Construction Project 合同编号:Contract Number: 工程名称:Project Name: 发包方(甲方): ______________________________ Employer (Party A): ________________________ 承包方(乙方): ______________________________ Contractor (Party B): ________________________ 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》和《建筑安装工程承包合同条例》及有关规定,为明确双方在施工过程中的权利、义务和经济责任,经双方协商同意签订本合同。 In order to make definite of the rights, obligations and economic responsibilities of both parties during the construction, the parties, in accordance with The PRC Contract Law and Construction Engineering Contract Regulations and relevant provisions, agree to sign this contract. 第一条工程项目Article 1, Project item 1 .工程地点:Project site: 2. 工程范围:Scope of project 3. 工程造价:人民币元整(该造价为包工包料价) Project cost: PMB Yuan only(Cost of this contract is the contract price for labor and materials) 第二条施工准备Article 2, Preparation for construction 1 .甲方协助乙方办理临时水电及垂直运输,提供建筑图纸及有关隐蔽障碍物的资料。 Party A shall assists party B to deal with the procedures of temporary hydropower and vertical transportation and provide architectural drawings and documents of relevant concealed obstacles . 2 .乙方:.Party B: ①负责施工区域的临时设施、水电管线的铺设、管理、使用和维修工作; Be responsible for the works of laying, management, use and maintenance of the temporary facilities, water and electricity pipeline in the construction area. ②组织施工管理人员和材料、施工机械进场;


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除邀请外国人来华邀请函范本 篇一:外国人来华邀请函模板(中方公司提供) nameofyourcompany: placeofyourcompany: Tel: Invitation Dearsirormadam, weherebyconfirmthatwillvisitourcompanyinnantongfrom businesscooperation.weherebykindlyhopeyoucouldissue himaproperVisa. herearehispersonaldates:: Familyname: Firstname: Dateofbirth: placeofbirth: nationality:

passportno passportexpiry profession weherewithkindlyrequestthechinaembassyandthegovernm entofficialstosupportthisapplicationbygrantingthere quiredone-entryvisa.welookforwardtowelcoming Thankyouverymuch! Verytrulyyours, name Jobtitle companyname(thensignatureandchop) 篇二:外国人来华邀请函的模板 xxxxxxxxxxTRADIngco.,LTD. 担保函 敬启者, xxxx贸易有限公司主要经营xxxxxxxxxx.外贸合作对象主要是中东,欧洲,非洲的客户.现在我公司因拓展业务的需要,需邀请客户过来中国进行商务访问,并与我司进行洽谈以及合同的签订. Themainbusinessofourcompanyisxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,


邀请外国人来华邀请函 2018-09-07邀请外国人来华办理邀请函所需材料一、邀请外国人单次短期入境规定及材料(一)邀请外国人规定:(1)g类签证(1或3个月1次)(2)填写《邀请外国人来华申请表》(可在舟山市外侨办网站首页表格下载中下载,务必打印),来华申请表上要有法人或涉外分管领导签字。 (二)被邀请外国人提供材料(1)被邀请人护照及海员证,护照信息页及来华签证页信息(有效期内,复印件务必清晰)复印件;(2)被邀请人单位营业执照复印件;(3)被邀请人与所在单位的在职证明或劳动合同复印件;(4)被邀请人最近一次来华签证记录及出入境章页的复印件;(5)被邀请人不在其国籍国,需要在所在国家办理签证,需提供所在国的居留许可证或政府部门颁发的相关工作证件。 (三)邀请单位提供材料(1)首次办理的邀请单位需提供本单位的营业执照原件和复印件。 (2)《邀请外国人来华申请表》上述材料报送市外侨办、各县(区)外侨办各1份。 二.被邀请外国人多次入境规定及材料:(一)邀请外国人规定(1)m 或f类签证(6个月1/2/多次):(2)填写《邀请外国人来华申请表》(可在舟山市外侨办网站首页表格下载中下载,务必打印),来华申请表上要有法人或涉外分管领导签字。 (二)被邀请外国人提供材料(1)被邀请人护照及海员证,护照信息

页及来华签证页信息(有效期内,复印件务必清晰)复印件;(2)被邀请人单位营业执照复印件;(3)被邀请人与所在单位的在职证明或劳动合同;(4)被邀请人最近一次来华签证记录及出入境章页的复印件;(5)被邀请人不在其国籍国,需要在所在国家办理签证,需提供所在国的居留许可证或政府部门颁发的相关工作证件。 注:申办6个月多次签证,被邀请人提供外方公司和中方公司出具的多次业务来往的相关证明,并提供一年内f或m签证2次以上。 (三)邀请单位提供材料(1)首次办理的邀请单位需提供本单位的营业执照原件和复印件;(2)《邀请外国人来华申请表》(3)中方公司出具与外方公司派遣人员在6个月有多次业务来往的相关证明。 上述材料报送市外侨办、各县(区)外侨办各1份。 三、外国人工作签证规定及材料:(一)外国人工作签证规定(1)z 签证(一年内多次)(2)填写《浙江省邀请外国人员来华申请表》(可在舟山市外侨办网站首页表格下载中下载,务必打印),来华申请表上要有法人或涉外分管领导签字;(3)邀请单位需是本市外商投资企业或大型企业;(二)被邀请外国人提供材料(1)被邀请人护照信息页及来华签证页信息复印件;(有效期内,复印件务必清晰);(2)被邀请人单位营业执照复印件;(3)被邀请人与所在单位的在职证明及劳动合同复印件;(4)被邀请人近三次来华签证记录及出入境章页的复印件;(5)被邀请人来华至少1次f类签证、停留15天(含)以上或2次f类签证、累计停留7天(含)以上的入境签证记录复印件、出入境记录章复印件;(6)被邀请人不在


Con structi on Con tract 工程合同 PO No. : XXXXXXX Buyer:. Date of sig nature: 甲方: 签约日期: Seller: 乙方: This Purchase Order is made by and betwee n the Buyer and the Seller: Whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 甲乙双方经友好协商.一致就供应下列产品,达成如下条款: 1.Scope of Supply and Price 工作范围及价格明细

2.Tech ni cal Requireme nt. Quality Requireme nt, Sta ndard &Warra nty Period: Seller shall carried out the construction in strict accordance with the National Standard and the requirements stipulated in the Tech ni cal Agreeme nt No. which both party sig ned (see attached docume nts). The warranty period shall be 1 year after placement of Goods in service. 技术要求、质员要求、技术标准和质保期限:按国家标准和双方签定的技术协议(编号: 见附件)施工. 质保期为投产后1年. 3.Job Sites: 施工地点: 4.Con structi on Equipme nt, Tools &Field Pers onnel Man ageme nt: 施工设备工具及现场人员管理: (1)Al 1 the con structi on equipme nt and tools shall be provided by Seller. 所有施工用设备及工具由乙方自带。 (2)Buyer will coord in ate and arra nge the electricity and water supply on the site. 现场施工用水电由甲方协调安排 (3)Buyer will be responsible for al 1 the lifting work during the construction on site.现场施工过程中的吊装工作由 甲方负责。 (4)Seller shall be responsible for the manageraent of its field personnel safety: Seller should provide reasonable protection and insurance for its personnel * s safety. All the personnel injury and property damage caused by Seller * s failure of management shall be borne by Seller. 现场施工人员管理由乙方负责.乙方应对人员的安全等方面提供合理的保障.由于乙方管理原因造成的人身伤亡及财产损失由乙方承担.


天津盛世瑞成生物科技有限公司 天津市武清区南蔡村镇蔡家坊村东 0086-22-5867235 邀请函 尊敬的先生或女士, 我们特此确认将访问天津的公司进行业务合作。我们希望你能发给他一张合适的签证。 以下是他的个人信息: 姓氏: 名字: 出生日期: 出生地: 国籍: 护照号 护照过期 职业 我们在此恳请中国大使馆和政府官员批准要求入境签证支持该应用程序。 我们期待在中国。 非常感谢你! 名字 职位名称 公司名称(签字盖章)

Name of your company: Place of your company: Tel: Invitation Dear Sir or Madam, We hereby confirm that will visit our company in Tianjin from to for business cooperation. We hereby kindly hope you could issue him a proper Visa. Here are his personal dates: Family name: First name: Date of birth: Place of birth: Nationality: Passport no Passport expiry Profession We herewith kindly request the China Embassy and the Government officials to support this application by granting the required one-entry visa. We look forward to welcoming in China. Thank you very much! Very truly yours, Name


工程施工合同中英文版 Construction Contract PO No.: XXXXXXX Buyer:. Date of signature: 甲方: 签约日期: Seller: 乙方: This Purchase Order is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller: Whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 甲乙双方经友好协商,一致就供应下列产品,达成如下条款: 1. Scope of Supply and Price 工作范围及价格明细 2. Technical Requirement, Quality Requirement, Standard & Warranty Period: Seller shall carried out the construction in strict accordance with the National Standard and the requirements stipulated in the Technical Agreement No. ________which both party signed (see attached documents). The warranty period shall be 1 year after placement of Goods in service. 技术要求、质量要求、技术标准和质保期限: 按国家标准和双方签定的技术协议(编号:______见附件)施工,质保期为投产后1年。 3. Job Sites: 施工地点: 4. Construction Equipment, Tools & Field Personnel Management: 施工设备工具及现场人员管理: (1) All the construction equipment and tools shall be provided by Seller. 所有施工用设备及工具由乙方自带。 (2) Buyer will coordinate and arrange the electricity and water supply on the site. 现场施工用水电由甲方协调安排。 (3) Buyer will be responsible for all the lifting work during the construction on site. 现场施工过程中的吊装工作由甲方负责。


外国人来华邀请函模板(英文版) Dear Sir or Madam: We are very pleased to invite Mr. *** come to our factory for visiting and business negotiation. The business trip will start from 18th April xxxx. And because the long business co-operation in future between ** and us, they will come to China for many times. Please note, however, that we don’t assume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of ****** in China. All expense s of *****“Sjourney to/from China,their stay in China as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers. We send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip. Yours sincerely, General Manager signatur July xx,xxxx xxx, CEO xxx, VP Sales xxxxxxxx Corporation (Address) It’s our great honor to invite you to visit XXX Company located at (address) in August, 2003. This visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing issues, and to communicate our future business cooperation in detail. XXX Company, as one of your distributors in China, has been great progressing in promoting and selling your products.We believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future business cooperation. Please use this invitation letter to apply for your VISA to China. We are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me.



THIS AGREEMENT is made onXX/XX/2011,by and between . (hereinafter called “The employer”)and Company Ltd. (hereinafter called “The contractor”). WHEREAS: 1.The employer is desirous of carrying out the (hereinafter referred to as “The Works”) 2.The contractor has agreed to execute the said work in strict compliance with the terms of this Agreement. NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ab1611055.html,mencement: This Agreement shall commence on the date first above written. 2.Location of work:The employer’s worksite in . 3.Scope of work:The contractor shall undertake the . 4.Period of completion: The work shall be completed within a period of days from the date first above written as commencement date in this agreement. 5.Contract sum:The total value of the contract shall be the sum N Naira only. 6.Mode of payment: First installment:The employer shall pay to the contractor ninety five percent of the total price, i.e. Naira only upon completion of the work. Second installment: The employer shall pay to the contractor five percent


工程施工合同中英文 xxx engineering contract xxx工程合同 Contract No.: 合同编号: Party A: xxxCompany Limited 甲方:xxx有限公司 Party B:xxx Company Limited 乙方:xxx有限公司 This contract is made and entered into on the day of , XXXX by the following Parties in . 本合同于XXXX年月日由以下当事方在签署。 Party A: xxx Company Limited, 甲方:xxx有限公司,xxx经营的公司,住所地为xxx,(下称“甲方”),法定代表人:xxx Party B: xxx Company Limited, 乙方:xxx有限公司,一家xxx经营的公司,注册地址是:xxx,(下称“乙方”),法定代表人:xxx Party A and Party B are called by a joint name of Both Parties under this contract, each of which is called as A Party. 甲方和乙方在本合同项下统称为“双方”,单独称为“一方”。 1. Work Content and Requirements 1. 工作内容、要求 1.1 In accordance with the items stipulated in this Contract, Party B shall conduct the project as per the Project standard and quality standard stipulated by Ministry of Engineering of the Union of xx. 1.1 依据本合同所限定的条款,乙方应以xx工程部规定的建筑标准和质量要求执行本工程。 2. Contract Period 2. 合同期限 2.1 Work period for the Road Construction Project: the work shall be completed within 2 month upon signing the Contract. The condition of handover is that the Project Inspection & Acceptance Team constituted by Party A, shall issue the Inspection & Acceptance Sheet after onsite inspection. 2.1 本次工程时间周期:合同签订后14个工作日内完成,并以甲方组成的竣工验收小组现场检验并出具验收单为竣工交接条件。


外国人来华邀请函模板 以下是由为您整理提供的关于外国人来华邀请函的内容,希望能够对您有所帮助,欢迎阅读与借鉴。 外国人来华邀请函 15th October, 20xx(时间) Karen Lew(被邀请人姓名) 1521 Its Rd Rated QLD 4106(被邀请人通信地址) Dear Karen: (以下是正文了,说明邀请原因及大概的到访、停留、离开时间) PPS Dalian, China would like to invite you to visit our manufacturing plant in October for business meeting. We would be obliged if you could arrive around the 18th October and be available for approximately 7 days, departing on 25th, October, 20xx. I look forward to catching up with you on your arrival to China. Kind regard, Zhang Xiaoniu General Manager, PPS Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. 外国人来华邀请函模板

XXX: 我公司是一间(性质)的企业,公司有员工人、占地、年营业额,主要的经营范围和介绍公司所在行业的地位,生产或销售什么产品等。因(目的),邀请贵公司(职务)(被邀请人姓名)等人(见附件1)(具体年月日)来本公司(做什么,写明详细理由或具体商业往来项目)。申请 (商务/工作,选其中一个)签证,个月有效次入境,停留天,签证地点在(国家及城市)。被邀请人此次来华相关费用(包括往返机票、住宿、医疗保险和人寿保险等)由(公司) 负责。敬请接纳为盼! 外国人来华办理流程 1、各邀请单位需明确邀请外国人的法律责任,并详细真实地准备好全部材料,《外国人入境审批表》需公司法人本人签名并盖公章。(面试网) 2、邀请单位持《外国人入境审批表》和相关文件到所在镇(街)政府审批,一般是通过镇(街)的外经办(局)报送该镇(街)主管外经的镇领导审批。如获批准,镇(街)主管领导需在《外国人入境审批表》加具意见和签名,并加盖镇政府公章。 3、经过所在镇(街)政府审批后,把上述全部材料提交至市外事局签证科,市外事局签证科会根据团组的具体实际情况按照省外办要求进行材料审核,填妥《邀请确认函》,函请省外办审发。


xxx工程施工合同 发包人: 承包人: 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》和国家建设部及江苏省建设相关的法规条例,为明确甲乙双方在施工过程中的权利义务,促进协作,经甲乙双方充分协商,特签订本研发实验室装修工程施工合同(“本合同”),以兹共同遵守。 第一条:工程概况、造价 1.工程名称: 2.工程地点:甲方苏州工厂(地址:) 3.工程主要施工内容: 参见附件。 4.施工日期:自2018年11月12日始,至2018年12月31日止。 5.工程技术指标:符合甲方要求的施工标准及附件。 6.工程总价【不含税】:大写人民币叁拾玖万伍仟元整(¥,000元,开具%增值 税发票)。本合同为固定总价合同,合同总价是在承包人充分了解了工地现场、地表、地下及周边状况的情况下报出的,已经包含现有工作范围的所有工作内容。 合同中约定的价格由乙方包干,包括了完成项目施工工程所需要的材料、辅材和附件、完成制作安装该工作所需的技术工人及与此相关的工人人工、完成次工作所需的各种工具和设备以及相关的检测、检验等费用,以及利润、税金及政府收费,保险,市场价格变动风险(包括采用新的验收标准,人工、机械、材料价格波动等)及其他风险等。 7.项目施工主要节点: 8. 附件三。 第二条:材料设备供应 1.除甲方书面同意外,本合同项下的设备、原材料由乙方按照经甲方确认的投标文

件所承诺品牌、型号来进行采购。 2.乙方供应的材料、设备必须附有产品合格证并经甲方查验后方可用于工程施工。 第三条:施工准备 1.施工准备: 1)甲方应在施工前提供乙方施工所需的场地,做好乙方施工所需水、电 等供应设施。 2)乙方应开工前带好施工许可证和施工人员的合法证明文件交甲方备案。 乙方应组织有关人员学习,进行现场布置,搭建施工临时设施,安排施工进度计划,储备材料,加工构件,做好一切施工准备。 2.乙方保证特种设备人员必须持证上岗,进行安全培训教育。 第四条:施工与工程质量 1.乙方应自行完成本合同下的项目施工,禁止乙方转包或分包。 2.乙方应根据施工计划进度表进行施工,工程质量应达到甲方的施工验收规范和质量检验标准(以招标书与图纸为验收标准),按照验收规范尽职尽责,保证全部工程达到合格标准和本合同规定。 3.施工中如发生变更,应提出书面申请,提前通知甲方,并得到甲方盖章确认、批准。任何未按甲方程序办理的变更,甲方均不予结算。乙方认为对于发生的工作和事件有资格得到额外支付及工期顺延时,应在任何这类工作开始时或在这类事件发生时算起的10天之内,提交有关这类工作或事件的费用追加/工期延长申请,并附上完整的详细情况。如果乙方未在10天内向甲方提出这类申请,则视为乙方不要求增加费用或延长工期,且乙方以后也不能再以此为由提出索赔。 4.乙方施工应以保障甲方生产需求为首要考虑因素,若影响到甲方正常生产的(如停电、停水等),必须至少提前一周通知甲方,并且,甲方不接受以此为由产生的工程延期。 5.在施工中如遇甲方同意的中途停工,缓工,乙方对在建工程应做好安全部署,并落实安全责任,如因安全保护措施不当引起在建工程的毁损、甲方人员及财产的损失或造成第三方损失的,由乙方承担全部责任。 第五条:竣工验收与结算 1.乙方在工程具备竣工验收条件后,向甲方提供完整的竣工资料和竣工验收报告,提出竣工验收申请,甲方在收到乙方的竣工验收申请后,组织设计单位及与本合同工程竣工验收有关的单位对合同工程进行验收。如在验收过程中发现工程质量不符合甲方的工程验收要求,或未依甲方所确认的工程条件施工,甲方可拒绝接受并要求乙方予以整改。

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