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当前位置:文档库 › 2010-2011第二学期期中口语考题









1. You get a chance to be interviewed by a university. How do you get prepared for the interview?

2. Nowadays some people like to live in big cities, while others choose to live in the countryside. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the countryside and cities?

3. More and more Chinese students choose to study abroad. But some still think the education in China is better. Where do you prefer to study and why?

4. There is a saying, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” (有志者,事竟成。) How do you understand this sentence?

5. You have learned many subjects at university. Which are more important, subjects of science (physics, chemistry or math) or subjects of arts (Chinese, history or politics)? Please give your reasons.

6. China is the only county that has the one-child-policy. What do you think of it?

7. Internet is playing a more and more important role in people’s life. What is your attitude toward Internet? What are the advantages and disadvantages of Internet?

8. Nowadays some young people like name-brands, such as Nike, Northface, Adidas etc. very much. What do you think about it?

9. Nowadays almost every person has a mobile phone. Please say something about the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones.

10.Nowadays many schools arrange lots of after-school classes for students. What do you think about it?

11.Some students in high-school have boy-friends or girl-friends. Do you think it is a right thing to do?

12.L ots of parents drive their children to school and get them back after

class even when they study in high-school. What do you think about it?

13.Some schools require their students to have school uniform (every student must wear the same clothes). What is good and bad about wearing school uniform?

14.During the Spring Festival many children get pocket-money from their parents or relatives. How should they deal with this sum of money?

15.Traveling is a popular way of entertainment in China now. But some students in high-school think it is a waste of time. What do you think about it?

16.A fter graduation from high-schools, some students prefer famous

universities, while others think majors are more important (like Computer Science, Laws, Chemistry, etc.). What do you think about it?

17.Some people care more about their health. But some are busy earning money. Health and wealth, which is more important?

18.Because the present high-school students work too hard, they are lack of exercises. Please say something about the importance of sports. 19.Some teachers are very strict with the students, while some others are quite humorous and funny in classes. What kind of teachers do you prefer and why?

20.There are lots of fast-food restaurants in China now, like KFC and McDonalds. Some students are crazy about it. What do you think about it?






Optional Topics for Oral English Test 13.12 1.On Culture 1) What do you know about the American symbols? Give us some examples. The main sign of the United States of America's Statue of Liberty, Bobbi doll, uncle Sam,American Gothic and the Buffalo Nickel.For first one,the Statue of Liberty is France in 1876 presented to the United States 100 years of independence. Liberty Island Statue of Liberty is located in the United Statesnear the city of New York in the American state of New York, is an importanttourist attractions in the United States of America.For Uncle Sam,It was used to refer to the "American" or "the government of the United States," was created by artist James Montgomery Flagg, is one of the top five American symbol. Americans also "Uncle Sam" honest, hard-working, as well as the spirit of patriotism and national pride and their total quality.And"American Gothic" is a 1930 painting by Grant Wood.He asked his 62 year old dentist and his 30 year old sister as the charactermodels, and let them put on the nineteenth Century Vitoria times. Although in thetwo people are standing in a block, but in fact these two characters are done in different occasions. the Buffalo Nickel,is in 1911 the famous American artist James Earl Fraser design, 1913-1938 years into a coin production.The United States coins depict traditional main is a towering figure in the United States government, most of which is the famous presidents. 2) Give us at least 3 symbols of Chinese culture. 1:Beijing courtyard is the court house from the East, West, South, North surroundedthe house Wai together form. It is the main architectural form generations living in the oldpeople in Beijing.The typical characteristics of exterior courtyard rules, midline symmetry, and the usage is extremely flexible 2:Hanfu, also known as Chinese dressed, Han Chinese traditional dress, also known as the Chinese clothing, clothing


xxx小学口语交际测试工作总结 为了把口语测试工作切实做好,真正落到实处,我校班子成员包干到各年级进行巡视督查和示范指导。现将面试监测情况总结如下: 一、成立小学语文测试组织。 为了贯彻执行中心校《通知》精神,做好小学一至五年级语文口语交际面试,我校把它作为工作中心来抓,成立了以臧青峰校长为组长,陆信连,陈明,刘璐,宋永平为成员的语文口语测试工作领导小组,统一组织,校长是第一责任人,负全责,教导主任是直接责任人,做到了层层落实,责任到人。 二、方式方法。 我校的口语测试监测工作,分年级逐班统一进行。为了促进工作,我校还分班级邀请几位家长参与。面试监测分朗读背诵和口语交际两部分组成,采取抽签和指定相结合的形式,按课文内容要求学生进行作答,面试监测人员根据被面试学生作答情况,分别记分,然后总评,总评分数加上笔试成绩,即为该学生的本学期的语文成绩,填入素质教育评价手册。面试结果以书面的形式都与学生家长见面,如有学生对测试成绩不理想者,可根据学生自愿,留出一定时间准备,予以重新测试。 三、面试监测情况。 从各年级测试组汇报情况看,喜忧参半。喜:各年级对小学语文口语面试已养成惯例,均能按中心校的要求和《窑湾镇小学语文口语交际测试操作细则》去进行,部分学生口语交际和朗读背诵能力有了

明显的进步,学生成绩有了显著地提高,写作水平有了长足进步,学生家长对此比较满意,各班的班主任也比较重视等;忧:由于部分任课教师认识不到位,观念陈旧,能力所限,不注意对口语交际能力的教学和组织训练及培养,班级宣传力度小,措施不力等因素,致使学生在面试监测时,成绩不理想,学生胆小不敢说甚至朗读的声音似蚊虫,只有自己听到。总的情况看,高年级面试监测成绩比低年级好,高年级比低年级的口语交际能力强,这与平时的教学重视程度,知识面,见识面,信息面等因素接受多是分不开的。 四、改进措施。 针对上述情况,我校采取相对措施是: 1、进一步加大对语文口语测试工作的宣传力度和督导力度,特别是学校业务检查时,注意对口语交际的督导和示范,并把此项工作列入业务综合考评内容工作之中,作为评先评优的基本条件之一,以促进此项工作的开展。 2、对测试情况予以通报,对面试监测成绩后进的班级予以通报批评。该班的班主任,及语文教师不得评先,评优。并要求写出保证,限期在原有基础上有所提高。 3、学校和班级多开展一些有益的活动,如:诗歌朗诵比赛,演讲展示,读书活动,智力游戏,词语接龙等,以培养学生的口语交际能力。 4、加强对语文教师的培训工作。利用节假日开办小学语文口语讲座,经验交流互动等形式,以提高教师的教学能力及认识的转变。


普通高校招生英语统一口试评分标准及题目 普通高校招生英语统一口试成绩分为优,良,合格,不合格四个评判等级,供相关院校录取时参考。 注意:1. 考生口试时间一般不超过5分钟 2. 考生进场后,主考一般以下面两句开始: 1. Show me your admission card, please. 2. Sit down, please. 高考口语考试题目 第一套(第一份) 1. What do you usually do at weekends? 2. Which teacher do you like best in senior high school? Why? 3. How do you feel about your middle school life?

(第二份) 1. Which film star do you like best? Why? 2. Do you like to be a volunteer? Why / why not? 3. Do you often help your parents with the housework? Why/ why not? (第三份) 1. What would you like to be in the future? 2. Can you say something about Internet? 3. Do you often practice your English Writing? Why/ why not? 第二套(第一份) 1. Do you like helping others? Why/ why not? 2. Do you like watching movies in your spare time? Why/ why not? 3. Would you please say something about a place you have visited? (第二份) 1. Can you say something about your favorite teacher? 2. What is the happiest thing in your life? Why? 3. Would you please tell us something about your favorite singer(s)? (第三份)


小学生语文口语评价工作总结 一、总体情况 为培养学生综合语文素养,提高口语表达能力,9月15日下午在一位外校老师和本班老师的参与下,锦城小学组织开展了小学语文口语测试工作。本班42人,全体学生参与了此次的测试,根据抽签的方式进行测试。 本次测试参照南胡渠小语口语测试方案,结合实际学情,利用晨诵、午读、语文课等时间带领学生有序进行朗读、背诵及口语交际等训练,积极为测试做好充分的准备。学校统一选定口试考查内容,测试分为语言积累和口语交际两项内容,采用现场抽签的形式,老师根据学生现场背诵水平和口语表达能力,依照相应评价标准给予适当等级评定。 考评完毕后,对学生的测试情况进行一定的分析、总结。 二、学生表现 本次测评,比较真实的反映了同学的表达水平,绝大多数的学生,能正确、流利的朗读、背诵课文内容,做到不加字,不漏字,一部分同学还能够做到有感情地背诵。而在口语交际测试中,一部分的学生能做到声音响亮,态度自然,有礼貌,口齿清楚,能根据话题正确叙述。但仍有一些需要在平时的学习与生活中加强锻炼。 三、测试情况分析 (二)、情况分析

总体情况: 1、背诵 绝大多数的学生能正确、流利的背诵课文内容,做到不加字,不漏字,语速适中,有节奏,少部分同学还能够做到有感情地背诵,边背诵边加上一定的动作,想象力丰富。 2、口语交际 表达:在口语交际测试中,大部分的学生能做到声音响亮,态度自然,有礼貌,口齿清楚,能根据话题正确叙述。谈话有主题,思路清晰,符合儿童特点,能用普通话,语言较流畅。转述内容较完整,与原材料内容相符。 3.倾听 在小组内能够围绕主题进行讨论,有一定的组织能力,能根据对话进行正确的应答,倾听能力较强。 四、存在问题: (语言积累) 1、背诵不够熟练,有内容增添、删减的现象。 2、背诵不够流畅,结结巴巴,语速、停顿不够恰当。 3、测试时,部分学生虽然背得很熟练,但是感情不够丰富,不善于运用肢体语言、面部表情协调表达效果。 (口语交际) 1.有个别同学说话声音太小,说话时缺乏感情,比较呆板,说话时也不够自然流畅。 五、今后措施 1、提高口语交际能力 语文教师和学生要正确认识朗读、背诵的重要性。“口语交际”教学不仅仅是依靠口语进行双向或多向的信息交流的一种活动,它除了具备听话、说话的能力外,还有与人交往能力、待人处事能力、生存能力等。因此,我们要从思想上重视对学生进行表达训练,并想方 设法在教学实践中落实语言文字教学,使学生真正具备口语交际本领。 2、改进口语交际评价的方法。 评价学生的口语交际能力,应重视考察学生的参与意识和情意态度。评价必须在具体的交际情境中进行,让学生承


FOOD,HEALTH Fu: hi! xixiaoyue!welcome to xian. Xi: hi!fuyou!nice to meet you. Fu: so what do you want to do tomorrow? Xi :I will go to a restaurant with my friends. I havee heard that the Chinese food is very delicious. Fu: yeah.you are quiet right. Xian food enjoy great popularity in china. Xi: really?sounds good.so what the feactures of the xian food? Fu: the xian food is characterized as “good looking ,sweet smelling and tasty”.b esides, foods are different in different regions. Xi: oh,right.i think foods in the south are very different from food in the north. Fu: right,wheat and salty foods are previling in the north while rice and sweet foods in the south. Xi: well..so what?s your favourite food? Fu: I like eating beef, chicken and fish.they taste good. Xi:oh. I know,you prefer meat than vegetables.i suggest that you?d better eat more vegetables ,like onion, cabbiges, carrot and so on .vegetables are more nutritive. Fu:I hate vegetables.i never eating vegetables and they are not delicious. Xi:a balanced diet is more important .Taking more exercise and eating healthy food are good to your health. Fu: thank you for your advices ,I will do these. FASHION Fu: would you like to go shopping on weekend? Xi: yes, I?d love to. I like eating outside and buying clot hes in fashion. Fu:oh..we have common interests.do you think I still look fashionable in this sweater? Xi:I think so.blue is still fashionable at the moment. Fu:the style came out last year.i like this sweater but I?m not sure whether last year?s fashion will be the same this year. Xi:I think this kind of sweater will stay in fashion for a few years.people don?t change fashion every years. It would be too expensive. Fu:yes only the top designer will tell people to change fashion every year,but only rich people can do it. Xi: there are some real fashion victims who just have to keep totally up-to date with expensive clothes. Fu: I wish I could be one of those people, but my budget simply cant stretch it . I have to limit the amount of money I spend on clothes. Xi: I know what you mean. The situation will be worse if i marry my boyfriend and have children. Then i?ll have even less money to spend on fashionable clothes! Fu:yeah. Life are important than fashion. JOB HUNTING&PART TIME JOB&WORK LIFE BALANCE&FAITH Fu(boss): why do you want to get the job? Xi: I want to get it because I long for the experience of earning my own living.


Topics for Oral test 1. Which great leader do you admire most? What qualities did/does he/she have? bill gates 2. Which do you cherish more, your friendship with a good friend or your romantic relationship? obviously, friend is easy to make, but lover is kind of hard to seek for. Since relationship between friends might be not that close compared to romantic relationship, I will probably take it serious and cherish this sweet relationship. Also, I believe that my friends will support me and our relationship won’t be tense and freezing because of this. As the Chinese saying goes, once you got a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you may leave your friends out of your mind. I partly agree this, and when I fall in love, especially at the very beginning, I think I will cherish it more than friendship. 3. What factors would you consider first if you were to find a job (even a part-time job)? I will first consider whether this company and the offered position is high potential. I think high potential is a quality that is vital for the company’s future development and its personnel’s self improvement. Every one need a room to promote and realize one’s self-value. Another factor I concern is—its location. I’d like to work and live in big cities because big cities offer so many opportunities and a higher salary while small cities can’t. 4. Whom do you usually turn to when in trouble, vour parents or your friends? They know me better than anyone else and their vision is wide, their thoughts are mature.


英语口语测试总结 为了达到素质教育的人才培养目标,课程改革逐步落到了实处,我校在环翠区统一组织安排下,对初四学生进行了英语口语测试。此次英语口语测试共检测了三个部分:教师提问、朗读短文、口头作文。我校全部九位英语老师担任了口语测试的评分老师,分三组对学生进行了测试。现对这次口语测试做一个总结: 1. 学校对这一次口语测试相当重视、准备充分,组织有序;大部分考生表现良好,能按要求准备话题,发音准确,有较好的语音语调,表达自如、语言流利,A等级达到90%以上。 2. 大部分学生在回答问题时,信心十足,声音洪亮,对英语的学习充满自信。 3. 三个部分的测试中,第三部分的口头作文测试不够理想,普遍存在时态问题,如在表达my family时有同学表述为my father very like playing football,应该是my father likes playing football very much.有语法上的混淆,也有汉语的思维习惯。 4. 英语口语存在两极分化和发展不平衡的现象。有的同学笔试成绩很出色,但是口语发音却极不准,究其原因是因为平常只注重了笔头,而忽视了口头。当然还有很多表现优异的学生,如5班的夏鹏飞同学在谈到my dream job的时候,说他想当一名像Kobe,James那样的职业篮球运动员,叙述中思路清晰,旁征博引,眼界开阔,可谓精彩。4班夏川谈到my life in 10 years 的时候,对未来的生活做出了切实精彩的计划和猜想。1班的曲莹莹同学用真切的语气叙述了和她my friend之间的故事,给老师们留下了深刻的印象。虽然大部分学生的英语口语水平不错,但每个班仍有一至二人基础较差。 5. 教学建议:(1). 加强单词、课文的领读教学,培养学生的朗读习惯、多用录音跟读,引导学生学习连读、失去爆破等发音方法。(2). 课堂多用英语教学,培养学生听和说的能力,把Chinglish变为English,夯实基础知识。(3).尽量调动所有学生的学习热情,重视对学习英语困难学生的自信心培养和个别辅导。总之,这次测试让每位老师认识到帮助学生树立信心,实现英语的实用性的重要性,认识到语言的教学,不管教什么,怎么教,一定要帮助学生把好基础关,没有基石,不可能有大厦,更不可能有理想的放飞,而这些,都将从帮助我们的学生大声地朗读 开始,从口语开始


小学一年级上册语文期末口语测试题_口试题 一、朗读课文(任抽以下一篇课文)读错处个成绩 《爷爷和小树》《雨点儿》《一次比一次有进步》《借生日》 二、背诵课文(任抽以下一篇课文)读错处个成绩 《阳光》《四季》《小小的船》《自己去吧》 三、认读测试(四抽一:具体内容见附件)错处成绩 四、口语表达测试题(三抽一) 1.在学校里,哪件事最让你高兴?说说为什么? 2.在家里,你最喜欢干什么?为什么? 3.仔细看图,说说图的意思,把事情说明白。 附件(认读) 1 、我家的小花园 在我家的阳台上,爸爸为我造了一座小花园。不过,在这座花园里,你看不到几十米高的大树,也见不到绿色的小草。在我们的花园里,只有十几花。可不要小看这十几花,它们在每一天,都会带给我们许多快乐!就说冬天吧,红红的梅花开了,满屋子都是花香,直香到心里。在这样的地方生,能不美吗?春天、夏天、秋天,和冬天不,很多花都开了,什么春花呀,桃花呀,花色、花香不一样,可花都是一样的美丽,一样地让人快乐。 在我家的花园里,一年四季都有鲜花。小朋友,你就不想到我家来看一看、玩一玩吗? 2、新房子 一天,小猫、小熊、小山羊还有小猴子,一起在森林里玩。他们看见小狗正在造房子。 小猫说:“朋友们,我们也来造一间房子怎么样?” “好啊!”小山羊说,“我要把房子造在草地上。这样,我一出门就能吃到青青的草。” 小猫说:“不好,不好。我要把房子造在小河边。这样,会有好多小鱼在河里着我呢!” 小熊说:“我可是要住在山洞里的,要不我们就在这里一个洞吧!” 小猴子听了,跳起来,说:“那怎么。我看,还是住在树上最好,那多自在呀!” 房子到造在哪儿呢? 3、我的好朋友 最近,爸爸给我带来了一个好朋友。他,个子不高,方方的头,大大的。坐在那里安安静静的,很少说话。他的本可大了! 每天,只要我一回家,他就成了我最好的朋友和老师。我们一起读书、画画、玩游……我这个朋友可神了,没有他不会的。做起来又对又快,告诉他的从来不会。他还能让我不出家门,知道我想知道的一。 怎么样,我的好朋友不吧!小朋友,你们知道他是谁吗? 4、年 年就要到了。平平坐在窗前,望着天上闪闪的星星,着新年娃娃的到来。不一会儿,远远的天空升起了一朵彩云,彩云越来越近,来是一条金色的小船。船头上小黄猫和小黑狗正大声告诉大家:年到了!小船很快到了平平面前。他看见船里有许多小动物。嘴巴的小鸭子、长尾巴的小松鼠、会骑车的小猴,还有一个漂亮的娃娃。她就是新年娃娃。平平高兴得跳起来。他和新年娃娃一起,小朋友们问好,大家新年快乐! 夜深了,平平在新年的声中睡着了,睡得那么香。早晨,他发现床头放着一个漂亮的新年娃


小学语文四年级口语测试 评价总结 一、总体情况 这次我班进行口语测试考评,本班班共43名同学全部参加了本次测试,测试地点四年级班。学生到位后,考评老师按考核名单点名考核,并且根据情况记录、评价。首先由学生四人为一组抽签背诵作品,4人按照抽签内容背诵完毕后,进入口语考核,同样抽签决定考核内容,5分钟时间准备,前一名学生进行口语考核时,再由后一名学生做好准备。 考评完毕后,由本班语文教师做好登记、统计全班考评成绩,并将考核结果交由教导处存档。 二、学生表现 本次口语测评,比较真实的反映了二年级班同学的口语水平,绝大多数的学生能正确、流利的背诵课文内容,做到不加字,不漏字,少部分同学还能够做到有感情地背诵。而在口语交际测试中,大部分的学生能做到声音响亮,态度自然,有礼貌,口齿清楚,能根据话题正确叙述。 三、等级比例 1、背诵内容: A级水平:共31人 B级水平:共9人 C级水平:共3人 2、口语交际: A级水平:共30人 B级水平:共12人 C级水平:1 四、存在问题 1、背诵课文:

部分学生前后鼻音不分,如:敬、您等;平舌音、翘舌音不分,尤其容易将平舌音读成翘舌音音节;鼻音、边音不分,如鸟;前鼻韵母、后鼻韵母不分,如封、村等。有的同学在背诵时不能流利背诵,结结巴巴,还有个别同学有漏背、背错词句现象。 2、口语交际: 有个别同学说话声音太小,说话时缺乏感情,比较呆板,说话时也不够自然流畅。 五、今后措施 1、提高口语交际认识 语文教师和学生要正确认识朗读、口语的重要性。“口语交际”教学不仅仅是依靠口语进行双向或多向的信息交流的一种活动,它除了具备听话、说话的能力外,还有与人交往能力、待人处事能力、生存能力等。因此,我们要从思想上重视对学生进行口语交际训练,并想方设法在教学实践中落实口语交际教学,使学生真正具备口语交际本领。 2、改进口语交际评价的方法。 评价学生的口语交际能力,应重视考察学生的参与意识和情意态度。评价必须在具体的交际情境中进行,让学生承担有实际意义的交际任务,以反映学生真实的口语交际水平。例如,可以让两个或多个学生一起上台交际,创设口语情境,而不是仅只是一个学生上去说。 腰庄小学 语文教师:李晓玲 二零一五年元月二十七日


2015年全年托福独立口语题目汇总 1.10 Task 1 :Talk about a kind of music you enjoy the least, explain why you don’t like it.(事物类) Task 2:Do you think universities in the future will on day stop giving lessons in classrooms, they might give online courses instead.(教育) 1.11 Task 1: Which of the following is the best way to spend your weekends? Exercising, cooking, or visiting friends.(事件类) Task2 :Some people prefer to live in old buildings, others prefer to live in new and modern buildings, which do you prefer and explain why.(生活) 1.25 Task1 Which of the following activities would you be more interested in doing? Teaching children, teaching adults to use computers or cleaning city park.(事件类) Task2 Some people prefer take a job with a single task, others prefer to do multiple tasks on a job. Which do you prefer?(工作) 1.31 Task1 Which of the following activities would you like to do on a weekend afternoon? Doing exercise, watching TV, or spending some time with families?(事件类) Task2 do you agree or disagree with the statement that young people should learn how to draw and paint?(教育) 2.1 Task 1: Which of the following is the most effective way of learning: studying from textbooks, having discussion with a group or reading articles written by others. Please use specific reasons to support your idea.(事件类) Task2: do you agree or disagree that people should wear clothes according to fashion?(?生活) 3.7 Task1 :Which new skill do you want to learn?learning a musical instrument, flying plane or playing a new sport.(事物类) Task2:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Cell phone improved our life.(科技) 3.14 Task1:When you are at work,which of the following factors do you think is the most important to you ? Having a flexible schedule, having a friendly co workers , having a helpful boss.(事物类 +?人物类) Task2:Would you prefer an interesting professor with a strict grading policy or a boring professor with a loose grading policy?(教育) 3.28 Task1 :If you were making a donation, Which of the organizations would you be making your donations to? Environmental protection group,city library, Or animal shelter.(地点类) Task2:Do you agree or disagree with the statement that students should work for a year before entering university?(教育) 4.12


Marion 14720138 Food and Restaurants (Week 2) 1、Which do you like better, Chinese food or Western food? I prefer Chinese food,because Chinese food tastes delicious 。 it usually hot ,and I like hot food。 because i live in China,i have got used to the chinese food。 but i also like western food,because i need to try some new things。 2、How would you deal with an angry customer? Deal with an angry customers can be one of the most challenging aspect of a job. Whether they confront you face-to-face, or you speak with them over the phone,Remain calm and adjust your mindset. Listen actively to what the customer is saying. Repeat the customer’s concerns ,Apologize is necessary .Call your manager over if the customer asks you to.。 3、Do you like cooking? What can you cook? I like cooking,but the level is very poor,The only thing I can cook is dumplings 4、What are the different food flavors? 5、What are some examples of Western food? Do you like it? Why or why not? Hamburger pizza French fries beefsteak cheese I am not fond of it, 6、What are some cultural differences between China and Western countries, regarding food and restaurants? in a western restaurant, each person generally orders their own food or dishes and eats what they order. western people don't usually put all of the food in the middle of the table and share unless they are eating pizza. one of the biggest differences between chinese restaurants and western restaurants is the noise. most western restaurants are quiet and people speak in quiet voices. avoid shouting, especially to the staff. 7、If you order a steak or a hamburger at a restaurant, the waiter or waitress will likely ask you this question: how would you like it cooked? What does this mean? How would you answer this question? Medium Transportation (Week 3) 1、How do you like to travel around your hometown? when I want to visit most place around my hometown,i usually travel by train。It convenient and comfortable,During the day, i can do some reading or just enjoy the landscape outside the window on the train. Trains also have the advantage of being safe.What’s more, you can travel by train at high speed with less money 2、What is a problem with public transportation in your hometown? Nowadays there are cities where the population is very high,The traffic situation in many big cities is becoming a big problem and in others cities already is a big problem. they make a lot of jams .traffic accident 3、What did you do last weekend? last weekend ,i was very busy .At the saturday ,I went to visit my parents ,we had a very good time .I was very happy.I backed school in the evening .At the sunday ,I Finished my homework and playing basketball with my roommates,In a word ,I had a wonderful weekend .


1.What part does money play in happiness? .Money is not everying,but without money,everying is nothing.sometime,钱起着重要作用2.Do you believe that the ordinary person is happy or unhappy? Why? 谈谈你的幸福经历吧? Happiness in everyone's eyes are different,Someone who have a lot of friends, will be happy,but Someone who have a lot of friends, will be happy too, .happiness is a state of mind.As long as one thinks he is content and satisfied,he is happy.(你们说得都对,每个人都有不同的观点。一些富有的人,他们认为他们是幸福的;一些有很多朋友的人,他们也感到很开心。幸福是一种感觉,只要人认为他是充实和满足的,他就是幸福的) 你有哪些不快乐的经历 不开心的事情就是这些年一直没有成为党员I have not become Party members for a long time,which is the most make me sad 3.In your opinion, what is the most important characteristic (for example, honesty, intelligence, and a sense of humor) that a person can have to be successful in life? Use specific reasons and examples from your experience to explain your answer. Faith without doubt …,.anyone who want to succsee,to a great degree,depend on ambition 4.Do you think it’s necessary for a person to have ambition? Why or why not? Ambition without doubt …,.anyone who want to succsee,to a great degree,depend on ambition 5.Hardship is always a bad thing. Do you agree or disagree? And why?

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