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I 条件式现在时(le conditionnel présent)

条件式现在时的动词变位是简单将来时的词干+未完成过去时的词尾-ais, -ais, -ait, -ions,-iez, -aient

1. 条件式现在时用在独立句中表示委婉的建议、愿望等。

例:Je voudrais boire du vin. 我想喝红酒。

Il aimerait se perfectionner en fran?ais. 他想在法语学习上有所进步。

2. 条件式现在时用在独立句中表示猜测、想象、不确定的语气等。例:Marie viendrait chercher ses enfants demain. 玛丽也许明天会来接她的孩子。

Il y aurait quatre livres dans le tiroir. 抽屉里可能有4本书。

3. 条件式现在时用在以si引导的复合句中,表明某个动作实现的可能性不大或与现实情况相反。从句时态用直陈式未完成过去时。例:Si j'avais le temps demain, je t'accompagnerais àla bibliothèque. 如果我明天有空,我就陪你去图书馆。(事实上我明天很忙,不太可能有空)

Si le directeur était présent àla réunion hier, la situation serait mieux. 如果主任昨天出席了会议,情况可能会好些。(事实上主任根本没有出席昨天的会议)

II 条件式过去时(le conditionnel passé)


1. 条件式过去时用在独立句中表示可能已经发生的事情,常见于新闻报道。

例:Le président de la République serait arrivéen Chine pour la visite amicale. 共和国总统可能已经到达中国进行友好访问。

La conférence de presse aurait eu lieu dans la salle de réunion. 新闻发布会可能已经在会议室举行过了。

2. 条件式过去时用在以si引导的复合句中,表明过去的某个动作可以实现但实际未能实现。从句时态用直陈式愈过去时。

例:Si j'avais bien réviséavant l'examen, j'aurais obtenu une bonne note. 如果我在考试前认真复习,我现在可能会取得一个好成绩。(事实上我并没有认真复习)

Si Pascal avait su que son ami était àShanghai, il serait alléle voir. 如果帕斯卡知道他的朋友在上海,他可能会去看他的。(事实上帕斯卡根本不知道他的朋友在上海)

3. 条件式过去时用在从句中,表示在过去的时间里一个先完成的将来动作。

例:Le professeur lui a demandés'il aurait fini ses devoirs avant la semaine prochaine. 老师问他下个礼拜之前能否完成作业。

Son copain lui a promis de l'épouser dès qu'elle serait retournée en Chine. 她男朋友许诺等她一回到中国就娶她。



成都武侯外国语学校初 2020年-2021年最新九年级(上)期末检测试卷 英语 (时间:120分钟) 说明:本试卷用于期末前自我摸底,出于三方面考虑:尽量囊括所学知识之重难点、考量句 型结构及逻辑训练,一些虽然重要但较简单的知识点未选入;故试卷题型和分值作了 相应调整,注重阅读和综合分析能力,但难免挂一漏万,望大家能心平气和的完成这 套试卷,回头反思,查漏补缺,祝大家学有所成! 第一部分听力测试(25分) 第二部分基础知识运用(75分) 五选择填空,从各题的 A.B.C选项中选择正确答案(共25小题,每题1分,计25分) ( ) 1. — Have you seen ______ Oscar movie called The Revenant(荒野猎人)? —Of course. It's really ______ funny one,but maybe a little terrible. A. an; the B. the; a C. a; a D. the; the ( ) 2. Although she did not know Boston well,she made her way ____ to the Home Circle Building. A. easy enough B. enough easily C. easily enough ( )3. –You’re so _____. You can design such original clothes. --Thank you. A nd I’m _______ about my clothes. I’m sure they’ll be popular soon. A. creative; confident B. worried; controllable C. talented; energetic ( ) 4. --- Have you got the book written by Mo Yan? --- No. It __so well that all the copies __out very quickly. A. sold; have been sold B. sells; have sold C. sells; have been sold ( )5.Jack had a wonderful time _one place after another in Beijing and he had much time _the city. A. to visit; to enjoy B. visiting; to enjoy C. to visit; enjoying ( )6. ---I missed the first part of the film. It was really a pity. ---You _______home half an hour earlier. A. should leave B. must have left C. should have left ( )7. Asking students to read too many difficult articles for test____ reading for fun may make them lose their ____ in reading. A. instead; interesting B. rather than; interest C. instead of; interest ( )8. —Mom, I want to buy this dictionary. It is good but not too______. —Let me see. It is really a useful dictionary. And the price is _____. OK, I will buy it for you. A. high; low B. expensive; low C. expensive; cheap ( )9. Ping Pong is popular across China, _______ both the young and the old can ______. A. about it; take part in B. that; take part in C. in which; take part ( ) 10. Her brother _______ the life in America and made some new friends there. A. used to liking B. got used to C. didn’t use to like ( )11. —Sam, do you know if Alice to my party next week? —I think she will come if she free A. comes ; is B. comes ; will be C. will come ; is D.will come ; will be ( ) 12. The traffi c in Chengdu is nearly the same as ________ in Shanghai. It’s so terrible. A. which B. that C. one D. those ( )13. They can still remember the time ______ they played together in the old days. A. when B. which C. that D. what ( ) 14. As for sports, he prefers _______ rather than _______. Volleyball is too difficult for him. A. playing soccer; to play volleyball B. to play soccer; play volleyball A. playing soccer; to play volleyball D. to play soccer; playing volleyball ( ) 15. The girl is going abroad next month. Every minute ________ her poor English. A. is made use of to improve B. is made use of improving C. is made use to improve D. is made use to improving


成都西班牙语培训:最难翻译的词 11. Schadenfreude German –This refers to the feeling of pleasure derived by seeing another’s misfortune. 德语:从他人的苦难中获取乐趣 小编注:你有什么不开心的,说出来让大家开心开心,说的是这个意思么? 12. Torschlusspanik German –Translated literally, this word means “gate-closing pani c,” but its contextual meaning refers to “the fear of diminishing opportunities as one ages.” 德语:直译是“关门恐慌”,表示“因为年纪增长而对机会的流失感到恐慌” 小编注:廉颇老矣,尚能饭否? 13. Wabi-Sabi Japanese –Much has been written on this Japanese concept, but in a sentence, one might be able to understand it as “a way of living that focuses on finding beauty within the imperfections of life and accepting peacefully the natural cycle of growth and decay.” 日语:在句子中看到这个词,可以理解为“在生活的不完美中找到美之所在、平静地接受万物作息的循环” 小编注:东方的禅意生活


成都意大利语学习:助动词 动词essere和avere由于协助其它动词构成复合时态(近过去时,条件式过去时,虚拟式过去时等等),因此它们也具有助动词的功能。动词essere 可作为下述动词的助动词: ·自反动词(直接,间接,相互或代词式自反) Mi sonolavato Mi sonolavato le mani Ci siamosposati Si sonovergognati ·许多不及物动词即不能与宾语建立直接关系的动词,如:uscire, partire, venire, andare, arrivare, cadere, succedere, morire, nascere, invecchiare, giungere, rimanere, costare, diventare, 等等。Sonouscito presto èandato via ·构成被动式: Il libro è statoperso ·con i verbi impersonali Mi èsembrato interessante ·con il Siimpersonale Si èparlato a lungo 在以助动词essere构成的复合时态中过去分词的词尾须与主语在性、数上保持一致:

Lucia è andatavia Loro sono partiti Carlo sarebbe rimasto 动词avere可作为下述动词的助动词: 及物动词即可以拥有直接宾语的动词,比如mangiare, aprire, prendere, aprire, sbattere, 等等 Ho mangiato un panino Ho aperto la porta 某些不及物动词如:abitare, cenare, passeggiare, ridere, dormire, pensare, parlare, camminare, sognare, giocare, 等等. Ho parlato a lungo Hai dormito bene? Ho abitato 30 anni a Barcellona Abbiamo riso tantissimo 后面未搭配动词不定式的辅助动词: Ho dovuto. 注意:一些动词根据不同的使用情况可分别用essere和avere做助动词,当它们被用作及物动词时以avere做助动词,用作不及物动词时以essere做助动词: 注意:一些动词根据不同的使用情况可分别用essere和avere做助动词,当它们被用作及物动词时以avere 做助动词,用作不及物动词时以essere 做助动词:


成都武侯外国语学校一年级数学下册第一单元《认识图形(二)》单元检测 (答案解析) 一、选择题 1.这两幅图中,一共有()长方形. A. 1个 B. 2个 C. 3个 2.下面图形中与其他图形不是同类的是()。 A. B. C. 3.()具有容易变形的特性。 A. 三角形 B. 五边形 C. 平行四边形 D. 梯形4.用一定不能画出()。 A. B. 5.当一个四边形的两组对边分别平行,四条边都相等,四个角都相等时,这个四边形是()。 A. 棱形 B. 平行四边形 C. 正方形 6.一个正方形的周长是12厘米,它的边长一定是6厘米。() A. 对 B. 错 7.用两根8厘米和两根6厘米的小棒,一定能摆成一个平行四边形。 A. 对 B. 错 8.下面的四边形中,( )不是平行四边形。 A. B. C. 9.数一数,下图中有几个三角形?() A. 4 B. 6 C. 7 10.一个四边形的四条边分别是8厘米、6厘米、10厘米、6厘米.这个四边形,可能是()

A. 长方形 B. 平行四边形 C. 梯形 D. 正方形11.把一个长方形框架拉成一个平行四边形后,它的周长( )。 A. 变长; B. 变短; C. 没变化 12.选出正确的图形。 三角形是()。 A. B. C. D. 二、填空题 13.数一数。 个数________________________________________ 14.数一数、填一填 ________个________个________个________个 15.拼成一个正方形最少需要________根小棒。拼成一个三角形最少需要________根小棒。 16.仔细数,认真填。




成都武侯外国语学校初2017级九年级(上)期末检测试卷 英语 (时间:120分钟) 说明:本试卷用于期末前自我摸底,出于三方面考虑:尽量囊括所学知识之重难点、考量句型结构及逻辑训练,一些虽然重要但较简单的知识点未选入;故试卷题型和分值作了相应调整,注重阅读和综合分析能力,但难免挂一漏万,望大家能心平气和的完成这套试卷,回头反思,查漏补缺,祝大家学有所成! 第一部分听力测试(25分) 第二部分基础知识运用(75分) 五选择填空,从各题的A.B.C选项中选择正确答案(共25小题,每题1分,计25分)( ) 1. — Have you seen ______ Oscar movie called The Revenant(荒野猎人)? —Of course. It's really ______ funny one,but maybe a little terrible. A. an; the B. the; a C. a; a D. the; the ( ) 2. Although she did not know Boston well,she made her way ____ to the Home Circle Building. A. easy enough B. enough easily C. easily enough ( )3. –You’re so _____. You can design such original clothes. --Thank you. And I’m _______ about my clothes. I’m sure they’ll be popular soon. A. creative; confident B. worried; controllable C. talented; energetic ( ) 4. --- Have you got the book written by Mo Yan? --- No. It __so well that all the copies __out very quickly. A. sold; have been sold B. sells; have sold C. sells; have been sold ( )5.Jack had a wonderful time _one place after another in Beijing and he had much time _the city. A. to visit; to enjoy B. visiting; to enjoy C. to visit; enjoying ( )6. ---I missed the first part of the film. It was really a pity. ---You _______home half an hour earlier. A. should leave B. must have left C. should have left ( )7. Asking students to read too many difficult articles for test____ reading for fun may make them lose their ____ in reading. A. instead; interesting B. rather than; interest C. instead of; interest ( )8. —Mom, I want to buy this dictionary. It is good but not too______. —Let me see. It is really a useful dictionary. And the price is _____. OK, I will buy it for you. A. high; low B. expensive; low C. expensive; cheap ( )9. Ping Pong is popular across China, _______ both the young and the old can ______. A. about it; take part in B. that; take part in C. in which; take part ( ) 10. Her brother _______ the life in America and made some new friends there. A. used to liking B. got used to C. didn’t use to like ( )11. —Sam, do you know if Alice to my party next week? —I think she will come if she free A. comes ; is B. comes ; will be C. will come ; is D.will come ; will be ( ) 12. The traffic in Chengdu is nearly the same as ________ in Shanghai. It’s so terrible. A. which B. that C. one D. those ( )13. They can still remember the time ______ they played together in the old days. A. when B. which C. that D. what ( ) 14. As for sports, he prefers _______ rather than _______. Volleyball is too difficult for him. A. playing soccer; to play volleyball B. to play soccer; play volleyball A. playing soccer; to play volleyball D. to play soccer; playing volleyball ( ) 15. The girl is going abroad next month. Every minute ________ her poor English. A. is made use of to improve B. is made use of improving C. is made use to improve D. is made use to improving


成都意大利语学习:C开头单词caccia . 狩猎 cadere . 掉下calcolare . 计算calendario . 日历calma . 平静 calmo agg. 平静的calza . 袜子cambiamento . 变化cambiare . 更换camera doppia 双人房camera singola 单人房cameriere . 服务员campanello . 门铃campione . 样品;冠军canale . 渠; (电视) 频道cancellare . 删除,取消cancello . 栏杆门cancro . 癌 candela . 蜡烛 cane . 狗 canzone . 歌曲

capo . 头, 头部Capodanno . 元旦capolavoro . 杰作cappella . 小礼拜堂cappuccino . 卡布奇诺carattere . 字;性格caratteristica . 特点carino agg. 可爱的carne . 肉Carnevale . 狂欢节carota . 胡萝卜 carta . 纸片,证件carta d’identità身份证casalinga . 家庭妇女caso . 情况 cassa . 付款处casuale agg. 偶然的cattivo agg. 坏的causa . 事业; 原因celebrare . 庆祝celebrazione . 庆祝

celeste agg. 天蓝色的centinaio . 百 centrale agg. 中心的certificato . 证明 cessare . 停止,中止chiacchierare . 聊天 chilo . 公斤 chilometro . 公里 cima . 山顶 cincin inter. 干杯 cintura . 皮带 cintura di sicurezza 保险带cioccolatino . 巧克力块 cioècong. 也就是circondare . 围绕circostante agg. 周围的cittadino agg./. 城市的;公民civiltà. 文明 cliente ./. 顾客 clinica . 诊所 cognac . 白兰地酒


成都法语培训:月份和日期 (法语月份、季节、周、日名词都不用大写) 月份:janvier février mars[mars] avril mai juin juillet ao?t[u,ut] septembre octobre novembre décembre 星期:lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche 季节:le printemps l'étél'automne (m不发音)l'hiver 年、季、月、日、星期表达法: 1、年 En quelle année sommes-nous?------Nous sommes en 1988. En quelle année cela se passe-t-il?------Cela se passe en 1979. 2、季 En quelle saison est-ce qu’il neige? Il neige en hiver . En quelle saison sommes-nous? Nous sommes en été /en automne /en hiver /au printemps . 3、月 En quel mois sommes-nous? Quel mois sommes-nous? En + 月份= au mois de +月份 4、日 Quel jour sommes- nous aujourd’hui?------Nous sommes jeudi. Quelle date est-ce aujourd’hui?------Aujourd’hui, c’est le 7.


成都武侯外国语学校2019——2020年 八年级下期6月月考试卷 满分:150分时间:120分 A卷(共100分) 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共24分) 一、基础知识(每小题3分,共12分) 1 下列加点字注音正确的一项是() A 撺.掇(chuān)羁绊.(bàn)戛.然而止(jiá) B 萌.发(méng)两栖.(xī)销声匿.迹(nì) C 萦.绕(yíng)孕.育(yùn)挑.拨离间(tiǎo) D 棱.角(léng)寒噤.(jìng)强.词夺理(qiǎng) 2 下列语句中书写不正确的一项是() A 那顺壁挂下的水,亮晶晶的如丝如缕,这一切都隐在湿漉漉的水雾中,罩在七色彩虹中,像一曲交响乐。 B 科学发展的历史告诉我们,新的知识只能通过实地实验而得到,不是由自我检讨或哲理的清谈就可求到的。 C 那时自己对人情事故还不懂,好听点说,心还像素丝样纯洁,什么争讼吃官司,是不在自己意识领域的。 D 一只定期迁徙的大雁,下定了在黑夜飞行200英里的赌注,它一旦起程再要撤回去就不那么容易了。 3 下列语句中加点的成语使用有误的一项是() A 他仗着自己学历高便目空一切 ....,自认为天下第一,从不把他人放在眼里。 B 在政府的调控下,成都房价依然一路飙升,达到了令人叹为观止 ....的程度。 C 他是一个名副其实 ....的书呆子,对书本知识以外的其他一切事物都不感兴趣。 D 网络引起的各种社会问题接踵而至 ....,其中舆论暴力、信息诈骗最为严重。 4 下列语句中没有语病的一项是() A 卫生部门加大了对市场肉制品的检测,防止不合格食品重现百姓餐桌。 B “一带一路”的倡议获得了各国的认可,并得到了沿岸国家的热烈响应。 C 在学习中,我们应该注意培养学生解决问题、分析问题和观察问题的能力。 D 央视《朗读者》节目受到观众好评,是因为形式新颖、文化内涵丰富的缘故。 二文言文阅读(每小题3分,共12分) 阅读下面的文言文,完成第5--8题。 马说 韩愈 世有伯乐,然后有千里马。千里马常有,而伯乐不常有。故虽有名马,祗辱于奴隶人之手,骈死于槽枥之间,不以千里称也。 马之千里者,一食或尽粟一石。食马者不知其能干里而食也。是马也,虽有千里之能,食不饱,力不足,才美不外见,且欲与常马等不可得,安求其能千里也? 策之不以其選,食之不能尽其材,鸣之而不能通其意,执策而临之,曰:“天下无马!” 鸣呼!其真无马邪?其真不知马也! 5对下列句子中,加点词的解释不正确的一项是(2分) A、是马也(这) B、食之不能尽其材(吃) C、执策而临之(马鞭) D、策之不以其道(按照) 6.下列句子中“之”的意义和用法不同于其他三项的一项是() A.策之不以其道 B.食之不能尽其材 C.执策而临之 D.鸣之而不能通其意 7 对文中画线句子翻译正确的一项是() 且欲与常马等不可得,安求其能千里也? A 欲望和普通的马一样尚且不能够,又怎么能让它走一千里呢? B 想要和普通的马一样尚且不能够,又怎么能让它走一千里呢? C 欲望和普通的马一样尚且不能够,又怎么能让它日行千里呢? D 想要和普通的马一样尚且不能够,又怎么能让它日行千里呢? 8下列对选文的理解,不正确的一项是(2分) A、“千里马”寓指有才华的人,“食马者”寓指不识人才、埋没人才的统治者。 B、导致千里马“不以千里称也”的根本原因,是“食不饱,力不足,才美不外见”。 C、“执策而临之,曰:‘天下无马!’”表现∫统治者的平庸浅薄、愚妄无知。 D、本文既有对统治者埋没摧残人才的抨击,也有作者怀才不遇的愤懑。 第П卷(非选择题,共76分) 三默写(共6分) 9 默写古诗文中的名篇名句。(6分) (1)补写出下列诗句中的上句或下句。(任选其中两句作答,如三句皆答,按前两句判分)①选贤与能,。(《大道之行也》) ②,在水一方。(《诗经.蒹葭》) ③挥手自兹去,。(李白《送友人》) (2)请在苏轼《卜算子.黄州定慧院寓居作》的上片和王勃《送杜少府之任蜀州》的后四 句中任选一首,在答题卡上写出题目再写诗句。(4分) 答:


成都法语培训:这事值得一做 1. Mes voisins sont partis en vacances et ils m'ont _____ leur chat.(⊙每天一道选择题⊙第581期) confié offert réparti vendu 2. Si tu passe chez _____, achète-moi une livre de Gruyère.(⊙每天一道选择题⊙第582期) le docteur le fromager le poissonnier le quincailler 3. Quand je paie 260 euros pour un spectacle, je veux que ?a en vaille la _____ . (⊙每天一道选择题⊙第583期) digne mérite peine récompense 4. Aujourd'hui, il y a un match de football. Je vais aller _____ . (⊙每天一道选择题⊙第584期) àla piscine

àla salle de gymnastique au palais de sport au stade 5. La plupart du temps, tout le monde sait bien que l'explication d'un refus est un petit _____ poli.(⊙每天一道选择题⊙第585期) dégo?t mensonge mépris prétexte 【题目解析】: 1、正确答案: confié 解释:confier vt.委托confier qch. àqn. ex. confier un enfant àqn. (àun internat, àune colonie de vacances)把孩子托付给某人(给寄宿学校,给学生夏令营)répartir vt.分配;分散注意不要和repartir搞混了哦~~repartir vt. 当即回答助动词用avoir vi. 再出发助动词用être 分清楚了么? 2、正确答案: le fromager 解释:le poissionnier 鱼商le quincailler 五金店le fromager 奶酪店le docteur 博士Gruyère瑞士格律耶尔干酪这里livre是计量单位半公斤;古今(在巴黎为489克,各省380至550克不等)livre这里不是书的意思哦~~ 3、正确答案: peine

成都武侯外国语学校物理八年级第八章 运动和力单元训练

成都武侯外国语学校物理八年级第八章运动和力单元训练 一、选择题 1.如图所示,大小为8N的恒力F作用在物体A上,使A做加速直线运动。B处于静止状态,弹簧测力计的示数为4N,则水平面对A的摩擦力大小可能是() A.3N B.4N C.5N D.6N 2.如图,用手握住装有水的瓶子,使其竖直且静止在手中,对此下列说法中正确的是() A.瓶子能静止在手中,是由于手对瓶子的握力等于酒瓶的重力 B.瓶子静止在手中,此时瓶子受到竖直向下的摩擦力 C.手握瓶子的力增大,瓶子所受的摩擦力也随之增大 D.减少瓶子里水的质量,酒瓶受到的摩擦力也减小 3.在一列匀速直线行驶的列车内,一位同学相对于车厢竖直向上跳起,可能会出现下列哪种情况() A.落在车厢内原来起跳点之前B.落在车厢内原来起跳点之后 C.落在车厢内原来起跳点D.不确定落点的位置 4.如图所示,将轻质弹簧的一端固定在水平桌面上,在弹簧正上方O点释放一个重为G 的金属小球,下落到A点时与弹簧接触并压缩弹簧至最低点B点,随即被弹簧竖直弹出(整个过程弹簧在弹性范围内)。 A.小球在A点时速度最大 B.小球在B点时受平衡力 C.小球从A点到B位置先做加速运动再做减速运动 D.小球从A点到B位置做减速运动

5.在“探究二力平衡条件”的实验中,将系于轻质小卡片两对角的细线分别斜跨过左右吸在黑板上的滑轮,在细线的两端挂上钩码,如图所示.此时作用在卡片上的两个力大小相等、方向相反.若要证明:“两个力平衡的必要条件之一是必须作用在同一条直线上”,则下列实验操作正确的是 A.手扶卡片,在右侧加挂一个钩码,松手 B.手扶卡片,使其竖直向下移动一些,松手 C.手扶卡片,绕其中心在竖直平面旋转90°,松手 D.手扶卡片,将右侧滑轮竖直向下移动至与左侧滑轮在同一水平线上,松手 6.下列体育项目中的一些现象,不能用“力的作用是相互的”来解释的是 A.跳水运动员踩踏跳板,身体向上跳起 B.滑冰运动员用力推墙,身体离墙而去 C.铅球运动员投出铅球后,铅球在空中会下落 D.游泳运动员向后划水,身体前进 7.如图所示,重力为G的木块被沿竖直方向的两根绳子拉住处于静止状态,已知木块受绳子向上拉力为F1,向下拉力为F2,当上面绳子被剪断后,不计空气阻力,木块下落过程中所受合力大小和方向为 A.F1-G 竖直向上 B.F2+G竖直向下 C.F1-F2竖直向下 D.F1+F2竖直向上 8.如下图所示,弹簧所受重力不计,上端固定在天花板上,下端悬挂一个小球处于静止状态.下列受力属于平衡力的是() A.天花板对弹簧的拉力和弹簧对天花板的拉力 B.小球对弹簧的拉力和弹簧对小球的拉力 C.弹簧对小球的拉力和小球受到的重力


成都法语学习:工作证明 Certificat de travail 工作证明 Selon le code du travail, lorsqu’un salarié quitte une entreprise, son employeur doit lui fournir un certificat de travail. Celui-ci doit mentionner : - les nom, adresse, raison social de l’employeur, ainsi que sa signature, - la date et lieu où le certificat a été fait, - les nom, prénom et adresse du salarié, - les dates durant lesquelles il a travaillé dans l’entreprise, - la nature de l’emploi ou des emplois occupés, etc. 根据劳动法,当雇员离开他所在的公司时,雇主需要向他提供工作证明。这份材料需要提及以下几个方面:(雇主的)姓名,地址,公司名称还有他的签名,—出具这份材料的日期和地点,—雇员的姓名和地址,—他在公司工作的时间,—雇员的工作或职位性质,等等。 工作证明格式一: Je soussigné(e)Monsieur (ou Madame) (précisez les nom et prénoms), agissant en qualité de (précisez votre fonction) de (précisez le nom de l’entreprise, adresse et raison sociale), certifie que Monsieur (ou Madame) (précisez les nom et prénom), demeurant (précisez l’adresse),a été salarié de notre société


成都武侯外国语学校八年级上期初2017级12月 培优试卷 B 卷专练 根据句子及文段意思,每空一词,补全文章,使文意连贯、句法通顺。 Alice: Hey, Tommy, long time no see. How was your 7-day trip 1. in Thailand? Tommy: Alice! It's nice to see you 2. . It?s a long story to tell.Alice: A lon g story? Do you mean It?s something 3. out of your mind? Tommy: Maybe I?ll never forget it.But something I met surely makes me surprised. Alice: Like what? People visited the places of 4. always say Thailand is a good country to relax. I hear especially the beaches there are beautiful. Tommy: My trip 5. is attractive! You know It?s a second time for me to go 6. 7. from the first-time ones. Along the way to the first destination, Vimanmek Mansion Palace (五世皇柚木行宫),The first surprising thing happened. It seemed that 8. 5 miles from it, our bus 9. working on the way.You know the wether there is hot.Without working of the car aircondition,all people felt terrible in the heat.10. more water,Going to WC more.What?s worse,there was no WC by the road.So we solved(解决) the problem in the roadside trees.You can imagine (想像) 11. embarrassed (尴尬 的) visitors we are ! Alice: You really are !It?s pity of you to meet this kind of diffi culty. Tommy: At the same time,some old people were 12. to meet criminals. Alice: That?s for sure.Did everything go well next? Tommy: After the guide made sure the police car 13. a maintenance truck (维修车) was coming,we relaxed and I enjoyed the exotic (异国情调的)scenery and took some photos of the monkeys running or jumping in the trees. It made me so close to the nature 14. I easily keep myself relaxed!when I faced the tropical (热带的) rain forest ,I can 15. tell who is who,which is which! I was just part of it. Alice: Do you pretend (冒充) to be a true folk ?(冒充文艺小清新) Tommy: Let me express my happiniess to you before I tell you the really miserable (悲惨的) thing. Alice: What ?Something terrible more? Are you kidding? Tommy: When we arrived at the spot (景点) ,The guide showed us 16. ,but I fell love into some strange buildings with thoughtful mind ,following the voice of her.At last I found I got terriblely 17. ! Alice: Careless !You are too young ,too simple.(你个逗比!).Now I have an 18. how it happened. Tommy: With my thoughtful head,I took a wrong turn 19. .What to be afraid of for me was the sky got darker (天黑下来) before the visitors with the guide found me!So I felt very sorry for them. Alice: It?s truly kind of hard to criti cize (批评) you. Tommy: But I learnt an important lesson from it. wouldn't it be great if we could go to Thailand again 20. ? Alice: We together?Forget it (算了吧)! 通读短文,根据句意,选词并用适当形式完成句子,有三个词多余。 Most people love animals because they are 1. in many ways. We after the long and busy work feel 2. to play with them. They bring 3. fun to our daily life. We find many different 4. of animals on the earth. Some animals, such as leopards, wolves, pandas and foxes live in big forests and grasslands. They are called wild animals. Most of them are 5. . People are much too 6. of them.So when someone gets 7. in the moutains or forests, making sure to keep away from them to be safe is the first thing to do.Don ?t let youself fall 8. on your safety. But some other aimials like cows and dogs live with men. They are called domestic (驯养的) animals.In some families,people treat (对待)dogs as their friends.Animals are important to men. Domestic animals can not only give men food, but also help men with some farm work. 9. them, life could be less fun and more difficult. People get meat from sheep and pigs. From cows, we get milk. Horses can 10. us to other places. On farms, animals are used to plough fields (犁地). 11. ,men catch wild animals for fur (毛皮) and meat. Coats and shoes can be made 12. skins (皮)from foxes and crocodile (鳄鱼). To protect (保护) the lives of endangered wild animals,People now stop 13. down the trees and even in some districts (地区)to make good and safe nature reserves (自然保护区)seriously.They are great places for them 14. in and increase gradually in number (繁衍生息).We learn many lessons from the past natural calamities (自然灾害).We now realize animals are people ?s friends in the same small world.Protecting them,especilally the wild aimals 15. just protecting ourselves. 根据文段意思,在表格横线上天上适当的词或短语,使意思连贯、句法通顺。 Sometimes as middle school students, you will spend over eight hours a day in school.Even in many boarding schools(寄宿制学校),the time is more. But do you know how you can make your studies and school life better? Maybe some have more interests in sports than studies. others probably think they will never be top students. But if they can use time well and efficiently(高效地), they may improve(提高) their study without much work. Here is some helpful advice for you Plan school time carefully . First of all, you should know what the most important thing in school.When you plan your week time, to make good use of time,you should make a list of things that you have to do. First write down the time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide on a good time for studying. Of course, studying shouldn't take all of your time. Don't forget to leave yourself enough time for hobbies. Find a good place to study . Look around the house for a good study place. Take good use of it, which may be a desk or just a corner of your room. No games, radio, or television! When you sit down to work,think only about the subject! You should go to the library very often,too. It?s a quiet place for you and there you can read many books to do learn and know more. Make good use of your class Listen carefully to what the teacher says . Careful listening in class means less work later. Besides listening carefully to teachers in the classroom, You also need to take notes in class, because it can make it easier for you to learn well. Joining a school club can make you relaxed. There you can know more about you like and meet many students who have the same hobby as you. You can be friends. Have close friends around you. You can share happy things even terrible things with them. That?s helpful! They can always be with you when you need them.Don?t forget to help your classmates and your teachers. When they say “thank you” with a big smile, you will find it is the

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