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Unit 3 Bards of the Internet

Unit 3  Bards of the Internet
Unit 3  Bards of the Internet

Unit 3 Bards of the Internet

By Phillip Elmer-Dewitt

I. Teaching Aims:

1. Get the students familiar with the main idea of the text, thus helping them develop their ability to discuss and form their own judgments on a specific matter.

2. Help the students master the language points in text

II. Teaching Difficulties: the proper nouns, the long sentences.

III. Time Allotment:

4 periods for the text and 2 periods for the exercises

IV. Background Information about the author

Philip Elmer-DeWitt has been covering science and technology for Time Magazine since he reported a cover story on computer "Whiz Kids" in 1982. He became a staff writer in 1983, a senior writer in 1993, a senior editor in 1994 and an assistant managing editor in 1997. He started two new sections in the magazine-Computers (1982) and Technology (1987)-and in 1994 helped launch Time Online (now https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a212761922.html,), America's first interactive weekly newsmagazine. In January 2002 he was promoted to sciences editor, directing Time's coverage of science, medicine, space and the environment.

As a Time writer, he produced more than 500 news and feature stories on subjects ranging from in-vitro fertilization to computer sex. His cover stories include "Computer Viruses" (1988), "Curing Infertility" (1991), "The Rio Earth Summit" (1992), "Cyberpunk" (1993), "Sex In America" (1994), "Girth of a Nation" (1995), Bill Gates (1995) and "Cyberporn" (1995).

Since 1995, he has edited more than 150 cover stories, including the issue that named AIDS researcher Dr. David Ho Time's 1996 "Man of the Y ear" and Albert Einstein "Person of the Century," and run Time-sponsored conferences on the Future of Life (2003) and Obesity (2004) and Global Health (2005).

Elmer-DeWitt has made dozens of radio and television appearances and produced several 10-minute television features for PBS's News Hour with Jim Lehrer and CNN & Time (formerly CNN Impact).

Born in Boston and raised in Lexington, Massachusetts, he was graduated summa cum laude in English from Oberlin College and studied at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism and at the University of California at Berkeley.

V. Detailed Study of the text

1. General Remarks:

This essay describes the current fashion of net writing, explores the causes of the poor quality of writing found on the Internet, explains its merits and differences from published writing as well as justifications for its survival and prevalence. The essay can be divided into 3 parts (asking the class to divide the text)

Part I (Para. 1—2) is an introductory part that presents an analytical comparison between what happened to writing when the telephone was invented and what is happening on computer networks now.

Part II (Para. 3—11) is the main body, exploring the causes of the poor quality of writing found on the Internet and explaining its merits and differences from published writing as well as justifications for its survival and prevalence.

Part III (Para. 12—13) presents a counter-argument to one of the criticisms against net writing.

2. Paragraph Explanation

Part One (Para.1-2)

Q1: What was one of the unintended side effects of the invention of the telephone?

One of the unintended side effects of the invention of the telephone was that writing went out of style.

Unintended: accidental

e.g. He was an unintended victim of gunfire.

The group argues that many of the proposed reforms will have unintended consequences.

(1) One of the unintended side effects of the invention of the telephone was that writing went out of style: when telephone was invented, no one realized at that time that it would outdate writing.

(2)…and give their fingers—and sometimes their mind—a rest: …and prefer to use the telephone rather than the pen (in a humorous way)

(3) Which makes what’s happening on the computer networks all t he more startling: here “which” is a relative pronoun referring to the situation mentioned in the preceding paragraph. The sentence would be grammatically acceptable if it were restructured as “All this makes what’s happening on the computer networks all the more startling”.

(4) Just when the media of McLuha were supposed to render obsolete the medium of Shakespeare, the online world is experiencing the greatest boom in letter writing since the 18th century:Contrary to what is expected, at a time when the media of McLuhan were supposed to make the medium of Shakespeare out of date, letter writing on the Internet is enjoying the greatest development since the 18th century.

Q2: What is the main idea of Part One?

This part is an introductory lead that presents an analytical comparison between what happened to writing when the telephone was invented and what is happening on computer networks now.

Part Two (Para.3-11)


Q1: What is the meaning of the first sentence of Para.3?

It means that Jon Carroll firmly believes that E-mail and computer-conferencing demonstrate to a whole generation of people that language we use does not have to be always so formal as in traditional letter-writing; it can be used in a casual manner while still serving its purpose effectively.

Q2: What is Jon Carroll?

He is a columnist at the San Francisco Chronicle.

Q3: With what does Patrick Nielsen Hayden compare electronic bulletin boards?

He compares electronic bulletin boards with the “scribblers’ compacts” of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, in which members passed letters from hand to hand, adding a little more at each turn.

Q4: To what does David Sewell liken netwriting?

He likens netwriting to the literary scene Mark Twain discovered in San Francisco in 1860s, “when people were reinventing journalism by grafting it onto the tall-tale folk tradition.

Q5: Would you paraphrase the answer?

David Sewell compares netwriting to the literary scene Mark Twain discovered in San Francisco in the 1860s, “when journalists were fond of writing news reports in the traditional tall-tale style”.

(3) liken …to : to say that someone is similar to or has the same qualities as someone else; compare… to

E.g. She likened the experience to sinking into a warm bath.

Our small company can be likened to a big, happy family.

(4) reinvent: to produce sth new that is based on sth. that already exists.

E.g. The story of Romeo and Juliet was reinvented as a Los Angeles gangster movie.

He’s one of those sportsmen who reinvent themselves as TV presenters.

(5) graft: to join or add something new

E.g. A piece of skin was removed from her leg and grafted onto her face.

The management tried unsuccessfully to graft new working methods onto the existing ways of doing things.

(6) the tall-tale tradition: the tradition in which people tell a story or a tale in a fanciful and exaggerated manner. A “tall-tale/a tall-story” is a story or tale that is hard to believe, because it is so exaggerated or unlikely. Here the author refers to a unique kind of journalism in which people report news in much the same way as people tell tall-tales. (7) hark back to: to talk about sth. again and again, often to a way which annoys other people; to remember or retell a previous event or topic.

E.g. He is always harking back to his army days.

You are always harking back to how things were when you were young.

This book harks back to the author’s earlier works on philosophy.

(8) pamphleteer: someone who writes thin books with only a few pages which gives information or an opinion about sth.

Q6: In this paragraph a number of people’s remarks are quoted, what do these quotations serve as? What is the implication of these quotations?

These quotations serve as evidence of the fact that deviations from the traditional medium of letter writing are not rare in history. The implication is that we should not be surprised by the boom of netwriting.


Q1:What question will be invited by such comparisons in the previous paragraph?

If online writing today represents some sort of renaissance, why is so much of it so awful?

Q2: How awful is the online writing?

It can be very bad indeed: sloppy, meandering, puerile, ungrammatical, poorly spelled, badly structured and at times virtually content free.

(1) For it can be very bad indeed: sloppy, meandering, puerile, ungrammatical, poorly spelled, badly structured and at times virtually content free: for it can be very bad indeed: careless, pointless, childish, with many grammatical and spelling mistakes, and structural mistakes, and sometimes it has no real message or meaning.

(2) “I THINK METALLICA IZ REEL KOOL DOOD!1!!!”: This is an example of sloppy writing on the Internet. Presumably it should read “I think Metallica is really cool dude! Number one !!!”

Q3: What is the main idea of this paragraph?

In this paragraph the author concedes the most serious problem of netwriting, its poor quality.


(1) Gerard Van der Leun…has emerged as one of the preeminent stylists on the Net: Gerard Van der Leun has become known as one of the most important stylists on the Internet.

(2) They are not to have and hold; they are to fire and forget.: they are of little literary value, so people write them, send them and forget them.

(3) Many online postings are composed with “live” the clock ticking: many online postings are written spontaneously, with no preparation within a very short time.

(4) it takes a hell of a lot of work to get published, which naturally weeds out a lot of the garbage: If you want to have your book or article published, you need to do a lot of work. In this way a lot of untalented writers are prevented from publishing bad works.

(5) weed out: to get rid of unwanted things or people from a group

E.g. They intend to weed out unqualified applicants.

Would you like me to help you weed the vegetable garden?

Q1: These two paragraphs tell us the author’s exploration of the reasons why the quality of netwriting is so poor. Once again the author quotes some remarks made by other people. Then what are the reasons that could account for the poor quality of netwriting?

First, things (such as E-mail) written on the Internet have little literary value, so they’re not meant to be permanent. They just come and go and no one will ever remember them, once they are read. Second, many online postings are produced under great time pressure. Third, there is actually no threshold on the Internet, so that anyone can log on and send out what they have written.


(1) But even among the reams of bad poetry, gems are to be found: even though most of the poems are of bad quality, there are still some really good ones.

(2) Mnemonic:(sth.) used to help a person remember …

(3) He did, and blew them all away: he did publish his poems, and overwhelmed them all. Here “to blow someone away” is an informal expression which means “to make someone feel very surprised, especially about something they like or admire”. It also means “to defeat someone completely.”

(4) Mark: it refers to the fellow network scribbler mentioned in the preceding sentence.

(5) “I was dressed as the Canterbury Tales”: it means “I was dressed in a very old-fashioned medieval style.”

The whole sentence suggests that Green wanted to attract attention.

Q1: What does the author want to tell us by writing this paragraph?

The author begins to cite examples in defense of netwriting. He first points out that there are actually some really good writings (gems) on the Internet.


(1) …a Darwinian survival principle has started to prevail: Darwin’s survival principle has started to come into effect / gain influence or control / be widely accepted.

Q1: What is the meaning of the whole sentence (first one)

There are so many writers in the prosaic technical and political discussion groups who are competing for attention that a kind of Darwinian survival principle (i.e. the survival of the fittest) has started to be widely accepted.

Q2: What are the criteria for good writing favored by the Internet?

Good writing on the Internet should be clear, witty and brief. Units of thought are to be found in short paragraphs , bulleted lists and one-liners.

(2) …writers compose in a kind of collaborative heat, knocking ideas against one another until they spark: …writers work in a kind of cooperation by engaging themselves in heated discussions and arguments about different ideas until they come up with really brilliant ones.

Q3: What does the author discuss in the two paragraphs?

In these two paragraphs, the author discusses two reasons why there are some “gems” on the Internet; one is that “the Darwinian survival principle has started to prevail”, which means that only good writing will survive; and the other is the “collaborative” work in computer conferences, at which ideas are knocked against one another “until they spark”. Para.10

(1) Unless they adjust to…more nimble ne tworks: if they do not adjust themselves to the medium of netwriting, they can make themselves look conceited and self-important in online debates with more quick-witted and flexible networks.

(2) …can come across as self-important blowhards: …can leave an impression as a conceited person who loves to show off.

(3)…their blue-blooded peers…: blue-blooded people are usually members of royal or noble families. Here the author refers to well-educated kids.

Q1: In this paragraph, the author explains one of the distinguishing features of netwriting , which, however, does not detract from its quality. What are the differences between the work of netwriters and that of professional writers?

Netwriting is usually terser than professional writing, filled with short paragraphs, bulleted lists and one-liners. Netwriters can freely lace their writings with strange acronyms and smileys, the key stroke combinations used to convey various facial expressions; the polished prose by professional writers often seems long-winded and phony when it is copied onto bulletin boards from books and magazines.


(1) inherently democratizing:Here the author suggests that writing online (the technology) provides equal opportunities for everyone who wishes to write.

(2) Not only has it enfranchised…much direct contact before…:it has not only encouraged thousands of potential writers who, without the introduction of the Net, might never become writers, but has also brought together people of different social backgrounds who hadn’t had much communication before.

(3) geek: a person, especially a man, who is boring and not fashionable

Computer geeks: computer wizards

(4) grassroots: ordinary people in society or an organization, especially a political party

(5) working press: working-class artists self-publishing and collectively distributing offset litho books

Q1: What is the main idea of the paragraph?

This paragraph mentions another merit of the Internet, that is, it allows thousands of common people to take up the craft of writing.

Part Three (Para.12-13)

(1) After all, a lot of everyone’s daily life is foolish and trivial: in spite of everything, our daily life consists mostly of foolish and insignificant things.

(2) I mean, really, smiley?: I mean, smileys are really foolish and trivial.

(3) Housewives in Des Moines who log on as VIXEN: is the writing of housewives who live in a less-known place such as Des Moines and use VIXEN as their user name foolish and trivial?

(4) It would be a mistake…of young generation: a generation of young writers who will spend their whole life time dashing off E-mail is bound to be affected by it, and it would be

a mistake to underestimate this effect.

(5)…the Bard himself…might have dived right in and never logged off: Shakespeare himself…might have j oined in netwriting at once and never logged off. The whole sentence means that we suspect that if Shakespeare had had access to the Internet, he might have stayed online all the time and never logged off.

Q1: How does the author justify the legitimacy of netwriting?

The author contends that netwriting may seem foolish and trivial, but most people’s lives are foolish and trivial. For millions of people those networks represent a living, breathing life of letters.

Q2: Who does “the Bard” refer to in the last sentence? And how does it differ from the “Bards” in the title?

In the last sentence “the Bard” (with capital B) refers to William Shakespeare, while “Bards” in the title refers to the people who write on the Internet. It appears that the author suggests by the title that the medium of netwriting, like that of Shakespeare, is perfectly justifiable. The medium changes with the time, so does the “bard”.

VI. Writing Strategy

Description of Process

Practice in describing a process, including the use of after/before+gerund, and exercise in factual, precise writing. Here is a sample description of one of the four processes: reading through choice of essay subjects—choose essay subject—find out inforamtion & make notes—prepare writing materials:pen, paper, etc.—draw up essay plans on rough paper—check notes & plan; correct—write essay—read through completed essay. Check & correct—hand in essay for marking.

VII. Home Work

The students are required to finish the after-class exercises, and hand in the translation work for correcting.


单元自测2 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 二、阅读短文 子问题 1:A; 子问题 2:B; 子问题 3:B; 子问题 4:A; 子问题 5:C 单元自测3 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 二、阅读理解:选择题 子问题 1:C; 子问题 2:C; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:B; 子问题 5:B 二、阅读理解:正误判断

子问题 1:F; 子问题 2:T; 子问题 3:T; 子问题 4:F; 子问题 5:F 单元自测4 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 二、英译汉 子问题 1:B; 子问题 2:A; 子问题 3:C; 子问题 4:B; 子问题 5:B 二、阅读理解:正误判断 子问题 1:F; 子问题 2:F; 子问题 3:T; 子问题 4:T; 子问题 5:T 单元自测5 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目

二、翻译 子问题 1:B; 子问题 2:C; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:C; 子问题 5:A 单元自测6 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目

二、阅读理解:选择题 子问题 1:D; 子问题 2:B; 子问题 3:E; 子问题 4:A; 子问题 5:C 二、阅读理解:正误判断 子问题 1:F; 子问题 2:F; 子问题 3:F; 子问题 4:T; 子问题 5:F 单元自测7 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 二、阅读理解:判断题 子问题 1:F; 子问题 2:F; 子问题 3:T; 子问题 4:T; 子问题 5:F



人文英语3 资料搜索操作方式: 键盘同时按“Ctrl + F”查找关键字搜索,显示界面如下: 温馨提示: 由于本科目是随机题目,如ctrl+F无法查询到,请借助百度搜索或翻译软件 ①百度搜索:将题目复制到百度搜索,进行查询。 ②翻译软件:使用截图、拍照翻译题目或复制全篇文章-根据译意代入正确选项,完成答题。 (建议使用火狐浏览器或者360极速浏览器完成作业) 单元自测1 题目1 — Hello, may I speak to Henry? — _______ A. My name is Henry. B. This is Henry speaking. C. It is Henry.

答案:This is Henry speaking. 题目2 — What's your major please? — _______ A. I'm majoring in Interior Design B. I'm not sure C. Who knows 答案:I'm majoring in Interior Design 题目3 There are ______ students in Class One than in Class Two. A. most B. many C. more 答案:more 题目4 You don't have to start over from ______. A. head B. again C. scratch 答案:scratch 题目5 The _____ question is much more different than this one. A. six B. sixteen C. sixth 答案:sixth 题目6 获得50.00分中的0.00分 二、完形填空:阅读下面的短文,选择合适的内容将短文补充完整。 Top 3 Green Home Innovations() There are many things you can do to reduce carbon emission and help to make the earth a better place for future generations. Here are a few suggestions. ()Although LED lamps cost more money than standard incandescent or compact fluorescent bulbs do at the beginning, these long-lasting LED lamps will eventually be worth the money because of nergy saved. LED lamps also produce a cleaner, more natural light.()“Water”is a hot topic, especially in the Southwest. Household water filters are now available to clean and reuse water from showers and baths. Gray water reuse systems redirect the used water from washing machines to lawns or gardens.()() Building materials and embellishments like paint and carpets can emit chemical compounds into the atmosphere, and because a home is an enclosed space, those compounds can sometimes accumulate to dangerous levels. Installing a whole-house air purification system is one way to


单元自测1 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 二、阅读短文 子问题1:C; 子问题2:B; 子问题3:C; 子问题4:B; 子问题5:A 三、阅读理解:正误判断 子问题1:F; 子问题2:T; 子问题3:T; 子问题4:T; 子问题5:F

单元自测2 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 二、阅读短文 子问题1:A; 子问题2:B; 子问题3:B; 子问题4:A; 子问题5:C 单元自测3 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 二、阅读理解:选择题 子问题1:C; 子问题2:C; 子问题3:A; 子问题4:B; 子问题5:B 二、阅读理解:正误判断 子问题1:F; 子问题2:T; 子问题3:T; 子问题4:F; 子问题5:F

单元自测4 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 二、英译汉 子问题1:B; 子问题2:A; 子问题3:C; 子问题4:B; 子问题5:B 二、阅读理解:正误判断 子问题1:F; 子问题2:F; 子问题3:T; 子问题4:T; 子问题5:T 单元自测5 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目

二、翻译 子问题1:B; 子问题2:C; 子问题3:A; 子问题4:C; 子问题5:A 单元自测6 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 二、阅读理解:选择题 子问题1:D; 子问题2:B; 子问题3:E; 子问题4:A; 子问题5:C 二、阅读理解:正误判断 子问题1:F; 子问题2:F; 子问题3:F; 子问题4:T; 子问题5:F

单元自测7 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 二、阅读理解:判断题 子问题1:F; 子问题2:F; 子问题3:T; 子问题4:T; 子问题5:F 二、阅读理解:选择题 子问题1:A; 子问题2:C; 子问题3:B; 子问题4:A; 子问题5:C 单元自测8 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目

人文英语3 国开开放大学作业答案

第一部分交际用语 阅读下面的小对话,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 1. —Hello, Sally. How’s everything? — . A. Good for you B. Oh, I agree C. That’s right D. Just so-so 2. — Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? — . A. Certainly. Here you are B. Please don’t mention it C. It’s nothing D. Yes, I have a hand 3. —I don’t like the spot s programs on Sundays. — . A. So do I B. Neither do I C. So am I D. Neither am I 4. —What’s the problem, Harry? — . A. No problem B. No trouble at all C. Thank you for asking me about it D. I can’t remember where I left my glasses 5. — What kind of TV program do you like best? — .

A. I like them very much B. I only watch them at weekend C. It’s hard to say, actually D. I’m too busy to say 6.-- Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is? -- _________________. A. From England B. At the office C. He’s working D. He’s very busy 7. -- May I help you, madam? -- ______________. A. Sorry, I have no idea B. Yes, I know what to buy C. You’d better give me a hand D. Yes, I’d like 2 kilos of oranges 8.-- Hello, could I speak to Don please? -- ______________? A. Who are you B. What’s the problem C. Are you Jane D. Who’s speaking? 9.--What would you like, tea or coffee? -- _________________. A. Yes, I would B. Coffee, please C. Yes, please D. It’s very nice 10. --What about going for a walk? -- _______________. A. Why not? A good idea B. That’s all right C. So, do I D. Walking is good to you


国开(中央电大)本科《人文英语3》网上形考 试题及答案 单元自测1 形考任务试题及答案 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 题目:—Do you have much experience with caring for babies?—________. 答案:Yes, I do. I often take care of kids in my free time. 题目:Lily is a good student except ________ she is a little bit careless. 答案:that 题目:—How do you feel about your family life?—________. 答案:Not bad. I think it is a good choice to be a full-time mother. 题目:—It' s raining so heavily outside. I' m terribly anxious about my son' s safety.—________. 答案:Don' t worry about him. He will come back safe and sound.

题目:—Ken did badly in his math test. I' m terribly worried about the result.—________. 答案:Come on. It isn' t the end of the world. 题目:—Our son has picked up some bad habits recently, and I am really worried about it.—________. 答案:Cheer up. I believe he will overcome it. 题目:He asked me ___________ Zhang Hua came to school or not. 答案:whether 题目:I want to know________ . 答案:what his name is 题目:It is said that ______ 2000 factories were closed down during the economic crisis. 答案:approximately 题目:The birth rate of the country decreases ______ with years.


单元自测 2 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 二、阅读短文 子问题1:A; 子问题2:B; 子问题3:B; 子问题4:A; 子问题5:C 单元自测3 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 二、阅读理解:选择题 子问题1:C; 子问题2:C; 子问题3:A; 子问题4:B; 子问题5:B 二、阅读理解:正误判断

子问题1:F; 子问题2:T; 子问题3:T; 子问题4:F; 子问题5:F 单元自测4 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 二、英译汉 子问题1:B; 子问题2:A; 子问题3:C; 子问题4:B; 子问题5:B 二、阅读理解:正误判断 子问题1:F; 子问题2:F; 子问题3:T; 子问题4:T; 子问题5:T 单元自测5 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目

二、翻译 子问题1:B; 子问题2:C; 子问题3:A; 子问题4:C; 子问题5:A 单元自测6 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 二、阅读理解:选择题 子问题1:D; 子问题2:B; 子问题3:E; 子问题4:A; 子问题5:C

二、阅读理解:正误判断 子问题1:F; 子问题2:F; 子问题3:F; 子问题4:T; 子问题5:F 单元自测7 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 二、阅读理解:判断题 子问题1:F; 子问题2:F; 子问题3:T; 子问题4:T; 子问题5:F 二、阅读理解:选择题 子问题1:A; 子问题2:C; 子问题3:B; 子问题4:A; 子问题5:C 单元自测8 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目


单元自测2 欧阳光明(2021.03.07) 二、阅读短文 子问题 1:A; 子问题 2:B; 子问题 3:B; 子问题 4:A; 子问题 5:C 单元自测3 二、阅读理解:选择题 子问题 1:C; 子问题 2:C; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:B; 子问题 5:B 二、阅读理解:正误判断 子问题 1:F; 子问题 2:T; 子问题 3:T; 子问题 4:F; 子问题 5:F 单元自测4 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目

二、英译汉 子问题 1:B; 子问题 2:A; 子问题 3:C; 子问题 4:B; 子问题 5:B 二、阅读理解:正误判断 子问题 1:F; 子问题 2:F; 子问题 3:T; 子问题 4:T; 子问题 5:T 单元自测5 二、翻译 子问题 1:B; 子问题 2:C; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:C; 子问题 5:A

单元自测6 二、阅读理解:选择题 子问题 1:D; 子问题 2:B; 子问题 3:E; 子问题 4:A; 子问题 5:C 二、阅读理解:正误判断 子问题 1:F; 子问题 2:F; 子问题 3:F; 子问题 4:T; 子问题 5:F 单元自测7 二、阅读理解:判断题 子问题 1:F; 子问题 2:F; 子问题 3:T; 子问题 4:T; 子问题 5:F

二、阅读理解:选择题 子问题 1:A; 子问题 2:C; 子问题 3:B; 子问题 4:A; 子问题 5:C 单元自测8 二、阅读理解:判断正误 子问题 1:F; 子问题 2:T; 子问题 3:F; 子问题 4:T; 子问题 5:T


单元自测2 、阅读短文 子问题1 : A;子问题2:B;子问题3: B;子问题4: A;子问题5: C 单元自测3 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F )搜索题目 、阅读理解:选择题 子问题1 : C;子问题2: C;子问题3: A;子问题4:B;子问题5: B 、阅读理解:正误判断

子问题1 : F;子问题2: T;子问题3: T;子问题4: F;子问题5: F 单元自测4 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F )搜索题目 二、英译汉 子问题1 : B;子问题2: A;子问题3: C;子问题4: B;子问题5: B 二、阅读理解:正误判断 子问题1 : F;子问题2: F;子问题3: T;子问题4: T;子问题5 : T 单元自测5 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F )搜索题目

、翻译 子问题1 : B;子问题2: C;子问题3: A;子问题4: C;子问题5: A 单元自测6 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F )搜索题目 二、阅读理解:选择题子问题1:D;子问题2:B;子问题3:E;子问题4:A;子问题5:C

二、阅读理解:正误判断 子问题1 : F;子问题2: F;子问题3: F;子问题4: T;子问题5: F 单元自测7 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F )搜索题目 、阅读理解:判断题 子问题1 : F;子问题2: F;子问题3: T;子问题4: T;子问题5: F 、阅读理解:选择题 子问题1 : A;子问题2: C;子问题3: B;子问题4: A;子问题5: C 单元自测8 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F )搜索题目


2019国家开放大学《人文英语3》单元自测(1-8)参考答案 单元自测1 一、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题10分) —Ken did badly in his math test. I'm terribly worried about the result. —. A. I am so happy he is very healthy. B. Well, it is hard to see. C. Come on. It isn't the end of the world. 反馈 解析:本题考核“表达别担心”情境下的交际用语。当第一说话人表达对孩子的考试结果担心时,第二说话人可用Come on. It isn't the end of the world(振作起来,这不是世界末日)来回应,而A和 B不是对这句话的回应,所以选C。 正确答案是:Come on. It isn't the end of the world. —Do you have much experience with caring for babies? —. A. Yes, I do. I often take care of kids in my free time. B. No, you are freshmen. You should work hard. C. Yes, they are. They are very cute. 解析:本题考核“询问信息”情况下的交际用语。第一说话人询问你是否对照顾baby有经验,答语应加以证实,所以选A。而B是建议性的话语,说你是大学新生,要努力学习。C是说孩子们可爱。 正确答案是:Yes, I do. I often take care of kids in my free time. Lily is a good student except ________ she is a little bit careless. A. where B. which C. that 反馈 译文:莉莉是个好学生,就是有点粗心。 解析:固定用法:介词except, but, in后要用连词that引导的名词性从句作其宾语,所以选C。 正确答案是:that This movie is ________ that one. 选择一项: A. as more interesting as B. as interesting as C. too interesting to 译文:这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。 解析:as...as…意为“和……一样”,表示同级的比较。第一个as为副词,第二个as为连词, 其基本结构为:as+ adj./ adv. +as...;too...to 意为“太……而不能……”表示否定含义,所以B. 正确答案是:as interesting as It is said that ______ 2000 factories were closed down during the economic crisis.


单元自测 2 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F )搜索题目 题目:—Do you mind if I record your lecture?—题目:—Linda, what's wrong with your grandmother?— 题目:—I'm sorry to hear that your grandmother is ill in hospital.—. 答案:No ,not at all. . 答案:She hurt her leg. 答案:It's very kind of you. 答案:Yes, she is much better now. 答案:No, it isn't. 题目:—Is your grandmother getting well now?—. 题目:—Looking after a baby is not an easy job, is it?— . 二、阅读短文 子问题1:A; 子问题2:B; 子问题3:B; 子问题4:A; 子问题5:C 单元自测 3 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F )搜索题目 题目:He asked John ______ he could swim. 答案: if 题目:He is worth ____________. 答案:trusting 答案:whether I would like 答案:told 答案:confident young 答案:had 题目:John asked me _______ to visit his uncle's farm with him. 题目:She _________ the children not to make any noise. 题目:She is a ___________ woman. 题目:She said she __________ lost a pen. 题目:There is only one thing that people can't _____________you, and that is your wisdom. 答案:take away from 题目:We found him ___________ in the laboratory. 题目:We must keep our classroom _____________. 题目:You'd better ________ to hospital at once. 答案: working 答案:clean 答案:go 二、阅读理解:选择题 子问题1:C; 子问题2:C; 子问题3:A; 子问题4:B; 子问题5:B 二、阅读理解:正误判断


Unit2 Self-test 一、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(每 题10分) 题目1 正确 获得10.00分中的10.00分 标记题目 题干 —Is your grandmother getting well now? —. 选择一项: B. She gets up early. C. She feels comfortable. 反馈 解析:本题考核“询问他人信息”情况下的交际用语。第一说话人询问对方亲人身体状况是否好转,第二说话人的答语应加以证实,而B是她很早就起床,C是她感觉很舒服,A是她身体好多了,所以选A。 正确答案是:Yes, she is much better now. 题目2 正确 获得10.00分中的10.00分 标记题目 题干 —Do you mind if I record your lecture? —. 选择一项: A. No, you'd better not. B. No, C. Never mind.

解析:本题考核“表示请求允许”的交际用语。介意(不同意)的回答常用:Sorry/No, you’d better not. I'm afraid you can't. 不介意(同意)的回答常用:No, of course not. No, not at all. 而在本题选项中A前后矛盾,正确回答应该是:Yes, you'd better not. 而选项C是无所谓,没有回答问题,所以选B。 正确答案是:No,not at all. 题目3 正确 获得10.00分中的10.00分 标记题目 题干 —Linda, what's wrong with your grandmother? —. 选择一项: A. She is not retired. C. She got a new house. 反馈 解析:本题考核“询问他人信息”情况下的交际用语。第一说话人是要问对方亲人身体出什么状况了,第二说话人要用表示身体有什么状况的答语,而A是她没有退休,C是她买了一套新房,B是她腿受伤了,所以选B。 正确答案是:She hurt her leg. 题目4 正确 获得10.00分中的10.00分 标记题目 题干 —I'm sorry to hear that your grandmother is ill in hospital. — 选择一项: A. That's all right. C. It is nothing.


[国开(中央电大)本科《人文英语3》网上形考试题及答案] 电大人文英语 一、交际用语(共计 10 分,每小题 2 分) 1一5 题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话,井将答案序号写在答题纸上。 1. — , doesn't it? - Yes, it does. I like the color and style. A. It is going to rain pretty soon B. You look very beautiful C. The red dress fits me very much 2. — Do you have any experience with caring for babies? A. Yes, I do. I have looked after kids for 3 years. B. Not really, as a freshman, I should work hard.

C. Yes, they are. They are very cute and smart. 3. - Where is John? I couldn't find him. A. He is very busy working on his project. B. I am sorry but I'm afraid I can't agree with you. C. I suppose he could have gone to the meeting room. 4. — I find it hard to plete all the assignments while I am working every day. A. The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives. B. You know, good time management is very important in online learning. C. Great. That's a nice way to expand our knowledge nowadays.
