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Unit 9 张永秀 2011 11 16

Unit 9  张永秀  2011 11 16
Unit 9  张永秀  2011 11 16

Unit 9

Reading part

Food for Thought

There was once a little boy with a bad temper.He often had flights with his friends.One day,his father gave him a bag of nails and told him to hammer a nail into the fence every time he lost his temper.The boy listened to his father and did what his father told him to do.

The first day,the boy drove 1 7 nails into the fence.Then the number of nails became less and less in the following days.The boy found that it was easier to keep his temper than to drive the nails into the fence.Finally,the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at a11.He told his father about it and his father asked him to pull out one nail each time he was able to keep his temper.

The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.The father took his son by the hand and 1ed him to the fence.He said.“You have done well,son,but look at the holes in the fence.The fence will never be the same as it was before.When you say some words in anger, your bad temper will leave a scar just like the hole.Even if you say you're sorry ,the wound is still there.If you hurt a person with words,the wound is as bad as a physical one.Friends are rare jewels.They make you smile and feel happy.So never hurt your friends.”

Since then the boy had never fought with his friends.He learned how to get on with others and he never lost his temper again.

Ⅰ.Read the text and fill in the blanks with the information from the text to complete the following passage.

There was once a little boy .He often had fights with his friends.One day,his father gave him and told him to hammer a nail into the fence he .The boy did his father told him to do.

Finally,the day came when the boy .He told his father about it and his father asked him one nail for each time when he could .The days passed and the boy finally told his father that all the nails .The father led him to the fence.He said that the fence would never be because

of the holes.The father also told the son that bad temper a scar just like the holes.If he hunt a person ,the wound is a physical one.From this story ,the boy learned others and never lost his temper again.

Ⅱ. Discuss the following questions in groups.

1.What did the father ask the little boy to do each time he lost his ternper?

The father asked his son every time .2.How many nails did the boy hammer into the fence the first day?

The first day,the boy .3.Why did the boy stop driving the nails into the fence later?

Because the boy .4.What did the father ask him to do each time he was able to keep his temper?

The father asked his son each time.5.Did the boy pull out all the nails?

6.What does the story tell us?

Ⅲ. Fill in the blanks with some information you have learned from the text “Food for Thought”to complete this short passage.

I sometimes lose and say in anger.

My bad temper hurt badly.I want to make friends ,but I don’t know how to .After I “Food for Thought”,I think I have a better idea of that now.

When we are in trouble,we have to .

When we are in anger,we have to .

If your friend is angry with you,you should .You should think about why your friend .We have to way to solve the problem.It is important to know how to well with others and never .

Your smile can make .

Useful Words and Expressions

1.Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words or phrases in the box.

in anger keep lose not …at all lead the same as as…as…get on with

1)The teacher asked me ,“Why are you late again?”

2)Our classroom is large yours.

3)My mother asked me my room clean.

4)The question is difficult ,You should answer it by yourself.

5)An old man us to the o1d house and told us his story·

6)The girl has question yours.

7)I my key to the door of my bedroom yesterday.

8)The boys and the girls in our class are well each other.

2.Put the Chinese in the brackets Into English to complete the following sentences.

1)Even if we are angry,we have to (控制不发脾气).

2)Why do you sometimes (发脾气)these days?

3)The boys never (和女生打架)in our class.

4)Their bedroom (看起来和以前不一样了).

5)This book is (一点儿都没趣).

6)Do you know (怎样与同学相处吗)? 3.Study the words and expressions in the box,and complete each sentence with one of them in the right form.

mean smile temper lead again still pull catch drive happen

1)She me into her bedroom and showed me her picture.

2)I told her how to get to the zoo,then she gave me a .

3)Don't too fast in the busy street.

4)There is a little boy with a bad in our class.

5)He didn't go to school today.What ?

6)—What does the word“pardon”?

—Say it again.

7)I can't follow you.Can you say that ?

8)Fred his sister's hair and made her cry.

9)1 will be here when you come back.

10)I don't know whether we can the bus.

4.Put the Chinese in the brackets into English to complete the following sentences.

1)The question is difficult (一点也不).Everyone can answer it.

2)Mum pointed at the broken window (生气地)and said,“Wh o broke it?”

3)she (与……相处很好)her classmates because she has a good temper.

4) (即使)you said“sorry",you would hurt your friend.

5)The boy (忍住了脾气)to make everything all right.

6)Our teacher (发脾气)because I was late again.

7)Before I go to bed,I often (听)music.

8)If you study harder,you (能够)get the first place in your class.5.Fill in each of the blanks with the right form of the verb in the brackets to complete the following sentences.

1)—Is he still Working?

—Yes.He (still work)now and he (not finish)yet.

2)I (not see)him for about two years.

3)What you (do)from eight to ten last night?

4)We never (meet)each other before.

5)When I (walk)in the street,I met an old friend of mine.

6)—Where is your sister, Tom?

—She (read)English in her bedroom.

7)—Where is your teacher, Tom?

—She (go)to the school library.

8)Look,your teacher (stand)at the school gate.


腹有化学自芳香烧杯太小不够装 周末作业(劳动节的礼物) 1.2018年,平昌冬奥会上“北京8分钟”以充满中国智慧和中国科技的表演惊艳世界,下列有关说法中不正确 ...的是 A. 熊猫木偶的采用铝合金和碳纤维,可以减轻重量 B. 演出服中的石墨烯是一种新型的纳米材料 C. 低温环境会影响机器人的电池性能 D. 机器人芯片的主要成分为SiO2 2.设N A为阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是() A. 2.0gH218O与D2O的混合物中所含中子数为N A B. 标况下,1 mol H2O的体积为22.4L C. 18g D2O和18g H2O中含有的质子数均为10N A D. D2O的摩尔质量为20g 3.常温下,下列各组离子在指定溶液中能大量共存的是 A. 无色透明的溶液中:Fe3+、Mg2+、SCN-、Cl- B. 的溶液中 : C. 的溶液中 : D. 能使甲基橙变红的溶液中 : 5.利用下列实验装置进行相应的实验,不能达到实验目的的是

A. 利用图甲装置,可快速制取氨气 B. 利用图乙装置,用饱和碳酸钠溶液分离CH3CH2OH和CH3COOC2H5混合液 C. 利用图丙装置,可制取乙烯并验证其易被酸性KMnO4溶液氧化 D. 利用图丁装置,可说明浓H2SO4具有脱水性、强氧化性,SO2具有漂白性、还原性 6.乙烯催化氧化成乙醛可设计成如下图所示的燃料电池,能在制备乙醛的同时获得电能,其总反应为:2CH2=CH2 + O2→ 2CH3CHO。下列有关说法正确的是() A.该电池为可充电电池 B.电子移动方向:电极a→磷酸溶液→电极b C.正极反应式为:CH2=CH2-2e- + 2OH-→ CH3CHO + H2O D.每有0.1mol O2反应,则迁移H+ 0.4mol 7.某化学研究性学习小组对电解质溶液作如下的归纳总结(均在常温下),其中正确的是 ① pH=1的强酸溶液,加水稀释后,溶液中各离子浓度都会降低 ② 1 L 0.50 mol·L-1NH4Cl 溶液与2 L 0.25 mol·L-1NH4Cl 溶液含NH4+ 物质的量完全相等 ③ pH相等的四种溶液:a.CH3COONa b.C6H5ONa c.NaHCO3 d.NaOH,则四种溶液的溶质的物质的量浓度由小到大顺序为:d < b < c < a ④ pH=8.3的NaHCO3溶液:c(Na+) > c(HCO3-) > c(CO32-)> c(H2CO3) ⑤ pH=2的一元酸和pH=12的二元强碱等体积混合:c(OH-) ≤ c(H+) ⑥ pH=4、浓度均为0.1mol·L-1的CH3COOH、CH3COONa混合溶液中:c(CH3COO-)+c(OH-) > c(CH3COOH)+c(H+) A.①②④B.①③⑤C.③⑤⑥D.②④⑥ 8.下列有关说法不正确的是 A. 裂化汽油可以用于萃取溴水中的溴 B. 35%~40%的甲醛水溶液称为福尔马林,具有杀菌、防腐性能 C. 乙醛、甲酸、甲酸乙酯在一定条件下都可以发生银镜反应 D. 脂肪烃的来源有石油、天然气和煤等,通过石油的裂化及裂解可得到气态烯烃 9.某种激光染料,应用于可调谐染料激光器,它由C、H、O三种元素组成,分子球棍模型如图所示,下列有关叙述正确的是 ①分子式为C10H9O3 ②能与3mol溴水发生取代反应 ③该物质含有3种官能团 ④能使酸性KMnO4溶液褪色 A. ②③④ B. ①④ C. ③④ D. ①②③④

第九周周清试题 王巧燕

六年级语文第九周周周清试题 班级姓名 一、给加点的字选择正确的读音。(3分) 载重(zǎi zài)赠给(gěi jǐ )吏庶(shuò shǔ ) 逮捕(dài dǎi)琥珀(pōbō )松脂(zhī zhǐ ) 二、词语充值卡。(26分)1、看拼音写词语。(10分) gē qián xuē yuān róu lìn pán shān hān sè ()()()()() kuìzèng lǔ lüèào huǐwēn xùn xī rǎng ()()()()() 2、比一比组词(4分) 燥()烁()镌()撒() 躁()砾()携()撤() 3、把下列成语补充完整,在按要求归类。(8分) 忠心()()()()不安()山峻岭()风暴雨 雪中送()()发童颜痛心()首神采()() (1)描写自然环境: (2)描写人物外貌: (3)描写人物品质: (4)描写人物心理活动: 三、句子训练场。(11) 1、按要求改写句子。(5分) (1)我心里不是滋味。(改为夸张句)—————————————————————————————— (2)长城在八达岭上弯弯曲曲。(改为比喻句) —————————————————————————————— (3)小马温驯地磨动它的松软的大口和齐整的大牙。(缩句) —————————————————————————————— (4)树是城市的灵魂。(改为双重否定句) —————————————————————————————— (5)眼睛盯着书。(扩句) —————————————————————————————— 2、根据场合需要,选择适当的说法。(2分) 祝祝贺恭喜恭贺 (1)()您取得更大的成绩。(2)()您提前完成了任务。 (3)()您早日恢复健康。(4)()大哥晋级、获奖——双喜临门。 (1)种子的力量巨大无比,()再坚固的东西()能顶开。 (2)()我们努力学习,()一定会取得好成绩。 3、用修改符号修改病句。(4分) (1)我要学习他刻苦钻研认真学习。 (2)秋天的银川是一年中最美丽的季节。 四、文本连接。(16分) 1、按课文内容填空。(12) (1)日常篱落无人过, (2)那样的心,那种想、想、为了甚至的伟大的心是不会死的,不管经过百年千载,它都会发光。 (3)让我们起来行动吧,让我们学会地面对,不断,。永远满怀着和。 2、根据课文内容填空。(4分) (1)《可爱的中国》一文的作者是,文中的“朋友”指,他对朋友抒发了的情怀。 (2)《野草》通过描写, 表达了作者对的高度赞美。 什么作用?(2分)至少写出四个)


九年级英语周末有效作业试卷(5) 一、选择填空(5*2) ( ) 1. He is_____ fat because he eats_____ A.too much, too much B. much too, too much C. much too, too many D. too much, much too ( ) 2. He hardly worries about his English, ______? A. doesn’t he B. does he C. is he D. isn’t he ( ) 3. Can you tell me_____ ? A. when did he leave B. when will he leave C. when he left D. when is he leaving ( ) 4. _____ sharing your worries with your parents? A. Why not B. Let’s C. How about D. Would you like ( ) 5. Let me tell you _____. A. how to do with it B. what can you do with it C. how to deal with it D. how can you deal with it 二、完形填空(10*2) I was fifteen months old, a happy carefree kid until the day I fell. It was a bad fall. I landed on a glass rabbit which __1___ my eye badly enough to blind it and left a big __2__ scar(伤疤) in the middle of my eye. My frightening, sightless and cloudy eye lived on with me. And as I grew, this sightless eye in so many ways controlled me. I walked with my face looking at the floor so people would not see the ugly me. Yet Mama would say to me, at every turn, "Hold your head up high and face the world. If you hold your head up high, it will be okay, and people will see your 3_ heart." She continued the words whenever I wanted to hide. Those words have meant different things to me over the years. As a teenager, even though I always looked down to 4 my shame, I found that sometimes when I held my head up high and let people 5 me, they liked me. My mama's words helped me begin to 6__ that by letting people look at my face, I let them see the kindness and beauty 7 both eyes even if they couldn't see it on the surface. When I met the man who became my husband later, we looked each other 8_ in the eye, and he told me I was beautiful inside and out. He meant it. My mama's love and 9_ were the spark(火花)that gave me the confidence to deal with many difficulties in life. I had faced hard situations, met my problems head on, and learned not only to respect myself but to have deep compassion (同情)for 10_ . "Hold your head up high," has been heard many times in my home. Each of my children has felt its invitation. The gift my mama gave me lives on in another generation. 1


三年级语文第8周周末作业 班级姓名: 1、背诵每周一诗《寒食》《》 寒食 《唐》韩翃《hónɡ》 春城无处不飞花, 寒食东风御柳斜《xiá》。 日暮汉宫传蜡烛, 轻烟散入五侯家。 2、熟读第4单元课文《》 3、抓住特点写动物: 《1》明确写动物的什么特点,如:小虾很有趣; 《2》从哪些方面可以表现这一点特点,如:独自玩耍、被打扰会生气、遇到同伴要搏 斗等; 《3》运用修辞手法生动描述。 ★请用以上的方法写写你熟悉的动物的特点,写在周记本上。《》 阅读训练 蝉 蝉是我的邻居。一到夏天,蝉就占据了我屋子前面的树。屋里我是主人,屋外却是蝉的天下。 我喜欢观察蝉脱壳。幼虫蜕皮是从背上开始的。外面的一层旧皮从背上裂开,露出淡绿色的蝉来。先出来的是头,接着是吸管和前腿,最后是后腿和折叠着的翅膀,只留下腹部还在那旧皮里。 蝉脱壳的时候,可以说是表演一种奇怪的体操。它腾起身子,往后翻下来,头向下倒挂着,原来折叠着的翅膀打开了,竭力伸直。接着,尽力把身体翻上去,用前爪的住那层旧皮,使它从那层旧皮里完全蜕出来。那些旧皮就只剩个空壳,成了蝉蜕。整个过程大约要半个小时。 刚蜕皮的蝉,用前爪把自己挂在蜕下米的空壳上,在微风里颤动,样子很柔弱,颜色还是绿的,直到变成棕色,就跟平常的一样了。 雄蝉是天才的乐师。它的腹部有发声器,能发出声音。每年夏天,大概有两个月的时间,蝉的乐声总在我耳边。我常常看见一些蝉停息在树枝上,一动不动地狂饮树皮里的水分。夕阳西下时,它们才沿着树枝慢慢地走动。无论饮水的时候,还是走动的时候,它们从来没有停止过演奏。 蝉的视觉非常灵敏,它有5只眼睛,左右和上方发生什么事情,它都看得见,只要看见有什么东


第三周九年级数学周测(2017年9月20日) 班级__________ 姓名__________ 分数_____________ 一、选择题:(每小题3分,共30分) 1.下列函数中是二次函数的是( ) A .21y x = B . 21y x =+ C . 231 22 y x x =+ D . 245y x =-+ 2.函数22y mx x m =+- (m 为常数)的图象与x 轴的交点有( ) A . 0个 B .1个 C .2个 D .1个或2个 3.抛物线y =x 2 –2x –3 的对称轴和顶点坐标分别是( ) A .直线x =1,(1,-4) B .直线x =1,(1,4) C .直线x =-1,(-1,4) D .直线x =-1,(-1,-4) 4.把抛物线2 y x =-向左平移1个单位,然后向上平移3个单位,则平移后抛物线的表达式是( ) A .2 (1)3y x =--+ B . 2 (1)3y x =-++ C .2(1)3y x =--- D . 2 (1)3y x =-+- 5.函数2 ax y =与b ax y +=(0a ≠,b<0)在同一坐标系中的大致图象为( ) 6.如图,已知抛物线c bx x y ++=2的对称轴为2=x , 点A ,B 均在抛物线上,且AB 与x 轴平行, 其中点A 的坐标为(0,3),则点B 的坐标为 ( ) A .(2,3) B .(3,2) C .(3,3) D .(4,3) 7.已知函数222--=x x y 的图象如图所示,根据其中提供的信息, 可求得使y ≥1成立的x 的取值范围是 ( ) A .-1≤x ≤3 B . -3≤x <1 C . x ≥-3 D . x ≥3 或x ≤-1 8.二次函数2y x ax b =++中,若0a b +=,则它的图象必经过点( ) A . (—1,—1) B . (1,—1) C . (1,1) D . ( —1,1) 9. 已知二次函数772--=x kx y 的图象与x 轴有两个交点,则k 的取值范围为( ) A .47->k B .47 >k C .4 7 ->k 且0≠k D .0>k 10. 已知抛物线y=x 2-4x+3与x 轴相交于A.B (A 在B 左侧),顶点为M ,平移该抛物线,使点M 平移后对应点M ’落在x 轴上,点B 平移后的对应点B ’落在y 轴上,则平移后的抛物线解析式为( ) A.y=x 2+2x+1 B.y=x 2+2x-1 C.y=x 2-2x+1 D.y=x 2-2x-1 二、填空题:(每小题3分,共24分) 11.二次函数24(1)3y x =-+的图象的顶点坐标是 ,开口方向 . 12.二次函数y =222k kx x ++的图象与x 轴的一个交点坐标为(2-,0),则k 的值是 . 13.已知二次函数的图象开口向下,且与y 轴的正半轴相交,请你写出一个满足条件的二次函数表达 第7题 O x y A x = 2 B


九年级上学期英语周末作业(第20周) 语法填空2 1 In America, all children from six to sixteen go to school. They spend six years in 'elementary' school, and four or six years in 'secondary or 'high' school. School (1)_____(educate) is free. At the end of every school year, the child takes (2)____ test. If he does well, he goes into the next grade. If he doesn't do well, he has to (3) ______(repetition) the grade. Some schools have modern teaching equipment, like computers and closed circuit television, (4)____there are also small country schools, with just one classroom. At the end of their time at school, most students get a high school diploma. If they want to go on to college, they take college (5)____(admit) tests. In Britain, all children from five to sixteen go to school. They spend six years in 'primary' school, (6)_____ then go on to 'secondary' school. In Britain there are 'state' schools, which (7) _____free, and private schools for which parents pay. Many British private schools are 'boarding' schools. The children stay(8)______school all the time, and only come home in the holidays. They usually wear uniforms at all schools. Teaching in both countries (9)_____ usually quite informal. Students often work together (10)______ groups, and go to the teacher only when they need help. 2 Washington, Lincoln, Eisenhower, Kennedy — some of the great names of American history, the names of her presidents. These days, the American President is one of (1)_____( powerful )men in the world. He can make war, or (2)______( peaceful). He can touch the lives of millions in many different countries, but the President cannot do just (3)______he wants. The Congress must agree first. In some ways, the United States is like fifty small countries and not one large one. Every state has (4)_______(it) own governor, its own police, and its own laws. For example, in some states you can buy (5)______alcoholic drink when you are 18. In others, you must wait (6)_________ you are 21. The government of the whole country (the 'federal' government) works from Washington, the capital city. This is where Congress is(7) _______(base) Congress has two parts, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. There are 100 members of the Senate (called Senators), two from each state. The President cannot act (8)________(with) the Senate's agreement. The House of Representatives (9)________(have) 435 members. Like the senators, they can make new laws. Americans choose a new President every four years. The election is a great occasion. It is serious (10)_______(busy), of course, but the Americans make sure that it is fun too. 3 Mr. Harris and his wife moved to another town, and they met a lot of interesting


三年级第九周周末作业 一、读拼音,写词语。(8分) jiāo nèn pīn mìnɡhúdiéhuòzhě ()()()() jiǎzhuānɡhélǒnɡxiōnɡpúcūzhuànɡ ()()()() 二、给下面字的不同读法各组一个词。(8分) 三、给词语填上反义词。(4分) 坚硬()善良()夸奖()安全()喜爱()诚实()马虎()黑暗()四、词语模仿秀。(7分) 例:红(通通) 金()黄()白() 绿()黑()红() 例:(欢乐)的浪花(拼命)地奔跑 ()的树叶()的太阳 ()的秋天()的泉水 ()地飘动()地劳动 ()地演唱()地玩耍 五、选一选,填一填。(6分) 欣然依然突然居然忽然果然

1.要不是你的勇气鼓舞我,我还下不了决心哩,现在()爬上来了!2.列宁来到白桦树下,()又看到那只灰雀在枝头歌唱。 3.(),小男孩往地上一坐,哭了起来。 4.小庆龄刚走到门口,()想起,小珍今天上午要来找她学叠花篮。5.我们()快活,把它叫做“幸福鸟”,还把我们的名字写在上面。6.下午三点,万寿菊()怒放。 六、按要求改写下面的句子。(8分) 1.列宁经常给这三只欢快的灰雀带来面包渣和谷粒。 (1)改为“把”字句: (2)改为“被”字句: 2.李四光是我国著名的地质学家。 缩句: 3.菊花在点头。 扩句: 七、判断。(10分) 1.“柿子”的“柿”的音序是“sh”。(√×) 2.“那些闷了好久的蜜蜂向四面飞散”这句中的“闷”应读“mēn”。(√×)3.“蜜蜂飞得低,几乎要触到地面”中的“几乎”是“差不多”的意思。(√×)4.《九月九日忆山东兄弟》这首诗是宋代诗人王维写的。(√×) 5.《花钟》这篇课文告诉我们:只要留心观察我们周围的事物,就会有一定的发现。(√×) 八、填空。(8分) 1.高尔基说:“”,我们从小就要养成爱读书的好习惯。 2.在我遇到困难与挫折时,爸爸经常这样鼓励我:“ ”,往往使我信心倍增。 3.老师常常用“”这句话来激励

九年级数学下学期第10周周清试卷(含解析) 新人教版

2015-2016学年广东省河源市中英文实验学校九年级(下)第10周 周清数学试卷 一、选择题(每小题5分,共40分) 1.平行四边形、矩形、菱形、正方形都具有的是() A.对角线互相平分B.对角线互相垂直 C.对角线相等D.对角线互相垂直且相等 2.两条对角线相等且互相垂直平分的四边形是() A.平行四边形B.矩形 C.菱形 D.正方形 3.菱形具有而矩形不一定具有的性质是() A.内角和等于360°B.对角相等 C.对边平行且相等D.对角线互相垂直 4.下列判断正确的是() A.有一个角是直角的四边形是矩形 B.有三个角是直角的四边形是矩形 C.两条对角线互相平分的四边形是矩形 D.两条对角线互相垂直的四边形是矩形 5.菱形的边长为5,一条对角线长为8,则此菱形的面积是() A.24 B.30 C.40 D.48 6.如图,菱形ABCD中,对角线AC、BD相交于点O,H为AD边中点,菱形ABCD的周长为28,则OH的长等于() A.3.5 B.4 C.7 D.14

7.如图.矩形纸片ABCD中,已知AD=8,折叠纸片使AB边与对角线AC重合,点B落在点F处,折痕为AE,且EF=3.则AB的长为() A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 8.如图,在四边形ABCD中,对角线AC、BD相交于点O,若AO=C0=BO=DO,AC⊥BD,则四边形ABCD的形状是() A.平行四边形B.矩形 C.菱形 D.正方形 二、填空题(每小题5分,共30分) 9.已知矩形ABCD中,AB=8,AD=6,点M、N分别是对角线BD和边BC上的动点,则CM+MN的最小值为______. 10.如图所示,两个全等菱形的边长为1厘米,一只蚂蚁由点A开始按ABCDEFCGA的顺序沿菱形的边循环运动,行走2016厘米后停下,则这只蚂蚁停在点______. 11.如图,P为正方形ABCD内一点,PA=1,PB=2,PC=3,则∠APB=______.12.如图,O是矩形ABCD的对角线AC的中点,M是AD的中点.若AB=5,AD=12,则四边形ABOM的周长为______. 13.如图,把一张矩形纸片ABCD沿对角线BD折叠,使C点落在C′,且BC′与AD交于E点,若∠ABE=40°,则∠ADB=______. 14.如图,在正方形ABCD中,点E是AD边的中点,F是CD边上一点,且∠EBF=45°,则tan∠EFB的值为______.


九年级上学期英语周末作业(第14周) 一、词汇(每小题1分,共15分) A、从A、 B、C选项中选出能替换句子划线部分的选项 1. The book states that fried food is not good for our health. A. says in a clear way B. answers C. reviews 2. Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits make us much healthier. A. lots of B. a large amount of C. more 3. We should stay away from strong sunlight in summer. A. not view B. go near C. keep off 4. Could you treat me to some cakes? A. show me B. pay for me C. bring me 5. It’s usual for him to say bad things about others, for he is an impolite boy. A. special B. interesting C. common 6. This restaurant only serves fast food, fish and chips. A. supports B. offers C. praises 7. We’re going to do some research on other planets. A. study B. programmes C. learning B、从A、B、C选项中选出能填入句子空白处的最佳答案 8. When we go for a ____, the doctors will have a close look at our bodies. A. medical examination B. research C. survey 9. Please add some ____ in the coffee to make it sweet. A. milk B. fat C. sugar 10. If you want to have a healthy body, you should avoid _____. A. protein B. fried food C. vegetables 11. He wants to _______ by doing sports and eating less meat. A. keep still B. lose weight C. pass out 12. We call food made of milk ______. A. soft drinks B. grain products C. dairy products 13. The supermarket is crowded with _______ at the weekend. A. customers B. contestants C. hosts 14. We can know quickly what an article is about from its _____. A. ending B. title C. writer 15. It’s ____ for every student to have enough sleep. A. necessary B. careless C. impossible 二、语法填空:在短文的空白处填上所缺的词或用所给词的正确形式填空 Last Sunday I had a medical examination. The doctor said that I was 16.____ heavy. He told me to lose some 17.___________ (weigh) by 18._______ (eat) fewer 19.______________ (sandwich), less sugar and dairy 20.____________ (produce). It is also 21.______________ (need) for me to do more exercise. For my health, I decided to eat plenty 22.______ vegetables and fruits and never go out for dinner 23. ____________ the restaurant near my home has a very good


人教版九年级英语词汇表 (注:在本词表中,在英式和美式发音有区别时,英式发音在前,美式发音在后。) Unit 1 textbook /tekstbUk/ n. 教科书;课本 p.1 conversation /kQnvseISn/, /kA:nvrseISn/ n. 交谈;谈话p.2 aloud /laUd/ adv. 大声地;出声地p.2 pronunciation /prnVnsieISn/ n. 发音;读音p.2 sentence /sentns/ n.句子p.2 patient /peISnt/ adj.有耐心的n.病人p.2 expression /IkspreSn/ n.表达(方式);表示p.3 discover /dIskVv(r)/ v. 发现;发觉 p.3 secret /si:krt/ n. 秘密;秘诀adj. 秘密的;的p.3 fall in love with 爱上;与??相爱p.3 grammar /gr{m(r)/ n.语法p.3 repeat /rIpi:t/ v.重复;重做p.4 note /nUt/ n.笔记;记录 v. 注意;指出p.4 pal /p{l/ n. 朋友;伙伴p.4 pattern /p{tn/, /p{trn/n. 模式;方式p.4 physics /fIzIks/ n. 物理;物理学p.4 chemistry /kemIstri/ n.化学p.4 partner /pA:(r)tn(r)/ n. 搭档;同伴 p.5 pronounce /prnaUns/ v.发音p.5 increase /Inkri:s/ v. 增加;增长p.5 speed /spi:d/ n. 速度p.5 ability /bIlti/ n.能力;才能p.6 brain /breIn/ n. 大脑p.6

周周清试卷 (9、1)试卷及答案

以诚信品质查学习得失,凭执着精神获成长自信. 十堰外国语学校 初中语文(苏教版)九年级(上) 周周清试卷 2016年9月1日 十堰外国语学校九年级2016-2017学年上学期周周清试卷 (9.1) (时限:70分钟 满分100分 主要内容:《与朱元思书》) 一、积累与运用。(1-7小题每题3分,8小题6分,共27分) 1.下面各组词语中加点字的读音,完全正确的一项是( B ) A .哺.育(p ǔ) 机械.(xi è) 一气呵.成(h ē) 溯.流而上(su ?) B .琐.事(su ǒ) 诅.咒(z ǔ) 声名狼藉.(j í) 惟妙惟肖.(xi ào ) C .分歧.(q í) 喧.嚣(xi āo ) 坚持不懈.(ji ě) 瑰. 丽(gu ì) D .收敛.(li ǎn ) 干涸.(g ù) 鲜.为人知(xi ǎn ) 铁锹.(qi ū) 2.下列句子中没有错别字的一项是( D ) A .气势磅礴、场面宏大的国庆阅兵仪式虽早已落下维幕,每当想起仍令人热血沸腾。 B .近年来,随着生态环境的不断改善,消声匿迹多年的桃花水母频频重现浙江各地。 C .少数年轻人通霄达旦地玩电子游戏,这样既荒废学业,又严重影响身心健康。 D .这部小说准确把握时代脉搏,反映了波澜壮阔的现实生活,具有震撼人心的力量。 3.下列句子中没有.. 语病的一项是( D ) A .经调查,“8·12”天津港爆炸事故原因是瑞海公司违规经营、违规储存危险货物以及安全管理极其混乱造成的。 B.面对叙利亚小难民艾兰伏尸海滩的照片,使欧洲一些国家终于松口,允许更多难民入境。 C.磁州瓷器工艺精湛,具有高雅、时尚、个性的艺术享受,是一种观赏价值极高的艺术品。 D.屠呦呦用青蒿素治疗疟疾的研究,有效降低了疟疾患者的死亡率,为医学发展做出了卓越的贡献。 4.下列各句中,加点的词语使用不恰当的一项是( B ) A .菲律宾虽欲扩大军备,但财力贫乏,面对美国的天价先进武器,只能望洋兴叹....。 B .陆续出台的房改令意图大相径庭....,都是想通过合理控制房价而稳定房地产市场。 C .金融危机山雨欲来,政府未雨绸缪....,应对措施有力保障了中国经济的平稳发展。 D .辩论赛上,他引经据典.... ,挥洒自如,气势夺人,为赛队夺冠立下了汗马功劳。 5、下列有关文学常识及课文内容的表述,有错误的一项是( B ) A .鲁迅,中国现代伟大的文学家、思想家和革命家,我们学过他的短篇小说有《社戏》等。 B .《陈涉世家》中,陈胜、吴广起义的导火线是“天下苦秦久矣”,起义的根本原因是“会天大雨,道不通,度已失期,失期,法皆斩。” C .面对东晋统治集团生活荒淫,内部互相倾轧,军阀连年混战,人民徭役繁重,陶渊明他无法改变,也不愿干预这种现状,只好借助创作来抒写情怀,刻画了一个与污浊社会对立的美好境界,以寄托自己的政治理想与美好的情趣。 D .吴均的《与朱元思书》描写了富阳到桐庐一带富春江秀丽的风光,抒发了作者厌弃尘俗和寄情山水的思想感情。 6、依次填入下面句子的横线上的语句最恰当一项是。( C ) 生活中种种苦涩,_____________,历程中多少挫折,_____________,漫漫岁月里的辛苦挣扎,_____________。但由于忍耐,由于奋斗,也由于不断地向上望,坚韧的生命终能超越所有的忧患与磨难,而从生活自身获得智慧。 A .曾使人衰老憔悴 曾使人失望流泪 曾给人痛苦沉思 B .曾催人衰老憔悴 曾给人痛苦沉思 曾使人失望流泪 C .曾使人失望流泪 曾给人痛苦沉思 曾催人衰老惟悴 D .曾使人失望流泪 曾催人衰老憔悴 曾给人痛苦沉思 7、将下列句子整理连贯,正确的一项是:( D ) ①语文,就是我的精神乐园。 ②我在其中享受自然,体验人生,步入思想高地,领略无限风光。 ③我从事语文教学工作。 ④那种快乐,那种情怀,那种在母语家园里边遨游边吮吸甘露的惬意难以言表。 ⑤希望你也能爱语文,从中找到无穷的乐趣。 A 、①②③④⑤ B 、⑤③①②④ C 、①③②④⑤ D 、③①②④⑤ 8、古诗文默写填空。 ①无言独上西楼,月如钩,寂寞梧桐深院锁清秋 。 ②剪不断,理还乱,是离愁,别是一般滋味在心头_。 ③ 风烟俱净 ,天山共色。 ④ 鸢飞戾天者,望峰息心; 经纶世务者,窥谷忘反。 ⑤晏殊的《浣溪沙》中被誉为“千古奇偶”的句子是“无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来”。 二、现代文阅读。(35分) (一)阅读下文,完成第9—13题(19分) 爸爸教我读中国诗 程怡 ①十个月的时候,我得了一场可怕的脑膜炎,到了一岁半还不会说话,父母非常担心。一天,爸爸看报,我坐在他的膝上,指着某一个标题中的“上”字,爸爸说:“上?”我对他表示满意,赶紧从他的膝上爬下来,拽着他走到书箱前,得意洋洋地指着书箱外“函上”的“上”字,表明我认识这个字,这件事对父母而言,真是“上上大吉”!他们不再担心我有智力障碍了。之后,爸爸开始教我读诗。 ②爸爸常教我念两个人的诗:一个是杜甫,一个是陆游。 ③依稀记得,孩提时的一个夏夜,我困极了,趴在爸爸的膝上,爸爸摇着大蒲扇,满天的星斗朦朦胧胧的。“僵卧孤村不自哀,尚思为国戍轮台……”突然,爸爸那江西乡音很重的诵读声使我睁开了眼睛,我不知道那奇特的吟啸中有什么,但我一下子记住了这首诗。 ④上学前我已经会背那首《示儿》:“死去元知万事空,但悲不见九州同。王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁。”爸爸问我懂不懂最后那句,我很得意地嚷嚷说:“那意思就是烧香磕头的时候别忘了告诉你爸爸!”当时,爸爸高兴得眼泪都流出来了。 ⑤1959年秋,我上小学。那年冬天,爸妈因故很长时间不能住在家。姐姐是长女,照顾我和弟弟。一天晚上,爸爸出乎意料地出现在我们面前,令我们欢天喜地,难以入眠。躺在床上跟爸爸念杜甫的诗:“遥怜小儿女,未解忆长安。”爸爸问我懂不懂这诗句,我说:“我懂的,不过,爸爸想念我们的时候,我们也想念爸爸的。”爸爸不再说话,只是听我继续背他教我的诗。 ⑥爸爸生命的最后几年,完全卧床不起。每当德沃夏克的大提琴协奏曲悲鸣的旋律在蕉影婆娑的窗边响起的时候,爸爸就会喃喃吟诵杜甫的诗。他告诉我,那一刻让他想起了故乡老宅,想起了祖母和母亲。 ⑦那时我已在大学教中国古代文学,我理解父亲:人生无非家国之情,杜甫、陆游,我父亲他们这一代的知识分子,对家国,都有一种深情。父亲吟诗的声音,永远留在了我心底。 ⑧很多年后,我看见报上某篇文章引了一首绝句,感觉就像遇到了一个老熟人。我没有念过那首诗,但我熟悉那种风格。回来一查,果然是陆游的诗,“征车已驾晨窗白,残烛依然伴客愁。”我当时的感受真是难以名状。爸爸在我童年时便种在我生命里的东西,突然宣告了它的无可移易的存在!(有删改) 9. 文中围绕爸爸教我读中国诗,记叙了三件事,请概括。(6分)


初三英语周末试卷 姓名________学号________ 一、单项选择 ( )1. —Do you know ________ woman in pink over there? —Yes. She is ________office worker of Jingling Hotel. A. the; an B. a; / C. a ; the D. /; a ( )2. The March 11th earthquake and tsunami in Japan killed nearly _______ people. A. ten thousand B. ten thousands C. ten thousand of D. ten thousands of ( )3. —Wow! How cool the car looks! Is it really _______, Dad? —Yes, it belongs to _______. A. mine; you B. my; your C. me; you D. mine; yours ( )4. —Money is very important for us. —Maybe. But it doesn’t mean ________, I think. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything ( )5. —Would you like to go camping with us this weekend? —Sure, ________ I’m busy. A. since B. until C. if D. unless ( )6. Before the show I practiced a lot _________ I could do well at the show. A. so that B. that C. Because D. in order to ( )7. —Her grandma’s never been to the Palace Museum, _________? —__________. She went there in 1990 and 2005. A. is she, Yes B. has she, Yes C. isn’t she, No D. has she, No ( )8. Luckily, the big fire was _________ shortly after the firemen arrived. A. put off B. put away C. put down D. put out ( )9. —May I ____your dictionary? —Sorry. Li Lei ______ it for five days. A. lend; borrowed B.borrow; has kept C.borrow;has borrowed D. lend; has lent ( )10. —Listen! Somebody is singing in the next room. Who ___it be? Is it Amy? — No. It _____ be her. She is at school now. A. will; may not B. must; mustn’t C. can; can’t D. may; mustn’t ( )11.—The cereal(麦片粥)_____nice.—Of course,it____well in that supermarket. A. tastes, is sold B. smells, sells C. is smelt, sells D. is tasted, is sold ( )12. —Could you tell me ____? —It’s twenty minutes by underground. A. how far it was to get to your school B. how much it costs to get to your school C. how far it is from your home to your school D. how long did it take me to get to your school ( )13. — It is kind _____the doctors to devote all the time he had to_____for the patients. — I think so, they are so great. A. for, care B. of, care C. for, caring D. of, caring ( )14. —How do you like Justin Bieber’s songs? —I like them very much. __________ voice he has! A. What attractive B. How attractive C. What an attractive D. How an attractive ( )15. —It is reported that it will rain hard next Sunday. —________. We’ re planning to go boating that day. A.I don't think so B. I hope so C. I’m afraid not D. I hope not 二、完形填空 Last week Lu visited England. He stayed with my grandmother. He said it was a strange visit. “I don’t understand, but I 16 your grandmother a lot. When I arrived, I gave her a 17 from Suzhou. She looked in it and asked me to take it back. Then

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