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Victory belongs to the most persevering. 坚持到底就是胜利!(拿破仑)


1 这幅图片试图告诉我们不同的人在对待生活时有不同的态度。

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2 这幅图片告诉我们无论在生活中我们面对什么样的挑战/困难/麻烦,我们都应该乐观/主动。

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3 这幅图片试图告诉我们成功是由多个方面决定的。

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4 这幅图片试图告诉我们自信的重要性。

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5 这幅图试图告诉我们用正确的方法解决问题。

_____________________________________________________________________ 6 这幅图试图告诉我们,在孩子成长的路上,父母应和孩子进行交流,不要替孩


_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 7 这幅图传递了这样一个信息,孩子应该尊重老人。

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 8 这幅图告诉我们读书可以扩大我们的视野,并且能帮助我们了解世界。

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 9据图所知,不实际的目标不仅会误导我们,而且使我们远离成功。

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 10 这幅图片试图传递给我们这样一个信息,创造力可以为我们的生活打开一道


_____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Life is short and time is swift. 人生短暂,时光飞逝。


1 这幅图片想告诉我们现代社会,孩子对电子产品的痴迷/过度依赖。

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2 这幅图片告诉我们不要简单地以貌取人。

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3这幅图片好像在传递这样一个信息,在某方面关注太多会阻止其它方面的发


_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4(结论)总之,成功需要正确的目标和切实的计划。只有这样我们才能实现我


_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5(结论)总之,成功需要正确的认识和合适的能力。只有拥有这两者,我们才能成功。

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 6 依我看来,选择合适的方法在我们的工作和学习中都是很重要的。

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 7 这幅图片想要警告我们不要欺骗自己.

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 8 这幅图片想要告诉我们应该在正确的时间/地点做正确的事情。

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 9据图所知,盲目学习别人不仅容易引来错误,而且还会阻碍进步.

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 10据图所知,盲目自信不仅容易产生错误,而且会带来失败。

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


2012春行政管理本科电大开放英语(3)形成性考核册作业参考答案 在开始完成考核册之前应认真阅读使用说明和记录单 l 学前记录卡 ? 学习资源: 学生按照实际情况进行选项,在是\否处画“√” ? 回顾与总结: 学习内容 1. 到目前为止,你学过多少种时态?分别写出每种时态的构成方法。 ①一般现在时 1) be --- is, am, are 2) 实意动词用原形表示(注意当主语为第三人称单数时, 动词+ s或+ es) 句型转换1) 情态动词,联系动词提前或直接在其后加not 2) 实意动词加do/ does或don't/ doesn't 当主语是第三人称单数时: 肯定句主语+动词的单数第三人称+其他 否定句主语+doesn't+动词原形+其他 一般疑问句Does+主语+动词原形+其他 肯定回答 Yes,主语+does 否定回答 No,主语+doesn't 特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+一般疑问句 当主语不是第单数三人称时: 肯定句主语+动词原形+其他 否定句主语+don't+动词原形+其他 一般疑问句 Do+主语+动词原形+其他 谓语动词的形式:do/does ②一般过去时 句式:主语+动词过去式+其他 否定形式①was/were+not;②在行为动词前加didn't,同时还原行为动词 一般疑问句①Did+主语+do+其他?;②Was\Were+sb.+ do sth ③现在完成时 1)have(has)+过去分词 2)现在完成时的否定和疑问形式:否定形式在has,have后加not;疑问形式将has 和have提前 3)过去分词的概念及其变化形式: 概念:它和现在形式时中的“动词的Ing形式”一样,只是英语中表达时态的一种 固定形式。 ④过去完成时 句式:had +动词的过去分词构成,had通常用于任何人称


看图写话的5个基本特点:时间、地点、人物、事情、结果 时间:早晨、中午、晚上、春天、夏天、秋天、冬天 太阳下山的时候、星期天的上午、六一儿童节的晚上 地点:家里、学校、公园、小河边、森林里 人物:爸爸、妈妈、老师、爷爷奶奶 事情:做作业、看电视、上课、踢足球、爬山、洗碗、看书…… 结果:玩得很开心、看得很认真、学到了很多、妈妈夸我懂事…… 看图写话需要注意的格式: 1、第一排空两格再开始写话。后面的就要顶满格写。标点占一个格 子,句末标点不能打在每一排的第一个格子,可以打在最后一格右下方或后面。 2、标点的基本打法。写完了“时间”要打逗号(,);写完了“在什 么地方”要打逗号(,);写完了“谁干什么”要打句号(。)。如果要写图中人物说话,说出的话前面要打冒号(:),说的话要用引号(“”)引起来,表示这里面是说的

看图写话引导训练一: 问题一:这是什么季节?什么地方? 问题二:花很美,形容花很美的词语有哪些? 姿态各异、含苞欲放、亭亭玉立、争奇斗艳 问题三:公园里的菊花真美啊!有的( ),有的( ),还有的( ) 问题四:我情不自禁的被吸引了,我想怎么做的? () 问题五:阿姨看到了,又是怎么劝说的?而我听了妈妈的话,又是怎么做的?请仔细观察动作,合理的说一说。 () 问题六:花间的蝴蝶看了仿佛在说()

问题一:今天是植树节,天气怎么样? (阳光明媚万里无云阳光灿烂风和日丽秋高气爽春暖花开) 问题二:我是怎么植树的? 先()接着()然后()最后() 问题三: 着种好的小树苗,我满意的笑了,默默对小树苗说: () 问题四: 这时,花丛中小野花和小蝴蝶,它们会说些什么呢? ()


英语六级作文预测范文30篇 热点作文1 .. 1)目前社会上有许多人喜欢购买彩票 2)分析产生这种现象的原因 3)提出你的建议 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种现象,提纲第2点要求分析产生这种现象的原因,提纲第3点要求“我”针对该现象给出建议,由此可判断本文应为现象解释型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:描述当前社会上人们热衷于购买彩票的现象;分析导致人们购买彩票的原因;针对购买彩票提出一至两点“我”的建议。 【参考范文】 Why Do People Like to Buy Lotteries? Nowadays, there exist all kinds of lotteries in our society, such as welfare lottery, sports lottery, computer lottery, and so forth. Anyone, whether men or women, the young or the old, may buy lottery tickets. But why do so many people like buying them? The following reasons can account for the popularity of lotteries. First of all, most people are trying their luck on lottery tickets. They have a long-cherished dream of making big money overnight. In addition, there are some people who want to make donation to public welfare by buying lottery tickets. Besides, some people buy them just for fun.


动作描写片段作文训 练

动作描写片段作文训练 【题型示例】 小新背双腿瘫痪的同学小牧到1公里外的学校上学,从小学五年级到现在高中一年级,一背就是6年,1000多个日子。请根据材料,发挥你的想像,写一段150字左右的文字,描写背同学上学的情景。注意:①想象要合理。②重点写小新,用什么人称都可以。③重点在行动描写,也可以适当运用其他表达方式。 答案示例: 一条泥泞的小路通向远方,看不到尽头。小新背着瘫痪的小牧在这条路上也不知走了多少个来回。身体瘦弱的小新背着小牧深一脚浅一脚地向前走去。雨后的小路更为泥泞,小新的白球鞋已经被泥水重新染了一层色。一不小心,小新陷入一个泥坑,险些跌倒,他停了停,两腿硬是支撑着站住,汗水从他脸颊滑落,他全然不顾。小新用双手托了托小牧,转头冲着小牧笑了笑,又继续前进。离学校越来越近,而小新却越来越吃力,但他仍微笑着,望着远方,望着学校的国旗,充满希望。 解析: 开头一句话表现场景,简洁、形象。第二句话交待了材料中两个重要的事实:小牧瘫痪,小新背他上学“在这条路上也不知走了多少个来回”,暗示“六年”。主干部分行动描写具体,详细,特别是其中“笑”的动作,反映了人物的精神状态。结尾部分尤其精彩,“国旗”的出现一下子升华了主题,同时也巧妙地暗示烘托了小新的思想境界。 【解题攻略】 一.什么是行动描写? 行动描写是刻画人物的重要方法之一。人物的每一行动都是受其思想、性格制约的,因此,具体细致地描写某一人物在某一情况下所作出的反应──主要是动作反应,就势必显示出了这一人物的内心活动、处世态度、思想品质。成功的行动描写,可以交代人物的身份、地位,可以反映人物心理活动的进程,可以表现人物的性格特征,有时候还能推动情节的发展。


范例一 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Attend Your Classes Regularly。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象 2. 保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性 3. 作为一个大学生应该怎样做 Attend Your Classes Regularly Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon that some university students are late for or even absent from classes. And still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers. In fact, it is very important for the students to attend their classes regularly. First, it will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your learning. That is very helpful to you if you want to do a good job in your study. Second, attending classes regularly is a way of showing respect to your teachers ,too. Your teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes, which, in turn, will affect their teaching and be no good for the students. Third, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future. Therefore, we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And some day we’ll benefit from it. 点评:2008年元月三日,中山大学博士发帖称遭导师虐待;2008年元月四日,中国政法大学爆“杨帆门”事件;近几年,中小学老师或打学生或猥亵学生、体罚学生等各类新闻不断曝光,进而引发了师生关系的大讨论。本范例题为四级考试传统的问题解决型的写作,与校园生活密切相关。 范例二 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Students’ Rating of Their Teachers。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 学生给老师打分已经普遍 2. 人们对其持不同态度 3. 我的看法 Students’ Rating of Their Teachers Nowadays, it has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students. In some universities students’ rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness.. This, however, has caused great controversy. Some are in favor of the rating system, They hold that since students attend the teachers’ classes every day, they should have their opinion


Unit 1 Sample 1 It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure, while optimism usually brings happiness, good health and success. Pessimists also make those around them very miserable. Therefore, pessimists should change their way of thinking and overcome the negative aspects of their personalities. Here are a few tips for them: 1. Try to smile more often. A smile has great power. It can chase sadness away. It will make you and other people feel happy. And it may even make things easier and better. Smiling in the morning makes a good beginning for the day. A smile is the most important sign of optimism. 2. Build up your self-confidence. Try to discover as many of your personal strengths as you can. Then write them all down. Read them several times when you are getting ready to do something or when you are facing difficulties. Your list will help you see your abilities. 3. Change your way of thinking. Don't always think that things will go wrong or that if they do there will be terrible results. Instead, convince yourself that things will improve and that you can work hard to help improve them. If you fail, think about what you have learned from the failure. If you succeed, praise yourself. Don't be too modest! There is nothing more encouraging than self-praise. Try your best to become an optimist. Sample 2 Are you an optimist or a pessimist? If you're a pessimist, here is some advice for you. As everyone knows, pessimism is harmful to people. It makes you unhappy and unhealthy, and even brings depression, loneliness and failure. Pessimists tend to suffer more failures and setbacks because they don't believe they can succeed and thus don't struggle for it. Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful. So it is good for you to change yourself from a pessimist to an optimist. Here are some suggestions for you to become an optimist: 1. Remember that everyone experiences failures and disappointments. So when you fail, don't blame yourself too much. It may not be your fault. 2. When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience instead of getting depressed. And next time, you can make your plans to be more successful. 3. When you fail, don't be discouraged. Try again. Don't let negative thoughts hold you back. Just give yourself another chance. So never give up just because you failed. Pessimism is harmful, but it can be changed. Trust yourself and try to adopt an optimistic attitude, and then you will be a winner in life more often. Unit 3 If I Were the Mayor of This City As the topic of the 2010 Expo --- “Bette r City, Better Life” indicates, the ultimate goal of making a city better is to make its people happier. So if I were the mayor of


How to Keep Healthy Nowadays more and more people are concerned about their health. But how to keep healthy? Different people may give different answers to this question. In my opinion, it is essential to do the following. First, it is necessary to take some exercise every day. Research shows that getting plenty of exercise make the heart beat faster and the lungs work harder. Second, eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. Third, getting rid of bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol is also an important way to keep healthy. Smoking and drinking alcohol injure one's health a great deal, and therefore should be given up. Unfortunately few people follow this advice. If people follow these three ways of keeping fit, they greatly improve their health. My Favorite TV Program My favorite TV program is "Animal World". We can watch the program every Sunday evening. The program tells us the story of animal life. We can learn the animals' habits and their natural surroundings. In the Shanghai Zoo, there are also many animals. But in the program we can see more animals. It gives me a chance to learn about the other creatures. Animals are our friends. It is wrong to kill them for food. We must do our best to protect them. I hope I can do something for the wild animals. My favorite means of transportation My favorite means of transportation is by train. In my opinion, it is safest to travel by train. There is less accident on the rail and better view alongside. What’s more, I can sleep on the train and enjoy myself. It is comfortable to travel by train, because I reach the destination when I wake up. In addition, the ticket is not so expensive. In conclusion, traveling by train can offer you good view, joy and safety. If you choose other means of transportation, it will cost you more or bring you some worry. My ideal job


大学英语作文优秀范文三篇 下面小编为大家带来大学英语作文优秀范文三篇,欢迎大家学习! 大学英语作文优秀范文:科学技术在现代生活中的位置 Human life can not continue without science and technology. For many years, human society has developed with the advance of science and technology while the development of science and technology has in turn brought the process to mankind. So the life we are living now is more civilized than that of our fore fathers. 没有科学技术,人类的生活不能继续。多年来,随着科学技术的发展,人类社会的发展也在不断地发展,人类社会的发展也给人类带来了过程。所以我们现在的生活比我们的父辈更加文明。 The development of science and technology have brought about many changes in peoples life. For example, the invention of television and space rocket have opened a new era for mankind. Through the use of TV people can hear the sound and learn the events happening thousands of miles away. Owing to the invention of spaceship and rocket, the dream of mans landing on the moon has now come true. 科学技术的发展给人们的生活带来了许多变化。例如,电视和太空火箭的发明为人类开启了一个新纪元。通过电视,人们可以听到声


一、利用所给提示写一篇短文,介绍你自己。 作文题目:Talking About Myself Example My name is Holly. I’m thirty-seven years old. I’m from Beijing. I’m a math teacher in a primary school. My school is far away from my home, so I usually drive to work. There are three people in my family. They are my wife, my daughter and I. My wife is a doctor in a big hospital and my daughter is a ten-year-old pupil. In my spare time, I like reading book, watching TV, playing table tennis and so on. I used to go fishing in the weekends, but I don’t now because I have to attend class in the TV University. 二、利用所给提示写一篇短文,描述你的家庭和它对你的影响used to be a senior engineer would work in a factory is very serious about everything pay attention to the details take after have influence upon looks like 作文题目:Example My Family There are five persons in my family: My parents, my wife, my daughter and I. My father used to be a senior engineer. His responsibility was designing new machines. My mother would work in a factory. They are retired now. My father is very serious about everything in life and pays attention to the details. My mother is patient and hardworking. I take after my parents. They have influence upon me to make me a good teacher. My wife is a nurse and she is very busy everyday. My daughter is a pupil. She is pretty and lovely and looks like her mother. 三、利用所给提示写一篇短文,你的家庭生活 Describing your daily routines in the morning, evening and so on. pick up my daughter (接女儿) do some grocery shopping.(做家务) be good at cooking (擅长做饭) current affairs (时事) 作文题目:My Family LifeExample Like most ordinary Chinese families, my family life is busy and meaningful. My family members often get up at about six o’clock in the mornings. My wife deals with my little kid’s chores while I’m cooking the breakfast. I drive my daughter to her school then to my work. My wife takes subway to her hospital. Around 4:30 p.m., I pick up my daughter and do some grocery shopping. My wife is good at cooking. So when we arrive home, a delicious meal is waiting for us. During the eating, we chat the interesting things in the daytime and discuss the current affairs. We go to bed at 10 p.m. 四、利用所给提示写一篇短文,说明你生活中的变化。There have been many changes in my life(生活发生了许多变化)be better off(生活状况更好) preserved pickles(咸菜) cramped and gloomy room to a big and bright flat(从狭窄阴暗的房间搬到大而明亮的单元房) getting around(出行) 作文题目:Changes in My Life Example There have been many changes in my life. With the development of the economy, my life is better off. For the clothing, I have spare money to buy sorts of pretty clothes. But in the past, there were fewer clothes in my wardrobe. For the food, I usually had traditional Chinese food for every meal, rice, noodles or streamed ban with one or two light dishes even preserved pickles. Nowadays, I can afford any delicious food, including western foods. For the housing, I have moved from a cramped and gloomy room to a big and bright flat. For the getting around, I rode an old bike on my way to work a year ago. At present, I drive my private car to travel. I believe my life will be better and better in the future. 六、利用所给提示写一篇短文,说明你理想的工作 in great demand(很大需求) a good eye for detail(细致缜密) a sharp mind(思想敏锐) an excellent memory (记忆力强) like taking responsibility(喜欢承担责任) be planning to (计划做…) open a lawyer firm(开律师事务所) 作文题目:My Ideal Job Example Everybody has his dream for his career in the future. He or she might want to be a teacher, a doctor, a scientist, and so on. My ideal job is to be a lawyer. Lawyers, especially those familiar with global laws and fluent in foreign languages, will be in great demand. I have a good eye for detail, a sharp mind, an excellent memory and like taking responsibility as well. So I think I would make a good lawyer. I am planning to open a lawyer firm by myself some day. But now I must study hard to get myself qualified for my future job. 七、利用所给提示写一篇短文,描述你的家。 Tower building (塔楼,高层建筑) block of flats(公寓楼) in the north of city (城北) square meters (平方米) had the window frames painted(让别人刷窗框) be satisfied with…(对…满意) need to…. neighbourhood(小区) cozy(温暖而舒适) 作文题目:My Home Example I am living in the 10th floor of a tower building with my wife and daughter. It is a newly-built block of flats with 22 stories altogether in the north of city. We have three bedrooms, one big living-room in addition to one kitchen and two bathrooms. The size is about 127 square meters. When we moved in three years ago, I painted the doors myself, but I had the window frames


看图写话训练1 问题设置一:今天数学考试成绩知道了,() 问题设置二:看着同桌红红取得满分,明明()心里暗暗的想()提供有关词语:眉头紧锁愁眉不展忽忽不乐心里像打翻了五味瓶难受郁闷 问题设置三:又一次考试:明明看着试卷上鲜红的100分,()提供高兴的词语:喜出望外、喜形于色、喜上眉梢、喜不自胜乐不可支、欣喜若狂喜笑颜开、笑逐颜开 问题设置四:仔细一看,()主要引导孩子想象明明的内心活动; 问题设置五:明明来到办公室() 问题设置六:老师(),明明() 后记学生作品: 今天数学考试成绩知道了,明明考了99,同桌红红又是100分。看着同桌取得满分,明明愁眉不展,心里像打翻了五味瓶一样难受。但明明在心里暗暗的对自己说:下次一定要争取考100分。又一次考试,明明看着试卷上鲜红的100分,明明捧着自己的试卷,喜出望外。可是仔细一看,发现其中有一个题目错了,老师没改出来,怎么办呢?告诉老师吧?100分没有了,又是和同桌差1分。不要告诉吧?那又不是诚实的好孩子。怎么办呢?明明想了很久。终于他还是决定了告诉老师,于是明明来到办公室,告诉了老师。老师竖起大拇指称赞道:你真是一个诚实的好孩子。 看图写话训练2

问题设置一:上学的路上,明明一边(),一边() 问题设置二:这时,一位小弟弟(),只见他()提供哭泣的词语:嚎啕大哭哇哇大哭泪如泉涌泪如雨下泣不成声 问题设置三:阿姨看到了()安慰着() 问题设置四:还未走远的明明()引导孩子们想象,明明会对小弟弟说什么? 问题设置五:垃圾桶仿佛在说() 后记学生作品: 上学的路上,明明一边唱着歌,一边吃着香蕉。吃完后,明明随手把香蕉皮往地上一扔,管自己去上学了。这时一位小弟弟,路过这里,不小心踩到了香蕉皮上。只见他摔得个四脚朝天,哇哇大哭起来。一位阿姨看到了,连忙把小弟弟扶起来,安慰着说:“小朋友不哭,要勇敢哦”。还未走远的明明,看到是自己随手扔了香蕉皮闯了大祸,羞愧着低下头,连忙向小弟弟说:“对不起!下次我再也不会随手乱扔垃圾了。”说完还把香蕉皮捡起来,扔进垃圾桶里。垃圾桶仿佛在说:“知错能改还是一个好孩子!”



大学英语作文及翻译 【篇一:大学生活_英语作文】 我的大学生活英语作文 the bright and dark sides of my university life every coin has two sides. on the one hand, i am quite satisfied with my university life. on the other hand, life in my university is not as satisfactory as what we had expected. here is the bright side of my university life: firstly, equipment of my university is advanced and teacher team is powerful. there is an advanced library that owns all kinds of books. so we can acquire a lot of knowledge from my university. secondly, all sorts of lectures are given on campus. we can learn much knowledge that is interesting. thirdly, my campus activities are rich and colorful. such as sports meets, speech contests, different social gatherings and dancing par ties provide opportunities to make friends. what’s more, my dormitory life is very harmonious. dormitory life is an important part of my university life. on the one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. on the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together. this is the dark side of my university life: firstly, there is only one dining room in my university. so we often need to wait in a long line, which waste much time. everyday is always fixed cuisine types, which make our appetites depressed. secondly, self-study room is not enough. now we will soon take final exam. so it is difficult to find a self-study room. what’s more, network of my university is very unstable. it is difficult to search


作文片段训练 作文片段训练之动作描写 1.那大虫咆哮,性发起来,翻身又只一扑,扑将来,他又只一跳,却退了十步远。那大虫恰好把两只前爪搭在他面前。他将半截棒丢在一边,两只手就势把大虫顶花皮胳答地揪住,一按按将下来。那只大虫急着挣扎,被他尽气力捺(nà)定,那里肯放半点儿松宽?他把只脚望大虫面门上、眼睛里,只顾乱踢。那大虫咆哮起来,把身底下爬起两堆黄泥做了一个土坑。他把大虫嘴直按下黄泥坑里去。 2.“嘭”,又是一声枪响,瞬间,运动员们像离弦的箭飞射出去,眨眼间他已经抬起腿跨过第一个栏,接着跨过第二个,第三个……他很快就把其他人远远地甩落在后面了。其他的运动员再怎样努力,也不可能超过领先好几米的他。他知道冠军已经属于他了,接近终点线的时候,他飞起来——向前冲刺……胜利了!霎时间全场华人起立欢呼,兴奋不已。 一、抓住典型性的动作,进行描写,就能使人物,像放电影一样,出现在读者的面前,而且读者能从他的一举一动中体会出人物做事时的思想感情。我们在作文时,要想把内容写得充实、具体,就必须学会善于捕捉人物的动作。学会描写动作,就是学会了用“事实说话”,就可以避免内容的空洞,就可以把内容写具体了。 二、那么,什么是动作描写呢? 动作描写,就是对人物行为、动作的描写。就是通过描写人物做什么和怎样做来表现人物的性格特点和精神面貌,凸现人物的个性特征——思想的、品格的、性格的、心理的以及习惯的。 三、了解动作描写的内容:头颈、眼耳、嘴巴、手肩、腰身、脚腿等动作都可以作为笔下的描写材料。这些描写可以使描写的人物形象栩栩如生、活灵活现,个性特征更加鲜明。 例如: (听着老师的表扬)她红彤彤的脸上,露出羞涩的笑容,一双手不停地抚弄着衣角,头低得简直快要埋进衣领里了……——《我的同桌》 四、动作描写的作用 表现人物的内心世界,揭示人物的性格特征。 1、例如:妈妈从挎包里拿了一瓶桔汁,拧开盖,倒进茶杯里,又拿起暖壶往杯里兑了些开水,用勺子搅了搅,然后舀起满满的一大勺,慢慢地放到嘴边吹了吹,又把一滴桔汁水滴到手背上,试了试凉热,接着,把勺送到我嘴边,我喝着这酸中带甜的水,感到一股暖流注入了我的心田。——《我的妈妈》她从来不打骂我们。仅仅有一次,她的教鞭好像要落下来,我用石板一迎,教鞭轻轻地敲在石板边上,大伙笑了,她也笑了。——《我的老师》 五、如何进行进行动作描写?动作描写的方法是什么? 方法一:把人物的动作细致入微地描摹出来 例如:《放学回家》 a.放学了,他把书包往肩上一撂,蹦跳着回家去。 b.放学了,他把书本练习簿什么的一古脑儿往书包里一塞,书包扣带只扣了一个,就把书包往肩上一撂。蹦跳着,还哼着小调。到了校门口,他左右一望,正是车流空隙,就一窜过了马路。他拐过一条小街,这才慢慢走着,因前面就是他的家。 牛刀小试:试加入适当的动作描写使人物形象丰满起来。 甲:苹果甜吗? 乙:甜的很,不甜不要钱! 甲:真的? 乙:真的。 甲:那来两斤不甜的!

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