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22-year-old Maria is a sister in Salzburg convent,but she always gets into trouble because of her character that is lively and active. Dean mother thought she was not fit to be a sister,so she decided to send maria to Captain Von Trapp’s home and made her find the real goal of life.

When maria arrived at captan’s home,she found captan Was strict with his seven children. And she also knew why all teachers leaved. Because children made fun of teachers in order to attract their father’s attention.

However ,captan demanded maria like him to treat his children. But maria didn’t do as that,her gentle and kind-hearted won children’s friendly.

Later,capten left home. During the time,maria played with children and taught them to sing. Children also became happy than before. When capten came back,he invited uncle mike and his girlfriend. Children played puppetry for them. Capten found music came back his home again and was infected by maria. Several days later,capten hold a ball.when capten and maria danced together,their love was obviously.baroness saw this and she said maria should go back to convent.so maria left.

After maria left,all things changed. Children wanted maria can come back,so they went to convent to meet maria. But maria

didn’t appear. Dean mother told maria she should be courageous and face her feel. when maria came back,she and capten expressed their love to the other. And they got married quickly. Unfortunately,when they finished their honeymoon to come back home,they found flags of nazi here and there. As soon as they arrived at home,capten recived a letter that said capten must register to nazi’s navy. Capten hated nazi’s behaviour,so he decided to leave Austria with his family. When they left home,nazi stopped them. So capten told them they were rushing to Salzburg Festival.with nazi company,they played Edelweiss and infected all people.

After the show,they escaped when people awarded.under the help of convent,they escaped nazi. In the end,they turned Alps and left Austria.


《音乐之声》音乐赏析 据玛丽亚?冯?特拉普的自传:《冯?特拉普家的歌手们》改写而成的《音乐之声》,被誉为有电影以来最成功的一部音乐歌舞片。影片里美妙的音乐至今仍被全世界传唱。 《音乐之声》讲述了热情活泼的修女玛丽亚到奥地利退役军官特拉普海军上校家当7个孩子的家庭教师的故事。上校的妻子几年前去世,上校心灰意冷,用管理水兵的方法来管教孩子。孩子们的生活就像钟摆一样循规蹈矩,毫无生气。玛丽亚来到上校家后,顺应孩子们天性活泼的特点,教他们唱歌跳舞,带他们去野餐、郊游、爬树和划船,使家中充满欢乐。她的热情、爱心赢得了孩子们的信任和喜爱,最终也赢得了上校的爱慕,后来成了孩子们的母亲。纳粹德国占领奥地利后,爱国的上校不愿意效力于纳粹海军,于是,在一次民谣节上,上校带领全家成功地逃出了魔掌,翻越群山奔向自由。 优美的音乐是电影的灵魂,电影《音乐之声》最令人兴奋和过后难忘的,正是其中几首韵调轻扬、词句烂漫的歌曲。《音乐之声》的题材来自生活,却又将之升华从而使之高于生活,它以音乐抒发人类最淳朴的感情,以感情动人,整部音乐剧充满了诗性的美和浪漫,像一朵清新而独特的百合,散发出满室的清香。其中流传最广的几首经典音乐,如表达玛利亚对大自然热爱的主题曲“the sound of music”,轻快跳跃的“The Lonely Goatherd”,欢快活跃的“Do-Re-Mi”,“Sixteen Going On Seventeen”以雨中歌舞传情的形式,表现了大女儿Rolfe 和邮递员liesl美妙的初恋情怀及依依不舍之情,在雷雨交加的夜晚,自然流畅的“My Favorite Things”驱除了孩子们的恐惧,特拉普上校演唱的一派深情的“Edelweiss”,以及可爱的孩子们演唱的可爱俏皮的“Good night,Good bye”等等,都广为流传。 它的音乐贯穿全程,音乐既推动了故事情节的发展,也成为整部影片最动人的部分。现在,我们着重讨论一下接下来这三首歌曲。 歌曲“the sound of music”,是剧中的点睛之笔,点题之作。由玛利亚在山顶独唱,演员以磁性的声音,纯熟的演唱技巧,将这首脍炙人口的歌曲演唱的淋漓尽致。优美的音乐配之以优美的景色,流畅的画面,给观众带来一场视觉和听觉的盛宴。充分地抒发主人公玛利亚对故乡、对大自然、对音乐的无比热爱。上校赴维也纳期间,玛利亚把这首歌教给了7个孩子,并且让他们在男爵夫人到来时为她演唱,深深地打动了上校禁锢已久的心,使他忽然变成了一个和蔼可亲

英文论文观后感The sound of music

Report of The sound of music The sound of music was directed by Robert Wise in 1965, this film won several awards in the 38th Oscar Awards. I was so curious about this, but when I watched it, I know the reason. This film told a story about a very unusual nun named Maria. She was so active and enthusiastic that the abbess told her she was unfit to live in the convent. So, when the abbess heard that the Captain Georg von Trapp need a tutor, she sent Maria to there and told that she may found what kind of person did she really is and what kind of life did she really want . At the very beginning, Maria was so unsatisfied with this arrangement, she song loudly with rag on the way to Captain’s to show her unsatisfaction, but we, the audience, knew the abbess’s de cision was so wise. Maria wore an ugly skirt enter the Captain’s house. She was shocked by the magnificent of the Captain’s house at first, but then she was shocked again by the Captain’s way of education to his 7 children. It was just like in the army, you can hardly feel the homely warmth. Through her contact with children, she soon found that all the kids loved their father deeply after their mother’s death, but they didn’t know how to show their love to father. Therefore, they liked to trick their tutors for


音乐之声音乐赏析 TYYGROUP system office room 【TYYUA16H-TYY-TYYYUA8Q8-

《音乐之声》音乐赏析 据玛丽亚冯特拉普的自传:《冯特拉普家的歌手们》改写而成的《音乐之声》,被誉为有电影以来最成功的一部音乐歌舞片。影片里美妙的音乐至今仍被全世界传唱。 《音乐之声》讲述了热情活泼的修女玛丽亚到奥地利退役军官特拉普海军上校家当7个孩子的家庭教师的故事。上校的妻子几年前去世,上校心灰意冷,用管理水兵的方法来管教孩子。孩子们的生活就像钟摆一样循规蹈矩,毫无生气。玛丽亚来到上校家后,顺应孩子们天性活泼的特点,教他们唱歌跳舞,带他们去野餐、郊游、爬树和划船,使家中充满欢乐。她的热情、爱心赢得了孩子们的信任和喜爱,最终也赢得了上校的爱慕,后来成了孩子们的母亲。纳粹德国占领奥地利后,爱国的上校不愿意效力于纳粹海军,于是,在一次民谣节上,上校带领全家成功地逃出了魔掌,翻越群山奔向自由。 优美的音乐是电影的灵魂,电影《音乐之声》最令人兴奋和过后难忘的,正是其中几首韵调轻扬、词句烂漫的歌曲。《音乐之声》的题材来自生活,却又将之升华从而使之高于生活,它以音乐抒发人类最淳朴的感情,以感情动人,整部音乐剧充满了诗性的美和浪漫,像一朵清新而独特的百合,散发出满室的清香。其中流传最广的几首经典音乐,如表达玛利亚对大自然热爱的主题曲“the sound of music”,轻快跳跃的“The Lonely Goatherd”,欢快活跃的“Do-Re-Mi”,“Sixteen Going On Seventeen”以雨中歌舞传情的形式,表现了大女儿Rolfe和邮递员liesl美妙的初恋情怀及依依不舍之情,在雷雨交加的夜晚,自然流畅的“My Favorite Things”驱除了孩子们的恐惧,特拉普上校演唱的一派深情的“Edelweiss”,以及可爱的孩子们演唱的可爱俏皮的“Good night,Good bye”等等,都广为流传。 它的音乐贯穿全程,音乐既推动了故事情节的发展,也成为整部影片最动人的部分。现在,我们着重讨论一下接下来这三首歌曲。 歌曲“the sound of music”,是剧中的点睛之笔,点题之作。由玛利亚在山顶独唱,演员以磁性的声音,纯熟的演唱技巧,将这首脍炙人口的歌曲演唱的淋漓尽致。优美的音乐配之以优美的景色,流畅的画面,给观众带来一场视觉和听觉的盛宴。充分地抒发主人公玛利亚对故乡、对大自然、对音乐的无



精品文档 22-year-old Maria is a sister in Salzburg convent,but she always gets into trouble because of her character that is lively and active. Dean mother thought she was not fit to be a sister,so she decided to send maria to Captain Von Trapp’s home and made her find the real goal of life. When maria arrived at captan’s home,she found captan Was strict with his seven children. And she also knew why all teachers leaved. Because children made fun of teachers in order to attract their father’s attention. However ,captan demanded maria like him to treat his children. But maria didn’t do as that,her gentle and kind-hearted won children’s friendly. Later,capten left home. During the time,maria played with children and taught them to sing. Children also became happy than before. When capten came back,he invited uncle mike and his girlfriend. Children played puppetry for them. Capten found music came back his home again and was infected by maria. Several days later,capten hold a ball.when capten and maria danced together,their love was obviously.baroness saw this and she said maria should go back to convent.so maria left. 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

音乐之声 中英文对照歌词

Do-re-mi 歌手:Sound Of Music(音乐之声) Let's start at the very beginning A very good place to start When you read you begin with A-B-C When you sing you begin with do-re-mi Do-re-mi, do-re-mi The first three notes just happen to be Do-re-mi, do-re-mi Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti Let's see if I can make it easy Doe, a deer, a female deer Ray, a drop of golden sun Me, a name I call myself Far, a long, long way to run Sew, a needle pulling thread La, a note to follow Sew Tea, a drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh) Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do So-do! 让我们从头开始学习 从这儿开始真有趣 你要念书就先学 A B C 你要唱歌就先学Do re mi do-re-mi 这三个字符最先遇到你 Do-re-mi, do-re-mi Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti 让我们看看是否把它弄得简单点 Doe是一只小母鹿 Ray是一束阳光 Me是称呼我自己 Far是道路远又长 Sew是穿针引线 La这音符跟着Sew Tea是饮料茶点 然后我们再唱多


This is a story about love and music. 22-year-old Maria is a sister in Salzburg convent, Dean mother thought she was not fit to be a sister, so she decided to send Maria to Captain Von Trapp's home and made her find the real goal of life.When Maria arrived at captain's home, found captan was strict with his seven children. However, captain demanded Maria like him to treat his children. But Maria didn't do as that. Her gentle and kind-hearted won children's friendly. Maria played with children and taught them to sing. Children also became happy than before. Captain found music came back his home again and was infected by Maria. They expressed their love to the other. And they got married quickly. Unfortunately,when they finished their honeymoon to come back home, captain received a letter that said captain must register to Nazi's navy. Captain hated Nazi's behaviour,so he decided to leave Austria with his family. At the Salzburg Festival,they played Edelweiss and infected all people. After the show,they escaped Nazi. In the end,they left Austria. Interesting story, sweet song, warm feelings, innocent joke, are" the sound of music" the most attractive place.It shows the power of music.

音乐之声 电影音乐鉴赏

《音乐之声》电影音乐赏析 ——音乐触摸灵魂、记录人生 我是在高中英语课中第一次观赏《音乐之声》这部影片,影片的音乐就好像是一场洗礼, 当时就被它的音乐深深的感染!而学习过电影音乐赏析之后,以一种相对专业的眼光去审度、重温这部影片,感觉是完全不同的,此时才真正了解到音乐之于电影的真正魅力……它不仅仅再是一部简单的音乐剧,而是我们对生活的遐思与热爱…… 《音乐之声》(The Sound Of Music)取材于玛丽亚?冯?特拉普的自传----《冯?特拉普家的歌手们》,根据美国百老汇的同名音乐剧改编而成。这是美国著名导演罗伯特?怀斯和美国著名剧作家恩斯特?莱赫曼继《西区故事》(West Side Story)后再度携手的经典之作 作为一部音乐电影,不得不说的便是影片音乐的安排,两位大师的集合尤其善于在复杂的节奏中寻求一种惊人的和谐,旋律自然、流畅而简洁,但简洁中又显示出高度的技巧。片中的作曲就是这种创作风格的代表作,其中不乏许多经典歌曲。此时两位大师均处于事业巅峰时刻,开创了其雄霸百老汇近二十年的音乐剧黄金时期,他们合作的代表作还包括《南太平洋》、《国王与我》、《俄克拉荷马!》等 该影片1966年获得第38届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳剪辑、最佳音效(两座小金人)和最佳配乐六项大奖以及十项奥斯卡提名;同年获得金球奖最佳电影(喜剧/音乐类)和最佳女演员(喜剧/音乐类)两项大奖以及两项金球奖提名;2001年获得美国国家电影保护局颁发的国家影片登记奖。这是好莱坞音乐电影史上不可逾越的经典,其影响力至今未减。 《音乐之声》是一部以音乐、家庭和爱情为主题的电影,故事结构紧凑,风格轻松温馨,音画一流。影片讲述了天性自由、活泼善良的实习修女Maria到萨尔茨堡当前奥地利帝国海军退役军官Captain Georg Von Trapp家当7个孩子的家庭教师的故事。在上校离家去维也纳期间,Maria用窗帘布给孩子们做了游戏服,带他们去野餐、郊游,教他们唱歌、跳舞,给这个呆板、冰冷的家庭带去了歌声和笑声。当上校带着准备与他结婚的男爵夫人回来时,看到这个家庭又重新充满了欢乐温馨的气氛,而他的“水兵们”也已被训练成了一支有素养的家庭合唱队,这激起了上校对生活的热爱,也唤起了他对Maria的爱情。在男爵夫人的介绍舞会中一支奥地利的民间舞蹈(Laendler)是彼此了解到对方的心意,关系迅速升温,而这一切都被男爵夫人看在了眼里,舞会中途退场劝Maria回修道院,玛丽亚恐怕自己对上校的感情会越陷越深,于是,她悄悄地离开了,后经心灵导师Mother Abbess 院长的开导,Maria终于再次鼓起勇气,最终找到了属于自己的真爱,之后,德国纳粹占领了奥地利。当他们晚上离开别墅的时候,被早就躲在门外监视他们的纳粹所拦,而Max的出现则为故事的结局做了完美铺垫----上校一家借着参加民谣节的机会,在朋友和修女们的帮助下,全家逃出了纳粹的魔掌。影片最后的镜头是特拉普一家爬上阿尔卑斯山,离开多难的祖国到达瑞士,曙光象征着他们新生活的开始。 《音乐之声》的剧情并不复杂,也没有所谓的宏大和壮观,但却更能走进人们的心灵。在现场聆听观赏,我深深地感到自己被许许多多的爱所包围。 片头主题音乐《The Sound Of Music》(由Maria于群山之间平原上上演唱),它洗涤着心灵,表达着她对生活的憧憬和热爱,为本部影片奠定了情感基调;而由院长和修女们演唱幽默诙谐的一曲《Maria》使观众进一步了解到女主角Maria的性格特征,起到了描绘作用,同时推动了故事情节的发展,为Maria离开教堂到军官家当孩子的家庭教师埋下伏笔;而前往军官家时的《I Have Confidence》是Maria 抛去顾虑和担心,重新获得勇气的


(The story starts in an abbey of Salzburg, Austria, in the last Golden Days of the Thirties. Halleluyah! Bernice: Reverend Mother... Reverend Mother: Sister Bernice. Bernice: I simply cannot find her. Reverend Mother: Marisa? Bernice: She's missing from the abbey again. Sister A: Perhaps we should have put a cowbell around her neck. Sister B: Have you tried the barn? You know how much she adores the animals. Bernice: I have looked everywhere, in all of the usual places. Revernd Mother: Sister Bernice, considering that is Maria, I suggest you look in some place unusual. (Later, Maria gets back and comes to see Reverend Mother.) Reverend Mother: I'm here, my child. Now sit down. Maria (short for M): Oh, Reverend Mother, I'm so sorry. I just couldn't help myself. The gates were open and the hills were beckoning and before... Reverend Mother: I know! I have not summoned you here for apologies. M: Oh, please Mother, do let me ask for forgiveness. Reverend Mother: If it will make you feel better. M: Yes. Well you see, the sky was so blue today and everything was so green and fragrant. I just had to be a part of it! And you know those birds kept meeting me higher and higher as though it wanted me to go right through the clouds with it. Reverend Mother: Child, suppose darkness had come and you were lost? M: Oh, Mother, I could never be lost up there. That's my mountain, I was brought up on it. It was the mountain that led me to you. Reverend Mother: Oh? M: When I was a child, I would come down the mountain and climb a tree and look over into your garden. I'd see the sisters at work and I would hear them sing on their way to Vespers, which brings me to another transgression, Reverend Mother. I was singing out there today without permission. Reverend other: Maria, it is only here in the abbey that we have rules about postulant singing. M: I can't seem to stop singing wherever I am. And what's worse, I can't seem to stop saying things. Everything and anything I think and feel. Reverend Mother: Some people would call that honesty. M: No, but it's terrible, Reverend Mother. You know how Sister Beth always makes me kiss the floor after we had a disagreement? Well lately I've taken to kissing the floor when I see her coming just to save time. Reverend Mother: Maria, when you saw us over the abbey wall and longed to be one of us, that didn't necessarily mean that you were prepared for the way we live here, did it? M: No, Mother. But I pray and I try and I am learning. I really am. Reverend Mother: What is the most important lesson you have learned here, my child? M: To find out what is the will of God and to do it whole-heartedly. Reverend Mother: Maria, it seems to be the will of God that you leave us. M: Leave you?


音乐之声音乐赏析观后心得体会范文 音乐之声音乐赏析观后心得体会范文1 在我大二上学期的时候,我们的英语教师给我们播放了《阿甘正传》和《音乐之声》两部电影。其中给我印象最深刻的还是美国音乐电影《音乐之声》,观后感受启发颇深。一是剧中优美而又熟悉的音乐旋律,令人陶醉,给人以美的享受;二是修女玛利亚的教育理念,异常是她跟七个孩子和家长的故事,给了我很大的启迪,令我受益匪浅。给我此刻的教学工作带来很大的帮忙。下头我就从这部电影中得到的教育感受谈谈自我的体会: 一、信任是沟通的基础。作为教师,首先应当得到学生们的信任,有了信任,才会得到孩子们的尊重,也才能让孩子们理解你的教育思想,包括理解你的一切。剧中玛利亚尽管没有理解正规的专业理论的教育,可是她能够经过自我的语言、行为让孩子们信任自我,并且使孩子理解自我。从玛利亚第一次和七个充满个性的孩子见面开始,我们就看到了她那独特的教育态度,应对孩子们的恶作剧,既没有当面指责,也没有当着家长揭穿,而是去了解孩子们恶作剧背后的原因,尤其是在受到孩子们的捉弄后,面带微笑的说:“我要感激各位今日放在我口袋里的礼物,你们使我感到欢乐和温暖。”经过这件事情的巧妙处理,让孩子们自然地把她当做一位慈祥而又容易接近的朋友、长辈看待。那里不但看出教育机智的重要,并且其实我们:作为一名教师,取得孩子们

的信任是多么的重要。 二、家校沟通是做好教育的重要环节。作为教师,异常是班主任教师,在与家长的沟通交流方方面要讲究方法和技巧。影片中,玛利亚没有一味地听取家长要求对孩子们严格管理的意见,而是根据孩子的个性特点,委婉而坚决的反对家长的做法,经过自我的行动赢得孩子和家长的喜爱和尊重,每一位家长都有望子成龙、望女成凤的愿望,作为教师应当让孩子们在学校里欢乐的度过每一天,发现并鼓励孩子们做他们想做的有意义事,培养他们的兴趣和爱好,经过孩子们的发展变化,感化家长,赢得孩子和家长的认可和信任。这样家长才能放心的把孩子交给我们。 三、恰当合理的教育教学方法是实现教育目的的重要手段。剧中七个孩子由于长期的军事化管理,自由、童心、个性、甚至梦想都被压抑和禁锢,玛利亚根据孩子们的年龄和个性特点,阻止他们走向社会、走向大自然,开启了他们的心灵,放飞了梦想,异常是在郊外草地上教唱歌曲时边舞边唱的游戏场景,无疑为我们供给了游戏教学的最好范例,这一点对于我们寄宿制学校来说启示十分大,我们的孩子们如果一天到晚在教学区和生活区,久了就会出现烦躁,所以我们应当经常带领孩子们走出校门,多参加户外活动,使他们欢乐的学习、生活,更好的挖掘孩子们的潜能,提高他们自主学习的本事。 作为教师应当充满爱心、耐心和童心,相信自我,进一步挖掘自我的潜能,仅有真正到达一专多能,用自我的行动、学


音乐之声电影观后感400字本文为音乐之声电影观后感400范文,让我们通过以下的文章来了解。 《音乐之声》全片基本上都在奥地利历史名城萨尔茨堡实地取景,画面构图优美,镜头运用流畅。宽敞的大银幕把阿尔卑斯山、乌恩特山、月亮湖和沃尔夫冈湖、冯特拉普家庄园、古典韵味的教堂和古堡等景色尽收眼底:绿油油的青草地和峰峦叠翠的崇山峻岭、湛蓝的天空与清亮的湖水相互交错,明快、清朗的歌声在此间回荡激扬,恍如置身人间仙景,遐意舒服,令人陶醉。 其中,以表达对大自然无比热爱的主题曲"音乐之声"最受欢迎,还有轻松愉快的"孤独的牧羊人"、情深款款的"雪绒花"、欢乐大方的"哆来咪"、含羞答答的"玛丽亚"以及孩子们的"晚安,再见!"、"16岁来临"等歌曲也是观众耳熟能详、钟爱无比的,在一部电影中竟然有如此之多的歌曲受欢迎并流行传唱,相信也是一个难以改写的记录。 《音乐之声》,该片中天性自由,不受繁文缛节约束的漂亮修女玛利亚,奥地利漂亮的阿尔卑斯山的山坡、清亮的湖泊、阳光明丽的气候,和雅致的别墅,以及一群活泼可爱的孩子,以及反纳粹,追求自由的勇气,打动了世界各地人们的心。 《音乐之声》的内容,相信它是少数几部让人百看不厌

的电影之一。漂亮的见习修女,英俊富有的贵族,像灰姑娘和王子;她善良、纯洁,围绕身边的是7个可爱的孩子,像白雪公主和7个小矮人,更绝的是,7个孩子正好组成7个音符,组成一首明快、动人的歌;而玛利亚把特拉普上校从丧妻的悲痛中解脱出来,让欢乐与音乐重新落临这个家庭,就像美女用真爱拯救了被巫术操纵的野兽。 可以说,《音乐之声》中蕴涵了古老童话中的几个母题,它几乎表达了人类对所有美好事物的向往:爱、自由、歌声......而且,据说,这是以真人真事为蓝本改编的。真实的生活总是有那么多的丑恶与遗憾。 可是,那个美好如童话的电影,就是从真实的人生中提炼而来,它删去了生活的枝枝蔓蔓,与种种不如意,再把时间浓缩,一切都单纯、明亮、对比分明,也让全世界的人记住了那个萨尔斯堡午后的山谷,阳光灿烂,7个孩子和一位漂亮的姑娘,用歌声放飞爱、自由与梦想,那该是全人类的梦想。 《音乐之声》来自生活高于生活,它以乐抒情,以乐动人,四处充满阳光气味与温馨浪漫。它把抽象的音符、大自然的美景和人文景观完美结合,体现出人与自然和谐融洽、相互倚托的关系,鼓舞人们乐观向上、追求纯洁美好、争取自由和享受生活,消除邪恶杂念、达到真善美的理想境地。 镜头切入:山——现,明净清新,曲折有度;歌——起,


什么成就了电影《音乐之声》 李晓龙(材强1001班 07号,南京工业大学材料科学与工程学院) 摘要:电影音乐之声描写了见习修女玛利亚与冯.特拉普上校一家交往和情感发展的动人故事,电影中的所体现的教育理念,音乐艺术以及人格特色至今感动着许多的人,电影中所运用的技巧从创作之初至今被无数人模仿,本文着重从这几个方面解释《音乐之声》的成功之处。 关键词:《音乐之声》;教育理念;音乐艺术;人格特色 1.教育理念 刻板的制度总是在压抑人性,影响创造,使人看不到希望和快乐。电影中所选取的两个主角:玛利亚和孩子们,有着相同的命运——玛利亚深陷修道院压抑和沉寂的气氛而孩子们深受其父亲军事化制度压迫。这与以后玛利亚和孩子们的创作以及快乐的生活形成鲜明的对比,强烈谴责刻板的制度以及对学生天性的忽视和压抑。这充分反映了传统教育的特点和弊端,现代教育所对应的传统教育只强调老师在教学中的主体地位不关心儿童的身心发展的规律用僵化和刻板的制度和规章去要求学生抹煞了儿童的天赋和个性,其结果也就使得上校家中没有欢笑和快乐孩子们极端压抑总是和老师作对传统教育的弊端在此处暴露无遗]1[。 于此相反的是玛利亚所使用的教育方式。玛利亚给孩子们教歌曲时,为了便于孩子们学习和掌握,她别出心裁地使doe成了一头鹿,一头小母鹿;ray是一缕金色的阳光;me是我在叫自己;far要跑很远很远的路;sew 是针儿穿着线;la 是跟着sew来的音符;tea喝茶加面包和果酱,这把我们又带回do 。果然孩子们很快学会了。后来玛利亚安排孩子们按照个子的高矮和跳楼梯的形式来形象地表演。对教育工作者来说,创新就是提高学生效率最有效的方式。还有少校的晚会上孩子们的《晚安再见》就体现出玛利亚的因材施教,七个孩子的表演凸显他们不同的个性,大女儿要香槟,最小的孩子随着楼梯,边往上坐边歌唱,最后斜躺在楼梯上也很有创意]2[。中国的教育方式还很落后,甚至落后于这部40多年前的电影。因此,这部电影应该对教育工作者有一定启示。 2.音乐艺术 电影中使用了大量的音乐来衬托环境气氛、描述剧情、刻画人物心理;无疑,


歌手:Sound Of Music(音乐之声) Let's start at the very beginning A very good place to start When you read you begin with A-B-C When you sing you begin with do-re-mi Do-re-mi, do-re-mi The first three notes just happen to be Do-re-mi, do-re-mi Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti Let's see if I can make it easy Doe, a deer, a female deer Ray, a drop of golden sun Me, a name I call myself Far, a long, long way to run Sew, a needle pulling thread La, a note to follow Sew Tea, a drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh) Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do So-do! Now children, do-re-mi-fa-so and so on are only the tools we use to build a song. Once you have these notes in your heads, you can sing a million different tunes by mixing them up. Like this. So Do La Fa Mi Do Re Can you do that? So Do La Fa Mi Do Re So Do La Ti Do Re Do So Do La Ti Do Re Do Now, put it all together. So Do La Fa Mi Do Re, So Do La Ti Do Re Do


音乐之声影评 音乐之声影评(一) 《音乐之声》是一部音乐剧,影响了几代人的电影,无论从哪个标准来评,它都是美国音乐片的经典之作。有趣的爱情故事、悦耳的歌曲、活泼的孩子、温馨的人情、天真无邪的笑脸,构成了一幅美好的生活画卷;动人的音乐、优美的风光、积极的生活态度,引发着人们对生活无限美好的瑕思。音乐与歌声是情感的一种宣泄,人们欢乐的时候唱歌,痛苦的时候也唱歌。玛利亚在不停的唱歌,那是她对自由的一钟向往,对,是自由,虽然起初她自己并未意识到这一点。自由,是这部影片所要表达的主题之一。 修道院是修身养性的地方,有点雷同于中国的道观和寺庙,但它实质上是对人性的一种束缚,规矩甚多。玛利亚显然不属于那种地方,她热爱自由,喜欢奔跑于广阔的草地上,喜欢象小鸟一样地唱歌。她的这种行为是不被修道院里众人理解的,所以她感到迷茫,觉得自己做错了事,应该向上帝忏悔,幸好院长是个通情达理的人,是个值得尊敬的人,我们看到她也唱歌,很动听。如果没有这位开明的院长,玛利亚很可能会象其他修女一样在修道院里过着平淡乏味而单调的日子,然后随着岁月的流逝,慢慢地忘记任何开口唱歌。院长很可能在玛利亚身上看到了自己年轻时的影子,所以希望她不重蹈覆辙。 其中,以表达对大自然无比热爱的主题曲“音乐之声”最受欢迎,该片中天性自由,美丽的见习修女,她善良、纯洁,围绕身边的是7个可爱的孩子,像白雪公主和7个小矮人,更绝的是,7个孩子正好组成7个音符,组成一首明快、动人的歌;而玛利亚把特拉普上校从丧妻的悲痛中解脱出来,让欢乐与音乐重新降临这个家庭,就像美女用真爱解救了被巫术控制的野兽。可以说,《音乐之声》中蕴涵了古老童话中的几个母题,它几乎表达了人类对所有美好事物的向往:爱、自由、歌声,真实的生活总是有那么多的丑恶与遗憾。可是,那个美好如童话的电影,就是从真实的人生中提炼而来,它删去了生活的枝枝蔓蔓,与种种不如意,再把时光浓缩,一切都单纯、明亮、对比分明,也让全世界的人记住了那个萨尔斯堡午后的山谷,阳光灿烂,7个孩子和一位美丽的姑娘,用歌声放飞爱、自由与梦想,那该是全人类的梦想。


电影《音乐之声》声乐赏析 国贸学院 10国贸(6)班莫果佳 2010220167 《音乐之声》是一部颇具影响的美国经典影片之一,里面有趣的情节、动人的音乐、优美的风光、乐观的生活态度,都引发了人们对生活无限的热爱与向往,其中的电影音乐尤其成功。 《音乐之声》四十年前第一次在美国演出起,便一直受到世界各国人民的喜爱。电影中优美的自然景观,积极的生活态度,可爱的孩子,感人的爱情,博大深厚的民族感情,以及出色的电影音乐,使得无论从哪个标准来评价,它都是美国音乐片的经典之作。它获得了最佳影片、景佳导演、最佳音响、最佳剪辑与最佳作曲五项奥斯卡大奖。 《音乐之声》讲述了热情活泼的修女玛丽亚到奥地利退役军官特拉普海军上校家当7个孩子的家庭教师的故事。上校的妻子几年前去世,上校心灰意冷,用管理水兵的方法来管教孩子。孩子们的生活就像钟摆一样循规蹈矩,毫无生气。玛丽亚来到上校家后,顺应孩子们天性活泼的特点,教他们唱歌跳舞,带他们去野餐、郊游、爬树和划船,使家中充满欢乐。她的热情、爱心赢得了孩子们的信任和喜爱,最终也赢得了上校的爱慕,后来成了孩子们的母亲。纳粹德国占领奥地利后,爱国的上校不愿意效力于纳粹海军,于是,在一次民谣节上,上校带领全家成功地逃出了魔掌,翻越群山奔向自由。 从音乐自身的角度看,这部电影中的音乐既有较强的通俗性,又具有相当的艺术性。这部电影中的音乐感情真挚朴实,音乐简单流畅,里面的插曲悦耳动听有简单上口,以至被很多人误认为这些歌曲就是奥地利的名曲。 正如玛丽亚在电影序幕中所唱的:“群山因为音乐充满生气,唱了千年的歌,我的心中充满了音乐,要唱出每支歌,我心震得像鸟儿翅膀,由湖边飞上树,我心叹息像钟声飘扬,微笑像是小溪流过,夜晚歌唱像云雀祈祷,当我奔向山里心情悲伤,我听到昔日歌声,我心就会歌唱,因为音乐的响起,我要再度歌唱……”纯真善良的玛丽亚用歌声打开了故事的序幕,从她的歌声中我们可以看出玛丽亚的博爱,而实际上也确实如此,玛丽亚对自然的热爱,对生活的热爱,对那群孩子的爱以及她对爱情的渴望都充分说明了这一点。 《音乐之声》里的音乐就像是所有角色的栖息地,他们被音乐所吸引在一起,


音乐之声英文影评 TYYGROUP system office room 【TYYUA16H-TYY-TYYYUA8Q8-

This is a story about love and music. 22-year-old Maria is a sister in Salzburg convent, Dean mother thought she was not fit to be a sister, so she decided to send Maria to Captain Von Trapp's home and made her find the real goal of Maria arrived at captain's home, found captan was strict with his seven children. However, captain demanded Maria like him to treat his children. But Maria didn't do as that. Her gentle and kind-hearted won children's friendly. Maria played with children and taught them to sing. Children also became happy than before. Captain found music came back his home again and was infected by Maria. They expressed their love to the other. And they got married quickly. Unfortunately,when they finished their honeymoon to come back home, captain received a letter that said captain must register to Nazi's navy. Captain hated Nazi's behaviour,so he decided to leave Austria with his family. At the Salzburg Festival,they played Edelweiss and infected all people. After the show,they escaped Nazi. In the end,they left Austria.


英语综合技能实训 影视赏析 题目《音乐之声》观后感 系部外语系 专业英语 班级13级英语1班 学号12 学生姓名谢燚

指导教师吴筱玲夏决芬 年月日 Singing For Love Last week our class watched the classical movie—The sound of music .In 1930's Austria a young nun is finding it hard to adjust to her new life in the abbey. The Abbess decides that the best thing to do is to send the nun (called Maria) into the world to discover life. She is sent to the von Trapp family to work as a nanny for Captain v Trapp's 7 children.The family is that of Captain V on Trapp, a former naval hero. The story takes place during the 30s just prior to WWII. The Nazi influence is felt more or less as a background to the story until the final minutes of the movie. But in the first part ,it described Maria taught these kids how to sing and let the V ons know how much they love each other .After Maria married the captain ,they went through a hard time because of The Nazi .Even though they had to leave their hometown ,they still supported each other. After I watched the film ,I think it's one of the best movie that I had ever watched .No matter it’s story or music ,it really impressed me .And we learned the famous song—Do re me.the song expressed their desire of singing , even the audiences could feel how much they love music , how much they love life and how much they expected the freedom. Maria is a nun ,but she still has right to seek happiness and love . The captain lost his wife , so he was very strict with his children at first. When he realized what he did to his children was totally wrong , he tried to understand them by heart .WWII was as clear a case of good vs. evil as you can find, making it great fodder for films - and so it's great to see Maria, the Captain and the kids outwit them. What I learned from this movie is love, love yourself ,love others and never give in to the difficulties. The Sound of Music" does not just succeed because it cheers people up with syrup or song. It succeeds because it is a wonderfully-constructed, wonderfully-written,
