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实验二十一旋毛虫病肉品检验技术 旋毛虫病是重要的人畜共患寄生虫病,它是由毛形科的旋毛形线虫(Trichinella spiralis)成虫寄生于肠管,幼虫寄生于横纹肌所引起的。该病流行于哺乳类动物间,鸟类可实验感染。人若摄食了生的或未煮熟的含旋毛虫包囊的猪肉可感染生病,主要临床表现为胃肠道症状、发热、肌痛、水肿和血液嗜酸性粒细胞增多等,严重者可以导致死亡,故肉品卫生检验中将旋毛虫列为首要项目。旋毛虫病的肉品检验是生猪屠宰检疫中的一项重要内容,通过该项检验可以检出感染旋毛虫的猪只。对于杜绝病猪肉流入肉品市场,有着重要的作用。 一、实验目的及要求 1.掌握肌肉旋毛虫压片镜检法、消化法的操作方法。 2.了解酶联免疫吸附试验的方法。 3.掌握旋毛虫病肉的处理方法。 二、实验器材 (一)旋毛虫压片镜检法 1.材料:被检肉品。 2.器材:载玻片,剪刀,镊子,天平,显微镜。 3.试剂:50%甘油水溶液,10%稀盐酸。 (二)旋毛虫集样消化法 1.材料:被检肉品。 2.器材:组织捣碎机,采样盘,磁力加热搅拌器,圆盘转动式计数镜检台,集虫器,载玻片,表面皿,烧杯,剪刀,镊子,天平,温度计,显微镜。 3.试剂:0.04%胃蛋白酶溶液,盐酸。 (三)旋毛虫酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA) 1.材料:被检肉品。 2.器材:滤纸片,玻璃瓶,剪刀,酶标测定仪,反应板,加样器。 3.试剂: (1)阳性血清,阴性血清; (2)旋毛虫抗原; (3)酶标抗体(又称酶结合物、酶标记免疫球蛋白); (4)包被液:Na2CO3 1.59g、NaN3 0.2g、NaHCO3 2.93g,用蒸馏水加至1000ml,调整pH为9.6。放4℃冰箱中保存备用。 (5)洗涤液:NaCl 8.9g、Tween-20 0.5g、KH2PO4 0.2g、NaN3 0.2g、Na2HPO4·12H2O 2.9g、KCl 0.2g,用蒸馏水加至1000ml,调整pH为7.4。 (6)底物溶液(OPD-H2O2):称取邻苯二胺40mg,溶解于100ml pH5.0磷酸-柠檬酸缓冲液(0.1M 柠檬酸24.3m1,加0.2M NaH2PO4 25.7ml,加水50ml)中,然后加30%过氧化氢0.15ml,现配现用。 (7)终止液(2M H2SO4):浓硫酸22.2ml,蒸馏水177.8ml。 三、实验方法、步骤和操作要领


Model Test Ten Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Direction : This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A. The woman is concerned about the color choice. B. The woman doesn 't care which color is chosen. C. The man has chosen a nice color. D. The woman 's choice is different from the man 's. 2. A. A waiter B. A salesman 3. A. To unlock her car C. Her house needs another lock 4. A. Sally wouldn 't call the man again B. Sally didn 't call C. Sally would call next time she came to town D. Sally hoped to come for dinner next time she came to town 5. A. Next Tuesday B. Next Thursday C. Next Wednesday D. Next Friday Section B Direction : This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Conversation 1 Conversation 2 8. A. She is too much worried about her business. B. She is short of money. C. She has no time to take a vacation. D. She is always having a headache. 9. A. To sleep more and not think about her job. B. To take the medicine regularly. C. To do more exercise everyday. Part I Listening Comprehension C. A manager D. A receptionist B. Her keys are broken D. Her back door lock doesn 't work well 6. A. 1 kilo 7. A. One B. 2 kilos B. Two C. 3 kilos C. Three D. 4 kilos D. Four


目录 摘要 ............................................................................................................................................ III Abstract...................................................................................................................................... IV 第一章绪论 (1) 1.1 变点问题研究背景及意义 (1) 1.2 国内外研究现状 (2) 1.3 主要研究内容 (4) 第二章理论基础 (6) 2.1 小波函数 (6) 2.2 小波变换 (6) 第三章一元时间序列变点检测问题 (9) 3.1 一元时间序列小波分解 (9) 3.1.1 局部平稳小波(LSW)过程 (9) 3.1.2 小波周期图 (10) 3.1.3 乘积性模型 (12) 3.2 构造CUSUM统计量 (13) 3.3 WBS算法变点检测 (15) 3.3.1 WBS算法步骤 (15) 3.3.2 变点筛选过程 (16) 3.3.3 变点数目和位置的一致性估计 (16) 3.3.5 参数选择 (20) 3.4 数值模拟及实证分析 (21) 3.4.1 数值模拟 (21) 3.4.2 三种变点检测方法对比 (24) 3.4.3 实证分析 (25) 第四章多元时间序列变点检测问题 (27) 4.1 多元时间序列小波分解 (27) 4.1.1 多元乘积性模型 (27)


输血相容性检测标准流程 输血前相容性检测直接关系着输血安全,检测内容包括受血者和献血者的ABO 和RhD 血型测定,受血者的抗体筛选,受血者与献血者间的血液交叉匹配试验。建立本标准流程旨在规范输血前相容性试验采用的实验室检测程序,确保受血者的ABO 及RhD 血型抗原抗体与献血者的相容,确定受血者血清中是否有临床意义的不规则抗体、受血者血清与献血者红细胞是否有相对应的抗原抗体,从而达到安全、有效输血。 一、输血申请 (一)受血者信息资料核对 1.受血者既往检测相关信息资料的核对主要包括血型是否相符、既往是否存在抗体筛选阳性史、既往是否存在血液交叉匹配试验不合史等。 2.计算机或手工比对。 (二)输血前试验项目组合 1. 输血申请的作用作为整个输血相容性检测过程的第1 步,临床医师开据的《输血治疗申请单》具有双重作用—申请用血与申请相容性检测。 2.成分输血与检测组合拟输注血液成分决定相容性检测组合,并根据检测结果确定是否继续增加检测项目,不需要医师填写检测项目申请单,《输血申请单》以最终发出的相容性血液为最终结果。检测组合分别为: 1) 申请含有红细胞成分时的项目组合,包括受血者ABO 正反定型与RhD 血型测定、抗体筛选,献血者ABO 血型正反定型与RhD 血型测定,受血者与献血者血液主次侧交叉匹配试验。

2) 申请血浆时的项目组合,包括受血者ABO 正反定型与RhD 血型测定,献血者ABO 血型反定型测定,受血者与献血者血液次侧交 叉匹配试验。 3) 申请血小板时的项目组合,包括受血者ABO正反定型与RhD 血型测定,献血者ABO 血型反定型测定,受血者与献血者血小板血清学血液交叉匹配试验。 4) 受血者抗体筛选为阳性结果时,须做抗体鉴定,同时测定献血者该阳性抗体的对应抗原;抗原阴性的献血者与受血者血液做主次侧血液交叉匹配试验。 5) ABO 正反定型不符时,须做疑难血型鉴定( 含亚型) ,正定型增加抗-A1、抗-A,B 和抗-H 检测,反定型增加A2 细胞、O 细胞及自身细胞检测,确定血型后实施血液交叉匹配试验相合或相容的血液输注。 3.建立应急输血的管理程序 1) 建立紧急情况下的配合性输注检测的管理程序,当临床需紧急用血时,在保证安全的前提下使用快速的输血前检测方法。 2) 建立紧急情况下的非同型输注的管理程序,当临床需紧急用血时,在保证安全的前提下尽可能简化输血前检测。 二、检测标本 (一)标本要求输血前试验的标本要求为血清标本或EDTA抗凝血标本。不同的检测试剂原则上按照试剂生产厂家提供的说明书要求。 (二)患者准备在采集标本前,对患者应采取适宜措施,避免影响标本质量的情况发生,包括: 1) 患者的生理状态、服用药物、饮食控制等; 2) 注意输注静脉营养液后<8 h、肝素抗凝等因素对输血相容性检测的影响;


试题解析 Part I Listening Comprehension Section A 1.M :I 'd like to have a single room with bath today. W : I 'm sorry, but all the rooms are booked. Q :What does the woman mean? 【解析】B 。本题为细节推理题。男士说自己想要个带浴室的单人间,女士说所有房间都 已订满。由此推断目前没有房间可以提供给男士。 2.W : Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me how I can get to a bank nearby? M : Go down the street, and turn left at the corner. You can 't miss it. Q :Where does the conversation most probably take place? 【解析】C 。本题为细节推理题。女士询问怎么去附近的银行,男士给出了具体的路线。 这样的对话最可能发生在大街上。 3. M : Susan, we 'll go camping this weekend. Would you like to join us? W : Oh! Great! I like camping very much. Q :What will they do at the weekend? 【解析】A 。本题为事实细节题。男士说周末要去露营,问女士是否愿意去,如能正确理 解女士的话 Great!( 好的 ),本题就迎刃而解。 4.W : What are the main products of your company? M : We are a manufacture of household appliances. Q :What does the company mainly produce? 【解析】D 。女士问公司的主要产品是什么,男士的回答说我们是家居用品生产商。 5.M :Can I help you, madam? W : Yes, I bought a mobile phone from your store, but it doesn 't work properly. Q :What is the woman doing at the store? 【解析】A 。本题为细节推理题。从女士说的手机不能正常使用可以推断出女士去商店 对手机的质量进行投诉。 What kind of job is the man interested in? 【解析】 A 。问题询问男士对哪种工作感兴趣,男士的回答直接就是答案,也就是“我 Section B Conversation 1 W: M: W: M: W: M: W: M: W: M: W: Hi, Jack, what kind of work do you want to do when you finish university? I 've always been interested in anything related to computers. Wow! That s 'a job that pays well. Have you sent any application letters yet? Yes, I have. A few companies have invited me for an interview. Well done! How about you? But I haven 't decided yet. Which field would you like to work in? I have always fond of designing. Q6:


检验医学(实验诊断学) 第一章检验医学概述 第一节检验医学(实验诊断学)概述 诊断是医师工作的首要任务之一。诊断(diagnosis)一词原来自希腊文,是辨认和判断的意思。医师通过询问病史,了解病情,体格检查发现体征以及实验室检查和各种先进的器械检查收集各种必要的资料和数据在科学、辩证的基础上进行综合分析,以期得到尽可能符合疾病本质的结论,这就是一个诊断疾病的过程。这个过程无论对医师还是对患者都是十分重要的。早期正确的诊断能使患者得到及时有效治疗,早日恢复健康。反之一个错误或拖延的诊断极有可能导至病情恶化,甚至危及生命。 现代医学中,实验室的检查在诊断工作中起着重要作用。往往提供重要的客观诊断依据,在一些疾病中甚至有决定性的意义。例如当败血症血培养阳性时,既明确了疾病的病原诊断,进一步的药敏试验又为患者的治疗提出明确的办法。在疾病的预防中的作用尤为明显。这是因为疾病早期往往缺乏明显症状和体征,患者一般不加以注意,往往是通过实验室检查得到确诊,并接受及时的治疗,例如子宫颈涂片检查有效地控制了子宫颈癌的发生,在我国普遍开展的甲胎蛋白检查有助于发现小肝癌,明显提高肝癌的生存率。由WHO推行的新生儿筛查工作,通过促甲状腺激素(TSH〉和苯丙酣尿症的检查显著降低了甲状腺功能底下和苯丙酣尿症的发病。 正是由于实验室检查在诊断工作中的重要性。从诊断学中逐步独立出一个新的学科——实验诊学(Laboratory Diagnostics)我国在改革开放后,最具权威性的本学科专著,就是由叶应妩教授主编人民卫生出版社1989年出版的”临床实验诊断学”。 实验诊断学是涉及各种专业学科的一门边缘学科,也是运用基础医学的理论和技术为临床医学服务的学科。它的基本任务是通过生物、微生物、血清、化学、生物物理、细胞或其它检验,以获取病原体飞病理变化,脏器功能状态等资料,与其它检查相配合以确定患者的诊断。 可能由于此名称着重强调了实验室检查在诊断学中的作用。没有充分考虑到实验室在整个医疗活动中的重要性和地位,实际上不仅在疾病诊断上,患者治疗也有很多地方需要实验室的配合,有时甚至起着至关重要的作用,例如治疗脆性糖尿病时,医师需依赖血糖定量检查结果来调整胰岛素用量:溶栓治疗时需不断监测血凝检查的结果以合理使用溶栓药物。同样在判断疾病预后、治疗疗效时,实验室检查常是较好的客观指标。所以近来国外越来越多采用“Laboratory Medicine”作为本学科的名称,医院中的检验科也往往命名为Department of Laboratory Medicine。“Laboratory Medicine”中文译名曾有争论,有人按字意直译为”实验医学”或”实验室医学”。此名词易使人误解,多数人认为译名为”检验医学”更为合适。因为”检验医学”首先不会使人产生误解,不会认为此学科属于医学院的基础 学科实验室,或医院中的科研实验室。人们都比较明确这是指医院中的检验科,其次人们不会误解为只是一个技术学科,因为这名词说明此学科和医学活动紧紧连在一起,我国医学界权威的”中华医学杂志”就已正式使用”检验医学”名称。 从九十年代以来,国外频繁使用”Laboratory Medicine”术名,国际上著名的临床化学组织一一国际临床化学联合会(IFCC)。已正式更名为”International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine “有名的杂志”Clinical Chemistry “也增加了一个副刊名“International Journal of Laboratory Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics”,我国的中华医学检验杂志也在2000年改名为中华检验医学杂志。

model test 1

Model Test I Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Who Should Pay the University’s Tuition?You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.大学学费不断上涨,有人认为大学学费应由学生自己赚取,有人认为应由父母供给。 2.作为大学生,谈谈你自己的观点,并给出理由。 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Halloween On October 31st, dozens of children dressed in costumes knock on their neighbo rs’ doors and yell “Trick or Treat” when the door opens. Pirates and princesses, ghosts and popular heroes of the day all hold bags open to catch the candy or other goodies that the neighbors drop in. As they give each child a treat the neighbors exclaim over the costumes and try to guess who is under the masks. Since the 800’s November l st is a religious holiday known as All Saints’ Day. The Mass that was said on this day was called AllHallowmas. The evening before became known as All Hakkiwe’en, or Halloween. Like some other American celebrations, its origins lie in both pre-Christian and Christian customs. October 31st was the eve of the Celtic new year. The Celts were the ancestors of the present-day Irish, Welsh and Scottish people. On this day ghosts walked and mingled with the living, or so the Celts thought. The townspeople baked food all that day and when night fell they dressed up and tried to resemble the souls of the dead. Hoping that the ghosts would leave peacefully before midnight of the new year. Much later, when Christianity spread throughout Ireland and October 31st was no longer the last day of the year, Halloween became a celebration mostly for children. “Ghosts” went from door to door asking for treats, or else a trick would be played on the owners of the house. When millions of Irish people immigrated to the United States in the 1840s the tradition came with them. Today school dances and neighborhood parties called “block parties” are popular among young and old alike. More and more adults celebrate Halloween. They dress up like historical or political figures and go to masquerade parties(化装舞会). In larger cities, costumed children and their parents gather at shopping malls early in the evening. Stores and businesses give parties with games and treats for the children. Teenagers enjoy costume dances at their schools and the more outrageous the costume the better! Certain pranks (恶作剧) such as soaping car windows and tipping over garbage cans are expected. But partying and pranks are not the only things that Halloweeners enjoy doing. Some collect money to buy food and medicine for needy children around the world. Symbols of Halloween Halloween originated as a celebration connected with evil spirits. Witches flying broomsticks with black cats, ghosts, goblins (小精灵) and skeletons have all evolved as symbols of Halloween. They are popular trick-or-treat costumes and decorations for greeting cards and windows. Black is one of the traditional Halloween colors, probably because Halloween festivals and traditions took place at night. In


第37卷 第6期2009年11月河南师范大学学报(自然科学版)J our nal of H enan N or mal Univer sity (N atur al Science ) Vol.37 N o.6 N ov.2009 文章编号:1000-2367(2009)06-0007-04 最小二乘法对多变点检验的性能研究 张学新1,段志霞2 (1.中南财经政法大学信息学院,武汉430060;2.济源职业技术学院基础部,河南济源459650) 摘 要:给出了衡量最小二乘法识别多变点能力的方法,模拟研究了最小二乘法对不同数据生成过程的多变 点检测效果,指出了最小二乘法的适用性,最后应用最小二乘法检测了中国主要经济部门的GDP 变点. 关键词:最小二乘法;多变点检验;单位根过程;蒙特卡罗模拟 中图分类号:C812文献标识码:A 数据生成过程的结构突变是指系统受到诸如金融危机,体制变化等剧烈的外力冲击而发生的突然变化,是系统对外界条件的光滑变化而做出的突然响应,常见的有均值突变,频率突变,趋势突变,方差突变.突变分析,尤其是带单位根过程的突变分析是国内外比较热门的课题,各种变点检验的方法也在不断涌现.目前的研究大多集中于前述常见类型的突变,国外见文献[1-6],国内主要是各种方法在气候,交通等领域的应用,见文献[7-9]等.其中有些统计方法是有缺陷的,如用滑动t ,滑动F 检测法检测均值突变时,经常会检测到一些虚假的突变点,主要问题是不能确定突变的研究通常涉及到的非独立随机变量的分布.最小二乘法也是处理变点问题中使用较多的一种方法,它以观察值与理论值之差的平方和作为目标函数,以其达到极小值之点作为有关参数的点估计,其优点是对随机误差的分布不需要作特定的假设.国内文献鲜见研究最小二乘法识别多变点的性能,国外至多用最小二乘法讨论了误差为线性过程时一个未知均值变点的估计问题(见前述文献中的JushanBai).本文通过模拟对最小二乘法识别多变点的性能做较为详尽的研究. 1 均值变点的最小二乘法估计 设离散的模型是X i =a i +e i , e i ~iid ,E(e i )=0,Var (e i )= 2,i =1, ,n, a m j =a {m j +1= =a m j +1-1= b j+1,j =0,1 ,q. 这里q 是事先给定的变点个数,可以取充分大以满足实际要求,或者通过其它方法粗略估计得到.1=m 0


常见系统发育软件使用方法 Xie Lei BJFU 1 Paup MP流程: Mac 准备nex文件(interleave和noninterleave均可) →存入新建文件夹→拖入paup或用paup打开→ execute → log file → cstatus → tstatus → hsearch →define outgroup →roottrees →savetrees →describetrees →contree(save to file) →save pict→bootstrap(save tree file) →print bootstrap tree→save pict. →stop log. PC版操作,可将附录批处理文件内容粘贴至nex文件后面,execute即可。 2 Paup ML 流程:Mac 准备nex文件(interleave和noninterleave均可) →存入新建文件夹→拖入paup或用paup打开→execute→从modeltest软件中打开paupblock运算检测模型→生成score file→打开modeltest中的bin读取score数据→生成结果文档→存档并打开此文档→AIC→将begin paup的运算模块贴至原nex数据文件后面→重新将其拖入paup运行→选择ML运算模式→hsearch→打印树图→save pict. →bootstrap. PC版操作,可将附录5批处理文件内容粘贴至nex文件后面,execute即可。

3 Garli运算ML流程: 准备nex文件(interleave) →存入新建文件夹→拖入paup或用paup打开→execute→输出noninterleave文档(若直接是noninterleave上述过程省略,又如果是PC机paup,无菜单操作,可在paup命令行中输入附录1*的命令回车即可生成noninterleave数据)。 使用noninterleave文档(数据中类群名称不得有单引号,空格,所有方括号中内容删除)→新建文件夹存入→按照流程2进行modeltest→在苹果机上打开Garli→导入数据→把model定好→run(切记此处不要激bootstrap选项) 将上次运算数据拷贝至一新建文件夹→导入苹果版Garli→激活bootstrap选项→定好model→run 所有结果用paup软件打开→save pict→打开bootstrap树→做50% majority rule contree→save pict. 注:Garli苹果和PC版都有,但是操作不同。 数据格式:和算PAUP一样的nexus格式,但是这个格式有很多注意事项,一些常见的小错误会造成软件无法运行。参见下列常见问题: 1 一定要noninterleave的数据,否则软件无法运算 2 [ ]虽然在mrbayes和paup中不成问题但是在garli中有影响,里面内容在算之前全部删除为好。 3 taxon名称中可以有下划线但是不得有空格,逗号句点等,否则无法运行。 Mac版


输血相容性检测室内质量控制管理规定 (讨论稿) 为进一步贯彻落实《医疗机构临床用血管理办法》和《临床输血技术规范》等有关文件精神,切实提高我院医疗质量,保证临床输血安全。现就我院输血相容性检测室内质量控制管理作如下规定。 一、目的 建立输血相容性检测室内质控管理程序,规范室内质控操作流程,以便能够发现实验室常用试剂、耗材的质量问题及反应体系的稳定性问题,及时采取纠正和补救措施,提供本实验室检测结果一致性的证据,确保输血相容性检测结果达到预期的质量标准。 二、适用范围 适用于输血相容性检测实验室室内质量控制管理。 三、职责 (一)各检测岗位人员负责所检测项目的室内质量控制过程。 (二)实验室负责人、质量监督员负责监督执行。 四、工作程序 (一)质控品的技术规则定义 IQC作为医学实验室全面质量控制管理的一个重要部分,由实验室工作人员遵照实验室制定的室内控制管理制度和相关标准操作规程,选择适当的实验方法和步骤,连续评价本实验室检测工作的可靠性程度,旨在检测和控制本实验室检测工作的精密度,提高实验室常规工作中的批内,批间标本检测的一致性,以确定测定结果是否可靠,是否发出报告的一项工作,是对实验室检测的即时性评价。 (二)质控品来源 商品化质控品。 (三)技术要求 由生产商提供的试剂盒,严格按照试剂盒说明书的质控技术要求进行操作。 (四)质控品常规使用前的确认 生产商提供的试剂盒对照品应在有效期内使用,并于每次实验操作前进行检查,发现标本明显的颜色变化、溶血应放弃使用并更换新

的质控品。 (五)实施质控的频次 鉴于输血相容性实验的特殊性,常规实验每天进行一次,实验中途更换试剂批号后应重做质控实验。 (六)常规检测前将质控品于室温放置30分钟后使用,所用质控标本类型应与实验项目要求相一致,检测操作人员必须具备上岗资质,仪器设备等应相对固定。 (七)质控规则、有效性判断及失控的判断标准 1、ABO血型鉴定:质控品设计以能够检测为原则。按照血清试剂反应标准反应强度,设置3+为最低检出标准。凝集强度低于3+判断为失控。 2、RhD测定:质控品设计以能够检测为原则。按照血清试剂反应标准反应强度,设置与阳性细胞3+为最低检出标准。阴性细胞同时测定为阴性。阳性细胞凝集强度低于3+判断为失控,阴性细胞有可见凝集±即判断为失控。 3、抗体筛查:室内质控品设计以能够检测为原则。按照血清试剂反应标准反应强度,设置2+为最低检出标准。凝集强度低于2+判断为失控。阴性细胞同时测定为阴性,阴性细胞有可见凝集±即判断为失控。 4、交叉配血方法:为特定抗体检测的有效性测定。设置3+为最低检出标准。交叉配血相容判定为阴性。阳性结果凝集强度低于3+判断为失控,阴性结果有可见凝集±即判断为失控。 (八)质控结果的记录 操作人员应按照质控登记表上的内容要求认真填写质控结果。 (九)质控品检测试验实验数据的分析 1、多为定性试验(抗体效价测定为半定量) 2、结果判定不同于传统的定性试验,属于分级定性。 3、4℃条件保存的全血质控品没有-20℃小包装保存的质控血清稳定性好。 4、不适于通过cutoff值判定阴阳性结果,质控结果不呈正态分布,也无法绘制准确可靠的质控图。

Model Test 3----参考答案部分

第三套模拟练习题参考答案 作文参考范文 Information Security The human beings are stepping into the information society. The information industry develops very rapidly, so do the hackers, trick-playing teens, exploring children, fraudsters, and serious white-collar criminals. Thus, information security becomes an impending important issue. In case of information breach, the victims-----government department, an organization or an institution, or a company will inevitably suffer great or small loss. Government may be threatened with national security. Companies may lose opportunities to develop new projects. And the public’s and users’ confidence will be damaged. Then how to deal with this issue? Technology is only a partial solution to information security. What’s more important is that organizations and companies should promote the awareness on information security to its staff. However, since no system can ever be 100 percent secure, a prevention-only approach to information security management is not enough. Companies and organizations should adopt a dual approach to information security management by combing prevention and detection techniques. 快速阅读参考答案 1. B).参见第一段中”In the past few years, human resources experts say time off has consistently placed among the top three employee concerns, along with compensation and staffing levels ...”可知,过去几年中雇员对休息时间的关注程度有所提高. 2. B).参见 A New Generation 小标题下”... younger workers are more likely to be ‘family-centric’or ‘dual-centric’(with equal priorities on both career and family) rather than ‘work-centric’when compared to members of the Boomer Generation.”可知,出生在生育高峰期的那代人与当代的年轻人相比,他们对工作的重视程度要大于对家庭的重视程度. 3. C).参见September 11th and the End of the Roaring Nineties小标题下”I started looking at things completely differently.”可知,Tony Jackson已经改变了对工作和生活的态度. 4. D).参见September 11th and the End of the Roaring Nineties小标题下”Even before September 11th, some experts say the slow shift in worker attitudes was already underway due to the end of the roaring 1990’s ...”可知,在9.11事件之前就有专家称:工人们对待工作的态度在喧嚣的20世纪90年代末已经开始发生转变. 5. A).参见September 11th and the End of the Roaring Nineties小标题下”... due to the fact that workers have been pushed to their limit in recent years.”可知,工人们的工作时间已经达到极限,这是他们改变了对工作的态度的原因. 6. D).参见Monetary Needs Less Intense Due to Dual Income Households 小标题下”Financial pressures are eased by both of them working and keeping a careful watch on their expenses.”可知,他们没有过大的经济压力是由于夫妻双方都有工作,而且不乱花钱. 7. D).参见Burnout小标题下”After a layoff, workers who remain behind are often asked to pick up most or even all the load of the people who were let go, requiring more and more hours at the office.”可知,裁员后,被辞退员工的工作通常由在职的员工帮助完成. 8. 20%.参见第一段最后一句”... but the desire for time off is up almost 20% from just three years ago when https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ad3791562.html, conducted a similar poll.”可知,与三年前的统计数据相比,要休息时间而不要补贴的人数上升了20%.
