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WTO words & sentences

关贸总协定,世界贸易组织的前身 GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)
世界贸易组织 WTO (World Trade Organization)
乌拉圭回合 Uruguay Round
最惠国待遇(现通常称"正常贸易关系")MFN(`most-favored`-nation) treatment
争端解决机构 dispute settlement body
《关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解》 DSU (Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes)
《北美自由贸易协定》 NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
东盟自由贸易区 ASEAN Free Trade Area
东部和南部非洲共同市场 COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa)
反倾销措施 `anti-dumping` measures against…
非配额产品 `quota-free` products
非生产性投资 investment in `non-productive` projects
风险管理/评估 risk management/ assessment
国际收支 balance of international payments/ balance of payment
实行国民待遇 grant the national treatment to
瓶颈制约 "bottleneck" restrictions
非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家集团(洛美协定) ACP (African, Caribbean and Pacific Group)
(补贴协议)可诉补贴 actionable subsidy
上诉机构 appeal body
基础税率 base tariff level
国际收支条款 BOP(`Balance-of`-payments) Provisions
既定日程 `built-in` agenda
约束水平 bound level
(欧盟)共同农业政策 Common Agriculture Policy
规避 circumvention
反补贴税 countervailing duty
交叉报复 cross retaliation
海关完税价值 customs value
环保型技术 EST(`Environmentally-sound` technology)
出口实绩 export performance
出口补贴 export subsidy
粮食安全 food security
免费搭车者(享受其他国家最惠国待遇而不进行相应减让的国家) `free-rider`
政府采购government procurement
灰色区域措施 grey area measures
WTO最不发达国家高级别会议 HLM (WTO `High-level` Meeting for LDCs)
协调制度(商品名称及编码协调制度) HS (Harmonized Commodity and Coding System)
进口许可 import licensing
进口渗透 import penetration
最初谈判权(初谈权) INRs (Initial Negotiating Rights)
知识产权 IPRs (Intellectual property rights)
最不发达国家 LDCs (`Least-developed` countries)
当地含量 local content
市场准入 market access
专门的营销机构 market boards
(服务贸易)自然人 natural person
国民待遇 national treatment
(利益的)丧失和减损 nullification and impairment
(争端解决)专家组 panel
(《农业协议》中关于反补贴的)和平条款 peace clause
诸边协议 plurilateral agreement
(服务贸易)自然人流动 presence of natural person
生产补贴 production subsidy
消费膨胀 inflated consumption
慢性萧条 chronic depression
进口环节税 import linkage tax
北美自由贸易区 NAFTA (North American Free Trade Area)
全球配额 global quota
祖父条款 grand

father clause
贸易和投资自由化和便利化 TILF (Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation)
国际清算 international settlement
横向兼并 horizontal merger
垂直兼并 vertical merger
垃圾融资 junk financing
申报制度 reporting system; income declaration system
市场准人的行政管理措施 AAMA (Administrative Aspects of Market Access)

Sentences Related to WTO

One should always be reasonable. It is indeed unreasonable to bar China from joining the WTO.

For China, the WTO accession is also a political question, and a matter of `self-respect` and dignity.

We can neither give up our national dignity nor betray our people.

They haven't given you the whole story about the negotiations, but only a few scanty lines about them. What they told you about the negotiations is a simple briefing instead of a detailed account.

The Americans are being carried away with their temporary success. What airs they have given themselves.

Western countries have become obviously more hegemonistic. Western countries have assumed a greater hegemonistic air. Western countries have puffed up.

To do a good job at home
To run the domestic affairs well
Proper management of home affairs

To strike a balance among the intensity of reform, the pace of development and people's sustainability
To give `all-round` consideration to…
To balance well the intensity of reform, pace of development and public adaptability

Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has played a very positive role as a window, bridge and economic powerhouse. Shenzhen SEZ has served the nation well as a showcase of `opening-up`, a gateway of international exchange and a powerhouse of economic and technological development.

This figure has already been trimmed down to reflect the reality, but it is still an inflated figure.

To run government strictly
To subject government behavior to tight discipline
To pursue good governance

Senior officials (leaders) have to ensure that their spouses, children and office staff behave (conduct) properly.

Tremendous changes have taken place in the world pattern (structure, configuration).
