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Swiss Re Tower by Foster and Partners


During construction, London's newest highrise conjured up many emotions from visitors and locals alike: here was a building that would bring a major change to the skyline. It became affectionately known as the "Gherkin," but was it worth it? Was it a white elephant?


Officially known as Swiss Re Tower, the building at 30 St. Mary Axe, designed by Foster and Partners, has won critical acclaim including the 2004 Stirling Prize from the Royal Institute of British Architects(RIBA). Set in the center of the City, London's financial center, the building's distinctive shape has already made it a recognizable landmark.

正式称为瑞士再保险大厦30圣玛丽斧的建设,由Foster and Partners所设计,赢得了一致好评,其中包括2004年从英国皇家建筑师协会(RIBA)的斯特林奖。在中心城市,伦敦的金融中心,建设的鲜明的外形已经成为一个公认的里程碑。

The 590-foot- (180-meter-) high, 40-story, 76,400-square-meter Swiss Re Tower is said to be London's first environmental skyscraper. Its aerodynamic, glazed shape minimizes wind loads and maximizes natural light and ventilation, reducing the building's energy consumption to 50 percent of that of a traditional large office building. As a working environment, it offers unequalled views of the surrounding city.


The outside of the building consists of 260,000 square feet (24,000 square meters) of glass panes. But the idea behind the overall form is to forge a connection with nature. Although dubbed "Gherkin," the spiral in its shape more resembles a pinecone.


The external diagonal steel structure uses triangular forms to be inherently strong, permitting a flexible column-free interior space. The building's height was made feasible by the use of a peripheral "diagrid," in which all the steel elements subtly interlock. The exterior cladding consists of approximately 5,500 flat triangular and diamond-shaped glass panels, which

vary in size at each level.


Success after False Starts


In 1992, an Irish Republican Army bomb destroyed the historic Baltic Exchange in St. Mary Axe. This had been the last Edwardian trading floor in London. In 1995, the exchange sold the site to developer Trafalgar House, which set out to build over 485,000 square feet (45,000 square meters) of office space. Trafalgar House employed Foster and Partners to design the new building.

1992年,爱尔兰共和军的炸弹炸毁了历史悠久的波罗的海交易所在圣玛丽斧。这已在伦敦的最后爱德华交易大厅。在1995年,交易所出售的网站开发商特拉法尔加别墅,着手建立超过485,000平方英尺的办公空间(45000平方米)。特拉法尔加别墅雇Foster and Partners 所设计的新建筑。

In 1996, the first design, the 2600-foot- (800-meter-) high Millennium Tower was submitted for approval and then withdrawn. Reinsurance company Swiss Re subsequently bought the site, inheriting its planning permission, and retained Foster and Partners to design its new London headquarters to replace its five dispersed locations throughout the City. Construction started in 2002 and was completed two years later.


The tower's worthiness as an architectural icon is made evident by the prestigious award, but local attitudes are mixed. It is a symbol for London, a recognized addition to the city's high-profile skyline that includes St. Paul's Cathedral, which speaks volumes for its impact and acceptability. However there are those who see the new tower not as a bold intervention in the city's streetscape but as a building out of context with its surrounds, a reaction to commercialism of the city.


Although the building's shape has no obvious reference point from the existing streetscape, the tower now seems firmly established. Its contextual inhabitation has been the result of extended negotiations with city planners

before permission was obtained. The architects skillfully convinced the establishment that it was time for a change. This is an often neglected aspect of the architect's work but worthy of credit in this instance. To negotiate with the bureaucracy and build such a novel form is an amazing achievement.


Spirals of Glass


The tower's glazing wraps around a diagonally braced structure, with a new public space of around 7500 square feet (694 square meters) of retail in a double-arcade on the ground floor. Entrances to the building are through high triangular archways cut out of the diamond grid of the facade.


The building provides 450,000 square feet (41,810 square meters) of net office space. At the edge of each floorplate is a spiral atrium, created by "twisting" each successive floor. This allows natural ventilation ? although

air-conditioning is also incorporated ?by taking advantage of the large pressure differentials that draw air in through horizontal slots in the cladding.


At every sixth floor, the atria feature gardens that control and purify moving air and divide the building into fire safety zones. The balconies on the edge of each light-well provide strong visual connections between floors and create a natural focus for communal office facilities.


The envelope at the office areas consists of a double-glazed outer layer and a single-glazed inner screen that sandwich a central, ventilated cavity containing solar-control blinds. These cavities act as buffer zones to reduce the need for mechanical heating and cooling and are ventilated by exhaust air drawn from the offices.


Public Life


In deference to street life, the architects tapered the tower at its base to improve connections to the surrounding streets and allow the maximum amount of sunlight to reach the plaza level. The circular plan enables much of the site's ground level to be used as a landscaped public plaza, with mature trees and low stone walls that effectively mark the site boundary and provide seating.


Yet, to call the space "public" is a misnomer. The tightly squeezed plaza is uninviting. A meeting point possibly but never a relaxing area, not a place to meander, and a place where, currently at least, bicycles are not allowed.


Swiss Re occupies eight office floors half way up the building; the remaining floors are being leased to allow for the company's future needs. Tenants have the option of leasing space in increments of two or six floors. The typical office floor is divided into six rectangular spaces, alternating with triangular service areas.


The answer as to where to dine within the city is answered at the building's top floors. A restaurant at level 39, and a bar at level 40, under the building's crown, offer a spectacular 360-degree panoramic view.


Foster and Partners' aim had been to create an "environmentally responsible building with natural economy of form and a detailed understanding of the urban context in which it is placed." The result is a building that is radical "socially, technically, architecturally and spatially." The Stirling Prize judges were unanimous in their award decision. They said in their citation: "The client wanted a landmark building and they have certainly got one."



The Swiss Re's London Headquarters is a symbol, not only for one of the world's leading reinsurance companies, but also for the City of London. The tower's uniqueness is reflected in the fact that there is little chance of a duplicate being built.


Looking from Jack Straw's Castle, the highest point in London, over Hampstead Heath towards the city, the building has already settled into its surrounds. There now seems to be a general public recognition and acceptance of something unprecedented in the London skyline.


Don Barker is a freelance writer and photographer in London, who has lived and worked in Europe, Australia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, and Singapore. He is a contributing editor to ArchitectureWeek and writes for several periodicals in the United Kingdom.


Modeling the Swiss Re Tower


瑞士再保险塔Foster and Partners所设计绘制,数字技术的进步,发展,我们首先探讨在20世纪70年代初在Climatroffice设计与Buckminster Fuller的的思想。

That project envisioned office space enclosed within a free-form glass skin to create a building with its own microclimate. At the time, its complex, double-curved geometry would have been difficult to build. Thirty years later, digital technologies facilitate the design and construction of buildings such as Swiss Re in a fraction of the time it would have taken in the 1970s.


Parametric modeling, originally developed in the aerospace and automotive industries for designing complex curved forms, had a fundamental role in the design of the tower.


The parametric 3D computer modeling process works like a conventional numerical spreadsheet. By storing the relationships between the various features of the design and treating these relationships like mathematical equations, it allows any element of the model to be changed and automatically regenerates the model in much the same way that a spreadsheet automatically recalculates any numerical changes.


As such, the parametric model becomes a "living" model ?one that is constantly responsive to change ? offering a degree of design flexibility not previously available. The same technology also allows curved surfaces to be "rationalized" into flat panels, demystifying the structure and building components of highly complex geometric forms so they can be built

economically and efficiently.


The team used software from Bentley Systems to rapidly explore design options. The parametric approach and a scripting interface allowed them to quickly and accurately generate in minutes complex geometric models that once took days to generate manually.


Three QuickTime animations posted on the Foster and Partners Web site dramatize, respectively, the conceptual form-making, the role of the spiraling light wells in the building's appearance, and the effect on the overall form of the building of changing various control parameters.


Aerodynamic form


The Swiss Re Tower has a circular plan that widens as it rises from the ground and then tapers towards its apex. This form responds to the specific demands of the small site. The building appears less bulky than a conventional rectangular block of equivalent floor area; the slimming of the building's profile at its base reduces reflections, improves transparency, and increases daylight penetration at ground level. Mid-height, the floor plates offer larger areas of office accommodation, and the tapering peak of the tower minimizes the extent of reflected sky.


The aerodynamic form of the tower encourages wind to flow around its face, minimizing wind loads on the structure and cladding, enabling the use of a more efficient structure. Wind deflection to ground level is reduced, helping to maintain pedestrian comfort and safety at the base of the building.


Wind tunnel tests have shown that the building will improve wind conditions in the vicinity. Natural air movement around the building

generates substantial pressure differences across its face, which can be used to facilitate natural ventilation within the building.


The 590-foot- (180-meter-) tall tower is supported by an efficient structure consisting of a central core and a perimeter "diagrid" ? a grid of diagonally interlocking steel elements. Some traditional central-cored buildings of this height would use the core as a means of providing the necessary lateral structural stability. Because of the inherent stiffness of the external diagrid, the central core is required to act only as a load-bearing element and is free from diagonal bracing, producing more flexible floor plates.


Besides receiving the 2004 Stirling Prize, this building was nominated for a Bentley Award of Excellence honoring the design team's imagination and technical mastery.



卒姆托出生在巴塞尔,一个柜制造商的儿子。他在1958年的木匠学徒,在Kunstgewerbeschule 研究于1963年开始在他的家乡城市。




卒姆托曾任教于洛杉矶的南加州建筑学院(1988),慕尼黑技术大学(1989年),美国杜兰大学(1992年),和哈佛大学设计学院(1999)。自1996年以来,他是在学院DI Architettura DI门德里西奥教授

他最知名的项目是一个闪闪发光的玻璃和混凝土立方体,可以俯瞰康斯坦茨湖(博登湖)在奥地利的布雷根茨美术馆,(1997);在丘壑洞穴般的温泉浴场,瑞士(1999年),汉诺威2000年世博会瑞士馆,拟在事件发生后回收的全木材结构; Kolumba拔萃博物馆(2007年)在科隆; Bruder克劳斯场教堂Wachendorf附近的一个农场,。

1993年,卒姆托赢得了纳粹主义的恐怖盖世太保总部设在柏林的网站上建立的博物馆和文献中心的竞争。卒姆托先生的意见书,要求延长3层与混凝土杆组成的框架建设。该项目被称为恐怖的地形,部分建成,当政府决定不走财政原因,然后废弃。的未完成的建筑被拆毁于2004年。[1] 1999年,卒姆托的唯一外国建筑师参与挪威国家旅游路线项目,两个项目,在巫婆试验受害者的记忆中Varanger纪念,一个[2]与路易丝布尔乔亚(于2010年完成),和一个休息区/博物馆网站的一个废弃的铅锌矿。

对于直径在Beacon,纽约艺术基金会,卒姆托设计的画廊,是房子的“360 °易经”雕塑由沃尔特- 德玛丽亚;虽然从未完成项目。卒姆托是唯一的外国建筑师参加两个项目,纪念Varanger,合作与路易丝布尔乔亚(将在6月完成)巫婆试验的受害者,和一个网站上的休息区/博物馆,一个废弃的铅锌矿(竣工日期2011年)。2009年11月,据透露,卒姆托是在洛杉矶县艺术博物馆校园的主要重新设计工作。[3]最近,他推掉了一个机会,考虑为Magdalen学院,牛津新图书馆。他选定的设计与设计师皮特Oudolf的蛇形画廊在2011年的每年夏季凉亭。[4]




1994年,他当选为AKADEMIE DER Künste在柏林。在1996年,他取得了外滩德意志Architekten (BDA)的名誉会员。1998年,卒姆托收到他的设计在布雷根茨美术馆布雷根茨,奥地利和温泉浴场丘壑,瑞士(见下文)嘉士伯建筑奖。他赢得了1999年的欧洲建筑密斯凡德罗奖。最近,他被授予日本皇家世界文化奖(2008年)和“普利兹克建筑奖(2009)。

The Vals spa—famed among architects for its evocative sequence of spaces and exquisite construction details—presents intriguing correspondences between Heidegger’s writing and Zumthor’s architecture. Writing in his architectural manifesto, Thinking Architecture, Zumthor mirrors Heidegger’s celebration of experience and emotion as measuring tools. A chapter entitled “A way of looking at things” begins by describing a door handle:


I used to take hold of it when I went into my aunt’s garden. That door handle still seems to me like a special sign of entry into a world of different moods and smells. I remember the sound of gravel under my feet, the soft gleam of waxed oak staircase. I can hear the heavy front door closing behind me as I walk along the dark corridor and enter the kitchen[...].(1998:9) Zumthor always emphasises the sensory aspects of the architectural experience. To him, the physicality of materials can involve an individual with the world, evoking experiences and texturing horizons of place through memory. He recalls places he once measured out at his aunt’s house through their sensual qualities. Zumthor’sVals spa recounts the thinking he describes in his essay, making appeals to all the senses. The architect choreographs materials according to their evocative qualities. Flamed and polished stone, chrome, brass, leather and velvet were deployed with care to enhance the inhabitant’s sense of embodiment when clothed and naked. The touch, smell, and perhaps even taste of these materials were orchestrated obsessively. The theatricality of steaming and bubbling water was enhanced by natural and artificial light, with murky darkness composed as intensely as light. Materials were crafted and joined to enhance or suppress their apparent mass. Their sensory potential was

relentlessly exploited with these tactics, Zumthor aimed to celebrate the liturgy of bathing by evoking emotions.






Zumthor's work is largely unpublished in part because of his philosophical belief that architecture must be experienced first hand.[7] His published written work is

mostly narrative and phenomenological.

“Thinking Architecture”

In this book Peter Zumthor expresses his motivation in designing buildings that speak to our feelings and understanding in so many ways and that possess a powerful and unmistakable presence and personality. The book is illustrated throughout with color photographs by Laura Padgett of Zumthor's new home and studio in Haldenstein.

“To me, buildings can have a beautiful silence that I associate with attributes such as composure, self-evidence, durability, presence, and integrity, and with warmth and sensuousness as well; a building that is being itself, being a building, not representing anything, just being. The sense that I try to instil into materials is beyond all rules of composition, and their tangibility, smell, and acoustic qualities are merely elements of the language we are obliged to use. Sense emerges when I succeed in bringing out the specific meanings of certain materials in my buildings, meanings that can only be perceived in just this way in this one building. When I concentrate on a specific site or place for which I am going to design a building, when I try to plumb its depths, its form, its history, and its sensuous qualities,

images of other places start to invade this process of precise observation: images of places I know and that once impressed me, images of ordinary or special places places that I carry with me as inner visions of specific moods and qualities; images of architectural situations, which emanate from the world of art, or films, theater or literature.”


Atmospheres is a poetics of architecture and a window into Peter Zumthor's personal sources of inspiration. In nine short, illustrated chapters framed as a process of self-observation, Peter Zumthor describes what he has on his mind as he sets about creating the atmosphere of his houses. Images of spaces and buildings that affect him are every bit as important as particular pieces of music or books that inspire him. From the composition and “presence” of the materials to the handling of proportions and the effect of light, this poetics of architecture enables the reader to recapitulate what really matters in the process of house design. In conclusion, Peter Zumthor has described what really constitutes an architectural atmosphere as "this singular density and mood, this feeling of presence, well-being, harmony, beauty...under whose spell I experience what I otherwise would not experience in precisely this way."

“Peter ZumthorThermeVals” This is the only book-length study of this singular building, features the architect’s own original sketches and plans for its design as well as Hélène Binet’s striking photographs of the structure. Architectural scholar Sigrid Hauser contributes an essay on such topics as “Artemis/Diana,” “Baptism,” “Mikvah,” and “Spring”—drawing out the connections between the elemental nature of the spa and mythology, bathing, and purity.

Annotations by Peter Zumthor on his design concept and the building process elucidate the structure’s symbiotic relationship to its natural surroundings, revealing, for example, why he insisted on using locally quarried stone. ThermeVals’s scenic design elements, and Zumthor’s contributions to this book, reflect the architect’s commitment to the essential and his disdain for needless architectural flourishes. [1]

“Seeing Zumthor”Seeing Zumthor represents a unique collaboration between Zumthor and Swiss photographer Hans Danuser, containing Danuser’s images of buildings created by Zumthor. More than twenty years ago, in a milestone event of twentieth-century architectural photography, Danuser photographed, at Zumthor’s invitation, two buildings: the protective structure built for archaeological excavations in Chur and St. Benedict’s Chapel in Sumvitg. When first shown in exhibition, those photos ignited a lively debate that has been revived with a recent exhibition of Danuser’s photographs of Zumthor’s most famous work, the spa at ThermeVals. Seeing Zumthor collects these three important se ries of Danuser’s pictures and includes essays by leading art historians exploring the relationship between the two seemingly different disciplines or architecture and photography. [2]










“眼看卒姆托”眼看卒姆托代表一个独特的合作,卒姆托和瑞士摄影师汉斯DanuserDanuser 卒姆托创建的楼宇的图像。超过20年前,在20世纪的建筑摄影的一个里程碑式的事件,Danuser拍照,卒姆托的邀请,两个建筑物:建库尔和圣本笃在Sumvitg教堂的考古发掘保护结构。当第一次在展览中,这些照片点燃了激烈的辩论,已恢复最近的Danuser卒姆托的最著名的作品,Therme酒店瓦尔斯温泉的照片展览。眼看卒姆托收集这些Danuser的图片三个重要系列,包括一流的艺术历史学家,探索两个看似不同的学科或架构和摄影之间的关系的文章。[2]


Clarence Day Born in New York City, he attended St. Paul's School and graduated from Yale University in 1896, where he edited campus humor magazine The Yale Record.[7] The following year, he joined the New York Stock Exchange, and became a partner in his father's Wall Street brokerage firm. Day enlisted in the Navy in 1898, but developed cripplingarthritis and spent the remainder of his life as a semi-invalid. Works[edit]:The Story of the Yale University Press (1920) This Simian World (1920) The Crow's Nest (1921) Thoughts Without Words (1928) God and my Father (1932) In the Green Mountain Country (1934) Scenes from the Mesozoic and Other Drawings (1935) Life with Father (1935) After All (1936; posthumous) Life with Mother (1937; posthumous) The World of Books (1938; posthumous) Father and I (1940; posthumous) 欧内斯特·米勒尔·海明威(Ernest Miller Hemingway,1899年7月21日-1961年7月2日),美国作家和记者,被认为是20世纪最著名的小说家之一。出生于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥市郊区的奥克帕克,晚年在爱达荷州凯彻姆的家中自杀身亡。海明威一生中的感情错综复杂,先后结过四次婚,是美国“迷惘的一代”(Lost Generation)作家中的代表人物,作品中对人生、世界、社会都表现出了迷茫和彷徨。 在海明威一生之中曾荣获不少奖项。他在第一次世界大战期间被授予银制勇敢勋章;1953年,他以《老人与海》一书获得普利策奖;1954年,《老人与海》又为海明威夺得诺贝尔文学奖。2001年,海明威的《太阳照样升起》(The Sun Also Rises)与《永别了,武器》两部作品被美国现代图书馆列入“20世纪中的100部最佳英文小说”中。 海明威一向以文坛硬汉著称,他是美利坚民族的精神丰碑。海明威的作品标志着他独特创作风格的形成,在美国文学史乃至世界文学史上都占有重要地位。 海明威有着出色的语言驾驭能力,他常以最简单的词汇表达最复杂的内容,用基本词汇、简短句式等表达具体含义,用名词、动词来揭示事物的本来面目,丝毫无矫揉造作之感。从句式上看,海明威常用简短的陈述句进行语言表述,他认为没有必要用文字修饰雕琢来哗众取宠,只要将事物描述清楚就行,其他的则由读者来决定。语言风格:朴实、直观、含蓄情感、对话、男女关系


将下列句子译成汉语 1.This equipment has been employed for years. 这台设备已被使用了很多年。 2.Air is mixture of gases. 空气是混合气体。 3.Plants make use of the oxygen in carbon dioxide. 植物利用二氧化碳中的氧气。 4.A body with a negative charge possesses more electrons than protons. 带负电的电子所含的电子比质子多。 5.Other evaporation materials and processes will be discussed briefly. 其他一些蒸发材料和蒸发过程将简单地加以讨论。 6、The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of its performance. 操作机器需要懂得机器的一些性能。 7、The flow of electrons is from the negative zinc plate to the positive copper plate. 电子从负的锌板流向正的铜板。 8、In their work they pay much attention to the combination of theory with practice. 他们在工作中非常注重实践与理论的结合。 9、Petroleum convenience in use is evident. 石油便于使用是显而易见的。 10、These operations are used only for solute recovery or solute removal. 这些操作仅用于回收杂质或去除溶质。


ACCOUNTING ENGLISH Middle-of-term Test Papers PartⅠ.Translating the following terms 1、Notes to financial statements 2、Accounting elements 3、Variable costs 4、Economic entity 5、Depreciation expense 6、Deferred income taxes 7、Nominal accounts 8、ROA 9、LIFO 10、Work in process 11、现金收支 12、原材料 13、制造费用 14、相关性 15、持续经营 16、复式记账 17、优先股 18、预付费用 19、购货退回与折让 20、永续盘存制

PartⅡ.True or False 1、 The accounting process generates financial reports for both “internal ”and “external”users. 2、The balance sheet reflects the basic accounting equation and the means of financing the organization's assets. 3、The existence of Accounts Receivable on the Balance Sheet indicates that the company has one or more creditors. 4、Liabilities are classified and presented in increasing order of liquidity. 5、Working capital equals current assets less current liabilities. 6、Declaration of dividends reduces the retained earnings portion of the owners' equity of the corporation and creates a liabilities called Dividends Payable. 7、A chart of accounts is a listing of the titles of all accounts. 8、The cash basis of accounting often violates the matching rule. 9、Closing entries convert real and nominal accounts to zero balance. 10、The work sheet is published with the balance sheet and income statement, as a supplementary statement. 11、A company's sustainable growth rate is the highest growth rate in sales it can attain without issuing new stock. 12、Only rapidly growing firms have growth management problems.


大学各专业课程中英文对照 A开头的课程 ALGOL语言ALGOL Language BASIC & FORTRAN 语言BASIC Language & FORTRAN Language BASIC 语言BASIC Language BASIC 语言及应用BASIC Language & Application C 语言C Language C++程序设计C++ Program Designing CAD 概论Introduction to CAD CAD/CAM CAD/CAM CET-4 College English Test (Band 4) CET-6 College English Test (Band 6) COBOL语言COBOL Language COBOL语言程序设计COBOL Language Program Designing C与UNIX环境C Language & Unix Environment C语言科学计算方法Scientific Computation Method in C C语言与生物医学信息处理C Language & Biomedical Information Processing dBASE Ⅲ课程设计Course Exercise in dBASE Ⅲ FORTRAN 77 语言FORTRAN 77 Language FORTRAN语言FORTRAN Language FoxBase程序设计FoxBase Programming Hopf代数Hopf Algebra Hopf代数与代数群量子群Hopf Algebra , Algebraic Group and Qua ntum Group IBM-PC/XT Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC/XT IBM-PC微机原理Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC IBM汇编及高级语言的接口IBM Assembly & its Interfaces with Advanced Programming Languages Internet与Intranet技术Internet and Intranet Technology LSI设计基础Basic of LSI Designing OS/2操作系统OS/2 Operation System PASCAL大型作业PASCAL Wide Range Working PASCAL课程设计Course Exercise in PASCAL PASCAL语言PASCAL Language PC机原理Principle of PC Unix编程环境Unix Programming Environment Unix操作系统分析Analysis of Unix System VLSI的EDA技术EDA Techniques for VLSI VLSI技术与检测方法VLSI Techniques & Its Examination VLSI设计基础Basis of VLSI Design Windows系统Windows Operation System X光分析X-ray Analysis X射线金属学X-Ray & Metallography X射线与电镜X-ray & Electric Microscope Z-80汇编语言程序设计Z-80 Pragramming in Assembly Languages


直升机helicopter 机体 fuselage,body 座舱 main cabin 旋翼桨叶rotor 旋翼桨毂rotor head 旋翼铰rotor hinge 自动倾斜器swashplate 尾桨桨叶tail rotor 尾桨桨毂tail rotor head 主减速器 main gearbox 中间减速器middle gearbox 尾部减速器rail gearbox 功率输出轴power transmissionshaft 尾部传动轴tail transmissionshaft 水平尾翼,平尾 horizontal tail 垂直尾翼,垂尾 vertical tail 水平安定面 stabilizer 垂直安定面 fin 起落架 undercarriage,landing gear 定轴式涡轮轴发动机fixed shaftturbine yur-boshaft engine 辅助动力装置auxiliary powerunit 燃油调节器 fuel regulator 驾驶杆control stick ,cyclic 脚蹬 pedal,anti-torque pedal 总距杆collective 旋翼转速 rotor speed 尾翼 tail 重心 center of gravity 外挂物 external stores 高度表 altimeter 空速表 air-speed meter,air-speed indic-tor 升降速度表 vertical-speed indicator,rate-of-climb meter

功率 power 转速 speed of revolution 进气道 air intake,air inlet 表速 indicated airspeed 真速 true airspeed 高度 height altitude 升力 lift 拉力 thrust 阻力 drag 诱导阻力 induced drag 摩擦阻力 skin-friction drag 压差阻力 pressure drag 升力系数 lift coefficient 阻力系数 drag coefficient 迎角 angle of attack,angle of incidence 失速 stall 升阻比 lift-drag ratio 地面效应 ground effect 标准大气压 standard atmosphere 侧滑角 angle of sideslip 俯仰角 angle of pitch,inclination angle,el-evation 偏航角 angle of yaw,azimuth angle 滚转角 angle of roll,angle of bank,bank angle 航迹倾斜角 flight path angle,flight-pathinclinationangle,flight-path climb an-gle,angle of velocity pitch 轨迹偏转角course angle,flight-path track angle,angleof velocity yaw 速度滚转角angle of roll,flight-path bankangle,angle ofvelocity roll 俯仰角速度rate of pitch 偏航角速度rate of yaw 滚转角速度rate of roll


Chest plain film/plain chest radiography 胸部平片Posteroanterior 后前位 Left-lateral 左侧位 Contour 轮廓 Symmetric 对称 Lung field 肺野 Lung marking 肺纹理 Lesion 病变 Lung hilar 肺门 Mediastinum 胸廓 Diaphragm 膈肌 Rib 肋骨 Round-shaped 类圆形的 Mass 团块 Post-basic segment 后基底段 Lobulated-edge 边缘分叶 Well-defined margin 边界清楚 ill-define margin 边缘不清vague margin Homogeneous attenuation 密度均匀 Thoracic vertebraes 胸椎 Obstructive atelectasis 阻塞性肺不张 Sign of “recersal S”反S征 Bilateral 双侧的 Cloud-shaped areas 大片密度增高区域 Piece-like high attunuation 片状高密度Pulmonary edema 肺水肿 Node 结节 Acute miliary tuberculosis 急性粟粒性肺结核Anteroposterior abdomen plain film 腹部平片Supine overhead projection 仰卧前后位投照Radiopaque foreign body 不透光异物 Stone 结石 Liver 肝gallbladder 胆kidney 肾 Bowel 肠 Distension 扩张 Free gas 游离气体 Vertebrate and pelvis bone 腰椎和骨盆 Plain film of pelvis 骨盆平片 Acetabulun 髋臼 Hip joint 髋关节 Bone destruction 骨质破坏 Femoral head 股骨头 The left hip joint space 左髋关节间隙Osteoporosis 骨质疏松


中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称哲学Philosophy 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism xx 哲学Chinese Philosophy xx 哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic

西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学) Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics 统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics


The diode consists of a tungsten filament, which gives off electrons when it is heated, and a plate toward which the electrons migrate when the field is in the right direction.二极管由一根钨丝和一块极板组成:钨丝受热时放出电子,当电场方向为正时,这些电子便向极板移动。Objectionable hydrogen sulfide is removed from such a gas or form naturally occurring hydrocarbon gases by washing with various alkaline solutions in which it is absorbed. 要从这样的煤气或天然存在的烃类气体中除去有害物质硫化氢。就要用能吸收硫化氢的各种碱性溶液来洗涤. 作业:翻译,注意定语的译法 Over a period of more than 400 million year, trees have evolved as the tallest, most massive, and longest lived organisms ever to inhabit the Earth. Introducing the table which gives the correspondence of volumes and system numbers with divisions and classes and applying the classification thus determined to find out the appropriate volume. 作业:翻译,注意被动语态的译法 Everying in the world is built up from atoms. No work can be done without energy. Evaporation is conducted by vaporizing a portion of the solvent to produce a concentrated solution or thick liquor. 作业:翻译,指明词序的转变 Two widely used alloy of copper are brase and bronze. Having been well insulated, the wire may be used as a conductor. 作业:翻译,并指明黑字体句子成分转换的译法 Sodium is very active chemically. Methane is less than half as heavy as water. The different hydrocarbons in crude oil boil at different temperatures. 作业:翻译,并指明黑字体词类转换的译法 Scientists are confident that all matter is indestructible. Many chemical reactions need heat to make them take place. Machine parts of irregular shape can be washed very clean by ultrasonic. The expression of the relation between force, mass and acceleration is as follows. He is a stranger to the operation of the electronic computer. Generally speaking, methane series are rather inert. One of the outstanding properties of carbon atom is its ability to share its electrons with other carbon atoms.



一学习总结 1理论课程学习总结 人说,“走进大学就一只脚踏进了社会”,这句话没说错。上大学之前,我们有三分之二的时间在学校认真学习科学知识,缺乏自理能力,不懂人情世故。而上了大学之后,不仅要学习,还要管理好自己的生活、处理好与同学、老师的关系。所有这些都不是老师和爸妈能教会的,要靠自己在日常生活中不断的学习和总结经验教训。 在大学里,有些人刻苦专研专业知识,希望将来在专业方面有所突破或能继续深造;有些人则在学好功课的基础上,发现了自己某方面的潜力,比如:较强的社交能力、体育比较好等。而大学这样一个宽松的环境正为他们提供了一个实现自我的舞台。因此,在大学里,我们不仅可以更深入的学习科学知识,还可以在业余时间挖掘自身的潜力和增强自身的特长。但不管将来你从事什么工作,首先要学好英语和用好计算机,这是形势所迫,也是现实。随着现代化步伐的加快,计算机已经成为我们进行各项工作的主要工具,而学好英语是用好计算机的基础,以后走上工作岗位,不会英语和计算机,我们将寸步难行。 但有很多同学说,英语很难学,就是学不好。其实并不是不能学好,我认为没有学不会的东西,除非你不去努力或方法不对。说句实在话,学语言确实是一件比较困难的事,尤其是在一个没有相关语言环境的情况下去学。因为学语言包括听,说,读,写四个方面,要想做到这四个方面都强确实不容易。但我们可以先掌握好基础知识,再根据自己以后的发展方向决定在哪个方面进行提高。比如,你决定以后从事软件开发的工作,那你可以多看看这方面的英文版的书籍。 可是,尽管英语是如此的难学,很多同学还是不以为然。许多同学进入大学后就想着如何去玩,觉得初中、高中这六年憋得实在不行了。可是放松也要有限度,不能荒废了学业,难道辛辛苦苦考上大学就是来玩的吗?因此,当我们在享受大学生活给我们带来新鲜和刺激时,不要忘了花点时间去读读单词,看看英语文章。把英语学习当成一种乐趣,而不仅仅是应付学校的考试和通过四六级。 其次,就要说到计算机知识的学习了,对于我们信息管理专业来说,计算机就是我们谋生的工具。首先,我们应学会最基本的使用电脑的操作,如开机、关机、软件的安装、office的使用、电脑的日常维护等。此外,随着科学技术的日新月异的发展,网络在人们的生活中起着越来越重要的作用,不管是日常生活、交友、娱乐还是工作,人们越来越依赖于网络。因此我们还要学会上网,学会利


大学各专业名称英文翻译理科SCIENCE 理科SCIENCE 课程中文名称课程英文名称 矩阵分析Matrix Analysis 面向对象程序设计方法Desig n Methods of Object orie nted Program 李代数Lie Algebra 代数图论Algebraic Graph Theory 代数几何(I )Algebraic Geometry (I) 泛函分析Functional Analysis 论文选读Study on Selected Papers Hoof 代数Hoof Algebra 基础代数Fundamental Algebra 交换代数Commutative Algebra 代数几何Algebraic Geometry \ /

Hoof 代数与代数群量子群Hoof Algebra , Algebraic Group and Qua numb G roup 量子群表示Representation of Quantum Groups 网络算法与复杂性Network Algorithms and Complexity 组合数学Combinatorial Mathematics 代数学Algebra 半群理论Semigroup Theory 计算机图形学Computer Graphics 图的对称性Graph Symmetry 代数拓扑Algebraic Topology 代数几何(II ) Algebraic Geometry (II ) 微分几何Differential Geometry 多复变函数Analytic Functions of Several Complex Varian les 代数曲面Algebraic Surfaces 高维代数簇Algebraic Varieties of Higher Dimension 数理方程Mathematics and Physical Equation


Chinese by Jerry Norman 龚群虎 Page number, Chinese, English 1 0 2 共时synchronic 3 历时diachronic 4 linguist 语言学家 5 汉语研究Chinese studies 6 调号tone mark 7 1-1 8 甲骨文oracle bone inscription/script 9 古汉语Classical Chinese 10 中古汉语Middle Chinese 11 早期白话Early Vernacular Chinese 12 上海方言Shanghai dialect 13 书面语言written language 14 口头语言spoken language 15 文化连续性cultural continuity 16 汉语方言Chinese dialects 17 北京话Peking dialect 18 广州话Cantonese 19 文言文Literary Chinese 20 方言学家dialectologist 21 金文bronze inscription/script 22 孔子Confucius 23 孟子Mencius 24 方言描写dialect description 25 高本汉(人名)Bernhard Karlgren 26 中古汉语(高本汉)Ancient Chinese 27 赵元任(人名)Yuen Ren Chao 28 吴语Wu dialects 29 方言调查dialect survey/fieldwork 30 共通语koine 31 现代汉语Modern Chinese 32 方言dialect 33 1-2 34 (汉语)周边语言neighboring languages 35 阿尔泰语系Altaic language family 36 突厥语言Turkic languages 37 蒙古语言Mongolian languages 38 通古斯语言Tungusic languages 39 日语Japanese


Chapter 1 Introduction: Why Project Management? True/False 1) Projects have a process orientation. F 2) Client interest in a project is highest during the termination and conceptual phases. T Multiple Choice 1). A project typically has: A) A defined start and end date. B) A defined start date but no defined end date. C) No defined start but a defined end date. D) No defined start or end date. 2) Which of the following statements about project success criteria is best? A) Project cost is an external performance measure. B) Completion time is an internal performance measure. C) Client acceptance is an internal performance measure. D) Client acceptance is often referred to as conducting a quality check. Short Answer 1) What changes in the business environment have necessitated a greater use of project management skills?


话题三人物与职业 1 高频单词 ·Group 1· 1. achievevt. 达到, 取得 achievementn. 成就, 成绩, 功绩 2. admire vt. 钦佩;欣赏 3. ambitious adj. 有雄心壮志的 4. appearancen. 外貌 5. backgroundn. 背景 6. birthplacen. 出生地;故乡 7. charactern. (汉)字, 字体;品格characteristicadj. 典型的, 独特的 8. coincidencen. 巧合, 巧事 9. confidentadj. 自信的 10. contemporaryadj. 属同时期的, 同一时代的·Group 2· 1. contentadj. 甘愿的, 满意的 n. 内容 2. contributev. 贡献 contributionn. 贡献 3. creativeadj. 富有创造力的

4. determinationn. 决心 determinevt. 决定;决心 5. devotevt. 把……奉献, 把……专用(于) devotionn. 奉献, 奉献精神 6. educatedadj. 受过教育的 7. energeticadj. 精力旺盛的 8. expectationn. 期望;期待 9. experiencen. 经验;经历 10. failuren. 失败 ·Group 3· 1. fortunateadj. 幸运的;侥幸的fortunen. 财产;运气 2. generousadj. 慷慨大方的 3. hardshipn. 困难 4. hardworkingadj. 努力工作的 5. honestadj. 诚实的, 正直的 6. honour(美honor)n. 荣誉, 光荣 vt. 尊敬, 给予荣誉 7. humorousadj. 富有幽默感的 humour(美humor)n. 幽默, 幽默感 8. independentadj. 独立的 9. inspirevt. 鼓舞;激励


专业术语(Professional T erminology)四大力学 1、理论力学Theoretical Mechanics 2、材料力学Mechanics of Materials 3、结构力学Structural Mechanics 4、弹性力学Elastic Mechanics 应力应变曲线(应力:stress 应变:strain) 5、比例极限proportional limit 6、弹性极限elastic limit 7、屈服极限yield limit 8、强度极限ultimate limit 9、强度strength 10、刚度stiffness(rigidity) 11、稳定性stability(steadiness) 结点(joint) 12、刚接rigid joint 13、铰接hinge joint 荷载(load) 14、集中荷载concentrated load 15、均布荷载uniformly distributed load 16、恒荷载dead load 17、活荷载live load 18、框架梁frame beam 19、框剪结构frame-shear wall structure 20、钢筋混凝土结构reinforced concrete structure 21、预应力构件prestressed member 22、门式钢架portal rigid frame 23、剪力墙shear wall 变形(deformation) 24、位移displacement (1)挠度(线位移)buckling/deflection (2)转角(角位移)rotation/angle


心理学专业英语总结——HXY 随意传阅·顺颂试安 注释:1.“*”在书上是黑体字,但感觉不重要背了也没什么卵用 2.“”背景色项表示答案恰好有三项,可能出选择 3. 人名已加黑,可能连线或选择 4. 每章节的末尾有方便记忆的单词表(只包括这篇总结中出现的关键单词) 5. 方便理解记忆,已在各项下方注明中文释义 6.“,”大部分都是作为点之间的分割,类似于逗号,前后不连成句子Chapter 1——Perspectives in psychology 心理学纵览 Section 1: Approaches to psychology 心理学入门 What is psychology? 心理学是什么 Definitions: The scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. 定义:对行为和心理过程的科学研究 Psychology come from: ① philosophy, ② biology ③ physics. 心理学来源于:哲学、生物学和医学 When: 1879 as a separate scientific discipline. 形成于:1879年,作为独立学科

History (develop): structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviourism, cognitive psychology, humanistic approach, biological approach. 历史发展:结构主义,机能主义,精神分析,行为主义,认知,人本主义,生理。 The psychoanalytic approach to psychology 精神分析理论 Origins & history: Sigmund Freud, unconscious mental causes, treat as the causes of mental disorders, built up an theory. 历史来源:弗洛伊德提出潜意识心理动机,把它视为心理疾病的原因,并建立理论。 Assumptions: unconscious processes, psychic determinism, hydraulic drives, psychodynamic conflict, stages of development. 假设:潜意识过程,精神决定论,驱力(攻击、性),心理动力冲突,发展阶段 Methods of investigation: case study (method), free association (tech), dream analysis (tech). 研究方法:个案研究方法,自由联想技术,梦的解析技术 *Areas of explanation: personality development, moral/gender development, aggression, abnormality, memory. 可解释领域:人格发展,道德/性别发展,攻击性,异常,记忆 *Weaknesses: unrefutable, theoretically unscientific. 缺点:不可被其他事件驳斥,因此理论不具科学性


高三英语写作指导(六)人物介绍(Introducing Somebody) 美文欣赏 Although Princeton, New Jersey, has a world-famous university, it is still a small quiet town. It is not a place where anyone would expect to see strange characters on the street. That is why one woman will never forget the day in 1940 when, as a child, she suddenly saw a funny-looking man coming towards her. ―I remember,‖ she tells her children now, ―how wild his white hair looked---as if it had been electrified. He was short. His clothes seemed to be just pulled on to keep him covered, like a blanket to keep one warm. He had a big nose, a short, thick moustache, and deep-set eyes. He was staring, thinking. He almost knocked me down before he saw me. He gave me a friendly smile, then he walked on and went on thinking. I noticed he had on bedroom slippers. He had forgotten to put on his shoes. He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairy tales and had passed me like a spirit. That night at dinner when I told my family about the strange, funny man I had

大学各专业名称英文翻译—— 文科方面 ARTS

大学各专业名称英文翻译——文科方面ARTS 澳门历史研究Study of the History of Macao 办公管理Office Management 办公设备运用Using Desktop Publishing in Business 比较管理学Comparative Management 比较诗学Comparative Poetics 比较文化学Comparative Cult urology 比较文学研究Study of Comparative Literature 必修课4-10学分Restricted (4-10 Credits needed) 病理生理学Pathological Physiology 财务报告介绍An Introduction to Financial Accounting Statements 财务报告运用Using Financial Accounting Statements 财务管理学Financial Management 财务会计学Financial Accounting 财务理论与方法Finance Theory & Methods 财政与金融Finance 财政与金融学研究Study of Finance 财政预算Preparing Financial Forecasts 产业经济学Industrial Economics 传统文化与现代化Tradition Culture and Modernization 当代国际关系研究Contemporary International Relations Studies 当代世界发展研究Contemporary World Development Studies 当代中国外交与侨务专题研究Monographic Studies of Diplomacy and Overseas C hinese Affairs of Contemporary China
