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(11 13 2013)







Passage One

The regulation of the legal profession is primarily the concern of the states, each of which has its own requirements for admission to practice. Most require three years of college and a law degree. Each state administers its own written examination to applicants for its bar. Almost all states, however, make use of the Multistate Bar Exam, a day long multiple choice test, to which the state adds a day long essay examination emphasizing its own law. A substantial fraction of all applicants succeed on the first try, and many of those who fail pass on a later attempt. In all, over forty thousand persons succeed in passing these examinations each year and, after an inquiry into their character, are admitted to the bar in their respective states. No apprenticeship is required either before or after admission. The rules for admission to practice before the federal courts vary with the court, but generally those entitled to practice before the highest court of a state may be admitted before the federal courts upon compliance(依从)with minor formalities.

Passage Two

“Public official”shall mean: (i) any person holding a legislative, executive, administrative or judicial office of a State Party, whether appointed or elected, whether permanent or temporary, whether paid or unpaid, irrespective of that person’s seniority; (ii) any other person who performs a public function, including for a public agency or public enterprise, or provides a public service, as defined in the domestic law of the State Party and as applied in the pertinent area of law of that State Party; (iii) any other person defined as a “public official” in the domestic law of a State Party. However,for the purpose of some specific measures contained in chapter II of this Convention, “public official” may mean any person who performs a public function or provides a public service as defined in the domestic law of the State Party and as applied in the pertinent area of law of that State Party.

“Foreign public official”shall mean any person holding a legislative, executive, administrative or judicial office of a foreign country, whether appointed or elected; and any person exercising a public function for a foreign country, including for a public agency or public enterprise.

III. Comment in Chinese on the two versions of the Chinese legal sentence

. 房地产开发企业违反本法规定,在销售房屋时未向购买人明示所售房屋的节能措施、保温工程保修期等信息的,由建设主管部门责令限期改正,逾期不改正的,处三万元以上五万元以下罚款;对以上信息作虚假宣传的,由建设主管部门责令改正,处五万元以上二十万元以下罚款。

译文1 If any real estate development enterprise fails to expressly state such information as measures for energy conservation and the term of warranty for the warm-preservation project to buyers when selling houses in violation of this Law, the department in charge of construction shall order the same to make correction. If such correction fails to be made within the specified period, a fine of more than RMB30,000 but no more than RMB50,000 shall be imposed. If such enterprise makes

fraudulent publicity of the above information, the department in charge of construction shall order the same to make correction and impose a fine of more than RMB50,000 but no more than RMB200,000.


译文2. When selling houses, a real estate developer, in violation of the provisions of this Law, fails to show clearly to a buyer, among other things, the energy conservation measures for the house to be sold and the period of guarantee for the thermal insulation facilities, the department in charge of construction shall order it to rectify; if it fails to do on the expiration of the time limit, it shall be fined not less than 30,000 yuan but not more than 50,000 yuan; and if it makes deceptive advertisement with respect to the information mentioned above, the department in charge of construction shall order it to rectify and impose on it a fine of not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan.


英汉翻译课外实践材料 (带译文)

请大家准备一个练习本,在课外自己进行翻译练习. 一共有26条练习内容,大家至少应完成13条练习.虽然课堂上不会对这些材料进行讲解,但期末考试会有50分出自这些练习材料哦! 英汉翻译: 1. Translation Practice: 从理解的角度改进下列英语句子的汉语译文: (1) I will teach him to deceive others. 我要教训他一顿,看他还敢不敢欺骗他人。 (2) This thesis leaves much to be desired. 这篇论文有很多地方可以改进。 (3) A measure of calm gave signs of returning after the flood subsided. 洪水退去后,稍有恢复平静的迹象。 (4) We cannot ignore our neighbors; only at our peril can we ignore their distress.我们不能不顾及我们的邻邦:不顾及它们的安危,我们就只能陷入自身难保的境地。 (5) “It’s a gloomy thing, however, to talk about one’s own past, with the day breaking. Turn me in some other direction before I go.”不过,在天亮前谈个人的往事,真扫兴。在我离开以前,谈点别的吧。 (6) The German invaders slaughtered the innocent civilians of the city to a man. Such atrocities were blamed throughout the world.德国侵略者屠杀了该城的无辜平民,无一幸免.这样的残暴行为遭到了全世界人民的谴责。 2. Translation Practice: 从表达的角度改进下面句子的汉语译文: (1) In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colours. :门口放着一堆雨伞,少说有十二把,五颜六色,大小不一. (2) The study had three windows, set with little, old-fashioned panes of glass, each with a crack across it.书房里有三扇窗,每扇镶嵌的都是旧式的小块玻璃,玻璃上都已有裂痕。 (3) They were discussing this question, and were almost building up some weak structure of hope on his prolonged absence, when they heard him on the stairs.他们讨论着这个问题,并且对他迟迟不回,几乎产生了一线希望,这时突然听见他上楼的脚步声。 (4) The mountain to the north has a steel-blue light on it, and to the west the sky still holds something of the darkness of the night.北边的山岭披上了铁灰色的素装。,西边的天空还残留着朦胧的夜色。 (5) He used poetry as a medium for writing in prose.他用诗一般的语言来写散文。 3. Translation Practice: 1) A caller to the broadcasting station claimed responsibility for the bombing.有 人打电话给广播电台,宣称对这次爆炸事件负责。 2)Throughout centuries London has claimed to be the foremost city of the world. 几个世纪以来,伦敦堪称世界一流城市。 3)Oxford claims a large share in the making of England.牛津大学对英国的发 展贡献很大


初中英语定语从句翻译练习 1.我们去年在医院一直照顾take care of的老太太死了. 2.你想娶marry的姑娘昨天偷了我的钱包。 3.孙老师写的书是世界上最好的书。 4.你喜欢的女孩就是我喜欢的女孩。 5.昨天被我家的狗咬的人bite今天又被你家狗咬了。 6.你知道他打算娶reason你的原因吗7.我讨厌hate我住过的那个旅馆hotel。8.我永远也忘不了我们共同生活和学习的那个秋天autumn。9.他爱了20年的那个女孩昨天嫁marry人了。10.她是我见过的最漂亮的女孩。11.有什么事我能帮你吗12.昨天死的那个老太太留下了100万美圆。13.那个医生告诉我他为我爹什么也做不了了。 14.这就是你能在上面找到答案的那一页. 15.正像老师昨天说的那样,他没有通过考试。16.正像我们刚才讨论的那样,学习英语很容易。17.正像我妈昨天告诉我的那样,我的女朋友根本不爱我。18.正像你知道的那样钱是非常重要的。20.你知道你们家狗要死的原因吗21. 她就是那个到明年年底,会攒一万美圆的那个女孩。22. 你认识那个警察一直在找的小偷吗 1.那本绿皮的书是关于太空的. 2.这就是他拒绝我们帮助他的理由吗? 3.北京是我的出生地 4.你还记得我第一次见到你的那一天吗? 5.他父亲在他出生那年逝世了 6.他不大可能找到他四十年前居住过的地方 7.那贼最终把偷的全部东西交给了警察 8.这是她买的第三个手机 9.有没有我能帮忙的事? 10.我喜欢能使我放松的音乐 11.他们租了一间窗户坏掉的房子 1.The book which has a green cover is about space. 2. 2.Is this the reason that he refused our help? 3. 3.Beijing is where i was born. 4. 4.Do you still remember the day that i first met you? 5. 5.His father died the year he was born. 6. 6.It is not so easy for him to find the place where he lived 40 years ago. 7.7.The thief gave all that he stoled to the police at last. 8.8.This is the third cellphone that she buyed. 9.9.Is there anything that i can help? 10.10.I like music which can make me feel easy. 11.11.They rent a room whose windows are broken 1. Don’t talk about such things of _______ you are not sure. A. which B. what C. as D. those 2. Is this the factory __________ you visited the other day? A. that B. where C. in which D. the one


英语简单句翻译练习 1.由于大火的结果,成千上万的人失去了家园。 As a result of the fire, thousands of people lost their homes. 2.学生们一路上不停地说笑。 The students went on talking and laughing all the way. 3.我妈妈叫我做作业,而不是洗碗。 My mother asked me to do my homework instead of washing dishes. 4.在公共场合,不允许人们吸烟。 People aren’t allowed to smoke in public places. 5.昨天下午我妈在那家商店给我买了橡皮、小刀和铅笔盒等。 Yesterday afternoon my mother bought me an eraser,a knife, a pencil-box and so on. 6.我英语发音方面有些困难。 I have some difficulties in English pronunciation. 7.祝你在深圳玩得愉快。 Have a pleasant/wouderful time in Shenzhen. 8.这顶帽子是由手工而不是机器做的。 The hat is made by hand not by machine. 9.明天晚上我要到机场去送我姨妈。 Tomorrow evening I’m going to the airport to see my aunt off. 10.所有的学生都必须遵守校规。 All the students must obey the school rules. 11.事实上,我非常喜欢学英语。 In fact, I like to study English very much. 12.有时,英语口语完全不同于英语书面语。 Sometimes spoken English is different from written English. 13.我们学校图书馆将为学生们提供各种类型的书。 The library of our school will supply all kinds of books to the students. 14.下一年我的家乡将建一所新医院。 A new hospital will be built in my hometown next year. 15.许多人在这次车祸中丧生,仅有少数幸运者没有受伤。 A lot of people lost their lives in the accident. Only a few lucky ones were not injured. 16.玉米最先在美国种植。 Corn was first grown in America. 17.飞机比火车重20倍。 The plane is twenty times heavier than the car.


翻译句子练习() 1.我有一只狗,它地名字叫. 2.你好!我叫尼克.见到你很高兴. 3.李老师是你地数学老师吗?是地. 4.如果你不知道如何照顾好你地妹妹,你可以向奶奶求助. 5.这是在阳光中学地第一天,让我们认识一下一些新同学. 6.欢迎来到我们地新家. 7.他们擅长游泳吗? 8.范冰冰又高又苗条,她地头发又黑又长. 9.放学后常常和同班同学一起踢足球. 10.你哥哥喜欢阅读吗? 11.我班大多数学生今年岁. 12.来自于南京,他学习很好. 13.是个高个子男孩,他喜欢体育运动. 14.我姐姐在八年级五班,今年岁. 15.我是一中地一名新学生,喜欢音乐,也喜欢运动. 16.你擅长哪门功课?数学. 17.这些新同学来自四川雅安,让我们欢迎他们吧! 18.吴老师是我们地英语老师.他对我们很好. 19.你现在在家吗?是地,我在家. 20.戴维和艾迪是同学们吗?不,他们是好朋友. 21.开心吗?不,她不开心.因为她不知道如何照顾她弟弟. 22.你和你姐姐擅长英语吗?不,我们不擅长,她擅长数学,我也是. 23.在那边地那个人是谁?他是我们地语文老师. 24.桑迪在哪里?她在教室里. 25.我们都是好朋友. 26.现在我们每天回家不是很晚. 27.我妈妈晚上常常听音乐,因为有助于睡眠.

28.你地爱好是什么?我喜欢游泳,但有时我也喜欢放风筝. 29.小而可爱,她擅长跳舞. 30.这位是我地好朋友,. , 见到你很高兴. 31.来自广州,但现在和他家人一起住在北京. 32.我个子不高也不胖. 33.我喜欢踢足球和游泳. 34.喜欢阳光中学地所有功课. 35.我叔叔留着短发,戴眼镜. 36.我们地英语老师对每个人都很好. 37.这是我地表哥.一见到你很高兴. 38.虽然个子不高,但讨人喜欢.她地爱好是跳舞. 39.长着长头发,她擅长跑步. 40.你地姐姐也在七年级吗?不,她在八年级. 41.我们地学校很美,我们都很喜欢我们地学校. 1.你最喜欢地运动是什么?我最喜欢散步. 2.一天好多次走到他地碗那儿. 3.放学后经常打排球,你呢? 4.你擅长打网球吗?不擅长. 5.我是黄河网球俱乐部地一名新成员,我喜爱打网球. 6.你弟弟今年几岁?十一岁. 7.我希望我美梦成真. 8.那个小伙子想参加下届地世界杯. 9.吴小姐看起来怎么样?她看起来很苗条.她跳舞跳得很好. 10.他喜欢听音乐,因为音乐总能让他开心. 11.他来自香港,但现在住在上海. 12.她擅长英语吗?是地,她总是一有空就学习英语. 13.米莉有许多有趣地书,她常在空闲时间看. 14.我地许多朋友喜欢打篮球,我经常放学后和他们一起打篮球. 15.夏天游泳很有乐趣.


定语从句翻译练习 1. 我有一位非常喜欢音乐的朋友 2. 我将永远记住在高一时教我们化学的那位老师 3. 英语是全世界都使用的语言 4. 足球是大多数男孩都喜欢的运动 5. 今天是我们经历过的最寒冷的一天 6. 头一件你需要做的事就是学习英语 7. 玛丽所指的是哪一幅画 8. 那班我正在等的火车现在已经晚了半小时 9. 我们在街上遇见的那位女士是我们的数学老师 10. 他告诉我侦探们他们想要知道的所有事情

11. 这是我第一次遇见我班主任的地方 12. 我们发现一家餐厅,那里的食物精美可口 13. 那是你借给他钱的那位男士吗 14. 这是你必须改掉的坏习惯 15. 所有你照顾的孩子都会喜欢游泳 16. 我有一位同学,他的母亲是一位著名的歌唱家 17. 我住在一间窗户朝北的房间里 18. 这首诗正如人们所知道的那样,这首诗是由汪国真写的 19. 他为什么缺席的原因不明 20. 我真的很喜欢甜食,那就是我牙齿不好的原因 21. 正像老师昨天说的那样,他通过了考试

22. 正像刚才讨论的那样,学习英语很容易 23. 我将永远记住待在农村生活的那段日子 24. 孙老师写的书是世界上最好的书 25. 你知道他打算出国留学的原因吗? 26. 我讨厌我住过的那个旅馆。 27. 我永远也忘不了我们共同生活和学习的那个秋天。 28. 她是我见过的最善良的女孩。 29. 这就是你能在上面找到答案的那一页 30. 昨天在购物中心,我遇见了那位我在一次聚会上认识的教授。 31. 人们会永远记住香港和澳门回归祖国的那一时刻。

答案 1. 我有一位非常喜欢音乐的朋友 I have a friend who likes music very much. 2. 我将永远记住在高一时教我们化学的那位老师 I will remember the teacher who taught us chemistry in the first year of my senior middle school. 3. 英语是全世界都使用的语言 English is a language which is used all over the world. 4. 足球是大多数男孩都喜欢的运动 Football is the sport (which/that ) most boys like/ are fond of. 5. 今天是我们经历过的最寒冷的一天 Today is the coldest day (that) we have ever experienced. 6. 头一件你需要做的事就是学习英语 The first thing you have to do is to study English. 7. 玛丽所指的是哪一幅画? Which is the picture (that) Mary pointed at? 8. 那班我正在等的火车现在已经晚了半小时 The train (which) I’m waiting for is now half an hour later. 9. 我们在街上遇见的那位女士是我们的数学老师


句子翻译练习 A 1,他因为生病不能出席会议 He didn’t attend the meeting because of illness/he was ill. 2,那幅有吸引力的画吸引了我的注意The/That attractive painting attracts my attention. 3,他避免麻烦我 He avoid bothering me. 4,他以为我不喜欢苹果和橘子 He thinks I don’t like apples and oranges. 5,我喜欢画画和读书 I enjoy/like/love writing and reading. 6,不幸地,他生病了 Unfortunately/ Unluckily, he was ill. 7,因为大雨他上学迟到了 He was late for school because of heavy rain/ He went to school late because it rained heavily. 8,他因生病缺席了会议 He was absent from the meeting because of illness/ because he was ill. 9,他出席了会议 He was present at the meeting. 10, 你在说话的时候,其实他在听 Actually, he was listening when you talked. 11,他在听由Mary唱的歌 He was listening to the songs sung by Mary. 12,请认真听老师说 Please listen to the teacher carefully 13,. 这场大雨持续了两个小时。That heavy rain lasted two hours.


人教版七年级下册英语期中复习翻译句子专项练习题根据中文提示,完成句子 1.玛丽经常帮我学英语。 Mary often________me________my English. 2.这些毛衣对我来说不是太大,就是太小。 These sweaters are________too big________too small for me. 3.你的梦想能实现。 Your dream can________ ________. 4.一些动物处境危险,因此我们必须救助它们。 Some animals are________ ________, so we must save them. 5.村民对猴子很友好。 Villagers are________ ________the monkeys. 6. 我们能把教室变得很美。(can, make, beautiful) ____________________________________ 7. 这周末你打算做什么?(be going to, at the weekend) ___________________________________ 8. 我和所有人都相处得好。(get on well with) ___________________________________ 9. 他经常帮助母亲打扫卫生。(help, do cleaning) ____________________________________ 10. 他们正期待着明天的足球赛。(look forward to) ____________________________________


第一章翻译概论 第一节中外翻译史简介 四、课练习 1. 东汉至唐宋时期。 2. 玄奘不仅译出了 75 部佛经,而且还把老子的部分著作译成梵文,成为第一个向国外介绍汉语著作的中国人。 3. 20 世纪初的“五四”新文化运动,开创了白话文学和白话翻译的新纪元,语言从文言正宗转为白话本位。五四运动前后,东西方各国的优秀文学作品,特别是俄国和苏联的作品开始被介绍进来,《共产党宣言》等一批马克思主义著作的译文就发表在“五四”时期,为中国后来的革命做了充分的理论和思想准备。 4. 圣经的翻译成为了西方翻译研究的重要源头之一。 5. 中外悠久的翻译历史已为我们积累了一份宝贵的文化遗产。我们应当认真总结前人的翻译经验,借鉴吸收前人从实践中总结出的理论、方法,以便继续提高我们的翻译水平,为中外文化交流做出自己的贡献。 五、课后练习 (一)将下列段落译成中文: 一百年前的今天:一些海鸥;北卡罗来纳州杀魔山海岸警卫队的三个队员;救生站以及一些本地人,见证了威尔帕·莱特(Wilbur Wright)和奥维尔·莱特(Orville Wright)兄弟的第一次机动飞机飞行。 1903 年 12 月 17 日,莱特兄弟第一次用比空气重的飞行器进行了有动力的持续飞行。 1932 年, 90 英尺高的杀魔山顶立起了一座 60 英尺高的花岗岩纪念碑,用以纪念这两个来自俄亥俄州代顿市的梦想家。莱特兄弟来自于美国中部。他们有着天空般广阔的眼界,也有着十分务实的作风。1892 年,他们在俄亥俄州的代顿开创了自己的自行车企业:莱特自行车公司。虽然在当时世纪之交的美国,有着数不清的自行车公司,但只有一个在造轮子的同时造出了翅膀。当莱特兄弟在 1903 年最终着眼于动力载人飞行器,他们成功地使世界变小了…… (二)将下列段落译成英文: As Jia baoyu,Xue Baoqin,Xing youyan and Ping’er had birthdays on the same day,the young ladies held a hilarious drinking party in the hall of the peony garden for them. When it was Xiangyun’s turn to compose a verse amid a drinking game,she made fun of the maids by saying, holding a duck head in hand,“This ya tou (referring to the duck head in hand) is not that ya tou (referring to the maids around, as both are homophones in Chinese), for this ya tou has applied no hair oil….” Everybody roared with laughter. Some maids protested, laughing,“You made fun of us, so you have to drink another cup. Let’s pour a full cup her….”As the party went on drinkers’ games continued with ceaseless laughter and people suddenly noticed that Xiangyun had disappeared. While they looked this way and that,a maid rushed in laughing,“ Young ladies. Hurry to have a look at the Lady Xiangyun. She’s sleeping on the stone bench over there.” The group tiptoed over,and sure enough,saw Xiangyun sleeping soundly. Fallen flowers scattered on her body,her hair and her face. Her fan had dropped on the ground aside. Bees danced in the air around her. Under her head was a make-shift pillow of peony flowers wrapped with


1. 我想把王同志介绍给你。 I want to introduce Comrade Wang to you. 2. 依我看,他在浪费时间。 In my opinion, he is wasting time. 3. 由于大火的结果,成千上万的人失去了家园。 As a result of the fire, thousands of people lost their homes. 4. 你能说英语,我也能。 You can speak English, and so can I. 5. 学生们一路上不停地说笑。 The students went on talking and laughing all the way. 6. 我妈妈叫我做作业,而不是洗碗。 My mother asked me to do my homework instead of washing dishes. 7. 在公共场合,不允许人们吸烟。 People aren’t allowed to smoke in public places. 8. 昨天下午我妈在那家商店给我买了橡皮、小刀和铅笔盒等。 Yesterday afternoon my mother bought me an eraser, a knife, a pencil-box and so on. 9. 你怎样在夏天把水变成冰呢? How can you change water into ice in summer? 10. 我英语发音方面有些困难。 I have some difficulty in English pronunciation. 11. 你打算到北京呆多久呢? How long are you going to stay in Beijing? 12. 祝你在深圳玩得愉快。 Have a pleasant/wouderful time in Shezhen. 13. 这顶帽子是由手工而不是机器做的。 The hat is made by hand not by machine. 14. 明天晚上我要到机场去送我姨妈。 Tomorrow evening I’m going to the airport to see my aunt off. 15. 在我的家乡过去大量的小树被砍掉了。 In the past plenty of little trees were cut down in my hometown. 16. 所有的学生都必须遵守校规。


期中复习----句子翻译答案 Unit 1 1.----你父亲今年多少岁了?----他42岁了。 How old is your father? He’s 42 years old. 2. ----你哥哥擅长打电脑游戏吗?----是的。 Is your brother good at playing computer games? Y es, he is. 3. 基蒂不戴眼镜。 Kitty doesn’t wear glasses. 4. ----你来自哪里?----我来自美国。 Where are you from? I’m from the USA. 5. 我朋友喜欢听音乐,她是音乐俱乐部的成员。 My friend likes listening to music. She is a member of the Music Club. 6.我们的英语老师留着长长的黑发。 Our English teacher has long black hair. 7.汤姆学习很努力。 Tom studies hard. 8. 放学后他经常和同学们一起打篮球。 He often plays basketball with his classmates after school. 9.我表妹住在上海,她喜欢生活在那里。 My cousin lives in Shanghai. She likes living there. 10. 那个男孩非常乐于助人,我们都很喜欢他。 That boy is very helpful. We all like him. 11. 你经常和丹尼尔步行走路回家吗? Do you often walk home with Daniel? 12. 我爸爸晚饭后要看半小时的书。 My father reads books for half an hour after supper. 13. 在周末,我父母通常带我去散步。 At the weekend, my parents usually take me for a walk. 14. 他每个星期天都要去足球场踢足球。 He plays football on the football field every Sunday. 15. ----他是我们的数学老师吗?----不是的,他教我们英语。 Is he our maths teacher? No, he teaches us Engliah. 16. 有时候琳达放学后放风筝。 Sometimes Linda flies a kite 17. 她看不清,因此她经常戴眼镜。 She can’t see clearly, so she often wears glasses. 18. 星期天晚上,我们通常在奶奶家吃饭。 On Sunday evening, we usually have supper at my grandma’s home. 19. 我们都喜欢吃鱼。 We all like eating fish. 20. 你们的教室很大吗? Is your classroom very big? 21. 丹尼尔是一个既有礼貌又助人为乐的男孩。


oilskin 油布good seats好票 fish-wife 卖鱼女table knife 餐刀 white day 吉日smell a rat怀疑 red meat牛羊肉blue coat 警察 red-cap 搬运服务人员bull’s eye靶心 mad doctor 精神病医生dogear折角 familiar talk 庸俗的交谈pull up one ’s socks鼓起勇气 husband-like善于管理农活的cock-and-bull story无稽之谈 bite the thumbs at 对...嗤之以鼻twice-told tale老掉牙的故事 divorce lawyer办理离婚案件的律师yellow book黄皮书 白菜:Chinese cabbage; 密码:password; 手机:mobile phone; 救火:to fight a fire; 大片:blockbuster; 早恋:puppy love; 青春痘:acne; 蝴蝶结:bowknot; 长镜头:zoom lens; 方便面:instant noodles; 牛仔裤:jeans; 不冻港:ice-free port; 隐形眼镜:contact lenses; 流动资金:working capital; 新闻自由:freedom of press; 买一赠一:buy one, get one free; 省吃俭用:to live frugally; 高等教育: higher education. 有喜:be pregnant 三角债:debt chains, chain debts, inter-company debts 打白条:issue IOUs 夫妻老婆店:mom-and-pop store 红茶:black tea 黄色电影:blue film (广播,电视)黄金时间:prime time 1)cannot ... too It cannot be too much emphasized that agriculture is the foundation of national economy. 应尽量强调农业是国民经济的基础。 We cannot praise Tom too much. 我们怎样称赞汤姆也不算过分。 I cannot thank you too much. 我无论怎样感谢你都是不够的。 2)never ...but ... I never see him but I want to kiss him.我每次看见他都想吻他。 It never rains but pours.不雨则已,一雨倾盆。 Justice was never done but someone complained.每一次伸张正义都会有人鸣冤叫屈。 3)nothing if not This is nothing if not a lovely teddy bear.这是个非常可爱的玩具熊。 She is nothing if not polite.她彬彬有礼。 He is nothing if not a gentleman.他是个很有教养的人。 4)too...not to… He?s too angry not to say that.他气愤之极,难免会说出那样的话。 He?s too wicked not to meet a bad end someday.他太坏了,总有一天会得到恶报的。 He?s too near for us not to see him.他近在咫尺,我们不会看不见他的。 5)not a little She was not a little surprised.她很是吃惊。 The birthday present brought me not a little happiness.生日礼物给我带来了很多快乐。 1)no more ...than ...


定语从句翻译练习 This is the doctor who saved the boy 's life . 这就是救了孩子生命的医生 She is the new stude nt whom I want to in troduce to you . 她就是我要介绍给你的新学生 The first place that we 'll visit is Beijing Library. 我们要参观的第一个地方是北京图书馆 He is the only pers on that is believable. 他是唯一可靠的人。 Please pass me the book which is lyi ng on the table. 请递给我摆在桌上的那本书。 The no vel which Tom bought is very in teresti ng. 汤姆买的小说很有意思。 Can you lend me the magaz ine which you talked about yesterday? 你能把昨天谈到的那本杂志借给我吗? The bike whose brake was damaged has now bee n repaired. =The bike the tyre of which was damaged has now bee n repaired 那辆坏了轮胎自行车现在已经修好了。 你知道他打算娶你的原因吗? Do you know the reasonfor which he is going to marry you? Do you know the reasonwhy he is going to marry you? 我讨厌我住过的那个旅馆。 I hate the hotelwhere I lived. I hate the hotelin which I lived. 我永远也忘不了我们共同生活和学习的那个秋天。 I will n ever forget the autu mn whe n I studied and lived with you. I will n ever forget the autu mn in which I studied and lived with you. 他爱了 20年的那个女孩昨天嫁人了。 The girl whom he had bee n in love with for 20 yearsmarried some one yesterday. 她是我见过的最漂亮的女孩。 She is the beautiful girl that I have ever see n. 有什么事我能帮你吗? Is there anythin gthat I can do for you? 这就是你能在上面找到答案的那一页. This is the pagewhere you can find the an swer. This is the pagewhich you can find the an swer on. 正像老师昨天说的那样,他没有通过考试。 As the teacher told me yesterdayhe didn 't pass the exam.


背诵句子的过程也就是背诵词汇的过程。 英译汉,然后分析句子成分及重要词组和句型,再进行背诵,再填出句子中的重点词组或写出全句,反复练习为写作打基础。 从5月以来每天学习并背诵10句话,每背完10句时仿写句子。 句子中文 简单句专项练习 1 这所房子花了我一大笔钱。(cost) 2 昨天的大雨使得我们没能踢球。(prevent…from) 3 日本位于中国的东部。(lie) 4 在业余时间里,他专心致志的学习。(devote) 5 那个温和的老人拍了拍女孩的脑袋。(pat) 6 这本书值得一看。(worth) 7 你每天花多少时间上网。(spend) 8 我今晚给你打电话。(ring) 9 这部电影值得一看。(worth) 10 你最近收到过母亲的来信吗。(hear from) 复合句专项练习 1 这是他看过的最有意义的一部电影。 2 带着一副眼镜的那个女孩是安。 3我对你所说的很感兴趣。 4 劳驾,请问我开车如何到电视台? 5 问题是我们如何得到未污染的水。 6 不论你去哪里我都跟着你。

7 他到电影院时,电影已经开始十多分钟了。 8 如果你缺钱,你可以乘公共汽车。(be short of) 9 从那时起我就想了解他从事什么工作。(wonder) 10 如果你听从我的劝告而努力学习,你考试就会及格。 句型专项练习 1 你们家乡气候怎样? 2 上星期我们就是在这所学校开的会。(It is +强调句+ that…) 3 到吃午饭的时间了。 4 她每天直到做完作业后才看电视。(not… until…) 5 和他谈这事无用。 6 我们刚一到,音乐会就开始了。(No sooner…than…) 7 对我们个人来说,关爱自身的健康非常重要。 8 她太兴奋了,那天晚上都没睡觉。(so… that…) 9 他去澳大利亚已经五年了。 10 她去美国已经三年了。(It is … since…) 被动语态专项练习 1 中华人民共和国成立于1949年。 2 2012年奥林匹克运动会将在伦敦举行。(hold) 3 全世界都踢足球。 4 这种纸是用木头做的。(be made from)


浙江广播电视大学 英语专业(开放本科) 《翻译理论与实践》期末复习 题型: 一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 二、翻译句子。(每小题3分,共30分) 三、篇章翻译(每小题40分,共40分) 四、案例分析题(每小题10分,共10分) 一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 1.美国语言学家罗曼.雅各布森把翻译分成__________。 A. 语内翻译 B. 语际翻译 C. 符际翻译 D. 以上选项都正确 2. 下面哪个选项是错误的?_________。 A. dry goods:纺织品B.white goods:白色的货物 C.white wine:白葡萄酒D.toilet water:花露水 3. “This is a special offer and is not subject to our usual discounts” 请问下面哪个译文最合适?________。 A. 这是特殊报盘,不以我方通常折扣为条件。 B. 这是特惠报盘,我方通常折扣不适应于此盘。 C. 此系特惠报盘,不另加我方通常折扣。 D. 这是特殊报盘,不局限于我们通常折扣。 4.下面哪句话的描述是错误的?________。 A.美国著名翻译理论家奈达提出了“动态对等”原则。 B.“动态对等”原则是指,运用交际理论和信息论的原理,将焦点从传统的译文与原文两个文本的比较转移到两个过程的比较,使人们注意到影响信息接收的各种语言和文化因素。C.奈达曾将“动态对等”的提法改成了“功能对等”原则。 D.翻译求的是“形式对等”,而非”动态对等”。

5._________提出了“美化之艺术,创优似竞赛”的翻译理念。 A.尤金.奈达B.泰特勒 C.许渊冲D.鲁迅 6. 下面哪个配对是错误的?_____。 A.赤脚医生:barefoot doctor B.纸老虎:paper tiger C.to show one’s cards:摊牌D.大海捞针:look for a needle in sea D B C D C D 7.哪句话的描述是正确的?______。 A. 严复提出的翻译是:重神似不重形似 B. 傅雷的翻译标准是:信、达、雅 C. 许渊冲的翻译标准是:美化之艺术,创优似竞赛 D. 泰特勒的翻译标准是:通顺 8. 下面哪个选项是错误的?_________。 A. dry State:实行禁酒的州B.white goods:白色的货物 C.dry white wine:涩白酒D.toilet water:花露水 9. 泰特勒(Tytler)提出的著名翻译原则是:_______。 A. 译文应完整地再现原文的思想内容。 B. 译文的风格、笔调应与原文的性质相同。 C. 译文应像原文一样流畅自然。 D. 以上选项都正确。 10.下面哪个选项是正确的?________。 A.bring down the house 翻译为:“推倒房子” B.pull up one's socks 翻译为:鼓起勇气 C.think a great deal of oneself 翻译为:“为自己想得很多” D.an apple of love 翻译为:“爱情之果” 11.A book, tight shut, is but a block of paper.下面哪个译文是最合适的?_____。A.一本书,紧紧合上,只是一叠纸。 B.一本书,如果紧紧合上不读,只是一叠纸。 C.一本书,如果紧紧合上不读,只是一叠废纸。 D.闲置之书只是一叠废纸。

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