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人教版英语七年级下册教案:Unit11 How was your school trip? Section B(2a-2c)

Unit11 Section B(2a-2c)教案


1. 能拼读并准确识记下列生词和短语:lovely, expensive, exciting, cheap, slow, fast , robot, guide, gift , everything ,interested , be interested in, dark ,hear。

2. 能运用扫读和精读的方法理解2b的旅行日记,并按要求筛选和提取信息。

3. 能运用一般过去时描述自己或他人的旅行活动并表达感受。

4. 通过交流旅行心得,了解英美国家学生的旅行活动,学会合理安排业余时间。【教学重难点】




【教学进程】Teaching procedures


Step 1: Warming-up

Role-play the conversation of 1b.



Step 2: Presentation

l. Show some pictures and get students to describe them with proper adjectives.


2. Get students to read the adjectives of 2a. And put a √ for good and an ×for bad. Leave a blank if they can mean both.

3. Use through learning: Choose proper adjectives to describe somebody or something.



Step 3: Reading

1. Lead-in: Show some pictures and introduce like this:

These are Helen and Jim. They had a school trip on June15th. And where did they go? What did they do? Do you want to know? If you do, you can read 2b. There are two diaries. One is ~from Helen, and the other is from Jim.

2. Skimming: Read the diaries of 2b and answer the questions:

(l) Did Helen and Jim go on the same trip?

(2) How do they feel about the trip?

3. Scanning

Task l. Read Helen’s diary and fill in the chart.

Task 2. Read Jim’s diary and fill in the chart.

4. Detailed reading

Task 1. Underline some associated words.


Task 2. Complete the chart of 2c.


5. Retell the passages with the help of the chart below.




Step 4: Practice

Pair work: Make up new conversations according to the diaries. One acts as the reporter, and the other acts as Helen or Jim. You can begin like this:

A: Hi, Helen/Jim. How was your school trip?

B: It was

A: What did you do there?

B: I

A: How did you go there?

B: I went there...

A: Did you...?

B: Yes/No, I...



l. I’m not interested in that.

be interested in意为。interested/interesting二者均为(词


2. It was difficult to take photos.

It is 十adj. (for sb.) to do sth. (对某人来说)做……怎么样

3. There were also too many people. too many意为,修饰(可数、不可数)名词。too much用来修(可数、不可数)名词。【课堂小结】

1. 通过本课的学习,你在写旅行日记时,要写、、其中,时间应写在日记的(位置),文中动词应用(形式)。

2. 从2b的旅行日记中,你学到了哪些写作手法?试着看板书总结一下。

3. 你采用了下列哪些阅读技巧去阅读2b的旅行日记?

a. Predicting (预测)

b. Guess unknown words (根据上下文猜测单词意思)

c. Reference (指代)

d. Skimming (略读)

e. Scanning (扫读)

f. Detailed reading(关注细节,仔细阅读)

g. Retelling (复述课文)



1. 用自己的话复述Helen或Jim的日记。

2. 写一篇关于你自己的学校旅行的日记。








1. 设置的任务有些拔高,班中程度很差的学生在完成的过程中会有些吃力。

2. 若课堂上留出时间听录音并跟读,模仿语音、语调,彭果会更好。

3. 复述文章时,可以给学生更大的空间,鼓励学生用自已的话。

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