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今天为大家准备了“SAT写作高分模板”, 供各位备考SAT的考生们参考使用,来提高自己的英语考试成绩!

When asked about ______________ ( 主题), some people hold the idea

that_________________________ ( 观点A). As far as they are

concerned,_________________________ (展开观点A). But I could not agree with them in several points.

In my opinion, ______________________________ (观点B). The reasons for my choice are listed as follows.

In the first place, ___________________________ (支持观点B 的理由1).

In the second place, ______________________________ (支持观点B 的理由2).

In the third place,_______________________________ (支持观点B 的理由3).

For the reasons mentioned above, I firmly believe ____________ (重申观点B).


Some people believe that __________________________ (观点A). For instance, they hold the idea that ______________________________ (支持观点A的例子). And

it may bring them _____________________________ (A 带给他们的好处).

In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point.

For one thing,_____________________________ ( 我不同意的理由1).

For another,_____________________________ (我不同意的理由2).

As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, I agree tothe thought that ______________________________ (重申自己的观点).


这次考试的文章的行文比较清晰利落。如果将文章的脉络梳理下来,可考虑这样划分。Para1为比较常规的introduction部分:引入主题,谈论背景吸引注意力,表明态度。接下来,作者阐述本话题论证的必要性——Para2-4表明海洋面积大、得到保护有缺失、海洋对自然系统的重要性。倒数第二部分,画风一转,强调海洋目前得到的保护正在进步中,列举四项里程碑事件及保护区的成立。最后的一部分,进行升华和深化——一方面强调,这是世界范围内共同致力的事业,“great minds think alike”;另一方面,呼吁不该止步于此,虽然保护在进行,但是海洋生态环境受到威胁的可能性也并没有随之减弱。


Oceans, the world’s largest natural resource, cover much more areas than the land within theUnited States’ territories, but receive much less protection. Responding to the phenomenon, Laura Bush, the former First Lady of the country, writes a commentary in Wall Street Journal to call upon more preservation of “our waters and marine habitats.” Strong contrasting, abundant evidence and appeal to pathos facilitate her compelling argument that our duty is to conserve wild marine areas that remain when the sea frontiers are retreating.

In developing her claims for the need to protect the oceans, Bush has employed various kinds of evidence, including facts, examples and statistics,

to reason with the reader and explain the significance of the natural resource. Most readers might not realize severity of such protection since they are satisfied with great progress “made in protecting our environment over the past several decades.” To awaken them to the claim that the oceans lack protection, the author is at pains to provide some statistics to reveal what the country fails to do: “Less than one-half of 1% of the world's oceans” cannot be conserved in their primitive form, and “up to 90% of large fish” disappear in some parts of the oceans. These data would leave the readers greatly surprised. She further utilizes facts and personal anecdote to raise another claim that the ocean pollutions are killing marine lives. A “plastic garbage dump twice the size of Texas” presents a vivid image about how huge the dump is, and the readers would now feel shocked rather than just surprised. Her personal accounts that birds die because of plastic debris could also sadden the readers and stir their pity for the innocent wildlife. A third claim she made – people are “at risk of permanently losing vital marine resources and harming our quality of life” – is also backed up with cold, hard facts: the oceans “produce oxygen, reduce pollution, and remove carbon dioxide.” The readers are, again, reminded of the importance of the resource. These claims and their evidence are well-connected to serve as solid reasons to sway the readers into her position.

Evidence can be observed across the article. Another strategy found throughout is the author’s appeal to pathos. In the very beginning of her article, for example, Bush encourages the public to conserve the oceans if they want the resource to “remain a vibrant source of life for future generations.” The line would touch the readers’ heartstrings. Those who have enjoyed the vitality brought by the oceans would worry that their children and grandchildren could lose the opportunity to appreciate the grandeur of the natural resource. These worries would surely spur some of their responses and actions to protect the life cradle. At the very end, she appeals to the readers’ emotion once again, by comparing the oceans to “natural, undisturbed incubators of life.” The metaphor reminds the audience of the fact that the oceans create their life. The awe and respect thus aroused for the sea would urge them to preserve the origin of life on earth. By doing this, Bush concludes her argument with an emotional impact, adding striking power to the necessity of establishing new national marine parks.

The truth in the numbers, facts and examples is undeniable so that Bush makes her statement much more authentic. The emotional appeal is strong and affecting so that Bush makes her argument more attractive. It is with these strategies that she magnetizes her audience, leaving them no other thought but the one of conserving the largest natural resources.



Is the Vietnam War a wise choice? Martin Luther King Jr., the famous leader of the African-American Civil Rights Movement, stated his opinion that it was totally wrong to start that war. Meanwhile, in order to strengthen his opinion, rhetorical devices, such as parallel, contrast, irony, personal anecdote, quotation, were utilized in his speech, which made his speech more persuasive and evoked the audience to stand by his side Throughout the whole passage, the use of contrast presented two extreme opposite sides, which highlighted the difference and conflicts between what is shown on TV screens to the reality of the society; the rhetorical device of parallel showed strong artistic expression of contend, which strengthened the speaker’s point of view concerning how the miserable situation the poor are facing with; it is the personal anecdote illustrated an undeniable truth of his own experience of convincing angry young men that described his opinion


三立教育https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a32573385.html, SAT写作范文推荐 写作对考生来说是一大挑战,下面小编就南北战争为大家带来写作范文 Civil War Ross K. In the Civil War, General Robert E. Lee of the United States of the Confederacy, was on a winning streak against the armies of the United States of the Union. At the battle of Gettysburg, in Pennsylvania, the Confederate armies outnumbered the Union soldiers barricading themselves inside the town. General Lee created battle tactics and strategies for the assault on Gettysburg. Through his extensive planning and military genius, Robert E. Lee was confident that his battalions would overtake the Union. However, during this decisive battle, Robert E. Lee's strategies failed the Confederacy, and the unexpected happened; Ulysses S. Grant and the Union armies defeated Lee. Even though General Lm planned thoroughly, Lee did not expect the Union to retreat to Cemetery Hill where they would have the advantage of elevation. Both sides suffered major casualties, but it was the Union that won the battle.




2015年1月新SAT官方新样题第一时间解读:满分写作范文解析 本次官方给出了两道样题,北京新东方张卉老师针对第一篇样题(节选自Paul Bogard 于2012.12.21发表在《洛杉矶时报》的“Let There Be Dark.”)的满分作文进行了官方得分理由的第一时间解读。 满分作文(阅读部分4分,理解部分4分,写作部分4分) 阅读理解部分---4分:这篇作文通过熟练的间接引用--转述技巧(paraphrases)和直接引用技巧(direct quotations)展现出了对材料文章全面充分的理解能力。作者用简洁的语言概括了Bogard’s piece这篇文章的主旨,即(natural darkness should be preserved; we must preserve true, unaffected darkness),并从材料文章中找寻证据来说明作者如何支持主旨:如提及作者用个人轶事来开篇;提及Bogard对Paris’ reputation as “The City of Ligh t”这一历史典故的引用。考生并未直接引用大段的作者原文,而是用自己简洁精确的转述语言来全面解读Bogard 的这篇argument,考生能够清晰有条理的说明Bogard如何使用细节来支持主旨。这篇文章没有对材料文章事实的误读或曲解。总而言之,此文反映出了考生优秀的阅读理解技巧。 分析能力部分—4分:北京新东方张卉老师通过结合官方理由解读,这篇满分文章展现了考生深刻透彻的分析能力并展现出考生对分析技巧这一要求的深刻理解。考生认真全面地解释了Bogard如何通过使用个人轶事,艺术和历史引喻,修辞手段等方法来展开他的议论。例如:考生分析了Bogard为何采用个人轶事这一手段来进行开篇,并描述了作者采用这一方法对读者产生的整体效果,如(In telling this brief anecdote, Bogard challenges the audience to remember a time where they could fully amass themselves in natural darkness void of artificial light. By drawing in his readers with a personal encounter...the author means to establish the potential for beauty, glamour, and awe-inspiring mystery that genuine darkness can possess.... This ane cdote provides a baseline of sorts for readers to find credence with the author’s claims. ) 括号 中这一有说服力的逻辑链表明了考生从手段功能性和读者效果性两个方面,全面地理解了Bogard采用个人轶事这一方式开篇的作用。这种深刻的分析在通篇都展现得非常明显,此文反映出了考生优秀的分析技巧。 写作能力部分—4分:这篇文章行文连贯结构紧密,展现出考生极高的语言运用掌握能力。这篇文章有清晰明确的主旨,即:(He effectively builds his argument by using personal anecdote, allusions to art and history, and rhetorical questions),篇章的主体段紧密围绕着Bogard的原文的三个主要主体部分进行结构展开。每一段的段落内部的观点递进也清晰严谨。考生开头段和结尾段的写作技巧纯熟简明,并很好的概括了Bogard的主旨及其全篇分析结构。考生全篇用词准确和措辞得当,(the natural magnificence of stars in a dark sky is definite, our world consumed by unnatural, vapid lighting, the affecting power of an untainted night sky). 文章句式 变换多样,且使用了很多高级的复杂句(By doing this, Bogard creates a dichotomy between Paris’ traditionally alluded-to name and the reality of what Paris is becoming –no longer “the city


新SAT写作评分标准详细解读 三立在线SAT频道为大家带来新SAT写作评分标准详细解读一文,希望对大家SAT备考有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注三立在线SAT频道! 一、新SAT写作如何评分 新SAT写作评分标准在OG里分为三个方面:阅读、分析和写作。每部分的分数为1-4分。考生可得到的分数为2-8分。新SAT对写作字数没有硬性要求,一般写到500单词左右即可。文章以5段为宜。那具体通过哪些方面来评分呢? 首先,作文能够明确辨识文章的中心观点、证据和各种写作手法。第二,作文能够评估理解文章证据、展开方式,修辞手法的作用和使用价值。第三,作文能够准确选择和引用文中细节语句辅助自己文章的展开。最后,作文是一篇高效组织的学术文章。另外,语言的规范也尤其重要,这里语言规范指语言表达的正确性,这包括多变的句式(不一定全是倒装句、强调句等)、精确的词汇(不一定复杂)、适当的从句(定语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句等),但需要避免口语化的表达。 总的来说,新SAT写作要求以下几个方面:1. Make a claim. 2. Organize your argument. 3. Switch up your sentences. 4. Choose smart words. 5. Use an academic tone. 6. Use good grammar. 二、新SAT写作框架

首段是Intro段,本段清楚地表达作者的观点。 支撑段为body paragraph段。每个body paragraph段有个中心的claim 和相应的evidence. Evidence 包括:facts事实,credible sources可靠信息来源,examples例子。在支撑段中会用到很多修辞手法,常见的有:metaphor 暗喻,appeal to emotion诉诸情感,comparison/contrast比较对比,word choice词汇选择,repetition重复,propaganda夸大宣传。 结尾段是conclusion段,深化作者的argument. 三、写作模板例证 Example 1 (from OG) 首段:In response to our world’s growing reliance on artificial light,writer Paul Bogard argues that natural darkness should be preserved in his article “Let There Be Dark”. He effectively builds his argument by using a personal anecdote, allusions to art and history, and rhetorical questions. (最后一句即为thesis statement) Body paragraph 1: Bogard starts his article off by recounting a personal story –a summer spent on a Minnesota lake where there was “woods so dark that his hands disappeared before his eyes” Body paragraph 2: Bogard’s argument is also furthered by his use of allusion to …


SAT写作模板 SAT Essay作文模板 第一段determining whether something should or should not be done could be weighed in many aspects. different people have different answers due to their

respective point of view. on balance, my view is that the final judgment should depend on a case-by-case analysis of the two situations. / in my point

view, i agree with the speaker on the grounds that… / at the first glance, this opinion seems to be somewhat appealing, but further reflection tells

that i cannot agree with it for the following reasons. 第二段**同意the first and foremost reason why i support / agree with above statement is that …there

also a further 每 more subtle 每 point to consider.**反对although at first glance these arguments sound reasonable and appealing, they are not borne out by a


SAT写作范文 Abraham Lincoln said, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." In other words, our personal level of satisfaction is entirely within our control. Otherwise, why would the same experience disappoint one person but delight another? Happiness is not an accident but a choice. Assignment: Is happiness something over which people have no control, or can people choose to be happy? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. My Essay: Happiness is an elixir to all diseases, so everyone wants happiness and most of them think that it comes from success. But even if we fail something, we can still choose to be happy. Last year, our school held a basketball competition. Our class had entered into the semi-final and all the students in our class were very excited. Moreover, we had just beaten the team which was considered the best in our grade and my classmates were hopeful that we might enter the final game. On the day of the semi-final, the players of our team went to the field in our cheers. But as soon as we saw the members of the other team, we knew it would be a hard match. One of the players in their team is as tall as 1.93 m, much taller than any of our players and we also learned that their team was the only one which hadn’t lost a single game. The match started. To our disappointment, our team wasn’t playing well, and the best player in our team was followed by the tallest in theirs at every pace. Anxious and worried, we girls jumped onto the platform beside and shouted at the top of our voices. After sometime, it seemed that our cheers had gave my classmates some energy and they began to catch up, slowly but gradually, we were only two points behind. But just at that time, the first ten minutes were over and we came to a stop. The players were tired but hopeful, and we kept cheering them. However, when the match started again, our opponents seemed to become stronger. They got more points and we were soon eleven points behind. Meanwhile, our throats were burning, but we kept shouting for our classmates. Though we caught up some points, at last we lost by only one point. When we got back to the classroom, all of my classmates were disappointed and sad. One of the players even cried. But our teacher came in at that moment and said, “Cheer up everyone, we just lost by one point and we are already the top four. We still have a match and let’s get the third place!” Then one of my classmates suddenly went to the dais and wrote something encouraging on the blackboard and one by one, over ten of our classmates all

【备考攻略】巧做新SAT阅读精读 学大师级写作精华

【备考攻略】巧做新SAT阅读精读学大师级写作精华 SAT改革后的 social science 方面的文章有相当一部分是关于科技媒体与人类生活之间的关系的讨论, 可以给到我们很多启发和参考。今天摘选的这两篇文章可以作为科技媒体类议论文的sample essays 来 鉴赏和精读。那么,我们一起来巧读SAT文章,学学大师级的写作精华吧。 1、June 2016 SAT Real Test This passage is adapted from Stephen Coleman, Scott Anthony, and David E. Morrison, “Public Trust in the News.”2009 by Stephen Coleman. 这篇亚太区阅读真题的开头段写得很 insightful,可以广泛适用于不同出国类考试题目的背景介绍或个人观点。我们先来看文章的开头段: The news is a form of public knowledge. Unlike personal or private knowledge (such as the health of one’s friends and family; the conduct of a private hobby; a secret liaison), public knowledge increases in value as it is shared by more people. The date of an election and the claims of rival candidates; the causes and consequences of an environmental disaster; a debate about how to frame a particular law; the latest reports from a war zone – these are all examples of public knowledge that people are generally expected to know in order to be considered informed citizens. Thus, in contrast to personal or private knowledge, which is left to individuals to pursue or ignore, public knowledge is promoted even to those who might not think it matters to them. In short, the circulation of public knowledge, including the news, is generally regarded as a public good which cannot be solely demand-driven. 2、May 2016 SAT Real Test This passage is adapted from John Bohannon, “Why You Shouldn’t Trust Internet Comments.”2003 by American Association for the Advancement of Science. 这是另外一篇亚太区的阅读真题,开头段同样写得很精彩: The “wisdom of crowds” has become a mantra of the Internet age. Need to choose a new vacuum cleaner? Check out the reviews on online merchant Amazon. But a new study suggests


GET经典做题答题模式, 稳拿基础分! 新SAT的短文涉及阅读一篇原文,然后写篇短文对原文进行分析。得分包括阅读理解(reading)、分析(analysis)和写作(writing)三部分。每部分满分四分。考试时间50分钟。 第一部分:阅读技巧(萃取材料) 1.先读短文后作文题目,标出关键词句,搞清楚靶子在哪里; 2.阅读原文标题,标出作者和原文标题,以备引用; 3.标出原文中的引句、反问句; 4.在每个段落旁边注明此段落属性:话题、论据、风格、说服方式、写作技巧; 5.标出中心思想或话题(main ideas or claim)的句子; 6.标出可以引用的句子。 第二部分:分析和构思(组合材料)

步骤(一):把论据分组,整理出一组最合适作文题目的论据(Evidence)和要说明的议题(Claim),建立逻辑关系; 步骤(二):在这组的论据里,提出所用的风格、说服方式、写作技巧(Stylistic, persuasive elements : word choice, appeals to emotion)的具体应用和达到的效果; 步骤(三):对原文的诉求和具体论述方法作个总结: 作文的中心思想。 具体做法: 1.把原文中的论据分类,分出可分类的论据和通用的论据; 2.取出最有力的一类论据(evidence)和通用论据建立与中心思想或某个话题(Main idea 或Claim )的关系。用线条把它们连接起来; 3.理出原文的开头、结尾或某一段落的具体方法和技巧。标记在段落旁边。标出可以引用的原文句子; 4.深入分析原文中要用的一组证据和Claim 的关联和逻辑,所用的风格、说服方式、写作技巧(Stylistic, persuasive elements : word choice, appeals to emotion)的具体做法和效果。标记在旁边。同时标出准备引用的原文句子;

SAT essay写作真题官方满分范文精选1

Essay2:Is creativity needed more than ever in the world today? Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below. an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading,studies,experience,or observations

In a world where economic prosperity and“getting ahead”in work and technology are highly valued,creativity and the arts are often shunted in favor of more“practical”pursuits.Students abandon dreams of acting or painting in order to major in medicine,computer technology,or engineering:highly profitable and scientific fields.Even with the advances in these fields,however,there is still a need for creativity in our world,because seeing things in a new way can make all the difference. Today,more and more public schools are forced to abandon their arts programs to make time for subjects like science and math:subjects in which all students must have a basic knowledge in order to succeed in higher education.However,by leaving these programs behind, children are deprived of the creative stimulation that the arts provide,and are taught to view the world in“black and white”terms:one right answer to every problem.With a view such as this, how will children perform in the future?It may be assumed that all people will see things the same way,and propose only one solution to a problem,failing to see the bigger picture. Creativity has obviously influenced earlier generations in a positive way,so there is no need to eliminate creativity from our world.What would have happened if Franklin Roosevelt had never proposed his New Deal?The Great Depression might have persisted for some time,robbing even more families of their chance at prosperity and happiness.However,by proposing a new, creative solution for the problem of the U.S.’s depression,FDR pulled the nation out of its slump. Another example of how creativity has positively influenced the world happened just recently, with the introduction of hybrid cars.These new cars do not rely on as much oil as other cars do in

SAT essay写作真题官方满分范文精选5

Essay 5:Are people motivated to achieve by personal satisfaction rather than by money or fame? Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below. Assignment :Are people motivated to achieve by personal satisfaction rather than by money or fame?Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading,studies,experience,or Observations.

Even though we live in a capitalist society,I still cannot help but believe,despite my own cynicism,that people are more motivated to achieve something for personal satisfaction rather than monetary gains.Look at Chekov's short story,“The Bet.”A man agrees to sacrifice fifteen years of his life in prison in exchange for a million dollars. Obviously his motivation for such an extreme bet is wealth,but by the end of the prison sentence,the man could care less about the money.After years of introspection,of reading Shakespeare,The Bible,and textbooks,the man actually comes to despise the money he once sought;the money he signed away fifteen years of his life for.He does not collect his money from the banker,he runs away to be on his own and continue to live the life of solitude he has learned to love,free of money and possessions. Also,in a psychology class,one of the first things students study when they come to the topic of motivation,is external stimulus versus personal drive.Any textbook will tell one that studies show that a child is more likely to put as much energy as possible into completing a task when it is something that makes him happy,than if he was doing it for a physical reward. A child is more likely to get good grades,if it makes him feel good about himself,than if his parents offer to pay him every time he makes the honor roll.I agree with this theory on motivation because I see it play out everyday in my life.If my older sister had been concerned with money and fame,which reality television tells us every night is important,she would have gone to college after graduating high school.She knew though,that school and learning did not make her happy,and she was not going to suffer through four more years of school just because a college degree could lead to a more successful job.Right now she does not make as much money at her job,but she likes her life and the way she lives;she has more fun


sat作文题目汇总 【篇一:2014年sat写作题目汇总】 2014年sat写作题目汇总 2014.01.25 1. 2. 3. successful than those who do? 4. forward? 2014.03.08 5.assignment: should people who are more fortunate than others have more of a moral obligation to help those who are less fortunate? 6. 7. 2014.05.03 8. achievements? 9.assignment: should we express our disagreement with authority figures权威人物, even if there are negative consequences? assignment: should people focus on enjoying the present moment instead of following a plan for future achievement? 2014.06.07 achievement? another? 2014年10月 ice? assignment: is envy necessarily a bad thing? 2014年11月8日 assignment: is quitting ever a good idea? assignment: should we complain to get what we want? 2014年12月6日 assignment: are snap judgments better than decisions to which people give a lot of thought? assignment: is most of what people buy totally unnecessary?


优秀SAT写作范文赏析 为了帮助大家备考SAT写作,小编今天为大家搜集整理了一篇优秀的SAT作文,大家要知道,优秀的写作首先要文章整体轮廓清晰,首尾最不能忽视,表达的内容要简单精确,一般分三到四段为好;其次字数要适中,虽然SAT作文没有字数的限制,但四百左右为好,太短的文章不能够说明问题;最后就是文章内容要有论点有论据,例证要恰当。 Do we need other people in order to understand ourselves? Most parents and teachers tell students the extremely tired cliché of the consequences of following the crowd. It is said that, in order to be a competely individual thinker, one must ignore what others say. Such advice is certainly true to some extent; unreasonable malice must be forgotten in order to keep some level of self-esteem. However, as with most ideas, this one can not be taken in absolute form. In at least some respects, we need other people in order to understand ourselves. An excellent example of a literary character who could have psychologically benefitted from social interaction is J. Alfred Prufrock from T.S. Eliot’s poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.” In the poem, Prufrck desires a relationship with a woman very much, but he refrains from initiating conversation because he fears that he could not hold the interest of a sophisticated lady. Should Prufrock have taken the step to accept other people into his life, he most likely would have discovered, as the reader of the poem certainly did, that he is most articulate. Others would have impressed upon him the beauty of his words and his talent for prose. If Prufrock would have spoken his song a loud, the ladies surely would have shown him what he himself did not understand. Since the ladies would reveal Prufrock’s talents to him, it is true that we need others in order to understand ourselves.SAT The lesson of learning from other’s opinions of yourself extends much farther than the song of a fictional character. Two days ago, in an art class, my group of students had assigned self portraits due. Most of us brought in photographs of ourselves. Nevertheless, one boy brought nothing and handed us all slips of paper. He told us to write a word to describe him, and when we had done so, he pasted the
