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8 林则徐虎门销烟 练习题

8 林则徐虎门销烟 练习题
8 林则徐虎门销烟 练习题




分.外(fēn fèn)应.邀(yīng yìng)身着.(zhuózhe zháo)朝.服(zhāo cháo)


yán bāxiāo huǐyāpiàn lìshǐzhuàng jǔqīwǔ

()() ()( )() ()

shuǐxièbùtōng zhèn jīng zhōng wài

() ()


销( ) 毁( ) 监( ) 厉( ) 值( ) 侮( ) 赛( )

消( ) 般( ) 坚( ) 历( ) 植( ) 悔( ) 寨( )


















































高考英语短文改错新题型 下面短文中共有10处错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分 Passage 1 It was 7:15 in the morning of February 8, 2007. I was walking along Park Road towards the east while an old man came out of the park on the other sides of the street.Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third Street and made a right turn into Park Road.The next moment the car hit the man while she was crossing the road.He fell with a cry.The car didn’t stop and drive off at full speed heading west. I noticed the driver was young woman wore a pair of glasses and the plate number was AC864.After two minutes later, I stopped a passed car and took the old man to the nearest hospital. Passage 2 I often quarrel about my mother over whether I can watch TV after school. She holds view that senior three students have to make fully use of every minute to work hard at their lessons. It seems to me that once I am allo wed to do that, I’ll unable to control myself and forget all about my study. She also thinks it is bad for my eye. But I really can’t accept her ideas. In my opinion, watch TV can set my mind at rest after a day’s hard works. Besides, it is important for u s to know what had happened at home and at abroad. Thus, we shouldn’t be forbidden to watch TV. Passage 3 Dear sir, Last year I buy a refrigerator in your store on Chang An road. We all like shape of the refrigerator. And recently I find something is wrong with it. It begins to make noise when it turned on. At first it is low but gradually it become louder and louder. To make the matter worse, it even stops working sometimes. We all feel disappointing. I am writing you to ask for help. Would you please send a people to repair it? I will at home this weekend. Please call me before you come to here. My telephone number is 6606.5531. Thanks you very much.

九年级英语全册 短文改错题(含解析)(新版)人教新目标版

新短文改错练习题8篇 1 When I was in high school, most of my friend had bicycles. I hoped I could also have it. One day I saw a second-hand bicycle that was only one hundred yuan. I asked my father the money. But he said he could only give me half of the money. He should find the other half myself. So I went to sell newspapers after the school. My father was pleased if I showed him the money a month after. He gives me the other when fifty. You can imagine how much happy I was when I rode to school on my own bicycle. 2 Today is the happy day in this holiday. Although I was very tired, but I found myself in these busy days. I am afraid of taken a bus usually, the awful smell of the bus drive I mad, make me feel carsick. But today I did feel carsick. I can defeat carsickness finally. At night I went out with an old friend who I ever like him, but all of us were busy in the examination at the high school that we hadn't been together. I was such surprised as I received his calling. At first, I thought we would never meet before we graduated. Thank him gave me a happy day! 3 Dancing is my hobby and otherwise, when I heard there would be a get-together to celebrate the 60th National Day in the evening of October 1st, I signed up for the performance. Luckily, I become a member of the dance group. During the summer vacation, I practiced hard with others regardless of the cold weather. After the new school term began, when I carried on with the practice while I was working hard at my studies. And finally, the great day came. In the evening, thousands people gathered in the splendid Tiananmen Square. By the bright lights shining around, we were dancing to the pleasant music happily and joyful. Beautiful fireworks in the clear night sky added to my excited. It was realty an unforgettable experience. 4 Most families in China hoped their single children will have a happy future, so they are very strict in their children. So do teachers in school! Many children are given so much homework that they have hardly any spare time have sports. The children are forbidden to do anything but to study. No wonder such many children are tired of lessons. Some even attack or kill his parents and teachers! I believe many people already read this kind of news in newspapers or magazines. Shouldn’t we draw lesson from the accidents? Now our government is making out a plan to solve the education problems. 5 When Jack bowed to someone, he always did it much too quickly. You needn’t wait any longer after he finished nod his head. So he was blamed for no manner. But some warmhearted men taught him, "When you bow to somebody next time, you can count 'January, February, March, until December. Then you could lift your body up. Thus,


虎门销烟的历史故事 道光1839年1月15日,林则徐受命钦差大臣,已经来临的1839是使禁烟史上最重要的翌年,对林则徐一生来说是最辉煌的岁月。 1839年3月10日林则徐经过两个月的旅程到达广州,成千山万的人挤满了珠江两岸,人人争睹钦差的风采。整个广州都在等待和倾听钦差大臣的声音,林则徐的回答是第二天在辕门外贴出的两张告示《收呈示稿》宣明钦差大臣道广州的目的使查办海口事件。另一个《关防示稿》无异于钦差大臣此行的第一个宣言,是采取禁烟行动的先声。这个告示是林则徐作为钦差大臣向广州官员、百姓和外国人的首次公开亮相,它不仅再次以清廉告白天下,而且是为了驾驭极其复杂的局面。林则徐的日记记载,他当天住在越华书院。 1839年3月18日,林则徐发布两个谕贴。 3月19日下令禁止外国人离开广州。 3月21日下令包围商馆。 3月22日下令查拿英国鸦片贩子颠地。 英国驻华商务监督义律的到来,矛盾自然转移到他身上,他到达当天,林则徐下令停泊在珠江上的一切外国船只封舱,当天晚上封锁商馆,并且撤走一切差役和中国雇员。但是义律是一个十足的大流氓,面对林则徐的命令,出尔反尔,采取无赖、讹诈、欺骗、撒谎的卑鄙手法交替使用。义律狡猾多端,但不是林

则徐的对手,3月28日,向林则徐呈送了《义律遵谕呈单缴烟二万零二百八十三箱禀》。 从林则徐1839年3月10日到达广州,到义律3月28日被迫同意缴出全部鸦片,总共18天,这充分说明了林则徐收缴鸦片第一回合的胜利。 林则徐与邓廷桢等人会商后,就收缴的地点、验收、押运、存储、看管、守卫等各个环节做了无懈可击的指令和安排。 4月10日林则徐、邓廷桢亲赴虎门检查收缴前各项准备工作。 4月11日开始收缴,林则徐亲自监督收缴全过程。 5月18日,实用了34天,共收缴烟土19187箱,又2119袋,总重量1188127公斤。 收缴的这段日子,林则徐一刻不怠的监督这一庞杂的过程。日夜操劳,一丝不苟,无一纰漏。 6月3日,历时23天的虎门销烟,在林则徐的指挥下,向全世界宣告了中华民族决不屈服于侵略的决心。虎门销烟,是人类历史上旷古未有的壮举,虎门销烟,展示出中华民族无以伦比的伟大形象,是抗击外来侵略的胜利。林则徐,理所当然地是这一事件的组织者、指挥者和完成者。从这个意义上说,他已毫无愧色地成为历史巨人了。 虎门销烟前,林则徐了解到,过去用火焚烧鸦片,鸦片油渗入土中,一些人就将这些土挖去,熬炼成烟膏.因此他派人在虎门海

2020新高考英语新题型练习16 语法填空短文改错应用文写作读后续写(6)

语法填空短文改错应用文写作读后续写(6) 语法填空 (山东师大附中2017级第三次月考考试) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 The Real Walkers Company offers a selection of small group walking holidays which explore (include) various destinations and a range of itineraries (路线). These range from 59 (visit) historical cities to undemanding walking 60 (trip) in unspoilt coastal and country regions and, for the more adventurous traveler, challenging mountain or hill-walking explorations. But it would be 61 (fair) to give the impression that these holidays are just about walking. According to the brochure, an enjoyment of walking is often 62 thing that brings together a group of like-minded people, 63 share the pleasure of good companionship in attractive surroundings. The company believes that its tour leaders are the key to 64 (it) success. These people 65 (train) and are particularly keen to ensure that each individual traveler makes the most of their trip. 短文改错 (2020河南洛阳期中) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。


林则徐虎门销烟的故事 Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT

林则徐虎门销烟的故事 在1839年3月的一天,广州万人空巷,成千上万的人挤在珠江两岸,争着目睹钦差大臣林则徐的风采,同时也在等待他完成一件大事,就是销烟! 林则徐为什么要销烟呢,这还要从当时的鸦片走私猖獗说起。嘉庆皇帝后期,清朝的统治越来越衰落,而此时欧美国家发展却很快,欧美国家的商人把人口众多、地域广阔的中国,作为他们海外市场扩张的主要目标。 但中国自古便以农业立国,老百姓过着男耕女织、自给自足的生活,对外来商品需求量很小,加上清朝的统治者以“天朝上国”自居,闭关锁国,于是外国商品在中国几乎没有销路,相反,中国的瓷器、茶叶和丝绸在外国却大受欢迎。 这样一来,许多白花花的银子就流入中国,外国人不愿意了,他们就想透过走私吸食后会上瘾的鸦片来获得暴利。 嘉庆皇帝死后,道光皇帝即位,在道光刚当上皇帝的时候,鸦片的输入量只为四千余箱,短短十八年,鸦片的输入量已猛增到四万零二百箱。鸦片泛滥,不仅仅使中国人身体越来越差,还使很多白银流向外国,导致朝廷财政收入大大减少。 清政府于是实施了禁烟政策,但没想到鸦片走私不但没有收敛,反而更加猖狂。大家对禁烟的看法不一,有人支持有人反对,湖广总督林则徐就是禁烟的强烈支持者。 林则徐出生在福建,他的父母指望儿子好好读书,将来能够当大官。但是林则徐的父亲收入很微薄,林则徐的母亲每一天在操持完家务后,还要做些手工活来分担家庭的负担。在这样的状况下,送林则徐去念书是相当困难的,但好在林则徐的父亲是私塾老师,他打算亲自培养林则徐。于是林则徐四岁的时候,他的父亲便教他四书五经;十四岁就中了秀才;二十岁就中了举人。 随着林则徐慢慢长大,他的家庭也越来越困难,于是林则徐只好离开家乡,当了私塾老师。之后他又辞去了私塾老师的职务,到了厦门,得到一份海


高三英语短文改错专项训练(每日一篇) (1) Last Sunday I saw the worst storm in years. It came sudden and went on for over three hours. After lunch, I went into my room to have a rest. The air was hotter, and all is quiet. Then a strong wind started to blow into my room. Pieces of paper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew out the open window. As I ran out to catch them, big drop of rain began to fall. When I came back into house, it was raining harder and harder. I tried very hard to close the window. Then I heard a loudly crashing(碰撞的)sound from the back of the house. When I ran out to find that a big tree had fallen down and broke the top of the back room. (2) I have been planning to join in our college basketball team next year, so now I am spending as more time as I can with other people who likes to play. They are teaching me the most important rules and technologies of the game, and I am getting the better all the time. We have a neighborhood team that play against other teams in the area. One of my neighbors is helping rest of us improved our skills. Tonight we are playing against one of the best teams in the city, and I think we can beat them if we won't make any mistakes. (3) Fang Tong is 34 years old, an actor, director and teacher of Beijing Opera Theater. Most of his students are from other part of China and have come to Beijing at a very young age of sixteen or seventeen. He hopes create an environment for his students that it is much more relaxing than the one he used to study in. He thought that an actor should relax himself when performing. Yet his students deep respect him and he never needs to raise his voice in order to be hearing. For his opinion, actors should go on even when they feel they have made a mistake in their performances because the moment is already gone but people can never be back to it. . . So art is always changing and


虎门销烟的故事 虎门销烟的故事描述(1): 林则徐虎门销烟的故事 在1839年3月的一天,广州万人空巷,成千上万的人挤在珠江两岸,争着目睹钦差大臣林则徐的风采,同时也在等待他完成一件大事,就是销烟! 林则徐为什么要销烟呢,这还要从当时的鸦片走私猖獗说起。嘉庆皇帝后期,清朝的统治越来越衰落,而此时欧美国家发展却很快,欧美国家的商人把人口众多、地域广阔的中国,作为他们海外市场扩张的主要目标。 但中国自古便以农业立国,老百姓过着男耕女织、自给自足的生活,对外来商品需求量很小,加上清朝的统治者以“天朝上国”自居,闭关锁国,于是外国商品在中国几乎没有销路,相反,中国的瓷器、茶叶和丝绸在外国却大受欢迎。 这样一来,许多白花花的银子就流入中国,外国人不愿意了,他们就想透过走私吸食后会上瘾的鸦片来获得暴利。 嘉庆皇帝死后,道光皇帝即位,在道光刚当上皇帝的时候,鸦片的输入量只为四千余箱,短短十八年,鸦片的输入量已猛增到四万零二百箱。鸦片泛滥,不仅仅使中国人身体越来越差,还使很多白银流向外国,导致朝廷财政收入大大减少。

清政府于是实施了禁烟政策,但没想到鸦片走私不但没有收敛,反而更加猖狂。大家对禁烟的看法不一,有人支持有人反对,湖广总督林则徐就是禁烟的强烈支持者。 林则徐出生在福建,他的父母指望儿子好好读书,将来能够当大官。但是林则徐的父亲收入很微薄,林则徐的母亲每一天在操持完家务后,还要做些手工活来分担家庭的负担。在这样的状况下,送林则徐去念书是相当困难的,但好在林则徐的父亲是私塾老师,他打算亲自培养林则徐。于是林则徐四岁的时候,他的父亲便教他四书五经;十四岁就中了秀才;二十岁就中了举人。 随着林则徐慢慢长大,他的家庭也越来越困难,于是林则徐只好离开家乡,当了私塾老师。之后他又辞去了私塾老师的职务,到了厦门,得到一份海上防务方面的工作。幸运的是,林则徐受到新上任的福建巡抚张师诚的赏识,被招入张师诚的府中工作。 然后林则徐中了进士,开始进入官场,实现了父母的期望。在做官期间,他严格要求自己,事事以身作则,是受群众爱戴的好官。在厦门时,林则徐就注意到了鸦片走私这件事。之后,鸦片在中国越来越泛滥,于是他就向朝廷上奏,请求必须要严禁鸦片。 还未等皇上对他的奏章作批示,他就开始在自己负责的地方严厉禁止鸦片。 他还让人帮忙配制了一种药丸,帮忙对鸦片上瘾的人戒烟。 禁烟取得了很好的效果,但这只是很小的一个范围,在其他地方,还有很多人正在被鸦片折磨,杜绝鸦片来源才是关键。

2020新高考英语新题型练习11 语法填空短文改错应用文写作读后续写(1)(含答案)

语法填空短文改错应用文写作读后续写(1) 语法填空 (湖北省十堰市2020年高三上学期元月调研) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Nezha is the subject of the latest cartoon film, which 61 (official) opened in cinemas in China on July 26. Nezha has got wonderful reviews and is rated higher than Monkey King : Hero is Back. Since July 26, the film 62 (earn) more than 140 million yuan at the box office, and the film has a score of 8. 8 63 (point) (out of 10) on China's largest filming rating site, Douban. Yang Yu, 64 is the director of it, made up his mind 65 (produce) a film on the theme of breaking old rules and changing fate. Yang chose Nezha as his character, the 66 (combine) of the rebellious (叛逆的)but straight youth. The film is loosely based on the Chinese novel The Investiture of the Gods.In the novel, Nezha is born during the Shang dynasty and is famous 67 fighting against the Dragon King. It took Yang Yu two years to polish the script, and the film was in production for three years. It is 68 most complex cartoon production ever 69 (make) in China. It has more than 1 ,300 special effects shots, and it took over 20 Chinese special effects studios, 70(employ) more than 1, 600 people, to realize the film's fairy tale setting, the mysterious Dragon King's palace. One spectacular scene alone took two months to complete. 短文改错 (湖北省十堰市2020年高三上学期元月调研考试) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Dear Peter, I am pleasing to tell you that we have returned to China safely. I'm writing to express our appreciations for your reception.


新短文改错练习题8篇 1 When I was in high school, most of my friend had bicycles. I hoped I could also have it. One day I saw a second-hand bicycle that was only one hundred yuan. I asked my father the money. But he said he could only give me half of the money. He should find the other half myself. So I went to sell newspapers after the school. My father was pleased if I showed him the money a month after. He gives me the other when fifty. You can imagine how much happy I was when I rode to school on my own bicycle. 2 Today is the happy day in this holiday. Although I was very tired, but I found myself in these busy days. I am afraid of taken a bus usually, the awful smell of the bus drive I mad, make me feel carsick. But today I did feel carsick. I can defeat carsickness finally. At night I went out with an old friend who I ever like him, but all of us were busy in the examination at the high school that we hadn't been together. I was such surprised as I received his calling. At first, I thought we would never meet before we graduated. Thank him gave me a happy day! 3 Dancing is my hobby and otherwise, when I heard there would be a get-together to celebrate the 60th National Day in the evening of October 1st, I signed up for the performance. Luckily, I become a member of the dance group. During the summer vacation, I practiced hard with others regardless of the cold weather. After the new school term began, when I carried on with the practice while I was working hard at my studies. And finally, the great day came. In the evening, thousands people gathered in the splendid Tiananmen Square. By the bright lights shining around, we were dancing to the pleasant music happily and joyful. Beautiful fireworks in the clear night sky added to my excited. It was realty an unforgettable experience. 4 Most families in China hoped their single children will have a happy future, so they are very strict in their children. So do teachers in school! Many children are given so much homework that they have hardly any spare time have sports. The children are forbidden to do anything but to study. No wonder such many children are tired of lessons. Some even attack or kill his parents and teachers! I believe many people already read this kind of news in newspapers or magazines. Shouldn’t we draw lesson from the accidents? Now our government is making out a plan to solve the education problems. 5 r When Jack bowed to someone, he always did it much too quickly. You needn’t wait any longe after he finished nod his head. So he was blamed for no manner. But some warmhearted men taught him, "When you bow to somebody next time, you can count 'January, February, March, until December. Then you could lift your body up. Thus, the ceremony will b e very perfect.”  The next day, he met his uncle. He did as the men told. The bow was too long that it made his uncle escape away soon with a surprising look . When Jack looked down, he found his uncle gone . So he asked the passer, "In what month did he go away?" 6 Our government is trying hard to build an energy-saving society. It is somebody’s duty to work hard and reach this goal. However, not everybody has realized the important of it. Take our school for example. Sometime we can see that lights and computers are still on after class. Some students


虎门销烟的历史故事 导读:"天下兴亡,匹夫有责。"这是明清之际爱国学者顾炎武的名言。 爱国主义在不同的历史时期会有不同的理解和实践,每个时代都有自己的爱国爱民的志士和民族英雄。只要我们光大和发扬这一优秀的民族传统,团结一致,众志成城,就会使我们的国家更加强盛,在世界民族之林中放出更加夺目的光彩。 林则徐是清朝后期一位著名的民族英雄。他任湖广总督期间,由于清政府腐败,英国强盗把一种叫鸦片的毒品,源源不断的偷运进中国,毒害中国百姓。 林则徐面对这一切,十分焦急。他多次向皇帝上书,陈述鸦片的?。道光皇帝接受了林则徐的建议,任命林则徐为钦差大臣,负责禁烟。 1839年3月,林则徐来到广州,禁烟运动迅速展开。6月3日,人们把缴获的鸦片全部投进硝烟池。顷刻间,鸦片全部销毁。林则徐为国家和民族做了一件大好事。虎门硝烟的壮举,给英国侵略者以沉重的打击,揭开了中国人民反帝斗争的第一页。 林则徐虎门销烟的故事 道光18年11月15日,林则徐受命钦差大臣,已经来临的1839是使禁烟史上最重要的翌年,对林则徐一生来说是最辉煌的岁月。 1839年3月10日林则徐经过两个月的旅程到达广州,成千山万的人挤满了珠江两岸,人人争睹钦差的风采。整个广州都在等待和倾

听钦差大臣的声音,林则徐的回答是第二天在辕门外贴出的两张告示《收呈示稿》宣明钦差大臣道广州的目的使查办海口事件。另一个《关防示稿》无异于钦差大臣此行的第一个宣言,是采取禁烟行动的先声。这个告示是林则徐作为钦差大臣向广州官员、百姓和外国人的首次公开亮相,它不仅再次以清廉告白天下,而且是为了驾奴极其复杂的局面。林则徐的日记记载,他当天住在越华书院。 广州处在暴风雨的前夕,不管是欢喜还是惧怕,期待还是仇恨,它总归要伴着雷鸣闪电,铺天盖地的来了...... 1839年3月18日,林则徐发布两个谕贴。 3月19日下令禁止外国人离开广州。 3月21日下令包围商馆。 3月22日下令查拿英国鸦片贩子颠地。 英国驻华商务监督义律的到来,矛盾自然转移道他身上,他到达当天,林则徐下令停泊在黄浦江上的一切外国船只封舱,当天晚上封锁商馆,并且撤走一切差役和中国雇员。但是义律是一个十足的大流氓,面对林则徐的命令,出尔反尔,采取无赖、讹诈、欺骗、撒谎的卑鄙手法交替使用。义律狡猾多端,但不是林则徐的对手,3月28日,向林则徐呈送了《义律遵谕呈单缴烟二万零二百八十三箱禀》。 从林则徐1839年3月10日到达广州,到义律3月28日被迫同意缴出全部鸦片,总共18天,这充分说明了林则徐收缴鸦片第一回合的胜利。

责任心の名言 无错版

不要问你的国家能为你做甚麼,要问你能为你的国家做甚麼。 -约翰?甘乃迪,美国第35任总统 责任就像水、空气、食物一样重要。——洪能翔 责任是什么?责任就像你身体的质量,没有它必将会飘飘然起来,放浪自由,却没有前进的目标——章文珍 责任心:一种发自内心的,敢于面对生活的勇气。——陈芳菲 有一种力量是从你那个跳动的心中发出的,它会指引你去做你认为重要的事,并且一定会竭尽全力,这就是责任心。——朱明然 责任心不是蓝天上的白云,潇洒,飘逸,片刻消失,而是万物生存必不可少的甘露。——柳赛平 责任通常分两种:一种如清茶,倒一杯是一杯,永远是被动;一种如啤酒,刚倒半杯,便已泡沫翻腾,永远是主动。——张瑜 责任心就是保质保量的完成自己该做的事。——金璐

责任心使我们约束自己,完善自己所必需的,它将伴你成长。——胡缨 自律在心中,生活有责任心——夏韶东 责任心犹如大海中的定海神针,人类一旦失去责任心,世界就会像大海一样波涛汹涌,失去控制——邱征兵 如果一个人有了责任心,那么他会努力把每一件事做得完美——周姿延 力量越大,责任也就越大。——金龙升 自律靠自己——潘潇 每个人都希望有一瓶高雅的法国香水,它让你飘逸着芳香;每个人更应该有一颗责任心,它能铸造你坚毅的灵魂——陈婷 责任心使一切的一切,因为由它所以世界才完美——吴翰

责任就是对别人和自己负责——李增阳 人不能没有责任心,就像小鸟不能没有翅膀,地球不能没有太阳——孙盼 人要有责任心,真的——邵恒斌 流星划过天际,责任心就在黑暗中闪烁。——吴堃 一种力量让我不断前行,那就是责任心——李承皓 责任在于心,自律亦在于心——陈思聪 一人做事一人当,男子汉应该有的就是责任——朱成伟 做好每一件该做的事就是责任——王爱珍 责任是与生俱来的,不可推卸的——张丽丽


高一英语短文改错专题练习(10篇) 答题要求:此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。 此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。 此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错的不要改。 A While traveled to Paris on a bus, I became very sick. 1. _______________ A well-dressing man on the bus helped me greatly. He 2. _______________ took me off the bus, found out where the doctor’s office. 3. _______________ and took me to there himself. The next day, he came 4. _______________ to visit me. I didn’t speak French well, so I can’t talk with 5. _______________ him very much. However, even if we couldn’t talk, but 6. _______________ we could communicate. I communicated myself thanks 7.

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