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Passage A


Last year I went to Nepal (尼泊尔) for three months to work in a hospital. I think it's important to see as much of a country as you can, but it is difficult to travel around Nepal. The hospital let me have a few days holiday, so I decided to go into the jungle (丛林) and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me. We started our trip at six in the morning with two elephants carrying our equipment. It was hot, but Kamal made me wear shoes and trousers to protect me from snakes.① In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers. We climbed onto the elephants backs to see better, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the daytime.

Then, in the distance, we saw a tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet. We moved nearer and found a dead deer. This was the tigers lunch! I started to feel very frightened.

We heard the tiger a second before we saw it. It jumped out suddenly, five hundred kilos plus and four meters long. It grabbed (咬住) Kamal's leg between its teeth, but I succeeded (成功) in pulling Kamal away.② One of our elephants ran at the tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quickly escaped to let the tiger eat its lunch. That night it was impossible to sleep.


1. The writer of the passage must be____ .

A. a Nepalese doctor

B. a foreign tourist

C. a Nepalese traveler

D. a foreign doctor

2. What made the writer suddenly start to feel very frightened?

A. He heard the noise of the tiger.

B. He saw the tiger in the distance.

C. He realized that they were in danger.

D. He knew that the tiger was in danger.

3. What was unusual about the tiger?

A. It hunted a deer on a hot afternoon.

B. It was 500 kilos plus and four meters long.

C. It was afraid of an elephant.

D. It almost killed the Nepalese guide.


① It was hot, but Kamal made me wear shoes and trousers to protect me from snakes.


Total words:253

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Reading speed: ____

② It grabbed Kamals leg between its teeth, but I succeeded in pulling Kamal away.

它紧紧咬住Kamal 的腿,可我还是成功地将Kamal 拉走了。

Passage B


From Monday until Friday most people are busy working or studying, but in the evenings and on weekends they are free to relax (放松) and enjoy themselves. Some watch TV or go to the movies; others take part in sports. It depends on individual interests. There are many different ways to spend our spare time.

Almost everyone has some kinds of hobbies. It may be anything from collecting stamps to making model airplanes. Some hobbies are very expensive, but others dont cost anything at all. Some collections are worth a lot of money; others are valuable only to their owners.

I know a man who has a coin collection worth several thousand dollars. A short time ago he bought a rare (稀有的) fiftycent piece worth S|250! He was very happy about his buying and thought the price was reasonable (合理的). On the other hand, my youngest brother collects matchboxes.① He has almost 600 of them but I doubt (怀疑) if they are worth any money. However, to my brother they are very valuable. Nothing makes him happier than to find a new matchbox for his collection.②

Thats what a hobby means, I guess. It is something we like to do in our spare time simply for the fun of it. The value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure it gives us is.


1. The underlined word “individual” in the first paragraph most probably means____ .

A. differentB. strange

C. secretD. one's own

2. In the writer's opinion, ____.

A. all hobbies are very expensive

B. some hobbies don't cost anything

C. hobbies are worthless

D. hobbies are valuable to everybody

3. Something that one enjoys doing in one's spare time is a____ .

A. job B. pleasure

C. hobbyD. habit

4. Which of the following statements (陈述) is NOT true?

A. The writer's brother has a large collection of matchboxes, which makes him very happy.

B. We collect a subject in our spare time simply for the fun of it.

C. The pleasure that a hobby can give is important.

D. To have a hobby means to spend a lot of money.


① On the other hand, my youngest brother collects matchboxes.


Total words:229

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② Nothing makes him happier than to find a new matchbox for his collection.


Passage C


Without proper planning,

tourism can cause problems. For example, too many tourists can crowd public places that were also enjoyed by the inhabitants (居民) of a country. If tourists create too much traffic, the inhabitants will become unhappy. They begin to dislike tourists and to treat them impolitely. They forget how much tourism can help a country's economy (经济). It is important to think about the people of a destination (目的地) country and how tourism affects(影响)them. Tourism should help a country keep the customs and beauty that attract tourists. Tourism should also advance the wellbeing of local inhabitants.

Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism grows too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry. This means that other parts of the countrys economy will suffer.

On the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people will lose jobs.① Businesses will also lose money. It costs a great deal of money to build large hotels, airports, broad roads, and other things needed by places of interest. For example, a fivestar tourism hotel needs as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build. If this room is not used most of the time, the owners of the hotel will lose money.

Building a hotel is just a beginning. There must be many support facilities (支撑设施) as well, including roads to get to the hotel, electricity, and sewers to handle waste and water② .All of these support facilities cost money. If they are not used because there are not enough tourists, jobs and money are lost.


1. Which of the following has most probably been discussed in the part that goes before this passage?

A. It is very important to develop tourism.

B. Building roads and hotels is necessary.

C. Support facilities are highly important.

D. Planning is very important to tourism.

2. Too much tourism can cause all these problems EXCEPT ____.

A. a bad effect on other industries

B. a change of tourists customs

C. overcrowdedness of places of interest

D. pressure (压力) on traffic

3.Not enough tourism can lead to ____.

A. an increase of unemployment (失业)

B. a decrease(减退)in tourist attractions

C. the higher cost of support facilities

D. a rise in price and a fall in pay


① On the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people will lose jobs.


Total words:267

Reading time:____

Reading speed: ____

② There must be many support facilities as well, including roads to get to the hotel, electricity, and sewers to handle waste and water. 还需要一些配套设施,包括交通,电力和处理垃圾、废水的卫生设施等。

Passage D

I arrived in the United States on February 6, 1996, but I remember my first day here very clearly. My f

riend was waiting for me when my plane landed at Kennedy Airport at three oclock in the afternoon. The weather was very 1 and it was snowing, but I was too excited to 2 . From the airport, my friend and I took a taxi to my 3 . On the way, I saw the skyline of Manhattan for the 4 time and I looked in astonishment (惊奇) at the famous skyscrapers (摩天大楼) and their manmade 5 . My friend helped me unpack at the hotel and then left because he had to go back to work. He promised to return the next day.

6 my friend had left, I went to a 7 near the hotel to get something to eat. Because I couldn't speak a single 8 of English, I couldn't tell the 9 what I wanted. I was very upset and started to make some 10 , but the waiter didnt 11 me. Finally, I ordered the same thing the man at the next table was 12 .① After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway② 13 I came to Times Square with its cinemas, theatres, neon lights, and huge crowds of people. I did not feel tired, so I 14 to walk around the city. I wanted to see 15 on my first day. I knew it was 16 , but I wanted to try.

When I returned to the hotel, I was 17 , but I couldn't 18 because I kept hearing the fire and police sirens (警笛) during the night. I lay 19 and thought about New York. It was a very big and interesting city with many tall buildings and big cars, and full of 20 and busy people. I also decided right then that I had to learn to speak English.


1. A. warmB. hotC. coldD. cool

2. A. look B. listen C. enjoy D. mind

3. A. school B. hotel C. home D. office

4. A. first B. second C. last D. only

5. A. parks B. satellitesC. beauty D. lakes

6. A. Long before B. Shortly after

C. Sooner or laterD. Then

7. A. restaurant B. sailors shop

C. bookstoreD. post office

8. A. sentence B. little C. word D. phrase

9. A. boss B. cook C. waiter D. man

10. A. sounds B. noise C. voices D. gestures

11. A. listen to B. understand C. see D. serve

12. A. reading B. writingC. ordering D. eating

13. A. untilB. when C. before D. after

14. A. stopped B. tired C. decidedD. continued

15. A. something B. everything C. some thingsD. anything

16. A. necessary B. important C. impossible D. right

17. A. tired B. excited C. surprisedD. pleased

18. A. go out B. eat C. have a bathD. fall asleep

19. A. afraid B. awake C. aloud D. asleep

20. A. noiseB. streets C. places D. rivers


① Finally, I ordered the same thing the man at the next table was eating.


② Broadway 百老汇大街。

Passage A


1. D. 据首句得知。

2. C. 由第二段得知,作者感到害怕的原因是意识到处境危险。

3. A. 由第一段末句 “...it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon” 推知。




1. D. 根据文意,此处指“个人的兴趣”。

2. B. 由第三段“集火柴盒”的例子可知。

3. C. 这是对hobby的解释。

4. D. 据第二段可知,并非所有的爱好都需要花钱。

Passage C


1. D. 根据首段首句,可判断本文之前部分应叙述“规划对旅游业的重要性”。

2. B. 由第一、二段可知,旅游业的泛滥并不能改变旅游者的习惯。

3. A. 由第三段“On the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people will lose jobs.”可知答案为A。

Passage D


1. C. 根据下文可知天气很冷。

2. D. 太激动了,也就不在乎天气的寒冷了。

3. B. 下文有暗示,可知是去宾馆。

4. A. for the first time 意为“第一次”。

5. C. 看到了摩天大楼等人造景观的美。

6. B. shortly after 意为“不久以后;不一会儿”。

7. A. 根据下文“...to get something to eat”,可知“我”去了宾馆附近的一家饭店。

8. C. 根据最后一句可知“我”一个英语单词都不会说。

9. C.根据文意可知,应是服务员或侍者。

10. D. make some gestures 意为“做手势”。

11. B. 服务员还是不明白“我”的意思。

12. D. 点了邻桌顾客吃的东西。

13. A. 沿着百老汇大街一直走到时代广场。

14. D. 继续在纽约市区徜徉。

15. B. 根据下文可知,此句意为“我想在第一天看到纽约的一切”。

16. C. 第一天就把纽约看个遍是不可能的,但“我”想试一试。

17. A. 回到宾馆,感觉肯定是累的。

18. D. 虽然很累,但因为窗外警笛声和火警声无法入睡。

19. B. awake为表语形容词,意为“清醒的;醒着的”。

20. A. 根据上文可知纽约市区喧嚣、嘈杂。

1. We started our trip at six in the morning with two elephants carrying our equipment. 早上六点钟我们开始了旅途,两头大象驮着我们的设备。(Line 8, Passage A)

trip 是非正式用语,强调一次往返的短途旅程。journey 则比较正式,常指时间和距离都较长的陆路旅行,不一定最终要回到出发地。而travel 则泛指旅行、游历,尤指国外旅行,但无路程之义。如:

Mother took me downtown on a shopping trip. 妈妈带我进城买东西了。

We made a journey to the Northeast of China. 我们在中国的东北做了一次旅行。

He has just returned from his travels. 他旅行刚回来。

2. The value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure it gives us is. 金钱的价值并不重要,重要的是它(业余爱好)

给我们带来的快乐。(Last line, Passage B)

not...but... 意为“不是……而是……” 连接两个并列的成分,表示意思上的转折。如:

He went not to help his father but to borrow money from him. 他并不是去帮他父亲忙而是去向他父亲借钱。


Not he but I am a doctor. 不是他而是我是一名医生。

Not the teacher but the students are going there. 不是老师而是学生们将去那里。

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