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1. pakage insert (insert)说明书

2. drug name (medicine) 药品名称

3. description 性状

4. action 作用

5. indication适应症

6. contraindications 禁忌症

7. precaution注意事项 8. side effects副作用

9. dosage and administration 剂量和用法 10. dacking 包装

11.expiry 失效期 12. manufactring date (manu.date)出厂日期

13.reference 参考文献



在药品之后有时issued to(for) the medical profession only短语,意:仅供医界参考。

r例:mobic ○ issued to(for) the medical prfession.


1. 音译:按英语读音用相应的汉字译出

例: mobic莫比可 rifampicin利福平

2. 意译:按药品名称各组成部份的英语意义译成汉语

例: streptomycine是由strepto和mycine组成,其中strepto(链球状),mycine(霉素),则按英语意思,译成:链霉素。因此必须掌握大量前、后缀,才以准确翻译,此种译法多数是抗生素类药物。

nitroglycerine 由nitro(硝基)+glycerin(甘油)组成,则意为硝酸甘油aminophylline由amino+phylline译:氨茶碱

3. 音意并译:按英语药名组成,前面部份按音译,后面部份按意译。

例:kanamycine由kama(卡那)+mycine(霉素)组成,按前音后的方法,译为卡那霉素。 gentamycine由genta+mycine 译为庆大霉素。

4. 谐意译法:按英语发音,用相应的汉语的音译出,尽可能用汉字表达出药品的作用。

例:reserpine 利血平

药品的性状 description


1. 化学结构:有专业书刊、文献、专业资料可查。



国外:chemical abstracts 《美国化学文摘》

british pharmacopoeia(b.p)《英国药典》

u.s pharmarcopoeira (u.s.p) 《美国药典》

2. 理化性状和药理作用:


1.colour 颜色


3.smell 气味

7.formule 分子式 8.molecular weight分子量

9.description 性状 10.property 性质

11.chemical propenty化学特征 12.pharmacological propenty 药理特性

13. .pharmacological action 药理作用14.pharmacology药理

15.mode of action作用方式 16.action 作用 17.activity 活性

18.advantage优点 19.feature特点 20.potency药效

例:lobelin events a stimulant effects on the central nervous system.


适应范围(症) indications


1. indication适应症

2. condication 适应症

3. use 用途

4. major indication 主要适应症

5.action and use作用和用途

6. principal indication 主要适应症

例:1. ?be used for(in) the treatment of ??用于治疗?

cedilanid is used for the treatment of all forms of heant failure.

类似的句型: ?be employed

?be indicated

?be intended for the treatment of?

?be suggested

2. ?be effective for(in)?对?有效

the tablets are effective for the all forms of fevor.

相似的句型: ?be available for?;?hold good for?

3. ?be effective against? 对?有抗力

this drug is effective against various kinds of bacteria

相似的句型: ?be bactericidal? against?

?be active

4. ?have(has) ?action against? 对?有?作用

this antibiotic has strong antibacterial action against gram-positive and gram -negative bacteria.

相似的句型: ?possesses?


?shows?action against?





用法:administrationmethod for administration how to use

direcction direction for use mode of application

posology 剂量dinic application 临床应用



1. daily . per day.a day. every day每日

2. every 8 hour

8 hours apart 每隔??小时


at intervals of 8 hours

3. once daily (a day)(q.d)

twice daily(a day) 表示不等时用 (bid)

three times daily(a day)(tid)

for times daily(a day) (qid)

every other day 每隔天一次 (q.o.d)

every second day

4. per kilo of body weight daily

per kg of body weight daily 每天每公斤体重

mg/kg/day (mg.kg-1.day-1)

per pound body weight daily每天每磅体重

per square meter of body surface每平方米体表面积

5. 分?次句型:

? be divided into?分为?

(1). ?be divided into three eight-hourly doses分为3份,每八小时一次

(2). ?be divided into doses every four hours 分为若干份,每4小时一次

(3). ?be divided into two daily infusious 每天分2份输注

(4). in two or three equally divided doses分为2 或3等份

(5) 2 g per day in 2 equally divided doses每天2克,分为2等份

6. once a week 一周一次; twice a week 一周二次;

three times a week 一周三次


tabelets three times a day(daily) 指的是一次 2 片的剂量,凡后面紧接着是“分?份”,则指的是每日的剂量,例:this tablet divided into three eight -hourly doses,指的是一天一片的剂量,即一片分为三份,每8小时一次。又例:100 units twice daily 每天2次,一次100单位(即每天200单位);

one or two tablets per kg body weight in two divided dose.



orally口服 intracerebrospinally 脑脊管水腔给药 parenterally 肠道外给药rectally直肠内给药

intravenously静注 loeally局部给药 intratheeally 鞘内给药sublinqually舌下给药 intrapleurally胸膜腔内给药 intragluteally 臀肌内给药

intraperitoneally 腹膜腔内给药 submucously 粘膜下给药

intraarterially 动脉内给药


adult成年人 children (school-age children) 儿童(学龄儿童) infants 幼儿babies(newborn babies)婴儿(新生儿) women 妇女 senile patient(gerontal patient)老年人


?should be administered?

例:the medicine should be administered after meals. 本药应该饭后服用。


?should be injected? ; ?should be given?; ?should be swalled?.

给药方式有时用:it is advisable to give? 最好给?

例:it is advisable to give 100 mg every 8 hours 最好是每8小时给100mg.

相似的表达法还有: it is better

best to give





来源:翻译界浏览次数:890 添加时间:2008-7-6


1)对药物性状的说明 it is a white or a faintly yellow powder to which appropriate amounts of water are added to pre pare an off white suspension for intramuscular use or a

yellowish solution for intravenous administration. 它是一种白色至微黄色粉末,加适量水可配制成近乎白色的悬浊液,供肌肉注射用,或配制成黄色的溶液,供静脉注射用。 2)在药物作用方面 it is a bactericidal antibiotic which is resistant to most b-lastamases and is active against a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative organism. 它是一种抗菌素,不但能抵抗大多数 b内酰铵酶,而且抵抗各种革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴性细菌。

3)适应症 it is indicated for the treatment of infection before the infecting organism has been identified or when caused by sensitive bacteria. 在感染的细菌未被确认出来,或由敏感细菌引起感染时,适于用它来治疗。

4)用量用法方面 many infections will respond to 750mgt d s by i.m. or by i v. 许多感染可用肌肉注射或静脉注射 750毫升,每日三次即可见效。 5)禁忌症 it should not be used in patients with known sensitivity to the drug 对该药物过敏者禁止使用。 7)注意 an anesthetic effect on the oral mucous membranes may occur occasionally,but may be avoided by swallowing the drug quickly with water without crashing the tablet. 偶尔可能对口腔粘膜有麻醉作用,但若不嚼碎药片,而以水送服,上述作用可以避免。

8)贮存 keep airtight in a dry and cool place. away from light. 密封避光,置于干燥阴凉处保存。

9)剂型(how supplied)10 mg vial containing 10 mg of …as a freeze powder 10 mg. 安瓿,内装 10mg……,冻干粉篇三:药品说明书英文




“药品说明书”的英文表达方式有instructons,directions,descriiption 现在多用package insert,或简称 insert,也有用leeflet或data sheets.insert原意为“插入物,插页”。药品说明书即为附在每种药品包装盒中的一份用药说明。经过注册的进口药品一般是国家承认的有效药物,其说明书是指导医生与患者合理用药的重要依据,具有一定的法律效力。


为了顺利阅读和正确翻译进口药英文说明书,读者除应具备较好的英语基础,掌握一定的专业知识(如医学、化学、药剂学、药理学、药物代谢动力学等)外,还应熟悉英文药品说明书的结构及语言待点等。大多数英文说明书都包括以下内容;①药品名称(drug names),②性状(descriiption),③药理作用(pharmacological actions),④适应症(indications),⑤禁忌证(contraindications),⑥用量与用法(dosage and administration).⑦不良反应(adverse reactions)。⑧注意事项(precautions),⑨包装(package),⑩贮存(storage),⑾其他项目(others)。



英文药品说明书中常见的药品名称有商品名( trade name或 proprietary name),通用名( generic name)和化学名(chemical name),其中最常见的是商品名。例如,日本田边有限公司生产的熊去氧胆酸片,其商品名为ursosan(tablets):通用名为ursodesoxycholic acid(熊去氧胆酸);化学名为3a,7p dihydroxy-5p-cholanoic acid(3a,7p二羟基5p胆烷酸)。有时同一种药品,不同的厂家使用不同的商品名称。

药品说明书中的标题药名用其商品名。有时在其右上角(或在上角)有一(r)标记,例如adriblastna(r)(阿霉素),tegretol(痛痉宁)。“r”是register(注册)的缩写,(r)表示该产品已经本国的有关部门核准.取得了此项专用的注册商标(registered trade mark)。有时在商品名之下(或后)又列有通用名或化学名.例如: rulide(罗力得)之下列有(roxithromycin,罗红霉素): minipress(脉宁平)之后列有(praxosin hci,盐酸哌唑嗪); nitro-dur(护心贴片〕之下又列有( nitroglycerin,硝酸甘油)。


1、音译:按英文药品名歌的读音译成相同或相近的汉语。如:tamoxitn它莫西芬,ritalin 利他林,am-acin 阿米卡星。音译较为方便,但不能表意。

2、意译:按药品名称所表达的含意译成相应的汉语。例如:cholic acid 胆酸,tetracyline四环素;也可其药理作用翻译.如:minidiab灭糖尿(治疗糖尿病药物),natulan 疗治癌(细胞生长抑制剂),uraly消石素(治疗尿路结石药物)等。

3、音意合译:药品名称中的一部分采用音译,另一部分采用意译.例如:coumadin香豆定(coumarin香豆素),neo-octin新握克丁(neo-新);medemycin麦迪霉素(-mycin 霉素),cathinone卡西酮(-one酮)。

4、谐音译意:以音译为原则,选用谐音的汉字,既表音,又表意,音意结合。例如:antrenyl 安胄灵,doriden多睡丹,legalon利肝隆,webilin胃必灵.商品名称可以这样翻洋,而法定名称则规定不可以这样翻译。

药品的化学名称反映出该药品的化学结构组成成分,可借助英汉化学化工词典进行翻译。如果名称很长,可以分解开来,分别查出各个组成部分的名称,组合而成。例如:catalin (卡他林)的化学名称是1-hvdroxy- 5-oxo-5h-pyrido(3,2-a)-phenoxazine-3-carboxylic acid,译成汉语是1-







chemical structure 化学结构

physical and chemical properties 理化性质



例1.folic acid is a yellowish to orange, crystalline powder; odourless or almost odourless.


例2.intralipos 10% is a white opaque fat emulsion for intravenous injection, containing 10 w/v % of purified soybean oil.

脂肪乳剂(10%)是白色,不透明,供静脉注射用的脂肪乳剂,含有10%(w/v)的精制大豆油。例3.ursosan tablet 50mg is a white plain tablet which contains 50mg of ursodesoxycholic acid.熊去氧胆酸片为白色素片,每片含50mg熊去氧胆酸。

例4.sterile pyrogen-free, orange red, freeze-dried powder in vials containing 10mg and 50mg of doxorubicin hydrochloride with lactose.


例5.it occurs as a white to off-white, crystalline solid, poorly soluble in water, dilute acid and most organic solvents.


例6.pamine, chemically known as epoxytropine tropate methyl bromide, has the empirical formula c18h24no4br and the molecular weight 398.3.

哌明的化学名称为环氧莨菪碱托品酸酯溴代甲烷,实验式为c18h24no4br,分子量为398.3. 例7.kanendomycin is a very stable antibiotic, and its activity does not decrease when the powder is placed in an airlight container and kept at room temperatures for more than 2 years.

卡内多霉素是一种很稳定的抗生素,其粉沫置于密封容器中,在室温下保存二年以上,活性不减。例8.this product is prepared from units of human plasma which have been tested and found noeactive for hepatitis associated (australia) antigen.




be derived from 由……衍生

consist of 由……组成

be obtained 制得

contain 含有

be prepared from 由……制备

have (possess)有(具有)


colo(u)r 颜色

stable 稳定的

taste 味道

molecular formular 分子式

odo(u)rless 无臭的

molecular weight 分子量

crystalline 结晶的

structure 结构

solubility 溶解度

injection 注射剂

insoluble 不溶的

solution 溶液

odo(u)r 气味

tablets 片剂

colo(u)rless 无色的

derivative 衍生物

tasteless 无味的

liquid 液体

sterile 无菌的

powder 粉沫

soluble 可溶的

solid 固体


有些说明书较详细地介绍药品的药理作用(pharmacological actions)。其内容主要包括药理作用、临床药理(clinical pharmacology)、体外试验(in vitro experiments)、药物代谢(metabolism)、药效(potency)及毒性(toxicity)等。这一项常用的标题是: pharmacological action 药理作用

pharmacological properties 药理性质

pharmacology 药理学

clinical pharmacology 临床药理


actions 作用

actions and properties 作用与性质

clinical effect (use)临床效果(用途)

mechanism of action 作用机理

mode of action 作用方式


biological action 生物活性

microbiology 微生物学





例1. mean peek serum concentrations of tobramycin occur between 30 and about 60 minutes after intramuscular administration.


例 2. nembutal sodium exerts a depressant action on the cns and shares the sedative-hypnotic actions typical of the barbiturates.


例3. in clinical trials the drug was shown to be highly effective in improving and normalizing the alternated cerebral circulation and those disorders related to insufficient arterial flow in the limbs.


例4. orbenin is stable to staphylococcal penicillinase, and highly effective against resistant staphylococci. it is bactericidal, acid-stable and well absorbed by either the oral or the intramuscular route.


例5. nystain has been found to inhibit the growth of yeast like flora in the intestinal tract.


例6. fenarol has proved to be effective as a striated muscle relaxant.


例7. halcion is a potent short-acting hypnotic agent, which produces its hypnotic activity from the first night of administration.


例8. therapeutically, atp injection exhibits effects, especially such as activation of the function and metabolism of the nerve, and also coronary and peripheral vasodilatation to increase the blood stream.




absorb 吸收

act 作用

cause (be cause by)引起(由……引起)

demonstrate 显示

exert (action on)起……作用

exhibit 显示

inhibit 抑制

accumulate 积蓄

administrate 投药

excrete 排泄

result in 导致 indicate 表明

maintain 维持

produce 产生

protect (from)保护(不变)

reach 达到

show 显示,表明

treat 治疗

metabolize 代谢

promote 促进

prevent 阻止,预防

tolerate 耐受


(be) active (effective) against 对…有效的(be) related to 与……有关的

(be) sensitive to 对……敏感的

resistant to ……有耐药性的 average 平均的

minimum 最低(小)的

maximum 最高(大)的

normal 正常的


ability 能力

activity 活性

distribution 分布

excretion 排泄

action 作用

clearance 廓清率

effect on 对…的作用

function 功能,作用

half life 半衰期

in vitro 体外

kidney 肾

mechanism 机理

serum concentration 血清浓度

tolerance 耐受性

infection 感染

in vivo 体内

level 水平,浓度

plasm lever 血浆浓度(水平)

toxicity 毒性





indications and usage 适应症与用途

major(principal)indications 主要适应症 uses用途

action and use作用与用途



英文 小四号字,单倍行距,首行缩进2个字符,不能定义文档网格。约3千英文单词。 MCU Description SCM is also known as micro-controller (Microcontroller Unit), commonly used letters of the acronym MCU MCU that it was first used in industrial control. Only a single chip by the CPU chip developed from a dedicated processor. The first design is by a large number of peripherals and CPU on a chip in the computer system, smaller, more easily integrated into a complex and demanding on the volume control device which. INTEL's Z80 is the first designed in accordance with this idea processor, then on the development of microcontroller and dedicated processors have parted ways. 一、SCM history SCM was born in the late 20th century, 70, experienced SCM, MCU, SoC three stages. SCM the single chip microcomputer (Single Chip Microcomputer) stage, mainly seeking the best of the best single form of embedded systems architecture. "Innovation model" success, laying the SCM and general computer completely different path of development. In the open road of independent development of embedded systems, Intel Corporation contributed. MCU the micro-controller (Micro Controller Unit) stage, the main direction of technology development: expanding to meet the embedded applications, the target system requirements for the various peripheral circuits and interface circuits, highlight the object of intelligent control.It involves the areas associated with the object system, therefore,the development of MCU's responsibility inevitably falls on electrical, electronics manufacturers. From this point of view, Intel faded MCU development has its objective factors. In the development of MCU, the most famous manufacturers as the number of Philips Corporation. Philips company in embedded applications, its great advantage, the MCS-51 single-chip micro-computer from the rapid development of the micro-controller. Therefore, when we look back at the path of development of embedded systems, do not forget Intel and Philips in History. 二、Embedded Systems Embedded system microcontroller is an independent development path, the MCU important factor in the development stage, is seeking applications to maximize the solution on the chip; Therefore, the development of dedicated single chip SoC trend of the natural form. As the microelectronics, IC design, EDA tools development, application system based on MCU SoC design have greater development. Therefore, the understanding of the microcontroller chip microcomputer can be, extended to the single-chip micro-controller applications. 三、MCU applications SCM now permeate all areas of our lives, which is almost difficult to find traces of the field without SCM. Missile navigation equipment, aircraft, all types of instrument control, computer network communications and data transmission, industrial automation, real-time process control and data processing, extensive use of various smart IC card, civilian luxury car security system, video recorder, camera, fully automatic washing machine control, and program-controlled toys, electronic pet, etc., which are inseparable from the microcontroller. Not to mention the area of robot control, intelligent instruments, medical equipment was. Therefore, the MCU learning, development and application of the large number of computer applications and


PCB 专业术语中英文翻译 很多PCB 的书上使用的是英文,但是大多数的人又看不懂英文, 这时候怎么办呢,我们需要翻译,但是如果每看到一个不会的词 儿就去翻译,那么就太耗费时间了,所以我们捷多邦总结了一些 常用的专业术语的中英文对照,希望能对大家有用。 1.印制电路:printed circuit 2.印制线路:printed wiring 3.印制板:printed board 4.印制板电路:printed circuit board (pcb) 5.印制线路板:printed wiring board(pwb) 6.印制元件:printed component 7.印制接点:printed contact 8.印制板装配:printed board assembly 9.板:board 1 10.表面层合电路板:surface laminar circuit (slc) 11.埋入凸块连印制板:b2it printed board 12.多层膜基板:multi-layered film substrate(mfs) 13.层间全内导通多层印制板:alivh multilayer printed board 14.载芯片板:chip on board (cob) 15.埋电阻板:buried resistance board 16.母板:mother board 17.单面印制板:single-sided printed board(ssb) 、管路敷设技术通过管线不仅可以解决吊顶层配置不规范高中资料试卷问题,而且可保障各类管路习题到位。在管路敷设过程中,要加强看护关于管路高中资料试卷连接管口处理高中资料试卷弯扁度固定盒位置保护层防腐跨接地线弯曲半径标等,要求技术交底。管线敷设技术中包含线槽、管架等多项方式,为解决高中语文电气课件中管壁薄、接口不严等问题,合理利用管线敷设技术。线缆敷设原则:在分线盒处,当不同电压回路交叉时,应采用金属隔板进行隔开处理;同一线槽内强电回路须同时切断习题电源,线缆敷设完毕,要进行检查和检测处理。、电气课件中调试对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行 高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷相互作用与相互关系,根据生产工艺高中资料试卷要求,对电气设备进行空载与带负荷下高中资料试卷调控试验;对设备进行调整使其在正常工况下与过度工作下都可以正常工作;对于继电保护进行整核对定值,审核与校对图纸,编写复杂设备与装置高中资料试卷调试方案,编写重要设备高中资料试卷试验方案以及系统启动方案;对整套启动过程中高中资料试卷电气设备进行调试工作并且进行过关运行高中资料试卷技术指导。对于调试过程中高中资料试卷技术问题,作为调试人员,需要在事前掌握图纸资料、设备制造厂家出具高中资料试卷试验报告与相关技术资料,并且了解现场设备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况 ,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试、电气设备调试高中资料试卷技术电力保护装置调试技术,电力保护高中资料试卷配置技术是指机组在进行继电保护高中资料试卷总体配置时,需要在最大限度内来确保机组高中资料试卷安全,并且尽可能地缩小故障高中资料试卷破坏范围,或者对某些异常高中资料试卷工况进行自动处理,尤其要避免错误高中资料试卷保护装置动作,并且拒绝动作,来避免不必要高中资料试卷突然停机。因此,电力高中资料试卷保护装置调试技术,要求电力保护装置做到准确灵活。对于差动保护装置高中资料试卷调试技术是指发电机一变压器组在发生内部故障时,需要进行外部电源高中资料试卷切除从而采用高中资料试卷主要保护装置。


纺织面料英文翻译 时间:2009-05-10 01:27来源:未知作者:admin 点击:473次 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a13177755.html,/news/27.html 靛蓝青年布:Indigo chambray 人棉布植绒:Rayon cloth flocking PVC植绒:PVC flocking 针织布植绒:Knitting cloth flocking 珠粒绒:Claimond veins 倒毛:Down pile making 平绒:velveteen (velvet-plain) 仿麂皮:Micro suede 牛仔皮植绒:Jeans flocking 尼丝纺:Nylon taffeta (Nylon shioze) 尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:Nylon seersucker taffeta 素面植绒:plain flocking 印花植绒:flocking(flower) 雕印植绒:Embossing flocking 皮革沟底植绒:Leather imitation flocking 牛仔植绒雕印:Embossing jeans flocking 兔羊绒大衣呢:Angora cachmere overcoating 双面呢:double-faced woolen goods羊毛 立绒呢:cut velvet 顺毛呢:over coating 粗花呢:costume tweed 弹力呢:lycra woolen goods 塔丝绒: Nylon taslon 塔丝绒格子:N/Taslon ripstop 桃皮绒:polyester peach skin 涤塔夫:polyester taffeta 春亚纺:polyester pongee 超细麦克布:Micro fiber 锦棉稠(平纹):Nylon-cotton fabric (plain) 重平锦棉稠:Nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft) 人字锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric 斜纹锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric (twill) 素色天鹅绒:solid velvet 抽条磨毛天鹅绒:Rib fleece velvet 雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet 轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet 粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet 麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric


录取通知书用英文怎么说单词短语是什么 录取通知书上一般须注明录取人姓名、身份证编号、高考考号、录取批次、科类、录取专业、报到注册时间、加盖录取高校公章,还须注明“该校是教育部批准的具有高等学历教育招生资格的普通高等学校”字样。录取通知书用英文怎么说下面是整理的录取通知书单词,欢迎阅读。 录取通知书用英文单词enrollment [admission] notification; a notice of acceptance; adimission notice 录取通知书例句接到录取通知书的时候他高兴地落下了眼泪。 He wept for joy when he received the admission notice. 我从邮递员手中接过录取通知书,心情非常激动。 I was very excited when I accepted the admission notice from the postman. 他收到的大学录取通知书使他的母亲心花怒放。 The admission notice he received from the university rejoiced his mother's heart. 《21世纪大英汉词典》 我刚刚收到我申请的那所大学的录取通知书。 A: I just received the acceptance notification from the

university I had applied for. 她一拿到录取通知书,就向家里飞报了这一好消息。 She sent the good news to her family as soon as she got her letter of admission. 我本来计划在美国攻读硕士学位,并在那里找份工作,但现在我意识到,那里既没有工作也没有奖学金,所以我就接受了德里一所大学的录取通知书。 "My initial plan was to do my master's degree there and look for a job too, but now I realize that there are no jobs and no funding, so I took admission in a college in Delhi," said Dutta. 如果客户未能及时支付费用,启德集团将会扣押其录取通知书和签证文件。 If students don't pay fees on time, EIC can withhold letters of acceptance and visa documents. 收到录取通知书后,我的心才踏实下来。 My mind was set at ease at last after receiving the admission notice. 收到录取通知书后,我的心才落槽了。 My mind was set at ease at last after receiving the admission notice . 然而三月份也意味着另一种形式的疯狂--焦急地等待学院和大


陶瓷 ceramics 合成纤维 synthetic fibre 电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion 车架 automotive chassis 悬架 suspension 转向器 redirector 变速器 speed changer 板料冲压 sheet metal parts 孔加工 spot facing machining 车间 workshop 工程技术人员 engineer 气动夹紧 pneuma lock 数学模型 mathematical model 画法几何 descriptive geometry 机械制图 Mechanical drawing 投影 projection 视图 view 剖视图 profile chart 标准件 standard component 零件图 part drawing 装配图 assembly drawing 尺寸标注 size marking

技术要求 technical requirements 刚度 rigidity 内力 internal force 位移 displacement 截面 section 疲劳极限 fatigue limit 断裂 fracture 塑性变形 plastic distortion 脆性材料 brittleness material 刚度准则 rigidity criterion 垫圈 washer 垫片 spacer 直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear 直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear 运动简图 kinematic sketch 齿轮齿条 pinion and rack 蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear 虚约束 passive constraint 曲柄 crank 摇杆 racker 凸轮 cams


常见面料英语 靛蓝青年布:Indigochambray 人棉布植绒:Rayonclothflocking PVC植绒:PVCflocking 针织布植绒:Knittingclothflocking 珠粒绒:Claimondveins 倒毛:Downpilemaking 平绒:velveteen(velvet-plain) 仿麂皮:Microsuede 牛仔皮植绒:Jeansflocking 尼丝纺:Nylontaffeta(Nylonshioze) 尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:Nylonseersuckertaffeta 素面植绒:plainflocking 印花植绒:flocking(flower) 雕印植绒:Embossingflocking 皮革沟底植绒:Leatherimitationflocking 牛仔植绒雕印:Embossingjeansflocking 兔羊绒大衣呢:Angoracachmereovercoating 羊毛双面呢:double-facedwoolengoods 立绒呢:cutvelvet 顺毛呢:overcoating 粗花呢:costumetweed 弹力呢:lycrawoolengoods 塔丝绒:Nylontaslon 丝绒格子:N/Taslonripstop 桃皮绒:polyesterpeachskin

涤塔夫:polyestertaffeta 春亚纺:polyesterpongee 超细麦克布:Microfiber 锦棉稠(平纹):Nylon-cottonfabric(plain) 重平锦棉稠:Nylon-cotton-cottonfabric(doubleweft) 人字锦棉纺:Nylon-cottonfabric 斜纹锦棉纺:Nylon-cottonfabric(twill) 素色天鹅绒:solidvelvet 抽条磨毛天鹅绒:Ribfleecevelvet 雪花天鹅绒:melangevelvet 轧花天鹅绒:ginningvelvet 粒粒绒布:pelletfleecevelvet 麻棉混纺布:linen/cottonblendedfabric 麻棉交织布:linen/cottonmixedfabric 素色毛巾布:solidterry 蚂蚁布:fleeceinoneside 素色卫衣布:solidfleece 鱼网布:fleece 彩条汗布:color-stripessinglejersey T/R弹力布:T/Rbengaline T/C色织格子布:T/Cyarndyedcheckfabric 弹力仿麂皮:Microsuedewithspandex T/R仿麂皮:T/RMicrosuede 仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyestermicrosuedeboundingwithpolarfleece 仿麂皮针织布复合:100%polyesterboundingwithknittingmicrosuedefabric 仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100%polyestermicrosuedeboundingwithlambfur


Wuchang Experimental High School GRADUATION CERTIFICATE (Special seal of Bureau of Education of Wuhan Municipality for Graduation Certificate) Provincial Student No.: xx Diploma No.: xx Note: This certificate is valid after sealed by the education department of /above prefecture or municipal level. XX, female, 18, is from Wuhan City, Hubei Province. She has accomplished all the courses required by a three-year study program from September, 1999 to July, 2002. Upon approval of the school, she is qualified in morality, intelligence, physique and arts and thus allowed to graduate. School: Wuchang Experimental High School (Seal) President: xx (Seal) July 5, 2002

No.0206807 XX University Letter of Admission Dear XX: (No.: XX) You have been admitted to our school as a major in Electrical Engineering and Automation of the School of Electrical Engineering to complete a four-year study program. Please come to the school and handle relevant registration formalities on September 8-9. XX University (Seal) August 10, 2002


英文翻译 机械设计 一台完整机器的设计是一个复杂的过程。机械设计是一项创造性的工作。设计工程师不仅在工作上要有创造性,还必须在机械制图、运动学、工程材料、材料力学和机械制造工艺学等方面具有深厚的基础知识。 Machine Design The complete design of a machine is a complex process. The machine design is a creative work. Project engineer not only must have the creativity in the work, but also must in aspect and so on mechanical drawing, kinematics, engineerig material, materials mechanics and machine manufacture technology has the deep elementary knowledge. 任何产品在设计时第一步就是选择产品每个部分的构成材料。许多的材料被今天的设计师所使用。对产品的功能,它的外观、材料的成本、制造的成本作出必要的选择是十分重要的。对材料的特性必须事先作出仔细的评估。 One of the first steps in the design of any product is to select the material from which each part is to be made. Numerous materials are available to today's designers. The function of the product, its appearance, the cost of the material, and the cost of fabrication are important in making a selection. A careful evaluation of the properties of a. material must be made prior to any calculations. 仔细精确的计算是必要的,以确保设计的有效性。在任何失败的情况下,最好知道在最初设计中有有缺陷的部件。计算(图纸尺寸)检查是非常重要的。一个小数点的位置放错,就可以导致一个本可以完成的项目失败。设计工作的各个方面都应该检查和复查。 Careful calculations are necessary to ensure the validity of a design. In case of any part failures, it is desirable to know what was done in originally designing the defective components. The checking of calculations (and drawing dimensions) is of utmost importance. The misplacement of one decimal point can ruin an otherwise acceptable project. All aspects of design work should be checked and rechecked. 计算机是一种工具,它能够帮助机械设计师减轻繁琐的计算,并对现有数据提供进一步的分析。互动系统基于计算机的能力,已经使计算机辅助设计(CAD)和计算机辅助制造(CAM)成为了可能。心理学家经常谈论如何使人们适应他们所操作的机器。设计人员的基本职责是努力使机器来适应人们。这并不是一项容易的工作,因为实际上并不存在着一个对所有人来说都是最优的操作范围和操作


市场营销专业术语中英文对照标准翻译 本文为市场营销中经常用到的一些中文与英文互译的标准用语,希望对市场营销从业人员有所帮助。 《财富》杂志Fortune 案头调研Desk Research 奥美公司Ogilvy & Mather 白色商品White Goods 百乐门Parliament 百威啤酒Budweiser 包裹销售法Banded Pack 宝洁公司Procter & Gamble 宝丽来Polaroid 宝马BMW 边际成本Marginal Cost 边际收益Marginal Benefit 标准差,均差Standard Deviation 别克Buick 波立兹调查公司Alfred Politz Research, Inc 波旁王朝Ancient Age Bourbon 波特福洛分析Portefolio Analysis 产品差异Product Differentiation 产品生命周期Product Life Cycle 产品系列Product Line 产品组合Product Mix 阐述Presentation 超级市场Supermarket 成对比较法Paired Comparisons 成功的理想主义者Successful Idealist 承诺型消费者Committed Buyer 程度测试Tachistoscope 橙色商品Orange Goods 冲动购买Impulse Buying 重叠率Duplication 抽样Sampling 传销Pyramid Selling 传阅发行量Pass-on Circulation 词语联想法Word Associaton 刺激营销Incentive Marketing 促销Promotion 达彼思广告公司Ted Bates & Copany 大卫·奥格威David Ogilvy 戴比尔斯De Beers


纺织品印花常见术语的英文翻译 蒸化(aging) 自动筛网印花(automatic screen printing) 满地印花(blotch print) 烂花印花(burn—out prints) 涪烘(curing) 直接印花(direct prints) 拔染印花(discharge prints) 干法印花(dry prints) 双面印花(duplex prints) 静电荷(electrostatic charge) 静电植绒(electrostatic flocking) 按特殊要求印花(engineered print) 叠印(fall on) 平板(flatbed) 植绒印花(flock printing) 植绒(flocking) 半色调或中间色调(halftone) 手工筛网印花(hand screen printing) 热转移印花(heat--transfer printing) 喷射印花(jet printing) 机械植绒(mechanical flocking) 罩印(over print) 印花色浆(print paste) 大木印花胶浆(DM print binder) 对花(registration) 防染印花(resist printing) 滚筒印花(roller printing) 圆形筛网印花或圆网印花(rotary screen printing) 筛网印花(screen printing) 打样(strike off) 热转移印花(thermal transfer printing) 经纱印花(warp prints) 湿罩干印花(wet—On—dry) 湿罩湿印花(wet—On—wet) 湿法印花(wet prints) 印花对花准确/对花不准(print register/off register) water based printing 水印 heat transfer printing 热转移印花


大学录取通知书,翻译 篇一:录取通知书英语 篇一:求职英语:录用通知书长什么样? 最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体 验全部在线一对一课程:/(报名网址) 求职英语:录用通 知书长什么样? 好不容易通过面试,焦急的等待着录取通知书。那么,录取通知书长什么样?你会认识他吗? dearmissmika, 亲爱的米卡小姐: 鉴于您在11月23日的面试结果,我非常高兴地通知您,您已经

通过了董事会的批准,人 事部已经决定自2008年12月1日起,聘用您为总经理秘书。 wewillsendyouanotificationofanofferlateron.inaddition,wewil larrange atimetosigntheemploymentcontractwithyou.ifyouhaveanyquestio ns,please donot洛基英语是中国英语培训市场上的一朵奇葩,是全球已被验证的东方人英语学习的最 佳模式。洛基英 hesitatetocontactme. 稍后我们会寄给您录用通知书。另外我们还会另外安排时间与您签订雇用合同。如果您还有 任何问题,请与我联系。

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外文翻译 英文原文 Belt Conveying Systems Development of driving system Among the methods of material conveying employed,belt conveyors play a very important part in the reliable carrying of material over long distances at competitive cost.Conveyor systems have become larger and more complex and drive systems have also been going through a process of evolution and will continue to do so.Nowadays,bigger belts require more power and have brought the need for larger individual drives as well as multiple drives such as 3 drives of 750 kW for one belt(this is the case for the conveyor drives in Chengzhuang Mine).The ability to control drive acceleration torque is critical to belt conveyors’performance.An efficient drive system should be able to provide smooth,soft starts while maintaining belt tensions within the specified safe limits.For load sharing on multiple drives.torque and speed control are also important considerations in the drive system’s design. Due to the advances in conveyor drive control technology,at present many more reliable.Cost-effective and performance-driven conveyor drive systems covering a wide range of power are available for customers’ choices[1]. 1 Analysis on conveyor drive technologies 1.1 Direct drives Full-voltage starters.With a full-voltage starter design,the conveyor head shaft is direct-coupled to the motor through the gear drive.Direct full-voltage starters are adequate for relatively low-power, simple-profile conveyors.With direct fu11-voltage starters.no control is provided for various conveyor loads and.depending on the ratio between fu11-and no-1oad power requirements,empty starting times can be three or four times faster than full load.The maintenance-free starting system is simple,low-cost and very reliable.However, they cannot control starting torque and maximum stall torque;therefore.they are


汉译英翻译格式规范 I 格式规范 1. 正文标题、机构名称、图表格名称和表头中所有单词(除虚词外)的首字母均大 写;但标题为句子的情况除外; 2. 译文中出现的标准、规范名称,单独出现时每个单词首字母均应大写并斜体,不 加引号;在表格中出现时不用斜体; 3. 摄氏度符号统一从“符号”“Times new roman”中找到“°”(位于最右一列)插 入,然后在后面加上大写“C”,即“°C”; 4. 排比和并列的内容,标点应统一。一般做法是中间采用“;”,最后一个采用“.”, 最后一个与倒数第二个之间用“; and”; 5. 数值范围的表示形式应是:110-220 kV,而不是110 kV~220 kV;注意:数字和 连字符之间没有空格,数字和单位之间有空格数字与单位之间要加一个空格,但“°C”、“°F”和“%”除外; 6. 在英文中,百分号应采用英文半角“%”,而不可采用中文全角“%”; 7. 公式中的符号从“插入公式”中选择; 8. 文本框中第一个单词首字母大写; 9. 1号机组和2号机组、一期和二期的表示方法:Unit 1 & 2;Phase I & II; 10. 第x条(款、项)和第y条(款、项)的表示方法:Article x and Article y,即表 示条(款、项)的词不能省略; 11. 文件中出现公式时,公式后说明性文字的“其中”、“式中”统一译为“Where:”, 注意其后加冒号;对公式中的字母和符号进行解释时,采用“-”,其前后均不空格,“-”后的首字母为小写;公式后的说明要用分号,最后采用句号。例如: Where: F sc-short circuit current force (lb/ft); V-velocity; P-gas density. 12. 冒号后首字母小写; 13. 大于号、小于号、等号两边均有空格; 14. 表格的标题和标题栏字体加粗; 15. 注意上下标与原文一致; 16. 直径符号φ的输入方法:插入,符号,字体选择Symbol,然后选择输入φ,并采用 斜体;


面料英文缩写 服装面料英语缩写 C:Cotton 棉 W:Wool 羊毛 M:Mohair 马海毛 RH:Rabbit hair 兔毛 AL:Alpaca 羊驼毛 S:Silk真丝 J:Jute 黄麻 L :linen 亚麻 Ts:Tussah silk 柞蚕丝 YH:Yark hair 牦牛毛 Ly:lycra莱卡 Ram :Ramine 苎麻 Hem :Hemp 大麻 T:Polyester 涤纶 WS:Cashmere 羊绒 N:Nylon 锦纶(尼龙) A:Acrylic 腈纶 Tel :Tencel 天丝,是Lyocell莱赛尔纤维的商品名La:Lambswool 羊羔毛 Md:Model 莫代尔

CH:Camel hair 驼毛 CVC :chief value of cotton涤棉倒比(涤含量低于60%以下)Ms:Mulberry silk 桑蚕丝 R:Rayon 粘胶 靛蓝青年布:Indigo chambray 人棉布植绒:Rayon cloth flocking PVC植绒:PVC flocking 针织布植绒:Knitting cloth flocking 珠粒绒:Claimond veins 倒毛:Down pile making 平绒:velveteen (velvet-plain) 仿麂皮:Micro suede 牛仔皮植绒:Jeans flocking 尼丝纺:Nylon taffeta (Nylon shioze) 尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:Nylon seersucker taffeta 素面植绒:plain flocking 印花植绒:flocking(flower) 雕印植绒:Embossing flocking 皮革沟底植绒:Leather imitation flocking 牛仔植绒雕印:Embossing jeans flocking 兔羊绒大衣呢:Angora cachmere overcoating 双面呢:double-faced woolen goods羊毛 立绒呢:cut velvet 顺毛呢:over coating 粗花呢:costume tweed 弹力呢:lycra woolen goods 塔丝绒:Nylon taslon 塔丝绒格子:N/Taslon ripstop 桃皮绒:polyester peach skin 涤塔夫:polyester taffeta 春亚纺:polyester pongee 超细麦克布:Micro fiber 锦棉稠(平纹):Nylon-cotton fabric (plain) 重平锦棉稠:Nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft) 人字锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric 斜纹锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric (twill) 素色天鹅绒:solid velvet 抽条磨毛天鹅绒:Rib fleece velvet 雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet 轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet
