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Unit 3 Shark

Unit 3   Shark
Unit 3   Shark

Task One Sharks

I. Listen and choose the best answer to complete each of the following statements.

1. The news provided some information about ____________________.

A. the existence of sharks

B. the different kinds of sharks

C. the length and the body structure of sharks

D. all of the above

2. Sharks? good senses finally help them ____________________.

A. smell other sea creature

B. get some special power

C. find their food

D. kill their enemies

3. Sharks reproduce late because ____________________.

A. most of them can?t reproduce until they are 20 years old.

B. they reproduce every two years

C. they can?t give birth to many young sharks

D. the grow slowly

4. About __________ of the different sharks give birth to live young, just like humans.

A. 40%

B. 60%

C. 14%

D. 86%

II. Listen and fill in the following blanks.

1. Sharks are one of the oldest animals on Earth. They existed even before ______________________ and haven?t changed their way of life since _____________________________________________ years ago. Now there are ________________________________________________ different kinds of sharks living in the ocean. Most of them are about two meters long. But the dogfish shark is usually _________________in length and ______________________________ can be 20 meters long. What is more interesting is sharks do not have __________________ and their skeleton is made of __________.

2. With an excellent _________________________________________, a shark can find small amounts of substances in the water, such as ____________________, body liquids and ____________________ produced by animals. In addition, sharks can sense __________________________________________ power linked to ____________________________________________ of living animals.

3. Usually, Sharks? food includes fish, other sharks, and ________________________________. However, some sharks eat ____________________________ like shoes, dogs, a cow?s foot and ______________.

Task Two Sharks (homework) (4:05)

I. Listen and answer the following questions.

1. Why is the study of Sharks important to humans? ___________________________________

2. What do sharks do to protect the world?s oceans? ___________________________________

3. What do people fear about sharks? ______________________________________________

4. Where did the story in Jaw happen? _____________________________________________

II. Listen and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

( ) 1. Sharks recover quickly from injuries because of their strong body defense system.

( ) 2. With no doubt, scientists believe that shark cartilage can help humans prevent cancer and other diseases such as some infections and heart diseases.

( ) 3. Sharks can be seen not only in the ocean but also in freshwater rivers and lakes. For example, people can find bull sharks in the Zambezi River in Africa, the Mississippi River

in the United States, and Lake Nicaragua in southwestern Nicaragua.

( ) 4. Jaws, originally a popular but frightening movie, told a story about how people killed a great white shark that had attacked many swimmers.

( ) 5. Last year sixty-one people were attacked by sharks around the world and twelve of the attacks happened in waters near Florida.

Task Three News Broadcast (9:43~13:41)

In this section you will hear some news items. Listen to the news items carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

News Item 12

19. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Tony Blair forces single parents to go to job centers.

B. Tony Blair discourages welfare dependency.

C. Tony Blair encourages the welfare security system.

D. No opportunities have been offered to the unemployed.

News Item 13

20. The accident took place __________.

A. in North America

B. In South America

C. at Bicester

D. at an army camp

21. Mark Trevillyan is __________.

A. a scientist

B. a chemist

C. a dentist

D. a student

News Item 14

22. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The present president is a radical Muslim, unlike the other candidate.

B. The two presidential candidates hold different ideas on fighting terrorism.

C. The Handover of the government power is expected to be peaceful.

D. The final weeks before the election have seen many traditional parades.

News Item 15

23. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. What will the Iraq officials do in Britain?

B. The U.S. had the greatest murder rate drop last year.

C. Violent crime rate in the U.S. cities has fallen little.

D. The U.S. statistical record began in 1960.

News Item 16

24. What will the Iraq officials do in Britain?

A. Hold discussions.

B. Pay a state visit.

C. Look for a new oil field.

D. Sell processed oil product.

25. How long is the extension of the deal recommended by the UN Secretary-General?

A. 3 months.

B. 6 months.

C. 9 months.

D. 12 months.

Task Four News Reading (3)

(1) Chinese Press Hails Xi Tour

Chinese state media on Wednesday carried glowing accounts of Vice President Xi Jinping's high-profile visit to Washington, describing the U.S.-China relationship as the most important in the world. The influential Global Times newspaper also noted that Xi's meeting Tuesday with U.S. President Barack Obama fell on Valentine's Day, saying the timing suggests a romantic atmosphere across the Pacific Ocean. But during his White House meetings Tuesday, the man slated to be China's next leader said his country will continue to advance the "tremendous and well-recognized" achievements on human rights it has made in recent decades.

Economic issues were expected to move to the forefront Wednesday, when Xi delivers what is billed as the major policy address of his four-day visit to the U.S.-China Business Council in Washington. A number of China's most prominent corporate leaders have accompanied Xi on the trip. I will also meet with Congressional leaders and then travel later Wednesday to ((the midwestern state of)) Iowa. He will also travel to California before completing his U.S. visit on Friday.

(2) Getting Hot Under the (White) Collar

Outsourcing of professional jobs causes anxieties even among globalization supporters

The true believers in globalization who gather here year after year are having second thought s this time.

Many of the corporate, political and academic big-wigs who flock to this tropical resort for weighty lectures and smoky backroom powwows are questioning whether the progressively global economy can produce as many well-paying jobs in Japan, Germany and other affluent nations as they once anticipated.

Their concern is sparked by a swell in outsourcing of professional, white-collar jobs from wealthy countries to places like India, Brazil and China, a clear boon to the gaining nations. Outsourcing, however, is raising qualms —even among the champions of global economic merging —that highly paid employees in emergent economies won?t be able to find equally high-paid work if jobs in information technology, design and medicine go elsewhere. They also dread that outsourcing worries could lower already waning political support for globalization, and become a hot-button topic in this year?s U.S. presidential race.

“When factory jobs went to Indonesia, we said. …Who needs those dirty industries anyway?We?d raise the bar —create new jobs, better jobs.” Said Hong Zhen-yi, a leader in the Asia-pacific Free Trade Agreement. “The question is: can you keep going up the job chain?”

Of course, affirmed Ricardo Conzuela, general manager of the Banco Nationale de Chile, a state owned commercial bank in Santiag o. “The West needs to reposition itself. Manufacturing is gone; services are going. Research and development are still there. The West needs to move up the development chain.”

Choose the correct answer:

1. What is synonymous with “true believers”?

A. globalization backers.

B. champions of global integration.

C. business government and academic leaders who flock to the resort

D. all of the above

2. What does “having second thoughts” mean ?

A. they have progressed in their thinking from first thoughts

B. they are doubting their original beliefs

C. they are deciding whether to attend the seminar or not

D. a time metaphor for quick thinking

3. How is he feeling if one is “hot under the collar” ?

A. erotic

B. angry

C. dehydrated

D. glowing

4. What is a reference to “white collar”?

A. highly skilled professional jobs

B. the Catholic priesthood

C. a political movement

D. a state of innocence, prior to becoming “blue collar”

5. What is the opposite of emergent in the term “emergent economies”?

A. developed

B. non-developed

C. Anti-developed

D. developing

6. What phrase is equal in meaning to “weighty lectures and smoky backroom powwows”?

A. informal assemblies and formal parties

B. at work and after work

C. formal assemblies and informal discussions

D. a term of business and reaping the profits

7. What does “flock” mean?

A. to herd

B. to follow blindly

C. to gather because of common interest

D. to fly away

8. What is a “waning moon”?

A. a bright moon in the autumn months

B. synonymous with a waxing moon

C. growing smaller

D. when the moon is entirely hidden by the earth?s shadow.

9. What is the same as “raise the bar”?

A. raise the standards

B. work harder

C. closing the bar because of negative characteristics

D. impose protective tariffs

10. What is the meaning of the term “job chain”?

A. the inter-relationship of all jobs

B. the hierarchy of jobs

C. similar to food chain—one job devours another

D. business ecology

Tapescripts of News Broadcast(9:43~13:41)

News Item 12

Tony Blair will go to a rundown south London council estate to challenge Britain?s 800,000 jobless single mother and the young unemployed to enroll at job centers and defeat welfare dependency. Mr. Blair, who has launched a wide-ranging social security spending review, will make clear that it will be unacceptable for unemployed people to continue to draw benefit if they reject placements on work, training or education schemes. He will urge single parent without jobs to go to government employment office centers to enroll for training courses.

News Item 13

An army dentist was killed and another soldier injured when they fell 500 ft during an expedition to climb North America?s highest peak. Major Mark Trevillyan, attached to the royal Army Dental Corps at Bicester and believed to be in his early thirties, died after falling on Mount McKinley in Alaska. He was attached by rope to Lance Corporal Paul Holmes, 27, who suffered concussion.

News Item 14

Indonesians will choose in a runoff election on Monday between incumbent President Megawati Sukarnoputri and her former chief security minister, both moderate Muslims who have pledged to work with the United States in fighting terrorism.

The two candidates offer voters a similar choice, agreeing on many policies and sharing close ties to the country?s powerful military. But the prospect of a peaceful change of government in Indonesia is a notable achievement following the country?s history of authoritarian rule.

The final weeks of the campaign, however, have been lackluster. The national election commission, fearing violence between rival camps, banned the outdoor rallies and parades that are a traditional feature of Indonesian election.

News items15

The U.S. murder rate dropped by a record 11 percent last year and violent crime overall fell by 7 percent, the largest drop since the Government first kept statistics 37 years ago. Preliminary FBI figures suggest that, for the first time, violent crime has fallen below the levels of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Of major cities, only Washington?s murder rate increased.

Four top Iraqi officials are due to arrive in Britain to begin talks on granting oil concessions to a British company. They are understood to be seeking to offer sole concessions to Perenco for the development of the Nassiriya oilfield in southern Iraq.

In New York, Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary-General, recommended a six-month extension of the 1.25 billion pound “oil-for-food”deal, which allows Iraq to sell limited crude oil.

大班绘本阅读 爱笑的鲨鱼

大班绘本阅读爱笑的鲨鱼 活动目标: 1、仔细观察绘本大胆想象故事情节的发展,并完整的表述出来。 2、感受故事中角色的心理变化,学习用诚恳的语气对话 3、了解微笑的含义,感受生活中各种温暖的情感,愿意把微笑带 给身边所有的人。 活动准备: PPT《爱笑的鲨鱼》 活动过程: 一、观看笑脸图片,以“笑”为主题导入活动 1、今天张老师为你们带来了一幅图片,请小朋友闭上眼睛,轻轻 数一二三,展示PPT笑脸,你们看到了什么?你们见了这个微笑的表情,心里觉得怎么样? 2、鲨鱼笑时会露出什么?看到这么又大又白的牙齿你是什么感觉 呢?今天,我们就一起来欣赏一个关于鲨鱼的故事,故事的题目是《爱笑的鲨鱼》,播放音乐《水族馆》,请听着音乐,随张老师一起来到神秘的浩瀚的大海。 二、绘本阅读, 1、教师在音乐声中讲述故事:“在遥远的、深深的……笑笑也想 跟他们一起游泳和潜水,会有什么事发生呢?提醒幼儿观察鱼儿们脸上的表情,说说心里的感觉。切换PPT:“一条好漂亮

的天使鱼啊,笑笑会对天使鱼说些什么呢?”观察天使鱼的表 情,说说天使鱼是怎么做的?学习笑笑用诚恳的语气说。观察 绘本,说说天使鱼是怎么做的。 2、切换PPT,介绍刺鲀,笑笑看到刺鲀玩的这么开心,会说些什 么?猜猜刺鲀会用什么办法来保护自己。 3、切换PPT,海星是怎么做的。 4、切换PPT,鲨鱼笑笑又对谁微笑了?(咧着嘴对水母微笑,对 章鱼微笑,对鲶鱼微笑)可是他们是怎么做的呢?切换PPT, 观察笑笑的表情,提问:谁都不愿意和笑笑做朋友,笑笑心里 会觉得怎么样?(体验忧伤孤独的情感) 5、切换PPT,“哗啦,哗啦,鱼儿们摇头摆尾,打着水花,跳着 舞蹈,可是这会儿他们的动作要比平时快好多,鲨鱼笑笑远远 的看着,但是总觉得有点儿不对劲儿,笑笑发现了什么危险呢,请你仔细看图,危险在哪里?” 6、切换PPT,“鱼儿们遇到了什么危险?他们心里会怎样,会叫 些什么呢”鲨鱼笑笑绕着渔网转了一圈又一圈,你觉得笑笑会 怎样帮忙?(幼儿自由发表自己的意见。) 7、切换PPT,看笑笑是怎么做的,渔夫是什么表情,会说什么呢? 8、观看PPT,鱼儿们是什么心情,会说什么,体验朋友间快乐的 情感。 三感受微笑的丰富的含义,



鲨鱼的介绍 鲨鱼的祖先 鲨鱼在地球上生存了大约3亿5千万年到4亿年之间,比恐龙都来得久远,但在近 1亿年间则变化不大。鲨鱼的始祖具有利齿和背刺,表皮上的盾鳞比软骨更易形成化石。目前已知的最原始的鲨鱼是裂口鲨(于美国俄亥俄州的古生代地层发现),擅长游泳及捕猎,身长有2公尺,背刺前长有2个背鳍,尾形对 称,骨骼则不对称,牙齿呈磨平状,无法再生,与现代的鲨鱼差异甚大,当时也有小型鲨的存在,但是由于牠们敏捷的速度,往往使牠们在当时的巨鱼环伺 下,仍能存活至今...和人类历史最近的大白鲨祖先化石(6500万年前),长约13公尺,牙齿约有一个手掌大。 鲨鱼有几种? 世界上约有380种鲨鱼,共分八目三十科,约有27种会攻击人类,12种可能会攻击人类,还有12种因为体型和习性的关系,可能具有危险性,出现于台湾地区附近海域者约90种。并非每种鲨鱼都呈流线型,琵琶鲛的身体呈扁 平,虎鲨的头部为钝形,竹鲨的身体为长型。鲨鱼八目中包括了六鳃形目、鼠鲨形目、真鲨形目、虎鲨形目、扁鲨形目、须鲨形目、角鲨形目、锯鲨形目。 其中真鲨形目和角鲨形目就占了全部种的77﹪,真鲨形目独占56﹪。 鲨鱼有多大? 鲨鱼的体长小至6寸,大至18公尺。最大的鲨鱼是鲸鲨,全长约有18公尺,最长可达60公尺,重达40000公斤,但是牠的牙齿是鲨鱼中最小的,所以牠们吃浮游生物维生。最小的鲨鱼是侏儒角鲨,长约6-8寸,重不到1磅。不过

半数种类的鲨鱼都不超过1公尺。最大的猎食性鲨鱼则是大白鲨,可一口气吞下整只海豹。 鲨鱼的分布环境 鲨鱼主要栖息于海洋,只有少数几种会栖息或游入内陆水域。大部份喜欢热带区域,不过也有例外。整个海洋从海滨到深海都有鲨鱼分布,不过大部份喜欢 在海平面200公尺深的范围。有的鲨鱼还栖息在海床上,如虎鲨、眼斑狗鲛 等,甚至可利用胸鳍在海底爬行。由于深海的温度较稳定,鲨鱼也会藉此到世界各地。 现生鲨鱼的分类 根据外在和内在的特征来分,例如:臀鳍有无、鳍棘有无、肠内螺旋瓣的形状等。科学家将鲨鱼分成八大目。进行分类时,会先找出每种鲨鱼间的相似处,将关系相近的种类归成同群。但是并不是所有的种类都能清楚区分,有些难界定的鲨鱼便暂归同一类。 大锤头鲨 加州扁鲨


上海长风海洋世界 海洋生物介绍: 1.黄金鲹 英文名:Golden Trevally 拉丁学名:Gnathanodon Speciosus 黄金鲹广泛分布于热带和亚热带的印度洋、太平洋海域、我国产于南海。其颜色艳丽,体 型优美,全身金黄色,体表有粗细间隔的9~11条黑色条纹,尾柄较窄尾鳍呈交叉状。黄 金鲹生活于上层水域,肉食性,喜欢吃食鱼虾等饵料。 2.白点鹰鲼 英文名:White-Spotted Eagle Ray 拉丁学名:Aetobatus Narinari 白点鹰鲼分布于日本、朝鲜、夏威夷群岛以及南海、东海等海域,被称为“海洋飞行家”。 它有着类似燕子般胸鳍,在水中游起来就像在天空中飞翔的燕子,因此又被称“燕子鳐”。 白点鹰鲼体型偏平,背部黑色或蓝黑色,腹部白色,整个背部布满白色斑点。嘴呈扁圆形,位于腹部为了更容易摄食海底的生物,而随着年龄的增长,嘴部的形状会变得更为尖锐, 但是,即使看起来比较祥和的白点鹰鲼也有自我保护的措施,它的尾部具有毒的棘刺,在 受到袭击时会给敌害生物造成严重的伤害。

在长风海洋世界水族馆内,它们的组合真让人遐想连篇! 3.透红小丑(小丑鱼) 英文名:Spine-cheeked Anemonefish 拉丁学名:Premnas biaculeatus 透红小丑分布于印度洋及太平洋珊瑚礁海域,杂食性,可喂以藻类及动物性浮游饵料,最大体长可达18厘米。它们色泽艳丽,体态高雅,因为它喜欢依偎在海葵中生活,所以人们又称它为“海葵鱼”。

4.地毯海葵 英文名:Red Carpet Anemons 拉丁学名:Stichodactyle haddoni 地毯珊瑚分布于印度洋和太平洋海域。体型硕大,满布触手,形状钝状呈手指形。因地毯海葵和单细胞澡共生的影响而使其颜色各有不同,地毯海葵喜欢独居,在其躯体上常伴随有许多共同生活的小鱼,常见的小丑鱼就是其中一种。 5.泗水玫瑰 英文名:Banggai cardinal 拉丁学名:Pterapogon kauderni 泗水玫瑰又称为珍珠飞燕,主要分布于印尼海域,其银白色身体,黑条纹及白点覆盖身体及各鳍,体具四条黑色纵纹,叉尾,体型亮丽,姿态优美,成体体长一般7CM左右,群居,多与海胆生活在一起。以浮游生物为食,夜行性生物,多在夜间出来觅食。


Unit 3 Expressions 1.向某人解释某事explain sth to sb=explain to sb sth 2.为…寄信post the letter for sb 3.向某人投诉某事complain about sth to sb 4.平整地熨烫衬衫iron shirts smoothly 5.探索像…危险的地方explore dangerous places like…  6.外部太空outer space 7.灭火put out fires 8.在高楼上作业work on high buildings 9.做他被要求做的任何事do whatever he is asked to 10.太忙而没有时间放松too busy to have any time to relax 11.他的商务套装his business suit 12.改变某人的生活许多change one’s life a lot 13.下班回家/ 放学回家return home from work/school 14.对……满意be happy/satisfied/pleased with… 15.为…做好了准备be ready for…  16.染上病毒catch a virus 17.引起许多麻烦cause a lot of problems 18.碰翻… knock sth. over 19.把某物还某人return sth to sb=give sth back to sb 20.回到某地return to sp. 21.发现他的公寓完全一团糟find his flat in a complete mess 22.看上去象新的一样look as good as new 23.为了(不)做某事in order (not) to do sth 24.使生活简便得多make one’s life much easier 25.允许他做任何他喜欢的事情allow him to do whatever he likes 26.大公司的经理 a manager of a big company 27.收拾干净tidy up 28.总的来说in general 29.开始出错begin to go wrong 30.再也不能正常工作no longer work properly=not work properly any longer 31.犯愚蠢的错误make stupid mistakes 32.满足某人的需求satisfy one’s needs 33.他的私人文件his private papers 34.轮子移动得太快move too fast on its wheels 35.被撒得满地都是be spread all over the floor 36.被存放在垃圾箱里be stored in the rubbish bin 37.撞翻东西knock things over 38.把食物搁在桌上lay the food on the table 39.优点/缺点good points/bad points 40.导致机器人不正常工作cause the robot not to work properly 41.在机器人的帮助下with the robot’s help= with the help of the robot 42.注意到机器人忙于做各种家务notice the robot busy with all kinds of housework 43.发现我的早餐已备好find my breakfast ready


观众朋友们大家好!我是今天的小小讲解员XXX,很高兴能为大家讲述五彩缤纷的海洋世界。 在脊椎动物中最早出现的是鱼形脊椎动物。古鱼类从寒武纪早期开始出现,而昆明鱼和海口鱼是最原始的脊椎动物,也称为生命史上的第一只鱼,最早的鱼类是没有下颌的,我们称之为无颌类。甲胄鱼就属于无颌类,由于这种全身裸露的原始鱼类无法适应当时海洋的环境,一段时间内都没有得到发展。颌就是它们的下巴,无颌鱼说明它们没有下巴也就没有捕食能力,只能靠一些海水冲击来捕食一些小鱼小虾,其捕食能力还不如当时的许多无脊椎动物,所以很快就灭绝了。奥陶纪末期,因为一次冰川活动,导致了一次生物大灭绝。从志留纪开始躲过浩劫的鱼类开始发展,从无颌到有颌,有颌鱼的出现是鱼类发展史上跨越式的飞跃,颌的出现还促进了身体神经系统、运动器官的发展,为脊椎动物向更广阔的领域发展铺平了道路。我们将有颌鱼分为了四类,棘鱼类、盾皮鱼、软骨鱼和硬骨鱼。 随着鱼形动物的兴起,海洋很快成为了鱼类的世界。从硬壳到软鳞、从无颌到有颌、软骨鱼与硬骨鱼。鱼类一直以来都是海洋世界中最引人注目的生物。无脊椎动物和鱼形动物在随后几亿年的喧嚣海洋世界中,在相互竞争、相互搏杀、扮演者各自的演化角色。 鱼类以多种多样的外形、色彩、特化的内部结构,丰富独特的生活习性适应着各种水环境。从高山湖泊到海洋深处的海沟;从温度高达40度的酷热沙漠泉水到寒冷的极地海洋,几乎所有的水域都能寻见它们的踪影。

如果说鹰、雕是空中的霸主,狮、虎是陆地的王者,那么海洋中的魔王则非鲨鱼莫属了。鲨鱼是最古老的鱼类之一,根据化石研究证明,它在3亿多年前就生活在海洋中,而且体形基本保持不变。这说明鲨鱼有极强的适应能力,其他很多海洋生物在漫长的进化中相继灭绝,而鲨鱼却奇迹般的活到了今天。 鲨鱼属于现生软骨鱼,它独特的身体构造,使得它们能够迅速的找到血液,并且可以听到鱼类的特殊心跳,它还有独特的定位系统可以准确定位自己在海中的方向。它们不仅个头巨大,还长着一口锋利的牙齿,在这边可以观察到,鲨鱼的牙齿有许多排,这也便于它们可以轻松的撕咬猎物。 大多数人认为大白鲨是最危险的鲨鱼,特别是好莱坞电影《大白鲨》在世界各地放映后,鲨鱼凶残可怕的形象深深地留在人们的心目中。那么鲨鱼到底是不是海洋中最可怕的动物呢?其实与人类的想象不同,攻击人类的鲨鱼只有少数的几种,像大青鲨、双髻鲨、大白鲨等。反而是鲨鱼非常惧怕我们人类,现在鱼翅贸易正使全球鲨鱼种群遭遇绝灭之灾,鲨鱼鳍仅仅占鲨鱼总体的5%,正所谓物以稀为贵,高昂的价格导致了人们对于鱼翅的错误理解,认为它是一种极富有营养价值的美味。但其实鱼翅的组成部分就是由胶原蛋白和蛋白质组成,其营养价值和一块猪皮差不多,而且由于近年来海水污染严重,鲨鱼体内积存了大量的汞,而鱼翅中所含的汞也超出了可食用浓度,因此当您花高价钱购买鱼翅汤想要大补一番时,您得到的只是一次对自身的伤害而已。而人类为了获取鱼翅,不惜残忍的海上切鳍再将鲨

unit3 words

Words 1.友好的,外向的2.更好的 3.大声的,喧哗的4.安静的,轻柔的5.工作努力的,辛勤的6.比赛,竞赛 7.极好的, 8.哪一个,那一些9.清晰的 10.胜利 11.有才能的 12.真正,真实13.关心,在意14.严肃的,稳重的15.镜子 16.小孩 17.必要的,必须的 18.应当,应该 19.感动,触摸 20.相似的 21.最初的 22.信息,消息Phrases 23.关心在意 24.只要,既然 25.与——不同 26.和——相同 27.事实上,实际上 28.和——相似 、

完形填空 M any animals use some kinds of “language”. They use signals(信号) and the signals have meanings. For example, __1 a bee has found some food, it goes 2 its home. 3 is difficult for a bee to tell __4 bees where the food is speaking to them, but it can do a little dancing. This tells the bees where the food is and 5 it is. Some animals show 6 they feel by making sounds. It is not difficult to tell if a dog is angry because it barks. Birds make several different sounds and 7 has its meaning. Sometimes we humans make sounds in the same way. We make sounds like “Oh” to 8 how we feel about __9__ or we 10 something on our feet. We humans have languages. We have words. These words have meaning of things, action, feeling or ideas. We are able to __11__ each other information, to tell other people 12 we think or we feel. By writing down words, we can remember what has happened or 13 messages to people far away. Languages, like people, live and die. If a language is not used by people, it is called a dead language. This language cannot live and grow because 14 speaks it. A living language, of course, is often spoken by people today. It grows and changes with time. New words are created, and some old words have 15 meanings. 1. A. because B. since C. when D. as 2. A. out of B. back from C. away from D. back to 3. A. It B. This C. That D. He 4. A. each other B. another C. the other D. others 5. A. how long B. how far away C. how many D. how old 6. A. why B. which C. how D. what 7. A. each B. every C. all D. some 8. A. show B. say C. talk D. speak 9. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything 10. A. put B. drop C. fall D. set 11. A. give B. put C. show D. take 12. A. that B. which C. what D. why 13. A. send B. bring C. push D. get 14. A. someone B. no one C. anyone D. everyone 15. A. new B. right C. real D. good 作文 我的假期日常活动,回一下你的暑假,都发生了什么有趣的事? 以my summer vacation 为题,80-120词


鲨鱼的介绍 鲨鱼的祖先 鲨鱼在地球上生存了大约3亿5千万年到4亿年之间,比恐龙都来得久远,但在近1亿年间则变化不大。鲨鱼的始祖具有利齿和背刺,表皮上的盾鳞比软骨更易形成化石。目前已知的最原始的鲨鱼是裂口鲨(于美国俄亥俄州的古生代地层发现),擅长游泳及捕猎,身长有2公尺,背刺前长有2个背鳍,尾形对称, 骨骼则不对称,牙齿呈磨平状,无法再生,与现代的鲨鱼差异甚大,当时也有小型鲨的存在,但是由于牠们敏捷的速度,往往使牠们在当时的巨鱼环伺下,仍能 存活至今...和人类历史最近的大白鲨祖先化石(6500万年前),长约13公尺,牙齿约有一个手掌大。 鲨鱼有几种? 世界上约有380种鲨鱼,共分八目三十科,约有27种会攻击人类,12种可能会攻击人类,还有12种因为体型和习性的关系,可能具有危险性,出现于台湾地区附近海域者约90种。并非每种鲨鱼都呈流线型,琵琶鲛的身体呈扁平,虎 鲨的头部为钝形,竹鲨的身体为长型。鲨鱼八目中包括了六鳃形目、鼠鲨形目、真鲨形目、虎鲨形目、扁鲨形目、须鲨形目、角鲨形目、锯鲨形目。其中真鲨形 目和角鲨形目就占了全部种的77﹪,真鲨形目独占56﹪。 鲨鱼有多大? 鲨鱼的体长小至6寸,大至18公尺。最大的鲨鱼是鲸鲨,全长约有18公尺,最长可达60公尺,重达40000公斤,但是牠的牙齿是鲨鱼中最小的,所以牠们吃浮游生物维生。最小的鲨鱼是侏儒角鲨,长约6-8寸,重不到1磅。不过半数

种类的鲨鱼都不超过1公尺。最大的猎食性鲨鱼则是大白鲨,可一口气吞下整只海豹。 鲨鱼的分布环境 鲨鱼主要栖息于海洋,只有少数几种会栖息或游入内陆水域。大部份喜欢热带区域,不过也有例外。整个海洋从海滨到深海都有鲨鱼分布,不过大部份喜欢在海 平面200公尺深的范围。有的鲨鱼还栖息在海床上,如虎鲨、眼斑狗鲛等,甚至可利用胸鳍在海底爬行。由于深海的温度较稳定,鲨鱼也会藉此到世界各地。现生鲨鱼的分类 根据外在和内在的特征来分,例如:臀鳍有无、鳍棘有无、肠内螺旋瓣的形状等。科学家将鲨鱼分成八大目。进行分类时,会先找出每种鲨鱼间的相似处,将关系相近的种类归成同群。但是并不是所有的种类都能清楚区分,有些难界定的鲨鱼便暂归同一类。 大锤头鲨

新人教版必修三 unit3 words and expressions

1.diverse adj.不同的:多种多样的 diversity n.差异(性);不同(点);多祥性 2.fortune n.机会:气 fortune cookie幸运曲奇 3.gumbo n.秋葵汤(用秋葵荚做的浓鸡汤或海鲜汤) 4.nachos n.[pl.]墨西哥玉片 5. chip (英)炸土豆条:(美)炸薯片:芯片:碎片 6.cheese n.干酪;奶酪 7.spicy adj 加有香料的:辛辣的 8.ethnic adj.具有民族特色的:异国风味的:民族的:种族的 9.admit vi.&vt 承认vt.准许进入(或加入) 10.definitely adv.肯定;确实 11.occur vi. 发生:出现 12.downtown adv.在市中心:往市中心 13.mission n.传教(区);重要任务;使命 14.district n.地区;区域 15.graffiti n.[pl]涂鸦;胡写乱画 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a45130679.html,ic n.连环画杂志;漫画杂志;喜剧演员adj.滑稽的;使人发笑的

17.afterwards(NAmE usually afterward)adv.以后;后来 18.head to.朝....前进;向.....去 19.historical adj.(有关)历史的 20.seek vt.&vi.(sought/s:t/,sought)寻找;寻求;争取:(向人)请求 seek one's fortune寻找成功致富之路;闯世界 21.earn/3an/v.&vi.挣得;賺得;赢得;博得 earn a living谋生 22.immigrant n.(外来)移民:外侨 23.select vt. 选择;挑选;选拔 24.china n.瓷;瓷器 25.jazz n.爵士乐 26.bar n.酒吧;小吃店;小馆子 27.diagram n.简图;图解;图表: 28.journal n.日志;日记;报纸;刊物 29.claim v.&.n.夺取(生命);宣称;断言 30.series n.系列;连续;接连 series of系列或一连串(事件) 31.apart from(especially NAmE aside from)除了....外(还);此外 32.minority n.少数民族;少数派;少数人


鲨鱼的种类与介绍 鯊魚的種類與介紹 鯊魚早在恐龍出現前三億年前就已經存在地球上,至今已超過四億年,牠們在近一億年來幾乎沒有改變。 約有380種鯊魚,約有 27 種會攻擊人類,有12種可能會攻擊人類,還 有27種因為體型和習性的關係,可能具有危險性。 鯊魚的骨架所有的鯊魚都有一身的軟骨鯊魚的骨架是由軟骨構成,而不是由骨 頭構成。軟骨比骨頭更輕、更具有彈性。所有的鯊魚都屬於鯊綱,而鯊綱動物都具有軟骨。 鯊魚的體型不一,身長小至6寸,大至18公尺。 鯨鯊是海中最大的魚類,長成後身長可達60尺。雖然鯨鯊的體型龐大,牠的牙 齒在鯊魚中卻是最小的。最小的鯊魚是侏儒角鯊,小到可以放在手上。牠長約6到8寸,重量還不到一磅。 世界最大的魚是鯨鯊,牠可長達18公尺,重達40000公斤。 鯊魚必須不斷向前游,否則就會窒息,鯊魚必須不停游泳,讓水通過鰓,否則就會窒息。鯊魚和硬骨魚類的不同之處是,牠們沒有鰾來控制浮潛,如果停止游泳,大部分的鯊魚會往下沈,為了減輕在水中的重量,鯊魚的肝內具有大量的油, 鯊魚除了具有人類的五種感覺器官,還有其他的器官,鯊魚最敏銳的器官是嗅覺,牠們能聞出數哩外的血液等極細微的物質,並追蹤出來源。牠們還具有第六感----感電力,鯊魚能藉著這種能力察覺物體四周數尺的微弱電場,牠們還可藉著機械性的感受作用,感覺到6百尺外的魚類或動物所造成的震動,鯊魚的一生中可以生出數千顆牙齒。

鯊魚的牙齒,很多鯊魚鯊魚包括大白鯊,口中都有成排的利齒。只要前排的牙齒因進食脫落,後方的牙齒便會補上,新的牙齒比舊的牙齒更大更耐用。而角鯊和棘角鯊等鯊魚則會更換整排牙齒,鯊魚的牙齒呈鋸齒狀,如此一來,鯊魚不但能僅僅咬住獵物,也能有效的將牠們鋸碎。 大白鯊的上下顎並未和頭部緊密相連,由於大白鯊的上下顎並未和頭部緊密相連,牠可以將上顎向上和向前延伸吞下獵物,有時甚至能將獵物一口吞下,鯊魚大多以腐肉為生,鯊魚以受傷的海洋哺乳類、魚類和腐肉為生,剔除動物中較弱的成員,鯊魚也會吃船上拋下的垃圾和其他廢棄物,有些鯊魚也會獵食各種海洋哺乳類、魚類和海龜和螃蟹等動物,有些鯊魚能幾個月不進食,大白鯊就是其中一種。

Unit3 words

Unit 3 Happiness Text A The Pursuit of Happiness for the Common Good 1. pursuit: n. (1) the action of pursuing 追求 e.g.: The pursuit of profit was the main reason for the changes. (=She devoted her life to the pursuit of pleasure.) (2) an activity such as a sport or hobby, which you spend a lot of time doing 工作; 消遣; 嗜好 她一生献身于有意义的活动。(=She was engaged in worthwhile pursuits for her whole life.) Collocations: in pursuit of 在追求……时 *I’m always amazed at the things people do in pursuit of authentic love. in hot pursuit 穷追不舍 *The quarterback sprinted toward the end zone with Peter in hot pursuit. 2. depression: n. (1) being depressed; low spirits忧伤, 消沉, 沮丧 他一时想不开, 自杀了。(=He committed suicide during a fit of depression.) He suffers from acute depression.他患有严重的忧郁症。 (2) a period when there is little economic activity, and high unemployment 萧条, 不景气时期 *Lots of people were deprived of all these property in the Great Depression. Business depression usually causes misery among the working class. 商业不景气常使工薪阶层受苦 3. crime n.(1) an evil act not necessarily punishable by law; "crimes of the heart" (道德上的)罪过,罪孽;罪恶 It's a crime the way he bullies his children像他那样欺负自己的孩子真缺德。 It's a crime to neglect such a lovely garden. 让这么可爱的花园荒废是极不应该的 (2) (criminal law) an act punishable by law; usually considered an evil act; "a long record of crimes"罪,罪行,犯罪 Drug-smuggling is a serious crime.走私毒品是严重的罪行。 Many people believe that prison isn't a cure for crime许多人都相信监禁解决不了犯罪问题。 4. breadline: n. a very low level of income which allows people to eat but not have any extra things等待分配救济食物的队伍 *For those people who exist near the breadline, this policy really crushes them. Several million of people have lived near or below the breadline for almost two decades. 差不多二十年了,深入、生活在贫困线以下或温饱还没有解决的人口仍有百万。Collocations: be/live on the breadline 非常穷,勉强维持生活 be near/below the breadline 接近/低于最低生活标准 5. banish: v.(1) to send sb. away, especially out of the country, as a punishment放逐, 驱逐 *She was convicted of heresy and banished from the kingdom. He was banished to an uninhabited island for a year. 他被放逐到一个无人居住的荒岛一年。 (2) to drive (thoughts, etc) out (of the mind) 她从心里打消了过一个宁静假日的想法。 (=She banished all thoughts of a restful holiday from her mind.)


鲨鱼简介 鲨鱼和我们介绍的其他鱼不同,它们属于软骨鱼,软骨比骨头更轻、更具有弹性。它们的鳃盖由多个板状组织构成,这也是其名字的由来。因为没有如硬骨鱼一样的坚硬的鳃盖保护,在捕捞时要尽量避免碰触其鳃部,以防对脆弱的鳃造成伤害。鲨鱼没有鳔,调节沉浮主要靠它的肝脏,它们不游泳的时候会沉到水底。 鲨鱼的体型不一,身长小至20cm,大至18m。鲸鲨是海中最大的鲨鱼,一般长成后身长可达12米。最小的鲨鱼是侏儒角鲨,小到可以放在手上,它长约20cm—27cm。其中体长小于1.2米的品种可以在家庭中饲养。饲养鲨鱼不需要特别注意水质,它自身具有强大的免疫系统,几乎很少患病。但是投喂的饵料中缺少碘和维生素,鲨鱼可能会出现甲状腺肿大的问题。鲨鱼长期服用碘化钾可以预防和治疗甲状腺疾病。 鲨鱼不接受人工饲料,必须用冻鲜的鱼肉喂养它们。它们具有经常更换的锋利牙齿,可以撕碎多数鱼的身体,与任何其他鱼混养都不是安全的。新鲜的鱿鱼肉是鲨鱼最喜欢的食物,而且富含很多必要的营养,最少要每周给它们提供一次。鲨鱼很能吃,但不要让它们吃的太饱,过度肥胖的鲨鱼会出现许多疾病。 对于鲨鱼来说,很多种化学药物都是致命的,特别是常被用作杀虫的硫酸铜和甲醛,绝对不可以给它们使用。它们很少感染疾病,如果鲨鱼身上有寄生虫,可以饲养几条医生鱼,它们可以将鲨鱼清理得很干净。 一些对鱼类不是很了解的朋友可能会认为鲨鱼都是巨大而凶猛的动物,其实大部分个体都是体长1米左右的温顺品种。现在鲨鱼也可以作为宠物,它们照顾起来要比其他海水观赏鱼还要容易,而且非常彰显主人的个性。 猫鲨鱼 猫鲨鱼,属于鲨科,俗称狗鲨,九间鲨,狗鲨。主要分布在印度洋海岸。 英文名为Cat Shark 学名称其为Chiloscyllium punctatum 体型:猫鲨鱼在水族箱中的体长可长到50-100cm,猫鲨鱼身体呈奶油色,带宽,身上布满深黑色条纹。长大后,条纹变得模糊,中间会出现褐色斑块。 特性:猫鲨鱼本身具有一定的攻击性,猫鲨鱼的名字源于它们生着一对猫科动物般细长的眼睛,而且它们的眼睛在光线的照射下会闪闪发光,猫鲨鱼的眼睛对光线极其敏感,因此它们成了在光线昏暗的中层带中最致命的捕食者之一。在水族箱中喜欢呆在底部,会吃掉在缸中出现的任何甲壳类动物。虽然在水族箱中不会长得很大,但成年后需要900升以上的水族箱饲养。需要底沙来栖息,但如果底沙太粗糙,容易刮伤其腹部导致受伤。切记不要用含铜的药物进行治疗。 饲养条件:猫鲨鱼至少要放在900升的水族箱中进行饲养,水族箱中的水温要控制在23-27℃这个范围内,PH值要保持在8.1-8.4之间,盐度要控制在1.020-1.025之间。 喂养:猫鲨鱼属于肉食性鱼类,在刚入缸时开口很困难。当刚入缸时,建议用干净的小鱿鱼或活的海虾诱其开口。开口后,就可以狂吃了,虾、贝或一些淡水鱼都可以饲喂。喂食带壳的贝类,淡水虾、鱿鱼及冻的蚌类都可以。 网纹猫鲨 网纹猫鲨,属于猫鲨科,主要分布在西大西洋和加勒比海等地。 英文名为Chain Catshark 学名称其为Scyliorhinus retifer 体型:网纹猫鲨在水族箱中的最大体长可达60cm,网纹猫鲨身体修长,生活在美国东


高中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji WORDS & EXPRESSIONS ban 【语境展示】阅读下面句子,并试着归纳ban的意思及用法。 1. The book was banned from school libraries. 2. They voted to ban hunting with dogs. 3. She was banned from athletics for two years after failing a drug test. 4. Charlie has been banned from driving for a year. 5. There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office. 【自我归纳】 ★ban作动词时,意为“禁止,取缔”,常用于以下结构:ban (doing) sth.(句1和句2);ban sb. ________ (doing) sth.(句3和句4)。 ★ban作名词时,意为“禁令,谴责”,常与介词________连用(句5)。 【即学即练】根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子(每空一词)。 1. He was banned ________ ________ ________ ________ (出席该会议). 2. There should be a(n) ________ ________ ________ ________ (大声说话的禁令) in cinemas 3. This country will ________ ________ (禁止吸烟) in all offices later this year. stress 【语境展示】阅读下面句子,并试着归纳stress的意思及用法。 1. Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress. 2. Shoes with high heels put a great deal of stress on knees and ankles. 3. The course lays great stress on the importance of oral communication. 4. The stress of the word is on the second syllable. 5. The manager stressed that the plan must be carried out in one week. 6. You stress the first syllable in “happiness”. 7. The weight stressed the bridge to the point of damaging it. 【自我归纳】


鲨鱼的种类之多令人惊讶,因此对其进行定义并不像看上去那么简单。虽然都是鱼,但它们在外形、大小、生活环境、饮食习性等方面有着巨大的差异。许多鲨鱼看上去一点也不像我们脑海中的鲨鱼形象-有些鲨鱼一直生活在浅水区,而另一些则生活在极深的海底,相貌非常奇特。但有些特征是所有鲨鱼都具备的。 和其它鱼类不同,鲨鱼骨架是由软骨组成的,而不是硬骨。骨架的某些部位有种被称为嵌片的特殊板状组织,能对骨架进行加固,这种板状组织是由坚硬的钙盐组成。所有鲨鱼的牙齿都定期长出,定期脱落。有的鲨鱼每年能长几千颗牙齿,原来的牙齿会老化松动,并被后面一排新牙所取代。 就连鲨鱼的皮肤上也有牙齿!鲨鱼的某项定义特征就是在其皮肤上存在齿状的鳞片,称为皮齿。正是这些细齿使得鲨鱼的皮肤类似于砂纸. 鲨鱼至少有五对竖状鳃裂,它们几乎全都位于鲨鱼头部的侧面。某些鲨鱼的鳃裂可达七对之多。 大多数其它鱼类都有鱼鳔,以帮助其保持浮力,但鲨鱼没有任何鱼膘,它靠其它方式保持浮力。 鲨鱼被划分为八个目,每个目都是按照共同的身体特征将不同的种合并在一起。虽然看起来很简单,但将鲨鱼分类并不容易,因为用来对其定义的实际特征并不总是显而易见的。用来区分鲨鱼的这些特征包括鳃裂的数量,鳍的数量和类型,眼睛上是否存在隔膜,繁殖方式,甚至是包括肠内瓣膜的结构。结果,两种看上去非常相似的鲨鱼可能是完全不同目中的成员,例如灰鲭鲨和青鲨;同样看上去非常不同的两种鲨鱼也可能属于同一个目——星鲨和双髻鲨就是这样的恰当例子,它们都属于真鲨目。 对鲨鱼分类非常复杂,以至于专家不能就某些种属于什么目完全达成一致。一些权威人士将只有一个已知种的皱鳃鲨划分为一个单独的目,称为皱鳃鲨目。同时其它人则将名为棘鲨的群划分为一个叫做“棘鲨”的目,而大多数的分类学者则将棘鲨的两个种划归角鲨目。 八个被大多数人认可的目是: (1) 六鳃鲨目:扁头哈那鲨。有6个或7个鳃裂。 (2) 鼠鲨目:鲭鲨。包括大白鲨和灰鲭鲨等有名的鲨鱼。 (3) 虎鲨目:牛头鲨,包含一个单独的属,包括角鲨。 (4) 真鲨目:睡鲨。是最复杂的群,包括虎鲨、双髻鲨和黑鳍礁鲨。 (5) 角鲨目:星鲨。包括星鲨,花斑鲨和模拉里乌鲨。 (6) 锯鲨目:锯鲨。该目所有鲨鱼都有独特的锯形嘴。 (7) 扁鲨目:日本扁鲨。该目的所有鲨鱼都具有独特的扁平身体形状。 (8) 皱鳃鲨目:上下颌同形。鼻孔在侧腹面。眼无瞬膜,有喷水孔。 1. 六鳃鲨目(Hexanchiformes;cow sharks) 软骨鱼纲的一目,只有六鳃鲨1科3属(六鳃鲨属,Hexanchus 哈那鲨属,Notorynchus 七鳃鲨属,Hetranchias)约4种。中国有3属3种。结构原始。鳃孔6-7个,眼无瞬膜后瞬褶,有喷水孔。背鳍一个,无硬棘,后位,具臀鳍;胸鳍的中轴骨伸达鳍的前缘。前鳍软骨无辐状鳍条。卵胎生。化石见于中生代侏罗纪。现存种类很少,但广布于太平洋和大西洋热带和亚热带海域。 六鳃鲨科(Heaxanchidae),口在头的腹面,上下颌齿异型,上颌部的齿有大的突起,两旁有一到两个小的突起,下颌齿扁边缘作锯齿状。卵胎生。 常见种类: (1) 扁头哈那鲨(Notorychus platycephalus),鳃裂7对,底栖。成体体长2-3米,肉食性,主食中小型鱼类和甲壳类。分布于地中海、印度洋和太平洋西北海区,我国黄海、渤海产量


《鲨鱼故事》(“Shark Tale”) 剧情简介(Synopsis) 在大海深处,也生活着一群黑帮分子。这些尽干些巧取豪夺的坏勾当的鲨鱼黑帮们,由大白鲨里诺统领,形成了庞大的恶势力犯罪家族。残暴而冷酷的里诺虽然一肚子坏水,不过他对自己的两个宝贝儿子弗兰克和兰尼倒挺好的,当然,这个大佬也是希望儿子们争气点,成为家族合格的接班人,好自己享享清闲。但是里诺的小儿子兰尼居然是个素食主义者,简直没把他老爸给气得翘辫子,虎父岂能有犬子!老爸的严厉管教让兰尼总想着能偷偷溜出去。 In the depths of the sea, living with a group of gangsters. These do some bad deeds predatory shark gang who command from Jaws Reno, and the formation of a large family of the criminal. Brutal and cold in Reno stomach bad water, but his own two beloved sons, Frank and Lenny good, of course, the big brother is also a disappointing point of his sons, the family qualified successor, their own to enjoy enjoying leisure. But Reno's son Lenny is actually a vegetarian is simply not to anger his father kicked the bucket. The father's strict discipline Lenny always wanted to sneak out. 清洗店有个小鱼儿职员奥斯卡,个头虽小,说话速度极快,习惯大话连篇的他老是麻烦不断,整天处于困境之中,对现状极度不满,总盼着有出人头地的那一天。机会终于来了,里诺的大儿子弗兰克正欲袭击五花大绑的奥斯卡,不想被海面渔船抛下的铁锚砸到。在确认弗兰克死翘翘后,奥斯卡决定好好利用这个歪打误撞的好机会,于是他振臂高呼自己就是打败了庞然大物的“鲨鱼杀手”。这下他可成了街知巷闻的大英雄,美女和财富全向他大抛媚眼。得意的奥斯卡甚至和兰尼成了好朋友,联手炮制了一档猎鲨的电视直播节目。什么都有了的奥斯卡现在恐怕还不知道,等待他的可是全世界鲨鱼黑帮势力的疯狂追杀…… Cleaning shop in a small fish staff Oscar may be small, fast talk, the habits of big talk, he always trouble, in trouble all day, and extreme dissatisfaction with the status quo, always looking forward to the day to succeed. The opportunity finally came, Reno's eldest son Frank, he tried to attack tied Oscar, do not want to be hit by the sea fishing boat threw the anchor. Confirm Frank is dead, Oscar decided to make good use of this fluke mistakenly hit a good opportunity, and he loudly advocated is to defeat the monster shark killer. This time, he became a street known Lane heard a great hero, beauty and wealth of all to ogle. Proud of Oscar and Lenny became good friends even to jointly cook up a file of hunting sharks live television. What are the Oscar now probably do not know, waiting for him but the madness of the world's Shark Tale forces kill ...
