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1.Mr. Blake is a __________(教师).

2.Sophie is a __________(新的) student.

3.Sophie Dupont is _____________(法国人).

4.Hans is _____________(德国人).

5. Nice to _________ (遇见) you .

6.Naoko is ___________ (日本人) .

7.Chang Woo is _________ (韩国人).

8.Lu Ming is ____________(中国人).

9.It is an _____________ (意大利的) car.

10.Ford is an ______________(美国的) car.


1. This is Alice Dupont.

Alice is a ________ student.

A. new

B. old

C. newer

D. older

2. Nice _______ you.

A. meet

B. meeting

C. to meet

D. meets

3. Stella is _______ .

A. student

B. a student

C. an student

D. the student

4. Is she a French student ______ a Swedish student?

A. and

B. or

C. so

D. but

5. This is Naoko.

Naoko is a girl. ________ is Japanese.

A. He

B. She

C. It

D. I

6. ______ Hans German?______ , he ______.

A. Is ; Yes, is

B. Is ;No, is.

C. Are; Yes, are.

D. Are; No, aren’t

7. This is a coat. It ________ a dress.

A. is

B. isn’t

C. not is

D. aren’t

8. A: Nice to meet you! B: _________.

A. How are you

B. Nice to meet you

C. How do you do

D. Excuse me


1.This is Miss Sophie Dupont. (变一般疑问句) ______ this _______ Sophie Dupont.?

2.Sophie is a new student.(变为否定句) Sophie is ________ a new student.

3.This is Hans. (对划线部分提问) ______ is ________?

4.This is my watch.(变一般疑问句) _______ this _______ watch?

5.It is a Toyota.(对划线部分提问) _______ ________ is it?

6.I am Number Five.(变为同义句) My ________ is _________.

7.This is my daughter.(变否定句) This ______ _______ my daughter.

8.It is a Fiat. It is an Italian car. (两句合并一句) The _______ is an _______ _________.

9.This is a coat.(对划线部分提问) ________ is ________?

10.Sophie is a student. She is French.(两句合并一句) Sophie is a __________ _________. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子

1.Mr. Blake 是他们的教师。Mr. Blake is _________ __________.

2.这个新学生是法国人。This new __________ is ___________.

3.汉斯是德国人。Hans _________ _______________.

4.遇见你很高兴。_________ to _________ you.

5.小惠是中国人吗?_________ Xiao Hui ___________?

6.那辆菲亚特是一辆意大利汽车。The Fiat is an ___________ ________.

7.它是什么牌子的?_________ _________ is it?

8.她的汽车是韩国造。__________ car is ___________.

9.那辆标致是一辆法国车。The Peugeot is a __________ ___________.

10.他是五号。He is _____________ __________.


Mr. Green: Excuse me. Are you Mr. White?

Mr. White: Yes, I am. Are you Mr. Green?

Mr. Green: Yes, I am. How do you do?

Mr. White: How do you do?

Mr. Green: This is Tom, my son.

Tom, this is Mr. White.

Tom: Nice to meet you, Mr. white.

Mr. White: Nice to meet you, too.


1.Are you Kate? ______, I’m ________.

2.Are you Mr. Green? _______, I _______.

3.How do you do? ______ ______ you do?

4.Who is Tom? Tom is Mr. _______ ________.

5.Nice to meet you! ______ to meet you,too.

B. 根据对话内容判断下列句子是否正确,对用A,错用B

()6. Mr. White meets Mr. Green.

( ) 7. Tom is Mr. White’s son.

( ) 8. Tom is nice to meet Mr. White.

( ) 9. Mr. Green is Mr. White’s friend.

( ) 10. Mr. Green’s son is Tom.


新概念英语第二册课后练习题答案详解(第 6 课) Lesson 6 1. d 根据文第 2-3 行 In return for this , the beggar stood on his head ?,只有d. he wanted to‘pay’ for his meal in this way, 才能准确表达他做的原因,而其他 3 个都不能明个原因。 2. a 根据文第一句I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street, 只有a. She was new to the neighbourhood 与文意思最接近,其他 3 个都和文的意思不符合。 3. c a. at house, b. to the house, d. in the home都不符合用法 .只有 c. at home在家,是用法,所以准确答案是 c. 4. d 只有 d. a meal to him个句子才符合法,而其他 都有法,按照用法,是give sb. sth.或 3 个give sth. to sb. 5. d a. told后面少接,句子意思不完整; b. said me 准确 ; c. told to me中接跟在后面,不需要加 有 d. said才符合法,它后面能跟从句,用法 sb. sth.或tell sth. to sb. 法不to; 只tell 6. a

只有选 a. They all 才能使句子语法准确,意思完整,其他选择都在语法上讲不通。如 each 做主语,后边的动词应为单数第三人称, Every 为形容词不能做主语,按照习惯用法 all of them 才可做主语。 7. d 这个问句是针对打电话“间隔的时间”或“频率”提问,所以用 a. How seldom, b. how long, c. How soon month( 每月一次 ) 来回答,只有用 d. How often 提问都不能用 提问才能用 Once a Once a month 来回答。 8. a 只有a. asks for money but doesn't work( 只要钱但不工作) 才能准确表达 beggar( 乞丐 ) 这个词的含义 , 其他 3 个都不能准确表达这个意思 . 所以选 a. 9. b a meal( 一顿饭 ) 是泛指,能够是早餐、午餐或晚餐。所以应该选 b. at any time( 在任何时候 ) ,而其他 3 个选择意思都不够准确。 10. a 本句需要选出与前一句中的piece( 小块 , 片) 意思相接近的词 , b. bar 长块 , c. block大块,d. packet小包,这3个都不能准确表达piece的含义.只有a. bit小片,少许,同piece意思最接近,所以选a. 11. d 本句需要选出与前一句中的短语call at ( 访问某家或某地) 的意思相同的词。

新概念1 49-56课测试

一.中英文互译 1.一些肉_______________ 2. 我的丈夫____________ 3. 一磅肉馅__________________ 4. 一块好牛排__________________5. 告诉你实情____________________________________ 6. fresh cabbage___________ 7. a kilo of lettuces _____________ 8. sweet orange ___________ 9. a bunch of grapes ____________ 10. garden peas _____________ 二.句型转换 1. I’d like some beef.(划线提问) 2. I’d like two kilos. (划线提问) 3. I like chicken. (否定句) 4. I like peaches. I don’t like oranges.(合并句子) 5. I want some meat today. (改为疑问句并作肯定回答) 6. Sam likes potatoes. (改为疑问句并作否定回答) 7. They are at the butcher’s. (划线提问) 8. Give me that piece,please.(同义句) 三.按要求填空 1. tomato(复数) ______________ 2.husband(对应词)_______ 3.are not(缩写形式)_______ 4.nice(反义词)_____________ 5.some(同义词)________ 6.peach(复数)_____________ 四.翻译 1. I want some chocolate. Do you have some? 2. I like coffee, but my husband doesn’t.. 3.我喜欢羊肉,但是我的丈夫不喜欢。 4.我能戴上帽子,可是不能穿上衣服。 5.我在打印一封信,他没有。 Lesson 51-52 一.中英文互译 1.来自于______________ 2. 在四月和五月_______________________ 3. 宜人的天气 _________________________4.a French lady _________________5. in winter______________ 6. westen country_______________ 二.句型转换 1. It’s sunny outside. (划线提问) 2. It’s always cool in autumn. (划线提问) 3. The climate is very pleasant in Holland. (划线提问) 4. It’s very cold in winter. (改为疑问句) 5.It’s often cold in December and January. (划线提问) 三.写出该国人: The U.S.__________ Italy__________ Norway_______________ Spain_____________ Sweden____________ Germany_________ England_____________ France____________ 四.翻译 1. 每天都出太阳。 2. 你们国家的气候怎样? 3. 他们来自哪个国家? 4. Which season do you like best? 5. Is it cold or warm in summer?


新概念2第56课重点内容解析 重要句型或语法 1、比较关系 本课侧重的是be like、the same as、be different from等比较关系的表达。如: My jacket is like yours. My jacket is the same as yours. My jacket is different from yours. 【推荐阅读】 相关比较关系的详细用法,请参考下文: 英语比较状语从句的用法大全 2、不定代词 本课侧重的是不定代词little、a little、few、a few、much、many的用法。如: There isn't much whisky, but you can have a little. There aren't many apples, but you can pick a few. 课文主要语言点 Once a year, a race is held for old cars 1)once a year,每年一次。once表示一次,twice表示两次,三次以上都用times来表达。 2)hold,举行、举办。其过去式和过去分词都是held。

A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began. 1)enter for,参加(比赛)。 2)a great deal of,很多、大量。注意只能用来 修饰不可数名词。 3)just before,就在...之前。 One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. 1)handsome,英俊的、漂亮的。 2)Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost,劳斯莱斯银魅。这款车享有“世界上的汽车”的美誉。silver,银。ghost,魔鬼。 The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part. 1)Benz,奔驰车。 2)Built in 1885是过去分词短语,作为伴随状语。 3)taking part用作car的定语,其完整原形为that took part。 After a great many loud explosions, the race began. 1)a great many,很多、大量。与a great deal of只能用来修饰不可数 名词不同的是,a great many只能用来修饰可数名词。 2)explosion,爆炸。源自动词explode。 Many of the cars broke down on the course and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them! 1)break down,抛锚。 2)on the course,在赛道上。 3)注意体会本 句话中的幽默笔触:一些司机选手花了更多的时间躺着车底下,而不 是坐在车里面,意思是车子坏了,得躺到车底去修车。注意under和 in要重读,以突出前后对比效果。 A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour - much faster than any of its rivals. 1)complete,完成。 2)winning,取胜的。 3)reach a speed of,达到...速度。 4)注意much常用来修饰比较级。 5)rival,竞争对手。


学乐教育2014年暑假七升八英语VIP辅导讲义 Lesson 6 Percy Buttons 珀西.巴顿 【New words and expressions】生词和短语(4) beggar n. 乞丐气food n. 食物 pocket n. 衣服口袋call v. 拜访,光顾 n. 乞丐beg v.乞求I beg your pardon beg for 乞求得到ask for 请求得到(ask sb. for sth. 向某人索要某物) n. 食物(不可数) a lot of food n. 衣服口袋 inner pocket 内口袋;jacket pocket 夹克的口袋;coat pocket 大衣口袋 pocket book 袖珍书;pocket dictionary 袖珍词典 pocket pick 车上的小偷pocket money (小孩的)零花钱 change零钱beer money (男人的)零花钱 v. 拜访, 光顾 ① vt.&vi.叫,喊I heard someone calling. call out =shout 大声喊 ② vt. 呼唤,召唤Lucy is sick生病. Please call a doctor. ③ vi. 访问,拜访;(车、船等)停靠Amy called (at our house) yesterday. The train calls at large stations only. 这列火车只停大站。 call on sb. 拜访某人I will call on you. 我要去你家。 call at+地点=visit someplace 拜访某地 I will call at your home. 我要去你家。 ④ vt.&vi. 打电话 call sb =call up sb. 给某人打电话call back 回某人电话 Can you take a message for me =Can you tell him to call back call in sb. 招集和邀请某人 For the project计划;规划, the government called in a lot of experts. expert 专家;能手【课文讲解】 1、Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. ★knock v. 敲门 ① vi. 敲门I knocked, but no one answered. knock at 敲(门、窗等)knock at the door;knock at the window ② vt.&vi. 碰撞 You always knock things off the table. 你总是碰掉桌上的东西。 Jim was knocked over by a bus this morning. 今天上午吉姆被一辆公共汽车撞倒了。She has knocked a cup over again. 她又碰倒了一个杯子。 ③ vt. 把(某人)打成……状态 He knocked Tom out yesterday. 他昨天把汤姆打昏过去了。 ④ 与off连用时有一些特殊含义,一般用于口语 vt. (价格上)减去,除去,打折扣 They knocked five dollars off the price of the coat. The shop assistant knocked 10% off the bill.(He reduced the price by 10%.) vi. 下班,停止,中断(工作等) When do you usually knock off 你一般什么时候下班 He knocked off for lunch at half past eleven.他十一点半休息吃中午饭。 2、He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer.


新概念英语第二册第六课课后习题答案详解 Lesson 6 1. d 根据课文第2-3行In return for this , the beggar stood on his head …, 只有d. hewanted to ‘pay’for his meal in this way,才能准确表达他这样做的原因,而其他3个选择都不能说明这个原因。 2. a 根据课文第一句 I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street, 只有a. She wasnew to the neighbourhood与课文意思最接近,其他3个选择都和课文的意思不符合。 3. c a. at house, b. to the house, d. in the home 都不符合习惯用法. 只有 c. at home在家,是习惯用法,所以正确答案是c. 4. d 只有选d. a meal to him 这个句子才符合语法,而其他3个选择都有语法错误,按照习惯用法,应该是give sb. sth. 或give sth. to sb. 5. d a. told 后面少间接宾语,句子意思不完整; b. said me 语法不正确; c. told to me中间接宾语应紧跟在动词后面,不需要加to;只有选 d. said 才符合语法,它后面可以跟宾语从句,习惯用法为

tell sb. sth. 或tell sth. to sb. 6. a 只有选a. They all 才能使句子语法正确,意思完整,其他选择都在语法上讲不通。如each做主语,后边的动词应为单数第三人称,Every 为形容词不能做主语,按照习惯用法all of them才可做主语。 7. d 这一问句是针对打电话“间隔的时间”或“频率”提问,因此用 a. How seldom, b. how long, c. How soon提问都不能用Once a month(每月一次)来回答,只有用 d. How often 提问才能用Once a month来回答。 8. a 只有 a. asks for money but doesn'twork(只要钱但不工作)才能准确表达beggar(乞丐)这个词的含义,其他3个都不能正确表达这个意思.所以选a. 9. b a meal(一顿饭)是泛指,可以是早餐、午餐或晚餐。因此应该选b. at anytime(在任何时候),而其他3个选择意思都不够准确。 10. a 本句需要选出与前一句中的piece(小块,片)意思相接近的词, b. bar 长块, c. block 大块,d. packet小包,这3个都不能准确表达piece 的含义.只有 a. bit 小片,少许,同piece 意思最接近,所以选a. 11. d 本句需要选出与前一句中的短语call at (访问某家或某地)的意思相同的词。 a. shouts at(呼喊);b. calls(召唤,打电话); c. cries out(对……大喊)这三个选择意思都不恰


lesson 6 Percy Buttons 一、生词和短语(词汇学习)词汇学习 ★knock knock at 敲(门窗等) ;knock at the door敲门 knock off:下班,He knocked off earlier. knock sth off+地点:把某物从某处碰翻;knock the vase off the table knock off:打折,knock 10% off the price. 把价格降低10%。 knock over:打翻,碰翻A car knocked the boy over. He knocked a glass over. 他把玻璃杯打翻了。如果有地点,off; 无地点,over,I knocked the boy off the bicycle. knock out:淘汰;击败;出局;使不省人事;The thief stuned the police in the fight. 在搏斗中,小偷把警察打昏了。 ★beggar n. 乞丐 beg v.乞求;I beg your pardon? ask for :请求得到;beg for :乞求得到 ★food n. 食物不可数;a lot of food ★pocket n. 衣服口袋 ★call v. 拜访,光顾 call sb:给某人打电话;call up sb:给某人打电话 call back:回某人电话;Can you tell him to call back? call on sb拜访某人;I will call on you. call at+地点=visit someplace拜访某地;I will call at your Home. call out =shout,大声喊 call in sb:招集和邀请某人;For the project,the government called in a lot of experts. 二、听力(回答问题) 三、课文讲解(语法) 四、课后习题 【课文讲解】 1、I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. 我刚刚搬进了大桥街的一所房子。move常用的意义是“动”、“移动”。在这句话里它的意思是“搬家”、“迁移”,为不及物动词。在表达“搬家”这个意思时move可以单独使用,也可以组成短语: move to 指从一地移动到另一个地方。 例如:I moved from Changsha to Guangzhou ,我从长沙搬到广州。 move in 是指从搬进某个地方。例如:I moved in my new room.我搬进饿了新房间。move into 强调动作性, 例如:I moved into the new room quickly,.我很快搬进了新房。意思差别并不大的。move out:搬出;例 如:Jack has moved out. John will move in the day after tomorrow.杰克已经搬走了。约翰后天搬进来。 2、He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. (他问)我要一顿饭和一杯啤酒。 Ask sb for sth.问某人要什么东西;ask for:请求,要求; He never asks his parents for money.他从来不向父母要钱。 The guest asked for the manager.客人要见经理. ask sb to do sth :要求某人做某事 3、in return for this 作为报答,作为交换;


Lesson 6 Percy Button 1. beggar: n. (1) 乞丐, 叫化子; 穷人(2) 募捐者(3) [俚]家伙(对人的爱称,戏称) The beggar is dressed in rags. 这个乞丐衣衫褴褛。 The beggar shivered in his scanty clothes. 乞丐穿着单薄,冻得发抖。 He is a good beggar. 他善于募捐。 You lucky beggar! 你这个幸运儿! What a fine little beggar your boy is! 你的儿子是个多么可爱的小家伙呵! 习惯用法: lazy beggar/dog [口]懒鬼, 懒汉 Let beggars match with beggars. [谚]龙配龙, 凤配凤。 little beggar 小家伙(指小孩, 小动物) lucky beggar 幸运儿, 走运的家伙 poor beggar 可怜的人儿, 可怜的家伙 2. food: (1) 食物; 粮食; 养料(2) 精神食粮; 材料; 资料 food and drink. 饮食 mental [intellectual, spiritual] food 精神食粮 heavy food 油腻而难消化的食物 food chain 食物链 convenient food 方便食品 3. pocket: n. 口袋adj. 袖珍的, 小型的 pocket money 零花钱 pocket dictionary 袖珍词典 pocket knife 便携式小刀 My keys are in my pocket. 经典用法: pay out of one's own pocket 自己掏钱支付 pick a pocket 扒窃 put one's pride in one's pocket 忍辱 4. call: (1) 叫喊 Can you hear someone calling in the neighbourhood? 你能听见附近有人在喊叫吗? Someone is calling for help. 有人在大声呼救。 She stood at the door calling my name several times. 她站在门口叫了几声我的名字。(2) 打电话 He seems to call me this morning but I was out. 早上他好像给我打过电话,但我出去了。Call me (up) this evening, if it's convenient to you. 如果方便的话,今天晚上打个电话给我。I'll call you back soon. 我会很快给你回电话的。 to make a long-distance call 打长途电话 There's a call for you, Mr. Kevin. 凯文先生,有你的电话。 (3) (常与at, in, on连用)拜访,作短暂访问(或停留) Do you think we should call at Frank's when we go to New York? 我们去纽约的时候, 你看要不要去看看弗兰克? This long-distance coach calls at every stop along its journey. 这趟长途汽车沿线每站都要停靠。


Lesson 6 Percy Buttons 珀西.巴顿 【课文讲解】 1) I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. Move to 移动搬家 与move相关的短语 ○1move about动来动去 There is plenty of space here to move about.这里有很大的活动空间。○2move along继续向前或后移动 The people standing in the bus moved along to make room for others. 公共汽车里站着的人慢慢向前移动,以便给别人腾出地方来。 ○3move back退缩,往后退,使恢复原位,搬回原来住过的地方When they saw the roof was falling, they moved back quickly. 看到屋顶塌下来,他们赶紧往后退。 ○4move in搬入(住宅);使(某人)搬进 We have just moved in. 我们才刚搬进来。 ○5move off出发;离开 The troops moved off at dawn. 部队在拂晓时出发了。 ○6move out搬出 His neighbor moved out last month. 他的邻居上个月搬走了。 2) Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. beggar n. 乞丐 beg v.乞求 I beg your pardon? beg for 乞求得到 ask for 请求得到(ask sb. for sth. 向某人


Lesson 6 1:I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. 1) :move: 1>. move 搬,移动 A: We need more space for the fridge. 我们需要更多的空间来放冰箱. B: Right. Let's move this chair to the living room. 没错,那我们把这张椅子搬到客厅吧. 2>. move 搬迁 英to (cause to) change the place where one lives or does business A: I'm moving to Taichung because teahouses are more popular there. 我要搬到台中去,因为红茶店在那里比较受欢迎. B: Good luck then. I hope you make a fortune.那麼祝你好运罗,我希望你能赚大钱. 3>. move 感动英to affect with tender emotion or feeling A: Did he send you any flowers or chocolates?他有送你花或是巧克力吗? B: No. But he wrote a lot of moving letters.没有,不过他写了很多动人的情书 2) :beg 1>. 口语中说的I beg your pardon可以有多种用法: (1) 用于道歉,比用I’m sorry更正式。如: I beg your pardon. I suppose I should have knocked. 对不起,我想我本来应该敲门的。 (2) 用于没听清或没听懂对方的话,请对方再说一遍(可只说Pardon,说时用升调)。如: I beg your pardon—I didn’t hear what you said. 请再说一遍——我没听见你刚才说的话。 (3) 用于表示生气或气愤。如: Pardon me, but this is my coat. 对不起,这是我的外套。 I beg your pardon but the woman you’re insulting happens to be my wife. 请你尊重些,你侮辱的这个女人正是我的妻子。 (4) 用于引起别人的注意。如: I beg your pardon; can you tell me the way to the station?对不起,你能告诉我去车站怎么走吗? (5) 用于对别人的冒犯或无礼表示威胁。如: A:You cunt! 你这笨蛋! B:I beg your pardon. 你再说一遍。 2>. 用于go begging,在现代英语中主要表示“(东西等)没有人要”“(职位等)有空缺”。如: If that sandwich is going begging, I’ll have it. 这份三明治没人要,我就要了。 Those jobs went begging. 那些职位没有人肯干。 3>. 有时可后接that从句,从句谓语通常用虚拟语气。如: He begged that he (should) be allowed to leave. 他恳求让他离开。 4>. 由它派生的名词beggar意为“乞丐”,注意不要误拼成begger。 3) knock: n.(名词) knock用作名词的基本意思是“狠狠的一击,打击”,用于比喻可指“不幸,挫折,艰苦”,引申可指“敲击声,敲击信号”。 knock是抽象名词,但却可数,可加不定冠词修饰,也可用复数形式,表示复数概念。 knock后接at〔to〕的介词短语表示侧重敲击的对象; 接on的介词短语侧重敲击的位置。v.(动词) knock的基本意思是用手、拳等硬物“敲打”,指出声地、连续地猛击,引申可指发出敲击或

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第06课

单词学习 beggar n. 乞丐 beg [beɡ] v. 乞求,行乞 重读闭音节,需双写g。类似的词有: begin, dig, run, swim, drag, big, rob a begging letter 求援信 beg sth from sb 乞求…..向……行乞= beg for sth from sb eg. Percy Buttons begged for a meal and a glass of bear from me. 帕西·巴顿斯向我讨要一顿饭和一杯啤酒 相当于:Percy Buttons asked me for a meal and a glass of bear. ask sb for sth 向某人要求某物 beg sth from sb (更谦卑)向某人要求某物 eg. My little brother asks me for lucky money every year.我的弟弟每年都向我要压岁钱。eg. The girl asked her mother for that beautiful skirt. 那个小女孩向她妈妈要那条漂亮的裙子。beg sb for sth 恳求,祈求(以谦虚的姿态要求) eg. Set him free, I beg you! 我求求你,饶了他吧! beg sb not todo sth 祈求某人不做某事 beg sb to do sth 祈求某人去做某事 eg. They begged us not to punish them. 他们祈求我们不要惩罚他们。 eg. He knew that he had burt her and begged her to forgive him. 他知道他伤害了她,恳求她原谅。 I beg your pardon! 1) I'm sorry. / Excuse me. 对不起,请原谅。 2) Please repeat that./ Pardon 请再说一遍 beg somebody off 为某人求情 beg a favor of somebody 恳求别人帮忙 v + er/or/ar 可以表达"人"的概念 work-worker 工人; sail-sailor 水手; beg-beggar 乞丐 eg. Beggars can't be choosers. 饥不择食(谚语) beggar 家伙,(口语)有戏虐之意


虎门外语学校小学教师备课文本 备课组:五年级

Warm up: 1. What color is your face/hair/eyes/sweater/shoes? 2、listen to the tape and answer the questions:What does Anna have? In put: 1. look at the screen and learn some new words, listen and read after to the tape , in this section, correct the students ' pronunciation. 2. let the kids make sentences with the new words. 3. Listen to the tape and answer the question What color is Anna 's hat? Details about the text: 1、-What color '...?s = What color is...? -It's green. 这里的it 代指的 是my new dress。 如果是复数则要说-What color are...? -They 're... 例如:-What color are your shoes? -They 're brown. 2、Come upstairs and see it. 祈使句。上楼come upstairs←→ go downstairs 下楼这里的and 不需要翻译成“和” ,仅仅是引导出目的。例句:Come and help me. Come and listen to the music. 3、Look! 瞧!看!(强调动作)如果想表达看什么东西,则要说look at sth. 例如:Look at my new dress. 4、Here it is! 就是它了。注意语序,这句话是个倒装句,原本是It is here. 5、It's very smart. 这里的very 是个副词,用来修饰形容词smart。 smart 还可以作“聪明”讲,例如:You're very smart. (伸大拇 指) 6、My hat's new, too. 这里的 's也是is 的缩写。 7、What color is it? 这里的it 代指your hat。 8、the same 相同的,一样的。例如:the same size;We are the same. 9、That is a lovely hat! 这里的is 要重读,表示强调。例如:You are very smart! 你确实很聪明! Practice: 1. listen to the tape, read after the tape sentence by sentence. 2. Read by themselves loudly. 3. Role play in pairs. 4.Use Lesson 14 进行相关练习。 Recite the text together. Sum up: 形容什么东西很好、很漂亮、很可爱,有许多种说法:good, nice, pretty, beautiful, smart, lovely, cute... 教第十三课和十四课的知识点比较简单,学生学起来也比较轻松。主要是询问某人的某个物品是什么颜色的:What colour is your ??It 's + 颜色词。主要


新概念英语第二册课堂笔记:第6课Lesson 6 Percy Buttons ★New words and expressions ☆beggar n.乞丐 注意这是我们当前为止学到的的以-ar结尾的名词。 v.beg 乞求 beg for:乞求得到 ask for:请求得到 ☆pocket n.衣服口袋 inner pocket:大衣、西服内口袋 jacket pocket;coat pocket pocket book:袖珍书;pocket dictionary pocket money:零花钱(小孩的) (不是零钱,零钱是change:get exact change) 男人的零花钱:beer money 18世纪,在小说里有时能见到女人的零花钱是针线钱。但是随着时代的进步,剩下的money都归女人管,所以女人无零花钱。 pocket pick:车上的小偷 ☆call v.拜访,光顾 call sb/call up sb:给某人打电话 call back:回电话

我们昨天学的电话用语 -Can you take a message for me? 如果不想让第三人知道,你能够说: Can you tell him to call back? 关于call的几个短语: call at+地点=visit someplace call on sb I will call on you.=I will call at your home. call out=shout 大声喊 call in sb 招集和邀请 For the project,the government called in a lot of experts. ★Text I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street.Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door.He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer.In return for this,the beggar stood on his head and sang songs.I gave him a meal.He ate the food and drank the beer.Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went https://www.wendangku.net/doc/aa12441174.html,ter a neighbor told me about him.Everybody knows him.His name is Percy Buttons.He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer. ☆ask sb for sth:问某人要什么东西 for:为了这个目的去请求某人。sb更多的时候并不出现,而直接说ask for sth,因为强调的是东西而不是人。


61课课文填空: 1、________ Jimmy? 2、He’s ______ ______. 3、What’s the ______ ______ him? 4、He ______ ______. 5、He ______ ______. 6、We ______ call the ______. 7、Yes,______ ______. 8、_______ you _______ the ______ ______ _______? 9、Yes. It’s 09754. 10、Open ______ _______,Jimmy. 11、Show me _______ ________. 12、Say,”Ah”. 13、What’s the matter with him,doctor? 14、He ______ a ______ ______,Mr. Williams,so he ______ stay _____ ______ for a week. 15、That’s ______ _______ for Jimmy. 16、______ _______? Why? 17、Because he _______ like _______. 完成下列单词: 1、感觉__________ 2、看__________ 3、必须__________ 4、叫,请__________ 5、医生__________ 6、电话__________ 7、记得__________ 8、嘴__________ 9、舌头__________10、坏的__________ 11、感冒__________12、消息__________ 61课课文填空: 1、________ Jimmy? 2、He’s ______ ______. 3、What’s the ______ ______ him? 4、He ______ ______. 5、He ______ ______. 6、We ______ call the ______. 7、Yes,______ ______. 8、_______ you _______ the ______ ______ _______? 9、Yes. It’s 09754. 10、Open ______ _______,Jimmy. 11、Show me _______ ________. 12、Say,”Ah”. 13、What’s the matter with him,doctor? 14、He ______ a ______ ______,Mr. Williams,so he ______ stay _____ ______ for a week. 15、That’s ______ _______ for Jimmy. 16、______ _______? Why? 17、Because he _______ like _______. 完成下列单词: 1、感觉__________ 2、看__________ 3、必须__________ 4、叫,请__________ 5、医生__________ 6、电话__________ 7、记得__________ 8、嘴__________ 9、舌头__________10、坏的__________ 11、感冒__________12、消息__________

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