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https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ac5152707.html,中英网 (2006-9-2) 文章来源:华声报

































Piccadilly Circus站时,车上的广播通知列车终点站到了,要大家换车,于是我们下车等待下一辆地铁,坐上下一班车后很快车上的广播又响了,


反映再行事,心想应该没有这么倒霉下一站又是个终点站吧。结果到了Green Park站,车上的人都下去了,但是又有很多人上来,我们很奇怪,








美国管地铁叫subway,英国称地铁为underground(可能是废话,大家都知道),但subway 在英国是指地下通道。所以看到subway的标志别以为是发现地铁站了!(但很多时候有subway,就有地铁站,London有很多地铁站和地下通道都是相通的)

不同地方叫地铁还不同,伦敦叫“the tube”,Newcastle 叫“metro”。其他地方不知道还有什么说法。







这种红色的公交车叫double-decker buses,为了保持传统特色,政府规定各公交公司





























Bus Stop






Mini Cab



伦敦的出租车除了cab,还有一种叫mini cab。其实它就和普通车一模一样,而且它也

没有出租车的标志,所以它的生意就是靠电话。如下图就是一个普通的mini cab公司(也


















Victoria Station



这是Victoria Station,也是伦敦的主要火车站之一。火车站虽很大,人来人往,搞得人有点分不清东西南北,不过英国的标识还是很完善,你只要看着标识走(什么地方都一样),是走不丢的。搭火车不管什么站,一进大厅,你只管找到时刻牌(如下图中那个长长黑色时刻牌)。那牌上会打出很多将要开的车次,找到你的车次(目的地,出发时间),看是那个platform,然后你在大厅里转悠转悠找到那个platform。现在你就可以高枕无忧地去逛了,等时间快到的时候就直奔那个platform。


Liverpool Street Station



这是Liverpool Street Station。在英国铁路和地铁其实没什么差别,有时候地铁会开到“地上”,铁路站有时候在会在“地下”。很多站都是地铁和铁路的整合体。像这个Liverpool Street Station(伦敦),进了大厅是搭火车的,但它同时也和地铁站相连(地铁站名也叫Liverpool Street Station),只要你继续往地下走就会发现“别有洞天”。


My feelings for the class of survey of Britain In terms of this class, I have gained a general understanding of the British society from the exploration into every corner , which is ranging from rel- igion, education, architecture, holidays and so on. This broadens my visi- on to a much larger extent. Generally speaking, they can be summarized as follows: First of all, a preliminary social scene has been shown to us during the class. The UK is a great nation all around the world and people speaking native English must have something different from us Chinese. Classmat- es from different majors have shown me the Britain society from their own view, which I think is very interesting. For example , someone gave his lecture by the way of listing lots of pictures. The moment was watc- hing the pictures I got a lot of information, besides , it seems not very boring. Secondly, it is《The Rise of Great Powers》.This is the twice I have wat- ched this documentary. While, I regard it as a reflection of the history of the Britain . It is also a showcase of the Empire of the Sun and a brainst- orm to me. Someone maybe whisperd, we China also does have a history as brilliant as Britain. However, from a foreigner’s view , it is fresh enoug- h and exciting enough.Perhaps, we may get lots of lessons from Britain. Finally, the teaching form is novel and lively. During my showtime, I am the reporter of the class. People sitting in the classroom are all listeners


英美文化概况之英国篇 英国早期人文历史常识 (一) 英国东邻北海,西、北面对大西洋,南面是英吉利海峡(the English Channel),与法国隔海相望。 地理上,这里被称为“不列颠群岛”(British Isles),由大不列颠岛(Great Britain)和爱尔兰岛(Ireland)这两大岛屿,以及其它几百个小岛组成。 大不列颠岛上分布着英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士(England,Scotland and Wales)三个区域,而爱尔兰岛则分成北爱尔兰和爱尔兰共和国(Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland)两块。 政治上,大不列颠和北爱尔兰共同组成联合王国(the United Kingdom),而爱尔兰共和国则是独立于联合王国而存在的独立的国家。我们通常所说的英国,则是指联合王国。 联合王国的首都是伦敦(London);而爱尔兰共和国的首都是都柏林(Dublin)。 大不列颠岛在政治上被划分成英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士三个区域,其中英格兰面积最大、人口最多,总的来说也最为富裕。因此很多人通常会用“英格兰人”(English)指代“不列颠人”(British),这点当然会引起苏格兰人和威尔士人(Scots and Welsh)的不满。不列颠在大约一百年前曾统治着世界上四分之一的人口和土地,其殖民地遍布全球各大洲。二战之后,随着不列颠国力衰退,各殖民地纷纷独立,不列颠帝国(the British Empire)在1931年起被英联邦所取代。

英联邦(the Commonwealth of Nations)是由英国和已经独立的前英国殖民地或附 属国组成的联合体。英国作为英联邦元首并无政治实权;各国在一定协议上相互进行政治、主要是经济方面的磋商和合作;各成员国也有权利选择退出英联邦。 (二) 英国地势西北高、东南低。其西北地区主要地形是高原;而东部和东南部则主要是低地,他们是整个欧洲平原(the Great European Plain)的组成部分。 英格兰占据了大不列颠南面的最大部分土地,那里地势平缓,多为平原、丘陵和沼泽地。特别是英格兰东部沿海地区,土地肥沃,适于耕种。 苏格兰多为山地、湖泊和岛屿,它拥有三大自然区:北部高地,中部低地以及南部山陵。不列颠最高峰尼维斯峰(Ben Nevis)便座落于此,高1,343米。威尔士亦是多山地区,6%的土地被森林覆盖,大部分村庄以放牧为主。 北爱尔兰北部为多岩石、荒蛮的海岸,曲折蜿蜒。其东北部多为高地,东南部为山区,而中部则是低浅的盆地。 不列颠是个岛屿国家,四面环海,它隔着英吉利海峡与欧洲大陆遥遥相望。位处英法两国之间的英吉利海峡最窄之处被称作多佛海峡(Straits of Dover),仅有33公里宽度。1985年英国政府和法国政府决定在多佛海峡处修建海峡隧道。 总长153公里的隧道于1994年五月竣工通车,使得欧洲公路网得以连成一体,被誉为人类工程史上的一个伟业。 英国河流分布细密。塞文河(the Severn)是英国第一大河流,长338公里,它同西


Part One: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Chapter 1 Land and People Chapter 2 The Origins of a Nation (500BC~AD1066) Chapter 3 The Shape of the Nation (1066~1381) Chapter 4 Transition to the Modern Age (1455~1688) Chapter 5 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire (1688~1990) Chapter 6 The Economy Chapter 7 Government and Administration Chapter 8 Justice the Law Chapter 9 Social Affairs Chapter 10 Cultural Affairs Chapter 1 Land, People and Language ?1 Different Names for Britain and its Parts The official name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.The geographical names are the British Isles, Great Britain and England. People just say Britain, the United Kingdom or simply U.K. ?People England is the largest and most populous, almost a quarter of the people lives in England’s prosperous and fertile southeast, with over 7 million in the capital. The majority of the population are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons, a Germanic people from Europe who went to England between the 5th and 7th centuries.These people settled in England and drove the native Celtic people to the mountainous areas of Wales and Scotland. Their language became the official language of the country. Most people in W ales and Scotland are descendants of the Celtic people who were the earliest known inhabitants of Britain. The Irish people were also of Celtic origin. About a hundred years ago, as a result of its imperialist expansion, Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world’s people and a quarter of the world’s land area. ?Geographical Features There are 3 political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales. The island of Ireland is divided into 2 parts: Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Britain has, for centuries, been slowly tilting with the North-W est slowly rising and the South-East slowly sinking. The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands; the east and south-east are mostly lowlands. There are 3 natural zones of Scotland: the Highlands in the north, the central Lowlands, and the southern Uplands.


英美概况(英国篇5:大英帝国的兴衰 ) I. Whigs and Tories 辉格党人和托利党人 These two party names originated with the Glorious Revolution (1688). 这两个政党名称皆起源于1688年的光荣革命。 The Whig were those who opposed absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious freedom for Nonconformists. The Whig were to form a coalition with dissident Tories in the mid-19th century and become the Liberal Party. 辉格党人是指那些反对绝对王权,支持新教徒宗教自由权利的人。辉格党人在 19世纪中叶与持不同意见的托利党人组盟组成自由党。 The Tories were those who supported hereditary monarchy and were reluctant to remove kings. The Tories were the forerunners of the Conservative Party. 托利党人是指那些支持世袭王权、不愿去除国王的人。托利党是保守党的前身。 I. Agricultural Changes in the Late 18th Century 18世纪末的农业革命 During the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the "open-field" system ended when the Enclosure Act was passed. The movement lasted for centuries. Agricultural enclosure had good as well as bad results: 18世纪末、19世纪初的农业革命期间,随着《圈地法》的颁布,传统的"开放田地"制结束。圈地运动持续了将近一个多世纪。农业圈地运动的利弊共存: (1) Farms became bigger and bigger units as the great bought up the small; 由于大农场兼并了小农场,农场成为越来越在的生产单位; (2) More vegetables, more milk and more dairy produce were consumed, and diet became more varied; 人们消费的蔬菜,牛奶及奶制品越来越多,饮食种类愈加丰富; (3) Enclosure was a disaster for the tenants evicted from their lands by the enclosures. These peasant farmers were forced to look for work in towns. Enclosure led to mass emigration, particularly to the New World; 圈地对佃家而言是场灾难,他们被赶出土地,被迫到城镇找工作。圈地运动导致了大规模的移民,尤其是移民至新大陆。 (4) A new class hostility was introduced into rural relationships. 农村关系中产生了新的阶级对立。 II. The Industrial Revolution (1780-1830) 工业革命(1780-1830) 1.The industrial Revolution refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. 工业革命指的是17世纪末、18世纪初英国工业的机械化,以及因此而导致的社会结构和经济结构的变化。


英国服务贸易发展现状与未来趋势 一、英国服务业发展状况 近年来发达国家的整体经济结构中,服务业的产出和就业稳步增长,而制造业的产出及就业相应有所下降。伴随着诸如IT 和休闲服务等新兴产业的出现,服务性商务活动种类日益增多。在英国,服务业的发展有较长的历史。1861年的人口普查显示,专业性服务(如律师等)行业、家政及商业的就业人口占总人口25%,而这几个行业目前也都归类为服务业。到1901年,就职于这几个行业的人口比例增长到36%。在此期间,农业就业人口比例从22%下降到8%,而工业行业的就业人口比例增长也非常有限,仅从53%增长到56%。 英国19世纪的服务活动主要分为两类,即高技术的、专业知识含量较高的专业活动(如法律及教育类的活动),以及劳动密集型活动(如家政服务)。当时也已出现了交通运输业和零售业。而近年来,以会计、法律和计算机服务为代表的知识密集型服务产业与以工业性清洁及快餐连锁经营类为代表的劳动密集型和低技术含量的服务产业的两级分化趋势越来越明显。 1,英国服务业结构 在英国的标准产业分类(SIC)定义中,服务业类属G至Q序列,主要包括批发与零售贸易,酒店与餐厅,运输及通讯,金融中介,房地产、租赁及商业和商业活动,公共管理及防卫,教育,卫生与社会工作,其他社会、个人及私人家政服务等十大类。 以目前的价格水平计算,英国2006年服务业产出占其经济总产出的75%。这与1948年相比增长了29%,其中一半以上的增长源于1985年以来的服务业发展。同期英国制造业产出占英国经济总产出的比例由1948年的36%下降到2005年的13%。1990年至2006年期间,英国服务业在英国整体经济中所占比例增长了12个百分点,这是英国服务业最大的一次增长变化。其中8%增长点来自K类即房地产、租赁及商业活动行业。服务业中包含有英国商业、企业及规则改革部所重视的几个行业,诸如邮电、计算机服务、研发和商业活动以及K类下的所有行业。


山东经济学院2010--2011学年第 1学期期末试题 英美文化概况(110126)试卷(5) 注意事项:所有的答案都必须写在答题纸上,答在试卷上一律无效 Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1. Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. 2. The divine right of the king means the sovereign derived his authority from his subjects. 3. In Britain, Grammar schools select children at the age of 11 and provide them with a general education. 4. The Prime Minister and Cabinet decide on the general direction of Britain’s foreign policy. 5. The origin of Bowling lies in the victory celebration ceremony by the ancient warriors. 6. Americans have to join a political party in order to vote or to be a candidate for public office. 7. The Clinton Administration made national security, economic prosperity and promotion of democracy the three pillars of the American foreign policy. 8.It takes at least fours years to get a bachelor’s degree from an institution of higher learning in the US. 9. In Britain, Grammar schools select children at the age of 11 and provide them with a general education. 10. The president has the authority to appoint federal judges, and all such court appointments are subject to confirmation by the House of Representatives. 11.The main duty of the Congress is to make laws, including those which levy taxes that pay for the work of the federal government. 12.Most people in Scotland speak the old Celtic language, called “Gaelic” 13. When George W. Bush became President, his foreign policy has two prominent elements: isolationism and faith in military strength. 14. Harvard College was originally founded to train government officials. 15. There are about 60 members of the Commonwealth. 16. The state of Pennsylvania used to be inhabited by the Quakers. - 1 - (共页)


填空题 Chapter 1 1.The British Isles are situated in the northwest of Europe. They are cut off from the continent by the English Channel. On the north and the east the Isles face the North Sea,and on the west they face the Atlantic Ocean. The full title of the United Kingdom is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 3.Before the early 20th century, Northern Ireland was part of Ireland as a whole. In 1920, it become part of the United Kingdom, with a separated parliament and self-government. There were originally six countries in Northern Ireland. But since 1973 it has a single-tier system of 26 administrative districts. 4.The climate in Britain is moderated by the Atlantic Gulf Stream, and is much milder than that of many places in the same latitude. The climate is generally equable, but the day to day conditions are changeable. Chapter 2 1.The Welsh, the Scots, the Irish are the descendants of Celts who came from Europe to the British Isles centuries before the Roman invasion. It was these people whom the Germanic Anglos and Saxons conquered in the5th and 6th centuries AD. These Germanic conquerors were conquered in turn by the Norman French, when

英美文化 (英国部分答案)

(判断题) Chapter 1 1. People in different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to their country. (F) 2. The Severn River is the longest river of Britain, which originates in Wales and flows through western England.(T) 3. Today more than half of the people in Wales still speak the ancient Welsh language. (F) 4. In terms of population and area, Northern Ireland is the second largest part of Britain.(F) 5. Although the climate in Britain is generally mild, the temperature in northern Scotland often falls below -10℃ in January . (F) 6. The majority of the people in Britain are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons.(T) 7. The Celtic people were the earliest known inhabitants of Britain.(T) 8. English evolved into what is now described as Modern English from the late 16th century.(F) Chapter 2 1. British history before 55BC is basically undocumented.(T) 2. The Anglo-Saxons came to Britain in the 5th century.(T) 3. The chief or king of the Anglo-Saxons tribes exercised power at their own will. (F) 4. The Vikings began to attack the English coast in the 8th century.(T) 5. HenryⅡ built up a large empire which included England and most of France.(T) 6. The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and the townspeople.(F) 7. The Hundred Years’War (1337-1453) was a series of wars fought between the British and the Vikings for trade and territory.(F) 8. In an effort to make a compromise between different religious factions, Queen ElizabethⅠactually defended the fruit of the Reformation.(T) Chapter 3 1. Conventions are regarded less important than the statutory law in the working of the British government.(T) 2. The British monarchy has never been interrupted throughout the history.(F) 3. In reality, the British King or Queen is the source of all government powers.(F) 4. The British Parliament is the law-making body of the Commonwealth of Nations.(F) 5. The members of the House of Commons are appointed rather than elected.(F) 6. The British Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party in Parliament.(T) 7. Cabinet members are chosen by the Prime Minister from various political parties in Parliament.(F) 8. The legal systems in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are much similar in terms of law, organization and practice.(T) Chapter 4 1. British was the first industrialized nation in the world.(T) 2. The British economy experienced a relative decline during the post-war period.(T) 3. Limited resources and high unemployment rate were persistent problems that prevented rapid economic development in Britain after World WarⅡ.(F)


英美文化概况作业 1、what are the differences in political system between the UK and the USA? Ex:课件 2、what is the role of the Monarch in the UK? Ex:课件女王 3、how do you comment on the British education system? Ex:与中国教育进行对比阐述。课本。 4、what do you think of the open University in British? Ex:英国教育起源招生宗旨培养目标 5、how do you comment on the American ? ex:最后一天讲的,找一个点进行对比。 6、how does novel develop in British literature? Ex: 书本上,稍微动脑筋课件上总结 7、what is the significance of American Puritanism in American literature? Ex:美国文学倾教思想如何在教育中体现的?可以以霍森的小说为例解释、 8、why is that theatrical creations have been on integral part of english的 culture for centuries? Ex:课本上。课件里没有 9、summarize the history development of british music? Ex:课本目录。 10、what innovations have the 20th century artist in the United States made in the field of arts? Ex:课本上的。 11、do the Americans share the same weddings traditions with the British people? Ex、课本上的。


我国交通运输业能耗现状及未来走势分析 我国对运输耗能十分的关注,因为耗能关系到了社会经济和环境的问题。然后运输业耗能情况并不能立即就发生改变。同时随着经济的越繁荣,运输业的耗能反而越大。只有优化运输业的结构,才能有效的控制运输业的耗能情况。所以,国家需要了解目前运输业耗能的现状,并且根据数据分析,运输业耗能在未来是否会增加。这对我国的经济发展和环境保护十分的有用。目前我国交通运输耗能方向主要是水陆空,还有管道运输。 一、交通运输总体能源消耗分析 (一)交通运输能耗增长率总体上高于全社会。我国居民百姓生活所造成的耗能,以及工业企业的生产耗能每年都有一定的增长,但是交通运输的耗能增长率总体上却高于全社会的耗能。交通运输耗能的增长率一般在10%左右,甚至当交通运输也比较繁忙的时期,耗能增长率能够达到15%左右,但是交通运输的耗能占整体的耗能7.5%左右。而经过数据对比可知,是社会整体的耗能增加要比较缓慢,而交通运输的耗能却仍然增加到很快。 (二)交通运输油耗占全社会油耗比重。交通运输分为海陆空和管道运输。海陆空运输都是需要耗费油的,尤其是航空运输。所以,交通运输在的耗油在全社会耗油中,所占的比重十分的大。交通消耗的油主要是汽油、煤油、柴油三种。这三种油的耗能和污染都是很大的。在2021年时期,交通运输耗油达到了最高,之后的十年间,交通运输耗油的比中有所下降,但是所占的比例任然很重,三种油所占耗油70%左右。 (三)交通运输电力消耗。在大城市,电力的交通运输耗能也很大。所以,电力耗能也是交通耗能的主要方式之一。尤其是铁路电能消耗,占据了电能消耗的50%左右,是最大的电能消耗的交通工具。由于电能利用率高,并且产生的污染也少,是交通运输比较喜欢的喜


英美文化概况简答论述 简答: 1.The Functions of Parliament ① First and foremost, it passes laws. ②provides the means of carrying on the work of government by voting for taxation. ③scrutinize government policy, administration and expenditure and to debate the major issues of the day. ④There are no legal restraints upon Parliament. However, it does not assert its supremacy, but bears the common law in mind and acts according to precedent. Strictly speaking, the Parliament today consists of the Queen, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. 2.George Washington George Washington was one of the founding fathers of the American Republic. He was the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in the War of Independence against the British colonial rule and the first President of the United States. 3.The Open University The Open University ―founded in the 1960’s for people who might not get the opportunity for higher educarion for economic and social reasons.It’s open to everybody and doesn’t demand the same formal educational qualifications as the other universities. Universities courses are following through TV, correspondence,videos and a net work of study centers. Ath the end of their studies at the Open University, successful students are awarded a university degree. Universities in the UK. 4.The strategy of Preemption In an address delivered to the West Point graduates, President Bush, for the first time, put forward the strategy of preemption(先发制人), which is formalized in the National Security Strategy issued in Sept. 2002. By preemption, the US means that when it determines that a country which is repressive and hostile to the US has acquired or produced weapons of mass destruction(大规模杀伤性武器)or has the potential to possess such weapons, the US should use force to remove this threat to US security and should not wait till the danger becomes imminent or until the Us is attacked. This is known as Bush Doctrine. 5. Comprehensive schools Comprehensive schools are the most popular secondary schools in Britain today. Such schools admit children without reference to their academic abilities and provide a general education. Pupils can study everything from academic subjects like literature to more practical subjects like cooking. 6. The Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791. The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble in public places, the right to own weapons and so on.


1.Off the coast of mainland Western Europe lie two islands called the British Isles of which the big one is the island of ___ , or ___ , and the small one is the island of __ . 2.Britainis divided into three par ts: ___ . and . 3.LondonGMT is s hort for, which i s the time o n the line o f __ (deg r ee) longitu de, which pa sses through ____ , a d istrict of s outheast, u sed as a bas is for calcu lati ng time throughout t he world in d iff ere nt ti me zon es. 4.United KingdomThe national fl ag of thei s also calle d ____ or __ . 5.Englandwas once conquer ed by , ____ z and . 6.EnglandOf the fou r nations,feel mo st British,is the most confid ent of its o wn identity’and__ i s most clos ely related to. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ac5152707.html,Monetary unit of is __ . https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ac5152707.html, , __ , and are majo r industries in. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ac5152707.html, __ , ___ , and __ a re major tr ading partne rs of. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ac5152707.html,is k nown as"; due to its decline s in economy . 11.National Ho liday of UK is ___ ? 12.and weakened the European monarchies,and introdu ced the age of con stitut ional mon arc hy, a mon arc hy with powe rs limited b y Parliame nt ? 13?UKThree major national pa rties of ar e ___ , and . 14. Depe nding on the rela tive st re ngt hs of the pa rties in the House of Co mmons, the 0 pposition ma y try to ove rthrow the G overnment by defeating i t on a vote. 25.The Prime Minis ter's offici al reside nee is ______ ,which is the symbol of t he British G overnment. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ac5152707.html,In , Ministers are appoint ed by the Qu een on the r ecommendatio n of __ ? 17.EnglandAs the langu age of, Eng lish is a la nguage belon ging to the branchofthe family. 18.S tandard Engl ish is vario usly known a s ___ …__ a nd ___ or __ . https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ac5152707.html, and are very p opular Chris tian festiva Is in. 20. a system n ow in gen era I use of arr an ging the m on ths in the year and th e days in th e mon th, int roduced by P ope Gregory X III (1502-85). 21.The only re ally importa nt patriotic festival is ____ on w hich __ are remember ed in specia I church ser vices and ci vicceremoni es. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ac5152707.html,The popul ation ofis nearly million. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ac5152707.html, , and __ are the main language us ed in. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ac5152707.html, is nationa I nickname o f. 25?The Engli sh have a mi xed cultural heritage co mbining , ____ 〃and element s. 26.The Englis h have many differences in regional speech. The Chief divisi on is betwee n _ and __ . 27.WalesThe ancestors of the Welsh w ere _________ ,who escaped to the wild mountains of form the i n vadi ng Angl es and Sax on s. 28.Today abou t_____ % of the Welsh p opulation st ill speak We Ish as their first Iangu age and abou t ______ % of the Welsh p eople speak only Welsh,and

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