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when Harry meet Sally

when Harry meet Sally

During the movie, there are many old married couples share their love stories with audiences. Those stories have different beginning, different process, but they all have happy endings. Their emergences mirror the development of Harry and Sally’s relationship. They are the foundation of characters’relationship. I think the movie want to tell us that there are true love in the world and they can exist forever. No matter what happen, no matter how long it is.

The second question is whether men and women can be friends in the movies. I think that the answer is yes. In the real life, many lovers are evolved by friends. Because through some close contact, they would find many advantages from each other and fall in love with each other.

The third question is that how does the movie answer this question to us. In the movie, they become very good friends in ten years after first meeting. They are all single at that time. Seems like they finally find the common topic. They spent a lot of time with each other. They share a lot of thing so they know each other more. After they have sex, the atmosphere between them become weird and embarrassed. But at last, they realized that they have become a part of each other’s life. And they can’t live happily without each other. So they get married after they met 12 years.

In my opinion, men and women can totally be true friends. If a man and a woman have many things in common, then they can be good friends. No sex, no love, just care and help. Besides, I think love and friendship can exist together. A true love have to pass the test of time. If a couple show everything including advantages and shortcomings to each other, and they still can accept each other, their love will be forever.


I think most of you must know Harry Potter ,even you haven’t read it. There are the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Harry Potter and the Chamber/?t?e?mb?(r)/ of Secrets Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Goblet ['g?blit] of Fire Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix[?fi?niks] Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows[?h?l?u] The story is terrific! The writer designed this story plot with great care, I suppose. In fact, the author has provided some hints of this story line in every books of the serie.Things in the story are convincing, although they're not true. A lot of special things appeared in the story, for example, Betie Botts Beans THAT tasteD very strange and chocolate frog. Can you believe that a frog made of chocolate can be eaten? The book also included some special events,like Quiddich ,WHICH IS a game that people played on a broom.You see, the story IS just like another world, a magical world. This attracts people'S ATTENTION! The world of Harry Potter is a place where the mundane[‘m?ndein] and the marvelous[’mɑ:vil?s], the ordinary and the surreal[s?‘ri?l] coexist[’k?uig‘zist]. Its a place where cars can fly and owls can deliver the mail, a place where paintings talk and a mirror reflects peoples innermost desires. Its also a place utterly recognizable to readers, a place where death and the catastrophes[k?'t?sr?fi] of daily life are inevitable, and peoples lives are defined by love and loss and hope — the same way they are in our own mortal world. Compare with the books When I first walked into the movie, my expectations were very high. The first two movies, I thought, were the best of the series mainly due to screenplays that closely followed the original books. Though the third and fourth movies were very artistic and dramatic, I couldn't really connect to them in the way i had with the books. They glossed over many of the little things that made the Harry Potter series so magical in the first place, focusing on a select few plot lines and limiting dialog to only what was necessary to further the story. As a result they've felt more like a collage of scenes, a series of puzzle pieces, thrown at the viewers faster than they can piece together, just leading up to a final confrontation. Pacing has certainly been an issue, leaving fans feeling disjointed, and those new to the series confused as to what exactly is going on. In this respect, Order of the Phoenix was very similar to the previous two movies. However, to the die hard fans of the books, you will undoubtedly be

Harry Potter英文专有名词大全

Harry Potter英文专有名词大全 哈利波特Harry Potter 罗恩韦斯莱Ron Weasley 赫敏格兰杰Hermione Granger 阿不思邓不利多Albus Dumbledore 吉德罗洛哈特Gibleroy Lockhart 米勒娃麦格(Professor是教授)Professor Minerva Mcgonagall 西弗勒斯斯内普Professor Severus Snape 卢平Professor Lupin 多比Dobby 闪闪Winky 伏地魔Voldemort 汤姆里德尔Tom Riddle 鲁伯海格Rubeus Hagrid 奇洛Professor Quirrel 斯普劳特Professor Sprout 霍琦夫人Madam Hooch 特里劳妮Porfessor Trelawney 小天狼星布莱克Sirius Black 小矮星彼得Peter Pettigrew 弗立维Professor Flitwick 塞德里克迪戈里Cedric Diggory 威克多尔克鲁姆Viktor Krum 费尔奇Filch 芙蓉德拉库尔Fleur Delacour 疯眼汉穆迪Mad-eye Moody 巴蒂克劳奇Mr Crouch 卢多巴格曼Ludo Bagman 康奈利福吉Cornelius Fudge 比尔韦斯莱Bill Weasley 查理韦斯莱Charlie Weasley 弗雷德韦斯莱Fred Weasley 乔治韦斯莱George Weasley 金妮韦斯莱Ginny Weasley 珀西韦斯莱Percy Weasley 亚瑟韦斯莱Aurthor Weasley 莫丽韦斯莱Molly Weasley 弗农德斯礼Vernon Dursley 佩妮德斯礼Petunia Dursley 达力德斯礼Dudley Dursley 秋张Cho Chang 拉文德布朗Lavender Brown


满意回答 检举|2013-04-23 2:01 全名:Joanne Kathleen Rowling 乔安妮·凯瑟琳·罗琳笔名:. Rowling 全名:乔安妮·凯瑟林·罗琳(Joanne Kathleen Rowling)是一个误传,并不是她的真正的名字。罗琳唯一的名字是“乔安妮”(Joanne)。在第一部《哈利·波特》出版之前,出版商担心罗琳的女性身份会影响她作品的销售,劝说她使用一个中性化的笔名。当时穷困的罗琳于是同意,给自己取了. Rowling的笔名,尽管她的名字中其实没有Kathleen这个中间名。 昵称:朋友们都叫她“JO”,FANS们叫他“JK”,朋友开玩笑的时候叫她“JAKE”。 花名:同学有时奚落她叫“Rolling Pin(擀面杖)”和“Rolling Stone(滚石)”。 童年:罗琳自己说她小时候是个戴眼镜的脸上平平的女孩,非常爱学习,有点害羞、流着鼻涕、还比较野。童年的时候,她有过两次迁家的经历。一次是从Yate(布里斯托尔港一边)搬到Winterbourne(布里斯托尔港另一边),一次是从Winterbourne搬到靠近Chepstow的Tutshill的乡村。父母:父亲Peter是一名退休的飞机制造厂Rolls-Royce的管理人员,母亲Ann是一位实验室技术人员,于1990因病去逝,终年45岁。他们1963年在一列火车上一见钟情,并结婚。兄妹:一个妹妹,名叫Dianne,也叫Di,比罗琳小两岁,曾经学过护士,现在爱丁堡学习法律。婚姻:1990年罗琳与一名葡萄牙电视新闻记者乔治·阿朗特斯简单地结了婚。三年后,随着女儿的出世,他们离婚了。2001年12月圣诞节次日的节礼日(Boxing Day),罗琳与麻醉医师尼尔·默里(Neil Murray)在苏格兰的新居携手再度走进了婚姻的殿堂。2003年3月,他们有了一个儿子,名叫戴维。2005年1月,又一个可爱的小女孩麦肯齐也来到了这个家庭。如今,罗琳与丈夫以及三个孩子幸福地生活在爱丁堡。 子女:大女儿杰西卡,出生于1993年6月27日,与罗琳生活在苏格兰的爱丁堡市;儿子戴维,出生于2003年3月;小女儿麦肯齐,出生于2005年1月学习经历:毕业于英国埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter),学习法语和古典文学,获文理学士学位。最近,获母校授予博士学位。毕业后曾在英国曼彻斯特接受教学培训。代表作品:《哈利·波特》系列作品编辑本段个人履历1964年安娜·沃兰特与皮特·罗琳在一趟由伦敦国王十字火车站开往苏格兰阿伯里斯的火车上相遇,并一见钟情,后双双到海军服役。1 965年3月14日安娜·沃兰特与皮特·罗琳在伦敦北部的塔夫纳公园附近的万圣区大教堂结婚。1966年7月31日乔安娜·罗琳在耶特车站大道240号的考特奇医院出生。19 67年6月18日罗琳的妹妹黛安娜·罗琳在位于耶特的家中出生。1970年9月乔安娜·罗琳在温特本尼的高地街上的圣迈克大教堂英语学校开始上小学。1974年9月乔安娜·罗琳在塔茨希尔教堂小学上学。1976年秋罗琳开始在塞德伯里的韦迪恩综合中学上学。 1980年罗琳母亲安娜·罗琳(即安娜·沃兰特)被诊断出有多发性硬化症,一种很严重的家族病。1982年乔安娜·罗琳成为韦迪恩综合中学的学生代表,她的成绩十分优秀。1983年罗琳的母亲安娜·罗琳立下遗嘱,安排好了自己的后事。1983年夏


Harry Potter - The protagonist of the novel, goes to Hogwartz Witchcraft and Wizardry. Belongs to the Gryffindor house of Hogwartz. Also a Quidditch player for the Gryffindor house, Harry plays seeker. The leader of Dumbledore Army (DA). Ron Weasley - One of Harry's best friends in Hogwartz school. He aslo belongs to the Gryffindor house. He joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team and play keeper. A DA member. Hermoine Granger - Another one of Harry's best friend in Hogwartz school, who also belongs to the Gryffindor house. The smartest students of Harry's year. A DA memeber. Albus Dumbledore - The headmaster of Hogwartz Witchcraft and Wizardry, who is known as the greatest wiziard alive. He is also the leader of The Order of the Phoenix. Severus Snape - The head of the Slytherin house in Hogwartz. He is the Potion Master of Hogwartz. Harry's least favourite teacher. Also a memeber of The Order of the Phoenix. This is a "harry potter" series of novels about dedicated to the wizard magic s chool, is Europe's most famous one of magic school. The school USES seven years teaching system, all the students need to boarding. The Christmas peri od, students can return home school leavers, also can choose to feast there; Grade three after the guardian on the weekends can sign to hogsmeade (UK only a pure wizarding village); During the summer vacation all students must l eave school. (这是一所《哈利·波特》系列小说中描写的专门培养巫师的魔法学校,是欧洲最著名的魔法学校之一。学校采用七年学制,所有学生需要寄宿。圣诞节期间,学生可离校返家,也可选择留校过节;三年级后经过监护人签字可以在周末的时候前往霍格莫德(英国唯一一个纯巫师的村庄);暑假期间所有学生必须离开学校。)School motto校训:Never tease a sleeping dragon " Quidditch" is found only in the world of magic by the Wizards in ball games. With the normal game, it was in the stands surrounded by a court, both ends of the court by the three root of 50feet of gold on the top of pole pole, with a ring, the two contestants on broomsticks fly in the air combat, seven people per team, each having a goalkeeper, three chaser two hitter, and a seeker. Quidditch is the wizarding world the most important sport. Everyone is watching the quidditch. Quidditch is a high-speed, dangerous and exciting sport “魁地奇”是只存在于魔法世界中的由巫师参加的球类比赛。跟普通比赛一样,它在被看台包围的球场上进行,球场两端各由三根50英尺高的金制的杆子,杆子顶上带有圆环,参赛者分两队骑着飞天扫帚在空中飞行对抗,每队七人,各有一名守门员、三名追球手、两个击球手和一名找球手。魁地奇是巫师世界中最重要的体育运动。每个人都关注着魁地奇。魁地奇是一种高速进行的,危险而又激动人心的运动

哈利波特 Harry Potter(小学英语作文)

哈利波特Harry Potter 小学英语作文 Harry Potter series aremy most favorite books. There are seven books in total. Last year, my father bought them for me as the new year gift. When I first read them, I liked them inmediately. The stories about Harry Potter are so exciting and adventurous. Harry Potter is a kind, brave and strong kid that he is never afraid of any difficulties. Besides, I admire him having two good friends. They always help him andnever leave him, no matter how bad the conditions are. I am happy to see Harry Potter overcome all difficulties and live a happy life in the end. 哈利波特系列是我最喜欢的书,总共有七部。去年,我爸爸给我买了它们作为新年礼物。当我第一次读的时候,我马上就喜欢上它们了。哈利波特的故事是如此的令人激动和冒险。哈利波特是一个善良,勇敢和坚强的孩子,他任何困难都不怕。除此之外,我很羡慕他有两个好朋友。他们总是帮助他,不管他遇到多糟的情况都对他不离不弃。我很高兴哈利波特克服了所有困难,最终过上了幸福的生活。 1


harrypotter英文简介文档3篇English introduction document of Harry Potter

harrypotter英文简介文档3篇 前言:个人简历是求职者给招聘单位发的一份简要介绍,包括个人的 基本信息、过往实习工作经验以及求职目标对应聘工作的简要理解, 在编写简历时,要强调工作目标和重点,语言精简,避免可能会使你 被淘汰的不相关信息。写出一份出色的个人简历不光是对找工作很有 用处,更是让陌生人对本人第一步了解和拉进关系的线。本文档根据 个人简历内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和 使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:《哈利·波特》简介文档 2、篇章2:《哈利·波特》作品鉴赏文档 3、篇章3:《哈利·波特》作品评价文档 《哈利·波特》,魔幻文学系列小说,描写年轻的巫师 学生哈利·波特在霍格沃茨前后六年的学习生活和冒险故事,下面是小泰为你整理的harrypotter英文简介,希望对你有用!篇章1:《哈利·波特》简介文档

"Harry Potter" (Harry Potter) is the British writer J. K. Rowling (J. K. Rowling) in 1997 to 20xx by the magical literature series of novels, a total of seven. The first six to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry) as the main stage, describes the protagonist - young wizard student Harry Potter in Hogwarts six years before and after the study of life and adventure Story; the seventh is described by Harry Potter in the second witch war in the search for the Horcrux and destroy the story of Voldemort. The series of novels is translated into 73 languages, all versions of the total sales of more than 450 million (as of 20xx), ranked the world's best-selling novel series. British version published by the Bloomsbury Publishing House (Bloomsbury)published, the United States after the introduction of some amendments by the scholar press (Scholastic)release, simplified Chinese version by the Chinese


哈利波特英文作文 >Many people might start out an "Intro to Harry Potter" by probably giving you a summary about the first book, but not me. Nope. No siree! Not when I've had my coffee and iced apple juice and blinked at the computer screen several ten hundred times! No, I'm giving you the low down about Harry Potter and that's the main fact! Once you have read Harry Potter, you will realize that Harry Potter is a name that will always be with you, for your whole life, no matter where you go, or how you live your life. Harry Potter will always be there, having an impact on your life. You see, Harry Potter is not just a regular, common name, but the name of an amazing person, full of bravery, courage, fear, love, confusion, knowledge, and understanding. Despite being a fictional character, he is the kind of person you can just fall in love with by just reading about his courage, bravery, humor, and everything about him that makes him special and unique. The mystery and magic about Harry is hypnotic and indulging (though, of course not evil and/or satanic). You can't not fall in love with him, as you wait - eagerly anticipating his next adventures, feeling his emotions, laughing along with jokes, and just feeling satisfied when you close the book. That is what a truly classical and historical book is and Harry Potter is truly classical and historical. Harry is this kind of person you know will prevail, yet there are points where you forget that and bite your nails in suspense, wondering if he will survive and if help will come for him and if he will win. This character seems like such a real person that you actually almost feel his own emotions. You can feel his anger, happiness, embarrassment, confusion, pride, and annoyance, his energy is so strong. At the beginning of Sorcerer's Stone, we greet a scrawny, mistreated - if you will - boy who lives with his relatives and seems a little odd, then, we realize that he really is odd, unless, of course, you are an other worlder. Yes, I said "other worlder." I mean that Harry is one. A wizard, to be more precise. We suddenly plunge into a world where there are witches, wizards, sorcerers, sorceresses, goblins, ghosts, ghouls, gnomes (is there a pattern with the beginning letters?), dragons, werewolves, centaurs, unicorns,


Harry potter&I When I was 8 years old ,I read the book 《Harry Potter》by chance. From then on I became one of faithful fans of it.I often sat by the window to wait for the owl and dreamed of receiving the letter from Hogwars . It can be regarded as a good friend in my teenager life. It inspired me to be brave, strong and optimistic. At the same time, it opened my eyes to the importance family, friendship and the power of love.Harry Potter,thanks for accompanying me.

Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling.

Seven Books Of 《Harry Potter》1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 《哈利·波特与魔法石》 2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 《哈利·波特与密室》 3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》

HarryPotter Book Review 哈利波特英语读后感

H a r r y P o t t e r B o o k R e v i e w Harry Potter, an extraordinary fantasy series written by British author . Rowling, is one of the best and most vivid books I have ever read. The series of Harry Potter is an account of the life of a young wizard Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. With the help of his friends and teachers, Harry finally defeats Voldemort, the Dark wi zard who intends to dictate the magic world as well as the muggles’ world. As a loyal reader of Harry Potter, I’m deeply impressed by the magic world that . Rowling portrays, which is so imaginative that I really yearn for Harry’s school life. Truly, I’m inspired by Harry’s bravery as well as strong-minded spirit and moved by his precious friendship with Ron and Hermione. Although he undergoes an unfortunate childhood, Harry never gives in to the hardships. He shoulders his responsibility to fight against Voldemort, moves forwards with faith and successfully saves the world. From my perspective, the adventurous stories of Harry tell us that the justice will eventually conquer the evil. Everyone encounters ups and downs in our life, but we should not only have faith in our future but also pluck up our courage to struggle to win. Above all, Harry Potter is an absolute classic. It’s totall y engaging and impossible to put down once you have really got into it, so I’d recommend it as a holiday read.

hp 哈利波特拍摄地英文介绍

Leadenhall Market is a covered market in London, located on Gracechurch Street but with vehicular access also available via Whittington Avenue to the north and Lime Street to the south and east, and additional pedestrian access via a number of narrow passageways. It is one of the oldest markets in London, dating back to the 14th century, and is located in the historic centre of the City of London King's Cross railway station[3][4] is a major London railway terminus, opened in 1852. It is on the northern edge of central London, at the junction of Euston Road and York Way, in the London Borough of Camden on the boundary with the London Borough of Islington. It is one of 19 stations managed by Network Rail.[5] King's Cross station is the southern terminus of the East Coast Main Line, one of Britain's major railway backbones providing high speed inter-city services to destinations in Yorkshire, the North East and northern and eastern Scotland. Its most important long-distance destinations are Leeds, Newcastle and Edinburgh. It also hosts commuter services to areas of North London and outer-suburban services to Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire including fast regional services to Peterborough, Cambridge and King's Lynn. Immediately to the west across Pancras Road is St Pancras International, the London terminus of the Midland Main Line, Eurostar and high-speed trains to Kent via High Speed 1, and a major interchange for Thameslink services between Bedford and Brighton. The two stations are operationally completely separate, but as they are adjacent, they are regarded as a single complex for interchange purposes. They share King's Cross St. Pancras tube station on the London Underground network, where six Underground lines meet. Taken together, the two main-line stations and the associated Underground station form one of Britain's biggest transport hubs. The station is also within walking distance of Euston, the southern terminus for the West Coast Main Line King's Cross York Road[edit] Between 1863 and 1976, part of King's Cross was an intermediate station. On the extreme east of the site was King's Cross York Road, with suburban trains from Finsbury Park calling here, then using the sharply curved, and sharply graded York Road Tunnel to join the City Widened Lines to Farringdon, Barbican and Moorgate. In the other direction, trains from Moorgate came off the Widened Lines via the Hotel

Harry Potter Book Review 哈利波特英语读后感

Harry Potter Book Review Harry Potter, an extraordinary fantasy series written by British author J.K. Rowling, is one of the best and most vivid books I have ever read. The series of Harry Potter is an account of the life of a young wizard Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. With the help of his friends and teachers, Harry finally defeats Voldemort, the Dark wizard who intends to dictate the magic world as well as the muggles’ world. As a loyal reader of Harry Potter, I’m deeply impressed by the magic world that J.K. Rowling portrays, which is so imaginative that I really yearn for Harry’s school life.Truly, I’m inspired by Harry’s bravery as well as strong-minded spirit and moved by his precious friendship with Ron and Hermione. Although he undergoes an unfortunate childhood, Harry never gives in to the hardships. He shoulders his responsibility to fight against Voldemort, moves forwards with faith and successfully saves the world. From my perspective, the adventurous stories of Harry tell us that the justice will eventually conquer the evil. Everyone encounters ups and downs in our life, but we should not onlyhave faith in our future but also pluck up our courage to struggle to win. Above all, Harry Potter is an absolute classic. It’s totall y engaging and impossible to put down once you have really got into it, so I’d recommend it as a holiday read.


It would be enough to turn any body's before he can walk and talk!Famous for something he won't even remember!Can't you see how much better off he'll be,growing up away from all that until he's ready to take it(Albus Dumbledore) 这足以使任何一个孩子冲昏头脑,不会走路,不会说话的时候就一举成名!甚至为他不记得的事成名!让他在远离过去的地方长大,直到他能够接受这一切,再让他知道,不是更好吗(阿不思邓布利多) I'm not trying to be brave or anything,saying th name,I just never knew you shouldn't.(Harry Potter)(Personally,I don't think this sentence is classic or somewhat.) 说出他的名字,并不是我勇敢什么的,而是因为我不知道那个名字不能说.(哈利波特) Tut,tut——fame clearly isn;t everything.(Severus Snape) 看来名声不能代表一切(西弗勒斯斯内普) Let me explain. Th happiest man on earth would be able to use th Mirror of Erised like a normal mirror,that is,he would look into it andsee himself exactly as he is.让我解释一下吧.世界上最幸福的人可以把厄里斯魔镜当成普通的镜子使用,也就是说,他们在镜子里看见的是就是他自己的模样. .It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest,most desperate desire of our hearts. 它使我们看到内心最深处最迫切,最强烈的渴望. You,who have never known your family,see them standing aroundyou. 你从未见过你的家人,所以就看见他们站在你的周围. Ronald Weasley,who has always been overshadowed by his brothers,sees himself
