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Improving the effectiveness of Web search engines using selectable views of retrieval resul

Improving the effectiveness of Web search engines using selectable views of retrieval resul
Improving the effectiveness of Web search engines using selectable views of retrieval resul




Ezio Berenci

(Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Rome, Italy


Claudio Carpineto

(Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Rome, Italy


Vittorio Giannini

(Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Rome, Italy


Abstract: Perusal of textual displays of document surrogates produced by Web-based ranked-output retrieval services may require much user time, effort, and money. In this paper we present VIEWER, a graphical interface that allows visualization and manipulation of views of retrieval results, where a view is the subset of retrieved surrogates that contain a specified subset of query terms. We argue that VIEWER helps the user focus on relevant parts of the results and, in addition, it may facilitate query reformulation. We present the results of an experiment performed by six subjects on two medium size bibliographical test collections in which VIEWER, used as an interactive ranking systems, outperformed both best match ranking and coordination level-based ranking.

Key Words : Information retrieval, document ranking, visualization of retrieval results, user interface

Categories : H.3 [Information Systems]: Information Storage and Retrieval; H.5.2

[Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User Interfaces

1 Introduction

Search of document databases is an interactive process in which users submit a query, see the ranked documents returned in response to the query, and submit a new query, until either they are satisfied with the results or become frustrated and give up.While most research and commercial efforts have focused on producing effective systems for retrieving and ranking relevant documents in response to a query, little attention has been paid to ease the process of result inspection and query reformulation, especially in the Web domain.

Currently available search engines (e.g., Alta Vista, Excite) score queries against documents, compute the highest scoring documents, and present the user with a set of 1 This is an extended version of a paper presented at the WebNet '98 conference in Orlando,Florida. The paper has received a "TOP Full Paper Award".

Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 4, no. 9 (1998), 737-747submitted: 1/9/98, accepted: 21/8/98, appeared: 28/9/98 ? Springer Pub. Co.

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document surrogates in ranked order. While the display of surrogates should allow the user to make a quick and possibly accurate judgement about the relevance of retrieved documents without downloading the full documents, its utility is reduced by the lack of effectiveness of current retrieval engines’ interfaces.

One main reason for users dissatisfaction is the use of standard similarity scores. Roughly, a document receives a higher score if the terms in the query are in the headline, if the terms appear many times, if the terms do not appear in other documents, or if phrases occur as they do in the query. These criteria are then combined in various ways and produce a final numerical coefficient. This numerical coefficient - the only global document characteristic provided by the system - is difficult for the user to evaluate and can be hardly used as an indication of whether the corresponding surrogate should be perused or not. Another related limitation of current Web retrieval interfaces is the lack of a concise representation of the content of all retrieved documents; conventional textual displays take much perusal time and screen space and does not enable inspection of more documents at a time. Given these characteristics of the interface, the inspection of Web retrieval results usually implies for the user to go through the document hitlist produced by the system, spending a considerable amount of time, effort, and money (for those systems that charge the user based on connect-time and the volume of downloaded data) for perusal of document surrogates.

One way to alleviate this problem is to develop a graphical interface that displays the characteristics of documents which are significant in supporting the decision to peruse or not, while giving the user more control over the set of document surrogates that can be selected for perusal. The need for concise display and user-oriented manipulation of retrieval results has been addressed by various systems. Among others, Bead [Chalmer and Chitsons 1992] and LyberWorld [Hemmje, Kunkel and Willet 1994] depict clustering patterns in a document space using three-dimensional visualization schemes, InfoCrystal [Spoerri 1994] uses a particular visual representation of a Venn diagram to suggest how to refine Boolean queries, TileBars [Hearst 1995] displays distribution of query terms within each document to locate its relevant parts, and Ulysses shows a lattice of terms and documents that can be searched in various and integrated ways [Carpineto and Romano 1996]. Most of the proposed approaches, however, cannot be applied to Web-based retrieval because they are either computationally expensive, or require sophisticated graphical facilities, or do not scale well, or rely on different underlying retrieval models, or, more often, present a combination of these features. One notable exception is [Veerasamy and Heikes 1997]’s system. Its main goal is to clarify the role played by query constituents in the result of ranked output systems, it is computationally efficient, and it uses a relatively simple graphical display. Our approach shares a similar concern but employs a radically different visualization and interaction scheme. Instead of visualizing the weights of the query terms of each retrieved document and let the user select those of interest, as in Veerasamy’s system, we concentrate on all the possible subsets of query terms (i.e., subqueries) that can be generated from the user query, showing their distribution in the set of retrieved documents and letting the user to select the associated set of documents. We speak of view, because in this way the user may see parts of results without seeing the whole list. Views are defined in a precise way from the retrieved documents through a simple and comprehensible characteristic of their content, i.e., the subset of distinct query terms that they contain.

In the rest of this paper we present VIEWER (VIEws of WEb Results), a system for seeking information over the Web based on view manipulation. VIEWER copes with most computational constraints of Web-based retrieval (e.g., efficiency,portability, adaptability) that are not usually addressed in other document visualization systems and can be used as an interface to currently available search engines. We argue that VIEWER can be used both for focusing on relevant items of the document hitlist returned by the search engine and for driving the process of query reformulation. A major part of this work is then an experimental evaluation of the former aspect. We compare the effectiveness of VIEWER, seen as an interactive ranking system, and that of two automatic ranking systems, namely the search engine to which VIEWER is linked and a coordination level-based system. The results of the experiment are encouraging.

2 Visualization and manipulation of Web retrieval results with VIEWER

VIEWER is built around available ?primary? Web search services, presenting

users with a single unified interface [Fig. 1]. Users enter a query, which VIEWER

forwards to a selected search engine (Alta Vista, in the current implementation).

Figure 1: Visualization of retrieval results with VIEWER. The graphical distribution of subqueries in the first 40 retrieved document surrogates is displayed. Clicking a horizontal bar brings up the associated document surrogates in the document window.739

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VIEWER then collects the query results and shows, in a scrollable window, a subset of the document surrogates, in the same ranked order as returned by the search engine; in addition, it shows, in the rest of the screen, a graphical visualization of results. The visualization consists of an aligned sequence of horizontal bars, one for each of the 2n-1 nonempty subqueries that can be formed with the n query terms. Subqueries are displayed in the order of increasing number of terms, with the longest subqueries at the bottom; the length of each bar is proportional to the number of document surrogates containing that subquery, which is also explicitly displayed next to the bar2. By clicking on a bar the user may select the corresponding view, bringing up the associated surrogates into the document window. As an example session with VIEWER, consider searching the following subject: ?archeological excavations for Roman temple?. [Fig. 1] shows the response of the interface to the user query: archeological excavations roman temple, as of February 20, 1998. The graphical display quickly shows that the results produced by Alta Vista are, in general, dissatisfying, because most retrieved documents do not apparently deal with Roman temples. In fact, there is only one truly relevant document - the one whose surrogate contains all query terms, which is, incidentally, the eight item returned by Alta Vista -with most of the first 40 retrieved documents concerning archeological excavations of different kinds. VIEWER allows the user to select those few surrogates that appear to or might be relevant, without perusing the others. In addition, it suggests that if the user is primarily interested in ?Roman temples?, he or she should submit a new query that does not contain the two words: archeological excavations.

3 Utility of view display and selection

It is often the case that some subsets of query terms are so important for a search topic that they will appear in all relevant documents (e.g., the subqueries ?archeological excavations? and ?Roman temple?, in the example given above). In this situation, we would like to ask such questions as: how many documents contain the subquery s?, which documents contain subquery s? Also, if subquery s is contained in too many documents, we would like to ask: which terms can be added to s in such a way that the resulting set of documents is more manageable? If, on the contrary, subquery s is contained in few documents, we might ask: which terms can be deleted from s in such a way that the resulting set of documents is still manageable? We might also be interested in the relationships between different subqueries. So we might ask: what is the contribution of subquery q compared to subquery s?, does subquery q occur more frequently alone or in conjunction with s?, and so on.

With conventional ranked output systems such questions would remain unanswered, because the logic behind the retrieval mechanism of these systems does not allow the user to understand how the query constituents influenced the retrieval results. By contrast, VIEWER’s graphical display of subquery distribution together 2It should be noted that some search engines, including Alta Vista, do full-text indexing. So it may happen that some query term is contained in the full document but not in its surrogate. However, given the ranking criteria described above, for best-ranked documents this is not usually the case.

with the possibility for the user to choose the relevant views seem to allow a quick answer for such questions. In addition to enriching inspection of retrieval results with facilities for selection, comparison and refinement involving groups of query terms,VIEWER has also potentials for facilitating query reformulation. It may help the user detect that some term (or subquery) is much more frequent than others in the first retrieved documents, in which case the user may formulate a new query using a narrower term or adding a term that helps to specify its intended sense, or,conversely, it may show that some query term is very rare, which may imply using a broader term or deleting some other frequent term from the query. In fact, the latter information may be very useful in Web-based retrieval, because it is often the case that while there are thousands of retrieved documents that match some query term,none or very few of them is contained in the first pages returned to the user (as the subquery ?Roman temple? in the example given above). The graphical component of VIEWER may also help detect failure of intended senses of words, i.e., when two terms used in the query to identify one particular meaning do not occur together in the retrieval results, or, symmetrically, discover unwanted senses of words [Cooper and Byrd, 1997].

4 Architecture of VIEWER

VIEWER is a client-server system with two main components: the user interface and the search manager.

The interface program is implemented as a Java applet in a Web browser, which can be downloaded with the web page http://www.fub.it/VIEWER/VIEWER.html. The user interface sends the user query to the server machine, which forwards the query to a selected search engine and then collects and parses the first pages retrieved by the search engine in response to the query. The server, then, sends back to the client the parsed retrieved document surrogates, which are used by the interface component to produce the information displayed by VIEWER on the client’s screen. VIEWER’s code can be easily modified to work with different search engines or to adapt to their interface changes. The number of collected pages is a system design parameter,currently set at four.

5 Evaluation of VIEWER

5.1 Goal

The goal of the experiment was to evaluate the effectiveness of VIEWER in help the user focus on relevant items of the document hitlist produced by a ranked output retrieval system on a subject searching task. We compared the performance of VIEWER, used as an interactive ranking system, with that of two distinct automatic ranking systems: WAIS, a retrieval engine on top of which VIEWER was built to perform the experiment, and a coordination level-based ranking system, which uses a retrieval scheme similar to that of VIEWER.


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5.2 Subjects

We tested six subjects in our experiment. The subjects were recruited in our institute; they had a computer science background with little knowledge about the subject searching domain. Each subject was provided with a short tutorial session on a training database to ensure that he or she could easily manipulate the interface used in the experiment.

5.3 Databases and queries

We did not perform subject searching over the Web because it would be difficult to assess the system’s retrieval effectiveness and do comparative studies in this unrestricted domain. Rather, we used the CISI and the CACM collections, two electronically-available bibliographical collections widely used for laboratory tests. The CISI collection contains 1460 information science documents, the CACM collection consists of 3204 abstracts of the ?Communications of ACM?. For the experiment, we used a set of two to four term queries based on the topics taken from the two test collections, 35 for CISI and 52 for CACM. The queries were created by selecting terms from the topics and had an average length of 3.9 and 3.8 terms, for CISI and CACM, respectively.

5.4 Implementation of the two automatic ranking systems

As mentioned above, we considered two automatic ranking methods for comparative evaluation with VIEWER: WAIS and coordination level-based ranking.

WAIS is a classical ranked-output retrieval engine. We chose WAIS because it can be used for indexing and searching site specific information, as opposed to global Web search. We connected the WAIS server to the two test collections and executed their topics against the corresponding WAIS database.

Coordination level (CL) is a well known retrieval method that ranks the documents according to the number of distinct query terms that they contain, which is referred to as their coordination level (see for instance [Van Rijsbergen 1979]). Coordination levels therefore resemble of views, but should not be confused with them: a coordination level contains all views with a same number of distinct terms, regardless of the actual terms that describe each view. The CL method automatically returns a complete ranking. If the user query contains n terms, the documents that contains n query terms are ranked before those containing n-1 terms, which, in turn, are ranked before those containing n-2 terms, and so on. As CL produces a partly-ordered retrieval output, we further ranked the (equally-ranked) documents within each coordination level by using the ranking produced by WAIS for those documents. The topics of each test collection were then executed over their own database using overall ranking.

5.5 VIEWER as an interactive ranking system: test design

VIEWER cannot produce a ranking by itself, but it can be used to help users build their own document ranking. We designed an interactive procedure that was executed by the six subjects. The procedure works as follows. Each subject was

shown the topic, the query extracted from it, and VIEWER’s visualization of the distribution of query terms among the documents returned by WAIS in response to the query. Then the subject was asked to choose a sequence of views by repeatedly selecting one of the views offered by VIEWER until all views had been selected. As an illustration, [Fig. 2] shows an example screen produced during the search of the CACM documents relevant to the topic: ?Optimization of intermediate and machine code?. The topic was translated into the four term query: ?optimization?,?intermediate?, ?machine?, and ?code?. The screen shows all possible views; the subject may select a view by clicking on its bar. After a view has been selected by the

subject, it is shaded and numbered, according to the selection order. In [Fig. 2], four

views have been selected, the last of which is: ?optimization code?.

Figure 2. Ordering of the views associated with the CACM topic: Optimization of intermediate and machine code.

The documents were thus ranked according to the order chosen by the user to select the views. Documents contained in more views were ranked based on the earliest view in which they occurred. As with CL, we used the ranking produced by WAIS as a secondary ranking procedure to rank the documents within each view. As a result of this process, the final ranking built by the user corresponds to a particular sorting of the documents contained in the output returned by WAIS. Each subject took about an hour to execute the 35 queries of the CISI collection and about one and a half hour to execute the 52 queries of the CACM collection.


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5.6 Results

The results, for each database, are displayed in [Fig. 3] and [Fig. 4].

Figure 3: Precision and recall graph for the CISI test collection

Figure 4: Precision and recall graph for the CACM test collection

The precision-recall curve is normalized considering, for each query, only the relevant documents that contain at least one query term; i.e, those that are actually retrieved and ranked by the three methods. The [Fig. 3] and [Fig. 4] curve reports interpolated precision at eleven recall levels, averaged over the query set; the results of VIEWER are averaged over the six subjects.

Both [Fig. 3] and [Fig. 4] show that the performance of VIEWER was better than WAIS and CL, which, in turn, was better than WAIS. The better precision of VIEWER over WAIS and CL, and of CL over WAIS is apparent at almost all the recall levels. A paired t -test performed, for each collection, over the whole set of data (i.e., values of precision for all queries at all recall levels) revealed that the difference between VIEWER and CL and between CL and WAIS were not statistically significant, but it did confirm the superiority of VIEWER over WAIS, at least for the CACM database (p = 0,04). These results therefore support our main claim that views selection allows the user to extract relevant documents from the output returned by best-match search engines. In addition, our results show another interesting and somewhat less expected phenomenon.

That the performance of CL was better than WAIS might, in effect, seem counter-intuitive, because best-match retrieval methods are generally considered to be more effective than exact-match retrieval methods, including CL. However, some evidence has been recently reported [Clarke, Cormack and Tudhope 1997] that shows that coordination level-based ranking performs better than best-match ranking when the user queries are short. In this respect, our results confirm these earlier finding on two different test collections; also, they suggest that interactive subquery ordering may be more effective than automatic ordering based on coordination level, although we should emphasize that [Clarke, Cormack and Tudhope 1997] employ a method for ranking the documents within a coordination level that is different from ours. The main reason for justifying the superiority of the interactive method over the automatic one is that the latter is a purely syntactic method. The automatic method therefore fails to recognize all the situations in which documents containing fewer query terms are more relevant than documents containing more query terms. This usually happens when there is a short subquery that corresponds to a concept that is relevant to the subject being searched while other longer subqueries are theoretically available that do not convey a precise meaning. Consider, for instance, the CACM topic shown in

[Fig. 4], i.e., ?optimization of intermediate and machine code?, translated into the four term query: ?optimization intermediate machine code?. While ?code optimization? is a relevant subquery for the topic, there are longer subqueries that are less relevant (?intermediate machine code?) or even meaningless (?intermediate machine optimization?). In fact, the subject involved in [Fig. 4] consistently favoured the shorter, but more relevant, subquery ?code optimization?. Indeed, in our experiment, it was often the case that users favoured shorter subqueries. In particular,for a significant percentage (32%), the users applied a view which would have not been selected by the syntactic method. The results of the experiment, therefore,suggests that this situation occurs frequently and that it may significantly affect the overall performance. Our solution to this problem is semi-automatic; an automatic solution would be highly desiderable but it could be hardly achieved at the moment,even because there is no simple way of dealing with such lexical items as initials,acronyms, and proper nouns, which frequently occur in user queries.


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6 Limitations and future work

The visualization component of VIEWER works with a limited number of query terms (in the current implementation, up to four), because the display of the subquery distribution in the retrieved documents would become cumbersome for longer queries. In practice, however, this may not be a serious limitations, for it has been often remarked that, at least in Web settings, queries to text retrieval systems are usually extremely short, often containing no more than two or three terms [Rose and Stevens 1996; Clarke, Cormack and Tudhope 1997]. Another important design parameter of VIEWER is the amount of textual information extracted from the retrieval results and used as input data to the interface. For each query, VIEWER processes only a limited subset of the document surrogates returned by the search engine, where each documents is usually described by a few tens of terms. Of course, it would be useful to work with more documents and more terms per document. However, increasing the number of terms per document is unfeasible unless we download the full documents referenced by the search engines, which would take an exceedingly long time, while increasing the number of document surrogates can only be done at cost of significantly slow down the response time, although such an additional time cannot be exactly estimated. Since the computation time required to build the visualization scheme is negligible, taking no more than a few seconds, the key parameter for VIEWER’s efficiency is the search time. With a few tens of document surrogates, the total response time of VIEWER is usually fairly acceptable.

This research can be extended by further exploring the issue of the utility of graphical displays of Web retrieval results on more robust and realistic basis. The experiment reported in this paper has taken a first step into this somewhat overlooked direction, but our results can only be taken as indicative and much more work is needed. As suggested above, one factor that needs to be controlled for evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of this kind of systems is the fraction of retrieval results used by the visual interface. In operational situations, however, there may be other important parameters that affect their overall utility. We plan to perform further experiments to evaluate how the performance results change when controlling a wider range of factors including database scale, query length, and possibility for the user to formulate more queries.


[Carpineto and Romano 1996] Carpineto, C., & Romano, G. (1996). Information retrieval through hybrid navigation of lattice representations. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 45, 553-578.

[Chalmers and Chitson 1992] Chalmers, M., & Chitson, P. (1992). "Bead: explorations in information visualization", Proceedings of SIGIR’92, Copenhagen, Denmark, 330-337. [Clarke, Cormack and Tudhope 1997] Clarke, C., Cormack, G., Tudhope, E. (1997) "Relevance ranking for one to three term queries". Proceedings of RIAO’97: Computer-assisted information searching on the Internet, Montreal, Canada, 388-400.

[Cooper and Byrd 1997] Cooper, J., & Byrd, R. (1997). "Lexical navigation: visually prompted

query expansion and refinement". Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Digital Library Conference, 237-246.

[Hearst 1995] Hearst, M. (1995). "TileBars: Visualization of term distribution information in

full text information access". Proceedings of CHI’95, Denver, Colorado, USA, 59-66.

[Hemmje, Kunkel and Willet 1994] Hemmje, M., Kunkel, C., & Willet, A. (1994).

"LyberWorld - A visualization user interface supporting full text retrieval". Proceedings of SIGIR’94, Dublin, Ireland, 249-259.

[Rose and Stevens 1996] Rose, D., & Stevens, C. (1996). "V-Twin: A lightweight engine for

interactive use". Proceedings of TREC-5, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.

[Spoerri 1994] Spoerri, A. (1994). "InfoCrystal: Integrating exact and partial matching

approaches through visualization". Proceedings of RIAO’94: Intelligent Multimedia Information Retrieval Systems and Management, New York, New York, USA, 687-696.

[Van Rijsbergen 1979] Van Rijsbergen, C. (1979). "Information Retrieval" (second edition),

Butterworths, London.

[Veerasamy and Heikes 1997] Veerasamy, A., Heikes, R. (1997). "Effectiveness of a graphical

display of retrieval results". Proceedings of SIGIR’97, Philadelphia, USA, 236-245.Acknowledgments

We would like to thank Giovanni Romano for his help in preparing the experiment and evaluating the results. We would also like to thank Stefano Mizzaro for many useful comments on an earlier version of this paper. This work has been carried out within the framework of an agreement between Telecom Italia and the Fondazione Ugo Bordoni.747

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【免费下载】中学教材全解 七年级数学上北师大版期末检测题含答案

图2图图 期末检测题 【本检测题满分:120分,时间:120分钟】 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.(2013?湖南张家界中考)-2 013的绝对值是( ) A.-2 013 B.2 013 C. D.12013 12013 -2.已知两数在数轴上的位置如图所示,则化简代数式,a b 的结果是( ) 12a b a b +--++A.1 B. C. D.-1 23b +23a -3.某商店把一件商品按标价的九折出售(即优惠10%),仍可获利20%,若该商品的标价为每件28元,则该商品的进价为( ) A.21元 B.19.8元 C.22.4元 D.25.2元 4.(2013?湖南株洲中考)一元一次方程的解是( ) 24x =A. B. C. D.1x =2x =3x =4 x =5.如图,,则与之比为( )11,,34 AC AB BD AB AE CD ===CE AB A.1∶6 B.1:8 C.1:12 D.1:16 6.如果∠1与∠2互补,∠2与∠3互余,则∠1与∠3的关系是( ) A.∠1=∠3 B.∠1=180°-∠3 C.∠1=90°+∠3 D.以上都不对 7.如图是某班学生参加课外兴趣小组的人数占总人数比 例的统计图,则参加人数最多的课外兴趣小组是( ) A.棋类组 B.演唱组 C.书法组 D.美术组 8.某中学开展“阳光体育活动”,九年级一班全体同学分别参加了巴 山舞、乒乓球、篮球三个项目的活动,陈老师统计了该班参加这三项活动的人数,并绘制了如图所示的条形统计图和扇形统计图.根据这两个统计图,可以知道该班参加乒乓A B C D E 第5题图 习题到位。在管设备进行调整使度内来确保机组


最新版人教版七年级数学下册知识点 第五章相交线与平行线 一、知识网络结构 相交线 相交线垂线 同位角、内错角、同旁内角 平行线:在同一平面内,不相交的两条直线叫平行线 定义 : __________ __________ ________ 平行线及其判定判定 1:同位角相等,两直线平行 判定 2 平行线的判定:内错角相等,两直线平行 相交线与平行线判定 3:同旁内角互补,两直线平行 判定 4:平行于同一条直线的两直线平行 平行线的性质性质 1:两直线平行,同位角 性质 2:两直线平行,内错角 性质 3:两直线平行,同旁内 性质 4:平行于同一条直线 相等 相等 角互补 的两直线平行命题、定理 平移 二、知识要点 1、在同一平面内,两条直线的位置关系有两种:相交和平行,垂直是相交的一种特殊情况。 2、在同一平面内,不相交的两条直线叫平行线。如果两条直线只有一个公共点,称这两条直线相交;如果两条直线没有公共点,称这两条直线平行。 3、两条直线相交所构成的四个角中,有公共顶点且有一条公共边的两个角是邻补角。邻补角的性质:邻补角互补。如图 1 所示,与互为邻补角,与互为邻补角。+=180°;+ =180° ; + =180°;+ =180°。321 4 4、两条直线相交所构成的四个角中,一个角的两边分别是另一个角的两边的图 1反 向延长线,这样的两个角互为对顶角。对顶角的性质:对顶角相等。如图1

所示,与互为对顶角。=; =。 5、两条直线相交所成的角中,如果有一个是直角或90° 时,称这两条直线互相垂直, 其中一条叫做另一条的垂线。如图 2 所示,当= 90°时,⊥b。 a 垂线的性质:2 1 3 4 性质 1:过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线垂直。 图 2 性质 2:连接直线外一点与直线上各点的所有线段中,垂线段最短。 性质 3:如图 2 所示,当 a⊥ b 时,==== 90°。点到直线的距离:直线外一点到这条直线的垂线段的长度叫点到直线的c距离。 6、同位角、内错角、同旁内角基本特征:21 3 46 a 75 8 ①在两条直线 ( 被截线 ) 的同一方,都在第三条直线 ( 截线 ) 的同一侧,这样 b 同位角。图 3 中,共有图 3 的两个角叫对同位角:与是同位角; 与是同位角;与是同位角;与是同位角。 ②在两条直线 ( 被截线 )之间,并且在第三条直线 ( 截线 ) 的两侧,这样的两个角叫内错角。图 3中,共有对内错角:与是内错角;与是内错角。 ③在两条直线 ( 被截线 ) 的之间,都在第三条直线 ( 截线 ) 的同一旁,这样的两个角叫同旁内角。图 3中,共有对同旁内角:与是同旁内角;与是同旁内角。 7、平行公理:经过直线外一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行。 平行公理的推论:如果两条直线都与第三条直线平行,那么这两条直线也互相 平行。c 2 3 1 4 6 5 平行线的性质:a78性质 1:两直线平行,同位角相等。如图 4 所示,如果 a∥ b,图4 b 则 =; =; =; =。


第五章知识结构如下图所示: 第六章知识结构 第七章知识结构框图如下:

(二)开展好课题学习 可以如下展开课题学习: (1)背景了解多边形覆盖平面问题来自实际. (2)实验发现有些多边形能覆盖平面,有些则不能. (3)分析讨论多边形能覆盖平面的基本条件,发现问题与多边形的内角大小有密切关系,运用多边形内角和公式对实验结果进行分析. (4)运用进行简单的镶嵌设计. 首先引入用地砖铺地,用瓷砖贴墙等问题情境,并把这些实际问题转化为数学问题:用一些不重叠摆放的多边形把平面的一部分完全覆盖.然后让学生通过实验探究一些多边形能否镶嵌成平面图案,并记下实验结果:

(1)用正三角形、正方形或正六边形可以镶嵌成一个平面图案(图1).用正五边形不能镶嵌成一个平面图案. (2)用正三角形与正方形可以镶嵌成一个平面图案.用正三角形与正六边形也可以镶嵌成一个平面图案. (3)用任意三角形可以镶嵌成一个平面图案, 用任意四边形可以镶嵌成一个平面图案(图2).

观察上述实验结果,得出多边形能镶嵌成一个平面图案需要满足的两个条件: (1)拼接在同一个点(例如图2中的点O)的各个角的和恰好等于360°(周角); (2)相邻的多边形有公共边(例如图2中的OA两侧的多边形有公共边OA). 运用上述结论解释实验结果,例如,三角形的内角和等于180°,在图2中,∠1+∠2+∠3=180°.因此,把6个全等的三角形适当地拼接在同一个点(如图2), 一定能使以这点为顶点的6个角的和恰好等于360°,并且使边长相等的两条边贴在一起.于是, 用三角形能镶嵌成一个平面图案.又如,由多边形内角和公式,可以得到五边形的内角和等于 (5-2)×180°=540°. 因此,正五边形的每个内角等于 540°÷5=108°, 360°不是108°的整数倍,也就是说用一些108°的角拼不成360°的角.因此,用正五边形不能镶嵌成一个平面图案. 最后,让学生进行简单的镶嵌设计,使所学内容得到巩固与运用.1.利用二(三)元一次方程组解决问题的基本过程 2.本章知识安排的前后顺序


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图二:用户注册页面 二、登录 作为注册用户,您可以实现以下功能: ?自动登录到Web of Knowledge平台。 ?选择一个自己常用开始页面,每次登录后则自动进入该页面。 ?将检索策略保存到ISI Web of Knowledge服务器。 ?创建用户关注期刊列表以及期刊目次定题服务。 登录时,在web of knowledge主页右侧输入您电子邮件地址和密码,点击“Sign in”则可进入您个人定制信息服务管理页面。 三、个人信息管理和选择开始页面 点击“My Preferences”超链接,可以编辑个人信息和选择开始页面。 编辑个人信息: 点击“Edit my Information”超链接可以更新您联系信息,如电子邮件地址、密码及姓名。如图三。


第一章:整式的运算 单项式 式 多项式 同底数幂的乘法 幂的乘方 积的乘方 同底数幂的除法 零指数幂 负指数幂 整式的加减 单项式与单项式相乘 单项式与多项式相乘 整式的乘法 多项式与多项式相乘 整式运算 平方差公式 完全平方公式 单项式除以单项式 整式的除法 多项式除以单项式 一、单项式 1、都是数字与字母的乘积的代数式叫做单项式。 2、单项式的数字因数叫做单项式的系数。 3、单项式中所有字母的指数和叫做单项式的次数。 4、单独一个数或一个字母也是单项式。 5、只含有字母因式的单项式的系数是1或―1。 6、单独的一个数字是单项式,它的系数是它本身。 7、单独的一个非零常数的次数是0。 8、单项式中只能含有乘法或乘方运算,而不能含有加、减等其他运算。 9、单项式的系数包括它前面的符号。 10、单项式的系数是带分数时,应化成假分数。 11、单项式的系数是1或―1时,通常省略数字“1”。 12、单项式的次数仅与字母有关,与单项式的系数无关。 二、多项式 1、几个单项式的和叫做多项式。 2、多项式中的每一个单项式叫做多项式的项。 3、多项式中不含字母的项叫做常数项。 4、一个多项式有几项,就叫做几项式。 5、多项式的每一项都包括项前面的符号。 6、多项式没有系数的概念,但有次数的概念。 7、多项式中次数最高的项的次数,叫做这个多项式的次数。 三、整式 1、单项式和多项式统称为整式。 2、单项式或多项式都是整式。 3、整式不一定是单项式。 4、整式不一定是多项式。

5、分母中含有字母的代数式不是整式;而是今后将要学习的分式。 四、整式的加减 1、整式加减的理论根据是:去括号法则,合并同类项法则,以及乘法分配率。 2、几个整式相加减,关键是正确地运用去括号法则,然后准确合并同类项。 3、几个整式相加减的一般步骤: (1)列出代数式:用括号把每个整式括起来,再用加减号连接。 (2)按去括号法则去括号。 (3)合并同类项。 4、代数式求值的一般步骤: (1)代数式化简。 (2)代入计算 (3)对于某些特殊的代数式,可采用“整体代入”进行计算。 五、同底数幂的乘法 1、n个相同因式(或因数)a相乘,记作a n,读作a的n次方(幂),其中a为底数,n为指数,a n的结果叫做幂。 2、底数相同的幂叫做同底数幂。 3、同底数幂乘法的运算法则:同底数幂相乘,底数不变,指数相加。即:a m﹒a n=a m+n。 4、此法则也可以逆用,即:a m+n = a m﹒a n。 5、开始底数不相同的幂的乘法,如果可以化成底数相同的幂的乘法,先化成同底数幂再运用法则。 六、幂的乘方 1、幂的乘方是指几个相同的幂相乘。(a m)n表示n个a m相乘。 2、幂的乘方运算法则:幂的乘方,底数不变,指数相乘。(a m)n =a mn。 3、此法则也可以逆用,即:a mn =(a m)n=(a n)m。 七、积的乘方 1、积的乘方是指底数是乘积形式的乘方。 2、积的乘方运算法则:积的乘方,等于把积中的每个因式分别乘方,然后把所得的幂相乘。即(ab)n=a n b n。 3、此法则也可以逆用,即:a n b n =(ab)n。 八、三种“幂的运算法则”异同点 1、共同点: (1)法则中的底数不变,只对指数做运算。 (2)法则中的底数(不为零)和指数具有普遍性,即可以是数,也可以是式(单项式或多项式)。 (3)对于含有3个或3个以上的运算,法则仍然成立。 2、不同点: (1)同底数幂相乘是指数相加。 (2)幂的乘方是指数相乘。 (3)积的乘方是每个因式分别乘方,再将结果相乘。 九、同底数幂的除法


来源:2011-2012学年广东省汕头市潮南区中考模拟考试数学卷(解析版) 考点:三角形 如图,已知,等腰Rt△OAB中,∠AOB=90o,等腰Rt△EOF中,∠EOF=90o,连结AE、BF. 求证:(1)AE=BF;(2)AE⊥BF. 【答案】 见解析 【解析】解:(1)证明:在△AEO与△BFO中, ∵Rt△OAB与Rt△EOF等腰直角三角形, ∴AO=OB,OE=OF,∠AOE=90o-∠BOE=∠BOF, ∴△AEO≌△BFO, ∴AE=BF; ( 2)延长AE交BF于D,交OB于C,则∠BCD=∠ACO, 由(1)知:∠OAC=∠OBF, ∴∠BDA=∠AOB=90o, ∴AE⊥BF. (1)可以把要证明相等的线段AE,CF放到△AEO,△BFO中考虑全等的条件,由两个等腰直角三角形得AO=BO,OE=OF,再找夹角相等,这两个夹角都是直角

减去∠BOE的结果,所以相等,由此可以证明△AEO≌△BFO; (2)由(1)知:∠OAC=∠OBF,∴∠BDA=∠AOB=90°,由此可以证明AE⊥BF 来源:2012-2013学年吉林省八年级上期中考试数学试卷(解析版) 考点:四边形 如图,在正方形ABCD中,E是AD的中点,F是BA延长线上的一点,AF=AB,已知△ABE≌△ADF. (1)在图中,可以通过平移、翻折、旋转中哪一种方法,使△ABE变到△ADF 的位置; (2)线段BE与DF有什么关系?证明你的结论. 【答案】 (1)绕点A旋转90°;(2)BE=DF,BE⊥DF. 【解析】本题考查的是旋转的性质,全等三角形的判断和性质 (1)根据旋转的概念得出; (2)根据旋转的性质得出△ABE≌△ADF,从而得出BE=DF,再根据正方形的性质得出BE⊥DF. (1)图中是通过绕点A旋转90°,使△ABE变到△ADF的位置. (2)BE=DF,BE⊥DF; 延长BE交DF于G;

Web of science数据库分析

摘要:本文主要使用了百度、谷歌等搜索引擎和Web of science数据库对包信和院士的研究内容及其研究成果进行了分析,通过百度、谷歌、个人主页对包信和院士的基本信息进行了解;通过Web of science数据库对包信和院士的研究方向、引文数据、合作者、基金资助机构、出版物进行了了解。并对其2014年5月的一篇文章进行了深入的分析。 一、基本信息 包信和,理学博士,研究员,博士生导师、中科院院士、物理化学家,中国科学院大连化学物理研究所研究员,现任中科院沈阳分院院长,复旦大学常务副校长,兼任中国科学技术大学化学物理系主任。 他的个人工作经历为: 1989年至1995年获洪堡基金资助,在德国马普学会Fritz-Haber研究所任访问学者,1995年应聘回国。 1995年至2000年在中科院大连化学物理研究所工作。 2000年8月至2007年3月任大连化学物理研究所所长。 2003年3月起任中国科技大学化学物理系系主任。 2009年3月起任沈阳分院院长。 2009年当选为中国科学院院士。 2015年9月经教育部研究决定,任命包信和为复旦大学常务副校长 其次在大连化学物理研究所的个人介绍和包信和院士的课题组主页里搜集了对其研究方向的简介: 包信和研究员主要从事表面化学与催化基础和应用研究。发现次表层氧对金属银催化选择氧化的增强效应,揭示了次表层结构对表面催化的调变规律,制备出具有独特低温活性和选择性的纳米催化剂,解决了重整氢气中微量CO造成燃料电池电极中毒失活的难题。发现了纳米催化体系的协同限域效应,研制成碳管限域的纳米金属铁催化剂和纳米Rh-Mn催化剂,使催

化合成气转化的效率成倍提高。在甲烷活化方面,以分子氧为氧化剂,实现了甲烷在80℃条件下直接高效氧化为甲醇的反应;创制了Mo/MCM-22催化剂,使甲烷直接芳构化制苯的单程收率大幅度提高。 二、研究成果分析 利用Web of Science搜索包老师的文章,总共搜索到497篇文章,对检索报告创建引文报告,如图2.1所示。文章被引总频次达到12804次,平均每篇文章被引25.76次,h-index值为56,表示在包老师所发的文章中,每篇被引用了至少56次的论文总共有56篇左图为每年出版的文献数图标,2000年以来,每年出版的文献数量基本稳定,在30篇左右,研究状态保持稳定。其中2015年发表文章篇数最高,2015年是个高产年。 根据每年的引文数图标可以看出,每年的引文数不断上升,表明其发表的文章是有生命力、有价值的。也表明每年发文的质量不断在上涨。 图2.1创建引文报告 对检索结果进行分析。图2.2是对作者进行分析,得到如下图所示的结果,可以看到合作者的信息,其中与293名作者有过合作。其中合作最多的为韩秀文老师(大连化物所)、马丁老师(北京大学)。


七年级下册初中数学知识点总结 第一章 整式的运算 一. 整式 ※1. 单项式 ①由数与字母的积组成的代数式叫做单项式。单独一个数或 字母也是单项式。 ②单项式的系数是这个单项式的数字因数,作为单项式的系数,必须连同数字前面的性质符号,如果一个单项式只是字母的积,并非没有系数. ③一个单项式中,所有字母的指数和叫做这个单项式的次数. ※2.多项式 ①几个单项式的和叫做多项式.在多项式中,每个单项式叫做多 项式的项.其中,不含字母的项叫做常数项.一个多项式中,次 数最高项的次数,叫做这个多项式的次数. ②单项式和多项式都有次数,含有字母的单项式有系数,多项式 没有系数.多项式的每一项都是单项式,一个多项式的项数就 是这个多项式作为加数的单项式的个数.多项式中每一项都有 它们各自的次数,但是它们的次数不可能都作是为这个多项式 的次数,一个多项式的次数只有一个,它是所含各项的次数中 最高的那一项次数. ※3.整式单项式和多项式统称为整式. ????????其他代数式多项式单项式整式代数式 二. 整式的加减 ¤1. 整式的加减实质上就是去括号后,合并同类项,运算结果是一个多项式或是单项式. ¤2. 括号前面是“-”号,去括号时,括号内各项要变号,一个 数与多项式相乘时,这个数与括号内各项都要相乘. 三. 同底数幂的乘法 ※同底数幂的乘法法则: n m n m a a a +=?(都是正数)是幂的运算中最 基本的法则,在应用法则运算时,要注意以下几点: ①法则使用的前提条件是:幂的底数相同而且是相乘时,底数a 可以是一个具体的数字式字母,也可以是一个单项或多项式; ②指数是1时,不要误以为没有指数; ③不要将同底数幂的乘法与整式的加法相混淆,对乘法,只要底


2014-2015学年度配套中学教材全解七年级数学(下)(北京课改版) 期末检测题附答案详解 (本检测题满分:120分,时间:120分钟) 一、选择题(每小题3分,共36分) 1.若不等式组 12 x x m ì ?? , 有解,则m的取值范围是() A.m<2 B.m≥2 C.m<1 D.1≤m<2 2.(2014?南充中考)不等式组 () 1 12, 2 331 x x x ì? ?+? ?í ?? -<+ ?? 的解集在数轴上表示正确的是() A.B.C.D. 3.若方程组 2313, 3530.9 a b a b ì- ?? í? + ?? = = 的解是 8.3, 1.2, a b ì?? í? ?? = = 则方程组 ()() ()() 223113, 325130.9 x y x y ì+-- ?? í? ++- ?? = = 的解是() A. 6.3, 2.2 x y ì?? í? ?? = = B. .3, .2 x y ì?? í? ?? =8 =1 C. 10.3, 2.2 x y ì?? í? ?? = = D. 10.3, 0.2 x y ì?? í? ?? = = 4.下列语句:①一条直线有且只有一条垂线;②不相等的两个角一定不是对顶角;③两条不相交的直线叫做平行线;④若两个角的一对边在同一直线上,另一对边互相平行,则这两个角相等;⑤不在同一直线上的四个点可画6条直线;⑥如果两个角是邻补角,那么这两个角的平分线组成的图形是直角.其中错误的有() A.2个 B.3个 C.4个 D.5个 5.某中学课外科技小组的同学们设计制作了一个电动智能玩具,玩具中的四个动物小鱼、小羊、燕子和熊猫分别在1、2、3、4号位置上(如图),玩具的程序是:让四个动物按图中所示的规律变换位置,第一次上、下两排交换位置;第二次是在第一次换位后,再左、右两列交换位置;第三次再上、下两排交换位置;第四次再左、右两列交换位置;按这种规律,一直交换下去,那么第2 008次交换位置后,熊猫所在位置的号码是() A.1号 B.2号 C.3号 D.4号 6.如图,直线a和直线b被直线c所截,给出下列条件: 第5题图


第十四章实数 (2) 第一节平方根 (2) 第二节立方根 (6) 第三节实数 (8) 中考链接 (11) 单元检测 (12) 第十五章不等式与不等式组 (15) 第一节不等式 (15) 第二节实际问题与一元一次不等式 (17) 第三节一元一次不等式组 (19) 中考链接 (21) 单元检测 (23) 第十六章数据的分析 (26) 第一节数据的代表 (26) 第二节数据的波动 (29) 中考链接 (31) 单元检测 (33) 第十七章三角形 (37) 第一节与三角形有关的线段 (37) 第二节与三角形有关的角 (40) 第三节多边形及其内角和 (44) 中考链接 (47) 单元检测 (49) 第十八章全等三角形 (52) 第一节全等三角形 (52) 第二节三角形全等的条件 (55) 第三节角的平分线的性质 (59) 中考链接 (65) 单元检测 (68) 期中试卷 (72) 期末试卷 (75) 参考答案 (78)

第十四章实数 单元目标 1. 理解平方根、立方根的概念和性质; 2. 掌握算术平方根,算术平方根的非负性的应用. 3. 理解无理数和实数的概念以及有理数和无理数的区别; 4. 掌握实数和数轴上的点的关系,平面直角坐标系中的点和有序实数对之间的关系. 第一节平方根 要点精讲 1、算术平方根 一般地,如果一个正数x的平方等于a,即x2=a,那么这个正数x叫做a的算术平方根. a的算术平方根记为,读作“根号a”,a叫被开方数. 0的算术平方根是0. 2、用计算器求一个数的算术平方根 有的计算器上有“”键,就可以使用这个键直接求出一个数的算术平方根. 3、平方根 一般地,如果一个数的平方等于a,那么这个数叫做a的平方根(或二次方根),这就是说:如果x2=a,那么x叫做a的平方根. 4、开平方 求一个数a的平方根的运算,叫做开平方. 5、平方根的性质 正数有两个平方根,它们互为相反数; 0的平方根是0; 负数没有平方根. 6、平方根的表示 正数a的算术平方根用表示; 正数a的负的平方根用表示; 正数a的平方根用符号表示. 7、平方根重要性质: (1)a≥0时,;

ISI Web of Knowledge使用技巧

应用技巧一:如何了解您的论文被SCI收录的情况? 1.访问Web of Science数据库检索论文 请访问:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ab5996651.html,,进入ISI Web of Knowledge平台;选择Web of Science数据库,(以下图示为WOK4.0版新界面)。 示例:如果我们希望检索“中国科技大学” “侯建国”院士在Science Citation Index (SCI)中收录文章的情况。 2.检索结果及输出 检索结果告诉我们找到了152篇“侯建国”院士的文章。(如果有重名的现象,请参考我们随后提供的有关作者甄别工具的应用技巧。)

我们可以选择先做Mark标记所有相关文章,再选择打印输出的方式,见下图: 下图是可打印的检索到的152篇侯建国院士所发表文章被SCI收录的记录。 结论:通过在Web of Science中用作者、及机构名称或地址的限制,检索到某一作者的文章,并做Mark标记后,选择打印输出,就可以了解您的论文被SCI收录的情况了。 应用技巧二:如何了解国际上都有哪些科学家在关注您的课题? 通过Web of Science的引文跟踪服务(Citation Alerts),您可以及时地跟踪您的一篇论文被新发表论文引用的情况,从而了解国际上都有哪些人在关注您的研究工作,他们为什么要引用您的论文,是否在您的课题基础上做了新的改进,是否对您的假说或理论提出了事实证据,是否指出了您研究工作的不足,他论文中的工作展望是否对您的下一步工作有借鉴意义,引文跟踪服务会直接将跟踪结果发到您的邮箱中。 1、注册个人帐号 为了让Web of Science知道您的邮箱地址,在做引文跟踪之前,首先要用您已有的e-mail邮箱在ISI Web of Knowledge中进行注册,注册方式如下:


七年级数学《知识点》总结2019.12.27 相交线与平行线 一、知识网络结构 垂线的性质: 性质1:过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线垂直。 性质2:连接直线外一点与直线上各点的所有线段中,垂线段最短。 性质3:如图2所示,当 a ⊥ b 时, = = = = 90°。 点到直线的距离:直线外一点到这条直线的垂线段的长度叫点到直线的距离。 同位角、内错角、同旁内角基本特征: 平行公理:经过直线外一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行。 平行公理的推论:如果两条直线都与第三条直线平行,那么这两条直线也互相平行。 ???? ? ?????? ??????????? ? ??? ?????? ??????????? ??????????????????平移 命题、定理 的两直线平行:平行于同一条直线性质角互补 :两直线平行,同旁内性质相等:两直线平行,内错角性质相等:两直线平行,同位角性质平行线的性质的两直线平行 :平行于同一条直线判定直线平行 :同旁内角互补,两判定线平行 :内错角相等,两直判定线平行 :同位角相等,两直判定定义平行线的判定平行线,不相交的两条直线叫平行线:在同一平面内平行线及其判定内角同位角、内错角、同旁垂线 相交线相交线相交线与平行线 4321 4321____________________________:图2 1 3 4 2 a b a 5 7 8 6 1 3 4 2 b c

平行线的性质: 10、平移:在平面内,将一个图形沿某个方向移动一定的距离,图形的这种移动叫做平移变换,简称平移。 平移后,新图形与原图形的形状和大小完全相同。平移后得到的新图形中每一点,都是由原图形中的某一点移动后得到的,这样的两个点叫做对应点。平移性质:平移前后两个图形中①对应点的连线平行且相等;②对应线段相等; ③对应角相等。 实数 实数的分类 1、按定义分类: 2.按性质符号分类: 注:0既不是正数也不是负数. 【知识点二】实数的相关概念 1.相反数 (1)代数意义:只有符号不同的两个数,我们说其中一个是另一个的相反数.0的相反数是0. (2)几何意义:在数轴上原点的两侧,与原点距离相等的两个点表示的两个数互为相反数,或数轴上,互为相反数的两个数所对应的点关于原点对称. (3)互为相反数的两个数之和等于0.a、b互为相反数 a+b=0. 2.绝对值 |a|≥0. 3.倒数(1)0没有倒数 (2)乘积是1的两个数互为倒数.a、b互为倒数 . 4.平方根 (1)如果一个数的平方等于a,这个数就叫做a的平方根.一个正数有两个平方根,它们互为相反数;0有一个平方根,它是0本身;负数没有平方根.a(a≥0)的平方根记作. (2)一个正数a的正的平方根,叫做a的算术平方根.a(a≥0)的算术平方根记作. 5.立方根 如果x3=a,那么x叫做a的立方根.一个正数有一个正的立方根;一个负数有一个负的立方根;零的立方根是零. 【知识点三】实数与数轴 数轴定义:规定了原点,正方向和单位长度的直线叫做数轴,数轴的三要素缺一不可. 【知识点四】实数大小的比较 1.对于数轴上的任意两个点,靠右边的点所表示的数较大.

ISI Web of knowledge 详细使用教程

引言 ISI web of Knowledge是根据www的超连接特性,建立了一个以知识为基础的学术信息资源整合平台。它是一个采用“一站式”信息服务的设计思路构建而成的数字化研究环境。该平台以三大引文索引数据库作为其核心,利用信息资源之间的内在联系,把各种相关资源提供给研究人员。兼具知识的检索、提取、管理、分析与评价等多项功能。在ISI web of Knowledge平台上,还可以跨库检索ISI proceedings、Derwent 、Innovations Index、BIOSIS Previews、CAB Abstracts、INSPEC以及外部信息资源。ISI web of Knowledge还建立了与其他出版公司的数据库、原始文献、图书馆OPAC以及日益增多的网页等信息资源之间的相互连接。实现了信息内容、分析工具和文献信息资源管理软件的无缝连接。 一个综合性、多功能的研究平台,涵盖了自然科学、社会科学、艺术和人文科学等方方面面的高品质、多样化的学术信息,配以强大的检索和分析工具,使各种宝贵资源触手可及。无论所要找的资料在国际性期刊、开放资源、书籍、专利、汇编资料或网站上,您都可以轻松搞定,绝不会混在铺天盖地的垃圾信息里让您无所适从。 本次上机实验将对以下几个方面进行学习和实践: ◆查找出高影响力综述类文章。 ◆获取本技术领域的主要研究国家、核心期刊、高产出研究人员和机构等信息。 ◆定制Web of Science的跟踪服务,了解技术领域每月的最新进展。 ◆查询自己的论文(或某一重要论文)引用情况,并定制该论文的引文跟踪服务。 ◆获取本领域的Top10期刊信息。 一.获取高影响力综述 登陆并进入ISI Web of Knowledge主页:

Web of Science数据库的检索与利用

Web of Science 数据库的检索与利用 解放军医学图书馆杜永莉 一、引文检索概述 (一)基本概念 1. 引文(Citation):文献中被引用、参考的文献(Cited Work),也称施引文献,其作者称为被引著者(Cited Author)。 2. 来源文献(Source):提供引文的文献本身称为来源文献,其作者称为引用著者(Citing Author)。 3. 引文索引(Citation Index):通过搜集大量来源文献及其引文,并揭示文献之间引用与被引用关系的检索工具。 4. 引文检索:是以被引用文献为检索起点来查找引用文献的过程。 (二)引文的历史回顾 引文的创始人Dr.Eugene Garfield博士是美国科学信息研究所(ISI)的创始人,现在仍然是科学信息研究所的名义董事长,还是美国信息科学协会的前任主席、The Scientist 董事会的主席、Research America董事会的成员。另外他还是文献计量学的创始人。 Dr.Garfield于1955年在Science上发表了具有化时代意义的学术论文:“Citation Indexes for Science: A New Dimension in Documentation through Association of Ideas.”他在这篇文章中描述科研人员可以利用引文加速研究过程、评估工作影响、跟踪科学趋势;阐明引文是学术研究中学术信息获取的重要工具。1957 他创建了美国科学信息研究所(Institute for Scientific Information, ISI)。

1961 年, ISI 推出了 Science Citation Index , SCI 。一种5卷印刷型刊物,包括613种期刊140万条引文的索引。1966年,ISI发布磁带形式的数据,1989年推出CD-ROM 光盘版,1992年ISI为汤姆森科技信息集团接管(Thomson Scientific),1997年推出系列引文数据库(Web of Science),2001年建立具有跨库检索功能的(ISI Web of Knowledge)。 20世纪30年代中期,另外一个著名计量学家布拉德福(S.C.Bradford)在对大量的期刊分布进行研究之后,得出了布拉德福定律(二八定律),揭示出各学科核心期刊的存在,这些核心期刊组成了所有学科的文献基础,重要论文会发表在相对较少的核心期刊上;因此从文献学的角度,没有必要将已经出版的所有期刊全部收录,从数据库的质量上说,则需要有一套科学的流程筛选高质量期刊,为读者提供高质量的学术信息。 Garfield 博士从建立引文数据库开始,经过几十年的时间,建立了一整套期刊筛选的工作流程,每年从全球出版的学术期刊中,筛选出各学科中质量高、信息量大、使用率高的核心期刊。由于这套流程对期刊一些客观指数的长期跟踪,衍生出了另外两个数据库:期刊引证报告(Journal Citation Reports,JCR)和基本科学计量指标(Essential Science Indicators)。 (三)引文的作用 了解某一课题发生、发展、变化过程;查找某一重要理论或概念的由来;跟踪当前研究热点;了解自已以及同行研究工作的进展;查询某一理论是否仍然有效,而且已经得到证明或已被修正;考证基础理论研究如何转化到应用领域;评估和鉴别某一研究工作在世界学术界产生的影响力;发现科学研究新突破点;了解你的成果被引用情况;引文检索为科研人员开辟了一条新颖、实用的检索途径;同时为文献学、科学学、文献计量学等分析研究提供参考数据,如衡量期刊质量、测定文献老化程度、观察学科之间的渗透交叉关系、评价科研人员的学术水平,引文数据库是不可缺少重要工具。 二、Web of Science的检索途径 (一)科学引文索引简介


第10章 一次方程组检测题 (时间:90分钟,满分:100分) 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1. 下列方程中,是二元一次方程的是( ) A . B . C . 1x D . 2 4 y - 中,是二元一次方程组的有( ) A.2个 B.3个 C.4个 D.5个 3. 二元一次方程( ) A .有且只有一解 B .有无数个解 C .无解 D .有且只有两个解 4. 方程组 的解与的值相等,则等于( ) A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3 5. 某商店有两种进价不同的耳机都卖64元,其中一个盈利60%,另一个亏本20%,在这次买卖中,这家商店( ) A.赔8元 B.赚32元 C.不赔不赚 D.赚8元 6. (2019?山东泰安中考)小亮的妈妈用28元钱买了甲、乙两种水果,甲种水果每千克 4元,乙种水果每千克6元,且乙种水果比甲种水果少买了2千克,求小亮妈妈两种水果各买了多少千克?设小亮妈妈买了甲种水果x 千克,乙种水果y 千克,则可列方程组 为( ) A. B. C. D. 7. (2019·浙江宁波中考)如图,小明家的住房平面图是长方形, 被分割成3个正方形和2个长方形后仍是中心对称图形.若只知 道原住房平面图长方形的周长,则分割后不用测量就能知道周长 的图形的标号为( ) A.①② B.②③ C.①③ D.①②③ 8. 已知是方程组的解,则间的关系是( ) A. B. C. D. 9.如图,点O 在直线AB 上,OC 为射线,1∠比2∠的3倍少?10,设1∠,2∠的度数分别 为x ,y ,那么下列求出这两个角的度数的方程组正确的是( ) A.180,10x y x y +=?? =-? B.180, 310 x y x y +=??= -? C.180,10x y x y +=?? =+? D.3180, 310 y x y =??=-? 第7题图


七年级下册数学全解一元一次方程检测题 一、填空题(每小题2分,共28分) 1、 一个数x 的2倍减去7的差, 得36 ,列方程为_______________________________; 2、 方程5 x – 6 = 0的解是x =________; 3、 日历中同一竖列相邻三个数的和为63,则这三个数分别为__________________; 4、 方程 5 12x x = -去分母得__________________________________; 5、 相邻5个自然数的和为45 ,则这5个自然数分别为 ______________________________; 6、 一根长18米的铁丝围成一个长是宽的2倍的长方形的面积为________________; 7、 一件衬衫进货价60元,提高50%标价为_______,八折优惠价为________,利润为 ______; 8、 鸡兔同笼共9只,,腿26条, 则鸡_____只、兔_____只; 9、 小明跑步每秒钟跑4米,则他15秒钟跑_____米,2分钟跑_____米,1小时跑____ 公里. 10、 如果()01122 =+++-y x x ,则2 1x y -的值是 . 11、 当=x ___时,代数式24+x 与93-x 的值互为相反数. 12、 在公式()h b a s += 2 1中,已知4,3,16===h a s ,则=b ___. 13、 如右图是2003年12月份的日历,现 用一长方形在日历中任意框出4个数, 请用一个等式表示d c b a ,,,之间的关系____. 14.若a 、b 互为相反数,c 、d 互为倒 数,p 的绝对值等于2,则关于x 的方 程(a+b)x 2+3cd ?x -p 2=0的解为________。 二、选择题(每小题2分,共28分) 1、下列方程中,是一元一次方程的是( ) (A );342 =-x x (B );0=x (C );12=+y x (D ).11x x = - 2、方程2 12= -x 的解是( ) (A );4 1-=x (B );4-=x (C );4 1 = x (D ).4-=x 3、已知等式523+=b a ,则下列等式中不一定... 成立的是( ) (A );253b a =- (B );6213+=+b a 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 a c b d

Web of Science数据库的检索与利用

1、引文的创始者是(A) A、Eugene Garfield B、S.C.Bradford C、Billings,S.A D、Harris,C.J 2、引文的创始单位是(A) A、ISI B、NLM C、CDC D、NIH 3、ISI推出系列引文数据库(Web of Science)的时间是(D ) A、1956年 B、1989年 C、1990年 D、1997年 4、SCI的局限性不包括(B ) A、主要限于基础科学方面 B、不能囊括多数国际多学科高质量科学期刊 C、收录第三世界国家期刊较少 D、论文被引用情况复杂 5、ISI推出了SCI的时间(C) A、1950年 B、1955年 C、1961年 D、1970年 6、关于引文的作用,以下说法错误的是(D ) A、了解某一课题发生、发展、变化过程 B、引文检索为科研人员开辟了一条新颖、实用的检索途径 C、为文献学、科学学、文献计量学等分析研究提供参考数据 D、直接查找全文数据 7、Web of Knowledge包含的数据库有(D) A、Web of Science B、科学会议录索引、化学反应数据库 C、化学索引数据库、Medline数据库 D、以上皆是 8、关于Web of Science的特点,以下说法错误的是(D ) A、跨学科、精选内容,可以进行引文检索

B、增加了分析、跟踪、写作和管理功能 C、从文献相互关系的角度,提供新的检索途径 D、从著者、标题、分类等角度提供检索途径 9、ISI推出CD-ROM光盘版的时间是(A ) A、1970年 B、1961年 C、1982年 D、1991年 10、在SCI中公共卫生所在的数据库是(B ) A、Web of Science Expanded B、Social Sciences Citation Index C、Arts & Humanities Citation Index D、其他

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